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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1895)
-n (The JJwr 4 ftORTE "PLATTE, KEBEAsfX 'fffiift-' TO$&G, 'DECEMBER- ' 3, 1895. YOL. 51. JSQ. 96. mttlh THE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE TUB BOSTON STORE for the mouth of Nov.'commencing the 12th. We iind ourself with too many Winter Goods, and we must reduciT itrom now on imial theTlst of December. REHD OUR PRICE-LIST! mX GOODS DEPT. 10 pieces, all colors, nil-wool, 40 inch wide, imported Serge, worth 1.25, &r this sale at QV. cenfc Tnn niprps nil colors. 4fi-ineh all- t wool, silk finish Henriettas, worth 3.25 per yard, for this sale at G7i c. Ten j.ieces Ladies' Cloth, 4G-ntch j widi. worth 90 cents, for this sale! at 57 J cents. Ten .pieces JTork made 'Novelty Ijoods, worth ufty cents; fortius stile at 25 cents1 per yard. Ten pieces Sultana'Suitiugs.dark or light, at 10 cents, worth -fifteen. Russian" hVree at 9 J- per yard.: Canton Flannels from five cents per .yard and upward. HOSIERY and M ITTENS. T ,.,,,, , , , . Ladies fast black seamless hose at signteen cents, re-nlar price twenty - live: ladies nose at eigne cenib, leg- nlar price 12i cents; ladies woolni j hose at twenty-two cent, regular thirlv centJiose; imported cash- rre hoe at-35 cents, worth fury; lildreu's woolen hose from 12icts. id up: ladies' fleece-lined hose at 25 cents, worth 35 cents. Mittens from 25 cents and up. UNDERWEAR. Ladies all-wool combination suits at 1.00, worth 2.25; ladies1 ribbed fieeoe-llned combination suits at 1.05, worth 1.50; fifty dozen ladies" ribbed shirts and pants at 37 cent?, regular price fifty cents; ladies' riV M GLO'TMITsr.G.f. AVe offer our entire stock pf 4.50, regular, price 8; ve offer men's youth's, boy's and chil-; men's all-wool suits, in all dren's suitsand overcoats, to j sizes, at 5.75, regular price 10; close out regardless-of cost, as I wc prfcr mens suits at 35, Ave want to go out of this line, j worth 7; we -offer youth's all We need the room for. other; wool suits, sizes fourteen to purposes. We offer 60 men's i nineteen years, at-5. 50, worth blue and - black beaver over- 10; boy's three-pircc suits at coats, sizes from 34 to 42, for -2. 85. worth 5 ; chtldrenVknee k$$ok regular' prices 10: We -suits -irom four to twelve years offer hitjtanen's long' ulsters, .j at M. 05, worth 2.25. Men's all sizes, at 3.50; regular price ! am boy's pants, caps, gloves, 6.00; we offer forty j'ouths j mittens apd furnishing goods chinchilla overcoats, sizes from j will be closed out atrockbot twelve to eighteen years,, at '. torn prices. Cut "Eliis ad. out and bring it to tire store so that you may see we sell as advertised. The Boston Store, J FIZSR, SHOE BJ Otten's . Shoe Store. PRICES CUT IN. T5!iO. In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies' fine X,ttdlow Shoes Regular price $4,00 to 84.75, at $3.00. - . Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for jl little., money. w 4T .ji-n our Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25., All our Boy'sfinelace and button shoes, the best made, $2.50 Shoe at $1.65 $1.65 Shoe SI. - r " A large line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Slippers :' - will be sold at prices that will ;. Save you 1-3 to 1-2 of your money. Children's Shoes.rthe best goods that money can buy, will be slaughtered at the same rate. Otten's Shoe Store. nsraw ZiivsT .ajstid jseid stable G oocI'T'eaTiis, 4-. rioes BLDBit &: LOCK. fyXorih-ye3t corner o CourlhoviEe squsre. bed fleece-lined shirts and 'paRs at 25 cents, VorHi 35 cents; children's uuderoar from fifteen cent3 np. GENTS ve "for, to close out, twenty dozen of all sized shirts and drawers of t lie. very mnest namrai . an-wuoi ui 2 88 per suit, can't he duplicated at less than 4.00 per suit. CLOAKS. CAPES and JACKETS. We have sold many of them, hat .we still have u.larga- variety left. f You can buy a ladies jacket from 1 us for 3 50 worth 67. We still have srxtv childrcns' cloaks left, but we j want Id close them all out. Y ! offer anv. of these cloaks for 1.75 theinwg? and trimmings are worth Uhe money for which wc offer the j 'mer.t. : Shawl!i, Shawks! Double and sin - , - vprv ni;i v made. ' - - , fc rth fess than 6.50. np to 10 pick your for 85.35. t choice BLANKETS and QUILTS at a great reduction. BOOTS..SHOES, RUBBERS AND ARCTICS . We are offering these goods at 25 per cent less than their value. Come and see our ladies T 35 tine shoe; our children's Yqinig Ameri can school shoes, and 7ojjr calf boots. You willadntit the price and quali ty has no cqua'. Proprietors t StaTalo.) i." . 1 : .Goiriiorfemble 3Bags . 1 . nrpr "PAST 20JL." Manager Lloyd has booked for Monday evening; December 9th,the great railroad melodrama. Lincoln J. Carter's "Fast Mail," which will be given a grand scenic production, that in mairy respects promises to be one of the most remarkable ever in this city. The play is constructed on strictly modern principled. The interest starts at a terrific pace, and is not allowed lo flag for an instant. The incidents are made doubly thrilling by the mechanical and scenic effects that are employed. There is the rattle and clatter of a patrol wagon as it comes down the street, the whistles, bells, etc, of a Mississippi steamboat leaving her wharf, moonlight effects on the river, theglowing furnaces of the boat, and ilie explosion and break ing up of the steamer. A gigantic piece of real water scenery is pre sented in the Niagara Falls' scene, where the enormous cataract is represented with the roan.ofthe water, the seething foam and the rising mist. A freight train of fourteen cars is run across the stage. The caHjoose is lighted and the engine carries the engineer and fireman. It is everywhere acknowl edged to be an unsurpassed achieve ment in railroad scenic effect. There seems to be no -limit to the possibilities of stage mechanism, but -The Fast Mail" seems to have covered all the ground up to the present date. The company is highly spoken of, and the play is well constructed, with a strong tinge of comedy to offset the serious elements. JiAxiTELlT MELA1TGE . Messrs.. Kenworthy and Roberts j are shipping baled hay from Max- j well this week. An irrigation - meeting was held in the school houselast Saturday. Catholic sen-ices were held in the school house last Saturday ! morning, Rev. O'Toole, of North Platte, ofiicia ting. . Miss Mamie Nugent,- who fin ished a three-months' term of school recently, spenrTa fe w "Hay s Tn Max- j well last week. Miss Marie A. Hanrahan,who has been -teaching school at Vroman, ; returned home last week, having finished the fall term. The Maxwell literary societj- has resumed-for the winter season. It held its second nfeeting last Satur day evening. The question deba ted was "Resolved that society has more to do with the formation of character than literature." It was decided in fayor pf the affirmative. Owing to it being almost the first meeting of this season, there were not many persons present, but those who' were there did all in their power to make the society a success. Some who did not come with the expectation of taking part in the programme kindly did so wmn requested and all who at tended went home feeling that they, had a pleasant time. Hereafter we hope to see a larger number present-from Maxwell and from the Island also. Let us try to make the literary society as much cL a success and as interesting as it was list winter. TVe should be glad if each one would come prepared to take part In the programme, but if you don't Avish to do that come any how and have a good time. . Win. Myers, formerly of Max well, visited friends here last week. The singing school, conducted by Mr." Moore, meets at the school house Tnesday and Friday of each week. The Thanksgiving ball which was held in Mr. Kuntz new hall was greatly enjoyed by all who at tended, and the attendance was Lvery large. - A delicious supper at Mr. Kuntz residence at midnijrht. There is to be a masquerade ball in the same building New Year's eve, to which every one is invited. It is rumored that there will be a dance one week from next Friday night, but this Is not certain. . Clythj. iticeois utd eesseey .hews. Mrs. 'Struthers, -who had been visiting Mrs. Brown, returned to Nbrth Platte Saturday. A Baptist missionary preached atHershey last Sunday afternoon and Rev. Coslet In the evening. t TV. HI Minney's sweet corn, that he raised en sod for.the seed com- -pany, averaged a.nout t lurry bush els .per acre. Hay for the Chicago market is .now being loaded upon, cars at Nichols, sidetrack. - R. Wv Calhoun and family -are how domiciled in their new quar ters. Gene Goodwin will soon be able to return to his home in Kansas, v after a severe siege of sickness. Mrs. H. "W. Fogle, of Hershey. is visiting friends in Iowa. . ; The stone for the foundation ot the new Methodist church at Her shey arrived from Lodge Pole a few days ago. John Popham and John Schick, of McPherson county yvere the guests of the Brown famity at Nichols recently. Andy Struthers and family left Sunday for North Platte: Those who will take part in the drama to be rendered at Nichols the latter of this month are re hearsing two or three times a week at the present time and are said to be getting along nicely. "We understand thatRev. Stearns a former pastor ot the Baptist church at Grand Islandj. has been engaged for the North Platte cir cuit and will preach at Hershey every two weeks, beginning next Sunday evening. a. 3,. McKee, who is attending district court tt the county seat as a juror from this precinct? pent last Sunday with his family, re turning Monday morning. This is the third week he has been on duty at this business. Local sports have been having very good luck in capturing rabbits and prairie chicken the past few days. It is thougth at the present time that there is a changefor the bet ter in the condition of F. L. Terr.y, who has been confined to his bed with typhoid fever for the past month. If all is well - there . will be a Christmas tree in the 'new school building at this place on the com ing Christmas eve. Miss Sadie Brooks was the victim ot a genuine surprise party on last Friday evening gotten :up by a- few of her neighbors and friends in honor of her birth-dayf Both vocal and instrumental music was ren dered during the evening. Approp riate refreshments were then served afterwhich all xetued to their respective homes .seemingly well pleased with, the pleasures ot the evening. jtat. SOMERSET -fjNA? SHOTS. A splendid snow fell in this local ity last Sunday. Mrs. Clara Hobbie has returned from North Platte and is visiting vfith her father. Lote Kidder has moved his broth er's house near the school house in District No. 102. During the recent snow hunters made times lively lor the festive jack rabbit. Cecil Tuell transacted business in North Platte Saturday. Thanksgiving was observed only by giving dinners in this locality. Supt. Hannon and the auditor of the B. & M. railroad company were in this localit recently looking after excessive school levies J. F. Brittain and R. S. Fidler were Wellfleet visitors one day last week. It is reported that Fred Gaedke has bought the Bostwick land bs low here. Consideration $700. W. N. Parcel was released from jury duty and has returned home Q. I. C. 3TEIGEBQBHQQI) K2W3, The suit to enjoin the Lincoln and Dawson "county irrigation dis trict from creating further indebt edness or issuing withdrawn. bonds has been R. W. Reese a --.Kearney news paper man, has been convicted of grand larceny andxsentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Reese's enmeconsisted of "raising" county warrants. The case will go to the supreme court. Train No. 3 went through in two sections Sunday night. The officers of the .road seem determined to have that train make schedule time even if it does require double crews. The economy of the mode is, how ever, questionable - A petition is being circulated in Dawson county praying the- gover-1 nor to change the death penalty of S. B. "Walker to imprisonment for life upon the grounds that Walker is believed to be of unsound mind. The prisoner was brought iip -from Lincoln Saturday night and placed in the jail at Lexington. It appears that grasshoppers have been numerous all over the country during the past fall, and only dis appeared a few weeks ago, being de stroyed by the nipping air of Jack Frost and a blanket of snow. All grain fields and pastures suffered from their voracious appetites and W What is left in our Millinery Department posi m tively goes at One-Half Cost. Bargains you never gm saw before at RENJJIE'S. M 50 PEE CENT were cleaned off to the ground for a few yards around the sides. Whether the hoppers will make their appearance next spring re mains to be seem Lexington Pio .neer. Int otv. of David City, Neb., was in the cifV'itjMonday looking after a contract to build Lincoln and Dawson County canal. ex tractor Doty has just completed an irrigation canal in California that cost 5330, 00H. and offers to take the bonds and build our north canal as soon as the bonds are ready. The directors of the company claim that he is one among half a dozen other parties who want the bonds. Gothenburg Iudenendent. Bernie Erwin, who teaches school in Gillan precinct a "few, miles north of Cozad, was showing his pupils the other day-how to properly regulate and control a heating store. While in the midst ot an instructive dissertation upon the subject, and while his head was in close proximity to the stove door, the accumulated gis (in the stove) suddenly went off with a load bang, and when the wreck was cleared away and the scholars had subsided to only aud ible smiles, it was found that Bernie's luxunan t mustach. his ej'e brows and eye lashes somewhat resembles a singed feline. He now wears a clean-shaven face, and has f jresworn coal stoves. Pioneer. DOWN IN OLD KATJtTUCK. G. W. Allen, formerly superin tendent of the national cemetery at Fort McPherson but now holding a similar position at Nancy, Ken tucky, has written a letter to the members of S. A. Douglas Post of this city, from which we make the following excerpts: After a month's sojourn in old Kaintuck, I will attempt to address you. "We arrived here safely on October 14th. We.found the road from Somerset to the cemetery rough and hilly. The cemetery is situated about nine miles west of Somerset on a part of the battle ground of Logan's cross road. We visited the grounds where the main part of the battle was fough t, and found unmistakable evidence of the battle We found the earthworks and rifle pits in a good state of preservation. The shell and solid shot marks are still to be seen on the large oak trees, and we stood under the tree where Gollicoffer fell shot by Colonel Fry and near this tree we found a trench where sixty rebels are buried. Our thoughts went back to '63 and '64 and we could almost hear the rebel yell again. The cemetery .here is beautiful. It embraces three and one-half acres of rolling land, has shrubs and rose bushes in profusion. The evergreen trees consist of cedar, Scotch pine. American spruce, Irish juniper and magnolia. The decidu ous trees are maple, elm. buckeye, ironwocd, apple peach and plum. There are 716 interments in this cemetery, S49 of vvhom are Known and 367 unknown. The lodge is the same style as the one at Mc Pherson. We think the climate is fine At this writing (Nov. 27th) the rose bushes have not lost their foliajre. We have had a number of frosts and several freezes and it has rained a number of times. The people we haye met are kind and courteous. They seem to be engaged more in the lumber bnsl ness than in farming, the timber here being,. fine. We find quite a number of old soldiers, and there is a post at Somerset. Dr. A. P. JJawyer: Bear Sin I have been saEer injf uilh Mck heinjachs for c lopjj time. I used your Family Core an3 uow am ectlrrfj" relieved I would not do viibrot yoar medlciac Mrs. G. A. Miller. Sold by T. U. LouRley. POSITIVELY AT ONE-HALF COST OFF ON OUR COATS AND CAPES. RENNIE, The Leader. wxjxjsw3yy -over our Great T7" OOd.""s7" ' Glbthing, Gents' Finishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, HaCaps, G-1'oves and Mlitteiis. Surprised, First at the Large Assortment: ,1 Second at Third at i-1 . "it jrouria au y We have been soinejjj prises here and r able to announce Bargains ail Thi We solicit a conipai knowing that voir will find 01 Cheapest, - ?. . Star Clothin WEBEE & VOLLMEE, Props. PEOPLE MUST EAT, Even if times are a little 'quiet and dol lars .rather scarce. They must have Groceries, Provisions and Flour and they wtfnt good goods at low prices. We Don't Blow Much, But when it comes to Selling fresh and clean goods for little money we are "in it" just as extensively as any deader. We're after Trade, mL.i.' i. i imt s wnac V. VonGoeiz, Otten stein Block. School Of all O. 7VT; NEMTON'S. A Tablet 5x8 inches for one cent. The largest and best five-cent Tablet sre brought to North Elatte. The finest line of all grades of Tablets. A raler or lead pencil given with every 5 and 10 cent Tablet. C. M. Newton's Book Store. 3TQ. first Jf&iioiml Barrj, . NORTEC PI-TTJS,. NEB. . Surplus, E. General Banking sr3tcra it: -u .j-.f rr. i 1 vs.'v -wits Stock of- the Superior Quality: tbe Immense Variety: i-"., v -j.ennutrnj ui rrecember.lS03, 1 IT I umber enltnrnRnnllratlnn Vn n ?in ..ii.. L umber coltareannlimtlnnVn ii?in n I. v. east quarter rejection Xo. 20. in township Xo-lD north, range No. Zi -west. He names as wltnea-es: Georse DuKan. J oseph Weir. John Weir and Albert Ladwick, aU of Paxton. Nebraska. S7-6 JOHN F. HINSIAN, Register. NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter of the estate of Benjamin I", Xoore. deceased: TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That In pur- of the district court of Uacoln county, made oa .-u j- u. ui auguii, ipaj mr we saie oi me real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold ac the East front door of the courthouse in North Platte, Nebraska, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of DECEMBER, Lj93, a, one o'clock P,!111. 2f .8l.d,J da ftt PaWIc vendue, to the highest bidder forcashthe follow! de scribed real estate, to-wit: The weft half of the southwest quarter of section 2S. and the west half of the northwest quarter of section 35. all In town shlpgngrthjof range 28 west. Saldsalo will re- r. i i p. i we are nere ior ana we so House, licit you to call and "look us oveY." We are confident we can please you. The Grocer 1 Supplies kinds at 3-496. 'Capital, - - r 0,000.00. - 22,500.00 M. F. LEFLAItfG, Pres't, ARTHUR MaUAifABA, Gashier. Business Transacted.