The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 01, 1895, Image 4

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,-5 .
Universal ccotec a&
Leading fiacc crtfe World
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete line of
mm m m mm.
Prices Always Seasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
in to-daj'
Gash Prices
Tell Their Own Story.
It is understood the pops will
hold a rally in this city next Mon
day evening.
' Win. Coleman, the north side
butcher, is now occupying- the room
vacated by John. Day.
-Cr H. Breck, of the Swift Pach-
" jnff Co., SouthOmaha, attended the
firemen's ball last evening-.
Major A. M. Dill has purchased
the Thos. Hughes property on west
Sixth street, the consideration being
Dr. J. West Hingston, of Chey
enne writes The Tribune that he
will be in this city Saturday and
Sunday, Nov. 2d and 3d.
Frank Brooksbf Nichols, fell
on the stone sidewalk in front of
the Foley block Wednesday after
noon and very badly lacerated his
nose and face.
Fred Campbell and U. G. Saw
yer are fixing up the room in the
Third ward recently, occupied by
VonGoetz and willopen a grocery
therein as soon as the goods, which
have been ordered, arrive. "
The audience present at the
opera hbuse Wednesday evening to
see the 4 'Colonel's Wives" was not
as usually attended such
attractions, but the company gave
an excellent renditiott of the play.
The quarterly njeeting of the
l?ree Methodist church will be held
at the Hall school house, north of
the river, beginning Friday even-
. ing, Nov. 1st, and continuing over
Sunday.. Rev. J. L. Dodge and
Rev. S. T. Robbinson will officiate.
Lester Eells, while in Grand
Island last week, was out driving
with county treasurer Palmar, of
"that city, when the horse became
frightened and dumped both out of
the bujrerv. Mr. Palmer had his
collar bone broken but Mr. Eells
; escaped uninjured.
The-members of the Masonic
fraternity held a sociable at the
Birge residence Tuesday evening
which was largely attended. Cards
and other games were played and
the ladies in charge were not ne
glectful of the inner man, for a
bountiful lunch was served.
James T. Clark, of Lincoln,
president of the Firemen's Accident
. and-Insurance Co., has been in town
fona day or two in the interest of
his company. A general meeting
of the fire department will he held
this evening at which Mr. Clark
-3vifliexplain..iu. detail the plan on
vhich his company operates.
, The. Chicago Rubber Hose Co.
.and the Guttapercha Mfg. Co. have
written city clerk Scharmann that
--.they will each have u representa
tive here at the
, council 'next Monday
4is likely the council will give an
order for 750 feet ot hose to -the
-company giving the best terms.
The county commissioners were
String Beans, extra fine, per can.. . . .10c
String Beabe, 2 lb can, per'can .... &lc
Corn, Atovo All brand, per can ........ 7c
Corn, Gilman brand, per can 8c-
Wbite Wax Beans, per can 8c
Pork and Beans per can 15c
Piatt's Peaches, 3 lb can, per can . . . .15c
Cal.Egg Plume, 3 lb can, per can. . .15c:
Cal. Green Gages, 3 lb. can, per can. ,15c
Cal. Muscat Grapes lb can,per can . .15c
Gooseberries, per can, K. . , . . . 10c
Blueberries, Underwood, per can.,12c
Blackberries, per can 12c
Strawberries, per cao....v... .12
Mustard Sardines, large oab,. v '. . :...G)c
Navy Beans, per pound r. ... 4c
Scotch Peas, per pound, . . .4c
Rolled Oats., per pound,.. . . . .'. ....... ,3c
Buckwheat, Genuine, per.pound. . ...5c
ljima ueans, per pound,.... .. ...... 7c
Tapioca, per pound 7c
2 lb package goods, Wheats, etc. .12c
Minnesota Best, per sack,. . . . . 120
Snow Flake, per sack, y. . .?.l:ler
PilgrimJ per sack, ,-. . V. . , ; . . .". 1.0Q
Alliance, per sack, 85c
North Platte Best, per sack, ..;95c
Gold Crown, per sack; .85c
Extra Fancy, per sack,. .... '. ..... . :170c:
Cotton Ball, per sack, .. 70c
Bran, per cwt., .-.G0c
CHEESE. s : .
. At Chicago Prices.
Finest N. Y. White Cheddarpelb.lSc
Wisconsin Full Cream, per lb . 15c
Twins, per lb.,. ... ; ... . . ...... . .13c
Young America, pSrlb.,-. .'13c
Apples, per pound
i m mfrt
ot the
evening. It
-in session Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. Principal
camong the business transacted was
-the granting of a. petition asking
-for. the consolidation of Potter,
Circle Hill, Rtner and Nichols pre-
ciuctsiritb one precinct for the pUr-
pose ot votinsr bonds for the con
struction ot a bridge across the
North Plaite river opposite Nichols
.side track. This new precinct has
been named Hershey.
D. 31. Hoirsett was married at
the Baptist church Wednesday even
-'Imp to 'Miss Bertha Wendt, Rev.
Graves performing the ceremony.
Quite a number ot friends of the
contracting parties were present.
and immediatelyafter the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Hofrsett repaired to
the new home which the groom
recentlv erected and furnished. Mr.
Hogsett has liyed in the city for
iiumber of years and is very highly
. esteemed4)y Teason of his manly
bearing and. excellent .character.
That he will make a modelhusband
for the lady-of his choice there is no
doubt. Mrs". Hogsett is a most ex
cellent young lady, and is held m
high esteem by her large circle of
intances. Both ace' deserving
( . T t ? J
or ip..anu wiiu
Peaches, New, per pound, .lOcj
Blackberries, New, per pound ... .Sc
Raspberries, Fine, per pound, . . :.. j .25c
Nectarines, per pound 12Kc
Dates, per pound, . .10c
Fig6, Smyrna, per pound, : . . '. . .Tl0
Spear Head. ) Per lb-.--i0c
Newsboy and "J T," per pound, .. i...35c
3 Black Crows, perpound, ........ . .30c
Battle Ax, per pound, 20c
Fine Cut, per pound, 40c
3 lb. Soda Cartoons, each , . . ; . . .20c
1 lb. Newport Flakes, each 15e
Picnic Oyster, per pound, . ..7.c
Daisy Oysters, per pound, 8"c
Ginger Snaps, per pound. . 10c
Creams, per pound ..... 10c
Butters, per pound 7
Hoe sweets
Sultana Fruitstper pound, . .15c
r ruic iaKe, per pouna, loc
AJ5 U Soda 4 pounds 2uc
Beat 'Em Allt30 bars 81.00
White Russian, 28 bars 81.00
Ulr, lia bars $1.00
Plymouth Rock, 28 bars .81.00
Lenox, 27 bars 81.00
Gold Dust Washing Powder, 4 lb.. 25c
Best Kettle Rendered, 3 lb pail 35c
Kettle Kendered, 5 lb pail .G0c
Kettle Rendered, 10 lb pail. . . . . S. S$YA6
bilver .Leaf, 5 pound paiK. . . 50c
Arbuckles, per pound, 20c
Padang Java, per pound 30c
Broken Java, a good one, per lb. . 12Kc
McLaughlin's XXXX per pound .... 20c-
We, are sole agents for Dwinell,
Wright & Co's Coffees, the finest in the
Finest English Breakfast was 81 now 75c
English Breakfast No. 2 was 90c now 60c
Finest basket fired Japan was 90 now 75c
B. Fired Japan No. 2, was 60c now..45u
B. Fired Japan No. 3, was 50c now 35c
Sun Cured Japan, was 75o now. ...60o
imperial, was ioc, now 60c
Sun Cured Sittings, 1 lb package 10c
Gaze at these prices:
Winchester Hams, per pound.... 12c
Winchester Breakfast Bacon pr lb 12l?c
Dry Salt Pork per pound 8c
Dried Beef per pound 15c
Chip Beef per pound -....20c
Ground Allspice, Cloves, China--) Of
mon, liioger. Mustard andiilack y
Pepper, per pound )
Jugs, Jars, Milk Grocks, Churns, etc.,
pereallon measurement 10c
Chambers and cover, each.. 35c
Cuspidors, each ". 20c
b'lower Pots, d-mch 3 cents, 4-inch oc.
5-inch 7c
We also carry a full lino of Glassware.
Queensware, and Lamp Goods, "on
which we will make bottom prices..
1 Pail Jelly j J. . 50c
1 Pail Syrup .: .75c
Some Good Bargains for
G large Goblets, 50c, cut to .'30c
Glnss Water Pitcher and 6 Tumblers,
fine quality, 81.25, cut to 09c
Glass Water Pitcher and 6 Tumblers.
handsomely engraved,1.50,cut to 81J.9
4 piece Glass Set, 50c, cut to 29c
Tubular Lanterns, Coc, cut to 43c
J. C, Piercy has recovered from
his recent illness and is again in
charge of the U. S. signal office.
Frank McChesney has moved
his billard halL, from the Oruisby
building to the room lately vacated
by G. H. Bush.
John E. Evans, deputy secre
tary of .state, will come- up from
Lincoln to-night and remain in-town
until after election.
Subjects at M. E. church for
Tiext'S.nbbath; morning, "Forward;"
evening," ' tThe problem -of Evil."
Everybody invited.
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
, and Havana Rose. 5-cent cigars.
Guy Laing has beenspending
t this week at home-and will remain after electibnvwheh he will re
turn to his Cheyenne county ranch
and finish the fall work. V
Judge Hoagland is in Scotts
31uffs county. to-day anr.'wilEjde
liver one 'otJhr? typical republScan
speeches at'Gering tjo?night. Xudge
Grimes wilijbe present 'aic-the meet-
The Pay Train' than which
no one of the many railroad pkrys
that have been seeXin;'the past 'de
cade, has secured sostrong a hold
upDnf he theatre-goingpublic, will
be seen'in Jhis cifj- londay, Nov.
4th. . It is a play that is- a repre
sentative of its class. In fact, it
may be said-to be 'fhe representa
tive jailroad. play of the day. It is
fulf;. of , strohg scenes, .highly
wrought-up situations, and vill be
presented with an elaboration .of
-scenic environment, rarely seen in
any play of the sensational kind.
Doctor Aley of Lincoln, has
had ten years.' experience in- treat
ing chronic diseases. He will again
be at. the Hotel Neville, North
Platte, Monday, Nov.." Ulth, Con
suit him if affli'ctecir He-stays bu
one day. . ...
j Epjvortk LeagueuTembers and
yfriends are .requested to meet in the
east room ot the church for the de
votional "meeting Sunday evening
at 6:30. A full attendance is de
sired. Subject. "Paul's Conver
sion." The meeting will be led by
Miss Irene Hartman. v ..
jf ror. liariicn s orctiestra is
practicing music for ja concert it
will give in the course of two or
three weeks. It is an advantage to
the city to have a good orchestra,
and if our people give Prof. Garlich
and his musicians the proper en
couragement there is no doubt but
we will have one of the best in the
The boys were out playin
their Hollow JS'en pranks last night
and a number of property . owners
54 $m
Froin to-day Christmas .will be here and we hae
a larger stock of Holida3r, Goods -. than. ever.
Would be pleased to have you' call" and see .'us.
Can show you many new novelties suitable for a
Birthday, Wedding or Christmas present.
.CLINTON, The Jeweler.
When Buy in;
Why not get the BESP?'
' .
Washburn's Superlative
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied ifn
4-4 piuvciuciiL m luiiiuig liidcninery rne proaucc or me naraj
2 exceuenc wneac or me norm. . it you are not usinsr the
i Trath
One' Dollar Sayed is I
Washburn Flour; try it. It is sold by
Worth TWO Turned. itrnr!!rnrnfmTtfwnfiffmmnf!!rmnrnrnnTmrwmiTr
4Ja t- n - Cairn irf H& -T 't-'r ?oT1i-MfV -fm (T.cest I J2L '"ft
-Thonison & Swarthout. i i
who failed to unhinre their
and take them into the house found
them missing this morning. The
-m t t
ooys csusea street commissioner
JVIogan the mst trouble by upturn
ing or carrying away the approaches
to crosswalks.
After the election tickets for all
the precincts north of the river had
been ' printed and delivered by
special messeng-er to the election
officers of those precincts, it was
discovered thafan error had been
made which effected the validity of
the ballot, the name of S. C. Wills,
the republican nominee for clerk,
being wrong. The Era has the con
tract for printing the .ballots, and
this is one ot the results of awarding
contracts to irresponsible partiesT
or which the pop commissioners
have become so famous. The ticket
will be printed over but theytwill of
course be late in being delivered to
the proper . authorities. As the
error is chargable to the Era and its
camp followers the commissioners
should charge the cost of 'the second
delivery to the Era, and collect the
amount from it. We will watch
and see if the- commissioner's do
Dr. W. A. DeBERRY,
Office in First Ntl. Bank Bldnfif.
Mrs. W. H. Blood has been spend
ing this week in Omaha.
Mr. an(TMrs. Luke Haley returned
from Denver yesterday morning.
Mrs. J. I. Smith .and family left
this morning for a visit in Kearney.
Mrs. Mary Uebhausen returned
Wednesday from avisit in Omaha.
Mrs. A. F. Streitz and1 children
went to Grand Island on No. 2 this
J. N. and A. R. -Bonner accom
panied by their families left yester
day for Denver. -
Mrs. dChas. Burke has returned
home froni a six weeks' visit with
friends in Nebrask City. .
Joe and Jini Roddy and Arthur
Rush, who'-had been taking a little
jaunt jn Iowa, returned home Tues
day night.
Mrs. and Miss Freeland left Wed
nesday for a visit with friends in
Iowa, expecting to. be' absent sev
eral months.
James Warej'tof Blair, has been
spending the past week in the . irri
gated section west. of town. : On
Wednesday he made final proof on a
timbep-claim entry. -
John Rylander was up from
Walker precinct yesterday and re
ported that! they diad. a three inch
fall of snow in that section Tuesday
night. The storm reached as far
west as Gothenburg on the line of
the Union Pacific.
About sixty young people at
tended the Hallow E'en social given
by the Daughters of the King last
ening. Hallow E'en games of
various kinds were played, supple-r
mented by a lunch. Attendants
had. a royally good time.
Hon. F. W. Collins, who will j.
address the meeting at the opera
house to-morrow night, is one of
the best orators in the state. He
has addressed political meetings in
Buffalo and other New York cities
from the same" rostrum with
Cliauncy,M. .DePew, and other
orators. ol national reputation. . He
is a young man and comes here as
a representative of ,the -young re
publicans of , the state. "Let every-
one come. -Bring- vour ladies.
-Manager Goodman has received
orders from Colonel Cody instruct
ing. him to allow, no hunting on the
Scout's Rest Ranch. Acting under
these orders Mr. Goodman will be
The eighth annual ball of the fire
department at the opera house last
evening was well attended, though j .
not as largely as the boysiiad hoped
or desired. Under the skillf uljhands
ofMe"ssrs. Hoagland, Haley and
others the hall was tastefully dec
orated with tfi-colored streamers,
etc, giving the hall a very pretty
appearance. 5
A few minutes after eight o'clock
rof. Garlich's reorganized or
chestra gave a concert of five hum
bersf which in the opinion of many
wasamong the best ever given in
the opera house by tiny orchestra
and superior to any rendered by
home talenfr""M4ss-Fedora Picard
contributed a number to the. pro
gram, rendering a vocal solo m her
usual able manner. Ed Friend and
the Shaffer brothers, as the three
coons, sang a medteyjind, responded
to .an encore. .
Partners- for tlie - grand march
were called shortty after nine o'clock
and after the completion of the
march the dances followed in suc
cession until the twentieth and
final number was finished about
two o'clock this morning.
The members of the department
promised the public that the ball
yould be- a nicely conducted one,
and they made .the promise good.
They labored diligentlj' for success
and socially they attained it. It is
a source of regret that the attend
ance Was not more liberal; the max
imum number on the floor at any
time not exceeding seyenty-five or
eighty couples. It may be, how
ever, that many who 'purchased
dance tickets did not attend,, and
when the receipts are gathered they
may amount to more-than indicated
b the crowd present.
: ; 0Miers save money by buying goods 5
P of ns. Why don't y.ou?: We sell you: 3
A 'No. 8 all copper wash boiler for.
X joint of stove pipe for L
1 A common stove pipe elbow for
An adjustable stove pipe elbow;f or
A Madole hammer for
2 1-pint tin cups foii
S 6 engraved tumblers for
A one-half gallon pitcher fori
. SI. 89.
-14 cents.
-10 cents. 3
..-15 cents. 3
55 cents. 3
5 cents.
25 cents. 3
20 cents. 3
A set of handled tea cups and, saucers 42 cents. 3
5 3
B. Underwear and Hosiery well corned
H and see for yourselves our prices and 3
g qualities talk. We have a larger stock
H than, ever of Notions, Tinware, Fujnish-
g ing Goods, Crockery and the largest!!
fr rii . ,i t
5 stuL'K u vxiassware ana juamps ever in
g North Plattu Come aiKhsee lis.
Dep't : Store.
(one door south of Streitz' drug store.) 3
Chan.Davis, Avhose-head was 'de
capitated for misusing a pass,t..left
for the east Wednesday.
Wm. Frazier has been advanced
on the engineers' list and1' is1 now
handling the throttle, on engine 667.
John Baraskr, who misconstrued
a train order several weeks ajro and
was discharged, will leave in a few-
days for the Pacific, coast.
W. C. Melthorpe, who has been
night watchman at Sidney for the
Union Pacific, has' returned tp this
city and accepted a similar position.
Horace Morgan, of the" Second
(district, had his head' badly bruised
- The coming of "The Pay Train"
is being heralded in an elaborate
On and after November 10th;" all
laundrv business will be strictly
tte0t,?erdyl,Jr'tt' "dden 3?Itf '! iy- "The date cash eicept to those patrons who
ask for. the privilege 6f hunting on f1lrt f- mM-u utf. ut (.!.,.. . 4V .
ask for. the privilege 6f hunting on
lie ranch lancL Jt is the intention
df Colonel Cody to prptcct al game
now on tlfe raich in order .tljat it
may multiply. Mr. Goodman would
therefore request his friends jiot to
ask him to, allow them to hunt, as
le must positively refuse them.
All Goods Marked in
PRIOS TO :ll3L. ,
Grocery .
CkHdrea iritk pale, blaiab corepJeilofis, Isdloat-
lag (ke sbeeece of Ike reqsMte rfri global os iaUie
blood sfernld take Dr. Sawyer's Uiattee. Tarsals
T. by K. Loagley. .
I wm 'M years old. tet siaw iwiajf jwx
Cure kave beee fre trm it It atee
the train, which threw him against selected for its presentation is Mon
day, Nov. 4th. This will afford
the side of the caboose
Joe Dbnegan has been' ordered
honie from Sidney-and will be given
an engine. Frank Winn will go to
Finney to take tne swtlch ensrine
Donegan has been running.
Geo.W.. Yroman, .who has been
giving, his time and attention to the
"railroad men's railroad," has com
jpleted hisHwork for tly present and
has resumed his passenger run on
the Third district. This throws
D. C. Condon back on a
"jEcoNoiir is wmnm
"We are the People who have
f he-BEST FLOUR, ,
pOy;finest?a(Iof efeytliiiig in the grocery; Line'
- inthe, 'Oityf fresh and atprices that
- The statement which appeared in
these columns several is'shes ajro to
the.effect that Dispatcher Croxton,
of Omaha, had been discharged was
incorrect. Mr. Croxton was not
implicated directly in the order
which resulted in the discharge of
an engjneer and conductor.
, The'fire alarm sounded at 1:30
tljis morning and t to sdnje extent
interfered with the tail end of the
firemen's ball. , The (department
responded promptly: to the alarm,
but uoon mvesticration tne nre
proved to be a. manure pile in the
Third-ward. This refuse .was set'
on fire by some one. who evidently
wished to see how many of the boys
would leavethe dance.
'Dr.' A. P. Sawyer: Dear Sir: I kavo bfeen raflter-
ing with flck keadcke for a long: lime. I " cso.
i T'iiih11ii r'ni'n rni tinw nm' .'ntl rnlv ..lf.VQv
I'weM'et ds wltaost yoar Ej?dlcla-e. , Mr?t Gv
those who revel in sensational
features xirid elaborate mechanical
effects, a most enjoyable evening's
entertainment, for not only does
this play telf a well defined And in
teresting story, wit); jts pjot aid
counter plot; but the whole is em
bellished with the most elaborate
and tellingly effective scenic and
mechanical effects of any of the
many railroad plays tliat have been
written in the past decade, for the
delectation of those who seek this
amusement in the theatre. In fact
it has been conceded that "The Pay
Train" is entitled to first place in
the affections of amusement seekers
as, no one of the others has so much
of merit to commend it to their at
tention Not only does this play
bristle with thrilling scenes and
situations, outitisr DuoDiing over
with comedy and its several char
acters are, interpreted by the hiosf;
clever of actors. It is, in other
words, a railroad drama' par excel
lence, an,d .its appearance in this
city will be-Tvelcomed by the many
admirers of plays of this particular
Notice is hereby 'given that all
walks in the city of North Platte
that are not in good repair will be
repaired'' by the ' street commis
sioner after the fir,st day of Novem
ber, 1895, ' at the. expense- of- the
owners; . is. Morgan, .
are. prompt payers at tne enaol
each thirty days. I am forced to
adopt this measure oh account of
the large sum which has accurntt
1 ated on my books.
T. M. Haixmne.
C. E. Sh,ippen Family Band Gpn?
cert and Spicalty Go. J)onJt fail to
see the famous little musicians.
ranging in age from six to fifteen
years. The excellence of their ren
ditions astonish every one who hear
them. Miss Addie the little solo
cornetist is a wonder to all musici
ans and Master Gordon, the, baby
drummer has no equal. To-night
at Keith's opera house.
Advertised litters,
last of letters remaining uncalled for
in tho post office at North Platte. Neb.,
for the week ending November 1, 1895.
Boyco, Charlie Joe, ClWo
Corey, Geo Mayhew, HEB
Hilledbrandt, Gus Slattery, Joun H,
Williams, Harry AI
Ladies. .
Cole, Mrs jIinnie
Persons calling for above will please say
"advertised." M. W. Claik, Postmaster
Studebaker Wagons and
Buggies at Hershey & Co's.
Land OOce at North Platte, h'eb., )
October 31st, 18S3. )
Notice la hereby given that John. Cooper hai
filed notice of Intention to make final proof before
Reglrtsr and Receiver at his ottce la North Plotte,
Neb., on Tnesla y,tho 10th day of December ou
timber culture application No. 11,710, for the north
eeMiuartcr of fectloa No. 'JO. in townnfeip No. 13
north, range No. Zl west. He names as witness ear
George Dug an. J oeepfc Weir, Joha Weir and Albert
LmMcX. alloc FlH.Xeta.
OCX T. B2K30S-, Keglster.