f a 5 . y'ifs - c '- : ' " -'.1 -5r trttrma i j Leading nuc co f tfee Work!. JOHN KERROD .Sfells tlie above Coffee togatber with ft eowpi4e line of Mill M IMS, Prices Always EeasonibleT HIGHEST MARKB PRICE Paid l?or Country-Produce. MCDONALD'S Cash Prices Tell Their Own Story. (j CANNED GOODS. 'Striog Beans, extra fine, per can . . . .10c String Beans, 2 lb oaa, per can.... .8Jc Ooroj Above All brand, per can 7c Cora, Giltnan brand, per can 8c White Was Beans, per can 8jfc Pork and Beene per can . . . . 15c Piatt's Peaehee, 3 lb can, per can . . . .15c Cal.Efg Plume, 3 lb can, per can. . .15o Cal. Green Gages, 3 lb can, per can. .15c Cal. Muscat Grapes lb canper can . .15c per can, ........10c Blueberries, Underwood, per can. .12c Blackberries, per can. . . l'2Jc Strawberries, per oea. .12 '3 - Mwetard Sariiseslarge can, 10c CEREALS. Nary Beeae. ier Douod ; . 1c Qoo4cfa Pees, pec pou nd , . , 4c ' Kolld Oats, per pound, . ,3c "Buckwheat, Geeaine, per pound. ...5c Lisui Beaas, per pound,....- .7c Tapioca, per pousd.. .7c 21b package goods, Wheatel, etc. .12c FLOUR. MiBsesota Best, pec, Back, $1.20 SHrTlaker'er sack,.. . . 1.15 PilgitM, pec jm$k.: . , 1.00 Aliiawa.r. .85c 2Trtb Platte Beet, per seek, 95c GM Crown, per sack, 85c xEatom Fr-jrj per sack, .70c . Cotto,Bal!,' per sack, ..v.: 70c rBavperxwt,T. . rA. .G0c At"C3lieao Priees. -Pkek N,1f; White.,-Ched4ar, per lb., 15c Wiseofesw FiiH Ceaw, per lb., 15c Twrne, per lb., 13 Yeuag Aaaerioa, per'lb., 13c DRIED FRUITS. Apples, per ppand . 80 Peacbes,New, per pound, 10c Blackberries, New, per pound ... .8)50 Hepberrie,Tffee, per pound, ,25c NecUrmes,tpoad 12Jc Dete.ppsQd. 10c FljSesf raa, pejipound, 102 ' TOBACCO. Cliiwix, StyKorse Shoe, ) AOc Kewsboy aad "J T," per pound, 35c 3 Black Grows, jer pwihd, ......... ...30c 3attleJt,: W pound. ..... mSm 20c p. VFine Gtper pound, 40c -gfe ' ' 'XSSgfr CRAOEZEBS. - 3.1b. Soi Cttfiootts, each.. . . . . . . ..20c 1 1 . ?kewpori Flaiies,. eseb , luc 7 JBSeeic Oiraier; 15; pound,,.. 7o -r '7 Dieiejr Ojsters, pec poand, ........ 83-jC - 'Oeesjer Saafte,- perpousd lUc ; Creams, per poandl .10c . BttWra, per potukl ... . . 7J.-c . 8i taua Fipejr pewod , v. .s ... . .15c ;liwt Cake, pec pouad,. 15c C.' " - ' 90jGPS. i H,- Beat 'Em All, 30 bars S1.00 - White Russian, 28 bars. $1.00 ; 4 Silk,a8Jbars.......... $1,00 " Baeutii 3eo4c, 26 bars,. ......... .61.00 - Iiee,27 berg. 51.00 .GW Dust Washing Powder, 4 lb.. 25c LARD. '' Best KetUe Rendered, 3 lb-pail 35c Settle Reaedi 5 lb pail . .GOc XetUe Rebelered, 10" lb pail.-:.. $1.10 . COFFEE. "JDiiMdUe, pec pooRd,-. . . ; 2Qc PadttagTava, per pound 30c Bsoken Java, a good, one,.pec lb. .12Jc 'We are' sole agents for Dwinell, r Wmfet & Go's Coffees, the finest in the - wood. - Fbieet English Breakfast wm $1 now 75c "BsjgUsh Breakfast Na .2 wee 90c now 60c jPtBest basket fired Japan was 90 bow 75c rB.vPired Japaa Ho. 2,-wae 60c sow.. 45c Ffed Japan No, 3, was 50c bow 35c So Cured-Japaa, - was loc bow.., .00c '."Xmperfcl, was Tie, bow. ; ;G0c . Baa Cured StfOage, 1 lb package . . ."slOo SPICES. Ground Allaoioe. CSovee. Ctnaa- Jags, Jars, Milk Crooks, Churns, etc., . -, r iraikQ meaeareeaeat 10c Cham bees and cover, each ?5ci Ouepidors, each . ,..r..T.7. .20c aHeia'ejr Po4s. 3 oeats, 1-inch 5c, Wi' also oarry a fall lae of Glassware, Queeoewaw, and Laaas Goods, on wsnoav ve win, bwm buiu S?3sK?IALSALEON f -ttittbipty :and Thmday 10 lbs Best Granulated Sugar.. .556 3.GB6S Optica ns ToeMioes 25e 8baThiUXiieia Soap., 25e 4 lbs A B G Sda Crackers 25c " xr m wiU he aerntittod k WKchase. Xjnor otesidaartioie tbaaasaoanc aoore ITU RapBtMn Rally! Llojd's Opera House, Saturday $n Nov. a. Fred Collins, oi Lincoln, and other orators will address the audience. EVERYBODY ATTEND 2 XITVX&'S DXCLAXATI0K. In regard to the false statements which are being- circulated over the county that I am pledged to the question of granting additional help and increase of salary to the county superintendent if elected to the office of county commissioner, I wish to say there is absolutely nothing in said report. I stand upon that question the same as I do upon the question-of county print ing, namely, keep the expenses. down as low as possible: I wish to sa' that if I,am elected. commissioner there will' be nVmore donations of county money to the Era, but that the county publish ing will be done by the lowest competent bidder regardless of political complexion. JohnR. Ritxer, Republican Candidate for County Commissioner. . . MINOR MENTION. J. F. Schmalzned has in his store a awarr orange -tree . upon. which there are four well developed oranges. ' - John E. Jones and Miss Etta Belle Crane, both of this city, were united in marriage by Judge Ray Saturday night. - , : . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hirst, for merly of this city, -who" have been living at Brightwood, Ind., have re moved to Omaha. Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars. A number of U. P. employes, assisted by other citizens, burned an extensive fire guard west of the city limits yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dooiittle en tertained a number of young people one evening the latter part ot the week in lavor of Miss Boehne.' t ' We are requested to announce that there are twenty numbeft on the programme of the" firemen's" ball and dancing will continue from nine until one o'clock. There are about 175 )tases on the trial docket of the term of dis trict court which convenes Nov. l&th, a very large proportion of which are equity cases. That highly enteresting comedy drama, "The Pay Train," will be presented at Lloyd's on Monday evening of next weel by a' very capable company. The .play is pretty certain to please the. audi ence. . ? ' - -" ; - : Mrs. Nellie Peale announces to the ladies of North Platte that she' is prepared to sew by the day. Those wishing her services will leave word with Mrs. W. H. Blood, over "Williams' store. - - . - Messrs. Graves,Dalson,Herrod, "Woodhurst and the other-half dozen members of the hunting party re turned last evening fromfhenrorih west, looking shaggy'but hale and hearty. They did not find ;game abutfdant in the section visited, and had "poor sittcess. 5. F. Dolan is. not making? a Vigorous campaign for county com missioner, having, we are told, about concluded that it istime wasted. Mr. Dolant we are inform-, ed, is at Hyannis this week on bus-i iness. John R. Ritner is the can didate for whom the voters of the Second district should cast their ballots. , . If Rev. Franklin is as poor as he .claims and ins poverty cry seems to be his stock ofcampaign material why didn't he accept the ministerial charge which it is said was offered him? Or if he don't want to preach why not seek other employment? Are we to presume that if his wife is not elected super intendent thathe will (tie of starva tion? " . 4 - ' - Dr. W,. A. DeBERRY; DENTIST, Office in First Ntl. Bank Bldncr. vxiie i . M?sA. is conrempiat ing a gynm'astumSehch will 'be first-class, if they caaTcture- the members necessary. Tkeycwilput in apparatus costing from S175 to $200 in a room 18x40 feet, directly across the hallfrom the bath rooms. A membership to the association including the gymnasium will be $5.00. Any one holding a member ship ticket at present can have the use of the gymnasium for$2.00 more It is the intention of the associa tion to make it a credit to the town and it will be conducted in a busi nessway in every particular. Come, now, fellows, if yoa are in favor of the enterprise call at the rooms and tell us what you will do. H: enough of the ladies desire touse the gym iiasiwrn. special Jiours will be re served' for them aVd the room turned oVert'dthfcai. H. B. a Sister Madeline, of IhelTatiYitr iConvart, arrived frorrr-Dejj.ferfye- Kterday. 4 B. Bullardt of this jfibf? has had. conferred upon im theTiirty third degree of Mas nry. John Hawley, of Sutherland, was In' town yesterday looking after his political fences. Mrs.CB. Osgood lias .moved from the ranch to town and is oc cupying a house in the First ward. Frank Wiser went to Sidney Saturday; to accept apositjqnjas-j ni crht WtcKm afff oritUe TJai6nPa-l cific company. Miss Bertha Thoelecke wasun able to teach, school yesterday owing to sickness and her place was filled -by Miss Mable Goozee. H. Bush is getting ready to move his stock of flour and feed to the corner building two doors west- of his present location. .I. Furjoso Ganttjan.dJ..Gasbag Beeler will deliver speeches at a populist meeting: to be held at Gandy nextatuf5ay. 1 V" , ScotU yaugl5nj?lt Jliiday morning for Rock Springs, Wyo.," where hehas secured a position with a coal company. The Daughtersxof tkejing will entertain the. j'otf ngpeoplg of- the Episcopal parish and their- friends1 at thesnuld house next Thursday evening". -indyardkipiinjr's "new story. m which the Ladies' Home Journal is about to begin, is a romance of India reallv a stronar love storv and has for its f AT w, . . - - -the "Conquerer." 9 . J , k M uoctor Aiey, 01 j-zincom,-nas had ten years' experience in treat ing chronic diseases. He will again be at the Hotel Neville, North Platte, MandayNov. JULth,.CAH; suit him if afflicted. He stays but one day. Ducks and geese are.now quite plentiful oh the rivers and sloughs, ana local nunters are naving very, fair success. A large number of sportsmen were out Siinday, some of whom made good bags. ' No one should miss the concert from 8 to 9 at the Firemen's Dance Thursday evening. Prof. Garlicli's orchestra has been practicing for the last two "weeks on hew music and the public is promised a treat. Two lady vocalistsjof acknowledged ability will also render selections. At the Saturdav shoot of the gtnvclub W. .E. Price made the best score 15but of 20 and retains the medal. The '"booby 'was shifted from M. K. Barnum to W. L. Park. li Price wins at the next shoot he keeps the medal permanently, "but it is likely, he will have stronger competition at the next meeting; - r A. O. RandalU living on Paxton & Hershey land, was in' town yes terday and gave us some informa tion in regard to his seed crop. Mr. Randall-has been raising .seeds for eastern firms tor, the past seven yeatSj:, and . says his. success this year, through theuseof irrigation is greater-, thai .ev.er tbefpe.ir He had twenty acres out in vines, six in watermelon, six in-' muskmelon; five in cucumber, one akd a half' in squash and one and a half in citron. He fiegan gathering tlie musk- uaa seventy;Six pig wagon jyoaas. From ihe jhe expects to" extract at ten cent per ou.na. will bring other crops-have ,uot yet J3een hac-, vested; but he predicts they -will jdo equally as well. 'Mr. Randall is hp well pleased with, the result this: season, that next year he will pTahtj sixty-acres 'to watermelons. '." He "grq.ws tor. the .Vesterni Seed' Coi. whiclTThas its lieadquarf ers ' Waterloo, Neb. Mr. Randall sayS the eistern seed houses giy west ern Nebraska the creditof growiag the besit yine seeds, in the TJnifed States. ' " is .Q-J tut SJaaaVaaV-eo:- 'l- : 'aaaaaaam. - We are the People who have& The BEST FLOUR, The BEST COFFEE. -. j The BEST TE A, - - The -finest grades of eyerythirig in tbg Sicery Ene in the City; always fresh and at prices thatCT ' DEFY COMPETITION. HARRINGTON i " Wr m gmiP11 ock f jewelry, Silverware anNovdti-; tM we arc always readLtokshow y.ouosir new-stvles. Tli... ti-,-. ot-11 fhk rrWhnvP-thpm - in! differentsizes?. J 11 MLmVAJ. njwgt V- 1 We can Save vim Money by selling for, Cash. 51 1 nonxinio cDs3bn)jGoti f rknds St Plattsmouth, Neb. r Mrs. ilunt Menaerson, wno uaa been visiting her oarents in this city for several weeks, left for Al liatice yesterday. HearySchuff- fwhohad been spemclirtgtv6 .weeks tipoa his irri gated farm west of -town, returned to Grand Island this morning Mrs. George Griswold and, son of Council Bluffs arrived in town last "Sight "and are"the'guests -of-Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeberger. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Field, of Chi- 1 cago, while en fbute home from their weddirfgf trip, stopped, over Saturday and Sunday-to visit Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Field. Will.Briggs and family, of Denver are visiting relatives and friends in the" city.' ""Mr. Brfggs is still dis abled - bv ' reason of "the ' " accident which befell him several weeks ago.- lev. Ai W. ;Graves has been away from the city for some days pat attending the annual meeting ot Jthe stateTSaptistgeneral conven tion. -Hewill.return in time to fill the appointment at flie. Presby terian churclilnext Sunday. ..v-SS, ! i EAILE0AD B0TATI0HS. Supt R. RJ Sutherland wa town Saturdav. ' was in Engine 685blew out a cylinder head at Wobcb River Saturday, causing':considerable delay. Ed. Seyfertli is 'constructing a crane to be used in connection witli the lathe riin'bvick Wood. ff " W. H. McDbn'ald and Will Small wood" were;Jri;Grand Island Satur day on, business pertaining io the Masonic lolgfij - Engine Tlimeout of the shops Saturday anesterday 69.4 and 773 went in j0bf repairs. The 745 came up Sunday from Omaha wherei it was overhauled. ' , Thirtyisix .deadsheep were taken out ot doubletdecked cars t a" t this station last Suday. Over crowd ing causedtlftkdeath of the animals.. SeventeetaVnswere sent out of "this citybjetTen the.41.Qurs of 7.,a- m. and 7p. m.. Sunday. JS'ouri of thesejyeresi trains of sheep from the west; - All persons owing us old bills mx&$jpyr call and. settle witli cash br approved note. We want iiiis outstanding money to nable lis, to dis count our Jbills; and thus com- pete vrith- Gfch stores. HAHRIIf G-TON & TOBIN. - i.-Mrs: Harry.vReacdiias Returned Jioine fromnextehnedv visitswith .CLINTON, The Jeweler. Hi, a t One Dollar Saved ill Worth Two Earned, f Tnonison & swartnout. Ition, robbed us of another well- known resident last Saturday morn png in the person of Mrs. George S. sBaskins. Mrs. Baskins had been fighting this disease for 6ver a year and as is usually the case with those thus afflicted; she tli she would prove conqueror, but during the past month she failed rapidly -and friends knew that earthly dissolution was not far off. Her last liours were peaceful- and quiet; the soul passinjr to the be yond while that whiclT is --mortal slumbered. Mrs. Baskins wl nusoana came trom AYniiams C"V Pa., to this city in 1879, arid during that long term of residence won the friendship of a large circle-of ac quaintances ivho deeply regret -her demise. The remains were taken Sunday to Williamsport. fdr inter ment,-accompanied by -Mr. Baskins ,and Miss Ranck, the latter a sister of the deceased. To the husband, the two young sons, and the rela tives of "the:-family, the warmest sympathy of our people is extended. 'Mrs. JohnKenworthv, who with her husband has resided on the Heridv ranch near Maxwell for a year or more, died on Friday nirut last trom tne enects. 01 a tumor; with which she had been troubled for 'some time. ' The de ceased was t a very estimable and kind-hearted wamanr and had many friends in and around North Platte wlio will regret to learn of her death. The funeral services were conducted by V. J. Crusecu at the the home of the deceased after which the remains were interred in the cemetery at Brady Island. . . , .. Asleep in ,Jesns! Though the way, The heat aud burdea of the day, Wero toilsome to he- weary feet, She sleeps In Jesns! Rest most tweet! ' Asleep In Jesas! Angels trod AYilfa her the pathway np fo God! A'dSrlng now before the throne," ' ' !She stands freely purchased onov "r Asleep In JesusJ Wostlnff. caro " " Can never 'cast one shadow thoro; ' 2o: chilling bligrt from earth "below .' . Shalbdlmlhe spirit's ransomed-glaw. ' . ' . . , 4 t -,o. . NICHOLS AITD. HEESH2Y HEWS. i, - -j . . . Mrs.: Frank Spurrierof Jowa, -h? le guest of Mr. and Mrs; N. B. Spurrier. r ;; - F. L..Tferryvwho has 'been tin the sick list, for some time is.ablelto be. up and around once more. . The ladies' aid society" of Hershey J will giv,: pilfer atthaJtlace ori ! election (lay. .'ITijC Mrs: JR. W. Calhoun and children visited her parents over north of tlie Platte the' latter 'part of last week'' " ' ' "jti There will be but .veryjittle ..at.7 tention paidto party in electing the precihet officers in this' precinct at the 'coming election. 1 A ' Afine;Jierd of western horses were driven.dov7rt thelinepn. last Saturday.; - .' ...t-lf . A large.'gaug of men arid! teams are at work attne head of theL old canal.. - " ..;;. There is juite a--Dody of uwater flowing downl !the South' river at the present time., Those who, attended, the , ,:4,mush and milk" sociable in the-Sisson school house last Friday evening report a pleasant affair. Rdy. Fjranklih, acconipanied, by his wife, were looking over the polit ical fiehf in this locality Sunday. J. C.'-Maisner was knocked : down and badly bruised by a run. away team -wUichir lie brought to u halt before any damage -was done. The buggy to 'which the team was hitcheda occupied by jSs. Win and one or twochildren f romNor th Elatte. " Mrs. M. C. Brown ot this place and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of tlie Elatte departed .for Sidney o.a. a visit last Saturday. Charlie, the youngest son' of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Randall.yas thrown from a horse recently and badly but not seriously hurt. t?ev. Havden of 'Ked .Willow as unable" ib mtht "his ap- Washburn's Superlative. Has-no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im- ; provement in milling machinery the product of the hard, excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the . Washburn Flour, try it. Iris sold by .: JOHN flERROD, 5t1FtTftTTTTftTfTTfTTfWTTntfTTfSTTfTT?tTfTfT?TftTT AVE Ytra Sil D IF NOT, WHY NOT? H Otiiers save money by ; buying goods of- us. Why don't A No. 8 all copper wash A joint of stove pipe for A common sfcove pipe elbow for 10 cents. 3 An adjustable stove plpeelbow for 15 cents, il A Madole liammer for 2 1-pint tin cups for 6 engraved tumblers for i A one-half gallon pitcher for. B A set of handled tea cups and saucers .42 cents. Underwear and; and see foyourselyes our prices andjl g qualities talk; We have a larger stocks! g than ever of Notions, Tinware, Furnish-1 a g jhg Groods, Crockery and the largest -3 ; g stock of Glassware and Lamps ever . in 3 I North Platte. Come" and sea us. Wik-'ox I (one door south of SliiiiilililUiiUiliiiiUiUiUilUUHiUmiiUUiUiMiU MOST DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN SPU'RR'S REVERE HAR.RINOTQN & T0BINr, SOLE pointmeiit at tliis place last Sunday Drninf being confineci to his bed attbattimp. Mrs-. A. B; Goodwin- of North Platte visited' relatives in this lo- cahtv last week. - ' C. C. Wetzell transacted business at the county seat yesterday. Lbcal sports are trvinjr to rid this country o wiid jfeese, but aremak-ing- very poor "headway .in .that line. The. revival meeting' in progress at tliis place under the supervision of W. J. Grusen of JSTorth Platte are well attended and a deep interest 'manifested. "Rev. Coslet the new pastdr.for this circuit preached last eveninr,and Rev. O. C.t Snavely of North Platte will preach. this even- in"-. Several, of .the seed growers in this-country are now washing" the -J!Tl'J,t '111- ' - 1 same in tne souui nveranu prepur- ipg- them for market. The" crop is more than an .average. It has'' been almost impossible ately for the shippers of baled hay to procure'ears for thafr purpose. Tjie old canal company now owns the olcLschoql building" at this place and -will. soon, moveit over upon, its land, near the station; where it wilj beconVerteH into a dwelling". W. A. Paxton of Qmal)a was looking after business in this focal- ity recently. J. IT. Giffin, of Brady fsland; a former merchant at Hershey, was at that place on business a few davs ago. - JAts: G. E. Sullivan and two little boys have returned from a - visit with relatives at Brady Island. When Huying Mmneapblis bwt Why not get the BESTJ- S0L mm: you? We sell tofi: boiler for. $1.89. - 14 cents. 3 55 cents. 5 cents. 25 cents. .20 cents. Hosiery well come 3, )eu't : St JL Streitz' drug store.) THE o WORLD""' MOCHA AND r 2-i ACTS, NORTH PLAHF, "Neville on irrigation" as pub lished in last week's Era will have about as much effect upon the voters , in this judicial district as a tumble weed unnn n. wind storm. If we mistake not we saw Frank McKee taking" a spin around thfs1 country upon his bicycle last Suri?f. day. ; It is stated that Rev. Randolph from up the line will preach at this place next Thursday evening" an& ' remain over Sunday aud assist tu the revival. .' - Several from Hinman.and Hec shey attended church at this placed last Sunday afternoon and,evening-; 'H; W. Brown was laid up with a lame foot two or three days- lately? Relatives from Gothenburg- hae been stopping; at J. W. Iiles f6r some time pask - Pat. , James Whitcomb Riley has completed a new series of" poems, in which he varies the treatment , or each one to such an extent thafcthey are said to show the Hoosier poetis versatility to a remarkable degree. He has given the series to the . Ladies Home Journal, in which the first is about tp he published". " A. B. Frost ias been engaged by the magazine to illustrate the. poems. XOTIfS. iNotipe is hereby, given that aU walks in the city 'or .North Platte that are not in good repair will be repaired by the street commis sioner after, the first day of Novem ber, 1895, at the expense of the owners. R. W. Morgan, " StreeJCom. Sifeudebaker Wagons and Buggies at Hershey &GorSj 3 JAM if A 4 i If x exeontsra I