The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1895, Image 3

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    " ' " NORTH PLATTE SMI-WEEKLY TfeiBUMf -fllbAY EVMING; OCTOBER 25,-48051 - --
wvi k is ura.
Nebraska Ex-Senator Ifot Expected
to Survive tlie Day. r
ts4Etea Change For tho Worse Comes Dar
to the Jflght FainHy of the Stricken
States man at His IJedside la
, Washington-, Oct. 24. Tho death of
x-Senator Cliarles H. Vrtn"Wyck of Ne
braska is expect
ed before tomor
row morning, and
may come at any
moment. At 11
'clock he was
:ji i
and it was
thonghfcho might
' die within a few
.nonrs. xesreraav
he showed signs
of recovery from
Monday's stroke
of paralysis; but
C. H. yanwtck. during the night
a change for the worse occurred, and it
became evident, that his changes of sur
viving the attack were very slim.
His physicians do not expect him to
survive the day. He is growing weakei
and his temperature is very high. He
breathes with great difficulty. Mrs.
Van Wyck, her daughter and General
Broadhead, Mrs. Tan Wyck's brother,
are -with the dying man.
Milwaukee Iron KInr; Kills lUmnelf.
Milwaukee, Oct. 24. A telegram
from Paris, France, received by the
family of Francis Hinton, the Mil
waukee iron king, announces that Mr.
Hinton had committed suicide in his
hotel in Paris. The dispatch is meager
nn details and does not give the manner
.nor cause of the. suicide. Mr. Hinton
was a man of great wealth and was
well known in the iron trade through
'oatfthe country. He was a friend of
Andrew Carnegie, who had a great ad
miration for him. Mr. Hinton, it is
said, was engaged to bo married to a
girl iii this country, but her name is
not known. The remains will be
brought to this country for burial.
, Soath Carolina Constitutional Conrentlon.
Columbia, Oct. 24. The South Caro
lina constitutional convention devoted
5today to the consideration of tho article
bn counties and county government.
.jNew county lines will not be allowed to
Srun within eight miles of an old county
Sseat. Townships may be taken from
tone county and joined to another upon
a vote of hvo-thirds of the qualified
.voters. Senator Tillman is urging tho
.adoption of the New England township
. Jpgovernment system which he says is tho
?besfr extant.
Cleveland Capitalists Interested.
Cleveland, Oct 24. "William Blais-
fdela capitalist and promoter of Hono-
ilmlu, has been in this city during tho
Hp&st week engaged iu'mtercsting Cleve-
'-jiupu. cuurrrthst-i: n vast scheme to ob-
tain control of the best sugar cane pro--fdacing
land in the Sandwich islands.
EA. number of wealthy gentlemen have
taken hold of thenroiect.and a comnanv
gwill be formed
at once and capitalized
A. m
fat $3,000,000.
Tho land in auestion con-
Ksts of 35,000 acres located 15 miles from
Will Sell Direct to Jobbers.
Cleveland, Oct. 24. A. H. Kaftzger
of Jjos Angeles, president of the South-
fern California Fruit exchange, is in this
STcity arranging for the sale of California
irmr, particularly oranges ana lemons,
direct to jobbers, instead of through
commission men, as done heretofore.
He says tho exchange will establish
agencies in all of the larger cities in or-
der to distribute their product and that.
; the old method of doing business will-bo
entirely done away with.
i Texas Sugar Cane Crop a Failure.
Z. Houston, Oct. 24. Advices from Fort
SrBend and other sections give gloomy ac
counts of this year's crop of sugar cane.
tThe freeze of last winter seriously dam
,' aged the cane stubble, causing it to ma
ture hard and dry. Land in Fort Bend
county, wliich last year produced 20 to
riu tons oi cane, tins year produced only
?:j to 10 tons. Tho cutting will be fin-
fished hi 30 days, whereas it ordinarily
(takes 100.
I - Massillon, O., Oct. 24. The coal
V$trike in the Massillon district is prac
jftically at an end, tho miners having
been resuming work for several days
"pasfc without the consent of- the organi
zation leaders. In each case work has
been resumed' on the- same terms as
Al.- .1 .. m ,
uiose uncier wmcn rne miners oi tnc
state at large are now employed.
Moffott Denies the Kcpori.
"Den-veii, Oct. 24. D. H. Moffatt de
nies tho report that he, Eben Smith and
U. ix. riatnawny nave Dougnfctne, tavon i-
mnung property m UnpnieUreek. He
iys they assisted in obtaining- iai op
tion on the property for JrP.' "Whitney
and other Boston caplfalists, tlic" price '
oeing in inc neigiiDornooa orwtw
. VClelcr Investigation Finished
Pierre, Oct. 24. The investigation
of S. A. "Wheeler, commissioner of
labor statistics, on a charge of mal
feasance in office, was completed. Tho
governor will make a report to the next
session of the legislature, which is all
the power ho has under a recent de
cision of the supreme court.
. Cutting Telegraph Wire."" -BuFFAiJb,
"Wy. , Oct. 24. For a month
or more some miscreant has been con
tiuualrycutting and grounding the tele
graph; line fromlClearmont. Tie line
is now in shape and is being patrolled
astd if the cnlprit is caught he will be
sSitrjily-dealt with .
WMl Hold Its JuLIiee la Boston.
..Detroit, Oct. 24. The American
Miseonary association today decided to
Jwid its 'jubilee i anniversary in celebra
rioa of its 50th year in Boston next Oc
tober. aciaen Return to Wovlu
jFoRT Dodge, Oct. 24. The striking
aunetsin this county have returned to
wprk at tho old wages. The coal trade
' - Gold Keserre.
rVASHUfGTO.VOct. 24-'
lire -bt&r fSftj
pld r
World's Itccor i Breaker oh the ILake Short
Cleveland, Oct. 24. A world's rec
ord breaker on tho Lake Shore railway
passed through Cleveland at 8:50 a. m.
en route from Chicago to Now York.
The train pulled out of tho Lake Short
station at Chicago promptly at 330,
pulled by a mogul encine. Everv nr.
rangemcnthad been made to expediate 1
. V WCI-0 spiJCett anttalJ
irams were sidetracked for the fiver.
nei srops were mado at Hillsdale and
Toledo to change engines, and Cleve
land was reached at 8 o'clock and 50 V,
seconds, or 320 minutes out of Chicago".
The distance from Chicago to Cleveland
by the Lake Shore is 357 miles, so thai
the entire trip, including, stops, was
made at a rate of a mile in 43 seconds
Engines were changed at Colliuwood
in about 20 seconds and the train was
rushing on again.
.buffalo, Oct. 24. Tho
world s rec-
ord for railroad speed over a great dis
tance was broken today by a special
train on the Lake Shcrc and Micliigaii
Southern railroad, which ran from One
Hundredth street, Chicago, to Bafialc
creek, Buffalo, a distance of 510.1 milcf
in 4S1-niiiiutes and? seconds, au aver
ago speed- of G3.6 miles an hour. Thfc
time includes stop;. Exclusive of stops
the run was mado in 470 minutes and 1C
seconds, an "average swecdof G4.9S mile;
an hour. Tho New York Central's rec
ord of Sept: 11 was an average speed oJ
63.G1 miles 'an hour, including rtops.aml
04.20 mucalan hour exclusive of delav.
OTnnn no. pus to consolidate.
Government Will Haven Kivnl If It Take
the Orcrlnn:! ami Central I'acifitu
oa. ha.m;isco, uct. 24. a rmnn
lias Leon abn ad m railway circles tc
the effect that a movement ir. in progress
witn tiie t bjoct )f uniting several oi
the 'transcontinental lines in one sys
tem, extending from Chicago to the Pa
cific coast. Tho lines said t.j be in thr
deal are the Atchison. Topcka and
banta Fe, tlie Denver and Rio Grande.
the Rio Grande AYoKtorn, the Utah
Ixorlhern and tho Orcgtai Short Lint
Hie project is of such magnitude that it
is regarded with doubt by well informed
railroad men. According to the rop-nt.
ii tlie government takes possession rl
the Union Pacjfie and Central Paeifie a
one system, the c-ns-lidationof the line
nainl, perhaps with the substitution of
tlicU 1 rado .Midland f-T the Denver
and Rio Grande, is nln st a save thinp-.
xontnEUX r-vcinc Kiicuivunsnir
Authority of tlie Xcw Itrrrlrer JCitcinlcd
hj" Judge Kn'vt-!rs.
Helkxa, Oct. 24. On the petition of
James II. Mills. Edward L. Bomicr and
Andrew F. Burleigh, the newly ap
pointed leocivcrs of the Nnithcrn Pa
cific for M'-ntana. Justice Kucwles ex
tended their authority to embraceall
matters confaiued in the oririnal ap
pointment cf receivers. The order
amending the appointment, of the new
reeeiveiR and extending their autliMiry
expressly fi;: led that it should to con
strued toV a cr:ntinuatien of the origi
nal receivership. This order d:es not
deny the new icceivers the light to
apply to Jndi e Kik wlcs' cwut fr leave
to lepndiate any act r nris of their prc
decesst it: in office, vhich, in thejv judg
montmay net be ft r the best interest
of the tru' t ertafo.
Synod of the Interior In Antnnil Sc.-.sion at
Abili-nr, Kan.
AbiLexe. Kan., Oct. 24. TJ-.e fjii' d
cf the inferior of the Ref nned C?mrch
of America, including the M:ite f 3s.n
sns, Missouri, Uiin is. Nebia'kn. Iowa
and C 1 rado, is iiifOf-sii n line n; ninth
annual con venti in. All Ftates are iejre
sented by miuisleral ai:d ny fioJegales.
and the session prnnises t hn an ii'ter
cstingaud rr l;:ble one. Rev. T. F.
Staaffer of L:ne.'lu, Neb., is presiding.
Rev. J. M. K.ii(iig of Ciucago w;;.
clci ted pi-csideut; D. B. Shr.eyr f E:n
poiia, htato cleik. Reports from thf
classes of each state were taken up and
officially acted up-.n, this work t.ccnpy
ing the rcmiimlor f the day.
Texas Town Hciirriicd.
Pv.llas, Tx.. Oct. 24. Fuc dcftr yed
more than ?1 00,000 worth of prt prrty in
the best part of MrKinney, the count v
scat of Collin county. The llic was near
the court house square.
Cables Were the llulli-h- Feature In tin
CSc:ig 1'it.
ClIIOACJO. Oft. 2 J. Wh-:il wr.s fir a trcl-ir
on bt-ttr cnhl-s and e-iuMml dry wei h-r
wei'. DJ'M"!ti e-o-)vie.l lnh r ai
rtDld from to M'ir.
Cjrn va- fir si on mirrst rei- Jl.-jy
cpi'n:-d urn-bang d at l' j a I 'o I to iPj--.
0:its were ."fa ly. 51a. o no I. mi lungcl
at 2 J-, .-to d t.nm -Di' to 2J-a nil i ivncied to
th J opening P"io
Provi-ii-m-i wi-n Arm oi th il-in liv h
market J.iniar. pjrk ;-mnl hili-r at
W2. Janunry larl sold at $5.7 n:i . ribs at
cii.v.i riunK.
. "WHEAT October. i0gc;Decttiubnr, CI 01g:
May, CiCTA-j, .
CORN O .to'Ksr S1Jj: .Mnv, 24i-.
OAT Ooto:cr. 18j4o: May. -JuJJt lii t.
PORK Oj ?-l: Djc-nVwr US; Jan
unry, id 25: Uav, JO.oa.
LAED OotoUcr. $ .53; Doct-mW.
Jannnry, TuiO t u J';,: M-y, o.S. t- 0
" BIBS October. Jl.tiTW: January,
May, jlbtUc U I
Chicago Llro Stock.
ClUCAr.O Oct. 21. HOG lie Ti.its 31.C03
headr left over. 5.0J3 haa-. market active;
pri-c tron-; to 5c hif-hor; lipht- f15:(n3 0J;
mixed. f3a tfi3.9-; heavy. 3.g3 9J; rocsh,
CATTLE Rect-i p t, H.1U heal, ii.V.ulinc
l,(XJTex.tnM and 0, i)J wesfrns ; mark t steady
to stronger: beevi-s. f3..0tS.).3J; cow. nnd h-if-ew,
f 1 25a.4J; Texnun. J:i.C3$33: westerns,
J2.9 9-t 10; stockers aud fi-eder-i, ;I20 J3 9J.
SHEEP Reccii-tH, H.OjO h?ad; market linn
, to 10c higher.
South O inn ha I.ire Stock.
South Omaha. Oct. .4. OAlTLE Roceipt3.
5.0J0 he.d; markot 8 ow, steady; native beet
steers, $3.7035.2 i; w;stern steew, 75S4.13:
Texas steers, $23 33. 15: cows a id hi-ifers, 5i.3i
3.o0; tanners. Jl 2-i(g2.2i: stockers nnl feed
ers, lower f2.7Jga70; calves, 52.005 25; balln,
stacs, i-tc. Jl .1 Xa'2.75,
HOGS Ee-fi. t,l,7 head;mnrkct 5c higher;
Active: heavy, ?3.5J53.C5; mixcvl, $3.453.50;
li.-ht, TJy53.53: pigs. ri9K3a33;bnlk of aales,
, SHEEP Receipts, 20Jh"nd; market steady;
fair to choic natives, ?2.003.00; fair to choi -e
westerns, i'2.0 2 9 ; common and stock slicap.
s T.-. a 2.7 J: lambs. S3.U034-2-.
Assistant District Attorney I'lexoto AIakcs
the Opening Argument For the State.
Sax Francisco, Oct. 24. The prose
cution in the trial of Theodore Durraut
rested today and. just before the noon
I recess Assistant District Attorney Pi-
oto began the opening argument for the
Cloak Jlannfactcrcr Palls.
Sew Yoke, Oct. 24. Louis Katzman,
cloak manufacturer at 54G Broadway,
assigned to. Julius Miller, with prefer
ences for $6,570. The liabilities are
fcbfmt- . .. .
Japan and Russia Said to Be Getting
Beady For Battle.
Russian Squadron of Finecn Vessels Leaves
TIadivostoek For Chemulpo Governor
tfWural Jlahing Active War
London, Oct. 24. A special dispatch
from Shanghai says that aRussian
squadron of 15 ships has left Vladivo
stock for Chemulpo and Fusan. Tho
Japanese fleet in Formosa waters it is
also stated has been recalled, and it is
has been announced on excellent author-
itr that several British warshins have
been ordered to sail for Corea.
It is stated at Shanghai that Japan's
reply to the demand of Russia that the
former evacuate Ccrea i6 couched m pa
cific, but firm language and protests
against dictation by Russia in Corean.
It is regarded at Shanghai-as certain
that Russia will permanently occupy
Tho Shanghai dispatch says that tho
situation of affairs is most crave and
.that preparations for the expected strug
gle are visible on all sides; but it is hoped
that a solution of the difficulty will bo
found in Russia and Japan agreeing to
divide Corea.
Another Filibustering Expedition Sald to
Hare Landed In Cuba.
Havana, Oct. 24. A skirmish has
taken place at Palmyra, province of
Santa Clara, between a detachment of
83 infantry soldiers, commanded by
Lieutenant Barrios and a baud of 20 insurgents.-
Two of the latter were ldlled.
The insurgents have derailed a train
near Plapeta. Lieutenant Galgo, who
surrendered the small dispatch boat Dos
de Mayo at Aserradero bay recently to
a number of insurgents who attacked
the natrolin!? craft miexDectcdlv. has
arrived here with the crew of the ves
sel, consisting of 12 men. They are ru.-
rler :irresfc mid will be tried by cCort
Confirmation has been received here
of the reports that a body of men was
seen Intelv nrrmiid Camarioca. Oil the
Canimar river, province of Matanzas.
These men arc supposed to have be
longed to a recently landed filibustering
Five now cable offices will shortly be
opened between Cionfugos and Santiago
de Cuba, namely at Casilda. Tuuasjie
Zaza, Jucaro, Santa Uruz ana Aiauzan
illo. These offices will bo of great im
portance in conducting the military
movements in that region.
More Trouble Jn Tnrkcy.
Vienna, Oct. 24. Advices received
here from Constantinople say tho lib
eral movement among tlie Turks is
spreading. Seditious placards havo
been discovered posted in different parts
of the city and the disappearance is re
p jrted of several Softas and other nota
bilities. Tho government is making
military preparations in anticipation-of
trouble. -
Slaking Actlvo War I'rejiarations.
Paris, Oct. 24. The Politique Colini
ale, discussing the controversy between
Prance and Brazil over the Amapa ter
ritory, says that Governor Cabral is for
tifying Amapa, establishing entrenched
camps and shooting those who resist
him. The governor is also reported to
have received a piece of ordnance from
the Brazilian government.
Death of Joe Aronson.
JjOndox, uct. 24. Joe Aronson, a
brother of Rudolph Aronson, the well
known operatic manager of New York,
was found dead at the foot of the stairs
of the ledgings here which he occu
pied on "Warwick street. His neck was
broken, and it is supposed that he fell
down stairs wliile suffering from an
affection of the heart.
Chinese Rebels Gaining.
Shaxghai, Oct. 24. The Mohamme
dan rebels in Kangsu are increasing in
strength. The soldiers sent to quell the
rebellion are joining the rebels. The
Mollim rebels are rumored to be dis
persing, but there is no authentic in
formation from Swatow. The maurau
ders in southwest Kwang Tung are still
holding their own.
Was Right In Withdrawing.
London, Oct. 24. The Pall Mall -Ga
zette commenting upon tho action of
Mr. Charles D. Rose, in withdrawing
his challenge for the America's cup, re
marks: "Mr. Rose has done rjght in
withdrawing. Had he won the cup, it
would forever have lest the international
e?im?fif;iTiro TtrliifVh nmr nttnMioc f r if J
Sixty-Four Deaths on the Trip.
Algiers, Oct. 24.. The steamship
Canton has arrived here from Mo-
janga, island of Madagascar, with in
validated soldiers of the French expedi
tionary corps wliich has been operating
against the Hovas. Sixty-four deaths
occurred among the sick men on the
journey from Madagascar to this port.
St. IvOUis Ixst Her Rudder.
London, Oct. 24. The American line
steamer St. Louis, Captain Rande,which
sailed from New York Oct. 10'for South
ampton, passed Prawle Point this morn
ing and signalled that she had lost her
rudder. She asked for two tugs to meet
her outside the needles to assist her to
Col Ware In England.
London, Oct. 24. There were 11 de
grees of frost in London this morning
and the cold was very severe in the
north. Snow fell in Lancashire and
other points throughout the night.
Chief Justice Hancock Dead.
Kingston, Jamaica, Oct. 24. Chief
Justice Hancock died here of bloodv
Had Abandoned the Ilnrnin? City of St.
Aunstino Off Ilattera.
Boston Oct. 24. Captain Gaskill, his
wife and the crew of tlie steamer City
of SL Augustine arrived here this morn.
ing on the steamer City of Macon, hav-
, ing been picked up by the latter after
' leaving the burning St. Augustine off
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: Dear Sir: I have been suffer
ing wilk Ick headache for a long time. I used
yoar Family Cure and now am entirely relieved.
I woald not do without your msdicine. Mrs. O.
Ai Hillcr. Sold by H. Lbugloy.
v W
Order by telephone from
Dr. A. P. Sawyer I hove had llheumntism eince-
Iwns-20 years old, bat since usiDf y-.ur Family
Care have been free from it- It also cured my
hutsbnml of. tho same disease. Mrs. Robt. Con
nelly, Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by F. II. Longley.
A 13 C of Advertising
,x Attention.
is the Best- Advertising Me
dium in Western-Nebr.
1 -Builder.
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine,
H- V
Newton's Book Store.
There is no finer agricultural sec
tion in all this broad western coun
try than can be found in the vicinity
of the beautiful little town of
Wheatland, Wyoming, ninety-six
miles north of Cheyenne. Immense
crops, never failing supply of water,
rich land, and rreat
Magnificent farms to be
iiau tor little money. Keaciiea via
the Union Pacific System.
E. Li. Lomax,
Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Minneapolis and St Paul. Minn., to Los An
geles, California.
Arrangements have just been com
pleted whereby the Union Pacific
and connecting- lines will run a
Pullman Tourist Sleeper from Min
neapolis and St. Paul, Min
nesota, to Los Angeles, California,
via Sioux City and Columbus, Neb.,
without change; car to leaye Min
neapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota,
Paul every Thursday at 7:30 p.m.,
and returning leaves Los Ansreles
! at 2:00 p.m. every Thursday.
For comtort there is nothing" that
excels the tourist car operated by the
Union Pacific and it is an establish
ed fact that this makes faster time
than any other line in the west.
This already gives promise of being-
the popular line for California
travel, and applications for space in
the sleeper should be made early.
For information in regard to this
through car line, apply to your near
est Union Pacific agent or
Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Omaha, Neb.
Children with pale, blnih complexion?, indicat
ing the absence of the requMto red globules in the
blood hhonld take Dr. 8awyer's Ukntlne. For ile
F. by II. Longley.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
Witch H&ZOl Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
andalways gives satisfaction.
It Cbes Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Pissurcs and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore tipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt "Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and Si. 00.
Sold by Druggists, or Mat post-paid on receiptof pries.
HCaPHKtTS SEB. CO., Ill A lis KWUm 5tw Terk.
Office over N.
P. Xtl. Bank.
Office over North. Platte National Bant.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacflc Bp""'"
and Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streltx's Drug Store.
M. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women
and Children a Specialty.
& Benson,
Prospective schemes investigated. Un
protitabloschpmes rejuvenated. Surveys,
Maps, Estimates and reports made, and
construction superintended.
Offlcein North Platte Mnrri PlaHo Moh
National Bank BIdfr, INOrtn riaiie, INeD.
How are
Your Wheels?
Not those in your head, but
almost any other variety.
If they nre not working
smoothly then they are in
want of repair.
Ill this Age of Wheels
the fellow who does not take good
care of his machine gets left be
cause ho is not right in the race
of life.i"!
Le?1 aster the Locksmith
does the best wheel work west of
Kearney. He also does repairing
of any kind of machinery, from
a watch to a threshing machine
His Prices are Right.
Don't forget the number 207 E. Sixth.
Funeral Director.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always in stock.
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
No.S Atlantic Express
No. 2 Limited
No. 23 Freight
No. 18 Freight
No. 22 Freight
.Bept 12:10 a. ai.
8 15 a. 31.
.. " 9:20 a.m.
... ' 7.-0O a. at.
. .. " 6.-00 p. at.
... " 4:00 a, ai.
No. 7 Pacih'p lixorese Dppt 7:10a. at
No. 1-Litnited " 11:00 p. ji
No. 21-FroiKht " 350 P. st
No. 23-Freight '
N. B. OLDS. Agent.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schnialzried's. Try
them and judge.
State of Ohio, Crrr of Toledo, I
Lucas County, )'
Prank J. Cheney mnkes oath that he is
the senior partner of tho firm of F. J.
Cheney &Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid
and that said firm will pay the" sum of
One Hundred Dollars for each and every
case of Ctitarrn that cannot be cured by
the uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Prank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subcrlbed in
my presence this Gth day of December,
A. D- 18SG.
, ' A. V. GLEASON,
- seal. I Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O.
3F"Sold by Druggists, 75 c.
On tho 27th day of August, 1895, on
my place on section 10. town 12, range
28, ono sorrel maro about 4 years old,
white streak in forehead nearing left eye,
white on nose, small white spots on her
back.hind legs whito from knees down,
weighs about 800pou:ide, had on a halter
when taken up. The owner is requested
to call nd prove property, pay charges
and take her away, or it will be sold ac
cording to law. O. A. Hart.
E STRAY NOTICE-Taken up on or
about July 1st, 1.895. on tho north
west quarter of section 28, town 13,rango
in .Lincoln county, by the under
signed who thero residep, ono dark bay
mare pony, weight 700 lbs, branded 17
on left shoulder.
Also one buck-kin horse pony with
strap around neck; no brand. The owner
of said animal3 can have same by prov
ing property and paving charges.
FOWLES BROS., Maxwell, Neb.
Notice tor publication.
U.S. Lnnd Office, North Platte, Neb., I
September 23th. 18S3. "
Notice Is hereby fjlven that James Ware has filed
noUce of Intention to make final proof before Reg
ister and Receiver at his ofllce in North Plalt,
Neb., on Wednesday, thb 30th day of October, 1S93,
on timber cultnre application No. 13,59ft, for the
south half of the northeast quarter north half of
the southeast qaarterof section No. 14, in town
ship No. 14 north, range No. 32 west. He names
as witnesses: John II. Hershey. William O.
Thompson and Xavier ToiUion, all ot Hershey,
Neb , and Napoleon B. Spurrier, of North Platte,
Nebraska. Johu F. UwsrAif,
'"-6 Register.
To W. E. Higley and W. ii. Strong:
You will take notice that Benjamin Daggett, as
plaintifT, did on the 19th day of July, 1S95, file his
petition in the District court of Lincoln countr,
Nebraska, against Alpha Hill, Serilda II1U,W.E.
Higley and V. M. Strong, as defendant?, the object
and prajer of which is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by Alpha Hill and Serilda III 11 to
the Saint Joseph Loan & Trust Company, a cor
poration, upon the east half of the northeast
quarter (K4XE J4.the northwest quarter of tho
northeast quartorN W ?it N E l.j land tho northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter (N E '4 N W Ji),
all in section numbered ten (10) in township num
bered ten (10), of range numbered thirty-four
(34), west of the Sixth principal meridian contain
ing one hundred and sixty (160) acres more or
less according to United States survey, to secure
the payment of a certain prommlssory note dated
October first, A. D., 18S9, for the sum of six hun
dred dollars ($tiC0), due and payable on the first
day of October, 1894, which noto and mortgage
were afterwards sold, assigned and delivered to
the abovo named plaintiff who Is now the legal
owner and holder thereof; that there Is now duo
upon said noto anil mortgage tho sum of six
hundred dollars (ftiOO) with interest thereon at the
rate of seven per cent, per annum from the first
day of April. 1801, until the first day of October,
1804, and with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent, per annum from tho first day of October,
1MM, until paid: for which sum, with interest and
costs of suit, said plaintiff prays for a decree that
the defendants above named be required to pay
the same or that said premises be sold to satisfy
the amount found due said plaintiff, and for n de
croj forever barriDg nnd foreclosing alt of said
defeudauts f rom all equity of redemption or other
interest in said premises.
You are required to answer said petition on or
beroro the 20th day of October, lb05.
Dated this 20th day of September, 1S03.
S213 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Nancy Francis Farmer, John Logan Farmer and
Ethel Farmer, defendants will take notice that on
the 22d day of November, 1804, William Stnll and
Louis Stull (partners as Stull Brothers), the plain
tith heroiu, filed their petition in the district court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object and prayer of which aro to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by Sarah C.
Farmer and Samuel Farmer to Plaintitfs upon the
northeast quarter of section 20, in township 10
north, of rango 3i west of sixth principal meridian
in Lincoln eminty, Nebraska, to secure tho pay
ment of 10 ceitain promissory notes, said notes
dated May tHh, 1K02, for the sum of $ 10.50, each
due and payable Dec. 1st, 1692, Jne 1st and Dec
lst,lSOS,lSOJ,l.syr,li50l5,nnd June 1st, 1807: said mort
gage provided that in caso nny ot said aotes or
coupons, are not paid wnen due, or within 10 days
thereafter, the whole sum secured thereby may bo
declared to be duo and payablo; there is now due
on said notos, coupons, and mortgage tho sum ot
11713.18, with intorest thereon from 4uly 1st, 1S94,
at ton per cent per nunum, for which sum plain
tiffs pray for a decree that defendants bo required
to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You aro required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the ISth day of November, 1803.
Dated October 9th. 1SJ5.
8M Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Fire and LitekmaDf,
Notary Public.
3,000. m$ of Ditch Land
Land and Emigration A pent. ,
Claude Weingamu
Coal Oil, Gasoline
Crude Petroleum and t
Coal Gas Tar. , .
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
,mm .
Pure Well Water Ice.
Orders for the above product mar
be left at Streitzs or McCabe's'
drug- stores, or with the milk wag
on and they will receive prompt at
tention. Orders for
PURS Ml m n
may also be given the latter and
they will be promptly filled.
Hershey & Co.
kiculliiral : I
Farm and Spring Wagons,,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps,
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixths
Man'fr of and Dealer in
Curbing, Building Stone,
And all kinds of Monumental and Cemetery; vrorV;
Caref nl attention given to lettering of everyftljS
scription. Jobbing done on short notice.' nlersi
solicited and estimates freely furnished.