THE NORTH PFATTE SEMFWEEKEI TRIBUNE : " FRIDAY EVENII6; "OCTOBER 25;1895T IRA Ii. BAKE, Editor and Pjropeietoe SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year, cash In advance, $1.25, SlxlToaths, cash In advance. 75 Cents. Entered aUheNorthPlatt(Nebra8ka)postofficeas second-class matter. Republican Ticket. Forejudge of Supreme Court T.L. NORVAIi. For Regents State Univerrity 0. H. MORRILL, H. L. GOULD. For Judge, 13th Judicial District H. M.GRIMES. " ' For Treasurer E. B. WARNER. For Clerk S. C. WILLS. For Sheriff WILEY MATTHEWS. For County Superintendent ' MARY E.HOSFORD., For County Judge JAMES M. RAY. For Clerk of District Court W. C. ELDER. For Surveyor F. H. BENSON. For Coroner v. N. F. DONALDSON. For Co. Commissioner 2d Diet. 5 T T TiTmvnn .Another edition of ten thous and of my cards, printed on heavy card board, suitable for carrying- in the pocket, have been printed and will be sent post paid in any quant ity to applicants, regardless of party. 33. B. Voters who like to be on the winning; side will show good judg--ment by voting- the republican ticket. We can assure them this far in advance of November 5th that the entire republican ticket will be elected. After that date you will not be able to find a dozen men who will admit that they.Toted the pop ulist ticket. The populists will hold a meeting- at Wallace to-morrow evening- at"which all the candidates will be nrpcpnf TMiJc nrprlncf i flip nnp from which the populists expect to ' g"et their big- majority, and they are concentrating- their efforts to keep their men in line. It will be a little surprising-, however, if their ticket g-ets the majority there that it did two years ago. o o- GrvmxET, "RiviviNrcHAM will lmrdlv admit that all populists are rascals because the populist treasurer of Custer county stole $13,000 of the ' county funds, and yet the Colonel does not hesitate to say that all re puplicans are rascals because Mosher succeeded in filching thous ands out ot the state. It makes" quite a difference with the Colonel as to whose ox is g"ored. Joe Tridi,e, of Wallace, is not so rr 1 r ticket this year as in former years. Jim Hopkins has succeeded him as second lieutenant, so it is said, and does all his political work from purely consciencious motives. Mr. Seaton.- the chairman of the pop ulist county committee, knows his men and expects Hopkins to hold the party in line. . If the people who are interested will take the time to examine the county records they will find that I J. H. Clark as treasurer turned in excess lees each ot the years he held office. It is not out of place to add that a big- proportion of the excess fees turned in by Mr. Bu chanan came from parties who had claims against the county and whose taxes were deducted' from the warrants by order 'of the com missioners. The commissioners take this method of forcing- the pay ment of taxes about once in four 'years. -.acnve in ms si nnnrrnr r p nnn r: That man who thinks that John 'R. Ritner as county commissioner wilt expend the people's money by increasing- any official's salary, increasing- the number of deputies, or awarding- contracts to the highest bidders.are evidently notacquainted with Mr. Fdtner. He conducts his personal business on strict business principles, and will exercise the same care and dilig-ence in transacting- the business of Lincoln coun ty when elected commissioner. A number ot the heaviest tax-payers of the Second district, not all of whom are republicans, heartily en dorse Mr. Ritner's candidacy be cause they know he is ajjood busi ness man. Why do our populist brethren of Wallace kick on Jim Seaton as chairman of the central committee? Didn't he do the party noble service in''93? Was he not promised after the election of that year that if he would remain faithful until '95 he would be provided for? Is he not one of the foremost representatives of the party in Wallace? He is thought to be over this way, and is already slated for deputy in the of fice of clerk of the district court in case of Ericsson's election. Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr, Saw yer's UfcaUne. It is the greatest remedy n the rorld for making the -weak strong. For sale by F. H. Longley. It is said that Jalce Miller, in making- his canvass tor re-election, is calling- attention to the fact that during- the past two years -he has m violation of his oatli of office purposely appraised lands to be sold under foreclosure at such high figures that sales could not be made at two-thirds of the appraised val ue as reouired bv law, and w is seekine- to convev the im- o pression that his action is solely in the interest of the debtor. A little investigation will show that his real motive is to line his own pock ets at the expense of the unfortu nate debtor, and to compel liti gants to pay exorbitant tribute to the insatiable greed of the Era. Under the law when an order of sale is placed in the hands of the sheriff he is required to summon two free-holders and the three ap praise the debtor's interest in the land. The land is then advertised and offered for sale. If fairly ap praised, it is sold and the sheriffs fee paid out of the proceeds 'will amount to about $10 to $20. The Era's bill for printing the'sale no tice would be from $9 to $12.50 -a rake-off that ought to satisfy these friends (?) of the poor debtor. But they are not so easily satis fied. They have power to rob the debtor under the forms of law, and they don't hesitate to skin him to the limit. Miller causes the lands to be appraised so high that sales cannot be made. By so doing, un der the law, if not sold at the first offering, the lands are advertised a second time and offered again. Miller's and the Era's cost bills are doubled up and yet the land is not sold. Again Miller goes through the farce of appraising the land and again advertising the sales that don't sell, and again Miller and the Era file their bills of costs. "When their costs get large enough to eat up the value of the land, Miller will probably see that the appraise ment is made low enough so the property can be soldaud he and the Era will divide the proceeds, leav ing the judgment for the debt hanging over the debtor's head af ter exhausting the security that should have paid the debt but in stead was devoted to the payment of these outrageous costs. It is a nice game played solely in the interest(?) of the poor debtor. In view of the fact that in nine cases out of ten there is no contest between debtor and creditor, the debtor having aban doned the security and being anx ious that it should be applied to the debt so that the debt would not be hanging over him, the plea that this robbery is for the benefit of the debtor won't hold water. When the populists secured con trol of our board of commissioners our county finances were in good shape. All bills were being prompt ly allowed and warrants drawn in payment. At the present time our levy is up to the limit the law per mits and instead of getting on a cash basis the county finances are getting worse and worse. When the new levy was made in July last, which should be used tor the ex penses of the ensuing year, there were bills enough on file to use up the entire levy and leave claims amounting to about $1,000 unpaid, and since then bills are being piled up against the county which there is not even a levy to meet. It is safe to say that our floating in debtedness has increased fully $20, 000 by populist misrule and mis management. This can be ac counted for partly by the system of looting the treasury for the ben efit of the Era gang; in letting con tracts to the highest bidders; by the action of honest Mr. Buchanan in padding the treasurer's state ments so that the Era's bill-vfpr publishing the same is treble what it would be if the statement was made in accordance with law. The almost, continuous sessions of the commissioners at $9. 00 per day and their exorbitant bills for mileage have become a scandal, so much so that they have been prevailed to let up until after election. It is time the looters were turned down and honest competent men put in charge of our county affairs. Vote for John R. Ritner, people of the Second district, and we will have a change. With Thomson and Rit ner in control the count'- treasury will be protected. A report on labor strikes during the past seven and a half years show the loss toiiavebeen$21,889, .000 to the employers and $26,832,000 to the employes, a total ot $48,721, 000, or an average of about $6,000, 000 per year. In the light of these figures it does not look as though labor strikes were a success. Allen G. Thurman's democratic club in Columbus, O., took advan tage of the young man's absence the other day from a club meeting and adopted unanimously a resolu tion denouncing his free coinage heresy and the attempt to mix up the minds of the faithful on finan cial matters when the offices were what they really wautetC Dr. J. S. Devries who lias pub lished the Fremont Herald the past eighteen months, has retired from that paper and Nat Smails, the for mer publisher, is again at the helm Devries valedictory was the short est on record, consisting of the words "I have quit." We are not ready to believe that the few pieces of silver which Jim kins, of Wallace, received was in tended to purchase his services for the populist candidateAPhom he is so zealously supporting. It may have been only intended for his legitimate cambaign expenses. . o Don't forget that any dollar of manufactured product brought to this country, that can be made in this country, cuts off that much of demand for American labor. The republicans believe that it is better to make all in this country that can be made here keep American and home labor employed. This can be done by keeping in power a repub lican administration. Now is th time to make agood start for 1896 by electing the entire republicai ticket this year. Seward Blade. The total yield of cereals this year is placed at over three and a half billion bushels (3,600,000,000) bushels moje than the productioi of last year.- If we bad 70,000,000 people in the country this would give 250 bushels to each family, with 100,000,000 bushels to spare. Tlu figures are large, but no larger than the problem of marketing the sui plus so as to get an approximation to its real value. New York World. STEAD OX THIS MONROE DOCTRINE. Thinks Americans Will 1'iwU the Vena zuehtn Quarrel to the Point of War. London, Oct. 24. Mr. W. T. Stead has a long article in the "Westminster Gazette on ' -Monroeism," during the course of wluch he says: "Englishmen would do well not to belittle the signifi cance of the ebullition of American sentiment on the question of the Vene zuelan frontier. It must be taken with the usual discount, and is -n-doubt due to the system by which foi & a affairs arc discussed by brawling journalists rather than by suave diplomats; but it is serious nevertheless. Its gravity con sists in two facts, neither of winch have anything-to do with the merits- of the question in dispute. In the first place, for the first time since the civil war, the Americans have briilfc a navy of which they have some "reason to be proud, aud which, sooner or later, they will use against somebody. In the second place, it is equally significant that the Amer ican press assures the United States that the Monroe doctrine has been informally adopted as a national faith by the Amer ican people, and the dispatch sent to the New York World (referring to the re ported Bayard-Salisbury interview) has a basis of truth. "We do not fear arbitration; but be fore it begins reparation must be made for the highhanded violation of the ter ritory governed by England." CVnXS FTLIBUSTKKS CAPTURED. Will Be Tried by British Authorities at Nassau. ' Washington, Oct. v4. It has been duo to the activity of Minister Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish representative in Washington, that the large baud of Cu bans, charged in Delaware with being filibusters, have been apprehended in one of the Bahama islands. Brief word of the capture has already been received heretofore and has now been confirmed by official advices. Since the acquittal at Wilmington, Del., of the Cubans charged with being filibusters, the minister has not lost track of the men. While the jury found them guiltless, the minister was satisfied that they in tended to conduct an expedition to Cuba, but took no step toward their appre hension until they reached one of the Bahama islands and were under the jurisdiction of the British authorities. The latter were quick to act on informa tion from Wasliington and as no British war vessel was at the point of Cuban rendezvous, a ship was ordered to pro ceed from Jamaica. The capture was effected without difficulty and the pris oners taken to Nassau, where they will be tried by the British. The impression among officials here is that the suspects wilL be dealt with by the British authori ties in a summary way. The capture is regarded as one of the most important thus far made. SAN F1JANCISCO NOT FAVORED. Either Chicago or Pittsburg Will Get the Republican National Convention. New York, Oct. 24. Following the conference last night which resulted in issuing the call for the meeting of the national committee on Dec. 10, there was a dinner at the Brunswick to which Chairman Carter, jGeneral J. S. Clark- son and T. C. Piatt sat down. It is al leged that it was decided at this dinner, so far as the will of three men may de cide it, that the national Republican convention will be held either in umcago or jt'ittsDurg, ana probably on June 10. It was said that 17 members of the national committee had expressed a prefcrencefor San Fran cisco as the convention city, while 25 votes are necessary to a choice. San Francisco, it was alleged, cannot obtain the requisite eight additional votes. COULTER RETURNS TO C3IAHA. Denies That He Ever Stole Any Funds From the City. Omaha. Oct. 24. Jerome K. Coulter, former denurr city treasurer, who is ac cused of having appropriated $31,500 of the city tunas, amvea in umana at noon today in charge of Chief of Detec tives Cox. He was immediately taken to the nolice station, where he was lodged in jail pending the preliminary hearing before Judge JBerKa. Coulter was arrested in Is ew Orleans ten days' ago and Captain Cox was sent to bring him back to this city. When asked if he had anvtliinc to say as to the charges preferred against him, Coulter said: "I have absolutely nothing to say except that the charges OTP. false from becinninir to end. I never stole a dollar belonging to the city, and have no doubt that my trial, if con ducted fairly. win prove it." Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure ELECT SENATOR BOAR. National Conference of Unitarian . Eelains Him as President. SYMPATHY FOE AEMENIANS Resolution Adopted at the Wasliington C invention End of an Important Meet ing of Christian Churches 3Iarkcd "by Interesting Proceedings. WAsmxiEjiffON, Oct. 24. The closing day's proceedings of the national con ference of Unitarian and other Chris tian churches was the most important and interesting of the convention. Ad dresses were delivered by a number of leading clergymen and prominent lay men. The follQwing resolution was offered by Rev: S J. Barrows of Boston, and subsequently adopted by the con ference: Resolved, That this conference ex tend its deep sympathy to the suffering people of Armenia, whose loyalty to their Christian faith has brought upon them anew the terrible rigors of persecution, from which thev have suffered for ceu- SENATOR GEORGE F. HOAR. turies. In tho name of humanity we protest against the . outrages committed under Turkish misrule. . "We recognize the responsibility of tho treaty powers to secure governmental reform, the bet ter administration of justice in the courts and the enjoyment of perfect lib erty of conscience. "We look with ex pectation and confidence to the results of the determined action of tho English government in this direction. T The annual election of officers WsnLtN in the re-election of United States Sen ator Hoar of Massachusetts as president, the Rev, "W. D. 'Mooreliouso of New York general secretary and "William Howell Reed of Boston treasurer. Three of the vice presidents were re elected, tho full list of vice presidents standing as follows: United States Com missioner of Labor Carroll D. "Wright, Massachusetts; Thomas J.Morris, Balti more; Gorman D. Eaton, New York; Roger "Wolcott, Milton, Mass.; Horace Davis, San Francisco, and Daniel Shorey, Chicago. The old council was re-elected with the exception of Rov. W. I. Chaffin of the New England states' comimttee,Ed ward A. Horton being elected his suc cessor. Perry's School Hoard In Trouble. Perry, O. T., Oct. 24. Henry Ruck, acting as attorney for the colored peo ple of Perry, said he was drawing up papers to have Perry's school board put in jail if they do not obey the writ of mandamus granted by Judge Sierer ten days ago, oi-dering Prof. J. "W. Augus tine of the board to admit colored chil dren to the public school. The board had previously ordered the colored scholars to go to their own school in another district. The case will be heard November 12. In the meantime the school board may have to go to jail for contempt of court. 3Iay Return to Old Methods. "Washington, Oct. 24. There is much regret in official circles because of the probability that the turmoil through winch Corea has recently passed is likely to embarrass and possibly dis continue the Corean legation in "Wash ington which has long been one of the most picturesque features of diplomatic life here. The legation has received no official advices from tho new govern ment and it is becoming apparent that those in control at Seoul represent tho old ideas against intercourse with for eign powers. I mult Cost Him His Ufe. Chicago, Oct. 24. Walter Dobbins. 18 years old, shot and killed Joseph Mil ler, a carpenter, today because the lattei used insulting language toward Dob bins' mother. Miller and Mrs. Dobbina had quarreled and the man applied a vile epithet to the woman. "Young Dobbins ordered Miller to cease swear ing, but the latter repeated ''the epithet, and was shot tlirough the heart by the enraged man. Cliarged With Criminal Negligence. Mexico, Mo., Oct. 24. L. j. Julian, conductor of "Wabash train Nbk 23 at the time of the fatal wreck at.Martins- b org, Tuesday night, was; arrested and1 brought to this city today on a war--rant sworn out by the "Wabash rail way, charging him with criminal negli gence. Baptist State Convention. Burlixgtox, Oct. 24. The third, day pf the Baptist convention had the largest attendance of any convention of Baptist representatives m this state. Rev. C. H. Strickland, D. D., of Sioux City, de livered an address on "Elements of the Power In the Churches." Ji-i,slditUl Traki'ft Ketcrv Trip. Gaixi-sviixe. Ga.. Oct. 24. The pres idential train passed through here on its ! jreturu trip to "Washington from the Atlanta exposition about 3:50 o'clock tnis morning. Baking Powder ALASKA BOUNDARY QUESTION. Agitation Against the Great tand Grabbci Taken Uo fcr American Residents. Seattle. Oct. 24. The agitation of the Alaska boundary question has been taken np bodily by tho American rest' dents of Juneau and a move is now be ing made to form a boundary club at that place to keep the people and the government fully alive to tho danger oi Inrinrr im-aJnablo Yukon mines. As already indicated, the war cry "Ten nia Ana leagues or light" is lieing sounded. The situation is riven by G. B. Swine- heart, editor of the Alaska Mining Rec ord, at Juneau, who is now in this city. "If England can effect entrance to the Yukon country," he said, "she will be satisfied, and she hopes to accomplish that object by securing Dyea inlet as a port of entry. She will also try to ob tain Annette island, but will waive that and all oher considerations in order to contrcTChe rich mines of the north. She would undoubtedly relinquish all claim to the rest of the territory to gain her end, and if she succeeds we might as well give up any claim on Alaska." "W. Otis Smith, editor of tho Alaskan, published, at Sitka, is also in the city. He said: "All England wants is a sea port at the entrance to the Yukon coun try, and she has raised this pretended, claim on the southern boundary so that she may figure in tho eyes of tho world as magnanimous. She will forego this claim magnanimously if tho United States will admit the claims she is set ting up in tho Chilcat country and let her have a seaport giving access to the Yukon. But tho, boundary has long been established, and I do not see why we should submit anything to arbitra tion." ' GRUESOME SCENE AT KU CHENG. Bungling Work" of the Chinese Headsman. Sixteen More on the List. Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 24. The steamship Empress of Japan brings ad vices from tho Orient as follows: A correspondent at Foo Chow sends the following account of tho executions at Ku Cheng on the morning of the 17th ult: Seven of the murderers were exe puted at the south gate of the city. All the members of the commission were present with the exception of Captain Newell and Rev. "W. Bannister. The scene was a gruesome one, ouly one. head being severed at the first blow, the others being chopped, and the unfortu- nate wretches left to die. The execu tions took place quite suddenly, tho tao tai on the previous day announcing that he had received a telegram from the viceroy authorizing the ' executions. Since then the names of 16 more crim inals havo beon communicated to the viceroy for execution. MRS. YZXAGA GETS A DIVORCE. Decree Is Granted In Aurora County, South Dakota. Yankton, Oct. 24. The decree of di vorce has been granted in tho caso of Mrs. Mabel "W. Yznaga against Fernan do A. Yznaga of New York City. Tho complaint alleges desertion of the plain tiff by the defendant on the uth of Feb ruary, 1894, and asks for a reasonable alimony and the expenses of the suit. The defendant made no contest, but ap peared by attorney so as to render the decree as valid to him as to her. All the evidence in the case was in the form of depositions from New York in corroboration of Mrs. Yznaga's com plaint. There is nothing in the decree relative to property rights, it being un derstood, that this matter has been ar ranged between the parties to their mutual satisfaction. Mrs. Yznaga has been a resident of Yankton six mouths, and will remain hero for the present. BAD PENNSYLVANIA WRECK. Engineer and Fireman Killed and Several Postal Clerks Injured. Altoona, Pa., Oct. 24. A disastrous wreck occurred on the Pennsylvania railroad at Newport. A disabled car on the eastbound freight track jumped tho track just as mail train No. 7 was at that point, aud a bad wreck resulted. The locomotive and tender were hurled into the canal, and the postal and freight cars were piled up over tho tracks. En gineer "WilMll and Fireman Haines of Harrisbnrg were instantly killed, aud 8 or 10 postal clerks were injured. O. A. Chamberlain of Harrisburg is reported fatally injured. Four mail cars took fire, and together with a large amount nf mail matter, were burned up. OHIO TOWN" A PREY TO THE FLAMES. Fifty Business Places Burned at Gibson hurg WItlia 300,000 Loss. Gibsonburg, O., Oct. 24. Shortly after midnight a fire broke out in the rear of "Whitney & Powers' grocery store, spread rapidly and burned two squares, containing 20 buildings, in cluding about 50 business places in the town. The Toledo department arrived at 2:45 a. m. and went to work to save property. Tho north side of Madison and part of tho "west side Of Main street -was burned. The less alTtold is placed at 250,000 to 00,000. A call . for aid for those burned out will no doubt be made as everything was destroyed. - j. plot Unearthed sln the palace. Officials Near the Sullaa 'Implicated and "Alany Under Arrest. . - j . ., , London, Oct. 24. A . special dispatch received here from Constantinople 'says that a plot has been discovered&mong the officials of the sultanas palace J- In consequence, it is added, numerous; ar rests have been made, and .the residences of the ministers are now guarded' by troops. " Fatally Shot by a Depiity Sherin Atchison, Kan., Oct. 24. Ed Ackloy, a tramping switchman, was fatally shot while crossing the Atchison bridge by Haste Brannaman, deputy sheriff of Buchanan county. Wealthy Hone Thief. St. Joseph, Oct. 24. G. "W. "Wolke witz, who claims to be the son of a wealthy St. Louisan, was arrested here on the charge of horse stealing at Lftavenwarth. W. IW. YOUNG. i 2 DEKLER IN- LUMBER AND COAL, HERSHEY, NEBRASKA. We have just established a lumber and coal yard at Hershey, and are carrying a. full stock of lumber, building material and coal. Every thing in our line is guaranteed to be sold as low as at any point in the county, and we shall be glad to figure on your bills. A. F. STREITZ, Dfugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, PAINTEES' SUPPLIKS, WINDOW GLASS, 3DIa,2La,nt a, D entsolie A-potlaeke. Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts. - u ' v g K : $lr f Seasonable K;- ? ff Hardware. WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOU-E AND BUGGY PAINTS, K.LSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1863. - - - - 310 SPRUCE STREET. F, J- BROEKER. - 4 MERCHANT TAILOR. NORTH : PLATTE : PHARMACY, Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager. EN LJ-t'L'Jrd- Jr-'L!-A.'L"JL,tLL We aim to handle the Best Grades of Goods, sell them at Heasonable Figures, and "Warrant Everything Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific railway respectfully solicited. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Gdr nice. Tin and Tron Roofiners. Estimates furnished. Repairing of ' t i-cl i' r i xiocusir ocreec, oetween nun ana oixm, . INTorth IPlatte, FINEST SAMPLE E00M IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see u?, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. K-T-yr-PFTs RT.nmr opphsttp. .h"tc nwinTJ pa nmin TTR'.pnnT r W. H. HILL, Manage. -:- MACHINE OMR - Spectacles. A. Fine Line of Piece Goods to select froiri. First-class Fit. . Excel lent Workmanship. - - -IN JiJ-3Jz0i-JJSja.. .ill kinds receive prompt attention Tvit a or n. TSTebraska.! i