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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1895)
( r 0 0, as?' NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25, 1895. NO. 85: J AC Are to be found in and ,at all -u. The Boston Store Our best grade garments are being sold at ,lowerj). rices than other dealers ask for in ferior grades. An inspection of our gar ments will convince you that this is true. Softool Of all -C. 7 NEWTON'S, - f bent. iincnesorone penci rgl C, M. Newton's Book Store. first Tsf&iioiiau NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Gapitalv Surplus,- S E. A General Banking ECIAL BKOE'SALE Otten's Shoe Store. PRICES 'CUT IN -In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies' fine Ludlow Shoes, Regular price $4,00 ttf $4.75, at S3 .00. Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little money. V All ourMen's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25. All diir"Boy'sfine;lace and button shoes, the best made, : vcso cn QVirto of. ftl fifi SI fi5 Shoe SI. sA large line of Ladies', Misses' and Children s blippers L - will be sold at prices that will -Save vou 1-3 to 1-2 of your money. Children's Shoes, the best goods' that Ybe slaughtered at the same rate. 3STTj"W" XiXVEirA.lsrD PEED STABLE ' (Old "Can. Boran Stafolo.) bribes North west comer of Courthouse all styles, all lengths, prices-at . 1 Supplies kinds at The. largest and best five-cent toNorth Platte. The finest line of all grades of vennvi th every 5 and iDcent Tablet. 3496, - -.$50,000.00. - $22;500.00 M. F. LEFLANG, Preset., BariK ARTHUR McNAMARA, 'Cashier. Business Transacted. money can buy, will "7 - Gfrood Teams, - Comfortable Higs, battel hmwMm fcr tbs Fannie fnlfc IEXjODIEJIR, & LOOK. square. y THE "COLOITEL'S "WTVZS." -Brown's Brilliant Comedy to be Qivea Lloyd's next Wednesday XveaiBg. at The Coloners Wives," which is to be presented next Wednesday evening; Oct. 30th, by Mr. JSedley Brovvn's Tdeal5 Compawrr direction of Mr. Gustave Ffohman, is con ceded to be the most fetching com eav contnourea to tne stasre in years. As it is to be produced under the personal direction of the author. Mr. Sedley Brown, a fault less production is assured Tlfe "ColoneL's Wives" is said to possess all the humor and brilliancyof "Too Much Johnson," "Jane," and "Charley's Aunt" combined, v the plot is more feasible than- that of either of the afore-mentio'ried "care-dispellejrs." The whoiestory is based on strictly original'and reasonable lines, which cannot be said of many, .of the comedy suc cesses of to-day. The humor is of the spontaneous sort and the situa tions something to afford laughter for weeks to come. The storv in brief is as follows: An old friend of Colonel Mc Veigh's, on his death bed, request's that the Colonel marry his daughter Marjority, the Colonel's junior by many years. Th&: young - lady acquiesces with, the understanding that they go abroad and remain a year passing as father and daughr ter and that their relations shall be such. Tins the Colonel consents to and his real trouble begin. Mar jory, being both young and beauti ful, is soon surrounded by suitors, among the number being three coL lege students. For a lark she en courages their suit and promises to marry each of them providing they obtain her "father's" consent. The interviews between the young men and the supposed father supplies the first net work ot many compli cations wich follow. The Colonel, surmising that his 3'oung wife is endeavoring to have some fun at his expense, gives her hand to each of the young men, in fact, promis ing her to the stuttering student before-ttfelatte&can open his mouth kno.wnfrthe,iobiect -; bh his visit. StinMiexloesnot- apbroyefof? Marjory's conduct and to make her jealous gets up a violent flirtation with Mrs. Honeybee, who is "fat, fair and funny," and who is assidu ously laboring to reduce he avoird upois by the aid of dumb-bells and out-door exercises. In' the mean time, Ferrette, a female detective has appeared upon the scene. in search of a man and wife who are confidence operators and who are known to be passing themselves off as father and daughter. She learns of the Colonel's secret marriage and prepares to catch her game. To add to the complications which are now arising fast and furiously, the Colonel'sjirst wile, who is supposed to have been lost at sea many years ago, appears. She and Marjory learn that there is a female detect ive in tne liouse ana tuey eacn im agine the other to be" Ferrette and both set to work to obtain advice. They eventually establish their identity and the fun begius in earn est, to the discomfiture of the Col onel. Mrs. Colonel Washington McVeigh No. 1 is anxious to re establish herself as the iron-willed ruler of the McVeigh establishment while wife No. 2, who has met a former lover, Count De Rockford, is equally anxious to relinquish her claim on the unhappy Colonel, but tactly conceals her desires. In a spirit or tun Mariory makes things lively for everybody and the attentions she bestows on the Colonel is "gall and wormwood" to the unexpected visitor from "the bottom of the sea." Ferrette reap pears and arrests Colonel McVeigh, believing him to be a noted confi: dence operator, The Colonel sup poses that he is being arrested tor bigamy and cheerfully submits. He admits that Mrs. McVeigh No. 1 and Rev. Savajre, the minister who performed the ceremony, arc accom plices and they too. are arrested. Matters arcfinslly straightened out and all ends happily, the Colonel and his first wife being reunited and Marjory marrying the Count. This, the funniest of all up-to- comedies, was written especially for Miss Parker, who plays Marjory, by Mr. Sedley Brownand it is prp nounced the best of his many suc cessful plars. General Campos is "waiting-for the north winds to drive off yellow fever." "The north winds" may bring something else, if the General waits Ion ir enoujrh. Studebaker Wagons and Buggies at Hershey -&-Co-s, 0BOT7ABY 'NOTICE. The following- supplementarv obituary notice of Geo. W. McDon ald is contributed by a friend, and. corrects one or two minor errors occurring in the notice published -ia-Tuesdays'issue:. --r-rw-, George-W. McDonald -wasborn at . Cottonwood Springs, Feb. 1. 1872 Three months. later his parents re movedf wlth' him to North : Platte. When about eighteen months old, during a severeattackof spinal men; ingitis, he was totally deprived of his" hearing, together with the power of speech. This sa4- affliction has necessitated his absence from home the greater portion of his life. During the centennial year, 1876, . he was taken by his parents to several eminent specialists in the east in the vain nope tuat one misrht be found that would afford him relief. : At the ageof fseven, he was placed in the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha, which: he attended for eight Tears, visiting home only during bis summer vacation. In the fall of 1887 he entered the Class ot '96 of Gallander College the national school for the deaf, at Washington,, where eight years more of his. life -were, devoted to hard work and close application to study. George was passionately fond of all outdoorsports. At school l:e took an active interest in football and all college athletics; at home lie spent much or 111s vacation in huntiug. iroDaDiv it is to too mucn vio lent exercise on the field followed by hard study indoors that not a little of his loss of health is due. On leaving his school last April, where his lovable disposition and generous heart made him a favorite his friends presented him with a number of tokens expressive of their esteem. For a few weeks atter his arrival home, tieorge seemed to be gaining strength, but it proved to be but the common flattery of the dread dis ease from which he suffered. An unexpected hemmorrhaire on SqH.f23;:seryjejy TTVnm flin' Brink rnntrHv From battimejUb3v sank . rapidly until the evening or the ivtu, Dy a strange coincidence one year and a daT following the death of a brother, he passed away as the shadows of nirht were falling-, tc his long rest in a quiet and peace- sleeb. George had faith in the future, and without a tremor he calmly waited he comhiff of death over which le gained the victory. Death of Mr. Smerscn. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crane of Ogalalla will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Crane s father, Mr. . Emerson, who wnue tuey were living nere, was with them a greater part of the ime. jl nomas jmerson was born in Huron county; Ohio, December 19th, 1836. In 1887hei.moved his family to Nebraska, where, he has resided for the last eight years. In 1891 he suffered froma severe attack of -la grippe, the effects of which eventually caused his death. Mr. Emerson was a member of the M. E, church, having been con verted in icyu in; iortu i-'iatte, an upright, christian man, loved and esteemed by all who kew him. He leaves a wife and three daughters, 1 4 two sisters auo a brother to mourn his loss. The- funeral services, which were conducted by W. J. Crusen of North.Platte, were held in the Congregational church at Ogalalla, the Methodist church being repaired at the time, Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The symathy of sC large number of friends is extended to those in sor row. NICHOLS ANDjEESHEY KEWS. Several emigrant wagons accom- pauied by fine herds of cattle and horses have passed both east and west lately. , Thonja S,cott and several.. other parties irom fye vicinity of May- wood were up in the valley atter potatoes the fore part ,of the week, Politicians and wild, geese are visiting the valley in large quanti- ties at the present time. The the present former are harrassing the inhabi tants, while the latter is feasting- in the corn fields. Good potatoes readily bring twenty-five cents per bushel in this country,' while an inferior quality is being- sold at from fifteen to twen- ty cents. per bushel. The new school building at this placCwas highly spoken of by the -large crowd of outsiders who at- Cloak An -agent oi one of theraettSitfe and cape factories hi the United States will show his sanaplesat" Kenniejs on .hi-- "r ' ' WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30tlC; v Ladies can select what they want at wholesale prices, and have the benefit of a large stock from which to select. One day only RENNIE'S. Oct. 30. tended church, in it last Sunday. As election draws nighrepubli can victory grows bngmer each hour. The prospects at present indicate a hot procinct election at this place next month. Jacob Koch from the spmth- side Is loading baled hay- at Hersheyr Its destination is Chicajro. Eugene Goodwin and sister ar rived here from Kansas the latter part of the week. They are stop ping with their brother-in- law F. Lt. Terrv, who is at present con- fined to the -house by sickness. A pleasant time is reported by those who attended the sociable at W. O. Thompson last Friday even ing-. " Mrs. Layton and family who are moving from Keith county to Brady Island stopped over night with her daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sullivan last Suudav Mrs. fcjuiiivan accom panied them on their way Monday morning". Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson of North Platte were guests of Mrs. M. C. Brown and family yesterdaj-. Mr. P. returned home in the even- ing- but Mrs. f. remained and will 8" to Sidney w Celt. ith Mrs. Brown this Pat. ' BBADY BUDGET. Win. Hendy, of North Platte, spent the latter part of the week visiting friends in town. Beatty and Murphy shipped stock to Omaha Moudav. Messrs. Warner and Elder, of North Platte, were shaking hands with their many friends in town Tuesday. Geo. Dillon, of Cozad, was on our streets Mondav. An interesting programme was rendered at the Brady literary soci ety meeting Saturday night. The xt meeting will be held on No vember 1st. A bum wanted for shooting a brakeman at Hershey was captured in town Tuesday afternoon, he was taken to Gothenburg and turned over to officers. J. H. GiflSn transacted business at Hershey on Monday. The pops held a meeting at the school house Friday night. Quite a crowd, composed of children, re publicans and pops, had gathered to hold a literary meeting and were induced to remain and see the per formance. Bill Beattv was chosen chairman, after which Mrs. Frank lin, Hardin and Ericsson were made to perform for the benefit ot the audience. Then one Beeler spoke to a fast diminishing audience for an hour and a half at the close of which those who had not escaped had gone to sleep. The most notice able thing of the meeting was its being utterly devoid ot enthusiasm. The pops, by their gloomy looks, seemed to read the "hand writing on the wall." Wiggins. HEBEASKA NOTES. W.H. Smart of Shelton lately re- ceived thirty-one car loads of sheep, which he will fatten for the eastern markets. A man named Stawn at Scotia has a piece of continental currency that has been the property of his family for more than a hundred years. A tame covote took up quarters under the depot platform at Chad ron and put in the nights robbing hen-roosts until a charge of buck shot put an end to his merry-mak ing. Dr. Hanscom, living near Wood River sat fire to the dead weeds in his potato field to fit the land for plowing. He lost thirty tons of - hay and his neighbor lost twenty before the flames were subdued. ! Lew Moe of Fremont recently fell heir to one-third the estate ot his . Annottncement ! INVESTIGATE! A Golden Opportunity! Inspect Once again we are ready to do the rights thingby you, and are pleased to announce that we now have Open for inspection a sear sonable new line of , Clothing, Gents5 Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything to fit a man, boy or child. Star Clothing House, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. brother James, who died in Mon tana, where he operated a bank. The estate amounted to about $60, 000 and'was divided equally among two brothers and a sister. Eight hundred and seventy-seven bags of sugar, says the Norfolk News were turned out of the fac- iui ikoiuuai in iv.ii uuuia. Covert, W. B. Hight and D. Lee performed the feat of sewing, mark ing, and weighing 100 bags of sugar in fifty-eight minutes. A horrible accident happened to Mrs. J. Iv. Adair of Madison aged sixty-two years. She had accom panied her husband a few miles mtheast of town to get a load of straw. When crossing a slough she slipped from the load head iore- most, struck the hard ground witn sucn torce tnat ner scalp was . cut across right under the eyebrows i irom one ear to me ouuer ana tne r j. ii. . i ii whole torn back from and over the top of the skull several inches. She is in a precarious condition. and the doctor fears the scalp will not unite. Men may come and men may nations may rise and fall, new parties may, like mushroons. spring up in the nighttime and as quickly sink into obscurity and obli vion, but kind reader the repub lican party was legitimately born ancl will go on forever andever, even to the end of the world. You fel lows who do not belong to that party, the grandest on earth today, can curse and hammer away at it with all your might and main, but it will servive, return you good for evil and ever be the comforter of our nation. Valentine Republican. J. G. Hamilton, manager of the Grand Island beet sugar factory, in a recent interview said: "Every one is much interested in beet cul ture, and unquestionably new fac- tories will go up all over the west- era country if a protective policy is adopted by the national govern ment The beet crop is one unat tended by speculative influences; it insures the farmer a good living on the product often, acres of well cultivated beets, it furnishes work for children, and wherever there is a factorv the benefits are far reach ing. It is estimated that a factory the size of those at Grand Island or Norfolk will, with the industries tributary and necessary for its sus- our Great Offering tenance, furnish, a livelihood for about 7,000 souls. This western country is especially adapted to the development of this industry, and, it will not be long before Nebraska will be known as a sugar state as there are millions of dollars await ing for just such an investment" when capital caii feel positively assured that'the product of foreign pauper labor is not to be admitted to this country free, and the sugar trust monopoly is prevented from attempting to destroy and close up the beet sugar factories. The labor mg classes are fast realizing that prosperity always exists when there is plenty of work, and this can only be furnished by the operation of factories, mills and other industrial enterprises." rjlaretta Averv. the 10-vear-old neirrawho is converting so mnnv 1 -' whites and blacks in the South by her magnetic preaching, has pretty eyes and a ready command of pure and elevated language. She comes from Washington, and her mother who travels with her, says of her: 'Claretta has been preaching for nearly two years now, and she is just 10 years old. We taught her to read, but beyond that she has had no advantage. She is a per fectly artless child at home, has a lot of dolls, and is running in and out of the house all the time, sing ing, laughingand playing -with other children." f Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: Icon fay vrlUi pleaur9 that 1 have been using yoar medicine, and will rec ommend it to all suffering ladles. Mrs. W. W. Weathershee, Augnxta, Ga. Sold by F U Longley. American fruit has this year been received in large quantities in Europe, and met with much favor. Last year 9,000 barrels of Ameri can apples were sold in London for good prices. Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr. Saw yer's TJkatine. It is the greatest remedy in the world tor making the weak strong. For sale by FJ H. Longley. The people are glad to learn that "President Cleveland has returned to Washirigton with robust health, and never looked better." He has work ahead that, will call for "ro bust health." Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: After suffering fonr years with female weakness I woa persuaded by a friend tlry your Pastille.", and after using them for one year, I can say I nm entirely well. I can-, not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brooltv Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich, for alelyF. 11. Longley. . 'i if-