The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1895, Image 1

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..VOL. XI.
NO. U.
(MIC JiOTtli
- -7 a fiflK
M HfijRR Pl
A'neto be found in all
and at all
The Boston Store
Our best grade garments are. being sold at
loef-pfices than, other dealers ask for in-
tefioi:vgraaes. An inspection or our gui-
,5 jrrr
Jm- t ft
ments will convince
Of all kinds at
r C. 7; NEMTON'S.
'TftiSlt 5x8 inches for one pent. The largest and ,best five-cent
ialetr brqut tp NortH Platte. " The finest line of all grahes of
'Tablets. A iuler or lead pencil given with every 5 and 10 cent Tablet.
C. M. Newton's Book Store.
Capital, -
SjL Surplus,
A General Banking
Otten's Shoe Store.
Imorder to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies'
fine Ludlow Shoes,
; Regular price $4,00 to $4.75, at $3.00.
- -fs&rsrr"'-- 'Here is a chance to. have a fine shoe, for a little .money.
V Allour Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25. . .
illfour Boy's fine lace and button shoes, the best made,
&2.50.Shbe at $1.65-81.65 Shoe $i. ;
v A large line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers
will be sold at prices that will
: Save you 1-3 to 1-2 of your money.
?Ghildren's Shoes, the best goods that nioney can by, will v ....
- be laughtered at the sane rat.
r Otten's Shoe Store.
(Old "TZTaja. IDoraxt. Stablo.)
gpKorthwef t corner of Courthouse
styles, all lengths, .
prices at
I Mn
you that this is true.
E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't.,
Business Transacted.
Comfortable Higss
kwMvhtim for lis limm hk
The city council met iti regular
session last evening, those present
being Mayor Baker,, counciimen
clerk Scharmann. ;
The first business transacte'd was
a motion directing the mayor to
purchase three kegs of spikes for
use in crosswalks
A two dollar claim of the Wild
West hose company was allowed as
was also the bill of W.- R. Morgan
for killing an even dozen dogs. The.
claim ot John Davis for serving
poll tax notices, amounting to $30
was approved. The balance due
the Gutta Percha Mfg. Co., amount
ing to $120, was ordered paid out
of the general fund, and a warrant
for $311 was drawn in favor of the
waterworks company. '
This completed the routine busi
ness and the council then proceeded
to discuss the matter of purchas
ing hose for the fire department.
Ex-chief Evans and assistant chief
Hart were present and reported
that a good part of the hose now in
use was in bad condition. Under
ordinary fire pressure sections of
hose, were liable to burst at any,
time, which in case of a bad fire
might result disastrously. B.oth
these gentlemen recommended pur
chasing 750 feet of hose. There
was also present at the meeting a
Mr. Thompson, representing the
Chicago Fire Hose Co. He had
samples of his goods along, and
offered to sell his best 4-ply brand
at one dollar per foot and accept for
payment a general fund warrant
next July. The members ot the
council expressed themselves in
favor of buying 750 feet of hose, but
they thought one dollar per foot
was too high in price. The hose
purchased eight years ago cost that
figure, and as all other manufac
tured goods had declined in price
during that time they thought it
was possible tftat a reduction had
also taken place in fire hose. In
other words the council did not in
tend accepting Mr. Thompson's
offer until they had received quota
tions from other manufacturers.
The clerk wes subsequently in
structed to write hose manufac
turers asking for prices and samp
les. Final action on this matter
will probably be taken at the next
regular meeting.
A councilman called attention to
the fact that that there was con
siderable gambling going on at
present in several "dens," and he
thought the matter should be
looked up by the police. The latter
will probably make a raid on these
places some time soon.
Councilman Fikes wanted the
saloons to close at 12 o'clock each
night, though 11 o'clock would be
better. He argued that so long as
saloons kept open all night it
afforded a loafing place for young
men who should be at home. Mr.
Fikes' proposition did not elicit
much enthusiasm, and the council
OTCHoiasroEsiffiY" news.
The teacher and scholars took
possession of the new school house
at this place yesterday morning.
Xavier Toillion has the new ad
dition to his residence about com
pleted. Mrs. N. B. Spurrier visitefl at
Greeley last week.
Mrs. Bertha McLaughlin returned
from Missouri a few days ago,
where she went on a visit some time
W. J. Crusen, of North Platte,
preached to a large audience in the
new school building at this place
last Sunday morning.
Oscar Sullivan is erecting a new
sod barn upon his farm just east of
this station.
A few grangers in the valley have
begun picking their corn which is a
large crop in most places.
The pops will hohl ray in the
old schoc4 house at this pla.ce next
Wednesday evening". They will
find out that they are in the wrong
pew in this locality.
Martin English, of the Platte, is
loading baled hay at this station
from over north.
Mrs. Frank Cook has two broth
ers and a friend from Denver visit
ing her at this writing.
Section foreman Erickson of this
place was looking after his iarm in
the vicinity of Lincoln lately.
A. O. Randall who resides on
Paxton & Hershey land just north
of this place is harvesting the finest
crop ot seels of all kinds ever grown
upon the same number of acres of
land in this county. They are for
an eastern firm.
W. H. Sullivan recently sold sev
eral head of fine- cattle to Alex,
Neilson and W. Hoi try of ,Su;ther.
land- -
j-Rev. Coslet, the new Mf E'. .min
Sister for this circuits preached his
1 r At . TV - a a it
jnrst sermon in tne iriatie vaney
school house laskSuhday afternoon
an1fa"t5Hershey ifrifoPev:ening.
Mrs. It. Strickler and little
nephew Archie were at Denver last
week, where they consulted a "faith
cure doctor- in regard to the latter's
infirmities. It is stated that he
was-helped to some extent.
The spur at this place is full of
cats "nearly all the time which are
being loaded with baled hay.
. R. W. Calhoun exoects to move
his residence a short distance north
east of its present location this
week. - Pat.
Lexington. Pioneer.
The Elm Creek Irrigation canal
: which was begun last year will be
completed this fall and winter. It
was originally intended to be four
teen miles in length, but owing to
circumstances only twelve miles
were completed. The company is
taking hold . of the matter.afresh
now and propose to make the ca
nal twenjy miles in length. It
taps the river southeast ot Overton
and will run to a point;nea'r Odessa
and will water about 20,000 acres.
On Saturday last the Farmers
and Merchants' Irrigation Co. let
the contract for the construction of
two and a half miles of their main
canal, which runs from the head of
lateral No. 1, toBuffalo-rreek. The
work was "awarded to David Kelly
at prices-ranging from six to eight
cents per cubic yard. Kelly and
his men commenced work on the
contract last Wednesday, If the
weather proves to be favorable the
company expects to complete the
main caual in, tinie to furnish water
for next year's crops,
An irrigation company has been
formed on Wood Jiver valley, with
J. H. Edmisten and others behind
it. who propose to irrigate a part
the fertile and beautiful lands ly
mg along that handsome valley.
The scheme is to construct two
dams, one a.mile and a Iralf above
Eddyville, across tlienort'h fprk of
Wood river, and the other across
the south fork of the river, two
miles south of Ejddyvijle, The first
dam will contain 35,000,000 gallons
of water and the latfer 47,000,000
gallons. It is proposed, to use the
dams as storage basins and catch
all the water that flows in either
fork of the river, and use the same
when needed. Only 4,000 acres
can be irrigated under the pro
posed plan. Surveys have been
made by Robt. Smith, of this city,
and the work of constructing the
dams has commenced1 and. will be
prosecuted until completed.
John Tannahill of Columbus Neb.,
who is a gardener and a fruit f raiser
can tell yoU it pays to water the
garden and fruit trees. The mill
that he uses is of his" own make.
He has two of these mills that pump
into a raservoir and if 'h'e'kept them
going could irrigate eighty acres,
besides he has1 an elevator made
atter the style of Hogeland's eleva
tor that can roll up thewter. The
beets and other vegetables ftfo Tan
nahill raised are fine and the fruits
in the apple orchard is the finest
fruit seen this or any other season
and he did it by pumping water
and wetting his orchard last fall
and winter. It held lie trees back
this spring and the fruit did not
get killed. 1
The new township organization
law recently usheld by the supreme
court, has rusulted in many curious
methods for determinlpg which of
the supervisors shall .release their
offices and which shall retain them.
It is told that in Richardson county
the supervisors decided the matter
by a game of freez-out. The game
continued fox three, hours and a
good old republican .church deacon
came out ahead. In another county
the supervisors settled the matter
by an appeal to.a'gajnojjcraps. In
still another high five was played.
Most ot-the counties.however, drew
lots in the good old-fasioned way.
G.-;W. Chapman.of York has
an apple tree which he claims
has produced four crop of fruits
this year. The first apples ripened
in June, the second crop is now ripe
the third is nearly grown and the
fourth is blossoming out. Recent
frosts, however, will provent the
fourth crop from, maturing.
Thayer county raised six hundred
acres of beets this year and that is
really the only six hundred acres in
the county that has pid them any
thing this year, though they have
to 'carry the beets over to Gran
Eennie's Slaughter Sale.
We are determined to sell goods at much: less than cosjt for the next sixty days,
and ladies who wish to purchase goods at muchT less thau manufacturers' cost will find
such at Rennie's. We must have money and we realize, we must lose from $1,000 ta$2,000
in order to get $5,000. Cash only g-oes for tlicse goods: ?
65-cent all-wool serges, one yard wide, at 35 cent?? 35-cent double width all-wool tricots and
flannels at 20 cents: all our best calico at o cents; fifty pieces heavy unbleached muslin at 5 c-nts;
one yard wide all-wool hopsackinpr at 25 centt, former prica 50 cents; $1:25 and $1.35 4G- inch Henrietta,
in'blacknd colors at GG cents. Table linen, napkins, aaillinery, shoes and carpets go at the. same, re
duced prices. Good all-wool three-ply carpet at 50 cents; good carpefcjfor 35 cents.
Come and bring your cash and convince )ourself thatJgoods at Rennie's are sold
cheaper than at any sheriff's sale you ever attended.
(one; night only)
The Popular Comedian,
"Old Hoss" late of Evans and Hoey,
presenting the new Comic Play
- - f-by Louis DeLange, entitled
Two and one-half hours of
Tickets at Clinton's.
TheKu Cheng massacre of twelve
white persons, old and young, has
been avenged by the decapitation
of seventy-six Chinamen. There
was no evidence that a single one
ot the mandarins responsible for
the massacre suffered in the ledst.
They punish by proxy in China.
Dr. A. P. 8awyer: Dear Sir: I have been suffer
ing with sick headache for a long time. I need
your Family care and now am entirely relieved.
I would not do without your medicine. Mrs. O.
A. Miller. Sold by F. H. Loagley.
JNews was brought from Siika to
Port Townsend last week that the
whaling season has been the most
unsuccessful of recent years. . The
catch of the entire fleet so far as
reported has been but twenty-three
whales, Fourteen deaths occurred
in the fleet, and a number ot sailors
who ran away when near land have
not been heard of since and are sup
posed to have frozen to death.
Dr. A. P. SoTryw Sir: After suffering four
years with female weakness I was persuaded by a
friend to try your Pastille?, and after using theui
for one year, I can say I am entirely well. I can
not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook
Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich. For sale by P.
H. Longley.
A Missouri farmer figured it out
one rainy day that he . had walked
300 miles in cultivating one acre of
corn. He thereupon sold his farm
and moved to town, where he walk-
ed 600 miles to find a job. Arkan
sas Traveler.
Tale.'thi3Cblbodless Deonle shouldnee Dr. Saw-
y6rfsulkatlrie. It is the greatest remedy in the
world fr making the weak strong. For sale by FJ
H. Longley.
Adam Padol of Nehawka borrowed
a horse and buggy of E. H. Lue and
drove to Union where he acquired a
jag of immense proportions. When
discovered late in the afternon the
buggy and harness were a total
wreck and the man with his jag had
soujrnt safety in flisrht. The horse
was uninjured.
Dr. Sawyer Dear Sin I ctn eay .with itleasora
that I have been using yonr medicine, and will rec
ommend it to all niffcriug ladies. Mrs. W. TV.
Weathershee, Augusta, Oa. Sold by F II Longley.
A flowing well has been struck on
the place known as the Andrews
farm about six miles west and ten
south of Wayne. The water has
sufficient force to carry it about
twenty feet above the surface and
has a very strong flow.
Pale, thin, bloodleso people should use Dr, Sav-
js-i-yer'a IJkatine. It is the greatest remedy n the-
wonaior raasjog uc we a sirosg. xxnr e&ie oj r.
'H.LoHglef. - - .. . '
A Golden Opportunity!
Once again we are ready to do the right
thing by you, and are pleased to announce
that we now have open for inspection a sea
sonable new line of
Clothing, Gents5 Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
in fact everything to
Star Clothing House,
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
yrOQBloBcco Sold For
our - Great Offering
fit a man, boy or child.