The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 18, 1895, Image 3

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Festivities at the ' Kocfcy Mountain
Hetnpolis In Full Swing,
V fT.
Bow Arrow Dance "by Indians One o.
the Features of the Celebration Grand
Military Parade Followed by Drills.
JFort Wayne Celebration.
. iDexveb, Oct. 17. Never has such .a
' crowd "been seen in Denver as that now
- -in attendance at the first annual festival
of Mountain and Plain. The railroads
estimate that they have brought 45,000
passengers to the city the past two days.
A grand military parade was given this
forenoon in which the federal troops
from Fort Logan, the entire national
guard of the state of Colorado and
Grand Army posts and Sons of Yeter
ans participated. The parade was fol
lowed in the afternoon by drills by both
federal and state troops.
A unique' 'feature of the celebration
today was furnished by bands of Santa
Clara or Pueblo Indians and Utes, old
time foes, who now occupy; adjoining
.. camps in the city park. The Pueblos
t gave their "bow and arrow dance and the
. Utes a social "dance, music being f ur
. zBished by the Teller institute band of
Indian boys.
Tonight there was an illuminated
wheelman's parade. Some marvelous
effects arc shown in the electric illumin
,atiou.of the city each night.
Climax of the Centennial Celebration.
Contests For Frizes.
Fort Wayne, Iud., Oct. 17. This
was the big day of Fort "Wayne's cen
tennial. The weather was all that
could be desired. Excursion trains on
11 the roads began arriving early, each
.bringing largo numbers of people. There
were more strangers in the city today
than ever before in its history, and the
streets were almost impassable. The
contests for prizes among bands began
at JO o'clock in the courthouse square.
: -A largo number of bauds are competing
and the contest will bo a long and live
' ly one. Chicago and Cincinnati baso
Jball teams played two games today and
the league park was crowded with
- cranks. The prize military drills arc
ibeing hold at the driving park and com
paiiies from Indiana, Ohio and Michi
;.gan are in the raoe. At 1:30 p. m. the
-grand military, civic and industrial pa
rade started on its tour of tho city. It
vwas composed of stato militin, secret so
brieties, fire and polico departments and,
Vin fact, everything that could move to
in tho line. It was tho largest parade
ever witnessed in this city. Tomorrow
Govornor Matthews and staff will bo
Jiere aud a grand military review will
Intake place. Tho celebration closes to-
morrow night with an immeuso pyrotech
nical display.
Amiy Changes.
"Washington, Oct. 17. An order has
been issued from the war department
T" "transferring Lieutenant Colonel S. M.
jj "Whitesides from the Fifth cavalry, at
Jefferson barracks, Missouri, to the
Third cavalry, at San Antonio, Tex.,
and Lientenant Colonel Guy Y. Henry
' . from the Third to the Fifth cavalry.
T'This transfer closes a matter that has
been much talked about in western
army circles.
Colcan Gutted the Keserve Fund.
Fokt Scott, Kan., Oct. 17. Develop -.
ments this morning in the case of do
'Lfaulting cashier, J. R. Colean, of tho
YjtnJrc bank, shows his shortage to bo
f5Q,QQQ instead of $23,000, as at first
supposed. Yice President Stewart
stated today that Colean literally gutted
the reserve fund, realizing on 20,000 of
the best securities, held by St. Louis,
New York and Kansas City banks.
Iron Trade I Quiet.
Cleveland, Oct. 17. The Iron Trade
Review says: Quietness, unequalled in
months, has marked the iron trade the
' past week so far as buying is concerned.
At the same time mills are shipping
enormous amounts of material, and the
current output of the blast furnaces, all
going into immediate consumption, is
the largest in three years.
Hart Given Judgment For 852,210.
Los Angeles, Oct. 17. In tho case ot
Hart vs. tho Colorado Irrigation com
' :pany, Judge McKinley has given judg
.ment forthe plaintiff, as prayed, foi
152,216. Tho plaintiff is ex-Attorney
Geueral Hart and the amount recovered
is for legal services. A motion will be
submitted in a day of two for a now
trial. "
Big Gun For the Oregon.
San Francisco, Oct. 17. Tho biggest
gun ever seen in San Francisco, or in
any other porf of the United States, is
$n the railroad yards. The gun, which
S for the Oregoji, will bo moved jo tjie
tJnion Iron works within the next few
Bhick'is Slayer Bound Over,
i Keligh, Neb., Qofc 17. Tho" prelim
inary hearing of RudolplL 3chler,
charged with killing Newton Black, re
sulted in his being held to the district
court under $5,000 bonds, which was
nroniDtlv furnished by neighbors.
.- Ordered Two Jilg Steamers.
Glasgow, Oct. 17. Tho North Ger-inan-Lloyd
Steamship company has or
dered from a shipbuilding firm at Govan,
a suburb of this city, two - steamships,
whose dimensions will exceed those of
the Campania and the Lucania.
Insurgents Will Blow Up Railroads.
Havana, Oct 17. The insurgents in
the province of Santa Clara have circu
lated pamphlets advising the inhabitants
not to use the railroads, as they have
determined to blow them up with dy
namite Passed Innumerable Icebergs.
Plymouth, Oct. 17. Tho British
steamer Ruahine, from Lyttleton, on
Sept. 2, for London, reports passing in
Kerable icebergs between latitudes 51
aad 52 south and longitudes 130 and 148
New Bank For Sioux City.
-"Washington, Oct. 17. The comp
.'troller of the currency authorized the
"Iiye Stock National bank of Sioux City
"to begin business with a capital stock of
Dr. Yon Botttischer Resigns.
Berlin, Oct. 17. An unconfirmed re
port that Dr. von Boettischer, the im
perial minister of the interior, hfid re
' Bgofed was in circulation aero today
Xoyal Legiea Given a Special Keeeptloa fey
the Preside t.
"Washington, Oct. 17. Tho com
mandery in chief of the Loyal Legion,
about 40 strong, headed by Commander-in-Chief
John Gibbon, and numbering in
this small list a remarkable proportion
of men who have dittlnguished them
selves in the field and on the sea, called
fit the "White house today and were
given a special reception by the presi
dent, lhe members were introduced to
the president hr General Gibbon and
Major Huxford, and to each he gave a
cordial greeting. There was a striking
scene when, after the introductions,
General Gibbon called out: "Huxford.
Huxford, strike up a song," and the old
veterans joined heartily m the chorus
of "Marching through Georgia," with
voices somewhat broken, but not lack
ing in spirit. The president listened
gravely, and when the music had died
away ne uttered a few felicitous re
marks and the reception was at an end.
Advance of Six Cents In the Price Paid to
Sioux Falls, Oct. 17. To the delight
of the farmers for 50 miles around this
city, the grain buyers are waging war-
amoug themselves, and consequently
raising the price of wheat. The customary
margin on. wheat here and at Minneap
olis is 14 cents. Yesterday this margin
was cut to 8 cents, wheat selling here
for 48 cents. Tho fight is between the
Northwestern Elevator company, which
is conducted by tho Great Northern rail
road, and other grain buyers, The Great
Northern set out to get all tho grain for
shipment end raise the prico of wheat.
Other buyers paid more, and as the rail
road can carry its. grain cheaper than
the other buyers can ship over other
roads the fight is likely to provo
interesting, for tho other buyers declare
that tho Great. Northern cannot have all
tho grain.
Holy Pallium Conferred Upon Archbishop
Chappelle by Cardinal Gibbous.
Santa Fe, Oct. 177 Tho solemn cere
monies of conferring the holy pallium
upon Archbishop P. L. Chappellc in tho
cathedral , which will bo dedicated to
morrow, took place this forenoon in the
presence of a vast audience. Cardinal
Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore, offi
ciated. Many other distinguished pre
lates were in attendance. At 1 o'clock
the archbishop gave a dinner to the visit
ing prelates, territorial and federal offi.
cers, judges of the United States land
court and territorial supreme court, and
in the ovening a public reception was
given at tho arcliicpiscopal residence in
honor of the cardinal.
Will Do Anay With the Shanty Saloons In
"Webster City, Oct. 17. Judge Olli
ver, at tho Rock Rapids term of court,
has just rendered an important mulct
law decision. A saloon was closed and
the building it occupied was offered for
sale to pay the $000 tax. No bids were
made for tho property, and the judge
holds that the bondsmen arc liable foz
the full amount. Tliis will do away
with the saloons in Iowa that have been
opened inJittle out of the way build
ings that are not worth the mulct tax.
Sensational Greeting to the Rulers of Ger
many at Jletz.
Paris, Oct. 17. A dispatch to The
Journal from Metz. published today,
says that while the emperor and empress,
of Germany were on their way to the
cathedral there some person shouted
from a window, "Yive la France," It-
is added that several arrests were mad?
in consequence of this demonstration,
Murdered by Whltccaps,
Folsom, N. M Oct. 17. Dan E.
Young, an old citizon and proininont
politician of this county, was murdered
in Oak canon, eight miles from here.
Ho had been shot from behind and was
badly bruised on the head. It is thought
the "Whitccaps, some of whom he had
exposed, are connected with the murder.
Dry Weather In the West Causing Alarm
Among the Shorts.
Chicago, Oct. 17. Wheat was firm today'on
tho dry weather. The drouth in the west was
still unbroken, and alarm among the shorts
resulted. December opened JHc higher at
6Jc, sold from 6Gc to 61c and reacted to
rv vcaa firm, holnel br cables and the
strength in wheat. May openod unchanged at
2778-; and sold to 2fc
Oats were steady- May opened unchanged
at a,?ic and sold to SOJac.
Provisions were easy on tho lieavy live hog
receipts and lower prices at the yards. Janiz
ary pork opened 2'-c lower at $9.45 and dot
clined to $9.40. " .
cr-osixo ratters.
WHEAT October, ' oOJgoOJic December,
'G0h'SGv?c: May, G4U''S&iJ.
PORN October, 29. bid; May, 29Jgc asked.
0 TS-Octover, 177b2; May.SJJse bid.
PORK Octobe.r,8.3J; January; 19.37 aaled ;
May, J9.62;?39.(J5.
LARD October, fo.65 asked.; January,' 15,10 j
May. ?3.S7!5 asked.
RIB- October, U-QVA't January, $4,?5: May4
$4.97 asked.
Chicago Live Stock,
Chicago, Oct. 17. HOGS-Recelpts. 40.000
head; left over, 11,000 head; market slow and
pH es5i0c lower; light. f3.45S3.95; mixed,
$3.55(34.00; heavy. f3.353.93: rough, 3.S3a50.
OATTLE Receipts, 13 000 head, including
1,500 Texan and 4.000 westerns ; market slow
and weak at yesterday's close, or 5 10c lower
than Monday; beeves, f3.205.30;. cows and
heifers. J1.9W33.50; Texas steers, 52.70g3.40;
westerns, T2.854.10; stockers and-feeders, f2.2J
3.9 J.
SHEEP Receipts, 14,000 head; market slow
and eay.
South Omaha Lire Stock.
South Omaha, Oct. 17. CATTLE Receipts,
2,500 head: killing cattle active; steady; every
thing sold early; stockers and feeders 19c
higher; native beef steers, 3.755.35; western
steers, ?2.0J4.23; Texa? steers. f253.55;
cows and heifers, J2.40C&3.30; canners, IL509
2.3 ; stockers and feeders, $2.753.So; calves,
fi.505.25; bulls, stags, etc. $1.X2.8J.
HOGS Receipts, 3.40J head; quality only
fair; market steady: active: all sold; heavy,
-I8.653.82'a;mlxed, $3.633.70; light. 13 0J3.75;
pigs. 03.25: bulk of sales, f3.703.7
SHEEP Receipts, 1.2J0 head: market steady ;
fair to choice natives $2.UX$3.10; fair to choice
westerns, $2.003.00; common and stock sheep,
2.1)0.3 2.73; lambs, J3.00L0.
jui'itieunc is ismlcit.
"Washington, Oct. 17. Adiniral
Beardslee has telegraphed the navy de
partment as follows from Port Angeles:
"Pigmau, commanding the Bennington
at Hawaii, reports, under date of Oct. 2,
that the health of the crew is excellent.
The epidemic is ended; 87 cases and 62
deaths ashore. Olvmia at Lahuina."
lloique's Murderer Suicides.
Brussels, Oct. 17. The discharged'
employe of the water works who niur-!
dered M. Boique, chief inspector of the j
water -supply of thisaty, on the Avenue
Louise, and who was arrested and taken
to theprisoii of t St. XJiller, subsequently
comaitted ttucido in.hig cell.'
Key. Peter J. Eowe Will Preside Over
the Diocese of Afciska.
Sudden Change oITrui on-the Part of th&
Deputies Two Important Resolu-
tions Shut Out by tho Two
Thirds Rule.
Minneapolis, Oct. 17. Under the
rules of the house of deputies at the tri
ennial Episcopalian convention, reso
lutions offered after the 12th day.of tho
session cannot be admitted, savo by a
two-thirds vole. This rule wasresnoh
sible this morning for the shutting out
of two resolutions. One came from
Bcv. Charles T. Mallory of Milwaukee,
and provided for the building, in
churches of fonts largo enough for tho
dipping of infants and adults in lhe rite
of baptism. The ether came from Rev;
Dr. Prall of Detroit, and called for tho
appointment of a committee to inquire
into the state of religion in the United
States, and especially the alienation of
the masses and the breach between
capital and labor. Tho provision for
bidding the binding of the prayer books
and the hymnal together was rescinded
A message from the house of bishops
announcing that it had declared against
the erection of a missionary district in
western jSiorth Carolina, and in favor of
the diccese out of the missionary dis
trict of northern Texas was referred to
the proper committee. It develops that
the sudden change of front on the part
of the house of bishops in voting to
name a missionary bishop of Alaska
was due to the personal guarantee of
the new bishop's salary for three years
by Bishop Potter of New York. This
guarantee is understood to have been
given by J. Pierpont Morgan.
The house" of bishops tins mcruiug be
gan balloting for bishops to preside over
tho new missionary jurisdictions. Rev.
J. M. Francis was elected on the first
ballot bishop of Kioto, Japan. He is a
missionary now resident in the country.
Rev. Peter J. Rowo of Sault Ste.
Mario, Mich., was named bishop of
Alaska on tho first ballot.
South Carolina Constitutional Convention.
Coltoibia, S. C, Oct. 17. The session
of the South Carolina constitutional
convention today was devoted to a dis
cussion -slJho homestead law. The
provision tit issue is that preventing tho
mortgaging or sale of a homestead after
it has been set aside. Senator Tillman
characterized tho wholo report of the
committee as a sham and a fraud. He
said it pretended to give the right of a
homestead, though leaving loopholes
for the supremo court to decide the law
so as to defeat the homestead. The
motion to strike out the provision was
adopted by a voto of 82 to 42.
Actiw Volcano In Washington.
Port Towxsend, Oct. 17. An active
volcano is supposed to bo in a state of
eruption. in the Olympia mountains,
south of this city. Crossing tho straits
from Victoria Professor Alexander of
the Smithsonian institution, observed
the phonomena through marine glasses,
and is positive the smoke and steam he
saw came from a volcano.
Diplomats See In, Englaud' Delay Good
Deal uf significance.
"Washington, Oct. 17. Eveu after
the practical confirmation from British
sources of the statement that the state
department hiK addrossed ft Strong let
ter upon tho Venezuelan boundary dis
pute to Ambassador Bayard for delivery
to the British foreign office, the officials
at the state department refused to make
any admission touclung the subject.
The guarded and evidently inspired
comment of the leading British news
papers upon this ubjeet has attracted
attention among the diplomats here
and they see in it a good deal of signifi
cance, and possibly a threat of grave
complications to follow. The statement
that is held to be of particular signifi
cance is that the British government re
gards the views set -forth in Secretary
Olney's letters as so important that a
long time ninst be taken for its consider
ation. It is believed by some diplomats here
to be within the range of possibility that
Great Britain may have in contem
plation a union with some of tho other
European powers in a joint refusal to
accept the doctrine laid down by Mon
roe. Treasury Sfatetnent.
"Washington, Oct. 17. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows: Available cash balance $182,
590,209; gold reserve, $93,109,481.
Meagher's Jtccur Rent en,
Denver, Oct. 17, W. P. Stanton has
walked 109 yardsiieol and too officially
timed and judged in 144-5 seconds. The
previous record was 19 seconds, held by
John Meagher of Lawrence, Mass.
Judge Ralley Dead.
Freeport, Bis., Oct. 17. Judge
Joseph M. Bailey, of the BUnois supremo
court; died hero after an illness of
several weeks. He was 62 jeans old.
Ask Eor a Receiver.
LeMars, Oct. 17. A petition has beeir
filed with the county clerk asking for a
receiver for -the LeMars electric light
and water plant.
?or Homes, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs;
566 Page Book on Treatment ef Animals
RBd Chart beat Free.
curbs (FeTer8,CeBfrestl6B8,lBaaamatisH
A.A.I Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever.
SiraiHS, Lameaess, RheamatisB.
C. C Distemper, Sasal Discharges.
D. D.fBets er Grabs, Worms.
E. .Csaghs, Heaves. PacaKeBla
F. F. Colic er Gripes, Bellycae.
G. "G.Ml9carriage. Hemorrhages.
H. H. Uriaarjr aaa Kidney Diseases.
I. I.Eraptive Diseases, Masse.
J.K. Diseases ef DigcstisB, Paralysis.
Siagle Bottle rrer 50 doeesX - - .60
Stable Case, vrlth Specifics. Manual.
Veterinary cure Oil aad Medicate $7.00
Jar Teteriaary Care Oil, . . 1.00
8! TBrcfcUj or ct yrrariJ iarhr aad In est
a Utj m mslft ( prk.
MCTrgBETS,EB.CP.,m,fcliaTrafa St., SnrTork.
la ase Stmts. The eaTy sacaufnl remedy for
HffYHS Dliiy,-Vila! Wtitoss,
cad Proatnttea, frea ewrerker&r erases.
81 pse Tial, or 6 Til aad kne rl powder, fc f&
Soli by DrajriiU, cr asat jxjMMMea receipt ef triers.
: JKZrgKTCTJXB. Mk'iXU 111 W'i. , 5eTr.
Order by telephone from
2rO- 3496
fTirst fation'al Ban
General Banking
Otten's Shoe Store,
In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies'
fine Ludlow Shoes, ;
Regular price $4,00 to $4.75, att$3.00.
Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little money.
All our Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25.
All our Boy's fine lace and button shoes, the best made,
$2.50 Shoe at $1.65 $1.65 Shoe
A large line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers
will be sold at prices that will -;
Save you 1-3 to 1-2 of your money.
Children's Shoes, .the best goods that money can buy, will
be slaughtered at the same rate.
Otten's Shoe Store.
(Olci S7ci.xx Doran. J5taTfclo.)
ls? i.ortiwesii corner oi VyOunnouBO
o"T a j e " ii "
Isfewton's Book Store.
Capital, -Surplus,
E. M. F. LEFLANG, 'Pres't.,
Business Transacted.
Good Teams, '
. . ' i fifc r
C .Gp-mforijable "Rigs,
ImM Accommcdatiou3 fo? & h:m? Public,
Ji ...
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office over North Platte National Bank.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacflc
and Member of Pension Board,
Ollicfl over Streitz's Drug Store.
M. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville'4 Block. Diseases of YVomer
and. Children a Specialty.
Kittell & Benson,
Prospective schemes investigated. Tin
profitable schomes rejuvenated. Surveys.
Maps, Estimates and reports made, and
construction su perintended.
SSSMSiSS North Platte, Neb.
Claude Weingand,
Coal Oilj Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
Pure Well Water !ce.
Orders for the above product may
be left at Streitz's or McCabe's
drug stores, or with the milk wag
on and they will receive prompt at
tention. Orders for
may also be given the latter and
they will be promptly filled.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
No.S Atlantic Express Dept 12:10 a. a.
No. 4 Fast Mail 8 15 a. m.
No. 2 Limited " 9:20 a. M.
No. 28 Freight " 7:00 a. M.
No. 18 Freight u 6KX) p. M.
No. 22 Freight " 4KK) a. m.
No. 7 Pacific Ezoresa Dept 7:30a. m
No. 1 Limited " 110 p. M
No. 21 Freight " 350 p. a
No. 23Freight " 850 A. w
N. B. OLDS. Agent.
Mon'f'rof and Dealer! a ,
" Curbing, Building Stone,
And oil linils of JToaumental nnd Cemetery work,
Carefnl attention given to lettering of every de
scription. Jobbing done on short notice. Orders
solicited and estimates freely fnrnfclied.
Fire and Life Insurance,
Notary Public.
3,000 iegof Ditch Land
Land and Emigration Agent.
jfttcv win! f utsclj gc$prorI)f.
Funeral Director.
A foil line of first-class funeral supplies
always In stock.
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
Land Office at North Platte, N'eb., I
September 7 th, 1S95. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
pettier has filed notice of his intention to male o
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
prool will bo made before the Register and Re
ceiver at Noith Platte, Nebraska, on October 19tb,
ISU3, viz: Benjamin F. Sayer?, who made Home
stead Entry No. 13.917 for the northwest quarter of
Section 11, Township 11 north, range 33 west. lie
names the following witnesses lo prove his con
linnons x evidence upon and cultivation ot raid
land, viz: Milton Arbogast, Joseph Ayalancb,
John Staley, William Lakin, ail of Dickens, Neb.
slC6 JOHN F. HINMAN, Begister.
Land OfHce at North Platte, Neb., I
September 10th, 1895.
Notice is hereby given that the following
aametl settler has llled notice of his intention
:o make final proof in support of bis claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Keceiver at North Platte. Neb,,
m October 19th. 1805, viz:
who made homestead entry No. 11.018. for
the south half of the northeast quarter and
:he north half of the southeast quarter sec
:ion SSL township 12 north, range 31 west- He
lames the following witnesses to prove his
:ontinuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Amandes Kunkel. Milton
W. Baker. Joseph H. Baker and Alexander
Craigie, all of North Platte. Neb.
73-6 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register.
Land Offico at North Platte, Neb., )
August 19th, 18H5. )
Notice is horcby given that Ashbel Unleman has
1lcd notico of Intention to make final proof before
tleslster and Receiver at his office in North Platte.
N'eb., on Tuesday, the 22d day of October, 1805, on
imber culture application No. 11.6S6, for the south
east quarter of section No. aJt, in township No. C
tortb, range No. 2i west. He names as witnesses:
V. L. Moore, Qny T. Dawson, . B. Dunham and
II. 31. Runyon, all of Farnam, Nebraska.
6WJ JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
U.S. Land Office. North Platte, Neb., )
Septembor 25th. 1S05.
Notico is hereby given that James Ware has filed
notice of intention to make final proof boforo Reg
ister nnd Receiver at his office. in North Platt,
N'eb., on Wednesday, thb .'Oth day of October, 1805,
on timber cultnro application No. 13,506, for tho
-)uth half of the northeast quarter north half ot
thesouthoast quarter of section No. 11, in town
ship No. 11 north, range No 32 west. . He names
us witnesses: John H. Hershey. William O.
Thompson and Xavier ToilUon, all ot Hershey,
Neb , aud Napoleon B. Spurrier, ot North Platte,
Nebraska. John F. Hinmax,
77-6 Register.
To E. Uigley and W. M. Strong:
You will take notice that Benjamin Daggett, as
plaintiff, did on the 19th day of July, 1895, file bis
petition in the District court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska. aainst Alpha Hill, 8erilda Hill.W.E.
Uigley and W. M. Strong, as defendants, the object
and prayer ot which is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by Alpha Hill and Serilda Hill to
llie Saint Josepa ioan a Trust company, a cor
poration, upon the ' east half ot tho northeast
quarter (E lt N E hl.the northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter! N W ' i N EMand the northeast
quarter of tho northwest quarter (N E It N W
all in .section numuereu ten tiuj in townsnip num
bered ten (10), of range numbered thirty-four
(ii), west of the Sixth principal meridian contain,
lug one hundred and sixty (1(50) acres more or
Ies3 according to United States survey, to secure
the payment of a certain prommissory note dated
October first, A. D., 18S0, for the sum of six hun
dred dollars (J&OO l, due and payable on the first
day of October, 1891, uhich note and mortgngo
were afterwards sold, nssigneu anu delivered to
he above named plaintiff who Is now tho legal
owner and holder thereof; that there is now due
upon said note and mortgngo the sum of six
hundred dollars ((o00) with interest thereon at the
rate of seven per cent, per annum ironi tno first
day ot April, 1S1U, until tho first day of October,
18m, and witn interest tneroon at tne raie or ten
per cent, por annnm from the first day of October,
1694. until paid: for which sum, with interest aud
costs of suit, said plaintiff prays for a decree that
the defendants abovo named bo required to pay
the same or thtit said premises be sold to satisfy
the amount found due said plaintiff, and for a de
cree forever barring and foreclosing all of said
defendants from all equity of redemption or otter
Interest in said premises.
You are required to answer sold petition on or
before the 29th day of October, 1S93.
Dated this iXlti day of September, 18'..
S243 Attorney for Plaintiff.
E STRAY NOTICE Taken up on or
about July 1st, 1.895. on tho north
west quarter of section 28, town 13,range
27, in Lincoln county, by the under
signed who there resides, one dark bay
mare pony, weight 700 lbs, branded 17
on left shoulder, tr
Also one buckskin horso pony with
strap around neck: nd brand. The owner 1
of said animals can have same by prov
ing property and paying charges.
FOWliES UKOS., Maxwell, iNelj.
Nancy Francis Fnrmor. John Logan Farmer and
Ethel Farmer, defendants, will take notice that on
the 22d day of November, 1894, WlUiam Stull and
Louis Stull (partners as Stull Brothers), the plnin
tiffs herein, filed their petition In the district court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants, the object nnd prayer of which are to fore
close a certain tdbrtgnge executed by Sarah C.
Farmer and Samuel Farmer to Plaintiffs upon the
northeast quarter of section 29, in township 10
north, of range 34 west ot sixth principal meridian
in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of 10 certain promissory notes, said notes
dated May Ctb, 1892, for the sum of $10.50, encli
due and payable Dec. 1st, 1892, Jnne 1st and Dec.
lst,18'J3,lB9l,lfcW),lSWi,aud June 1st, lh'Ji;sall mort
gage provided that in case any of said notes or
coupons, are not paid wfien due, or within 10 days
thereafter, the whole sum secured thereby may bo
declared to be duo and payable; thero is uow due
in said notes, coupons, nnd mnrtgnge tne sum or
1176.18, with interest thereon from July 1st, 1634,
it ten per cent per annnm, for which sum plain
ids pray for a decree that defendants be required
to pny the snme, or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount fonnd due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 18th day of November, 1895.
Dated October 9th, 1S9j.
814 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Hershey & Co.
Agricultural : I
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
How are
Your Wheels ?
Not those in yonrhead,,but
almost any other variety.
If they are not working
smoothly then they are ia
want of repair.
Ill this Age of Wheels -
the fellow who does not take good
care of his machine gets left be
cause he is not right in the race
of lifo"
Le Master the Locksmith
does the best wheel work west of
Kearney. He also does repairing
of any kind ot machinery, from
a watch to a threshing machine.
His Prices are Right.
Don't forget the number 207 E. Stfc.