THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBME: FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 18, 1895. Ut Stmt - W6tt1&$ Wvltomt. IRA Ii. BARE, Editok ajtd Pbopbietob SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year, cash in advance, $1.25. Six Months, cash in advance 75 Cents. Entered attheNorthPlatte (Nebraska) postoffice as second-class matter. Republican Ticket. For Judge of Supreme Court T.L. NORVAL. For Regents State Univerrity C. H. MORRILL, H. L. GOULD. For Judge, 13th Judicial Districts H. M. GRIMES. For Treasurer E. B. WARNER. For Clerk S. C. "WILLS. For Sheriff WILEY MATTHEWS. For County Superintendent MARY E. HOSFORD. For County Judge JAMES M. RAY. For Clerk of District Court W. C. ELDER. For Surveyor F. H. BENSON. For Coroner N. F. DONALDSON. For Co. Commissioner 2d Dist. J. R. RITNER. Let every republican in the coun ty get out and vote this year, and give the pops evidence that as a party they are not "in it." This is a republican year; even Jake Miller is ready to admit this. Jake's "walkaway" is not so clear to him as it was two -weeks ago. This is not the year for republi cans to split their tickets. Vote straight and thus put the party in good position for the fight next year. "The average republican plurality on the state ticket in Lincoln county last year was 102. This year the plurality will be consider-. ably larger. There is considerable "unwritten history" in regard to Newell Bur ritt which might be published if necessary but it is unnecessary to kick a man who is already whipped. Conservative estimates.based on the reports received from the sev eral counties in the district, place H. M. Grimes' majority at 400. By a little extra work it can be made 500. Not a populist nominee on the county ticket is sanguine of his election, Tim Keliher and Colonel Ullingham to the contrary notwith standing. Butler and Jake will go down with the others. Republicans should take no stock in the reports which state that cer tain men will act as deputies to Messrs. Mathews and Warner. These candidates are not making ante-election pledges. At the city election in Indianap olis last week the populist vote was - 244. For several elections prior the 'pops cast from 1,500 to 2,000 votes. Tliis is just a sample of the shrink ing the populist party is under going this year. The people of the county are so T1Prf ff 1 XT wall C-lt-JKnrl -..III. Htl. Hosford as county superintendent that she will have a larger majority this fall than ever before. -She has een tried and not found wanting; her opponent, is of an unknown quality. The populist nominee for su preme judge will not, contrary to the claims of the members ot that party, receive the complimentary votes given Holcomb in this county last fall. The republicans will stay by their ticket this year and Judge Norval will have at least 150 plu rality in the county. Agent Beck has just been sus-tained-by Judge Shims in his posi tion concerning settlers on Indian lands in Thurston county and the settlers have been told once more to "get." They have a cold winter confronting them but if they don't go when.the word is given they are evicted without merch or ceremony. The campaign of sympathy which a certain populist candidate is making will hardly win, especially when the. family has received more from the county of Lincoln than any one who .is not a regular salaried- of ficer. There are some other facts connected with this candidate which prove that there is no especial need of a shower of sympathy. John Ritner deserves the support of every republican in the Second commissioner district because he is a good business man and superior in many respects to either of his op ponents. It is high time to kill off the populist favoritism that has been shown by the board of commis sioners for the past four years, and elect men who wjll transact business on business methods. Elect Mr. Ritner and he and the present re publican member will transact the affairs of the county in an honest manner regardless of party politics. "W. C. Elder is making a cam paign that gives evidence of a re turn of that old-time vigor diplayed by the famous "Lincoln County Bull Team," and of which he was a member. Mr. Elder not only "wants the entire ticket elected, out ne wants it elected by a majority that will even surprise republicans. He is working- with a will tor this re sult. The populists who are circulating through the county are telling number ot falsehoods concerning the republican party and nominees One of these stones is that the re- oublicans offered Luke Haley, the democratic candidate, S150 if he would stay on the ticket. Mr. Haley emphatically denies that any such proposition was ever made him. That little card so vigorously distributed by Mr. Buchanan and his friends, and which was thought would carry Butler into office with a whoop, is not having the desired errect. it wras supposed to be a trump card and everything was staked upon it, but it seems the majority of the voters do not fall into the arms of a man who poses as the only honest man in Lincoln county. Attorney General Harmon says that while there is no law prohibit ing American citizens from express ing sympathy with the Cuban revolutionists, such action is "dis courteous in the highest degree to a friendly power." This is sad, but the discourtesy is increasing, nevertheless, and the aministra tion will hardly be able to stop it. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Judge Norvall, the republican nominee for justice of the supreme court, is a man for whom every re publican can vote without making any apologies. During his career on the supreme bench he has proven a most conscienscious judge; never allowing politics or personal influ ence to bias his decisions, and his personal character is unsullied. His leading opponent, Judge Max well, though claiming to be a non partisan candidate, is not entitled to support irom republicans, and we doubt if he receives any. The nomination of Hon. H. M lirimes tor district judge is an ex cellent selection. He is one of the prominent lawyers of the state, and has a very high legal standin Lincoln county, the home of both Grimes and his opponent, is con ceded to the republicans by a.strong maiority, and it is also conceded that in all the eastern counties o the district, where he is known well, he is sure of much more than the party vote. When election is over, old Grimes will not be dead, that good old man, by a jugfull. Gering Courier. Chairman McMillan, ot the Iowa republican committee, claims that Senator Quay, ex-Senator Thomas C. Piatt, and Joe Manley are al supporters of Senator Allison for the presidential nomination. If Mr. McMillan knows what he is talking about he would do well to keep still and allow these gentl men to get in their work without alarming the other presidential candidates. In matters where Matt Quay, Tom Piatt, and Joe Manley are expected to do the work, they can be trusted to tell about it at the time when it will do the most ffood. Inter Ocean. Here is a good paragraph from the Syracuse Journal: If you be lieve in the principles of repubh canism, under which this country prospered as never before or since, when these principles were the mi guiding star of the nation; if you are anxious for a return of prosper ity and for relief from the depres sion and demoralization of business that has swept over the entire country since the advent ot the democratic party to power, put yourself in line to help accomplish this end by voting a straight repub lican ticket this fall. Republican success this year will add strength and emphasis to certain republican victory next year, and a return of prosperity to the whole people. The administration made a des perate attempt to show a "surplus" for September for use in the cam paign. The intention was of course to make the groundlings in the pit believe that now, having been given a little chance to work, the Wilson tariff act was going to make a beautiful showing and the revenues were going to exceed the expenses. By staving off the people who had bills and hurrying up the collec tions as much as possible a small surplus was forced for the month. But the first ten days of October have made their record of deficiency and the average is within a' few dollars of $824,000 per day. It is probable that the only effect of the forced surplus of September will be the largest deficiency for October in the history of this or any other administration in a time of peace. Journal. . - At a recent irrigation meeting held at Garden City, Kas., the fact was brought out that out of 344 practical irrigators who had been asked about their industry all -but six testified to the profitableness of irrigation by pumping. The six, probably, were unlucky in their ex periments and will yet succeed in making money out of the winds if they persist in their efforts to liar ness them. At a meeting: of a convention of the Illinois lederation of labor a proposed resolution, that the con vention is in entire sympathy with the action of E" V. Debbs in his work on the strike of the A. R. U. against Pullman and the railroad managers association, was refused, and instead of it the following was adopted: "Whereas, Eugene V. Debbs has stated that the railroad brotherhoods had been repudiated by organized labor; Resolved, that the Illinois -Federation of Labor deny such assertion, and extend to the railroad brotherhoods our ap proval and assurance of continued esteem." SUGAR BOUNTY CASES. Ex-Senator Mantlersen Will Be Given a Hearing by Secretary Carlisle. "Washington, Oct. 17. Ex-Senator Manderson of Nebraska will be given a a hearing by Secretary Carlisle on tha question raised by him in the sugar bounty cases as. to the jurisdiction of the comptroller of the treasury. After Comptroller Bowler's decision to send the cases to the court of claims, Secre tary Carlisle promised the sugar men that he would hoar them if they desired it on this question. Last night the sec tary telegraphed the ex-senator, noti fying him that the court of claims will meet on the 28th of this month, and unless the question of the comptroller's jurisdiction was raised before that time ho would send the claims to the court. This morning the secretary received a reply from Mr. Manderson, renewing his request for a hearing, and asking that the time for the hearing be fixed for some date befcre Nov. 10. In his telegram Mr. Manderson declares that the comptroller neither had jurisdiction nor the right to send the cases to the court of claims without the consent of the claimants. "I regard the position of the claimants as unassailable," said the telegram. Although Secretary Carlisle will grant-- the hearing the general impression at the treasury department is that it will . be unavailing, as the secretary is re- j TWITTnl tn li r -r tVM TonroconfnKroc rf I the sugar people some time ago that ho would stand by the decision of the comptroller. There is an intimation that Secretary Carlisle forced the issue at this time in order to get the matter into court before congress convened, as it was believed that the sugar men hoped fo keep it out of court until an effort could be made in congress again to pass the appropriation, coupled with a provision making it mandatory on the secretary to pay it forthwith. STATUS OF THJ5 WARIER CASK. Record of His Trial Still In the Hands of Ambassador Eustis. Washington, Oct. 17. Counsel Ken nedy, of the Waller case, is of the opin ion that the turn which the courso of military affairs has taken in Madagas car in favor of the French will not un favorably affect the financial interests of the ex-consul in that island. When France assumes an undisputed protect orate in tho islaud, as it is presumed she will, in view of the recent success of her army in that quarter, she will find that various grants have been made toNsiti zens of other countries, notably of En gland and Germany, and it is supposed that the Waller grant will be put on the same basis as those. No intimation has so far been received here as to the light thrown upon the irn pnsonmcnt of Waller by tho record of his trial, which is now in the hands of Ambassador Eustis. It is believed by Waller s friends that oven should it be made by this record to appear that tho court in which ho was tried had juris diction, and tho charges werojiot with out foundation, the French government will be induced to grant the prisoner's release as an act of international com ity, but the ex-consul's friends will de mand a very thorough scrutiny of the papers before allowing the request to be made on this ground. DIRECTORS IiEAItXED A LESSON. Id Hung Chang's First Railroad Trip and Ho-.v He Showed, His Satisfaction. Washington, Oct. 17. A 'most inter esting report upon Chinese railroads is furnished to the state department by Consul Head at Tien Tsin. He tells of the difficulties that were encountered by the young-English engineer who ran the first locomotive in overcoming the superstitious, repugnance of the natives and tho government to the "rocket dragon," as his homemade locomotive was called, and of the engineering feat ures of tho road from Tien Tsin to Shang Hai-Kwan and gives the following mci dent of the first trip by steam of the celebrated old viceroy, Li Hung Chang: "As director general of the road, he was given a special car. Tins was fur nished with elaborate chairs, louncres. tables, etc., upholstered in silk and satin. Li, on his first trip, was profuse in his expressions of admiration. Upon his return to Tien Tsin his satisfaction had reached such a point that he ordered all the furniture, hangings, etc., to be removed to his palace. To the disap pointment of the great viceroy, the spe cial feature of tho car, the luxurious bed, was left behind, as it had been built into the car. The directors learned a lesson and the viceroy's now private car has furniture that cannot be re mnvwl." Mason City, la., Oct. lv. xneiurtn- western Iowa Educational society opened a three days' session at Charles City. Base Ball Flayer Dead. Toronto, Oct. 17. Kid Somers, the base ball player, died liere. He entered his professional career vritk Milwaukee. Insurgents Recognized by UrazJI. Buenos Ayres, Oct. 17. It is re ported hero that Brazil lecocnizes tho Cuban insurgents as belligeronfo ClUleaa Cabinet Resigns, Santiago de Chile, Oct. 17. Tho Chilean tabhrct has roslncd. - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure U. P. REORGANIZATION: Provisions of the Plan Which Is Said to Havo Been Agreed Upon. YOTDEEBILTS NOT IN IT. Heport That They Are Trying: to Secure Control of the Overland Route Denied by Chauncey Depew Mexico and Pacific Selects Directors. New York:, Oct. 17. It is said that among the provisions of the Union Pa cific reorganization plan are these: An assessment of $15 on stock, for which preferred stock may bo given. An issue of $100,000,000 4 per cent bonds for the firsts and the government debt. An issue of $75,000,000 preferred stock. Bondholders will get new bonds at par and five shares of preferred stock for each $1,000 bond. The common stock will probably re main unchanged. People who are now applying for an interest in the Union Pacific under writing syndicate are told that they are too late, and that earlier applicants aro getting much less than the amount applied for. The plan will probably be announced at once. Chauncey Depew denied tho stoiy that the Yanderbilts are tryiug to secure control of the road and thus satisfy a long cherished wish to own a transcon tinental line. He said: "We saw that story printed while in the west, bnt there is not tho slightest truth in it. The report may have grown out of tho fact that Mr. Hughitt and myself were appointed members of the reorganiza tion committee, but that is tho only framework on which to build the story. We are not trying to attend to any scheme of that kind. Threaten a Boycott. San Francisco, Oct. 17. Traffic Man ager W. B. Curtis, of the traffic associa tion, has undertaken to secure from the roads doing business in Utah a conces sion which all the influence of the Southern Pacific has failed to obtain. Mr. Curtis has obtained a tariff of re duced rates on shipments of merchandise from San Francisco to Utah common points, such as will enable the merchants of San Francisco to compete with east ern shippers for Utah business. The lines which will be affected by the boy cott, unless they adopt the Traffic asso ciation's schedule or promise one just as advantageous to San Francisco, are the Union Pacfic, Kio Grande Western, Denver and Rio Grande, Colorado Mid land, Rock fcland, and Burlington. 3Iexic) and Pacific Selects Directors. Denver, Oct. 17. The annual meet ing of the Mexico, Cuernavaca and Pa cific Railway copipany in this city has just adjonnied, The following is a list of the directors elected for the ensuing year: J. H. Hampsou, Thomas Boaffifff-, George L. Hodges, Charles Wheeler, Luis Mendez, Y. Sepnlvcda, W. O. Staples. The officers elected are: J. H. Hampson, president and general mana ger; W. O. Staples, vice president, treas urer and assistant; Charles Wheeler, secretary. The Mexico and Acapulco Construction company has been organi zed under the laws of Colorado with a full paid capital of $100,000 for the pur pose of carrying on the construction of the Cueruayaca road, the contract for which has just been let. Northern Pacific Directors. New York, Oct. 17. The change in the ticket for directors of the Northern Pacific Railroad company, to be voted for at today's annual meeting, is the ad ditional name of George R. Sheldon. No one qualified for the position last year. ' Nevada Railway Sold. San Bernardino, Oct. 17. The Ne yadfi Southern railway was sold by the snerin under a decree or tnc superior court to K. B. Anderson. Judgmonts has been rendered by decree for $151,- 709, Tlie amount bid was $153,0KG. Net Earnings Increased. New York, Oct. 17. President Bray ton Ives, in a circular to the Northern Pacific stockholders, says that the net earnings for tho year were greater by $1,884,204 than those of the preceding year. 1 Reconciled Through Their Child. Zanesvhxe, O., Oct. 17. Bernard Yan Horn Schultz and his divorced -wife were married last night and left for Chicago with their family, where they will live in the future. His father is the millionaire soap manufacturer. The di vorce in South Dakota two years ago caused a sensation. Tho reconciliation was brought about by their little daugh ter being bitten by a dog in the summer and taken to Chicago, where, tho father was sojourning, for the Pasteur treat ment. Maiden Trip of the St. Panl. Southampton, Oct. 17. The new American line steamship St. Paul com pleted an uneventfnl maiden trip across the Atlantic. She -was docked here at 8:10 a. m. and reports having encoun tered heavy head winds and fog during the voyage. Nq attempt was made tc speed the new steamship. War oa Chicago .Saloonkeeper. Chicago, "-Oct. 17. Chiof of Polico Badenoch has began war on saloonkeep ers who keep open after midnight. One huttdred warrants for north sido saloon keepers were served last night. Tho war will be carried all over tho city. Injunctions Against Burlington Saloon. chijngton, Uct, 1 1 - A straugcr is , in this citv irettimr out lmnncfaons pgainst the saloons. He has secured 20 solar. airs. Waller Arrives. ?$Ry York, Oct. 17. The steamer Amsterdam with Mrs. "Waller on board arrived at Quarantino. Baking Powder C03I3IITTF.I3 IS XONCp3XUITXAI Outcome of tho Conference of Officials Not Positively Known. Hot Sphings, Oct. 17. The people here are strung to tho highest tension about the Corbett-Fitzsimmons affair. Members of the comnnttee seem to know no more than anyone else. The commit tee was pledged to secrecy as to what passed in it yesterday and last night.and Governor Clarke refused to be inter viewed. Tho best information that could be obtained is that tho informa tion furnished to and deduced by the newspaper men last night regarding Governor Clarke's attitude were too sanguine. As nearly as subsequent in vestigations can be depended upon Gov ernor Clarke's position remains un changed. He intends to see the laws enforced, but believes the local officers competent to see them executed, but when assistance was requested by Cir cuit Judge Duffle, he, as chief execu tive of tho peace of the state, had no other alternative than to promise his as sistance; as long as this request is net withdrawal he will havo to maintain his position even though assured that there would be no infraction of tho law. If Judge Duffle will recall his request the governor will be assured that his inter ference is unnecessary. Judge Duffle offers to submit tho mat tor to three other juuges of the Arkan sas judicial districts, and if they say there is no law against tho coutest Ins appeal to the governor for aid will be withdrawn and he -will leave it in the hands of tho sheriff. There will be no decisive action within 24 or 28 hours. It is believed O'Donnell and Maher will be arrested today and habeas corpus- proceedings instituted before Chancellor Leathennan, who has exclu sive jurisdicrionivhile in the county. If he releases tho men, it will be tanta mount to a decision that there is no law against the contest. A warrant has been issued for Cor bett's arrest. DURRANT TRIAL NEARING THE END. No Trntli In the Report That Counsel Tor the Defense Dad Disagreed. San Francisco, Oct. 17. Durr.uit's attorneys expect to conclude tho case of the defense next Monday. There is no truth in the report that the counsel for Dnrrant had disagreed and that Dcuprey was making an excuse of his opportune illness to get out of the case. In speaking of the friendly feeling which exists between the attorneys, General Dickinson said: "The defense lias tried this case fairly, and it is grati fying to know thatethere - has been no vindictive spirit shown by any one of the attorneys. We have defended the accused to the best of our ability, firmly believmcr in his innocence frohr the start. The case of the defense will rest on the merits of its testimony. A great many of the leading attorneys have spoken to me about our action inputting Durrant on the stand. We did that in prder to give the young a chance to tell his story in his own words. The legal brethren have been disposed to criticise us for permittiin? Durrant to tell the story of tho unknown man and of his going to the ferry. Tho object in allow ing mm to relate tins was to convince the jury and tho public that Durrant was teUing.liis own story and not re peating a memorized statement. It was to show that the young man was not coached." TARRED AND FEATHERED. Punishment Inilcted Upon a Xejjro In- suiting uovernor .iicimyrv. Dexver, Oct. 17. A necro named Bob Marshall was tarred and feathered at Greeley last night for having insulted Governor Mclntyro at the potato day celebration. Governor Mclntyro was very much surprised when informed of the incident at Greelv. He went to the bicycle races at Greely Tuesday with his wife. When they arrived at the stand for teams they 'found their way blocked by a lone wagon to which was attached a team driven by Marshall. General Klee came up at that moment and requested the negro to move liis wagon so as not to take up too much room. Thereupon Marshall delivered a brado of abuse, using the most foul and insulting lan guage. Finally, however, he did as re quested. Governor Mdntyre thought so little of the matter that he did not mention it to anybody since his return to Denvor. General Xlee said that Mar shall deserved to be run out of town.but he thought the punishment inflicted upon him was entirely too Eevere, FKAKS FOn OVERDUE VESSELS. Achilles and the Lord Sjiencer 3ILsIn For 3Iany Months. Sx Francisco, Oct. 17. It is just 190 davs since tho British ship Lord Spencer left this port for Qneenstowu, and not a word has been heard from her. That the British underwriters have fears for her safety is evidenced by tho fact that reiusuranco has gone steadily up from 10 per cent to 70 per cent. Much concern is also expressed at this port for the safety of the British bark Achilles, bound from tho west coast of South America for Hamburg. This is tho vessel which picked up Captain Mc Clune and wife and the crew of the A WflrifVlH cVllT Al!lVtt?l 1T1 mill. ocean. Tho castaways were landed at Montevideo, and the Achilles set sail from that port on July 1, and has not sinebbeen heard from. Three months is a long voyago in tho North Atlantic, and it is evident that the vessel has en countered very rough weather VOTERS MAY TAKE THEIR CHOICE. Two Democratic Candidates on the Official Ballot. Lincoln, Oct. 17. There aro two Democratic parties in the state of Ne braska. In the case of the application of n phelps and others for a writ of .i state to rertify the names of the free silver Democrats of tho Omaha conven tion on the ticket as the only representa tives of tho Democratic party, the su preme court this morning denied t tho writ and dismissed the case. '. A. F. STREITZ Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, WINDOW GLASS, -:- MACHINE OILS, IDIsadarLta, Spectacles. Dents clie Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts. V. VonGCETZ The North GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE. FLOUR and FEED, insure Prompt Delivery. We Solicit a Share of Your Trade. NORTH LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. W JQr"CARRY TflIS BANNER I wlr x Seasonable IT Hardware. Ilf PRICES LOW. WALL-PAPER, FAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSSrVARNISBES, GOLD LEAP, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUE AND BUGGY PAINTS, LSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 18G3. .... 310 SPRUCE STREET. F. J- BROEKER. MERCHANT TAILOR.! r WWE : PLATTE : PEA RMACY, ' V Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., W"e aim to liandle tlie Goods, sell ' them at Figures, and Vv arrant Everything asRepresented. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific railway respectfully solicited. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and bes3pooL and bewerage a Specialty. nice. Tin and Estimates furnished. Repairing of all Locust Street, Between f i 1 ' Worth. Flatte. - FINEST SAMPLE E00M IE NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the pnblic is invited to call and see ns, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables - and competent attendants wilL supply all your -wants. KEITH'S BtiOGK .OPPOSITE v xtflE "UNIONPiCliiCbEEOT 3 A.p otneke Side Grocer. Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. "We ltd f- A. Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. First-class Fit. Excel lent Workmanship, -j J. E. BUSH, Manager. Best Graces of , - Reasonable igL Gas Fitting, Coppe r tind Galvanized Iron Cor Iron Koonncs. kinds receive nrnmnfc attention Fifth and Sixth, "Nebraska.