The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1895, Image 4

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.QverTwenty-One Million Peopte
fl aAc&iu&Wozl&'s Fair Grounds
An auction sale will be held at
I Iute Welches store to-morrow alter-
S. JS. Doug-las has had charge
of the McCabe drug" store this week
durinr the absence of J. IS. Bush in
a good
Universally xed tbe
L Leading noe coffee r t& World
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete line of
C. C. Hawkins spent
part of this week in town
after his political interests.
Miss Nellie Donahue, who was
elected to teach one of the city
schools, has telegraphed that she
will return to this city next Sunday
A small party of young: people
were entertained at the Nebraska
House "Wednesday evening-, Miss
(Blanche Weidmeyer being the
- -r v .i -4. Lt. ixr:i r
Prices Always Seasonable. partraenttore.
Paid For Country Produce.
-Rev. D. W. Crane, of Ogallala,
spent a day the first ofthe week in
this city with friends.
-Mrs. C. Li. Adams has been
teaching- one of the city schools this
week on account of the non-arrival
of Miss Donahue.
j stocK-man, whose name we
failed to learn, was instantly killed
at Julesburg- on Wednesday by fall
ing from a train. He resided near
Green River, Wyo.
John Worthley, who has been
employed in the railroad shops at
Grand Junction, Colo., for a couple
of years, will visit his many North
Platte friends next week.
Messrs. Pope and Rowe, two
men cu route irom juenver to utn- -d :a u
i uaiuuiu uj a. v-tiL uuui
cago, on bykes, entertained a num-j Tuesday, and when discovered was
uCi ui citizens an evening or two ; the nantrv heloine-himself to the
!iV ... . I JT J 1 O
ago wnn some excellent music. iiHM nrnn thr 1ipTvps tj Whq
vvw vvr w w w
lectured for his display of nen-e and
Michael, Knox and Crockett leave allowed to depart.
The small white grub-worm is
playing" havoc with some lawns in
town. These pests work just under
i the sod and cut off the roots of the
' "-"i -"t
Tuesday was a scorcher, the
thermometer at the signal office
registering 101 degrees. It was not
only the hottest September day, out
the highest point the mercury has
reached this year.
Mrs. Jacob Miller left a few
- t m 4
evenings ago lor iMonoiK, uaviug
in charge Maggie Mackin, who for
some time has been mentally un
balanced, and will receive treat
ment at the state asylum.
-Some evil disposed person broke
into the First ward hose house a
tew evenings ago and badly bat
tered a horn belonging to John
Schatz, and also the baton belong
ing to drum major Hartman.
-A rather bold tramp entered the
It is said the "pops" are migra
ting in large numbers from the
south part of the county.
Judge" Haley argued his first
case in Justice Sullivan's court tne
cane part oc tne weeic, ana suc
ceeded in getting a verdict for his
The Patterson & Alexander"
grading-outfit, along with some
thirty or forty other teams are em
pioyea m excavation work on the'
west,end of the South Side
tion ditch.
While cutting corn with a horse
corn cutter a few days ago, the
teahi'-driyen-: hy John Burch 6f.
WeReceived a new line of
4 vSU.
this week-T.
! Do you need one?
If so, come and sea us..
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Why aot get the BEST?
Washburn's Superlative ?
Baker precinct became tangled m, . - U is 5aid thaf the wj&Iof, boiler
the harness and one of the horses maker Bu Hticfevlll bWent to the
had a leg cut off.
Greeley Bundy is feeling some
what elated over a pair of babies
which arrived at hisihome-Wednes
-i - - A.. . -,.
aay morning, xnis is the second
time that Mrs. Bundy .has been the
mother of twins.
U. P,
ital at Omaha; for treat-
sent to
John E'rickson. who? was
Green Rb'eVsoitietfjme ago, has re
turned to thisyand will be put
to firing. - .
Even the oldest inhabitant can- family from tlieWinmau house on
1 J , .... . "L
next Monday for Carrico, Hayes
count)', to attend an old soldiers' re
union, making the trip by wagon.
Fred Schick of Fox Creek is in
town to-day, having brought over
from Curtis last night P. A Harris,
For Sale Five brood sows.
Inquire ot R. A. McMurray, North
Platte, Neb.
Rev. A. W. Graves has the
thanks of this office for a generous
sample of exceedingly luscious
not remember a September that has
been so warm as the present month.
it lias been a scorcher, but it is
pleasant to know that the heat can
not last longer than Christmas.
The first installment of North
Platte pilgrims to Omaha returned
home yesterday morning, and oth
ers have been arriving on every in
coming train. A majority of them
report a pleasant trip, notwith
standing the extremely hot weather.
People returning from the state
fair say every one who saw the Lin
coln county exhibit were loud in
their praise of the excellence of the
aisplay. This was to be expected.
The irrigated
county is a
Wrs. Wm. Coleman left yesterday
morning for a visit with friends in
Mrs. Ducello, of South Carolina,
a former resident of North Platte,
is visiting friends in town.
Miss Julia Schatz, who had been
spending" the summer at Salt Lake
Conductor Btpd has removed his Cit has returned home
Mrs. Sam'l Smith returned yes
terday morning from a visit in the
eastern part of the state.
Mrs. J. h. Minor and Miss Cor
mack left Wednesday night for a
visit with Plattsmouth relatives.
Miss Carrie Belton went to Omaha
Wednesday morning to visit friends
and incidentally look at the exhibits
at the state fair.
John D. Weir, who had been
visiting at points in the,, eastern
part of the state and also at the
Omaha fair, has returned home.
Henry Waltemath and family ar
rived in New York from Germany
on Wednesday. They will proba-
Has rro superiorno equal. It is the result of studied
provementin milling machinery the product of the harcl
excellent wheat ot the north. If you are not using the
Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by
west Fourth street, to the Hinman
flat on Spruce street. -f "
The railroad shops appear some
what deserted this week, owing to
a large number of the employes
being absent at Omaha
The absence of several passenger
engineers in Omaha has given some
ot the freight engineers a chance to
haul the varnished cars.
Engine 901, familiarly known as
Soda Water Sal," which, had been
in the shops for general repairs,
was turned out yesterday looking
as gay as anyof them.
Geo. W. Vrpman, who had been
L section of Lincoln spending several weeks in the east bly reach this city to-moW night. SZ
veritable fi-irrfmi r,f in tne interests- ot the "railroad .
eruaDie uarden ot ,. . JA -i. H. C. Rennie returned Tursdav
who was called to Chicago by the peaches ffrown in Uis &arden in this
death of. a relative. Mr. Harris de- city. They effectually put at rest
uu luc a5l man. the idea that fruit cannot be suc.
JT? IT 1 - . . I .
iuiss iuiu irooancli will return cessfully cultivated in the "Treat
irom umalia to.morrow, and desires Platte valley.
xo lnrorm tne ladies of North Platte
that she will do dressmaking in ori-
There is a new candidate for
sheriff in town. He came in this
week just in time for the convention,
at Del Huntingdon's house. He is
a light-weight at present, but the
neighbor women say he has already
.We hear considerable complaint
in regardUo certain persons failing
to cut the weeds on their vacant
lots. In some instances these
weeds are eight or ten feet high,
and should a fire originate on the
lots after the weeds are dry adjoin
ing property would be endangered
S. A. Douglas Circle No. 20, L,
ot It. a. k., at the last regular
meeting obligated Major Walker as
honorary member. This society
numbers among its honorary mem
oers a colonel, a major, .a district
judge, and last but not least, a
goodly number of the rank and file
of the grandest "army the world has
ever seen.
The senior class of the
scuooi -held its annual election of
ofheera -Tueada-j-c-rcrriiiir rritlr thqr
following result: H. S. Ridirlev
Del's ex-
vate tamiles by the day, instead of
conducting a shop as heretofore.
One of the most important con
ventions will be held in North
Platte October 17th. Republicans, knocked out his daddy. Congratu- President, Josephine Day vice-pres
democrats and populists are alike lations!
cordially invited to attend "The pense.
T I 1 J. jT?11 1 rs i
inicrbiareMiiKmaias convention, Hurh Ralston. Jr.. of Rock
Island, 111., was a caller at this
James Moran received a tele-( office yesterday. Mr. Ralston is a
gram yesterday noon announcing member of the soap manufacturing
firm of Warnock & Ralston, who
We all smoke at
Oct. 17thT:
the death of his daughter at Dubu
que, Iow;a. The deceased was an
inmate of a convent at that place,
and was a visitor in this city but a
,few weeks ago.
It is said that the well-known
brakeman Chas. Jones and Miss
make a lava soap especially adapted
for railroad and shop men. He
established agencies with John
& Tobin,
ident, Nona Elder secretary, and
John Cleveland sergeant-at-arms.
It is the intention of the class to
organize a literary society, the
meetings, to be held on Friday even
ing of each week. The parents and
friends of the members ot the class
will be invited to attend these meet-
Herrod and Harrington
"The -Golden Corn."
Edna Dean Proctor's ' spirited
national poem "The Golden Corn"
has been set to music bv Prof.
The Boston store was closed
yesterday, the proprietor, Julius
Carrie Reed, both of this city, were Pizer, and his family observing the TroJer' of San Francisco, and will
united in marriage at Julesbure Jewish new year. At sunset Wed- be sunS" for the firSt time m -rth
Tuesday and that immediatelvaftr nesdnv ihe vPnr. nf ht w;h Platte at the "Corn Festival, "under
the ceremonv left nn a wpriHino-fnnr I Pn sac; c- the auspices ot S. A. Douglas Circle
, '-'-Mt. WIS 14 A. I'WAU. UUU kill. W A -JJJJ IV I
to Des Moines, Iowa. ushered in. In all cities having
From the large invoice of goods temples and synagogues the new
received by our dry goods and cloth- year is welcomed with solemn ser
ing merchants, it is quite evident vices.
that they expect good trade upon For dishes and glassware go, to
the advent of cold weather. While the Wilcox Dept. Store.
there is some cry of dull trade at ' Dr. Homer V. Hatch left yes-
nrespnf. ttiattoro itrill ...1. I . .. . .
r-- , - up wjica i terdav morninsr tor Uhicasro to ac-
i 3 J I J w
cept a lucrative position. Since lo-
Platte his health
eating" in North
No. 20, Ladies of the G. A. R., Oct.
11th. Wt quote from the National
Tribune: "The composer claims
originality for this national song.
He says that the 'Star Spangled
Banner' is simply 'Anacreon in
Heaven' which was sang in English
churches one hundred years ajro:
that 'America is an English na
tional air, and 'Hail Columbia' can
be found among the melodies of the
this heated term is over.
Mrs. H. S. Boal, of Slack, Wyo..
Will rioif WnrH. TDl-.4-i.X; 1 . It 1 j, j.t.; 1J 1-1 x I
.... 1Qtl.c lliCUUS nexc uau ueen poor, auu tui icu uim tu aucient Irisu bards." One of the
innnm nnrt i -a - -1 . I j 1 1 tt: i
-.M .wu. jaLti in tompany witn I accept xne v;nicago posuion. jais
ATtc CnAr n. . I li i!u.i- j t j .
j viSIl tue cotton mouier-m-iaw ana urae wugmer collsented to sinir this beautiful
Otates eXOOSltlOn at A fin nfn n-i I will romniti liirr tinfil trfc pf- I . 4-t.o- ir- TJo.e.f:..-l " Tliic
v,oi. v,oay s show will locate in At
lanta next month and remain until
the close of the exposition.
Managers of Lincoln county's
great exhibit took a notion yester
day to cause amusement and sur
prise to visitors by giving, a com
mon red beet in thef orm of a woman
a seat on their shelves. This veg
etable monstrosity is about two
feet in length, and one is quite
deceived at first in thinking it the
work of man. Omaha Bee.
. Ladies' kid gloves, best quality,
95 cents a pair at the Wilcox Dept.
It is generally believed that the
irrigation case of Paxton & Hershey
against the Farmers' & Merchants'
Irrigation Co. had been decided by
the supreme court, but up to yester
day the decision had not been filed.
It is said the decision has been
withheld at the request of one ot the
attorneys in the Keith county irri
gation case, who wished to file his
brief prior to the announcement of
the decision in the Lincoln county
case. No doubt but the syllabusof I wcaaa
the latter case will be published in with white wavimr plumes. The
" - o. .
tied. We are sorry to lose the Doc- number of the programme will alone
tor, but wish him success in his new
Rev. Graves has been granted
: a vacation ot a couple ot weeks,
which no doubt he will - enjoy as it
is the first he has had since coming
to assume pastoral care of the Bap
tist church in our town. From all
we can gather Mr. Graves has been
very faithful in his efforts to build
up the cause here, and deserves this
brief respite from his incessant
Wednesday evening's B ee had
the following to say of the Gordon
cornet band of this city: Following
was the finest arrayed band in the
whole parade, the Gordon Silver
Cornet band of North Platte, all
resplendent in white and gold,
headed by Drum Major F. B. Hart- j
man and under the leadership of
Prof. N. Klein. Each member was
uniformed in white and black, Rus
sia jackets and capes of white
English broadcloth, gorgeously
adorned with real "fold braid, tight
fitting" white trousers, iet black-
be worth man' times
the price of
men's railroad, " returned to the city
Wednesday, morning. .
Conductor Woodniansee and fam
ily are now located in the Reis res
idence on west Third street. We
are glad to welcome these estima
ble people to our city.
Some speculation is being in
dulged in by railroad men as to
what effect the dropping of a pas
senger train on the Central Pacific
will, have upon the Union Pacific.
Tom Hughes a former fireman
who quit the road last spring and
went to Juniata to manage his
father's farnViwill return to this
city with his family within a few
days. He willgo on the road.
"William Smallwood returned yes
terday morning from his visit to
Portland, and. (reports- the trip the
-moct oajoysvl-vlpe-Qt. his life. His
brother Joe anfffamily are highly
pleased with. Portland, and have no
desire to. return .to. Nebraska.
Station Ageiit Olds sent, to the
Omaha fair the;, early part of the
week samples of his Ferris Wheel
tomatoes. As, might be inferred
they take their name from their
size a few of . them fill a bushel
Bert Winged one of the firemen
sent to Green River, Wyo., several
months ago, will return to town
soon. Since leaving North Platte
Bert has become a benedict, having
been married at Green River to a
young" lad' who formerly resided
A low dowiTineau trick by some
of the boys was played on Lew
Hastings the other day. After con
siderable difficulty and trouble Lew
had succeeded in shooting five fine
young Mallard ducks while up the
road. He placed them in the ca
boose, but upon arrival here found
they had disappearen. Doubtless
they were enjoyed by the train boys
morning from Chicago, to which
city he went a couple of weeks ago.
He visited the state fair for a day.
Rev. D. Z. Foulk retuned yester
day from Colorado, and reports he
gained nine pounds during his ab
sence. Not only physically does
he feel refreshed but menta?ly as
Quite a large crowd took advantage
of the opportunity to get a good meal
and patronized the chicken a Wafile
supper served by the Methodist ladies
Tuesday evening.
John Minor is wearing crapo over
the loss of his dog "Moso," the big ani
mal having died of old ago Weduesday
morning. "Mose" had been a house
hold favorite for many years.
C. H. VanTilborg, of the south part
of tho county, is in town to-daj-, a:;d it
is understood that his namo will bo pre
sented to the republican convention to
morrow as a cmdinate for clerk of tho
district court.
Mrs. H. E. Carpenter, of Keith
county, was thrown from a buggy Mon
day night and rec ived injuries from
which tho died the following morning.
Undertaker Ginn of this city went up
and propared the remains for interment.
Colpnol Haydon, who for so manv
years visited this town in the interests
of an Omaha wholerale grocery house,
but who of late has been traveling
other territory, surprised his
j. idbiu luuuus yesteruav oj uropp:ng in
on them.
We have decided to cut
out our line of Shoes from
our stock. Id order to
!ttf j make room for the exten-
7i i sive iiue or urocfeery and
Wassware that we are put
ting in and will place on
sale baturday
September 14th;
All of our Shoe stock at Cost.
- ;f
These are Some of the Prices : 3
Infant's Shoes at IT cents a pair, 3
ob cents a pair,
Children's fine Dongola, patent, tip size,s 9 to 11,3
at 85 cents a pair, 3
School shoes, sizes 12 to 2, at 85 centsra, pair, 2
Boy's shoes at $1 per pair, i
Men's fine shoes at 1.15 per pair, t 3
1.50 a pair, . ' . 3
1.90 a pair, 2
Ladies'- shoes at 1.25 a pair, . -
.90 cents per pair, . .
kid shoes at 1.65 a pair,
,r. , l hand turned at 2.15 a pair,, 2
Misses Oxford slippers, tan and black, sizes 122
to 2, for .95 cents a pair.
It wiii pay you to take advantage of this. 1
-It is reported on the strec-U lo-diiy
mat tne Dame of Rev. J. C. Irwin will
be presented to the republic-in county
k-uvuuuuu lu-murruw as n canaia.uo tor
county superintendent. Whether this
move is mado with Mr. Irwin's cousout
we are not informed at this wntiinj.
"swiped" them.
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
and Havana Rose-
-5-cent cicrars.
C. F. Sohartnann went to Suther
land this morning to attend the M. W
ot A. picnic. Others intenued soma
but whether they got started we are no.t
Dr. A. P. Sairyer I hove bad Rheumatism elnce
I was 20 years old, bat since usinff yoar Family
Cure have been frea from it. It also cured my
husband of tho eamo disoose. Mrs. Bobt. Con
nelly, Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by F. S. Longley.
the next few days.
Dr- A BTvj-&r Sir: After fferiB loar
years with i esule weaiaess I was pens Haded by a
v to try yoar I'&attlles, aa4 after EsiBg theaa
for ooeyew, I caa say I am eaUrely well. I caa
aot recoamond ttea too WghJy. Mrs. M. S.Broek
- Uroasoa, Bfc9l .JBffscfc Ca.-HIth. Forealelr.
uniforms are valued: at $1,000. and
were the gif t of Hon. W. F. Cody.
Tlie band created a marked, sensa
tion, particularly is their playing--was
in keepingf wjtjrtlieir splendid
appearance. e '
We are the People who have
The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line .
in the City; always fresh ancLafc prices that
-coionei cody is interesting himself HARRINGTON & TOBIN, S0LK ACTS, NORTH PIATTF him-
new enterprises, namoly,tho establish- ' '
Bnt o sanitoriuras in dilForent sections
ment of sanitoriuras in dilForent sections
or tlie country. One of these institu
tions has lately been constructed at
Duluth, and another one is in course of
constructicn in the Yellowstone Park.
It is said that others will bo built at
several points in the west.
Observer Piercy furnishes us with
tho following weather data: Tho tem
perature for tho prosent heated trni ha-t
been Sept. 13th, 100 degrees; Hth, 0G:
loth, 82; 16tb,&t; 17th, 101; 18th, 101:
19th, SG. The warmest day during Sep
tember of last year was 91 degrees. Tho
temperature the past week has averaged
fifteen degrcos hotter than during the
corresponding period of last year. At
7 o'clock this morning tho following low
temperatures were reported: Helena, 32
degrees, Havre 34, Mil s Citv 42. Chev-
onne 4G. At North Platte the tempera
ture was 6G degree, and 78 at Omaha.
Observer Piercy predicts cooler weather
for this section, with danger of frost in
tho next thirty-six hours, if the weather
remains clear.
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining uuculled for
in mo post omco at JNorth Platte. NpIv.
t il 1 r -
-ur ino wee enoing September 20,1895.
Bean, A O Gravel, Henrv
Beaton. AJox Hawks, h N "
Connore, C Johnsou, Alfred
Mrs Preston.
Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I caa fay with plea-rare
that I have been nslng your medic! ae, and III rec
ommend It to all .ufferiug Indie?. Mr. W. W.
Weathershee, Angti-U, do. Sold by F II Lonirlev.
The democratic electors of Lin
coin county, and all citizens who
favor an honest, economical nn,i i Tirst Premium
For the State Fair and Exposition t
be held nb Omaha, Sept. 13th to 20th,
the Un?n Pacific will soil tickets ai rata
or one faro for tho round trip plus 3d
cents for admission to tho state fair.
safe administration of
Flour 2?obraska State
of 1884.
comity af- , J. H. Bush, of the
tairs are urgently requested to meet iced store, has been appointed
at the Courthouse in. North Plzttte, j at?ent for these mills at this point.
Meb., on ' j with express stipulations to offer
q.TIIpmv 1co- , to consumers their various .produc-v
SatuivDait. Oct. oth, 1892, tions at very low prices. A full
at I o clock p. m., for the purpose of stock on hand. Call and see it.
placing in the held a full county
ticket for the suffrages of the peo
ple this fall. All who will affiliate
with the party of Jefferson and
Jackson, irrespective of what their
views may be upon present party
unrerences, are invited to attend.
Such other business will be trans
acted as may property come before
tne meerjng.
R. Li. Graves. Clfn,
By J. L. Minor, Secy.
Children with pale, bluish complexions, lndlcat-
Jnpr the nbscucu of the reonMtn red crlnhni in h
Persons calling for above will pieasesay i b,ood Fbould tnke Dr. Sawyer's Ukntlne. For sale
$auu Howard 5100. f'tvvvs-a
Thb.recr3 of this paper will be pleased B C of Advertising
to learn that there is at least on rlm.
Full stock of North Platte Hour
also carried with same stipulation
as to price.
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at T.
F. Schinalzried's. Try
them and iudire.
Hershey & Co.
ed4 disease science has been able to pure
m all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Man s Uatarrh Cure is th
cure-known to. the medical fraternity.
('"tnrrh lvn i' -.. J
wJ(UH a uuuaiuuuonai i
qupsa gQqfr,tutional treatment. Hair, i
Catarrh Cure is tken iutaru,iliv. uctinir '
Aipuu tucvioouana raucous Kurf-Bces--of
the ayetem, thereby dostroyin"
the foundation of the disease, and ivio
the patient E'trooffth by buiiainD- nn th
constitutionand assisting'' nature in do
inff Its' work. The proprietors hav Kn
much faith jn its curative nmrora
moy uuet kjuo uunarea Jjouars for any
case that it. tails, to cure. Send Tor lists of
tcstimon fes.
Addfess.'F. J. CSffinivCoirrroifiSl tn
S-Soid by UruggfetTSd --w
1. attention.
e rightens
is the Best Advertising Me-
cli uni in ..Western. 1J ej)r .
Farm- and Spring Wasrcns.
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Punrris, Barb
Wire, Eto.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sisth,