The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 17, 1895, Image 4

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    1 -
- V" -
Served! Exclusively i ft
Over,Twent'-One MilBoa Ptfpto
UniverSalfV accented ft tte
Leading: nac cefcc er a WorkL
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete line of
mil m faki en,
Prices Always Eeasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
For dishes and glassware go to
the Wilcox Dept. Store.
The ice supply at this station is
getting- rather low, and it is said
tha& in the future part of the refrig
erators sars will be iced at Sidney.
A girl baby was born to Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Hall last night, and
the well known knight of the razor
is being burdened with congratula
tions to-day.
Quite a number of young folks
of the city enjoyed a card party at
the Cody ranch Friday evening and
were accorded that hospitality
proverbial of the Goodman family.
It is said that Alex. Adamson
has been given the formanship of
the Denver & Rio Grande Railway
shops at Salt Lake City, a position
that has a very lucrative salary at
tached. Last night was the regular
meeting time of the city council,
but a sufficient number of council
men did not appear to constitute- a
quorum. There has so far been no
meeting of the council this month.
Men's gloves at the "Wilcox De
partment Store.
Harry J. Langdon came up
from North Platte Thursday and
took the required pharmaceutical
examination and passed with honor,
being at the head of the class. He
has accepted a position at Monte
Carlo. Denver Press.
It has leaked out that Tim T.
jveiiner, -wnose norns nave grown
harder in the past tour years, again
wishes to try conclusions with the
venerable patriarch of vthe "bull
fteara," in the event of his renomin-
ation for clerk of the district court.
A. P. Kittell and Harry Kramph
left last night for Monterey, Mexi
co, where they will be employed as
-.civil engineers on the construction
of the Mexican National Railway.
They expected to leave about two
weeksago. but were detained by
sickness in the family of Mr. Kit
tell. Paul Bartlett, ot Lincoln, for
merly book-keeper at the E. W.
ranch, came up Saturday night to
engage in chicken hunting. He
found the birds rather scarce yes
terday. Mrs. Bartlett will come up
next week for a visit with her' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of
Cottonwood. L. E. Deemer, a broth
er of Judge Deemer, of the Iowa su
preme court accompanied Mr. Bart
O. P. P. Stout, professor of
, civil engineering in the state uni
versity and also in the employ of
the U. S. government, came up Sat
urday and took a. measurement of
the water flowing in the North
Platte river, which he found to be
but 200 cubic feet per second. On
the 8th day of last June CP. Ross,
of this city, made a measurement of
the water discharge and found it to
be 16,000 cubic feet per second, or
eighty times greater than at pres
ent. East ot Grand Island there is
scarcely any water in the Platte
uk oaws uive orooa sows.
Inquire ot R. A. McMurray, North
Platte, Neb.
Among the North Platte peo
pie who have so far left for Omaha
to attend the State tair are: Mr.
and Mrs. Eells, Mr. and Mrs. War
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Norton,
Mrs. H. C. Rennie, Miss Bertha
"VonGoetz, Mr. and Mrs. Field,
--Miss Sarah Grace, all the members
ot the Gordon cornet band, Mr. and
Mrs. Barnum, Mr. and Mrs. Fonda,
WilivReynolds and wife, Geo. Aus
tin and family, Mrs. Sitton, Mrs.
Dill, Misses Mabel and Frances
McNamara, Fred Barraclough and
daughter, J. R. Minshall and daugh
ter, John States and wife, Mrs. W.
Edwards, Mrs. Chas. Hendy, Miss
Nellie Hartman, Mrs. Schatz, Mrs.
Keith, Mrs. Donaldson, John Hin
inan, Miss Mattie and Sam Done
hower. (It Avas the intention of
John J. Wilson has returned to
the city after an absence of several
Carpenters are repairing the
Murphy house on Front street re
cently damaged by fire.
On account of the Jewish New
Year, the Boston Store will be
closed on Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Lu Huck is in a critical
condition and the chances for her
recovery are said to be rather faint.
Geo. A. Tatum and Cora Bal
lard, both of Maxwell, were mar
ried by Judge Ray yesterday fore
A boy babv was born to Mr.
and Mrs. O. V. Morrison last i
which accounts tor the extra smile
O. wearing.
J. S. Hoagland lias purchased
the Andy Struthers' house on vest
Front street and will shortly remove
his family thereto.
Ladies' kid gloves, best quality,
95 cents a pair at the Wilcox Dept.
The "Jay Circus" company has
been booked at Lloyd's for evening
of the 27th inst. This plav is said
to be a very humorous one.
An invoice of peaches from the
Jackson & Roth fruit farm at Grand
Juuction, Col., was received .in this
city Saturday. They were very
Rev. D. Z. Foulk; who has been
oassinsr a short vacation at Colo-
rado Springs, is expected home in
time to hold regular services next
James McMichael, of this city,
has completed the construction of
the new school house in Nichols
precinct. This is the finest school
house in the valley.
The "Milkmaid's ' Inter-state
Convention' to be held on "the 17th
of next month, will prove a yerT
interesting affair. Keep the date
in mind, and make preparations to
attend. .
Railroad, men can find the
Abestol fire and water proof gloves
at the Wilcox Dept. Store.
S. C. Wills, of Buchanan pre
cinct, who stands a mighty good
show of securing the republican
nomination for county clerk, circu
lated among North Platte friends
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars.
An average of half a dqsen emi
grant wagons bound east pass
through this city eyery day. It would
seem" that certain portions, of the
west are rapidly becoming depopu
On Saturday last city treasurer
Sorenson cleaned up the outstand
ing" itsys city warrants, with the
exception of two or three small
warrants that have not as yet
turned uo.
I Geo. Nnnman: roan nvprsppr fl A
TT Of f fM line hoon rri -1 r-l-rifi n rr 1 -
- ,7- T ; Hesse. In the Third ward the
in this city a . large quantity of ticket nominated is as follows: As-
sessor, Greeley Bundy; justices of
the peace, C. F. Scharmann and V.
VonGoetz; constables, Greeley Bun
dy and U. G. Sawyer: overseer.
We are requested to state that David Scott: iudjres of election.
there will be no gun club shoot this jas. Downie, G. G. Ensijrn. Chas.
week, but on Saturday, Sept 28th, Simpson, Wm. Woodhurst. Henrv
1 . f 1 il J
a regular cmo snoot win oe neia, at Yost. Jr.: clerks of election t, r
Mrs. Fox, the. dressmaker, has
returned to town after a year's ab
sence in Lincoln.
Judge Ray on Saturday united
in marriage Martin N. Jepseri and
Cora E. Freeman, both of Max
well. Supt. Barber says the attend
ance at the public schools yester
day was above the average on the;
opening day.
The household goods of L. H.
Woodmansee arrived from Chey
enne Monday and the members "o
this estimable family are now resi
dent's of North Platte.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Carnahan
formerly of this city but ot late years
residents'of Cozad. -left the latter
place Jast week for Pittsburg. Mr.
Carnahan will visit the southern
states with a view of finding a bus
iness location. '
The shipment of stock over the
Union Pacific the last three days o
last week were the heaviest of the
season. . The stock yards here
were crowded with cattle and sheep
which were unloaded lo be fed.
If you can't go to the State fair
see the "bill of fare" for the chick
en ana wame supper to oe given
this evening commencing at 5:30 in
the Hihman building on Fron
street next- door to Banks'. A
royal repast" will be served for
Messrs. Graves, O'Neil, Wood
hurst, Cronen, Ginn and Blood are
getting,, ready for a hunting trip
which they will make next week,
their objective point being the lake
country northwest of this county.
They are having constructed a boat
which they will use for duck shoot
ing. . ' .
The republican primaries held
Saturday resulted in the election of
the delegates named by the caucuses
held in the First and Second wards.
In the Third ward the delegates
elected were W. G. Bogue, W. H.
Johnston, U. G. Sawyer, C. F.
Scharmann, V. VonGoetz and Henry
Yost, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Ward Kahn. a Lead-
ville, Col., lady, was in the'eity yes
terday solicing assistance forschol
arships for poor children. At pres
ent she has half a dozen young pro
leges in educational institutions
who are maintained therein through
her efforts. She had a residence of
over ayear in the Hawaiian Islands,
and delivers a lecture upon those
much misunderstood people. She
has a date for this purpose in Lin
coln to-night, and may return to
tins city in uecemoer tor tne same
. . . i
The republicans of the First
ward have nominated the following-
precinct ticket: Assessor, Geo. W.
Finn; constables, Joseph Weeks
and W. H. C. Woodhurst; justices
of the, peace, P. H. Sullivan and
grapes raised on his farm west of
town. In a few years the farmers
of the valley will be able to supply
the local demand for truit.
which the
medal will be
this writer to keep "tab" on those
who attended the fair from this city
Jbut when told this morning that
-125 persons had left qa train No. 8
awarded to the member making the
best score.
The supper tobe served this
evening by the ladies of fhe M. E.
church promises to be a rare treat
to all who attend. Chicken and
waffles, salads, etc You will find
tnem in tne Jtiinman Duilding on
Front street, next door to Banks'.
The Colorado Springs Tele-
Isenhart and W. H. Gould.
-Frank Sullivan returned from
the east Saturday night and re
mained in town until last night
when he went to Omaha to resume
his position as clerk in the office of
the general foreman of the Union
Pacific shops. As has been stated
in these columns, Frank won the
one hundred-yard running race for
light weights at Brockton, Mass.,
gtapu ui ldsi ociLuiuoy uas tue ioi- &ept. 4a, ana or course ne was
lowing to say ot, q. former North warmly received and congratulated
Flatte boy: "Captain W. H. Orms- by our people while in town. The
by stenographer of the Guinn gold medal awarded him, and which
Commercial Colleire. has accented n he wears, is a handsome piece of
position with Carnduff, the broker."
C. C. Babcock, living near the
Custer county line, was in town
yesterday. He said that his corn
would average twenty-five bushels
per acre and his Avheat six or eight
bushels. Mr. Babcock will con
struct a water storage system which
he thinks will be of great benefit to
The "JJeestnct Schule" will be
presented to the North Platte pub
lic some time next month under the
auspices ot the Y. M. C. A. This
presentation of the couutry school
as it was fifty years ago is a laugh
able creation, especially when in
the hands of such people as will
take part in it next month.
At the morning service of the
Jfresbytenan church last Sunday
a letter of resignation was read
from Rev. J. C. Irwin. This
ulivu me jai i. ua iur. ixwin is
due to his physical condition which
at present, at least, preludes the
lAasiumty ui cuatmuing tlie Wflrjf.
jno action on the letter has been
taKen oy the board of trustees and
none is liable to be until at least a
couple of weeks elapse, the trustees
artistic work, and he has good
right to feel proud over this emblem
which testifies that he is the cham
pion of America in the light-weight
100-yard class.
i ""T.- ' ; i( ' gsttfe When Buying-
'l- c:mM ' ; CCi . W.- " bh Minneapolis i ; T
: VitVve Received aWline of r PmlliiSllt
, J V-Do you need one? .Tv" Sf
If so, come and see us. - ylSfijqssg'f,.
Miss Hannah Keliher went to
Omaha Friday night to visit friends
and attend the fair.
Mrs. J. G. Anderson and daughter
Bessie returned from their Denver
visit Sunday morning.
Johnnie Gobleman came down
from Carbon, Wyo., Sunday to at
tend school in this city.
A. SI Baldwin went to Gothen
burg Sunday morning to attend the
Lutheran camp-meeting.
Mrs. ;John Murphy left this morn
ing tor Creston, Iowa, exbecting to
stop a day or two in Omaha.
Attorneys Grimes, Wilcox and
Gantt are in Lincoln on business
before the state supreme court.
Mrs. Haines and Mrs. J.W. La-
master left Saturday night for
visit with friends in Greeley, Col.
The Lincoln County EzMbit.
From SIonday-EYealng's Bee.
Lincoln county's exhibit calls out
enthusiastic commendation as soon
as seen.- 'rue nrst-.ettect it nasi
upon. the visitor is to; cause him to
wonder whether going out the door
and passing- down the avenue he
has found his way into the art hall.
It is-one of the exhibits that brings
the managers-into the building in
an exceedingly challenging spirit
with reference to the orize of the
premium-. .Owing much of its ex
cellence to the generous patronage
of Colonel William F. Cody, a life-
size statue in bluff sandstone ot
Buffalo Bill looks out from the mag
nificent archway of the facade,
which is the facing of the display.
The statue, which is the work of
Swan Starken, a stoiie cutter oi
North Platte, is a wonderfully cor
rect likeness of the original, the
. . . . . . I " r v -- -r- i
taitniulness ot the copy being tne mrs. xx. u. uevine returnea yes-
subject of comment by almost every terday morning from a yisit with
one who has seen Nebraska's pop- friends in the central part of the
ular cavalier. I state.
Indicatinguthe beneficent realiza- J. W. Lamaster goes to Denver
tion of the first promises of irriga- this week to purchase a supply of-
tion and as a prophecy of what is sundries, such as he needs in his
yet to come Buffalo Bill with. Ins repair shop.
"sui- "o." la upemu u.u uugauuu iYir. unQ iurs. ivi. n. jjougias re-
lateral ana m.Jiis letc lie is noiaing turned from the east last Saturday
a piece oi nose. u. ne paueis ui luc nigJit. Their trip was a delight-
archway are failed with photographs f uy pleasant one.
Miss Mattie Hail left for Nebraska
City Monday' to visit relatives.
Miss Hail will remain there indef
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fikes went
to Omaha this morning and after
remaining there a few days will go
on to Ft. Madison. Iowa, to vlsil
Mrs. Fike's sister.
Kev. and Mrs. J. C. Irwin return
ed from Colorado Saturday morn
ing. Mr. Irwin's health was not
so greatly benefited by the trip as
was hoped.
iirnest Kowlaud, who has just
returned from a trip through Texas
-Why not gefc the .BEST?
Washburn's Superlative..
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im
provement in milling machinery the product of the" hard,
excellent wheat of the norjk :if-you are not using the
Washburn Flour, try it. Tt is sold by :
I investigate
We have decided tocut
out our line of Shoes from 3
our stock. Id order to 3
JbJW make room for the exten- 3
jjj sive line of Crockery and i
(rlass ware that we are put- 3;
ting in -and will place on 3?
sale Saturday
September 14th
All of our Shoe stock at Cost.
along the course of the North PJatte
canal and of scenes on the canal
1 .
itself, while a large part of the
cereal display, comes from fields
artificially watered. Crowning the
arch is an immense stuffed buffalo,
and about the columns of the facade,
of which every smooth part is cov
ered with beautiful designs in corn
and small grain seeds, are wrapped
the dried, green stalks of "ra
grasses. "We have," said one
of the managers, "broujrht- two
kinds of corn with us, as you will
observe." He then pointed on one
side to a cornstalk which since it
came into the buHdinjr has
ambitious to piis'U its tassel through fnd Mexico, is yjsiting his mother
j, r 1- ' 1 j V t r t in flliQ cifv 17a tn.. -4 " 3 j I -
the roof, for it. stands twenty feet
hisrh, and on the other to a stalk
v -
content enough with being shorter,
because it carries an ear almost the
size of Jim Corbettls.'thisrh.. The
exhibit is in charge of W. h. Park,
He may decide to lo-
in this citv.
cate here.
Ralston, of Rock Island,
111., arrived in town yesterday
morning and will spend a few davs
interests in
These are Some of the Prices :
Infant's Shoes at 17 cents a pair, 2"
18 " 35 cents a pair, - 3
Children's fine Dongola, patent tip sizes. 9 to
. at 85 cents a pair, 3l
School shoes, sizes 12 to 2, at 85 cents a pair
Boy's shoes at $1 per pair, .
Men's fine shoes at 1.15 per pair, . 3-
l.ou a pair,
1.90 a pair,
2.30 a pair, " ,
Ladies shoes at 1.25 a pair, -
" .90 cents per pair, ..
kid shoes at 1.65 a p'air, : 3
" " hand turned at 2.15 a -nam
Misses' Oxford slippers, tan and black, si-312 Is
to 2, for .95 cents a pair. ' 3
It will pay you to take advantage of this. 3
looking after his land
James McDonald, E. F. Seeberger Lincoln county.
is fiftv feet lonr and
ten feet high,
Hunt. The facade
stands about
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Laing and son
uoraon, ylio had been spending
several months at the ranch in
Cheyenne county, returned to the
city Sunday.
Altred Gilman left yesterday
morning tor Lincoln to resume his
studies in the state university.
Quite a number of friends
dropped in on Rev. A. W. Graves
ast evening- aud cave him a little
surprise party, and it did indeed
prove quite a surprise to the po'pu- Charley Hendy has also returned to
pastor. it was jui. criuve s the same institution.
N. G. Bulger, of Pittsbunr. audi-
tor and inspector for the American
Waterworks Go., spent last week
in town checking uo at this nlant.
A l
He found the affairs of
ar pastor. it was
birth anniversary, and the occasion
oroved a very oleasant one. Re-
resnment tables were spread on
the lawn, amid a liberal display of
apanese lanterns.
the compa
Five weary looking bicyclists ny in good shape.
arrived from the west this morning
and after takinsr a" few hours' rest
started on their journey east. Ped
aling a wheel across Nebraska's
dusty prairies these days can
lardly be called sport.
The new restaurant .which
opened in the Keith block a. week
or so ago has been closed on ac
count of lack of patronage.
Edgar Donehower left this morn
ing to accept a position as machin
ist at Little Rock, Ark.
noping that Mr. Irwin's condition
wm improve. Mr. Trwin) is a very
puumar man ootn in ana out of the
pulpit, and Tub Tribune sincerely
hopes that he may bo improve as to
Dearie to continue his-work in our
We are the People who have
The finest grades of everything in the GF.ocry lane
in the City; always fresh and at prices thaWv-
Alex. Stewart, who had- been
stationed at Sidney for a couple of
months as round-house foreman.
returned to, this city Sunday, Char
ley Peterson having so far recovered
as to resume the foremanship.
J. J. Sullivan, who went to Bos
ton to see ljis son Frank win the
light-weight sprinting champion
ship, returned home Saturday
riignt. En route home Jack stopped
over jn iSew York and witnessed
the races between the Defender and
Valkyrie III.
Quite a number of our citizens
leave for Omaha to-niirht. anions
them being D. C. Congdon and
wife, Frank Redmond,' Chas. Clin
ton, M. K. Barnnm and wife, Mrs.
W. L. Park and Mrs. E. F. See-
berjrer. The four latter will make
the trip in Supt. Park's car.
The Tribune expected to receive,
up. to the hour. of going to prers, a.
telegram announcing that the Lmr
coin county exhibit had been award
ed a preiniumr but up to 1 o'clock
no such good tidings had been re
ceived. This county is pretty cer
tain to get first or second place.
Paul Bartlett and his friend un
wittingly managed to get hold of
the wrong bird-dog,- but succeeded
In getting away before the sheriff
discoved the fact.
A. L. Havis has just furnished
the North Platte city schools- with i
a couple or miguiiiceiit stoves.
Unusually large luscious water- j
.jneions are oemg spia: uppn our
'streets., .j ,. . . V ,;
Bbb Fultoh is rUnnirig a "push
The democratic electors of Lin
coln county, and all citizens who
favor an honest, economical and
safe administration of county af
fairs are urgently requested to meet
at the Courthouse in North Platte,
Meb., on
at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of .
For Iho State Fair and Exposition to
uoholdjit Omaha, Sept. 13th to 20th.
the Unin Pacific will eell tickets at ralU
of one faro for tho round trip plus-iQ
cents for admission to the stato fair,
First Premium Flonr Kobraska State Fift:
of 1895. '
J. H. Bush, of the Front street 1
feed store, has been
-i y iui ihj; uuiwsc Ul , . r ., ... ffi .
4 nrranf ... TIT.. i. n. ; i
placing in the field a full counii"
x.' 1 L C J.y rr en I v. ..j jhuiuuuuiib IU Uicr
ticket for the suffrages of the peo- to consumers tljeir various produ.
pie this tall. All who will affiliate tions at
with the party of Jefferson and stock on hand. Call and'see it
Jackson, irrespective of what their
views may be upon present party
dmerences, are invited to attend,
Such other business will be trans
acted as may properly come before
the meeting.
R. L. Graves, Ch'n,
-By J. L. Minor. S'ec'y.
Card of ThaakB.
We extend to all those who so
kindly offered and gave their assist:
ance during- tlie recent" illness and
burial of oUr little baby our most
sincere thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sullivan,
Nichols, Neb-
R & C of fidvcpfciaing
(x Attention.
is the Best Advertising Me
dium m Western Nebr.
a uii stock of North Platte Hour
also carried with same stipulation
as to price.
In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
Hershev 8r r.n
Farm and S-nn'na- w
Buggies, Road Carts;
Wind MiUs, Pumps, Ba
Wire Btor - " ! "
las't night, he gave up in jdeair.) j
midst. '.-.'. -
at Wamsutter; Wy35.
C ooui3t-Stroai-l.T)otYcon Fifthjand Sixth
T 1.