The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 17, 1895, Image 3

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    i i MHH Hill llll mi ii I i T
' . Jl-- ? . ; .. :-. ; ..:;!: :!. ..tin
Cklacse Steamship Chatter Thus Strikes
the Rocks and Goes Dewa.
' akcouver, B. C, Sept. 16. The
2,000-ton. China steamer, Catter Thnn,
feoand from Sydnev to (Thina. -wnf.Vi ri
kwnan beings on board, is lying many
iswioms aeep or seal Bock, near Port
Stephens lighthouse. Only 26 lives
irere saved. The terrible details of the
catastrophe fill many pages of the
Australian papers received here. The
following are the names of the drowned
B. Frazek.
B. Smith.
rs. Mathias. -Aj. fef
: Miss Lionira
I Keil Shannon, master.
Al Phinney, chief officer.
Harold XiEFfleh, third officer.
B-. Henderson, surgeon.
J. H. Harper, chief engineer.
F. -Wilson, second engineer,
i J. "vV. Adams, third engineer.
; A. TVolstexdheii, fourth engineer.
R. Manning, chief steward and
ine accident was dne to currents
'drifting the steamer on tho rocks in the
fury and darkness of the storm. Mrs.
,aad Hiss Loring were the wife and
daughter of the secretary of the Im
perial Federation league of Australia,
and were well known in San Francisco,
having been on their way via China.
At the coroner's inquest it was proven
that the steamer was being steered all
right and that the only way to account
for the vessel's striking was that some
mysterious current carried her on the
The cargo of the steamer was very
valuable. Among the cargo were 10,
'000 sovereigns.
, f
Prison Reform Services.
; Denver, Sept. 16. The National
Prison association attended services at
the Central Presbyterian church. Kev.
William E. Slocum, D. D., president of
Colorado college and of the state board
of charities and corrections, delivered
the annual address, speaking of the ele
ment of justice in charity. E. R. Brock
way, of the Elmira, N". Y., re
formatory and the originator of the
Elmira prison scheme, addressed the as
sociation on ' Prison Reform."
Additional Shortage Discovered.
Denver, Sept. 10. An additional
shortage of $9,207 has been discovered
in the county treasurer's accounts,
which may increase the liability of the
bondsmen to nearly $220,000. Mr.
Wygant deposited in his fees fund the
interest from the money doposited in
banks, and then paid it out in salaries,
which County Attorney Condy claims
he had no authority to do.
blight Earthquako Shock la Iovra,
Dubuque, Sept. 16. A slight earth
quake shock was felt in this city about
8 . o'clock a. m. during a pause in a vio-
jeau storm or inunaer, ngncnmg, nau
and rain. The movement was annnr-
tly from the west to the east, and
not generally noticed.
Butte Wins From Iowa.
Butte, Mont., Sept. 10. The foot-
WH?game between Butte and the Iowa
tama- tkia af tenae ok; t-"
t-m gae.
Crisp XeH-Ce4ttRl.
! St. Louis, Sept. li A special from
Athens. Ga., to the Republic says ex
Speaker Crisp denies having declared
for Whitney as the Democratic nomineo
for the presidency, and says he has not
expressed a preference for anyone for
that oflice.
Soon In Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, Sept. 16. The weath
er here has been remarkably cool for
this season of the year. The ther
mometer at fi o'clock registered 41 de
grees. In one part of wesfPhiladel
phia a light fall of snow was reported.
Hornblower Will Succeed Jackson
"Washington, Sept. 16. It is learned
that President Cleveland has deter
mined to offer William H. Hornblower
of New York the place on the supreme
bench made vacant by the death of
Justice Jackson.
Deaths From Sunstroke In Arkansas.
Little Rock, Sept. 16. Trackman
Adams, in the employ of the Iron
Mountain railroad, was overcome by
heat and died. A man named Harding
was also stricken and it is believed will
Mark Twain's Lecture Tour.
. Sydney, Sept. 16. Mark Twain has
arrived here on his " tour through Aus
tralia. His plan for a lecture at Hono
lulu was interferred with by the out
break of cholera there.
Priest Shot the Mayor.
City op Mexico, Sept. 16. Andrew
Flores, a priest in Yahuilica, shot tho
mayor of tho town, killing him in
stantly. The priest has fled.
Wife of Congressman Cook Sick.
JSTeenah, Wis., Sept. 16. Mrs. A. A.
Cook, wife of Congressman Cook, Ms
daugerougly sick at Aurora, Canada.
Condensed telegraph news.
Kcpnlvfcans met at Muscatine, la., and
nominated H. B. Watriss for Representa
tive. General Drako ill open his campaign
in Iowa at Orange City Oct. 1. Ho will
hare Senator Allison with him.
Tho time set for hearing arguments be
fore the supreme court of South Dakota
in Hie case of Taylor, defaulting treas
urer, is Wednesday, Oct. 2.
Only members of tho Amalgamated As
sociation, 22,000 in number, will partici
pate in tho recent advance of 2 per cent
ordered by tho iron and steel manufac
turers. At Crown Point, Iud., Fred Otley of
Cedar Rapids. Ia., wanted for burglary,
tried unsuccessfully to break jail. He
had 14 files, given him by his father. He
was taken to Cedar Rnpids.
At St. Paul, Minn., tho final papers in
the appeal of Harry Hay ward, tho Minne
apolis gambler, convicted of securing tho
murder of Catherine Ging for insurance
faoncy, were filed in the supreme court.
Shipping: In 3Iexicaa Cattle.
San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 16. Au
immense traffic in Mexican cattle is be
ing built up under the present favorable J
conditions for their importation into '
this country. Twelve thousand head of
stock cattle were purchased in the state
of Coahuila, Mexico, last week and
brought into Texas. Arrangements are
being made with English capitalists to
purchase several hundred thousand head
of Mexican cattle and bring them to
Texas, where they will be fattened on
cotton seed meal and then shipped aliva
&33nlan.i . .
Forced to Retreat Alter a Sharp En
gagement at Arimao,
Six Women and One Child Perish on the
leaa Off Claxton Foreign Gunboats
Scat to Stir Up Chinese Officials.
News From Foreign Lands.
Havana, Sept. 16 Official dispatches
received here give an account of a sharp
engagement at Arimao, near Cienfugos.
The village was attacked by a consider
able band of insurgents, but the loyal
ists offered so stubborn a resistance that
the attacking party were obliged to re
treat, leaving three of their number
Twenty-six insurgents havo surren
dered to the authorities at Remdios.
The .railroad bridge at Album, near
Cienfugos, has been burned by insur
gents, the party which executed the
work numbering eight.
Rafael Arce;; one of the insurgent
leaders, was wounded in a skirmish
with Spanish troops near Las Lajas,
province of Santa Clara. The mayor of
Anibal reports an engagement with in
surgents in Paernio Telegrafo, in tho
judicial district of Sagua La Grande, in
which the loss of the insurgents was
five killed and 15 wounded. Armed
bauds continue to commit depredations
in this section. The column of General
Mela has returned to Puerto Principe
after an absence of eight days. General
Mela reports that he had several brisk
skirmishes with the insurgents but that
he could not force them into an engage
Six Women 'and One Child Forlth on the
Iona. OfT Claxton.
London, Sept. If!. Fire broke out on
board the steamer Iona, from Edin
burgh to London.
The fire troko out when the Iona was
off Ciaxton in the fore part of the ves
sels. The passengers were aroused and
it was- supposed that all had escaped
from the burning cabin. While the
crew was bnsy fighting the flames, sol
diers on board assisted in lowering the
boats and in supplying passengers with
It was not until three compartments
were burned that it became possible to
enter the cabin, where were discovered
the charred remains of six women and
one child.
Gunboats Sent to Stir Up Chinese
Foo Chow, Sept. 16. It having been
reported that the Chinese officials at
Ku Cheng were not pushing the inquiry
into the massacre of missionaries on
Aug. 1 with tho zeal that the occasion
demands, two foreign gunboats are said
to have been dispatched up the river to
stir up the officials to greater activity.
Bringing Forger Rix Hack.'
Hamburg, Sept..,lj5,-
MaM iortrr. am mm. a
ABacesda MiBe May lie Coh trailed by the
New CoiahlHc.
New York, Sept. 16. The report
comes by cable that an Anglo-American
syndicate has been formed, with Kuen,
Loeb & Co., bankers, as the American
representatives and the Rothschilds Ex
ploration company as the English mem
bers for the purpose of combining the
interests of European and American
copper producers. The project has in
view the acquisition of the valuable
Anaconda copper mine in Montana. It
is stated that this concern will be trans
formed into a limited company with a
capital stock of $80,000,000, in $25
shares. It is also reported, on good
authority, that the syndicate will take
400,000 shares at $30 each, provided the
report of the well known expert, Hamil
ton Smith, confirms the understood
value of the mine. Tho bargain must
be consummated at the latest by Oct. 15.
Wants Instruments Without Delay.
Sioux City, Sept. 16. Mandamus
TirofWftdinEra have been commenced bv
Sims Bros., the publishers, to compel
the county auditor to show them instru
ments in his office tho day they are
filed. The official indexes papers when
they are received, but frequently does
not record them for several days. He
claims ho need not show them until
then. Ho further asserts that it is op
tional with him to whom he shall show
papers, and that he may demand a fee
for his trouble. The plaintiffs assert he
has disposed of tho right to publish tho
records to another firm, which he de
sires to protect.
'Sweet Pea Girl" Identified.
San Francisco, Sept. 1(5. The iden
tity of the "Sweet Pea Girl," tho young
woman who has constantly attended the
Durrant trial, and who has attracted so
much attention by her devotion to tho
alleged murderer, has been discovered.
She is Mrs. Grace Bowers, the wife of
an insurance clerk. Last Wednesday
she left her husband as a result of her
infatuation for Durrant. Mr. Bowers
says that his wife never knew Durrant,
but from the beginning she has taken a
great interest in the trial, and believes
Durrant innocent. It is thought that
her mind has become affected and that
she is not responsible for her actions.
Cudahy Will Bore For OIL
Casper, Wy., Sept. 16. A contract
has been signed by Albert Walton of
Omaha, E. H. French and others with
Edward A. Cudahy, the head of the
Cudahy Packing company, for the thor
ough development of a traot of oil land
near Douglas. Two wells are to be
drilled at once. Mr. Walton is now m
Pennsylvania purchasing the necessary
machinery for the company.
Mrs. Jenkins Claims a Fortune.
Los Angeles, Sept. 16. Mrs. Charles
Jenkins, wife of the chief clerk of the
Hollenbeck hotel of this city, has dis
covered that she is a direct descendant
of the late Lord An trims of Ireland,
who left an estate of $80,000,000. She
will leave for the east at once to estab
lish her claim to a portion of the prop
erty. Well Known Detective Suicides.
Ban Francisco, Sept. 16. Daniel
Coffey, one of the. best known detec
tives in the, jpolice department, com
mitted suicide by shooting himself in
tha h ead
Condemned ta Death For the Harder
InfaateXntrssted to Her Care.
"Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 16. Minnie
Dean, who was condemned to death for
the murder of infants entrusted to her
care, has been executed in Invercargill,
Auckland, New Zealand. She protested
her innocence up to the last.
Clemency was asked on account of the
murderess being a woman, but the proof
against her was so overwhelming that
no mercy was shown. On the scaffold
she was hysterical, and had to be almost
earned to the drop. Just before the
black cap shut out the world from view
Ehe became more resigned, but piteously
exclaimed: "Oh God, let me not suf
fer." The drop fell and death was in
stantaneously. The woman prayed in
cessantly toward the last, but- stoutly
maintained that she had no murder on
her soul and had no doubt that she
would go to heaven.
Minnie Dean's crimes were the sensa
tion of last year in Hew Zealand. In
her prosperity she was patronized by
well to do scoundrels who paid her
handsomely to become responsible for
their children. A mother's love, how
ever, induced an erring woman to seek
her child who had been delivered to the
woman's care.
Minnie Dean had reported it dead
from natural causes, but the mother's
suspicions were aroused and detectives
were employed, when the remains of
a number of children were found of
ages ranging from a few months to sev
eral years, buried in every conceivable
place about the premises. The woman
was arrested, and after a sensational
trial -was condemned to death on tho
evidence of the guilty fathers, who were
compelled by the authorities to appear
in court to assist the crown. Minnie
Dean's defense was thatall the children
died from natural causes.
Alf geld otnrts J or Chattanooga.
Chicago, Sapt. 16. Governor Altgeld
and his military staff left Chicago for
Chattanooga, where thsy will join the
old soldiers of Illinois in celebrating the
dedication of the National Military park.
Government Contractor Makes Tracks.
Cheney, Mich., Sept. 16. Contractor
Frank Osborne, in charge of the gov
ernment work at Grand Marais, is al
leged to have fled with $jf,800. He is in
debt to stores and employes.
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
GniCAGO, Sept. 15. Cables from Liverpool
were low today, the northwestern rcceiuts
were largo anil thero was prospect of a heavy
increase in tha visible supply, all of which
nidad in turning prices down. December
opened YsQxji lower nt 57sj57 v and reacted
to 57c.
Corn was easier, affected by the decline In
wheat and tho favorable weather. May opened
'tP lower at 23Jc and reacted to thj opening
Onta were steady.
Provi-sion-j wore steady on moderate hog re
ceipts and steady prices at tho yards. Janu
ary pork opened unchanged at 40.40.
"WEE AT September.;; December, 6Sc;
May 022.
CORN Soptember, 31Kc; May, 29c
OATS September, ISJfc; December, 18c
PORK September, t&u6 ; January, $9.82f -LARD
September, $5.77J ; May, $o.Q9
RIBS September, $3.27: January, R80.
" Lil " iChieagXiv Stock.
:CTCAOO. Stv 15 HOQS-Rac?, 19.680;
best grades strong, other. barely steady;light,
s:3.03'S4.60; mirM, S.9J4.60;hcavy,$3.8(J4.55;
rough, $3.854.10.
CATTLE Receipts, 24,000 head, including
2.5J0 Texan-j and 10,000 westerns ; market weak
and generally lUc lower; beeves, J3.4XS5.05;
cows and heifers, $1.403.G5; stockcrs and
feeders, f2.8Xg4.0J; Texas steers, $.,.753.3j;
westerns, ?2.J4 3J.
SHEEP Receipts, 17,000 head; market quiet
and ste.idy.
South Omaha I.lre Stock.
South Omaha, Scpt.16 CATTLE Receipts,
4,530 head; niurket steady on good beeves,
weaker on common ; stockers andieeJors very
active and stronger; native beef steers, J3.G0
5.35; western steers, $3.004.80; steers,
$2.253.5i; cows and heifers, 2.5Uga.23; can
ners, $L502 4; stockers and feeders, J2.75
3 9j; calves, r5'JvS5.0J; bulls, stags, etc., $1.50
HOGS Receipts, 503 head; generally com
mon ; market about steady ; heavy, $1.004.20 ;
mixed, f 1.004.1J; light, ?3.754.15; pigs, $2.50
d.C3.V); Imlk cf ialei, $4.u54.l0.
HEEP Receipts, U.COO htad; market steady,
demand ood:fair to choice natives, $2.50
J.2j; fair to --chcico westerns, $2.UOft83.Lt): coin
jann and stcck sheep,' $i00u2.75; lambs, $3.00
5 0J.
There is no iiner agricultural sec
tton in all this broad western coun
try than can be found in the vicinity
of the beautiful little town of
Wheatland, "Wyoming-, ninetj'-six
miles north of Cheyenne. Immense
crops, never failing supply of water,
rich land, and great agricultural
resources. Magnificent farms to be
had for little money. Reached via
the Union Pacific System.
Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Goal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. ETery single Specific
a special cure for the disease named.
ko. cintcs. ritcnt.
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25
J2 Warms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic.... .'25
3 TeethlHgri Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7 Coagbs, Colds, Bronchitis , 25
8 Nearalsia, Toothache, Faceache. .25
9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
la Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. .25
11 Sappresscd orPainfal Periods... .25
12 Whites, Too Profuse Periods .25
13 Creep, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, EraptioBa.. .25
15 ShcHBsatism, Rheumatic Pains 25
16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25
19-Catarrh, Influenza, Cokl In the Head. .25
28-WhoeplBg: CeHgh .25
37 Kidney Diseases .25
2S-NcrveHs Debility 1.88
38- Uriaary Weakness 25
34 Sore Threat, Qntacy, Ulcerated Throat. 25
77 DR. HUMPHREYS' nnin ncr
Pat up in small bottles of pleasant pellets, Jastfit
your vest pocket.
Sold by DrscgteU, or tent prepaid o receipt of pries.
Vs. Hcxraam' Uxsvxv (114 pscea,) haimcd rxiz.
a f
Order by- telephone from
igpp Course by &Sai!
Vo will give a thoronyh courso of iustrijctlon in
double and single eutry Bok-keeping and Com
mercial Arithmetic by mail, Free of Charge,
to a limited number of persons. This course
will bo completed injorty lessons. Ko charge 3
for diplomas. Address
P. 9. I)KAV."En 1).
How are .
Your Wheels?
Not thoso in your head, but
almost any other variety.
If they are not working
smoothly theu thoy are in
want or repair.
In this Age of Wheels
the fellow who does not take good
care of his machine gets left be
cause he is not right irrtho race
of life.
Le Master the Locksmith
does tho best wheel work west of
Kearney. Ho also does repairing
of any kind of maehinor', from
a watch to a threshing machine.
His Prices are Right.
Don't forgot tho number 207 E. Sixth.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Pish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paidior Hides.
Contractor- and; Builder.!
127 Sixth SVCor. of Vine,
Newton's Book Store.
yjommepeiai College. 5
Man'I'rof and Dealer in
Curbing, Building Stone,'
Anil all kinds) of Monumental and Cemetery -work,
Caref nl attention Riven to lettering of every de
scription. Jobbing done on short notice. Order?
solicited and estimntes freely furnished.
Fire ani Life Insurance,
Notary Public.
3,000 Ipttfd Ditch Land
5 LnnH and Emigration Agent.
giev vcivtl gcutocl; gcsuvofljcn.
. . E. B. WARNER, 1
Funeral Director.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
. : nlways In stock. . .
Telegraph orders promptly attended. to.
! Atlantic Exysees Bept 12:10 am.
4 Fast Mail '815'A.jf.
U Liimitfiu " 9:20 a. M.
No. 28-Freiirht
7M x.
18 Freight " 41 60 p. ar.
Z3 freight " 4.-60 a, X.
7 Pacific Exorees... Dept 7iH)A. X
1 Limited 110?.
21-FreUht " 350 p. at
23-Freight..,. , SBa. at
n: B. OLWS. Agent.
Office over 2T. P2ftl.'Bank. '
Office over North Platte National Bank.
Aeeistant Sargeon Union c gp""""
and Member of Pension Board,
Oflice over Streltx'fl "Drug Store.
AT. EVES, M. D.;
Office: Nevilla'a Ulnct. T)isnun nf ffnmffl
and Children a Specialty.
Kittell & Benson,
Prospective schemes investigated: Un
profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys;
Maus. Estimates and renorts made, and
construction superintended.
Office In North Plalto MnrTr, Ploftp Nlh
National Bank Bide. INOrtn riatie, PeDv
Pure Well Watenlce.
Orders for the above product may
be left at Streitz's or McCabe's
drug" stores, or with the milk wag
on and they will receive prompt at
tention. Orders fbf ' '
may also be given the latter and
they will be promptly filled
Land Office at North Platte, Neb.,
September 7th, 1895. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following-naiaed
settler has filed notice o2 his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will Iw made boloro the Register and Re
ceiver at Notth Platte, Nebraska, on October lfth,
IMC, viz: Benjamin F. Sayres, who made Home
itead Entry No. l.S.W" for the northwest quarter of
Section II, Township 11 north, range S3 west. He
uames tho following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, iz: Milton Arbogast, Joseph Ayalanch,
John Staler, William Lakin, all of Dickens, Neb.
slCS JOHN F. U1NMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb., )
September 10th. 1895. f
Notice Is hereby elveh that- the folio-win
fnamed'settler.lhas flletTnoticeof his intention
'to'make finaliproof in, support of his claim.
ana tnatsaiaproot M-iu oe maae oerore tne
Register and lieceiver at North Platte. Neb,,
on October 19th. 1895, viz:
who made homestead entry No. 14,918, for
the south half of the northeast quarter and
the north half of the southeast quarter sec
tion 28, township 12 north, range 31 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Amandes Kunkei, Milton
W. Baker. Joseph H. Baker and Alexander
Craigie, all of North Platte. Neb.
73-6 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register.
Land Office nt North Platte, Neb., )
Aunst ltlth, 18W. $
Notice is hereby given that Ashbel Holeman has
filed notice nf iuteutiuu to make final proof before
Register and Receiver at his oflice in North Platte.
Seb.. on Tuesday, the 'S2t day of October. 1695, on
timber culture application No. ll,fifco, for the south
east quarter of section No. 211, in township No.
north, range No. 5W west. He named as witnesses;
V. L. Moore, Guy T. Dawon, E. B. Dunham and
il. M. Ituhyon, all of Farnam, Nebraska.
GlHl JOHN F. HINMAN, Begister.
In the matter of the estate of Benjamin F. Moore,
l suance of an order of Wm. Neville, iudtre
of the district court of Lincoln county, made on
the 1st day of August, 1885 for the sale of the real
estate herelnafterdescrlbed, there will bo sold at
the East front door of the courthouse In North
Platte,Nebraska,on the 30th day of September,lbt!5,
at one o'clock p. ni. of said day, at public vendne,
to the highest bidder for cash the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit: The west half of the
southwest quarter of section 2u. aud the west half
of the northwest quarter of feet Ion 35. all In town
ship 9 north, of ranged west. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Bated August iUXx 1&U5.
IlENB-r C. illXTOX.
Administrator of the estate of Benjamin F. Moore,
By Grimes k Wilcox, his attorneys. S33
Land Office at North Platte, Neb.,
September 2d, )
Notice is hereby Riven that the followins-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and J bet said
proof will bo made before Bejdster and lteceiver
at North Platte, Neb., on October 32. 1593. -viz:
ELIZABETH YOUNG, widow of Benjamin Youne.
who made H. E. No. 155(51 for the west hf of south
east qr, and east bf of southwest or of section U,
township 12, north of range SI, west. Henamea the
following witnesses to provo his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Peter
Muir, of Sutherland. Neb., D. W. Besack. Oscar
Mills and Loulo . Sborwood, all ol xsortb Platte,
Neb. S3d John F. HiumAs, Register.
William S. Alyca. Ella M. Alyca, George L.
Hoover, J. A. Robb. and Mrs. J. A.
Robb. his wife, defendants, will take
notice that, on the 9th day of Septem
ber. i89o, Kpnraim u. Hersncv. plain
tiff herein, filed his petition in "the Dis
trict Court of Lincoln Countv. Nebraska.
against said defendant, the object and
prayer of which are ta foreclose a certain
mortgage executed uy tne ueicnaants Wil
liam S. Alyea and Ellen M. Alyea, his
wife, to the plaintiff upon the following de
scribed premises, viz: The east half or the
northwest quarter and the east half of the
southwest quarter of section 8. In township
13 north, of range 33 west, in Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note, with interest cou
pons attached, dated September 4th. 1890,
for the sum of ifctX).00. due and payable In live
yean from date; that there Is now due upon
said note, interest coupons and mortgage
the sum of il 30.00. for which sum with In
terest from September 4th, IKS. plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendants te re
quired to pay the same or that said prem
ises may be uold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 2i8t day of October, 1SC6.
Dated September 9th. 1895.
EPH11IAM H. HERSHEY, Plaintiff.
sl(M By Grimes & Wilcox, his Attys.
J. tico that on ihe day ot July,
1893, Wm. LaKue, a justice ct the peace
of Walker precinct, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, issued hd order of attachment
for the sum of $33.(j in an action pend
ing before him, wherein E; B. Dunham
is plaintiff and C. L. Dawson is defend
ant; that property of defendant consist
ing of a one-fourth interest in twelve
acres of corn, one organ and sis wood
chairs, Iihb been attachotl under said or
der. Said' rcanso was continued to the
2d day of October, 180.1, nt 10 o'clock a.
m. ..- E. B. Dunham,
b133 Plaintiff.
" XixbOfTi-CK XT XoTS PuLttx. Nzb., )
-CiTl. --; ' Augast 19th, 1805. S
NoUcTisiVfegI?ea that the f ollowlng-nained
settler has filed notice of his intention to m&ka
final proof insappertof bis claim, aud that paid
proof will be before the Register and Re
ceiver at North: FUtte, Nebraska, on September
28th, 1893, Tte:
who Htade Hoaestead' ntrj No. 14,517, for the
easthalf of the northeast quarter section 24, town
ehin.M north, range28 we?t. He names the fo! low
leg witnesses to prove his coeUnuou? re$idenco
opoa aad cultivaUoa of, - said Jand, viz: Robert
C Hardla. Xargaret Needman, James II. Daven
port arid" George II. Smith, all of Whlttlor. Neb.
GGS Register.
,LadOAee t NorthiPIfttte. Neb., )
l Vr, . .'Angusr 21st, 1893.
NoUce is hereby Riven that the following-named
settler has filed notice- ot his intention to mako-
final proof in rapport of his claim, and that said
proof wIlL be made before the -Register and Re
ceiver at North Flatte, Nebraska, on September
2tn, ikm, viz:
, , . . CHASLST. LOUX.
who Ad Hoaeeteadatrr No. 15.912. for the
Southeast qBsrterl of Section 11. Township,0,
north, -Huge 28 "west. He names the' following -witnesses
to prove his continuous residence
noon and cultivation of said land, viz: William
J. Harper; Gay JDawiou. Frank G. Dawson and
Norman u. More, air or i arnam, jeo.
a23-6 JOHN i HJLNJ1A, itcgister
U. 3. Laud Office, Noith Platte, Aeb., h T:'
Awgwet 21st, 1SS3. f
Notice la hrehr mif HMtUw fe-UcwIuK-MRied
settler luw fi4ei aeMee ef k4e iHttien to make
Bhtl rtom m nnan-v kW ektni al that shIu
proof w44l hemaao hefoto Btiter tmd Receiver
at North PhiMe, Kh.. ob September 29th, 186C,t1z:
who H4e Homoatoad Mstrr No. 15,399, for the
Southwest tarter at SeeMon 11, Towwiip i N. ;
lutnge 24 weet. jm shm ise tcxiowiag
wltneeee ta pvave his aonWawoMS reeldeBce hx.
and cuWCvaWBM f mW Km4, v4c: GrlaT."
Loax, BwB,Nean Ii.tore and William
J. Harper, all of Tarcam, Neb.
a?oo junx x,, .iiegisier.
Ind Offico at North Platte, Neb., ?
AujrustSlst, 16S3. J .
Notice is hereby Riven that the followinR-anmed!
settler has filed notice of his intenUon to make,
final proof In support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before- tha ltecister and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, ou Sept. 2Sth,
i6uo, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 11,731 for ihe
Northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 9 N.,
itauge sa est. lie names the follovrlm; witnesses
to provo his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of. said land, viz: Qharies T. Doux, Trank
G. Dawsonv Gay Dawson and Norman L. More.ull
of Farnam, Neb.
nSK JOHN F. HINMAN. Register
U. 8. Land Office, North Plaite, Neb-.,-)
August 22d, ISICi. ' )
Notice Is hereby clven that the foiiowinK-named
settler has filed notice of his inteution to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will bo mmle before Ihe llecister and Re
ceiver nt North Pint to. Nob., on September 27th,
1953, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 13,433 for the
Southwest quarter pf Section 10, Township 12 N.,
Range 31 West. He names tho following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: Henry M. Corlow, Gen
eral" G. Harris, John E. Kooatz and John dem
ons, all ot North Platte, Neb.
aJ0 JOHN F. HTNMAN, Resistor.
U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., )
August 24th, 1SD3.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice- of her intention to mako
final proof in support of her claim and that said
proof will ie made before the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platfe. Neb., on Sept. 2Sth, 1883,
who made Homestead Entry No. 11P."0 for the west
naif nortneaet quarter aud the west half of tho
southeast quarter section 25, towuthip 13 north,
range 30 west. She names the following witnesses
to prove her continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: Francis Montague, James
K. Crow, Charles "Wilkinson and Walter Con
nelly. aU of North Platte, Neb.
a276 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
ley", full name aakaown, and Dudley,'- nr!tlD
name unkaow, bat wife of C. Mi : Dudley, non.-Xi
main nil r dAfaibiantB
Yoti are hereby cotlftd tlwt on the first dav of
Tebrasry, 1896, the SiUi Brothers Loan k Trusty
qoapaay, ptaiHtifi', filed its petition is tUejlH?-"
trictcoHrt of LfBcolu eewrtyafjfeh nlnBt'miSi
the above named defendants, the object" and;
prayer oi wnicn are to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed on the 18th day of November. 1883,
by Jesse 1). F.elder and Mary Fielder, his wife, to
the plaintiff-upon the south half of the northwest
quarter and lots three (3) and four (4) In section
four (4), in township thirteen (13) north, ot range
thirty-three (33) west of the Sixth principal me
ridian, in Lincoln county, state of Nebraska, t
secure the payment of five certain promissi ry
notes in writing for the sum ot $12 .00 each: tl a .
the three of said notes first becoming due bao
been paid: that there is now duo and novablo ou
said promissory notes from the defendants Jesso
u. ileidor anil Mary Fielder to the plaintiff the
sum of $21,00 with interest at ton por cent por an
num from the 18ih day of November. 189. for
which sum, with interest as nforesaid, plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants pay the
snmo, and that in default of such payment said
premises may bo sold to satisfy the amount found
due. Plaintiff further prays that all ot tho de
fendants aud all persons clHlminj? or to claim un
der (hem or either of them be forever barred and
foreclosed of and from all richt. title, interest and
equity of redemption in and to sold promises and
every part inereor.
Yoaare reonlred to answer snld not 1 Hon on or
before the 4th day of October, l&K.
aSOI By Griggs, RInaker k Bibb, Its Attys.
In the District Court within and for Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Milton Doolittle. Receiver of the !
North Platte National Bank of I
North Platte, Nebraska.
Nelson F.Rutledere,Nancy CRut-
leuge ana v. u. age, whose
nrst name is un Known, ana i
Charles. A. Glaze,
Nelson F. Rutledce and Nancv C. Rutledirc
will take notice that on the 30th day of Au
gust, iwj, iHiuon jjooitttie. receiver ot tne
North Platte National Bank of North Platte,
wenrasica. piamtirr herein, tiled His petition
In the District Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, against Nelson F. Rutledge, Nancy
C. Rutledge. W. D. Page and Charles A.
Glaze, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
the defcndants'Nclson F. Rutledge and Nan
cy C. Rutledge to the North Platte National
Bank upon tne southwest quarter tS. W. H)
of section. eighteen (18). in township ten (10)
north of range thirty t30i Avest of the Sixth
principaLmeridlan, situate in Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note dated October 12th.
1894. for the sum of f27o.OO. due and pavable
in six months' from the date thereof;" that
there is now due upon said note and mort-
f:age the sum of SJ7o.00-iith interest thereon
rom the 12th day of April. 1805. for which
sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defend
ants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found, due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 7th day of October, 1895.
Dated August 30th. IS05.
Receiver of the North Platte National Bank
of North Platte. Nebraska.
T. FULTON Gantt. Attorney. a304.
In tho District Court within and for Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Milton Doolitttle, Receiver of tho
North Platte National Bank of
North Platte, Nebraska,
Charles VT.- Rutledge, Mary E. Rut
ledge and Alexander D. Buck-
Defendants. J -
Charles TV. Rutledge and Mary E. Rutledgo will
take notice that on the 30th day of August, 1S93;
Milton Doolittle, receiver of tho North Piatto
NationalBank ot North Platte, Nebraska, plaintiff'
herein filed his petition in the District Court ot
Lincoln county. Nebraska, against Chns. V. Rut
ledge, Mary E. Rutledge and Alexander D. Back
worth, the object and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ants Charles V. Rutlege and Mary E. Rutledge to
the North Platte National Bank upon the south
east quarter s. e. 'i) of section eighteen (18), In
township ten (1Q), north of range thirty (30, west
of the Sixth principal meridian, situate in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment nf n
t certain promissory note dated beptember 25th,
i IS9I, for the sum of $100 duo- and payable in six
i months from date thereof, that there is now due
' upon said noro bud mortgage the sum of glOO with
Y interest thereon from tho 2Ttn day of September,
ISM, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree
i that dofendants be .required to pay the same or
' flint- Q!,lil Twmfla vnnv Yu em f n cntfefir thj
amount found duo.
Y"ou are required to answer said petition
f on or before the 7th day of October, 1S95. :
Dated August :ju. ibuo.
I gecelver1 oi the North Platte National Bank
T. Fulton Gantt, Attorney. a3H
rr i it