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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1895)
H'-4 r - - ? t , t -. YOL. XI. NORTH PLATTE,; NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING,- SEPTEMBER. H;-189o. EDM: ft - 'SO"' . . . - i ifJtM 4 -$ LZ - I I -wm t Semi -U , 'i $ . r ' i 'i Hall Opening for We opeii the Fall campaign with a large and well assorted stock of new goods that will be an eye-opener the following goods: At the stocked to such an extent that part of our stock was stopped on the road. &In order to make more room we oifer the following inducements: Dry Goods 20 pieces all-wool 1-yard wide Serge, in all colors, regular price 60 cents per yard, at the Boston for 37 cents per yard. 20 pieces of the finest all-wool la dies cloth, not Tricot, 1-yard wide, regular price 00 cents, at the Boston for 37- ceuts. 20 pieces yard wide silk finish Henriettas, regular price 50 cents, at the Boston 28 cents only. '20 pieces of plaid and striped suit ings, one yard wide, regular price 25 cents, at the Boston 12-J- cts. a yard, 50 pieces Outing Flannel, regular ocent goods, at the Boston for only 9-i cents, 8-cent Cotton Flannel at 5 cents; UO-ceut Cotton Flannel at 7 cents; Furnishing Goods Department. ; -100 dozen Shirts and Pauts for bpvs and girls, in gray and tan, sizes from 16 to 34, for 15 cts. per gar ment and up. 50 dozen childrens all-wool shirts and pants, sizes from 10 to 34, from 25 cts. per garment and up. ' 75 dozen ladies' ribbed vests, ileece - lined, worth 50 cents, at the Boston j; for 28 cents per garment. 00 dozen ladies' all-wool shirts and pants, worth 1.50 per garment at the Boston 'for only 1.05. 25 dozen misses' combination y ' ' snifcSj pSizas .rom 2 to 0, atr 50" cents per suit. 100 dozen men's shirts and draw ers, double-breasted, at 43 cents per garment. 50 dozen men's all-wool ribbed : shirts and drawers, worth $1.50, at -tlie'Boston for $1.05 per garment. 50 dozen men's Jersey overshirts, worth 50 cents, at 40 cts. Men's white shirts from 50 cts. up . Men's night-gowns at SS cts. Men's unlaundried shirts at 45 cts , -:- BLANKETS -:- l" 100 pairs. 11-4 Blankets, worth 1.50, at the Boston for 1.05 per pair. All-wool Blankets, red, gray and white, from 1.75 up. Yarns in all colors at 08 cts. per pound. ndiyiUfShoeg, Shoes. ShoesJJfc- Our children's school shoes are of ,100 dozen ladies' dongola patent tip-, the best make in the country. We pointed or squaro toes, worth everywhere guarantee every pair of them. We $2, at tbe Boston only $1 45. have them in all sizes, heel and spring heel, from 75 cts. up, All our ladies Padnq Bros. & Co., Wise ' , ' 77, & Cooper's S3, $3.50 and $4 shoes in but In laches shoes we handle the Follow- , , . -.., o- ing makeof goods, which are the best ton, congress or lace, at S2.8o per pair. known in the country; Padan Bros. & Co., Wise & Cooper, Seth Edmunds & In men's shoes we qan sell you a good Co., and Kirkendall, Jones & Co. Every ir in congress or au0 at S1.50 por pair. pair of these shoes are guaranteed, ana . .... . , , . if not satisfactory they will bo replapo-i Wo rry a full lino of men s calf-skin by presentation of the faulty pair. boots, high and low heels. Clothing ! Department ' Our clothing department is located in 1 Vc carry men's suits, men's, boy's and the'rear end of the store. The very best , , ... overalls at Co cents: men's good cotton- children's overcoats, gloves and mittens, ade pants at SI; ail-wool Kerseys at $2; bats an j capSj trunks and valises. Ev- children's knee-pants suits from 4 to 13, tll . atSl oOandup. erything at the lowest prices. This sale will last during the entire month of Spptember. Cut from the paper and bring it with you to the store so yoa may see that we sell goods at the. prices we advertise. remember these goods are sold for OASH QNIjY. THE BOSTON STORE, School Of all C. m: NEWTON'S; s .&'lablet 5x8 inches for pne cent; T Ui-?t s re brouglit to North, Platte. The finest line, pf all grades of Tablets. A ruler or lead pencil given with every 5 and 10 cent Tablet. "fG, M. Newfoja's. Book' Store 1895, which we "will sell at prices for people who are in need of present time we are over Department. 12-cent quality at 10 cents; the lo-cent kind at 12 cents. The best feather Ticking at 15 ceuts per yard. Shaker Flannel 5 cents,. per yard and up. 25 pieces Toweling at 4 cents a yard. 10 dozen Linen Towels at 25 cts. per pair. German Blue" Priuts at 8 cts. per vard. Simpson's black, gray or Turkey red prints at C cts. per yard. The best washable Ginghams at 5 cts. per yd. io'yds to a customer Cotton batts at 5 cents per roll and up. T Tee wool in all colors at 12 cents per box. -;- HOSIERY -:- 50 dozen children's hose, all sizes, in gray and black, at 8 cts. per pair. Boy's seamless fast black bicycle hose at IS cts per pnir. ico dozen ladies' hose in jrrav and bhiek at 8 cts. per pair. 50 dozen ladies1 seamless fast black hose at 18 cts; por pah. Our stock of ladies', men's and children's hose in wool and cash mere is complete. 25 dozen ladies' cashmere gaunt let glevps at 25 cents per pair. Foster's ladies' kid gloves at 1.05 per pair. Ladies' kid gauntlets at 81.25 per pair. Ladies' and children's mittens, in silk. Saxony and wool, at a great reduction. -;- CORSETS -:-Our 75 cent corsets at 49 ceuts; Ball's eoraline and Jackson's corset, waists at 90 cts. Misses' corset waists, in all s:z'?, at 43 cents. 50 dozen belt buckles, not one less, worth from 50 cents to 81 ; your choice for 25 ceuts. Handkerchiefs from 3 cts. lip. J. PIZER, Prop. Supplies kinds at - - Thp largest and best five-cent SUTHEKLAND SIFTTKGS. Mike Connelly, ot Chicago, an old settler in this; county is this week circnlating among his f riends about town. . f - - " Geo. C. WliiterandliJos. A. Smith took in the sights at the county seat on Friday. Jos. Morton and wife, of eastern Keith were on ourstreets'Saturday; Frank Carpenter's father and mother who have been visiting in town the past few weeks, returned tc their home at Malcom, Neb., on Saturday morning. Mrs. Carpen ter accompanied them and will spend a few weeks visiting among relatives in the eastern part' of the -state. G. C: White is planning to spend the next couple of weeks at his old home in Pennsylvania. A friend from Wallace will" take charge of the store during his absence. The Woodmen's picnic at Haw ley's grove on Friday the 20th, bids fair to be a very enjoyable occa sion if the weather is fine. A good program is being prepared, and sev eral families are expected from Pax ton and'North Platte. Wm. Harris, of Paxton, was in our village Saturday. C. B. McKinstry left for the state fair on No. 8 Saturday night. Quite a delegation are preparing to take advantage of the cheap rates on Wednesday. Dame Rumor has it that Mat Mc Grath, ex-section at this place now has a section in Wyoming near Lar amie. Miss Jennie Crisswell came in on No. 7 Thursday morning. A party named Ruhe who farmed on the old ditch last year and went to Ft. Bridger, Wyo., this spring, passed through town the first of the week on the back trail. He reports the Big Horn country as cracked up considerably above its resources' and conveniences." The hot weather the past few days has hurried uptbe late corn and melons, and Jack Frost will have to move fast to do very much damage in this vicinity. Richards. and Mower finished up heir haying job south of 'town on Saturday. C. H. Criswell has arrangements about completed to start for Mis souri on Wednesday. At the republican primary on Sat urday evening Wm. M. Holtry and C. B. McKinstry were elected dele gates to the county convention on the 21st inst. Mrs. Henry Cokcr has been enter taining her sister from Curtis the past few days. P. C. Myers, of Paxton, was on our streets Saturday afternoon. Vidi. SOESET TnAPSEOTS. W. F,. Gartrell was a North Platte visitor last week, A slight frost in this locality did a little damage recently. . John McConncll transacted busi ness in North' Platte last week. Miss Bessie McDonald is visiting friends at Champion, Chase county. J. F. Brittain was a North Platte visitor recently. A. Green is planting seed on the tree claim of E. C. Fletcher, in Dickens precinct. Surveyor Meyer and party were in this locality Friday. John McConnel took a trip down the line last week. D. E. Jolliff called on friends at Wellflect Monday. A United States postoifice in spector was in this locality'- last week. Mr. Chittick and family of Hayes Center, spent a few days in this locality last week. J. H. ICnowles transacted busi ness in North Platte Thursdav and Friday. O. I. C. NICHOLS AND HEKSHEY NEWS. Sand-hjll cranes are on the wing in the valley. Corn fields are suffering from the numerous emigrants passing thro' the county these days. J. H. Hershey shipped a barrel of fine apples to the state iair the lat ter part of the week that were grown upon his farm in this pre cinct. Rev. H. P. Pel ton, of May wood, was greeted by a large audience at this place Sunday. We understand that Brunk and Gibbens have completed their hay contract on the Cotton ranch. Since the ue' school buihjjng at this place lias, een completed it n.iakes the . other buildings in the vi cinity look somewhat shabby. Mrs. Maggie Winters, of Brady Island visited her sister, Mrs. G. E. Sullivan and family last week. W. E-Parks, ot. the "liub-ivas recently the guest of J. B. McKee for several days. , The old school building at Nich-r ols will be sold to ..the highest bid der to-morrow afternx?6nir Several parties in the. valley are enjoyiug a visit from friehds in the east who have taken advantage of the late harvest excursions to visit this country. We understand that Hubert Knight who has been assisting his'- cousin, N. B. Spurrier, in his farm work this season will soon return to his home in Kansas. We are informed that Mrs. Con way is expecting her father, Mr. Blue, of Kansas, in a short time. Richard Spurrier, of Iowa, visit ed his brother, N. B., at this place recently. A stranger passed east early yes terday morning upon a bicycle. Judging from appearances we would sav that he had already traveled' some distance. If all is well Oscar Wright ex pects to steam up his sorghum mill this week. A young man by the name of Westy, from south of the county seat, was -the- giuesLofx-A. O.JRan.-. dall Sunday. We understand he is fitting himself for the ministry. Mrs. Frank Toillion is expecting her mother and sister from Mis souri to-day for an extended visit. N. B. Spurrier and wife, with others from this locality, departed last evening for the state fair. Old Mr. Davis is erecting- the out buildings upon the new school site at this place. x Parties who attended the dance at Hershe on Friday evening re port a social time. A. B. Goodwin and wife who left this place for Colorado last spring returned the latter part of the week where they will remain for a time at least. Mrs. Goodwin is visiting her parents at Belvidere. R. W. Calhoun delivered hay in North Platte Saturday to Jas. Mc Michael. He received at the rate of $4 per ton. Mr. Sellers, who has been making, hay while the sum slumeM'ri" this lo aality, returned to his home over south Saturday. A few democrats and pops attend ed the republican primary in this precinct. They are beginning to get their eyes openedr R, W. Calhoun will feoon move the main part of his old residence about sixty rods northeast near the road, and erect an addition to the same. He will then have a neat and cosy home, nicely located. There will be quarterly meeting services at the Platte Yalley school house next Saturdry and Sunday, j Presiding Elder Leonard will have charge. The pops' caucus was held last evening as per call and nominated the following ticket: Justice, N. J. Snow; constable, David Thush; assessor, Jerry M. Dewyer; road overseer, Chas. McAllister; judges of election, Chas. Ware and Wm. Ware; clerks of election, Wm. Haist , and C. C. Wetzel. The delegates to the county convention were Chas. Ware, J. M. Dewyer and Henry Hollingsworth. We were informed a few day sago that as soon as the old canal com pany gave the M. E. society at Her shey a deed for the site work on the new church would begin. Pat. In comparing the speed made on the New York Central with that of Union Pacific, and noting the many advantages possessed by the former road, the Bee of a recent- date says: 4,In spite of these many and time killing disadvantages the Union Pa cific has made some records of its own, and its daily operation of the road gives evidences of speed that almost equal that of the Central's record made under the most favora ble auspices, with all appliances and means to boot. Two years ago the Union Pacific had occasion to hustle a passenger train over the road from Cheyenne to Council Bluffs. The distance is 520 miles, and the run was made - with a full passenger train of eight coaches, in 580 minutes, including the stops for water, coal, three division changes of engines and crews, and the busi ness that had to be cared for at the big stations. Union Pacific train JNo. i trequently makes tne run from Grand Island tp Council Bluffs a distance pf 156 miles in 160 minutes, including five stops for crossings, and business at junction points. The California Knijrhts Templar were brought from Ogden to Council Bluffs, a distance of 1,030 miles, m twenty-nine hours, and- fruit trains of thirty loaded freight cars nave been pulled over that dis- NEW 'Elegant new Dress Goods a Bonnie's.; Handsome ngveltiea in Fine Dress Goods cheaper than ever "before offered. 1 r 1 i V . -; - f f . , In our Shoe department me offer "special inducements. Lip dips' nnd G-fint's Firm Shnp.s nt T?.finnip's this wp,p1c at 25 off. tance in thirty-two hours so many times that the railroad men have stopped looking upon the achieve ment as anything unusual. The run of 745 miles from Kansas City to Cheyenne is made in twenty-one hours, .with fifty-stops-todo'th&bus- iness of the company. From Chey enne to Sidney is a strip of track that affords an excellent chance for for speeding, and the Union Pacific enginers take advantage of it daily. The distance is 103 miles, and it is covered every day nearly at a mile a minute clip. Onty last Friday night the distance was covered in 120 min utes by a passengertrain of eleven cars, and five stops were made on the trip." Quite an accidental coincidence occurred in this vicinity yesterday afternoon. John Bartemas, living southwest, came to town after Dr. Lawrence to come and set his little girl's left arm, which was broken just above the wrist, by her being thrown from a pony. As the Dr. was on his road, he was overtaken by Jimmy Shinkle who had also bro ken his arm in nearly the same place as the little girl, by falling from Pete Williams' pony. The Dr. took Jimmy into his buggy and pro ceeded to Mr. Bartemas place where he set both arms. Both ot the ua- fortunates are getting along nicely. Wallace Herald. S100 Howard $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that tberois at least one dread ed disease science has be n able tocure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only positive" cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease,re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall'. Catarrh Cure is tiken internally, acting directly upon thp blood and mucous surf aces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for anv case that it fails to cure. Send for lists of testiuion ies. Address, F. J. Chenny & Co.. Toledo, O. S3FSold by Druggists, 75c TCErUJIUOAN COITNTY CONVENTION. The republicans ot Lincoln count? will meet in convention at the court Louse, in Sorth Platte, on Saturday, September 21st, 1893, jit ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing eleven delegates to the state convention at Lincoln oa October 2d, 1895, eleven delegates to the judicial convention to Ueneld m Sidney soptembor s;!n, ioUj, and to nominate a candidate ,7or each of the following of fices: County trea- fe county clerk, county snerlfr, county guperr.tandent ot public instruc tion, county judgv. county sntfeyor, county cor oner, clerk of ihe district court, and county com missioner Second dhtrict, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. The representation to said convention is fixed at one delegate for every twenty republican votes and major fraction tnereof cast at tne general elecUon held in 1831 for Joseph S. Bartleyfcr slate treasurer, and one delegate at large from each precinct. The following is the representa tion lor the various precincts: Antelope 2 Medicine 3 Ash Grove 2 Miller 1 ll.itnr 1 Vvlftnflpr ' Birdwood 1 Myrtle 2 Nichol3 3 Blaine 1 Brady Island 2 Buchanan 2 No. Plolto No. 1 t No. Platte No. 2 11 No. Plntto No. 3 6 Nowell 2 O'Fallons 2 Osgood 1 Peckham 1 Plant 2 Potter , 1 Bitner .1 Seller 1 Somerset 2 Sunshine 2 Yroman 1 Walker..... 2 Wallace 3 Well 2 Wbiltier. 1 Willow 2 Circle Hill .l Cottonwood '..2 Cox 1 Crockett 1 Deer Creek 2 Pickens 2 Pairview 1 Fox Creek 2 Garfield 1 Gaslin ,.2 Harrison 1 Hlnmas z Hooker 1 Eem 1 Kilmer 1 Tjtmnn ? Maxwell 1 Total VI It is recommended that tbe primaries for the elecUon of delegates to said convention be held in the various precincts outside of the City of North Platte, on Saturday, September 14th, 1895, between the hours of 4 p. m. and 7 p. m., at the usual voting nlace. and that the primaries for the city of North Platte be held on the same day at an hour .to be designated by the committeemen from the city wards. It is further recommended that tbe different pre cincts nominate precinct officers at the primaries. C. F. Schabmanjt, W. C. Elder, Secretary. Chairman. Bepubllcan Judicial Convention. Tbe republican electors of the counties comprise Ing the 13th Judicial District lXebraka) are rer qnested to send delegates ta neet In convcalioa a Sidner on Saturday, September 2Sth, 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m"., for thp purpose of, placing in nnml nation a, candidate for District Judge and to trans act snch. other business aa may proiieriy oome be fore the convention. The ratio of representation will be the same as that of the state convention, except in the cae of Cheyenne and Deuel these two counties making a showing that they were not correctly apportioned by the state committee. The different counties will be entitled to representation as follows: Banner 3 Lincoln 11 Cheyenne 0 iocnn ...2 Denel McPherson 1 Keith 3 Perkins 8 Kimball 2 Seotts Bluffs 8 Total 39 -H. 21. QaniiaChainiiau. I. P. 'MoitUJi, Secretary. ' FILL INVESTIGATE! Inspect our Great Offering Once again we are ready to do the right thing by yourand are pleased to announce that we' now have open for inspection a sea-. sonable new line, of ClotHingt Geiits' Fttrnifaiiig Goods Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything to fit a man, boy or child. Star 'Clothing WEBER & VOLLMEE, Props., INTO. 3496. jSTOHTS: PLATTE, jSTE13. mf, Surplus, .:- r.?:r E. A. General Banking SPECIAL SHOE SALE Otten's "Shoe Stores PRICES CUT IN TM0. In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies' fine Ludlow Shoes, ' ' t '. ' " .- ' i k Regular price $4,00 to $4.75, at $3 .00. Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a lit'tle mbneyf All our Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25t " All our Boy's fine lace and button shoes, the best made, $2.5,0 SEpe at$l.'65 $1 .65 Shoe $1." A large line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's, Slippers J soia'at prices that will - - - ". Save you 1-3 to 1-2 of your money. Children's Shoestha- best goods thatononey can buy, will be slaughtered at the same rate. Otten's Shoe Store. . HEW. LHrVZEJIR-Y- JJSTJD PEED STABLER (Old Van IDorau. Stalolo.) . rjv- -" ImM OS SNrthwest corner 6Coat(hou6B .Si GOODS House, Capital, - - - , 50,000,00' a , 22,500.00 M. LEFLANG,, Preset., ARTHUR McNAMARA, , - CashieLV Business Transacted. --' , ' lift n Ji Grood'Teams,- - Goiniortable IRigfef-1" LmmMlm fo? Us hmin Mk square. H-. 1 ... i : 1 s El ? I 1 i .L.