The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 03, 1895, Image 4

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Stent Exclusively ia
OyerTweaty-Oae Million Peoptf
&Wbrid' Fair Ground
umversany cctfi te
Leading n Cose World
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete line of
mn aid m in,
Prices Always Seasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
Mrs.F.N.Dick and a lady friend
came in from the west on train No.
2 to-day.
Mrs. J. B. Aveline, formerly of
Nichols precinct but of late resid
, ing in Chicago, is expected to ar
rive in town to-night.
Miss Maude Hinman leaves for
Omaha to-morrow to resume her
studies in the academy of the Sa
cred Heart. Mr. Hinman will ac
company her to Omaha.
F. Iv. Holmes and A. B. Beason
special insurance agents, are in
town to-day to adjust the loss on
the Murphy property, on Front-st.,
which was partly burned last week.
S. C. Wills informs us that
wheat in Buchanan precinct is av
eraging from eight to ten bnshels
per acre. One farmer down there
threshed 2,000 bushels from 160
Photographer Broach was up
at the Birdwood the early paft of
the week taking views of the Bird
wood irrigation canal. These views
will be placed on exhibition at the
state fair.
Some new wheat is being mar
keted in this city at present at
about forty cents per bushel. Farm
ers who are not compelled to sell
will probably hold their grain for a
raise in price.
' Miss Minnie Federhoof gave a
party to a number of friends at the
Hotel Neville Saturday evening in
favor of Lawrence Huffman, of
Omaha. Attendants pronounce the
affair a very pleasant one.
Judge Neville went to Ogallala
Saturday and passed upon the con
stitutionality of the state irrigation
law. The Judge upheld the validity
of the measure, and the case will
now go to the supreme court.
It is said the "gold-bug" demo
crats of this city will hold a caucus
tonight for the purpose of selecting
delegates to the state "gathering"
at Lincoln. This is more enterprise
than the 50-cent fellows showed.
Yesterday was generally ob.
served as a legal holiday in this
city, the government and county
offices, U. P. shops, and the banks
being closed all day, and many of
the business houses after 12 o'clock.
E. B. Warner goes to Fremont
to-mmorrow morning to inspect the
tribe of Red Men in that city, and
thence to Omaha to make some ar
rangements for the representation
of Red Men in the civic parade dur
ing the state fair.
The bed of the Platte river ati
Gothenburg last week was almost
dry, the only water flowing being a
small stream which flowed in the
north channel. The irrigating
ditches have been absorbing about
all the water in the river this year.
It is said that George Felty's de
parture from the city last week
which was a rather hasty one
was brought about by the arrival of
a woman who claimed to be his wife
by a marriage performed previous
to his late matrimonial venture. He
left a number of unpaid bills.
A.P.Kittell and Harry Kramph
will leave this week, possibly to
night, for Monterey, Mexico, where
they will do civil engineering work
for the Mexican National railway.
The positions which they accept
have been open to them for some
time, having been secured through
a friend of Mr. Kittell. We wish
the boys success in their new field
of labor.
Quite a crowd of people wit
nessed the tennis games at the
court on west Sixth street 3rester-
day. The games were comi
in the forenoon and continued dur
ing the afternoon and were then
left in an uncompleted state owing
to the high wind which arose. The
final singles will be played off in
the near future between Arthur
Hoagland and Dr. DeBerry and the
final doubles between Arthur Hoag
land and t ranK mooney as one
team and Dr. DeBerry and Walter
Hoagland as the other. The
tournament resulted in arousing
much interest in tennis, and it is
crh- hv another season the
1 -
game will be a popular one in
Bishop Graves will preach at
the Church of' Our Saviour next
Sunday morning and evening.
A Tvell-attended Sunday-schoo!
picnic was held in Buchanan's grove
in Buchanan precinct, last Satur
day. The Boston- Store is offering
some extraordinary inducements
this month. Read the ad on the
first page.
Mrs. Issac Dillon pleasantly
entertained a number of ladies one
afternoon last week in honor of her
guest, Mrs. C. "W. Collins.
An old settlers' picnic will be
held in Maywood on the 14th inst.
Quite a number of farmers residing
in the south part of this county will
The first consignments of fresh
oysters were received the latter part
of the week, but this early in the
season they are a luxury only the
rich can afford.
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars.
John Lemaster finished his tan
dem bicycle yesterday and the boys
kept it on the road about every
minute during" the afternoon. It is
a well constructed machine.
Sheriff Miller and guards Baker
and Healy refurned from Lincoln
Saturday night, having delivered
the Knudson brothers over to the
warden of the penitentiary.
Tickets for the comic Ispera to
be given at Lloyd's opera house
next Thursday evening are selling
rapidly. If you wish a good seat
lose no time in getting tickets at
Edith Patterson entertained a
number of her young friends at a
birthday party yesterday afternoon
from three until seven o'clock. The
youngsters seemed to have a very
jolly time.
A gentleman living in the ex
treme south part of the county, says
that between here and his home
corn promises to yield about one
third of an average crop it it is not
nipped by early frosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Field en
tertained a number of friends last
night in favor of their guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick, of Chicago. The
evening was passed at cards, and
resulted pleasantly to all partici
pants. Engineer Charley Baskins,
while pulling a freight train east a
day or two ago was confronted by
a tie which some miscreant had
placed on the track near Gannett.
Fortunately the obstacle was no
ticed in time to bring the train to a
The proposed new railroad up
the North Platte river has been
christened the North Platte, Gering
& Pacific Railroad, and the capital
stock has been placed at two million
dollars. Articles of incorporation
are now being drafted. It is likely
the committee will hold a conference
with the Union Pacific officials
within the next week.
Down in the eastern part of the
state considerable enthusiasm is
being aroused over the beet sugar
industry, and a number of towns
are working to. secure a factory. No
place in the state possesses such ad
vantages for growing sugar beets
as does" the irrigated district of Lin
coln county, and no where else.:
would the raising ot the same prove
so profitable. Let us renew our ef
forts to secure a factory.
The monthly summary for Aug
ust issued bv Observer Piercv
shows that the 16th was the warm
est day ot that month, the tempera
ture running up to ninety-nine.
The mean temperature for the
month was seventy-two, while dur
ing August, 1894, it was seventy
four. During: the month the rain
fall amounted to 2.13 inches, which
is about one-tourth of an inch below
the average for twenty years. In
August last year we had seventeen
one-hundredths of an inch.
The social and dance given
Friday evening by the members of
of the Gordon cornet band at
Keith's hall was largely patronized.
During the early part of the even
ing a concert was given, which was
mush enjoyed, after which a dance
as given. Icecream and cake werfc
served throughout the evening.
The boys request this newspaper
to return their thanks to the ladies
who waited upon the tables, and to
those who contributed cakes, etc
The net receipts amounted to about
forty dollars.
James Wilson, of Kearnej, for
merly of this city, is unalterably
opposed to women wearing bloom
ers. To show that his stand is well
taken, he a few days ago mailed to
the Kearney Hub the following
passage from the 25th chapter of
Deuteronomy: "The woman shall
not wear that which pertains to
a man; neither shall a man put on
woman's garments; for- all that do
bo are abomination unto the Lord,
thy God," Jim is quite a biblical
student and has several other pas-J
sages treating on the subject which
h win pfoduee at any time.
The Tribune force is under ob
ligations to Joseph H. Baker for
noerai supply or very nice green
corn. -
Philip Picard, who had been
working in this office over a year,
entered the machine shop to-day .as
an apprentice.
A steam feather renovator last
week struck tfie town, and now the
good housekeeper is having her
ieatner-oeas xreatea to a ururKisn
Judge Neville, court reporter.
Williams, H. M Grimes, and one or-
two others went to Gandy yesterday
where a term of district court wil
be held.
Watermelons are very plentiful
in the local market this week; in
tact they are almost a drug. I6r
ten or fifteen cents yon can buy
very large one.
North Platte public schools will
open upon the 16th-inst., and with
the present able corps of teachers
the school year will no doubt be
very successful one.
The Gandy Pioneer says there
are two school districts in Logan
county which have fine frame school
houses, but not a child of school age
in either district.
Guv Laincr this week sold to
George Haxby and Joe Atkins his
sandhills hay ranch, a460-acretract
of the best hay land in the sandhills
country. Sidney Telegraph.
J. S. Hinckley, who has been
visiting friends in Iowa for several
weeks, returned home Friday night.
He will teach school this winter in
district No. 5, north of town.
Should the evening prove favor
able there promises to be a large at
tendance at the lawn social at the
Watts' residence next Thursday
evening, it will De under tne aus
pices of the ladies of the Methodist
The Cody Guard donned their
dress unitorms last evening", and
gave an exhibition drill on the
streets. The boys looked very neat
and trim in appearance and went
through the many movements with
grace and precision. Quite a large
crowd witnessed the drill.
The Sisters of the Nativity con
vent will conduct a special class in
in ting the coming school year.
An expert artist will direct the class
and a liberal share of the public pat
ronage is respectfully solicited.
Mrs. Jennie Armstrong, who
has been conducting a restaurant
on Front street for several months,
has leased the Nebraska House and
will take possession this week.
Mrs. Armstrong promises to make
the Nebraska House a model hos
telry. , The Carnegie Steel company is
preparing to manufacture steel
freight cars carrying capacity of
80,000 pounds, double that of most
modern cars. It is expected their
enormous burden capacity will
cause a revolution in the transpor
tation of lumber and iron, as well
as other lines of tonnage.
Doctor Aley, the Lincoln
specialist, visits North Platte eve
ry month. His next regular visit
will be Monday and Tuesday,
Sept. 9th and 10th. He stops at
the Hotel Neville. If you contem
plate leaving home for treatment,
consult him before deciding.
H. Otten left with us last Fri
day evening samples of the honey
which his bees produced this season,
and the quality is certainly very fine.
Mr. Otten started in last spring"
with nine colonies, which have mul
tiplied to thirty, and during the sea
son he has sold 500 pounds of honey
to a local grocer. Mr. Otten says
the Platte valley, by reason of the
many flowering plants which grow
therein, is an excellent feeding
ground for bees, and that apiary
interests can be very successfully
conducted almost anywhere in this
We are the People who have
The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line
in the City; always fresh and at prices that
Summer Belts!
"to $6; also a fine line of Belt Pins from 25 cents to $1. Some
thing new ini Watches every one warranted, $2.50.
. $ 4- 1 at)
ponJkitfe'land'lievea' Haadred and
iNowall voK'TJOorwflites who are
Igravatin'tihe sileV: vdown in old
Missofiri, you fellows;who are shak
ing with the ague along the Missis
sippi bottoms, you poor unfortun
ates who are rooting away among
the clay knobs in eastern states
upon rented lands, what do you
think of this for a crop grown by
the most skillful and intelligent j
method of farming under the sun,
viz: bv means of irrisration. Last
week W. O. Thompson threshed 785
bushels of oats from off six acres of
land, or an average ot almost 131
bushels per acre. Now if there is
any other spot on top of God's foot-
stool mat can produce similar re
sults, let its owner step forth and
make proof of so doing, or hence
forth and forever hold his peace.
Even to you fellows in Nebraska
east of the one hundredth meridian,
and who imagine there is nothing
west of that legendary line but
sandhills, cowboys, . coy otes, cactus
and whiskey, is the gauntlet thrown
down. Pick it up if vou dare.
Champion Sprinter of the United States.
A telegram received last
announced that Frank Sullivan, of
this city, had won the United
States' championship as a light
weight sprinter at the races held at
Brocton, Mass., yesterday after
noon. There were, we believe,
seven entries in the race. All North
Platte will congratulate Frank
Sullivan upon this great honor he
has won in the sporting world. In
our next issue a full report of the
race will be given.
Bring in Tour State Fair Exhibits.
Until the 8th of September the
Ivincoln Co. Immigration Ass'n will
have a man in the Schatz flour and
feed store to receive exhibits for the
State fair. The exhibit ;wjllbe a I
fine one, and afltenterprising farm
ers are requested ten help it out.
Bring in something and make,. the
county collective exhibit thebest at
the fair.
Company IS returned Sunday
morning trom tne encampment at
Hastings, and expressed themselves
as well pleased with the week's
camp life. There was but one thing
to mar the pleasures of the week,
and that was the lack of sufficient
opportunity for the boys to display
their new dress uniforms, and this
was enough to break their hearts,
or eacn member or tne company
considers himself a good looking
man when arrayed in these natty
suits. Many incidents occurred in
camp that provoked much merri
ment, among which was the pecu-
iar accident that befell Professor
Orr, and which the bovs of the
company will probably never for
get. That lap-robe which "slip
pery" Simpson brought home will
also cause' a ribple .of laughter
among the boys e'ach time it is dis
closed to view. Taken altogether
the week spent in camp was a most
enjoyable one.
The weekly shoot of the gun
club Saturday evening was slimly
attended by members; only four
taking part in the contest, craves
broke four birds out of fifteen
Hosier ten straight, Dillon five out
ui mteen, ana rice eikr"L
IS WftATfo?
-a-v 5 ' " f
WE have just got in some very pretty Ster-
ling Silver mounted JBelts, price, $2.00;
Ladies' Shirt Waist Sets at from $1 to $2.50
and the new Long Watch Chains from $2
T,arng, Sept. 5th.
DunbaP Comie Opera Co.,
In Chassalgne'a beautiful opera,
geatttif ttl CostttttieS
and Orchestr
Usual Prices of Admission.
Reserved seats on sale at Clinton,
H. C. Rennie left Sunday morning
for Chicago.
J. B. McDonald left Sunday for a
few days visit in Omaha.
Alex. Neilson, of Sutherland,
transacted business in town ves-
Mrs. Ziebert went to Grand Island
Sunday for a visit with- her sister
Mrs. SchufF.
A. G. Anderson and daugh-
ter Bess left this
for a
visit in Denver.
Dave Robeson and family left
Sunday for a visit with friends at
Grand Junction, Colo.
Deputy secretary of state Evans
came home Saturday night and re
mained until last night,
Mrs. J. Kennedv, of Chicago, a
sister-in-law of Mrs. Wm. Connors,
j jjnv.i3i. LiiuL auj aim nci iiuo- I
Mrs. W. Iv. Croxton, formerly of
this city, passed through this city
Sunday en route from
Portland to
W. J. Stuart returned Friday
night from a brief visit with rela
tives in Aurora, . Chicago and St.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, of Chicago,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.
T. Field, having arrived Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Collins left
for the east Sunday morning after
passing a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Dillon.
Mrs. Emer', of Omaha, who had
been visiting her sister Mrs. C. H.
Poole for some time, returned home
Sunday morning.
Miss Minnie Sorenson left Sat
urday for Farnam, near which place
sue win teacn scnooi tne coming
fall and winter.
E. C. Elliott, of this city, went to
Lincoln last week, where he will
take a post-graduate course in the
state university.
Mrs. Iittle is visiting her daugh
ter Mrs. N. F. Donaldson, having
accompanied the latter on her re-
turn home last week.
air. and Mrs. W. L. Park and
Mr. atid Mrs. M. Iv. Barnum re-
turned Sunday morning from a few
davs' outing in Colorado.
i " -
Prof C. E. Barber returned yes-
terdav from Kearnev, and will pro-
ceed to get matters in readiness for
the opening of the fall term of
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Chase, who
had been visiting at the home ot
Chas. Burke for several weeks, re
turned to Nebraska City yesterday
I. A. Fort went to Chicago yes
terday morning. From there he
will go to the national irrigation
congress to be held at Albuquerque,
N. M., this month.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hammond
left yesterday morning for Grand
Junction, Colo., to look over the
field, and if they like the country
they may decide to locate.
Wm. Coleman lett Saturday night
for a brief visit to Des Moines, Ia.,
expecting to return to-morrow, His
trip is one of much importance, the
nature of which will be disclosed
when he gets back.
J. B. Crabtree, of Myrtle. TViley
Mathews, of Dickens, and I. B.
Bostwick, of Nowellr three gentle
men, who are candidates for the. re-
publican nomination fpr sheriff,
were in town ; Saturday;
Washburn's Superlative
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im
provement in milling- machinery the product of the hard.
excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using" the
Washburn Flour,
ill Solomon
and buying goods for his niirneroufe
family he would buy his supplies of
for King Solomon was a wise man
and knew a good
saw it.
WE ARE THE ONLY Store in Forth
Platte that does not have to con
duct .so-called "Special Sales" (?) every
month, for the reason that we have a spe
cial sale that lasts 365 days in the year, at
prices that are less, quality considered, than
OUT Competitors bllY
are not Davin losses
VOU buy ffOOdS Of US,
only, and will save you money.
Call and see us
First door south of-Streitz' Drug
lie Wilcox Departineut
Charles Burke came in from Om
aha this morning.
J. R. Bangs and "wife left this
morning on a trip to Sheridan, Wy-
Ike Watts, who had been visiting
his mother for some time past, re-
turned this morning to Corning, Ia.
Ed. Goodman, who is engaged in
the fire insurance business in
Denver, came down Friday night on
a visit to nis parents. He will re
main about two weeks and will do
a little hun Ling on the side.
Lawrence, a brother of G. S. Huff
man, visited the latter last week on
his way homeward from a western
outing. The former is an employe
at Union Jacincneadquarters. Mr.
Huffman's father arrived in the city
Sundav for a brief visit. He has
been employed in the coach depart
ment of the U. P. car shops for
eighteen years. Mr. H.'s wife and
daugnter accompanied him
Notice to Bank Creditors.
All creditors of the North Platte
Platte National Bank that made
their "Proof of Claim" prior to
August 15th who have not yet re
ceived their first dividend of twentv
per cent, will obtain the same by
calling at the bank.
Milton Doolittle,
Tho Fair Store Hillingr.
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to me after July 4th were
expected to call at McDonald's bank
and settle and greatly oblige.
Mrs. Pucketx.
Will return to the city Oct. 1st.
When Buying
Why not get the BEST?
try it. It is sold by
we Mve
thing when he
fol Remember VOU
on bad debts when
for We Sell for Cash
and get prices.
First Prcmiuai Flour Nebraska Stato
of 1894.
J. H. Bush, of the Front street
feed store, has been
agent for these mills at this point,
with express stipulations to offer
to consumers their various produc
tions at very low prices. A full
stock on hand. Call and see it.
Full stock of North Platte flour
also carried with same stipulation
as to price.
School Building For Sale.
The school house and furniture
in district No. 11, Lincoln county,
will be sold at public auction on
the premisee at one o'clock p. m.,
on Wednesday, Sept. I8th. i895.
The purchaser can have until Jan.
1, 1896, to pay for the same by liv
ing approved securitv:or a discount
of three-per cent will be made for
cash at time of sale.
702 F. I. Terry, Director.
For Sale or Trade For Cows;
Ten head of horses for sale dmnn
for cash, or will trade for cows or
stock cattle. If you want a -ood
trade call on S. "VV. Van Doran
North Platte at once. (UHf
Studebaker Wacrons
Hershey & Co's.
In search of a good cigar X
will always find itTat J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try$
them and judge.