The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 30, 1895, Image 1

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EVEMN-- Af GST-30r4895:
NO. 69t
? p I -
'Ehe Boston Store.
- We take pleasure. in 'announcing to the public that oiir
targe and Well Selected Fall Stock
is ready for inspection. We have late style goods to show equal to any
first-class city store and we are also in position to compete in prices
with- any of the outside stores. It is not necessary for you to send out
of town for goods. The reason why we can compete with any store is
because: First Our goods were purchased early before the advance.
Second We bought in large quantities for two stores. Therefore we
' can outsell our competitors.
In Our Dry' Goods Dept. we have twenty differ-
ent styles of Silk and Wool Plaids from 50 cents to 1.00
per yard, which is the latest this season for waists.
Twenty-five different styles of black imported Jackinets
from 50 cents to $2 per yard. Silk and wool Stripes,
Serges, Ladies' Cloth and Henriettas in all colors and
' widths, and many other styles of dress goods.
In our Domestic Department you can find almost anything you
I x call for. We have an elegant line of Cloakings, Kerseys, Eiderdowns,
Wool, Cotton and Embroidered Flannels in all colors.
Our ladies', gents' and children's furnishing department is corn
- plete with a full atock. Yarns, Saxooy, ice wool, hosiery, and gloves
in kid, lisle and cotton, and laced or buttoned gauntlets. Blankets
.are all in. We have a great line of children's caps. Fifty dozen . belt
buckels. -In our shoe department you will find one of the largest as
sortments in the west. We invite you to call and set our great stock
and. learn prices. Yours for great bargains,
Parties who have tickets not taken
ures and silverware will please present them.
1 '
Capital, -Surplus,
A General Banking
One Ladies' New Hartford, 26-inch wheels, manufac
tured by Columbia Co., Fifty Dollars.
One Boy's or GiiTs cushion tire, 20-inch wheels, for
Twelve Dollars.
One Boy's pneumatic tire, 24-inch tire, for iwenty
Boys' Yelocipedes for 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75.
1 One second-hand 1893 Columbia, gent's, 28-mch
wheels, in good condition, for Thirty-five dollars.
Ottenshoe Store.
In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies'
fine Ludlow Shoes,
s Regular price $4,00 to $4.75, at $3.00.
Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little money.
All our Men's $3,50 Shoes at $2.25.
AU'our- Boy's fine lace and button shoes, the best made,
$2.50 Shoe at $1.65 $1.65 Shoe $1.
1 A large line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers
will be sold at prices that will
fyS -Save: you 1-3 to 1-2 of your mow.
Children's Shoes, the best goods that money can buy, will
je slaughtered at the same rate.
l? , Qtten's Shoe Store.
" (Olci Van Doran Stafole.)
SNpxthwsat corner of Courtfcou
V - '
J. PIZER, Prop.
up for pict
E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't.,
Business -Transacted.
GTood Teams,
Comfortable Higs,
lmH Aoccmmodations for Us Faming hh
Ilaus and Knudc Knudsen Plead
Guilty to Train Robbing.
The Charge Delivered by Judge Neville.
On Wednesday all doubt as to
the identity of the suspected train
robbers was put to rest by their
coming" into court, upon the advice
of their counsel, and confessing- to
their connection with the crime.
To most of people this action was
unexpected, on account of the
reticence of the prisoners. Many
persons believed in the guilt of the
culprits, yet realized the difficulty
of establishing the same, owing- to
the circumstances of; ,the robbery.
The crime for which they were
sentenced was committed on the
21st inst., and there is no reason
why the fellows, should not easily
be incarcerated by the 31st inst.
within the walls of. the state peni
tentiary; It is thus that retributive
justice generally promptly over
takes the criminal in this western
country. This disposition of the
case will certainly save a big" bill of
costs to Lincoln county for which
all the tax-payers will say "amen."
The following" is
Judge "You may
What is your name .
Answer "Hans Kudsenjc
Judge "What is your'name?"
Answer TCnnd Tvnudsen. ' '
Judge You have pleaded guilty
to the charge of robbery as read to
you by the county attorney, have
you anything to say why the sen
tence of the court should not be
passed upon -ou?
Ha us No' sir.
Judge And you?
Knude No sir.
Judge Where do 3;ou live?- ..
Answer In Dakota county, this
Judge Have you a father and
mother living?
Answer Our mother is dead.
Judge Wereyou born and raised,
Answer We were born in Den
mark. We was there about twelve
Judge This is your brother, is
Answer Yes sir.
Judge Is this the first offense of
the kind you have ever been con
nected with in any way?
& TT- - 7- TT
answer xessir. na
Hans: I have
never been arrested.
Judge Are you two the only
ones connected with this offense?
Answer Yes sir.
Judge. Anybody else with you?
Answer No sir.
Judge You -understand that the
penalty for this offense may be
anywhere from three to fifteen
years, in the discretion of the court.
It is a very grave offense for two
young men to undertake to hold up
a train, containing three or four
hundred people (or at least a great
number) and to undertake to rob a
railroad train in this manner. It
is daring and desperate, and the
court regards it as a very serious
offense. It is one that cannot be
looked upon lightly, because when
two young men of your age start
out with ttre-idea that they can, in
a civilized community, hold up a
train and blow open its sate and
take the property out of it without
fear of man or law, they are terri
bly mistaken. Unless the company
was very dihgent
in lookinjr
men no cojnmit sucli desperate
deeds, and unless, the law is en
forced, no one would be safe in any
While the court is disposed to be
somewhat lenient with you, for the
reason that you have,, without put
ting the county to the expense of
thousands of dollars to have you
tried and a verdict rendered by a
jury, and that you have also saved
the company of the necessary ex
pense which it would incur in look
ing after the case, as all persons
have to do when their property in
terests are at stake, and taken as
you have taken theirs, I say, that
as you have seen fit to save to the
corporation and to the county this
expense, the court feels that he
ought not to impose upon you the
full penalty. The court does feel,
that men who are guilty of such a
crime, should not be turned loose
among the people.
rrt: 'l ' 1, j 1-9
j. lie court win say to you tliat
while you are in the penitentiary
lead upright lives, aud follow the
bidding of the officers in charge.
If you do this there will be good
time allowance taken from your
sentence; two months for the first
year, two months from the second
year, three months off the third
year, and four months off for each
year thereafter. This item is of
great importance to you.
The court will say further, that
he believes that if you have spent
your time well and have been upon
good behavior, . your minds will
have changed to. the direction f
being good and well behaved. With,
the trade which you will be com
pelled to learn, you will be pre
pared to make a liTing"without re
sorting to- committing:; crime, and,
that by being good citizens and. be
ing disposed to respect the right's
and property interests of every
body else the remainder ot your
lives may be happy arid prosperous.
No man can beihappy who com
mits such acts.. -oCou would not'be
happy if you hadsricceded in get
ting this money If you had suc
ceeded in evading the officers of the"
law you would not have been hap
py men. Ydu will be better off
under, the circumstances that you
have been apprehended by the-officers
who followed you- so rapidly,
and after you have served the
prison sentence imposed upon you,
and have learned a trade, you will
feel thankful for the course that
has been talcen.
The sentence of the court is that
each one of you be taken by the.
sheriff of Iincoln county to the
penitentiary at Lincoln and you
will there be confined at hardlabor
Sundays excepted, for the term of
ten years.
The, prisoners listened atten
tively to the charge of the judge,
but gave no sign of flinching when
the sentence was pronouncsd. The
court room was thronged by an
eager throng of railroad men and
other citizens who had collected to
get sight of the train robbers. The
judge's charge was off-hand and
delivered with evident feeling. .
Mrs. Chas. Toillion -has about
recovered from her recent illness, we
are pleased to note.
The part of the programme
rendered by the Nichols Sunday
school at the Sunday school picnic
last Saturday, is highly praised by
by all as well as their banner and
"Walter Thomjas,)f Hinman, paid-
"Wm. H. Sullivan $35 for av yearling
bull of the short horn breed a few
days ago. i - -
The frame of the new- school
house at Nichols looms' up in grand
Rev. Graves preaches, in the
Maccabee hall at Hershey next
Sunday evening.
Geo. Prosser and G. R. Hammond
of the county seaty were looking
over the valley on last Tuesday.
Carl Brodbeck, brother of Cris.
Brodbeck, the NorthlPlatfe butcher,
passed down the grade last: Wed
nesday evening with three head of
fine fat 'cattle which he had pur
chased of J. V. Liles.
Considerable baled hay is beings
loaded at both this place and
Hershey at the present time. Its
destination is Denver.
Wm Porter, who with his family,
resided at Hershey and taught the
Sisson school last year has moved
to Sutherland where he has been
engaged to teach school the coming
We understand that the parties
who have been , holding revival
meetings in a tabernacle at North
Platte for some time' past will re
move to Hershey the coming week.
We understand that J. B. McKee
has returned from Missouri where
he went about six weeks since.
Mrs. M. C. Brown who had her
feet and limbs badiy poisoned
while gathering plums along the
Birdwood, is on the mend we are
pleased to state.
A fine rain prevailed in this
locality Wednesday morning which
put a stop to haying and threshing
for a couple of days.
H, C. Nesbitt, of North Platte,
was visible in these parts the fore
part of the week.
The Hershey and Sutherland
boys play ball at the latter place
next Sunday.
The schools in the Sisson district
which includes the. hamlet of
Hershey, will not begin for some
time as they only have a seven
month's term the coming year.
A little son of H. L. Walsh, of.
North Platte, has been visiting at
.C."S. Trovillo's the past week.
The ' Ware boys fenished their
work in this locality -rjwith their
steam thresher on last Tuesday
and moved -ub west, where thev
have plenty "of 'work1" to do for some
time to come.
Jake 55eigler who has been at
work on the U. P. section at this
place for s'bme -tinted has left for
more congenial climek He reported
that he was recently married to a
Miss Anderson over south and
erected a house at this place in
which to reside but it proved to be
a hoax and the people here,got onto
it and he pulled his f reigtit
As the numerous pop office seek
ers read the list of republican can
didates for thtfWeral county
offices as given in last week's Era,
their lower jaw drops with a thud,
as they welijpcnow that no matter
which of those mentioned in that
knowing sheet are- nominated it
means the absolute anihilation of 1
Eleffahfe new Dress GoodTaIleiinig'si Hand'somVhovelties"
in Fine Dress Q-oods cheaper than ever before offered.
v 7 , N V . K
In our Shoe department we bfter special inducements; ilia
dies' and Gent's Pine Shoes at Rennie's. this, -week at 25 off. . ..
the pop ticket in this county at the
coming fall election, no matter who
they put up for the different county
offices. Pact.
Miss Allie Beacfi is spending the
remainder of her vacation at, home.
She" will teach at Hershey this Jail.
Miss Jennie Nearv returned from
Lamplugh's lake last Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Facka will attend
school in North Platte the coining
Geo. McMichael visited friends in
the sandhills Monday.
Mrs. Anna Edwards, of North
Platte, has been spending the past
week at Pleasant View farm.
Mrs. J. Beans, ot Gothenburg,
visited with her sister, Mrs. T. G.
Rowley, a short time ago.
Our school will commence Sept.
16th. The number of school chil-
dren has increased since the last'
term. .
Last Sunday being the twenty
first birth anniversary of Miss
Alice Beach, a number of friends"
were pleasantly entertained with
vocal and instrumental music and
conversation. Refreshments were
served and duly appreciated by all.
Among those present were Mrs.
Welch, Mrs. Holman, the Misses
Welch. George Ralph and Clarence
Garman, W. Facka, A. Steinhous
er, Mrs. John Neary and family, F.
Facka, H. Welch, Carl Holman and
Alex. Vaughan.
Mrs. J. J. Myers, of Nojth Platte,
visited her daughter, Mrs. Rowley,
last week.
Andrew Hahn buried an infant
child this afternoon. Cholera in
fantum caused its death.
A family named Bond, from'
Hayes county, has moved on Jas.
Wrights' farm
Country Coz.
E. A. Johnson was a visitor at
North Platte Tuesday. . .
S. W. Parsons returned Wednes
day from Omaha.
This vicinity received a soaking
rain Wednesday.
R. P. Wissler transacted busi
ness in North Platte Thursday.
Mrs. Cy Carson is attending the
reunion at Hastings this week.
Bert Giffin started "Tuesday for
Peru, where he will attend the
state normal this year.
Ralph and Frank Elliott are vis
iting friends in the vicinity of
Chas. Smith spent Thursday in.
Lexington. v
Jim Shields and Frank Schopp
went to North Platte Tuesday to
identify the men charged with
train robbery.
The Fred Peckham steam thresh
ing outfit has been in this vicinity
tor the past week.
Linn Mathewson and Chas.
Smith start for Ogalalla Friday.
Mrs. J. H. Giffin and daughters
Ivah and Glo started Thursday for
Red Oak, Iowa, where they will
visit relatives. Miss Ivah goes
from there to Tarkio, Mo., to com
mence her second year at the Tar-
kio college.
According to the estimate of the
Hungarian minister of agriculture,
which is usually accepted as very
trustworthy, the world's wheat
crop of 1895 is 232,000,000 bushels
less than that of last year. This is
not a very great falling off, but it
is perhaps sufficient to prevent any
material decline in the price,
though in the face of reported re
ported reduced crops abroad there
was a decline in wheat the past
week and the market closed without
any marked evidence of firmness.
The first effect of the Hungarian
Jt. .
minister's estimate was to send
the.pnce up a fraction, but large
receipts from the northwest caused
The Greatest
and Best
Line of Clothing,
Hats, 0aps':Boots and Shoes
. ".Greatly
a reaction. -It is interesting to
note in this connection that there
is claimed for the states of Minne
sota and North Dakota an increase
in the yield of wheat this year over
last of 22.000,000 bushels.
"What proportion of the decline in
the world's yield will be borne by
the United States, cannot yet be
accurately determined, but it will
pfob"ably"be In the neighborhood of
one-.third. .England's, crop is less
i ; ;
than last year, but -'that is: never a
very important factor. What is
especially noteworthy and not at
all reassuring-, so far, as this
country is concerned, is the fact
that the export ""movement contin
ues comparatively small, having
been for the past week, according
to the commercial; reports, only
about half the amount of the corre
sponding week of last year, while
L-for the last four weeks the exports
of wheat and flour were less than
one-half of those of the correspond
ing- period-of'1894. This condition
of affairs at the present price of
wheatls not encouraging, but it is
reasonably to be expected that" the
export , movement,- .-wjll improve
from nowon, though' it? is hardly
likely to so increase as to cause an
advance of price; f Indeed, it would
seem, that wheat growers may as
well make up their minds that the
price is not going to be materially
if at all higher, and that little is to
be gained by holding back their
grain, since in any event the
market will adjust itself to the
known supply.
AccordingQo thHungarian min
ister's estimate the wheat crop of
the world amounts to 2,400,723,000
bushels., j 'This ''id less than four
bushels per capita for the consum
ers ot wheat the estimated per
capita consumption in the United
StafesS s about five 6'usfiels but it
insures an ample supply .of bread
for the next year atabout the pre-
vailingpricej Bee. f ; ;
FurnishiDg Groods3
in Fact Every thing
Wearing Apparel
Reduced Rates
MOCHA,. , .
In the District Court within and for Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Milton Doollttle. Receiver of the"l
iNoria j-iaiie isauonai uans 01
North Platte, Nebraska.
Nelson F. RutIedge,Nancy CRut
ledge and W. D. Page, whose
nrst name Js unknown, and
Charles A-Glaze,
i Defendants.
Nelson F. Rutledce and Nancv C Ratledce
will take notice that on the 30th day of Au
gust. 1883, Milton Doollttle, Receiver of the
North Platte National Bank of North Platte,
Nebraska, plaintiff here'n, flled his petition
in the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne
bmska. against Nelson F. Rntledge, Nancy
u. uiieue,. vv. .rage ana unaries A
Glaze, the object and-prayer of which are to
foreclose a" certain mortgage executed by
the defendants Nelson F. Rutledge and Nan
cy C. Rutledge to the North Platte National
Bank upon the southwest quarter
(S. W. H)
of section eighteen (18), in township ten (10)
north of range thirty (30) west of the Sixth
principal meridian, situate in Lincoln conn
ty, Nebraska, to secu
certain promissory no
rasKa, 10 secure tne payment of a
note datet
d October 12th.
18W. for the sum of IOT.00,
due and navable
in six mc'Sis from the dale thereof; that
there is now due upon said note and mort
gage tne sum of ?27o.oo with Interest thereon
trpm the 12th day of April, 1695, for which
sum plaintiff prays for a decree that defend
ants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before tne 7th day of October, 1895.
Dated August 30th. 1895.
Receiver of the North Platte National Bank.
of North Platter Nebraska.
T. Fulton Gaktt, Attorney. a304.
In the District Court within and for Lincoln
Milton Dooimtle. Receiver of the
North Platte National Bank of
Jiorth Platte, Nebraska,
- PlainUff?
Charles W. Rutledge, Mary E. Bat-
ledge and Alexander . D. Back-
Defendants. J -
Charles W. RutledRe and Mary E. BaUedgewfH
take notice that on the 80th day of August, 1895,
Milton Doollttle, receiver ot the North Platto
National Bank of North Platte, Nebraska, plaintiff
herein filed his petition, in the District Court of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, against Chas. W. Rnt
ledge, Mary E. Rutledge and Alexander D. Back
worth, the object and prayer oi which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ant Cqarles W. Rntlege and Mary E. Rutledge t
the North Plotte National Bank upon the south
east quarter (s. e. U) of section olghtaen (18), in
township ten (10), north of rango thirty (30), west
of the Sixth principal meridian, situate in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note dated September 25th,
1891, for the sum of $100 due and payable in six
months from date thereof, that there is now due
upon paid note and mortgage the sum of $100 with
interest thereon from the 25th day of September,
1891, for which sum plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount,f ound doe:
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 7th day of October, 1895.
Dated August 30. 1895.
Receiver of the North Platte National Banfc
of North Platte. Nebraska.
i T.Funoif Gantt, Attorney. aS04
T: -y
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