The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 27, 1895, Image 2

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A. F.
'Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
33entsolie -A.potliek:e.
Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
V. VonCCEf Z
-The North
a Share of Your Irade.
fMM Davif!' PWJWBPe $0fB. I
numAF Cal1 there for a11 kinds of I
. t Seasonable I
( Hardware.
Dr. N. McOABB, Prop.,
We aim to handle the Best Grades of
Groods, sell them, at Reasonable
Fig-ares, and "Warrant Everything
as Jtiepresented...
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific railway respectfully solicited.
Steam and
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty.
T11P.O. . T'ln anr
.vJfetimates furnished. Repairing of all
ml?1"0111 att- - -
Having refitted our rooms in
is invited, to call and see us,
linest Wines, Liquors
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and .competent attendants will supply all your wants.
Side Grocer.
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, our
Prices are as Low as the Lowest. We
insure Prompt Delivery. We Solicit
A Fine Line of Piece
. Goods to select from.
First-class Fit. Excel
lent Workmanship.
J. E. BUSH, Manager.
Gas Fitting,
Copper nd Galvanized Iron Cor
Jmn !nrRnno
kinds receive prompt attention
- - - Nebraska.
the finest of style, the pnhlic
insuring courteous treatment.
and Cigars at the Bar.
1RAL. BABE, Editor a-d Proprietor
One Year, c&ili in advance, $1.23.
SixHoaths, c&sfe in advance.... 75 Ceats.
republican coukxt contention,
The republicans of Lincoln county will meet In
convention at the court house, in North jiatte,
rrZZtot the latter could probably be
to the state coHvention at Lincoln on October 3d.
1895, eleTen delegates to the judicial convention
nominate a candidate for each of ihe foUowingof-
err, county eapenHrenaeat 01 puouc instruc-
tion, county judge, county surveyor, county cor-
oner, clerk of tho'dietrict court, and county coa
miseioner Second district, and for the transaction,
of such other business as may properly come be-
forethe convention.
The representation to said convention is fixed
atone delegate for every twenty republican votes
SXflfS." fiSX
state treasurer, and one delegate at large from
each precinct. Theiollowing is the representa-
tion for the rarious preclacta:
Antelope 2 Medidce
Ash Grove 2
Baker 1
Birdvrood...., 1
Blaine 1
Brady Island 2
Buchanan ...2
Circle Hill 1
Cottonwood 2
Cor .- 1
Crockett; 1
Deer Creek 2
Dickens 2
ralrview 1
Fox Creek 2
ULcaiubi? ........ .... a
fer:::::::::::: l
ifo. piatto Ko. i 6
No. piatte no.' s"::: 6
IT 11
o'Faitons" ".".".".".." 2
PeckhJmV."!'.".!! i
Ritner 1
Sellers 1
Garfield 1
Gasbn 2 Somerset 2
Hall 2 Sunshine 2
Harrisoa i vmman l
Hooker '.V.'.'.'.i Wallace!'..""!."."."'.'. 3
mim'eV'.!!!!!.!'.."'.V.i whutier! !J! J"!:!!!! i
Lemon .,
Maxwell ,
Willow 2
Total ,.97
It is recommended that the primaries for the
election of delegates to said convention be held in
the various precincts outside of the City of North
Piatto, on Saturday; September 14th, 1893, between
the hours of 4 p, m. and 7 p. m., at the usual voting
place, and that the primaries for the city of North
Platte be held on the same day at on hour to be i
designated by the committeemen from the city
It ls further recommended that the different pre
cincts nominate precinct officers at the primaries.
C. F. Schabsuxx, W. C. Eldzb,
Secretary. Chairman.
Republican Judicial Convention.
The republican electors of the counties compris
ing tne IStn Judicial District (Nebraska) are re
quested to send delegates to meot in convention at
Sidney on Saturday, September 28th, 1895, at S
o'clock p. mM for the purpose of placing la nomi-
ction a candidate for District Judge and to frans-
act such other business as may properly come be -
fore the convention.
The ratio of representation will be the same rs
that of the state convention, except in the case of
Cheyenne and Decel these two counties maiing
a showing that they were not correcUy apportioned
by the state committee.- The different counties
will be entitled to representation as follows:
Banner 3 Lincoln 11
Cheyenne 6 Lo&an ;.. 2
Deael 5
McFherson 1
Keith 3
KkabaU .55
Ferklas 3
Seette Btafts , S
t Tetal
- H.-Jt!
7. P.'Msmak, SewretaryV
"Wo are requested to announce the
name of B. B. Warner for county- treas
urer, subject to the .approval of the re
publican convention.
.for sheriff of Lincoln county, subject to
the will of the republican convention.
A. E. Huntington.
Ed. Tribune Please announce that
lama candidate for sheriff, subject to
the action of the republican county con
vention. I. B. Bostwiok.
I announce myself as a candidate for
x announce myseir as a canaiaate lor
sheriff, subject to the action of the re-
publican county convention
" . " i
Wiley Matthews.
We are requested to announce the
name J. G. Orabtree, of Myrtle, as a
candidate for sheriff, subject to the will
of the delegates in the republican coun
ty convention.
My name will be presented to the re
publican county convention as a candi-
datejor sheriff, and the support of dele-
gates is respectfully solicited
Ed. Tribune Please announce that I
am a candidate for the office of sheriff,
subject to the action of the republican
county convention.
y. a. Vaughn.
We are requested to announce the
name of S. C. Wills as a candidate for
county clerk, subject to the action of the
republican county convention.
Mv name is respectiuiiy presented ror
consideration as a candidate for county
clerkt subject to the decision of the re
publican county convention.
Ed. Tribune Please announce that
my name will be presented to the repub-
lican county. convention as a candidate
for clerk of the district court, subject to
the will of the delegates.
C. C, Hawkins.
I herebv announce that I am a candi
date for the office ot county judge, sub-.
ject to the approval of the republican
county convention. J. H. Baker.
Ed. Tribune Please announce to the
people of Lincoln county that I will be
rita rorfh nffinfl of ennntv an.
perintendent, subject to the decision of
the reDublican county convention
d . S3. JXTNCKLEx.
At; the solicitation of many of ray re
- sr
publican friends I have consented to al-
mv the use of mv name as a candidate
br county commissioner for the Second
district subiect to the action of the re- I
nublican county convention, promising
ttinf-. (n rsKe I should be nominated to
make a vigorous canvass.
There is. evidence -that perfect
harmony exists in the pop party in
incolri countv. For instance, a
oooulist was
hanged in
effigy-in the north art otthe : county
recently by members of has own
party. c
int. litdjfui ui j i
the Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight, will
. V i 1 li. V Ti.
is evident the- mayor is somewhat
of, a tenderfoot in Texas, else he
would' not "use such Bostonese lan-
Union Pacific
" lip,
railway iii a conversation
with a
number of gentlemen of- this city,
stated that if
the people of the
North Platte river country wished
An official ibMhe
to have a cheap and inexpensive might be truthfully worked in oc
line of railroad built through that casionally. What particular poli-
country, "that how was' the erolden
opportunity tor them to accomplish
it. provided that the matter was
brought to the attention of the re-
ceivers m a proper manner, and
able to P-et the permission of the
Cmrt fn do so He sup-o-f;fd" fliaf
either, company, or the variOUS
passed would throw up the grade,
f, ' -. k - . .
that his company TVOUld tie, iron,
equip and Operate the Same. He
. . , . , . , . 1
I .
I Order to save the expense of a
aam luai ii w uuxu ui. 'aurjaauic
I hridrre arrn;; the river the bridp-e
east .f this dtj cpuid be utilized,
and that where the bluffs were
r.-icn f fi,0 :f ,Vnn1rl nnf h
necessary to make an expensive cut
I J - 4.
through the same, b by going
close to the river and doing a small
amount of piling and riprapping
that a way around could be
In a conversation with a local
grading contractor vrlfo is familiar
with the topography ot the cohntry
from this City West to the COUnfV
J m J
line, he made a roucfh estimate that
the grading, without the necessary
culverts and bridge that would be
needed across the Birdwood creek,
could be built for about $250 per
mile. - As there would be about
LiutLy miles to De constructed in
Lincoln county this would make
the expense but nominal, . in
comparison with the benefit which
would accrue. The precincts
through which the line would pass
could be bonded for say $20,000 or
$25,000 without scarcely feeling the
slightly increased taxation, which
would be more than offset by the
increase in land valuation. In this
manner, should the plan be favored
by the management of the compa
nji CQUd tfae line be built thrOUffh
1 , , i. r
lu me staie n.e, ana tne most pror-
ltable trade from the North river
country would be diverted to this
city, and an outlet afforded those
localities which now have no rail
road facilities. In addition to this
a number of irrigation enterprises
which are now but in embryo
would be xapidly pushed forward
All that iv MGMa.ry to get th
above ideas in -jtufi.Ue shape is
vrays ala'to .bring, toia; itc
cesf ul coMsumm&tkxi tkui mHick
desired object.
Push'it alohgr-
As a writer of "St Jacob's Oil"
political editorial matter the editor
of the Era easily "removes the
""apnatea linen irom on: tne suruo-
Colonei, Elxingham has already
been tendered the position of "fun-
eral director in chief"
for the pop
narfv TTp win innt- wil wlfin mrf
r VJ ; 7. . . .K
inn hie nfmoanrtn h nrtn minnin no
on his arms and a black plume in his
The nomination of H. M. Grimes
for district judge means that he
will carry Lincoln county by a ma-
jority of an even 300. His popular-
ltJ and qualifications for the posi-
tion insures this.
The Era says populism in Lin
coln county is in the ascendant.
Just so; it is now kite high and
after November it will be out of
sight. The people of Lincoln coun
ty have no use for any organization
that promises much and delivers
A conundrum for the Era. Is it i
not as good campaign tactics for per
sons to obtain their credentials to a
party convention from the clerk of
the district court, as it would be from
the countv clerk? Certainly the
the county clerk? Certainly
former would appear to have more
of a legal aspect.
JUDGE JNEVILLE, or tniS City, IS j
spoken of as the pop nominee for I
ludfire of the supreme court The
Judge had better grasp this straw.
He is just as likely to be elected
supreme juage as ne is district
judge, both of which are not only
improbable but impossible.
They say that "the people" will
nominate the pop candidates for
county offices. Simmered down
this means that Judge Neville, But
ler Buchanan, Joe Beeler and Jake
Miller will run the conyention.
They are "the
people;" the other
fell6ws vote but only at the dicta-
, v c . J , . ,
tion of the above quartette.
All 'the cotton and woolen manu
factories which started up in Eng
land immediately upon the passage
of the Gorman-Wilson tariff bill are
runningfull time. English work-
men are prospering it the expense
w me Araencan, worKinmen, .m
me ucmocrauc party cares luuciur
How would it do for the newspa
per boys of .North Platte to give a
rest, to tfaej sadly overworked
pliraseT "'democratic 'ectitor Of a rev-
publican 'paper,' especially as
riothingbut straight republicanism
is or .ever has been preached in
these columns? Just by way of va-
riety the expression "the republi-
can editor of a .populist paper"
tics the writer uoon a Dartv news-
paper has is neither of consequence
nor importance to its readers so
long as straight party doctrines
I are adhered to and expounded.
H. M. Grimes, of North Platte,
I presided at the judicial central com-
mittee meetinsr as its chairman
here last Saturday. H. M. is a
candidate for the nomination of
judge and id almost sure of secur
ing it. Mr. Grimes is one of the
best lawyers in the district and
would make a judge to be proud of.
I HlS ability and extended practice
particularly fits him for the place.
Se ls a man the people and has
a pleasant word for all. The race
no doubt will be a close one be-
I t , .
tween him and Neville, but . people
well posted in politics in the dis-
tnct predicts his election should he
be nominated. Chappell Register,
Only a few short years ago, how J
short they seem, the populist lead
ers were promising all kinds of
benefits and advantages to that
part of the community that they
were pleased to style "the people."
They were going to have the gov
ernment loan them money, all they
wanted, at two per cent per annum.
They were going to build great
houses all over the land where the
farmer could take his crop and de
posit it and draw ninety or ninety-
five per cent of its value. The gov
ernment was to own all the rail
roads, telegraph lines, coal mines,
ore beds, and almost everything
else. They do not talk about these
things now. Not a pop orator in
all the land advocates any one of
them nor gives any promise of their
fulfillment. They are the theories
upon which the populist party was
built up, and yet they have all fall
en to the ground and not one of
them is even talked about. The
question is very pertinent, what is
there Jeft of the populist party any
way? York Times.
The world existed over 6,000
years before the pop party was ever
heard of, and all that time the
enemies of .tbepaple were forging
tne c juiiiis sot slavery wirnoHr
warmaf voice to cry out against
sitck wretched and reckless perfidy.
TJieamwirtherleaders of this grand
sew party who spit on taeir hands
and shrieked "up and at 'em, boy s.
And see what they have done.
Down in Kansas they captured the
state government and hung on for
two years. When pried loose it was
found they had looted the treasury
and swapped the monies belonging
to tne cenerai scnooi iund tor a
block of bonds not worth the parch
ment they were printed on. They
are all right on principle, but when
"s v"
it comes to holding office thev are,
- I
in the powerful lansruasre of J. H.
Edmisten, "not there for their!
health." Lincoln Journal.
The "pop" supervisors of Buffalo
county could have saved the county
somethincf over a hundred dollars
by refusing to meet in conformity
with the call of the county clerk
tor the purpose of redistricting the
county. They knew before they
assembled that they had no thought
of doing what the law required.
They ought to refund their per diem
and mileage. Kearney Hub.
The sugar beet industry has al
ready so highly commended itself
to the agriculture of this state as
an adjunct to general farming, that
it seems desirable to give opportun
ity to every farmer to test the qual
ities or his own sou and his own
. nrnA,irp. nnv:no. rrnn nf
ility to produce a paying crop of
this root. The grreat difficulty in
the way of carrying out this plan j
has been in the securing of high
bred, guaranteed seed of the varie
ties found to do best in this state.
The Commercial club of Lincoln!
has concluded to procure a large!
amount of the best grade ot import
ed seed for the year '. The de-
partment of chemistry of the uni-
versity will test this seed as to its
purity and germinating qualities
and furnish certificate as
value. Nebraska Farmer.
to its
The famous "Peach Orchard" at
Gettysburg, where many a life was
given up and some of the hardest
ficrhting - of the war took place, is a
peach orchard no longer except in
r , At . , -
name, and there is nothing- there
now to show what it once was. A
few years after the war it was still
a thriving orchard, but the trees
and bathed &
blood Tfae duall died
until a few years ago not over half
a aozen were leit. .Branches were
uul uuui uitst uy tiqiLvia auu ui
but one was destroyed. That lone
tree, a mere skeletoif of what it
once had been, stood thVre until the
early part of the present .summer
when workingmen engaged in lay
out a. new road through the battle
field chopped itdtfrrn.
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't Report
Climax Of a EeisnQ Of Lawlessness In
Tenv Mwdsrers Stress Up bra 3feb at
Yreka 3fob of Negree AveBge the
KilliBg of Oae of Tkelr Owb R&ce
at Sprlasflcld Ky.
I V W A Cat A nrr
26. Four mur
Johnson. Semler, Null and Moreno,
wre taken from, the jail at 2 a. m. ana
hanged in the jailyard.
.me moD was comBOsea or 2ou men,
who broke into the jail, battered down
the cell doors, where the four murderers
were confined, and dragged the men
Into the yard and hung them all from
a rail which had been placed between
two trees. The lynching is the climax
of a reign of lawlessness which, has pre -
vailed in this part of the country for
several months past.
Harris on Lewis Haased to a Tree In the
Conrthous Yard at Springfield, Ky.
Spbingeield, Kj., Aug. 2G. Shortly
after 2 a.m. a mob composed of about
a dozen men took Harrison Lewis, the
negro who murdered Joe Brook3, also
colored, last Friday night, from the jail
here and hanged him to a tree in the
courthouse yard. When the mob reached
the I'aiL they called for Jailor Smith, but
his wife informed them that he was not
at home and that he had the keys to the
3011 with him. Thisdid not daunt the
mob, however. Going to a blacksmith
shop near by they secured some sledge
hammers, and after three hours work
succeeded in battering down the jail
door. Lewis was found crouching in his
cell, and oegged piteously for his life,
bub the leader ordered the men to make
quick work of him. He was quickly
seized, and after placing a rope around
his neck was dragged to the nearest
tree and strung up without further cere
The mob did its work in a quiet, or
derly manner, and seemed to be thor
oughly organized. It is the opinion of
many that it was composed of colored
men. After completing their work the
mob quietly dispersed.
Are&ibaM Cart hart XMle ' WllHam
Tate at Ceek, Keb.
iJoc, Ne., AMg. 96. Arckftald
CdMkart md William Tate, both prosri
mt7owf' BMS,.JMt after ckweir t aqvMraLTate k kaife
ao effectively tk4 Cw tharfc vrm ioea
worsted. He died at G o'clock this
morning. Tate has eluded arrest.
Almost Carved to Pieces.
Lansing, la., Aug. 20. Felix B rimer
of Galena, His., mate on the steamer
Menominee, was nearly carved to pieces
by two desperadoes named Qninn and
Roberts of Victory, "Wis. While the
boat was making a landing near there
last night he was cut in a dozen places
from an inch to three inches in length.
., , , , r . . .:
i"!"11 "uvo uetJU lou-ea m
lib V lruo nil. - i
at Viroqua.
Authors of the Attempt to Kill Rothschild
Escape Detection.
Paris, Aug. 26. The efforts of the
police to discover the authors of the at
tempt npon the life of Baron Alphonso
de Bothsclxild on Saturday by sending
him an infernal machine disguised as a
man package, which exploded when
opened by the banker's confidential
clerk, M. Jodkowitz, badly maiming
him, have proved unavailing np to ihe
present time. The authorities, how
ever, are confident that it was the work
of anarchists, and SO suspected anarch
ists have been arrested, examined and
obliged to give the police specimens of
their handwriting. They were subse
quently discharged. M. Jodkowitz con
tinues to improve
An anarchist was arrested at Vie Syr
Gere, department of Cantal, upon the
information of the postmistress of that
place, who declares that the man taken
into custody posted a letter similar to
the one received at the Rothschild's
banking house on Saturday.
Iasureents Lost Fifty.
Havana, Aug. 26. According to of
ficial advices an engagement between
Spanish troops and the insurgents, last
ing an hour and a half, has been fought
at Niquero, near Manzanillo, province
of Santiago de Cuba. The insurgents
are said to have lost 50 killed and
wounded and their leader, Reiter, ia
said be seriously wounded. No detals of
the affair, it is added, have reached here.
Rumors Kegardiag Enatls.
Taris, Aug. 26. The Journsl ex-
presses doubt as to the authenticity of
the rumors regarding the approaching
recall of the United States ambassador,
James B. Eustis, owing to the slow
progress he has made in investigating
the care of Mr. Waller.
Ringleaders Executed.
London, Aug. 26. The correspondent
of the Pall Mall Gazette at Shanghai
J At I J? ? A 1
K "
ceived there from Cheng Tu four of the
ringleaders of the recent massacre of
missionaries have been executed.
HoTas Made a (Poor Defense.
Paris, Aug. 26. Advices receivod
here from the island of Madagascar an
nounce that General Duchesne captured
Andriba on Aug. 22. The Hovas made
a poor defense.
Ceatradiets the Keport.
Skis A . no A 1-1 J2 X T
to The in gar o from Rome contradicts
the' report thfc the pope intends, to es
FabTisb a nunciature in the United
CoHst Matsngata Reslgas.
Yokohama, Aug. -6. Count Matsu
fata, the Japanese 'minister of finance
h'aS icsigned.
XeH Kar Bay Umier Water Uatll Iif Was
Oobb a Tsa Attm?td SateMa.
Portland. Amr. 26. Jl sad story of
a aother's murder of her boy and a nh-
sequant attempt as atuciae is reporseu
from Isdependence. The wife of Jams
Tettherow, a well-to-do fanner, arose
before the others of the family were
awake and wraupinr ker 6-year-old
boy in a- qiailt, took him to the river and
keltl his head under the water until lif8
. . T A 0.t-
was gone. Tnrowmg tne ooay into sua
river, she returned to the house, a wax
en sd her husband and asked him to go
for a doctor. The husband put her off
and rolled over to go to sleep. The
wife"again left the house, but this time
was followed. She wont to the river
and threw herself in, but was quickly
rescued. "When the boy was missed,
she told how she had taken him to a
"nice bathing pool, and, although ho
clung to my neck and begged me not to
put him in, I held his head under
water." Mrs. Teltherow is thought to
be insane.
Department Clerk Kills Hlalf a
1 War
Pittsburg, Aug. 26. W. W. Kittell,
an attache of the war department, Wash
ington, shot and killed himself in his
room at the Hotel Willey. A note to
the proprietor said nobody would claim
his remains. The only other writing
found on the body was a scrap of paper
on which was written in a feminine
hand: "I hereby promise that I will
never aslc you to take me anywhere."
O. A. Wtlie.
A dispatch from Washington says:
Kittell was appointed clerk in the rec
ord and pension division of the war de
partment from Nebraska inlSal. He
was given a week's leave of absence on
the 23rd inst. It was understood that
he was soon to be married.
Feorla Customs Surveyor Kept Busy Dmy-
ins the Winchester fake.
Peoria, Aug. JJ6. The following
from Benwood, W. Va., is an example
of a largo number of letters received
during the past three years from all
parts of the United States and Canada
by the surveyor of customs at Peoria:
Dear Sir: Ton wilt pleas "give me,a ,
littlo information concerning the maer
wlno recently shipped, to Bishop Spald
ing, which proved to bo Winchester rifles
and obllgo yours in F., P. & P.
floyd Long.
All these letters have been answered,
aadto tke sasae. effect, Jkat no suck
co&sigaafreBt kad pnooid tkrowgli the of-
floe al, in fact, Stsfcop Scalding hae
reeeived aotkiag tkroafk the customs
L at Peoria for fomr years. ..-
r a. j.
0aMr aa4 Ms. Asia Teaaoza Lata
THlr Utm Xa ih JHkh'ora.
Norfolk, Neb , Aug. 26. A. J. Gab- -
ler of Waco, Tex., took Mrs. Ada Vett
num, a lady friend, out rowing on the
Elkhorn river last night. While they
were serenading the people on the banks
their boat upset and both were drowned,
their bodies being recovered.
Betmked Their Critics With Beards.
Cedar Rapids, Aug. 26. The Cher
ry sisters, who have become famous in
"11'aiJ"J-UUJ- ui """ unique
performances, gave an entertain
t t.
ment at LaPorte. A gang threw onions
and other things on the stage, and a
riot followed. The sisters, armed with
boards, marched down into the audience
and a general fight followed, durinjf
which the boards were used to good ef
fect. The sisters were arrested, and th
little town is still in a hubbub of excite
ment. Governor Blames the Sheriff;
Denver, Aug. 26. Governor Mcln
tyre's reason for not interfering with
the bull fights at Gillett is that he has
uo right to order out the militia until
the sheriff exhausts his resources and
calls for assistance. "If I had the power
I would remove Sheriff Bowers," re
marked the governor today. "I don't
believe it would be hard to find a man
who would take his place and stop the
fight." Sheriff Bowers' nonaction is
attributed to politics.
Midway Sow Wiped Out.
Cincinnati, Aug. 26. The famous
Midway row at Thomas, Ky., caused a
sensation among the troops at the fort
by burning at 2:30 a. m. The row com
prises six or eight buildings just outside
the limits of the government property,
occupied as saloons and concert halls.,
The fire brigade of the fort turned outf
bat nothing could save the combustible
buildings. Loss, $20,000 with but little
Enclneer Dies at His Post.
Seattle, Aug. 26. The east-bound
Great Northern overland passenger
train ran into a landslide 15 miles from
Kichmond Beach. The engine and ten
der were ditched. Engineer Neel Mc
Kinley was killed. McKinley, in the
face of danger, stood at his post and
succeeded in saving the lives of those he
piloted, only to be horribly mangled
Visible Supply of Grata.
New York, Aug. 26. Visible supply
of grain: Wheat, 35,089,000 bushels, de
crease, 1,804,000; corn, 5,287,000 bush
els, increase, 994,000 bushels;oats, 3,719,
000 bushels, increase, 88.000 bushels;
rye, 380,000 bushels; barley, 46,000 bush
els, increase, 182,000 bushels.
Northers Pacific Repert.
New York. Aug. 26. -The reuortof?
the receivers-of the Northern Paciflo
railroad for the year ending June 30,
1895, shows gross earnings iG.llS.flfl.
increase 96K,864; aurplag $535,1)74,
against a deficiency of l,281;85l in 1894.
Ie-tra Tbwb Badly Searched. J
Blanohard, la., Aug. 26. Eire from
.an unknown cause destroyed 16 build
ings in the business portion of this place.
The less is f25,000 with little insurance.
aCere Geld Gees Oat.
New Yok, Aug. 26. Hoskier, Wood
& Co. will ship $600,000 in gold by to
Korrow's sftuner.