The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 20, 1895, Image 2

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-... JUJ JLt, m J-tllJJLm. JlUUUkJJ. .V, LOJ. -- - , - f - j
i -i
3 I
i tit
- ' :
SfHti - -WWlX 3HllMir. Atbr a tkoroufk, canvass of the There was a: time when New Eng--
situatiQa . in, . in , Juster cpunty I lana could name tne repu Diicaa caa-
-. AT3- J- 4- idemocratic coYentioa a resulutwn didate for orsxdeat. a-nat was
years ago.
Hifiet fall in Lexreokig Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
endorsihsr the Cleveland admin-
There was also a time
iDrugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
One Year, cash in advance, .25.
SixMonths, cash in advance 75 Cents.
second-class matter.
DDIarxxa,n.ta, Specta-cles.
Dep.tsch.e; A.potlieke
Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
istration was unanimously adooted. when New York could dictate to the ,
and one ooor lone silver man left convention, but that time has
the meeting. Alas and alack, for passed. The center of population
poor W. Jenniners3ryan, there is has moved west, to Illinois, and. the
w 1
now none so poor as to do him rev- center of political power has also
erence. moved westward. In the next re-
publican convention New England,
Npw "Vnrk. New Jersev. and Penn- !
the republican county central com- svlvania. to-ether. will have 270
I hereby announce myself a candidate mittee last Saturday was unusually deleates the southern states, 234
for sheriff of Lincoln con ntv. RnhW.h r laro-p. r,nA ic ?nd;pniVp nf flip mm. 0 . ...
-il !H .f il. , w I 0t.u w juuivu....- v. I Halomfoc irt. tha irocfai-n ai-itac-
LUO WUI Ol. CUB reDUDHCan COnVPnt.inn I 1 .V- . . . uwwtttw, ttuu "-
A. E. Huntington. 'j ov.
Ed. Tribune Please announce that PPism and all other isms out of
?afCandite fortB,I?eriff subject to Lincoln county. Like Job's war
the action of the republican county con- .u j j.
vention. I. B. Bosttock. nors&the boys appeared to snuff
I announce myself as a candidate fnr the battle afar off.
cskniff cnKinnf nna;HH. a i I
1 Baking
publican county convention
Wiley Matthews.
western states!
370 delegates. Whatever candidate
shall have the west can be beaten I
only by a combination of the east Drunken Engineer Responsible For
and the south, it is not probable the Terrible Catastrophe.
that any one man will have all the
The North Side Grocer.
candidate for sheriff, subject to the will
of the delegates in the republican coun
ty convention.
My name will be presented to the re
publican county convention as a candi
date for sheriff, and the sunnort of dele
gates is'respectfully solicited.
R- A. McMuhkay.
Ed. Tribune Please annmmr that t
ama candidate for the office of sheriff.
Now Thought That the Nnmher of Killed
Will Not Exceed a Score General
Charles Adams of Manltou
Imons the Victims.
Denver, Aug. 19. The fire in the
rains of the Gnmry hotel, wrecked by
A boiler explosion soon after midnight,
republican county convention
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, our co X&IlSatt,X
.Jrnces are as JLow as tlie JLowest. We cle3 SUD3eot tbe decision of the re
insure Prompt Delivery. We Solicit
a Share of Your Trade.
U4mb? W' ' " lllere tor a11 kinds ot
juffl t Seasonable
I' ' Hardware.
, r- Cash Tells.
W7 P" C
only .is necessary to rout the enemy t i jMt ai ncmaUe to SEAEOHING FOE THE DEAD,
rr-r - I. - - I MllllMISr. Ilrl 1 ! h WHSF Wl I I CTHTin I
we are requested to announce the horse, foot and drag-on. L
ime J. G. Orabtkee, of Myrtle, as a - . together as it is to but down the
A gentleman in Kearney sends east under one control, or the south
this as being-Mr. Bill Green's re- as one political body,
ceipt for Old Indiana ketchup: Senator Allison will no doubt be
Take one peck of green tomatoes, a a strong presidental favorite, but
gallon of gin, half a peck of white his strength will be in the west and
onion; three ouuees of white must- wiU not depend upon any trade with
ard seed, three auarts of whiKkpv. New England. The P-nssin about
subject to the action of the republican an ounce of black pepper and a gal- such a trade may be for the purpose f f5ee etinhed and the search
of men and teams is engaged in haul
mg away the debris. At 11 o'clock one
body, which was not identified, had
been removed from the ruins and sev
eral more were in sight. The number
of killed will not exceed 20.
uric 01 4U or more people wno were
certainly in the hotel when the exploa'
ion occurred, a score were got out safe-
1 it - .
iy, inree were rescued witn more or
less serious injuries, and the others are
unquestionably lying dead beneath the
ruins and indescribable mass of bricks
and shattered beams and twisted iron
The firemen are laboring at the work of
excavation, but it will be many hours,
and perhaps days, before the certain
horrors of that heap of destruction can
be fully told.
The death list includes the owner of
the hotel, Peter Gumry, the manager,
Robert C. Greiner, and his wife, who
aoted as day clerk. They are known to
have been
county convention. ion of blarkW xi of
. . VATTrsmr. I .. - J J l
COUNTY CLERK. tne gin in a large stone jug, then I -Kumor of another political com-
We are requested to announce the add the whiskev and hlarVhprt-tr I bination comes from wpcf Ttn
cToVeteVkubtofteTctoaofthe bra,dr 1 "ell Cork securely Kansas politicians seem to think
tuu ieu stana tnree minutes. It is governor iviorrill has gone east to
not necessary to add the other make a trade with Mr. Reed, giving
ingredients. Walt Mason. the Maine man the Kansas dele
gates on condition that
publican county convention
Cecil Tueu
The conditions of Ho ward countv 1 j r... ... ,
CLERK OFTHE DISTRICT COURT, must be similar to those here, judg- 7": Zr,Tr l I
- i uclil. xnere is a tresiiness nnnnt
my name will be presented to the repub- s L paragraph this storj that is deli htfuh Gov.
lican county convention as a candidate from tne st- paul Republican, ernor Morrill is mnn nf Main. nH
for clerk of the district court, subject to "Tiere never was and never will be ern0.rn" lbaJon f Mame' and
the will of the delegates.. t x. . WUI . an old friend of Mr. Reed. If the
C C, Hawkins.
I hereby announce that I am a nnnrli.
- date for the office of county judge, Bub-
jecc to tne approval of the republican
county convention. J. H. Baker.
Ed. Tribune Please announce to the
people of Lincoln county that I will be
a candidate for the office of county su
perintendent, subject to the decision nf
the republican county convention.
The name of J. H. Derryrf.t?t?v nf
TT71 T 1.A.T 1 1 1 . .
wnibuer, win De presented to there
publican county convention
date for county treasurer,
approval of the delegates.
a better time to persons who are not
already republicans to become such
than right now. The grand repub
lican victories of the last two years
will pale into insignificance when I
compared to those which are yet in
store for us. The preliminary!
skirmishes this
two men meet while Morrill is in
Maine they will probably talk more
about the fights they had in their
school days than about any com-1
bination to run the next republican
convention. They both know too
much about politics to indnlge in
any such dreams. Neither one of
At the head of this page we pub
lish the announcements of those
candidates who have requested us
so to do. The list does not embrace
all those who are candidates, and
those who have been omitted will
fall will serve to
rlfnr too tr fr- : n . I
I!: , , L"c lu-guiiiccnt them could deliver the goods.
vi jW a.u.x CCIJ pel SUH
who desires to be enlisted on the
ion as a candi- subscribing to the only true faith TV- nsL J
. subiecfc to th t " -L " . I Politicians. The delegates to the
. ; in umci wuius, Lret mtotue Dana
wagon before you are rnn over.'
In fact, republicans are not in the
habit of sending cattle to their con-
in the rear of the. bnildinsr.
and could not possibly have escaped.
Before fire added to the horrors of the
explosion the firemen were appealed too that ho occupied a room last night.
national convention will be elected
at the proper time, and they will
When you hear a man say there come pretty near knowing the pref
erences of their states arid districts
before they go to the convention.
There is not the slightest possibil
ity of anybody's going to the con
vention with New England or the
south or the west in his pocket to
is no difference between the two old
parties, ask him what made the
difference in the condition of the
country when one administration
went out and the other went in.
please send in their announcements -A-Sc im why the worst panic the
not later than Thursdav even in o- country ever witnessed followed the trade for places on the ticket. The
J o' - ... ... ...
accession of the democratic party convention will not do business
H. M. Grimes candidacy for dis- to power. Why business was stag-- that way. Inter Ocean.'
tnct judge is worrying Colonel Ell- nated, people thrown out ot employ- the camfornia irrigation law
ingham fully as .much as it. does meht by; thousands, mill and factor- The irri&ation law" of California
Judge Neville, and both are throw- ies closed, prices of all farm produce has been several times sustained bv
ing every possible obstacle in reduced to a lower point than they the supreme court of the state, and
uuU, patn. uui ruey may icuuucu ior iiair a century, and so favorably has it been
as wcu lUKe ineir medicine "race- everyone aistressea. men ask him
why it was that as soon as a repub
lican congress was elected times be
gan to get easy. Wages of a mil
lion men were increased ten oer
fully. Mr. Grimes will
nominated and elected.
be both
The basis of representation in
the republican convention as fixed
by the central committee will give
that it has been made the basis of
similar legislation by other states.
It was, therefore, a very great sur
prise to the people of California
when the United States circuit
" icpuuu- court recently pronounced the law
can congress was assured, and fhnf : ma it j h ..
WAT.T.DIIDDD nTMm mm svv rm k 1 nmW ftflwQ -m t. V s ... , -"e grouna tnat its pro-
rjrSTLUKi JTJri.kirA A riPiLJ JLU UthlTXJk, : w5a.a tiidu wiwum . &Limc. ask mm wny visions are in conflict with the fed-
WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD ever before assembled m a Lincoln prices at once commenced to ad- eral constitution.
PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES PIANO AND rePublcan conveatlon- We vance and the country assumed an The case under which the consti-
PURNITURE P0LISHES5PREPARED HOUSE AND RTTGrW patt have JS. been in favor ot lare air of Prosperity. If he is a pop, tutionahty of the act was tested
representations, notwithstanding and of cours Iip is Tip ri r,ocin- WUSs one aneccing- tne assessment ot
the Tilpa mado h znm fi,o4- i I 4-::i i t. Z9.,. land in the Fallbrook irrisration
. c "J wwiixv. tuttL iaigc svuic in v jai auu I.UI1U1&U I CUSOI1, DUl
bodies are difficult to handle. ' you can truthfullv tell him thaf Tip
science of
wsm , r totS'S11 material, WINDOW SHADES.
district, the complainant in the
piteously by mon and women and babes
whc3 live3 were being crushed out in
the ruins. Then the fire broke out and
that ended it. Jose Munalof Cairo.Hls
was rescued after an hour's work, and
it is certain that no more of the victims
can bo alive.
A. J. iirwin, the night clerk, who
witn the barkeeper, William Rnbba.
had a miraculous escape, went over the
register for the last Is ,v days this morning
and endeavored to call to mind the oo
cupants ot tne different rooms. He
says there were between 50 and 55 peo
i i j .- ...
uo icgujiisruu, ana iu were ocennnne
back rooms, where it was more difficult
to escape.
The Dead.
Peter Gumry, ownor of the hotel
Jtt. L. brREiXER, managor of the hotel
son-in-law of Gumry.
dors. R. C. Grees'ER, clerk of the hotel
daughter of Peter Gumry.
tiENERAL Charles Adams of Manitou,
A. Li. Blake of Pueblo,
Myron E. Hawley, clork in the freight
ueparcmeno or tne union Jaclllc railroad
James Muufhy, contractor.
George Burt, passenger conductor on
tne Koct island road, Colorado Springs
Mrs. G. R. Wolfe, Lincoln, Neb.
IJst of the 3Il8slnr.
Mb. Greiner, father of R. C. Greiner.
Bud Burnes, Colorado Springs.
Judge ulyxn, Lcadville, Colo.
F. French.
Bert F. Lartsch, Central City.
W. F. Carson, Pueblo.
E. F. McCLOSKY, Canon City.
J. H. Letson was discovered alive in
the ruins about 7 o'clock. He was
jammed between an ice box and timbers
in such shape that it was impossible to
remove him for several hours. One of
"with a smothered feeling. I felt around
and found that the bed clothing was
covered with mortar and several inchei
of dmst. I jumped up at the same time
hat the transom fell down with a loud
report and effectually shut ua in. I then
smashed the window in order to get
some air, and saw the debris on the
treet below. I did not feel any up
heaval and experienced no injury. Mr.
wid Mrs.Puxcell escaped by the stairway.
The hotel was divided about the cen
&r by a rotunda or court running to ths
top of the building, though covered aft
the second floor. The building had been
split in two at this point or division,
and the entire five stories back of tha
rotunda wore thrown into a shapeless
mass in the alley. Five stories of brick'
and wood and iron, with the. human oc
cupants, were made a more hean of
death-containing ruins. The fragments
of the wreck on Lawrence street tow
ered up into the air, dark and vawnincr.
while a great section of roof hung in '
threatening suspension over the chaos
below. Out of the pile of brick, wood
and iron below there came feeble moans
and piteous cries for help.
A fireman clambering up the moun
tain of ruins felt his feet crunch arainst
human flesh. He reached down and
touched with his hand an arm protrud
ing from the mass beneath him. There
still seemed to be no fire. The blaze
had been smothered by the falling build
ing, and the firemen devoted their ef
forts to the work of rescue. And then
suddenly the flames broke out and the-
workers were driven nrniv nrl
voices ceased to cry for help. The great
mass was from that moment nothing
but a grave.
Tivo Codies Taken Out.
Five bodies have been recovered.
Judge James Glynn, whose name is in
the list of missing, had a room at the
hotel, but it is not positively known
A Fine Line of Piece
Goods to select from.
First-class Fit. Excel
lent Workmanship.
case asserting the invalidity of the
p-Qvernment is to mnl-P law unon the ni-rnnnrlt;. amnnor
According to the special Wash- others that it nrovirlps for fnL-. his arms was crushed and ho mav hnv
mrri-nr. 1 j. r j 1 -r - ,1 . " " " PPj I ; r ii l I RnstninPfl Intornnl ininrloo
mgiuu tuiicauuuueni, 01 iaei mco n and tQ nw; i j. i ui unvote uiuuculv witiiout -j, uu, uuih
& I . u w A. WLULA&lU.ll. I 111 1 V 11(1 I I II- I - m
T. l j.1 , r I i r J
Journal the names most frequently
mentioned m the nation's capital as
the prospective nominee for presi
dent next year, by the republican
party, those of Harrison and Allison
right theory, and the democratic
party the wrong theory. Asjong
as. the republican party rules as
much will be contributed to the suc-
of private oroneritv without sustained internal injuries, but
due progress of law, contrary to the covery is confidently expected
provisions ot tne tourteenth amend-
"TAXirnTT TXT 1 mmn tttt 1 tt-t n-r
""-"s "o-j ui me xcussian
thistle. They say that if cut at the
right time it will make verv rood
cess and hanninpss of lif -nprnl no
J rC" ine nem' -ltner can be by any government; but as
.. . uv.vtuuxc uummduon soon as the democratic party as-
w .uv. . u. auu me oi tne party. sutnes power trouble begins. York
Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.
"W e aim to liandle tlie Best Grades of
G-oods, sell tliem at Jleasonable
Fiiires, and "Warrant Everything v
as IRepresented. aKLw-aigsgg
Presidential Speculation.
With nearly a year to elapse be
fore the national political conven-1
ment of the constitution of the
United States, and that the use for
which such property is thereby
authorized to be taken is not a pub
lic use. This contention was full v
sustained by Judge Ross of the cir
cuit court, who held that the opera
tion of the law was for the benefit
of specific individuals, and the
interest of the public is nothing
more than that indirect and collat-1
eral benefit that it derives from
every improvement of a useful
character that is made in the state.
teed. Whatever else can be said tions shall be held there can be lit- "It is extremely plain," said the
Mrs. G. R. Wolfe, who had onlv ves-
terday arrived from Lincoln, ITob., had
just went to her room on the fourth
floor. Mrs. Wolfe's husband left her
yesterday to go to Pueblo.
There is no doubt the disaster wa3
caused by a boiler explosion. Frank
Loescher, the engineer, it is said, was
intoxicated and after turning a large
quantity of cold water in the hot boilers
leic cue Dunning 10 minutes before the
explosion occurred. The police
looking for him.
Hear Half Blo-pra to Atoms.
ine whole rear half of the hotel was
blown to atoms and the front portions
are merely shattered
was a prominent Populist and served
one term as district judge in the Thir
teenth judicial district.
H". Carstens of Yutan, Neb., who
travels for the large wholesale house of
Harris & Son of St. Louis, was one of
the guests who escaped. He says:
"When I heard the terrific noise and
then smelled smoke I imagined the
hotel must be on fire. I partially
dressed myself and grabbed the rest
of my clothing only to find that I
could not force open the door to my
room. I was on the third floor and
could not get out of the window. No
one can imagine the suffering that I enT
dured in those few minutes, which
seemed years, until some brave firemen
broke in the door and I was released."
Mr. Carstens said Mrs. John Schmit
tel and her two sons, aged 14 and 19,
who came hero from Lincoln, Neb.,
and- who recently purchased a res
taurant, made a miraculous escape.
"Mrs. G-. R. Wolfe of Lincoln,Neb."
said Mr. Carstens, "was also in the
hotel. I haye searched for her all'
morning and cannot hear of her, so I
fear she is still in the ruins,, though I
hope not."
General Charles Adams, whose body
is believed to be under the ruins of the
hotel, wa3 well known in mining and
political circles in Colorado. He had
been a resident of the state since the
early days, and formerly took a promi
nent part in politics as a Republican. In
187, at the time of the Ute troubles, he
was Indian agent at the Ouray reserva
tion. Following the expiration of that
appointment ho was sent to China as
united states consul, and served
that capacity for a number of years.
thev will be reaf,onahW rrfn; t t1 mnr fiinr. court, "thai Hip. Wilf; nrnr,CP1 are niereiy shattered and burned frasr
. ... J Ui 11A Llit j- j rr. rrr ments of a house. Thn fw r fi
crop. As the thistle can be raised ulation as to candidates. But each 5 "u"u eu in. uus. act cannot oe vin- . . wns m ' wr.--
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific railway respectfully solicited.
2 3T
success in crop
raising. Grant sentiment in both parties in the last
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor
nice. Tin and Iron Roofings.
4 Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention
. Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth,
North. IPlatte, - - -
embodied in this act cannot be vin
much easier than it can be exter- day brings some fresh gossip about conduces to the General some dis-
uuuuuuicuijr mn liiuvcmeiiLs which is inter-1 tne community The effect T -.uololj uuuuw m
theriffht thincr for assurance of estino- because if show tin r1r?ff of of drainap-e is o ran n mnrJ business blocks lie shattered in
Plentiful nrorhirt fj,r,n th i"5 L"D fybiubuis. ac was a
... ... catastronhe comnlete and nifilocc in ifH
two months: an,1 wMi th lts unreclaimed con- hnrrnrg - - "a
h 0;n til v. -I V aition. m this result the owner is
be still further changes, it is clear directly interested, the community
that it will require ffood eruessincr indirectly only, and it is a oerver-
to tell who will be the candidate of SIn of Ie8"al terms to call the enter
prise, on account of such collateral
x r'1 puoiicone." It
1uuuwu PdlLJ tnree tlie view of the rm.rf tif
luuiiLHs agu uu me taiK was tor gation district is not
vrovernor Mciiinley, of Ohio, then iltoencJ oecause every person with
it was for Reed, of Maine, and when VI bUCU QIf T"ct 13 not entitled to
-President visited New iteoSSSSS
. ork it centered about his name, as every other person, but only
Then came a boom for Governor those persons who happen to own
Morton, of New York; another for a. e district.
Governor Hastinn-s. of Pennsvlm. .. s position is sound and the
. .... :: , mgner court sustains it, its effect
ma; and still another for Senator will be to Invalidate the irriration
After a tremendous beatine- of -Davis of Minnesota. The latest act of other states based uoon tho
O I v . x
TnE Kearney Hub publishes in
full The Tribune's article headed
"JLet us Get a Move," and adds
that it is "full of the right sort of
spirit and suggestion." Enterpris
ing newspapers recognize the need
of a rapid development of this sec
tion of Nebraska.but the public gen
erally does not seem to take much
interest in the , matter. The Tri
bune will, however, keep pounding
away with the hope that the people
will some day awake.
either party next year.
In the
an irri-
a public
tom-toms and sounding of hew-gags gossip from the president makers is J-arnia law, and thus a serious
Nebraska was unrepresented at the that New England will go into the fJrF" althe development of
convention for Reed, and, after the I
first ballot, swing to Senator Aln-
g is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
" Our billiard hall is supplied with th W m,i.0ftnnun(.
&fl competeiit ttendtats will supply nil voUr .wl1Bh
TI : cii.3 .
nvvxug reuLwa our rooms m the finest of style, the. nublie
lITi?S SLOCK, . OPPOSITE- x'BE- UNION" 'Trifterri ilnlsbn
national meeting of the free silver-
ites last week in Washington. In
i. i . t- , . . I son. of Iowa, with the understand
uu wijcic: wdSDin jryan. and uis
waririnr iaw?" Echo answers f ha f g that.Senator Chandler, of New
he was trying to delude certain Hampshire, shall be nominated for
vice president, and that Senator
irrigation in the west, which would
come to a halt because it would be
impossible to induce capital to in-
c5l in mis sort ot enterprise, until
mere was new legislation of estab
lished validity. The fact is there
must always be more or less uncer-
xainiry in connection
western people with his demi-fiat
lectures, in the interests of silver
millionaires. But then as clients
axe rather scarce for him in his
chosen profession, and he can no
longer get a pull at the federal crib,
it is. not to be wondered at that he
M. it 1 - - I J JT
Z ' y CASSJ metuoa or a of - ;tner : ot two purposes - to practicable Wv of solving the TrrV
1 1 i 1 1 1 it report rr tninro a icnn i a: i
-o w -"j-. i v.1 Liuii ijroniem Kpr
in connection with c-at
Henry (Jabot .Lodge, ot iviassacnu- legislation regarding irrigation, and
setts, shall be made secretary of undou btedly the matter "will have
state to be dealt with ultimately by the
. i , . Kcuciai jovernment. There is verv
This is a rather strong onnnsiJrm f . J T-l V-T
bination, which may be putforward it will probablv be found. tht Ti
- . . . VU I V .
The dust had cleared away somewhat
when the hremen readied the place.
There was no fire to be seen then. In
front of the house there was the sound
of glas3 falling and people were rushing
in night clothes in horror from the
doors and appealing piteously from the
windows for help. The explosion awoke
the guests in the front part of the house
and by the time tho firemen reached the
scene they were ready to be taken from
the windows. The firemen, with torch
and lantern, entered the hotel.
First to demand attention of the am
bulance corps was Michael C. Burges,
who was walking down Lawrence street
opposite thoTiotel when the explosion
occurred. The flying glass cut him j
about the head and face iu a frightful !
manner. His injuries are very serious,
though not necessarily fatal. He is a
painter from Custer City, S. D.
Bud Hopkins, a bartender at the
Gumry, was found on the ground floor
of the hotel unconscious and bleeding
from many cuts. His injuries are not
Joe Munal was found in the basement
dressed only in his underclofhes and
vas completely covered with ashes arid
Editor Pnrcoll's Story.
W. G. Purcell and wife of Broken
Bow, Xeb., slept in room 17. Mr. Par
cell is .publisher of the Custer County
Havy Jtaruh Fires.
Milwaukee, Aug. 19. Heaw march
fires, running under the sod and break
ing outun unexpected distant places, are
burning on what is known as the "Big
Marsh," in Palmyra. Hebron and Cold
springs townships, covering an extent
of thousands of acres. Much valuabln
hay of this year's crop has already been
Durneo and more must go. The burner!
ground is ruined for years to come, as
the fires penetrated deep, destroying its
fortuity. Men and boys, volunteers.
are fighting a fire that only lone, hearv
rains Till extinguish.
"Work of Incendiaries.
Chicago, Aug: 19. Discoveries made
by the police today lead to the belief
that last night's fire in the "castle" of
H. H. Holmes was of incendiary origin.
Several people living near the burned
building saw two men enter the house
shortly before the fire broke out and
leave with great haste. A search of the
place reveals a half can of gasoline in
secret stairway leading to the basement
and search is being made for the men
who are supposed to have started the
Washington Forest Tires.
Seattle, Aug. 19. Settlers
Lake Samis report that there is an un
broken line of forest fires from Bnlf-
to the lake, destroying large as well as
small timber and rendering tho ntrr,na.
phere thick with smoke. A settlr in
week met two couears near hfa iinnn
u uUMO)
and as he was unarmed ho had to mv
them the road. There is much alarm
throughout the community.
Dlad From His Injuries.
St. Louis, Aug. 19. Alex C. Rhm...
wood, member of the state Democratic
executive committee from tha Thiru
district, died today from the effects of a
BO-foot fall at the Jockey clubhouse last
Seventeen Drowned.
Hamburg, Aug. 19. a boat contain
ing 2o passengers was run down and-
ouu. tuuujr Uy cne steamer Concordi
J.J.ULU oiuue, oeventeen
persons were
Sank In tho ailsilssIppL,
Cairo, Bis., Aug. 19. The steam
City of Sheffield struck
-u.-o.oa.jyi river oaca of
and sunk.
Scnlptor Volk Dead.
4- .
awakaatd," said Mr. PmrotU,