1 c ... flr v 1' .V Served Exclusively te tS QYerXwcnty-Oae Million Ptopto X.I. universally ccts the Leading ncc?Jc f uwWorJd. JOHN HERROD The-semi-monthly lawn social under theau spices "ofthe ladies guild 'will be held at the Gilman residence Friday afternoon next President Streitz is making1 a ! personal inspection of the west end of the south side ditch to-day. He is accompanied by H. C. Nesbitt. Contractor Walker has just fin ished making- some repairs upon the Unitarian hall, which will be used for school purposes the coming- year. DOINGS OP TH3 CITY-DADS. The council met in regular session-last "evening1, ahd in the ab sence pf Mayor Baker, president of r mm me council xnomson nuea tne ex ecutive chair. The first question considered was whether the council should pay over to the waterworks ' company for hydrant rental the amoutof money that had accumulated in the hands of the city treasurer. Thomson made a vigorous protest against such action, claiminn- fhnf fli rrn Fred J. Mack, formerly of this Urart hPfWpPm',A a - Sells tile above Cofee city, but now of "Albion, has been .vatfirworlfR rnmmnv TCnc admitted to the bar of Boone county. by reason of the coundl whkh r rea win maxe nis mark- as a sue- the contract having exceeded its cessful lawyer. authority T?nr hnr .Wef I J' . ..iunurv Those interested in the forma- to convince the other councilmen I tion of the new band are requested that the monev should not hp nmrl .... . . J r - ere unavailing and together with a complete lino of i. ..I. IrriCeS Always XteaSOnable. to meet at Episcopal guild house but his efforts w Summer Bel tst, .: -:- I : f 5 have just got in some very pretty Ster JJ ( 4ing Silver mounted Belts, price &2.00; X Ladies Shirt Waist Sets at from $1 to $2.0 r and the new Long Watch Chains from $2 to $6; also a fine line or iseic rms irorn tenia iu .'ihing'neiii Watches, every one warranted, 2.5.0. CLINTON, THE JEWELER. i. .-1 When Buyiiif Minneapolis ' cf""r HIGHEST MARKET PRICE " Paid For Country Produce. MINOR MENTION. -10-morrow evening, at wnicit time a warrant for $676.24 was ordeTred the organization will be perfected, drawn in fnror of th rnmnnnv -After the installation of officers A communication from the clerk and the initiation of a couple of can- f the fire department w?.s read, didates last Friday .night the Re- notirymg the council that at the Smoke Wright's Royal Sports betall lodge of this city gave avery recent regular election R. L. Graves and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars. Mrs. Geo. H. Baskins has been seriously ill for the past two weeks. T-Wm. Tatum, who had been at Elsie for several months, has re turned te North Platte. Wm. Edis expects to have his windmilhirrigation plant , in opera tion the latter part of next week. - Sigmund Mang, of the south side, was exhibiting some fine .samples of unirrigated oats stalks yesterday. -Remember the enjoyable sociable to its members. Thos. O'Neal has an apple-tree in his yard which has been yielding him quite a quantity of fine fruit. The apples are perfect in form and of a very nice flavor. Dr. W. A. DeBerry has perman ently taken charge of the H. M. Butt dental parlors. He guaran tees all work, - I have 640 acres of hay west of Pallas sidingwhiclf I wish to have! put up on shares. Liberal induce ments will be given to responsible parties. Call on or address E. W. Had been selected as chief. On motion of Johnson the communica tion was laid on the table until the next regular meeting. To some the disposition of this communica tion may look a little -suspicious and might indicate that the council little juggling, entertainment ; attheBaptist church next TuWay MurphjV Northplattet xc win De ncniv worm evening". had norreed to do n o J"fct but we .presume this matter was simply delayed in order that the mayor and the full council might be present when full action is taken. A petition, .signed by a large number of business, men. was pre sented, asking that G. T. Field be appointed city weighmaster. The petition was received, Mr. Field's name was presented by the presid ing officer, and the council confirmed the nomination. On motion the city attorney was instructed to renew the lumber con tract with G. T. Field and the pub- Watermelons have made their lishing" contract with the Tele- appearahce in this market, but they graph. area little too"rich"for the average After allowing several bills, citizen.' The local crop of melons among which was the salary of the promises be verv larp-e. and wifliin officials for flip firef m .Li. -. . . I " 0 JL " ' Aw ui Lnree saioon nrmts n timnth thov k ua 1 o 1 - uv, .u.u uv. jjuit.uaacu ai wuuv.11 aujuuiucu. a vey low figure. Have your dental work done at the H. M. Butt dental oarlors. Co. E-, 2d Reg., will go into camp west of the city Saturday evening. As this is the first time this year all the members will par- your attention. - Geo. Gormau, the efficient butcher at Baskin's market, is off duty on account of a serious case of inflammation of the eyes. Lee Wood, of this city, has been distributing state fair litera ture the past week, covering the territory between Lexington and Ogalalla. Claude Weingand's team ran away last Friday and dashed into Picard's carpenter shop. The pole penetrated the side of the building and badly damaged a tool box and the tools therein. Julius P'ieflett for the east Sun- dayfeght? f :. Miss Minnie vDietz left ..-for the east lasjaighf.--., rn THERE'S MILLIONS IN IT." Now, may it please the court, just a word to the energetic citizens of .X1UW1U WWUUVJ, M.b fr. I v Till larly those who live within the im- JJJiPl gaiea area: we nave a pian to un Why-not get the BEST? Washburn's Superlative 4'- Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im provement in milling machinery the product of the hard, excellent wheat of the 6rth. If you are not using the Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by HERROD, - SOLE AGENT. . HerbercHlrwin left last night for fold to you which is no iridescent PeaboHy, K&nsas, to remain indefi- dream, no effort at rainbow chasing, nitely. ; ' " . no Utopian vision, but a scheme of Mr nni Mrs TOnU'win and Miss which it may truly be said "there's Horlocker returned ifrom Kearney Sunday night.' i . t . Mr. and Mrs.- El&er Coates, of Sutherland.- . visited' North Platte friends Sunday. Miss Eunice Babbitt returned a few days ago from a" protracted visit in Illinois. Milton Doolittle wasi-a visitor in the east part of the state the letter part of last week. . Cbas. Burke and Max Beer trans acted business in Omaha tlie latter part of the week. Miss Lillian Pike came in from the (in Solomon were Alive - and buying goods for his. numerous family he would buy his supplies of the WILGOX- DEPARTMENT STORE, Denver this rr 1 1 j f- r TVffo O TT morning occurred Saturday night in which x , xucuuaru 01 eaucanoii neia a "bruised noses and discolored eyes. raeetinff la;t aight and Tyed A party of young folks will en- the annual report of the treasurer, joy a hay rack "ride to the Cody The petition asking the board to rancii tins evening, where they will reappoint Mrs. Emmons ue ine guests 01 miss Josie Good- tress of the Third ward man. . M.U.- & vans and Henry 'Yost have been granted certificates of fireman's service. Both have been members of the Third ward hose team. as jani-building. wasv laid on the table for thirty ticipate. daJs The individual who cannot af- It is said that the child which I ford a thatch head covering at the was found in the canyons ten davs prices quoted by the Boston store a - J I - ago has lost his reason since being m another column, must be pretty icmiucu' to nis parents, x ue strain ""'v w miu lug nanus or a receiver. A and. is Trac Miss Ma' Cooper, who had been siting at Sutherland for two- weeks, returned home Sunday. Ernest Snelling, who had been at Sheridan, "Wye, for a couple of i monthsreturned to the city a few daysgo? Key, Haraaway returned home Saturday much improved in health. Thejmember of his chuck gave him a hearty welcome Sunday. millions in It," as svas long ago re marked ty one of "Mark Twain's" imaginary, creations. In brief the plan is this: Let a full train load, say 750 tons, of the best agricultural products of the ir rigated district be collected this fall after the potato crop is harvested, and shipped in solid bulk through to New York City. Let the cars be appropriately inscribed "From the Drouthy Regions of Nebraska,': and other pertinent inscriptions ad lib. Hare stops of twenty-four hours made by the .train, say each 300 miles after leaving the boundaries f0r King SoloUlOn WaS a nice UiaU, " of the state, and an opportunity at- 0 . 7 T- forded the gaping thousands of the and knew a P'OOfl thillP wllP.TV ll It is said that Miss Hosford will LEicb-of Greensboro . ... . . In.j 3 ; e entertain the school teachers in af tendance at the institute, at the so ciable given by the ladies of the The Platte Valley lodge, I. O. on the little fellow while wandering G..T.Mwill hold an election of offi- through the canyons is supposed, to cers on Thursday evening, Aug. 8. be responsible for his present con All members are requested to be dition.. present The vigorous work the officers A number of young folks held of the Farmers'and Merchants' ditch Presbyterian church, Thursday ev- a . picnic at Lamplugh's lake last have been doing toward securing ening, atthe residence of Mrs. H. evening. These moonlight nights water for their patrons is deserv- M- Slack. are very appropriate for such ex- ingT of reward in heaven if not Richards Bros, report an unus-.curslons.- on earth. Charley Iddings has spent ually good trade last Saturday upon C. C. Hawkins, of Wellfleet, enouSrfl energy in the past ten days the strength of their recent half was in town yesterday, and volun- to exuaust any ordinary mortal, but page ad. in this paper. Other mer ieeredihe information that his 300 be sti11 seems fresh. chants of this city might follow the -acres or corn gave promise of'yield- A new society has been formed example witu pront. ing an average of thirty-five orforty n town, the members of which are County commissioner Hill went bushels per acre. ' - - composed "of men who have left home Saturday night, presumably G. C. McAllister, who has been North' Platte "for good," and after for the purpose of killing "off a stopping in town for a month, has a D"ef absence haye returned to couple of correspondents who are about decided to locate permanently. retnain permanently. Each mem- succeeding in making life a burden Mr. McAllister is a lawyer, and a ber ODliates himself to pay fifty to him. Though a "reform" county "brother of the late J. L. McAllister cents towards, hiring the band to official he seems to have a record "of Fox Creek precinct. meet returning pilgrims at the de- which is by no means invulnerable;. The Cnriv ClunrA avnat- pot. The countv sr.lionl fpnrliprs arA, . . j .VJ. LU ic- 1 j - ""n. Lino WCCK liaverSaCKS and j. u.auaji CVCIUU, Ytii iv.7ii.oi.ui.i.u in iunu una ween, canteens, which are furnished by -&-ug"usr; 13th, at the Baptist church arid even a staid old married man the government. Heretofore the .ue a unique entertainment will must admit that the young ladies -state guard has not been supplied be Sven; one of the features of the who are largely in the majority wiLu tuese equipments. wgiaiumc 4ng a missionary col- are trim in ngure, rennea in appear- effete east to learn what a hand maiden to old father Agriculture is the blooming young virgin Irriga tion. With countless myriads of eastern people the idea of increasing the productiveness of the soil by moisture brought into service by the energy and skill "of man, is but a distorted dream indicative of shiftless farming. Let us give them an.object lesson that will at once change their opinions uoon Ralph Minshall was a Sutherland this subject. visitor Sunday. Jt is said a young The adoption of this plan, carry lady at that village claims his at-i mg out its details fuller than is tentiou quite frequently. here the space to mention, will Mr, and Mrs. B. L. Robinson, son prove a 16 to 1 bonanza for this Guy, and one G. W. Dillard's boys, country $16 dollars of an increase expect tojeave to-night on a fishing in wealth, for every $1 expended. excursion to Dale creek, Wyo. From the day of the starting of the Miss Kate Mockler, of Grand train until the final dispersion of its Island, formerly of this city, passed contents the columns of the press flirmiirli Rnnrlmr ritcrl,- on - ot the conntrw wrmlH fppmtnnr to" ...rj Aim. n lUULt iu J e I -J n Denver, where , she Voes for her with tales of the train. Another YOU UllY 200ClS 01 US. lOlv WO I 1 m t J L -K-T I ' ."tUv" health. vv - Dr. and Mrs. F, thought in connection, is that New WE ARE THE OffLY Store injfont'h Platte that does not haye to con duct so-called "Special Sales" (?) eveiy month, for the reason that we have a, spe cial sale that lasts 365 days in the year3i at prices that are less? quality considered, than our competitors buy for. Remember you are not paying losses on bad debts when sell for cash -An assault case from Wallace loquy in which several different na- ance, and bear the mark of intelli- was up before Judge Ray Saturdav tions Wl11 be represented in costume gence. We are in favor of granting in wnicn a young boy named "Pete" 'v. mc i.iuics. "a wirapsc mcui cvcrjunujf mey wish noin- or ine i? iem will also be enacted mg is too good for them. May their by seven of the young ladies. First tay in .the city be pleasant and class talent has been encraired.for profitable. ..The'haud that .spanks this occasion, and the public ure the youngster moves this mundane cordially invited to attend and bring sphere tneir friends and enjoy a rare treat. Crown and bridge work a spe cialty at the H. M. Butt dental parlors. terday morning for Carbondale, C6K, expecting to be absent about ten days. J. M. Hall.- the expert at Doc. Sizemore's barber shop, expects to leave Sunday for a two weeks' v;sit:with his mother at McKune, Kansas. J. M, ..Cotton, who has been in Texas for several months, is ex pected, home in a few days. He has found that the climate in' that state does not agree with his con stitution.. C. O. Wilcox, who has for some time past been employed in a bank at Long Island, Kan., arrived in town Friday and is the guest of his brother J. Q. Wilcox. It is poss- loiejinat Mr. W. may remain North-Rlatte permanently. N. Dick and Miss York City is the ffreat nioney mar- Only, and will Save TOU mOnOV, ro,. N. C. leftves- the natlon and a practical ., ," ,; J J in Williams appeared as plaintiff and a man named Travis as defendant. His Honor assessed a fine on Travis of one dollar and cos'ts the latter amounting to about $43.00. Co. Supt. Miss Hosford is de sirous that our citizens visit the institute during its sessions, and thereby lend encouragement to the teachers in attendance, as well as -GBtfo tlie-H. M?Butt dental par- lors f of satisfactory dental work. Invitations are out for a party at the residence of B-1. Hinman to morrow evening. Six or eicrht members ot the bicycle club' made a run to Van Brocklin's ranch Sunday. Mart Cryderman had a serious tussle with cholera morbus Sunday Creek, Wyoming. demonstration to her capitalists of the manifold advantages of irriga tion, would be of material advan tage to the people of this part of the country in the placing of irriga- ai.v,uiiiica wim eastern men 01 money, The plan is a perfectly practical one, and should be successfully con summated. The Union Pacific R'y has a sufficient community of inter est in the enterprise to secure the lowest possible transportation rates. Right here it is as well to state that the products are to be sold, and the proceeds turned over xo me snippers, alter tue expenses are paid. We feel sure that the press of this city, and for that mat ter the state will second the object. What say you Messrs. Park, Bratt, Iddings, Streitz, Seeberger, Patter son, and all other public-spirited citizens, to the plan? ' Call and seeus andlet prices. urn ty 8 I I I B I 1 If I COX u 4- Store Firstdoor south of Streitz Drug Store, - - NORTH PLATTE, NEB, RAILWAY RESUME. Stat ion Agent Olds has been on the sick list for several davs nast. A. Henry Tyler, an extra brakeman, returned Sunday from a visit in Iowa. Supt. Park leaves this week on a brief fishing excursion to Dale and yesterday, but is better to-day. A telegram from the Bee, dated Ausrust Ogalalla to 4th, savs: lrnsa- learn how an institute is conducted An hour passed at the institute The members of the Alfalta each 'da'" will be time well spent tion district, located in the north ' -Atthe meeting held in town western part of Keith county, have Saturday for the purpose of consid- filed a petition in district court, erihg thadvisability ofcpnsolidat- und.er section 59 of the district irri- ing several precincts -and voting STation law. praying the court ta bonds to build a bridge across the examine and determine whether North Platte river north of Nichols, the organization and voting of it was concluded to circulate peti- bonds y said district are legal and tions asking the commissioners to valid- An answer v:l be filed by consolidate the proposed territory tue taxpayers, objecting to the law and call an election. These peti- " ""wusutuuonai and raising all being - circulated this tions are "weeek. John McCabe, of Cheyenne, a former efficient chief of the North Platte fire department, in a letter to the The Tribune says: - 4,I see the fire department has made a good selection for its chief. He is the best man in your city for that place, as he has the ability and will .command the respect of the depart ment., Mr. Graves has a hard position,-to fill, but I know he is just ihe man. for the place. Regards to $he department and the new chief." J..i.i.r.-i uuuutmi points in the law. This is the first district organized under the new law and the first case to be submitted to the courts. Judire Neville has called a special term of uisinct court at this place to hear and determine the case, and it will then go to the supreme court for a hearing at the first meeting in Sep tember. Judge George W. Shields, of Omaha, will appear for the peti tioners and Judge John R. Brothpr ton of this place and T. Fulton Gantt of Norti Plafte will oresenr: the case for the taxpayers of the UlblTllU Alex. Stewart, who is at present round-house foreman at Siring Master Jny Stuart is visiting relativfs in Sidney. Wisee3 Stella and Bettie Graves returned to Council Bluffs Monday. Ed Murphy, ot Brady Islnnd, was among thoso who transacted business in town Saturday. It is said that some oTthe oats"" har vested last week on land under the old ditch will averago eighty bushels to the acre. Josephine aud Edmund Barnum entertained a number of their little friends from six until eight o'clock Sat urday evening. Miss Margaret Gabbert, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart for over a month, 'returns to St. Joe Mo., this week, i John Sawyer has been catchmcr T " ' r gives y,(XX gallons, or enough to cover one acre two inches deep every hour. Harvesting commenced on Pool's ranch last week. Eight twine binders wore started on tho work of cutting seven hundred acres of wheatand one hundred acres of oats. Mr. Pool estimates that he will have 10,000 bushels of wheat and about 4,000 buihels of oats. Mr. Pool further informs us that eloven hundred acres of his corn is in good growing con dition, but four or five hundred acres of late listed corn, planted on ground first sowed to winter wheat and killed by the May drouth, is in poor condition. Being late and help pot available to properly cultivate, it will be cut while green and stored io piles, if present plans are car ried out. Rayenqa News. Sfcudebaker "Wasrous visited his family in this city Sun- with hook and 1ne 0D average of a Hershey & Co's, at ctONOrr is weaih We are the People vho haye The BEST FLOUR, The BEST COFFEE, The BEST TEA, The-finest grades of everything in tlie Grocery Line in the City; always fresh and at prices that J3EFY COMPETITION. day. The 642 broke down between Pax- ton and Ogallala Sunday, and the 8G was sent out to take her train through. Engine 1276 en route to the Om aha shops went throug-h this morning-, as did also the 930. Both were from the western divisions. John Raynor and Syl Friend were given positions in tlje car repair gang- Monday, Two men from the round-house, Messrs, Kosensteen and Grant, were transferred to the same gang. These vacancies in the round-house have been filled by Rush Dean and another man whose name we aid not learn. GDN CLUB SCORE. The shoot of the North Platte Gun Cluf Saturday evening result ed as follows: Sorecion . . OlOulllOlO-5 Seyf erth 1U001C001O-3 O'Neal 0011001111-6 Barnmn 1010111111-8 PIt 1110111010 7 Pool t OOlOlOOUl-5 Wciccand 01010010003 rcdcihoof '.. 11000010011 McDonald 00910001103 Williams i 0010111000-4 Pxioe.. dozen nice pike each day for a couple of weeks. He finds a readv sale for them. Some extensive improvements will be made on the North Platte ditch bo fore another eeason. The work as con templated will cost in the neighborhood of $5,000. Her cycle spilled her in thomud; She rolled and splashed around. And, as she rose, the merra man said: 'Bloomers are gaining ground." New York Recorder. Joh Sanders, livfng near Stock ville, js irrigating eigncy acres ot land from a plant of his own construction. This plant is located on Medicine creek, and a cor respondent of the Maywood Eagle de? scribes it as follows: "The power for his irrigation plant is produced by an under shot water-wheel wheel which about twelve feet in diameter, with fans three feet apart, and about two feet in depth and about five feet wide; an endless chain runs from the wheelshaft at a ve locity of fiftyrevolutions per minute. The box through which tbo water is ele vated is 5x12 inches on the inside and ten feet high. -Blocks two feet apart, attached to a chain -belt carry 900 gal lons per minute through this elovator to For sale, a good heavy work team. Inquire at the Wilcox Dept. Store. Hotice to Trespassers All persons are hereby warned against trespassing, especially hauling, driving and jjrazinir stock. on my land in and Hershey. Viola torn will be dealt with according to law A. S. GtttwtjtS 4 4 In search of a good cigar will alwavs find it of t F. Schmalzried's. Try them and judge, NOT ICE OF SALE. In the matter ot the estate of Benjamin F, Moore -XTOT1CE IS HEREBY QIVFN. That in pur, il soance Of an ardar nf Wm r4ti. j.. i ?'VUWeteoortof Uncoln count7. nide on the 1st day of Anguat, 1895 for the aate of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at tno East front door of Urn MinrUinnu in -v u. Platte, Nebraska, oa the 31t da ot August. w fl X? l00 p.?i ot sald d8 Bt Pab,lc vendne-! to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real esUia. to-wit: Thn ,oi k Boathweat quarter ot section 33. nod Uao west half of the aorthweet quarter of aecUon 25. all in town kip 3 north, of range S3 -et. Saldsalo will ro mnin open oao hour. Dated August Etk. 1S93. 4 3."UW1U011-S b aQm6 WJ!l1 mto e main Admlnl8tratorotth cM 0 BenJasBlo r. iocVo. Hj OrusM te Wilcox, U tltore7s. Au(Jwg t