The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 06, 1895, Image 3

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THE ffQffTS TTjB gE.y IEEKLY. , jTRlBUKE f $OAl;;EeNHe,- AUGUST ; J8$5
Wig of tbe . IHstinguished Mvim
-i-rMses Away at DansvMe, a. Y,
Ssffra From Jferrsas ProstrtIea
&Mstfe Saralas f the Brooklyn Tafc
raacle and Never Xtecorered Fallj
Frsntfae Sfceck Saatalned.
- i L; - - t
Daxstille, N. Y., Aug. 5. Mrs. T.
pWitfe Talmage died here at 5:30 a. m.
' l: Swoo the burning of the Brooklyn
r,ibrxacle Mrs. Talmage has suffered
fromaervons prostration, and she has
never fully recov
ered from the
shock sustained
then. The fire
5 broke put -while
the doctor was
Jbolding his usual
"Sunday reception,
and a large num
ber of parishon-
, ers and visitors
were in the church
when the fire
jlbroka '"out.; They,
.:... - ij
aii; maao ;goaa
their escape,
Dr. Talmage went
bjaraisg edifice for
back into the
something he had
r left behind. Durine: his absence Mrs.
, Talage, who, with- other members of
j & faintly, was outside awaiting his re
appearance, became greatly excited
sd alarmed for the doctor's
aafety. As soon as she was
isforraed that he was all right she broke
dowa completely, her overwrought
xervse being unequal for. such a strain.
H aoctors suggested a European tour
to build, up her f ailing health. She was
accompanied to Europe by Misses Maud
and Daisy Talmage. While in Rome
she became ill with .Roman fever, and
accompanied by one of her physioianJ,
she returned home. While staying at
the family's summer residence, near
Eaet Hampton, L. L, she appeared to
Improve, and her friends had hopes for
ner speedy recovery.
This was not to be, however, as she soon
had a relapse of the spells of exhaus
. jtionand nervous prostration. Thesuf-
Jferer was removed to thelDansville san
- it&riKm about a year ago with Miss Daisy
""Talmage as her constant companion.
"While Dr. Talmage was absent on a
J totaling tour in the west last week he
received a telegram summoning him to
his wife's bedside, He at once cancelled
' all his engagements and hastened back
to find that there was very little hope
for the patient's recovery, and he ije
' mained with her until the end came
this morning,
j Tbe deceased was the second wife of
Dr. Talmage. His first wife, was drowned
while boating in 18G2, leaving a daugh
ter, Miss Jessie, and a sou, who has
since died. Within two years afters
wscis the doctor married Miss Susie
iiWhittemore of Brooklyn, She became
the mother of five ohildren, Bev. Frank
; DeWitt Talmage.Mrs. Doris, MraMan
1 ga, Miss Maude and Daisy Talmage.
"Jn&e funeral services- will be held at 2
'clock, Tuesday, Aug. 8, in, Brooklyn, j
Insnrjeats Tpn Ground.
Hayaxa, Aug5.?-Lieutenant Colonel
Hollea, at thehead of a force of auxiliary
troops, had a skirmish today with the
insurgents commanded by the well
known leader Matagas atSabanaTorrest
n the province of SantaGlara.
sorgents attempted to surround the j
auxiliaries, but the latter, reinforce'd by
40 infantry soldiers, charged the enemy,
who nmmbered 20Q, and dispersed them
e Insurgents left five dead upon the
field and retired with many wounded.
Among the killed was Captain Jose-
Beiee Cadrora of the insurgent forces.
On the side of the troops, one corporal
and one soldier were seriously wouiided.
' " ' Filibusters Xjvnded.
Madrid, Aug. 5. An official dispatch
received here today from Havana says
that a band of 50 filibusters.commanded
by Sanchez, have lauded in the province
of Santa Clara. Many of the inhabi
tants of Sauctie Espieritu, in the same
province, have vanished, and it is sup
posed they have joined the insurgents.
The Spanish troops defeated the insur
gent band, commanded by Matias "Viga,
in the fight which took place near Ma
garo. The insurgents lost 10 killed and
.had many wounded. lu addition the
troops captured n number of prisoners.
The Spanish loss was 12 wounded.
EUiblcd Forly.Twe Times.
City of Mrcaco, Aug. 5. Au autop
syhas b?eu held upon the body of Jesus
Olmos Contreras, the congressman aud
journalist who was assassinated in Pu
eblo. It revealed the fact that he had
been stabbed 4'J times in the chest.
JIbU Holiday Handicap Won by Bohcraond
London, Aug. 5. At the Hurst Park
bank holiday meeting today, the bank
holiday haudicap of 800 sovereigns was
won by Foxhall Keene's Bohemond,
Lord Hindlip's Fowio was second and
Mrs. Eyre's Barsac third.
Itlco Famlse In Tapan.
r -VoKOHAJtii.Aug. 5. Continuous rains
Vave ruined the rice crops in many parts
of Japan, and a failure is feaied. 3rany
Jives haTe already been lost, and the
gamage done is enormoust
Brend Bint- I Fcrtfa,
Tehkban, Aug. 5. The bread riots
ia Talsreesee continue. A mob' has
wracked the houso of the governor, who
has resigned his authority and promises
r rsaucEion m wis yiia ui. wcu.
Kiaff Christian's Coadition.
Copkshagen, Aug. 5. The king
passed a bad night. Ho suffers fre
qaeat recurring pains, and his condi
tion ia thought to. be serious.
Search Fer Basel Abandoned.
Chicago, Aug. 5. The search for
hantan bones in the basement of H. H.
v Holmes' "castle" was abandoned today,
rfceworkof the detectives hereafter
trill be confined to a hunt for witnesses
who can directly connect, Holmes with
pome of the aumerous murders with
Wfcidi It is charged,
Decapitated fey the Cart.
Ckaxpaign, Ills.,. Aug. ' 5. Ida Mt
JTailagber of Tuscola attempted to get
os ft train while it was in motion today. '
Site was thrown "under tho wheels and
'mm u
BreHStIa Keith Canity. For
Vorpese of iettlkr DfapHtas
Ooaiulla, ITeb., Aug". 5.TBemem
hers of the Alfalfa Jrrigatiok district,
located in the northwestern., part of
Keith .ctuaty-i 'liave filed petitih in
the distriefcicourfc; under .sectien ?59 of
the .district, irriga4;iok law, prayiitg.the
court" to examine an.d!determie whether
the organizafloa and voting of. bonds
by said district are legal and Talid. An
answer will-be filed .by the ' taxpayers,
objecting to the law as unconstitutional
and raising all doubtful points in the
law.. This is the firsk.distric.fc organized
under the new law and the first case to
be submitted to the courts Judge Ne
ville has called a special term of the dis
trict court at this place to hear and de
termine the case, and it will then go to
the supreme court for a hearing at the
first meeting in September.
This case is started for the purpose of
having a thorough tet made as to the
constitutionality of the law. ; Several
irrigationdJstrictB have beeri organized
in western Nebraska, and are now wait
ing for the law to be determined in or-
aertnac tney can sell their securities
and commence the construction of their
ditches. Intending purchasers of these
securities are also interested, as the case
will cAtala tVia IttoI;; c
will settle
- i
ClrcHlir Dlstrlbated AhionV Pensioners &t
Topeka, Aug. 5. This is pension day
anacnecks for several, hundred thou
sand-dollars are beinsr paid out this
week by Commissioner Glick. The fol
lowing-circular was distributed among
the old soldiers of Topeka and Shawnee
couniwho visited the United States
pension office to get their quarterly al
lowance from the government:
uomratic3, halt! - You' are entitled to
gom. in payment of your bhecks. Do-
mand-it. Do not accept depreciated cur
lhe pensioners are paid by checks,
winch are cashed at the Topeka banks
It is claimed the circular was "prepared
by a bimetallism who wants to ishow
that there is not enough gold in.the
banks tojpay the pensioners alone, aside
irom doing the other business of the
country, it. has also been suggested
cnac this may be part of the Sovereign
boycott of national bank notes. It is
not known who distributed the circular.
Bicyclists Arrived on a Train.
-uznyer, Aug. 5.-rJohn M. Trendley
and Jerome Winstanley, bicyclists who
leic oc. Jboms July 22 on their wheels
for a trip to Denver, arrived in Denver
on a Union Pacific train, the disabled
condition of then bicycles having made
it impossible to pedal the 00 miles from
Limou to Denver. The trip occupied 13
days. It was estimated that the feat
could be accomplished in Jl days, but
tne riders did not take into considera:
taon the unprecedented weather which
presented every obstacle. Trendley
Drought messages to Governor McLit
tyre, which he delivered today.
Catholic Services at Cliantauqna.
Jamestown, N, IT,, Aug, 5. As a re
suit of the efforts on the pare ofihq
Catholics at Chautauqua, Chancellor
Vincent has granted the1 use of the
chapel for Catholic services on Sunday
muruiugs mini aucn rame as tney mav
"be enabled to construct a ohapel of their
own. Taking advantage of this oppor
tunity, Father Gibbons of Jamestown
yesterday held the first Catholic, service
ever held at Chautauqua. '
Emperor William In England.
Cowes, Aug. fi.-inperor William
of Germany arrived here at y p. m. on
board the imperial yacht Hohenzollera.
Ho was saluted by the British' fleet. His
majesty was met by the Prince t of
Wales and the Duke of Connaught on
behalf of the queen, and he afterwards
lauded and visited her majesty at Qa
borne. -
Trro Miners Shot.
Welch, W. Va., Aug. n. At Kev-
stone last night J M. Stroud, coke boss
for the Pulaslri Iron company, shot W
A. Gilbert and James Owens, two white
miners working for the same company.
Will Entertain Many Veterans.
McCool Junction, Neb., Aug. 5. A
call has been issued asking the different
G. A. B. organizations in the towns
and cities in the counties of Eillmore,
York, Seward, Hamilton and Clay to
send delegates to McCool, Aug. 10, for
the purpose of selecting a suitable loca
tion here for holding a district reunion,
Entertaining Canadian Ofllcials.
Vancouver Aug. 5. Sir Mackenzie,
premier, and Hon. T. M. Daly, minis
ter of the interior, have arrived from
Begina. The party will be entertained
while here by Sir John Schultz, lieu
tenant governor of Manitoba and an
important conference will take place re
garding the Manitoba school question.
Case of JLocUJrtt.
Hastings, Neb., Aug. 5. Ben Blake,
the 15-year-old son of Fred Blake, is suf
fering from a very severe attack of lock
jaw. About a week ago he stepped on
a garden rake and inflicted a slight
wound, but paid no attention to it. It
is thought that he will not recover.
Charged With Wife Mnrder.
Bps Moines, Aug. 5. Mrs. W. K.
Mert, wife of a barber, was found dead,
jiaviug been shot. Her husband is under
arrest for her mnrder, though he claims
it is a case of suicide. The cpuplo have
pot lived together happily. The .cor?
pner is investigating.
Catholic Temperance Union.
New York, Aug. 5. Questions of a
paramount importance to the Catholic
Temperance Union of America will bo
discussed at its 25th annual convention
hero this week. The important busi
ness will be the election of officers for
the ensuing year.
Tire Still Raging:.
Denver, Aug. 5. The fire which
started Saturday night in the silver
mine owned by J. C. Dexter in Lead
ville has not been extinguished, though
it has been confined closely to that
mine. The fire will cause a damage of
Bay filled by a Train.
Columbus., NebM Aug. 5. Fred
Schram, a boy about i years of .age,
was run over by Union Pacific train No,
18. He died shortly afterward,
Death ar a Windsirie Citizen.
Windside, Neb. , Aug. 5.. Senry
Pipgrass, principal ownerof the Wind
side Boiler mills, is dead.
Foreign lesidTiits of Shanghai Hold
a Mass-Heeling.
Scsonnce the Inhuman ifarder of British
Were Slain Will Xofr Caad
t: the'MarhMS. ' '
Shanghai, Aug. 5. At a crowded
meeting today of the European residents
of this city.speech9fi condemning ihe ao
tion of the Chinese authorities in the
case of the massacre of missionaries at
Whai Han, near Kvl Cheng,- on Thurs
day last, were, made, and a resolution
adopted to appeal directly to tne jmi
rope an governments against the out
rage. The resolution also referred
the inadequate manner in which China
has dealt with the- perpetrators of or
mer outrages.
Washington, Aug. 5. The statement
from Minister Denby and Consul Gen
ral Jernigan that, no Americana were
injured, hxjthe attack by the Chinese
mob upon the mission at Ku Cheng, in
whJch 10 British were killed, .relieves
our navy department irom the necessity
of ordering: some of the American naval
,force3 to the scene of trouble, although
this incident will "undoubtedly form the
subject of another . demand upon the
Chinese government; for reparation and
indemnity for the ontrage upon the
property rights of the American mis
Report oa QalclcsilTen.
Washington, Aug. 6. In discussipg
the Drcduction of quioksiiver for the
year 1894 the report of the geological
survey-says that- the California outpul
remained stationary, but that ;the price
declined heavily. The highest price
during the year was $37 per flask in the
closing months and the lowest $28:50 in
iTanuarVj About 8 per cent of the? prod-
not was exported. The imports were
practicallpxiQthiugr-. Muoh .interest has
been aroused by the discovery of cinna
bar in Texas, but sufficient work has
not been done to show the value of the
Treanrer, Wygant'a .Report.
Denver, Aug. 5. County Treasurer
Wyganf, since, he was reinstated in
office, after having obtained a new bond
in the sum of $500,000, has prepared
report concerning-the county funds sup-
posed to be in his possession. It shows
that the county has $178000 immedi
ately available and that $210,000 are
tied up in broken banks, a portion of
which will be lost,
Shank Bp and Over,
Grand Island, Neb., Aug, 5,
George H. Shank, who with oneBalston,
both of Chicago, is charged with at
tempting to load np $15,000 worth of
Union Pacific stsel Tails and ship fiho
same out during the night of July 26,
was given a preliminary hearing before
Police Judge Garlow, and was bound
over to tho district court in the sum
of $500,
Trying to Get the Baroness Out.
Santa. Pe,, N. M.,- Aug. 5. J. A.
Beavis, hpsband. of Haronegs Peralta.
Beavis, in the United States prison iq
default of $5,000 bai, cljargecl with at.
tempting tq defraud thec government in
connection with the famous Peralta
land grant claim, has applied to the
New Mexico court for release under the
habeas corpus act.
Everything Else Was Weak In (flii-
cago's Pit.
Keports of a Big Yiold Unsettled Prices ef
Corn rOats Touch the lowest Ever
Beached at ThEs Season.
CniCAGO, Aug. 5. Wheat started stronger
today. Tho export business of Saturday, the
talk of bad. weather abroad, very small re
ceipfc? and prospect of a decrease in the Tisible
supply were nil bull factors. September
opened J4c higher at C8ic sold from oSc to
69Uc, and reacted to 68c.
Corn was easy under the favorable crop
prospects. t
Oats were easy with corn.
Provisions were slightly higher.on the firm
live hog market.
closing PmcE3.'
WHEAT August, s67c;Scptembcr,68
GS&crDecember, 7Uj-c: May, 74Jc.
COSN August, 40?c; September. 41c; Oct
tober, 89lic; November, 365c; December.
8c; May,3333c
OATS August, JiOc bid; September, SQJfioj
May, 24K24c; October, 21c
PQBK August. 59,3 J; September, $9.4 J; Oc
tobor, 9 45; January, 510.12. "
LABD August, 15.92: September, $3,00; Qo
tober. $6.07 asked; January, $6.12 asked.
RIBS August. $5.52; September, ?5.63 bid.;
October, ?5.C5; January, 5.1J2,
Chicasn Uve Stock.
Chicago, Aug. 5. HOGS Receipts, 12.000
head; left over, 1.KW head; desirable gradra
active, 5 to 10c hichei, others slow, barely
steady; light, 4.80S(5.35: mixed packers. $4.60
5.10; heavy shipping, $4.355.1J; rough, $4.35
CATTLE Receipts, 17,503 head, including
1,000 Texans and 7,00 J westerns; best natives
steady, others, 10c lower.
South Omaha live Stock.
South Omaha, Ang. 5. CATTLE Receipts.
5,0Mhead; lSXlto 15u01bs., $4.7535.3J; 1100 to-
1300 lbs., tt.254.7o ; 9 JO to 1 100 lbs., $3.60 i3Q ;
choice cows, $2J fj3.5J; common cows. 51.5d
2.40; good feeders, $X2534.0J; common feeders,
$2.75(33.25; market steady to 10c lower.
"HOaS-Receipts, 700. head; liaht. 4.6534.75:
mL-ced, $4.604.73; heavy, 4.5046J; market
5 to 10c higher.
SHEFP Receipts, 1.2X) head; muttons. $2.50
3.G0: Umbs. J3.255-00; market 10c lower.
Tislblo Supply of Grain.
New York, Aug. 5.-The visible sup
ply of grain is as follows; Wheat 88,-
617,000 bushels, decrease 712,000; corn
4,054,000, decrease 553,000; oats ,754,-
000, decrease 1,113,1)00,
Stricken While In Church.
Flemejgton, N. J., Aug. 5. The
score or more members of the Metho
dist church at Quakertown who were
injured yesterday when the church was
struck by lightning are still suffering
from the shock. The doctors who are
tending the injured have hope of recov
ery of all except Miss Minnie Prace and
James Hoff. MissPrace has remained
unconscious since she w$s carried from
tge cnurch.
Need noyer fear to. make that contem
plated trip east if he or she will trust to
the Chicago', Union Pacific &IsTorthwest
ern Line. Quickeft time. Fewest
changes Union depots.
For fuH-information call on or address
" N..B. Olds, .
. 'j . . Agent U. P. System.
Battle Ax
for 10 tents
fie Largest apiece of Good
rA fnr trin rhnhni
A. Boyish, Prank That Xade It, Necessary
Tor Him to Go West td Grow.Up Wih
tho Country Members of the Bar "Who
Tried to Bat the Pet EaW ef the Town.
"My seat in the senate arid all I have
besides had root in a game 'of; poker."
Hero the senator gazed beniguantly
about his small audience. Ha was in a
reminiscent mood. He was a wise, deep
Bea little senator, as sapient as ever
went into executive session. Now and
then he liked to talk about the" past.
"It sounds queerly to, say it," the
senator continued, "but it 'wr poker
game which lost me to. the'east and
gavo me to the west, to becomirin timo
a senator. This is the stdryr v
"I was born and brought up in a
town in Kentucky. It was" a small
town. You could throw a lariat about
the whole outfit and .dragitwith a
pony. But it was a highly moral;tpwn.
As a community it had a pet - law. It
made a specialty of.' enforcingjtho stat
utes against 'gainbling. Jfb games of
chance could thrive in thatcommunity.
And no matter what the, positienj in life
of an offender, were ho guilty of gam
bling he would be dealt wifh. 5Such was
the impartial boast of the fwn.Indeed,
as one citizen observed :
" 'They would admire tocatcli a
jndgo or prosecuriug att orney 'violating
tho law merely to demongtxatelthe Pur
itan fairness of local sentiment,''
"It was the June term of the circuit
Thero.was a crowd pt lawyers in
The judge himself was from
down tho Ohio river. During the noon
hpTir a quiet game of poker was. talked
over as one ot tho happy methods of
passing the pending ovennig. Tfcetown
had a habit of, going tonajdatloakj.
and itjill promised-tovlrteynl 11
vq me visiuug. jpwyerg jmci tn juage.
Wbispered word went about, therefore,
Uiat a game of cards, with a meek and
lowly limit, would bo a good way to
ward ofiE caret But thee wasio place
to play.
"Tho hotol would iiover do. A light
m any room after 10 o'clock would have
provoked the most baleful surmises and
investigation as welt The prosecuting
attorney was one of tho foremost in ur
xanging tho coming speculation. It was
he who, m the fertility of his nature,
suggested tho flatboat. Hisfather was
proprietor of a flatboat of ample cabin
accommodation. Just then i$ was moor
ed, bow and stern, at the foot of the
levee. A couplo of games, were pro
grammed to come off that evening in
tho cabin of tho flatboat. It would bo oui
of sight andhearing of tho testy little
burg which made a specialty of punish
ing gambling.
; "It was 10 o'clock. The night was as
dark as tho, .interior of a cow. Twq
games were going.on in the cabin of tbj
fjatboa The judge, the prosecuting at
torney and some nine members of the
bar were engaged. It made, two nice
tables. EVervbodr was bondinc? fo tho
game with all of the native ardor of a
Kentucky gentleman. It was about this
time when, in companjwith a friend,
I strolled on the levee'ln the vicinity of
tho flatboat. I was 20 years of age and
had no money. My friend was equally
well fixed. Our youth and our poverty
forbade anything like poker so far as we
wero concerned. On discovering the old
folks thus charmingly engaged a taste
to be humorous swept over us. We were
law students; they were lawyers. That
was reason enough for the joke. As the
boat rose and fell on tho swell apd slack
ened the ropes we cast her loose: Silent
ly she drifted away over the dark bos
om of the river. The jovial gamesters
drew and filled and straddled and. raised
and called, all unconscious. At 2 o'clock
in the morning polonel Stebbins had"
won $70. It was in Mexican money,
and ho had sinkered it about his honest
old frame in half $ dozen pockets,
was about all of the.moneya.t that table,
and Qolonel Stebbins concluded he
might better go. He. murmured some-
thing about cold feot and promising liis
wife to come up to the hotel early and
arose to go. The rest jeered mildly aud
made invidious remarks after the fash
ion of losers at poker just as the game
breaks up. But Colonel S,tebbins was
inflexible. He put on his hatf bid ev
erybody good night, stepped out into
the inky darkness and carefully picked
his way overboard.
The water was 20 feetdeep. Thesil-
ver all but drowned the colonel, how
ever. At last he was fished out and laid
across a barrel to evict tho Ohio river
from his system. The whoops and yells
of the-voyagers at last brought a sleepy
ittie tug to their aid. They found them
selves 7 miles below the town. For
$30 of Oqlonel Stebbins'- gains.the. tu$j
towed, the party back,
"They arrived at 2 o'clock in the aft"
ernoon and found the town sullenly lin
ing the loveo waiting for them. They
wero one and all nromntlv-indiated. In
the frank enthusiasm of youth my friend
and I related how we had cast these
poker games adrift on the Ohio. Wo
made a gravo mistakfe when we told
this story. Publicly w wore threatened
with indictment; privately we were
menaced with death by the gentlemen
we had betrayed, to thBiriyer. Wptook
counsel bJour'vrces.iRd.tJiout awaits
: r- - , -r. ",..JiC 1 n.r
' i:::4-C0AL,
. : r j v
t ' :
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.. k
One Ladies' New Hartford, 26-inch wheels', Bmamifac
tured by Columbia Co., Fifty Dollars.
One Boy's or Girl's cushion tire, 20-inch .wheels, for
Twelve Dollars.
, One Boy's pneumatic tire, 24-inch tire,, fox Twenty
Dollars. - ..'
Boys' Yelocipedes for 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75...
One -second-hand 1893 Columbia, gent's, 28-inch
wheels, .in good condition, for Thiity-nve dollars.
C. M Newton.
ing tho worst went west. This was an
Jong ago 18 years agd. My partner in
sin is now a United States Judge,
while I am in the senate. We often dis
cuss our destinies and lay everything to
that flatboat poker game." Washing-
knnJPnsf.- " :
Population of theSvorld.
German geographers havo'mado a
iareful estimate of the population of Af
rica, and place the total at 103,953,000,
svhich is 42,240,000 more than the ag
gregated population of North and South
fidnerica. Europe and Africa combined
save a population of 521,332,000,though
sheir area is not greater than that of all
eonerica. The new world has plenty of
:oom for many times its present popula
lion of 121r713,000. The German esti
mate of tho population of theworldhow
fs 1,480,000,000, and one of the best
juthorities of the Royal Statistical soci
4ty says it wiU be increased by the year
3517 to 83,586,000,000.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that cau
not bp qiired by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. F. Chehey & Co., Props., Toledo, .0.
We tbe undersigned, have known P.
J. Cheney for thelasti5 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry, outu auy obligation made
.btheir.firra. . ..
West Tru'ax.cWholesale-xDru'ggiate?
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon tho blood and
, mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price
Too. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Irrigated Land for Sale.
I have for sale 480 acres of land,
four miles northeast of Maxwell;
200 acres of good farming land, 60
acres under fence, 40 acres broken,
a portion of the remainder is good
hay land. A part of this land is
under a never-failing irrigation
canal. I will make no price upon
this land but will sell it so cheap
that it will surprise the purchaser.
Call on or address Napoleon St.
Marie, North Pltte, Neb. 573 1
Homeaeekers' Exoursion
To points in- Idaho, Atig-ust 13th
and 27th and Sept. lOtli and 24th,
at one fare for the round trip. Final
limit 20 days from date of sale. For
further particulars see N. B. Olds,
EAg-ent, U. P. System.
Taken up by tho undersigned on his
farm in Cottonwood precinct on June
19th. 1895. one very dark iron-gray or
dark roan horse, about five years old,
weight about 1200 pounds, has throe cal
loused sores on neck and shoulder. The
owner can have the animal by proving
property and paying charges.
August Caklson.
Dr. Humphreys' Specigca are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single Specific
a special cure for the disease named,
no. citxei. raiCKO.
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. ,123
Ji "YVerma, Worm. Fever. Worm Colic,.., .25
3 Teething Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7- CeacM, Colds, Bronchitis 25
8- NcHralgIa, Toothache, Faceache. ,23
9- HcadacBes, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .95
18 Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .23
11 Suppressed or Painful Perieda... .25
12 Whites, Too Piofuae Periods .25
13 CreHp, Jjaryasltls, Hoarseness 25
14 Salt BaesBi Erysipelas, ErupUons.. .25
15 Eheaiaatisffl, Kheumatio Fains. 25
18 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25
19 Catarrk, Inflacnza, Cold la the Head.
28-WkeeplBK Ceagfc .25
27 Kidney Diseases .25
25-Kcrveas Debility 1.89
38 Urinary Weakness 25
34 Sere Threat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat .25
H 11 11 DR. HUMPHREYS' fjnin OCr
Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets. Just fit
your vest pocket.
Sold ly Dmeeltti, or lent prepaid on reIpt f price.
Vs. UcarBirrt' MasVaL (W pttrn.l mhucd ruts.
HtTXPMRKTS' XED. CO., Ill 1131TI8Ub St., 5KTTT8RE.
Pure Well Water Icq.
Orders for the above product may
be lett at btreitz s or McCabe s
drug1 stores, or with the milk wag--
on and they will receive prompt at-
ention. Orders for
M Mill AND B
may also oe given the latter and
they will be promptly filled.
: ft
3Ian'fro and Dealer la
Curbing, Building Stone,
And all kinds of llonnmental and Cemetery work.
Careful attention given to lettering ot everr de
scription. Jobbing done, on short notice. Orders
solicited and estimates freely famished.
Notary Public.
3,000 4b$ ot DiicLL&nd
rnnr$ nnrl Tmirrrnlinn Arrarif.
Funeral Director.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always in stock.
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
We will give a thorough and complete
course of instruction in Practical Gram
mar and Business Correspondence by
mail Free of Charge to a club of five
students. This course consists of sixty
fivo lessons and will be completed in
thirteen weeks. Those who wish to
join this club will please communicate
wilh us at once. Over nine hundred
clubs organized throughout the western
states. Address:
Depart, of Instruction by Mail,
Contractor and Builder.
127 Sixth St. Cor.ofVinet
There is no finer agricultural sec
tion in all this broad western coun
try than can be found in the vicinity
of the beautiful little town o"f
"Wheatland, Wyoming, ninety-six
miles north of Cheyenne. Immense
crops, never failing supply of water,
rich land, and great agricultural
resources. Magnificent, farms to be
had for little money. Reached via
the Union Pacific System.
E. Lr, Lomax,
Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
by the Union Pacific Ry. Co. one
Advance threshing machine; also a
lot of second-hand machinery con
sisting in part ot a 40-horse power
engjaei-reed grinder, wheat cleaner,
e'tc .Eor particulars inquire of" 'N.
B. Olds, agent, KbrtTi Platte, Neb.
I ill" w ; ,-. l
oorsa x&st. ,
...TDt 12:18 A.
v it!l flat
No..2-Limd. " 938 A. x:
No.l8-Freigbt ' QM v.
No. 22 Freight " a.
No. 7 Pacific.Jixorese .... veja IMXJXL
Nor. l Limited.. " llfjl
No.21-FreDtht....:. Ml?,
LNo. 23Fr8ight.i .. ..i :Vr. Aj
SUTnERULKUr' ' - - - - ' IvEBRASKA.
0ce: W. C:lactoore & CoTDrng Stew.-
i .' Ofice ovfe N- P. Ntl. Bahk.JJ
Office over North Platte National Bank.
AaeiataatSurgeoa UIoa.PwxAc Rpa
and Member of Pension Boardv
OfUce over Streitzs Drag Store. -
TyM. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville's Blocfc. Diseases of on
and GWldrea a Specialty.
Kittell & Benson,
Prosnective Bchemea inveatltrated. Un
profitable Bchemes rejuvenated. Surveys,
Mnns. Estimates and reports made, and
construction superintended.
Office in North Platte MnrU PlofP Klph
NaUonalBankBldg, INOfin Tiaiie, HeD.
A line opportunity for Young
People to obtain an Excel
lent Business Education at
For the purpose of encouraging young
people in their efforts to obtain a prac
tical business education, and to adver
tisethe excellence of our method ofvin
struction by mail, we will give a thor
ough course of Book-keeping and Com
mercial Arithmetic by man i?ree or
Charge to a limited number of persons.
This course will be completed in forty
lessons. Each lesson is so fully , ex
plained that any one may very soon at
tain proficiency through our instruc
tions Over 2,000 testimonials of foraaer
students, testifying to the merits of our ;
work, are, on tile in our ofiice. - Those -who
wish to. avail themselves of ftb'e
above offer will please communicate
with us at ones. Addrsss: ' '
Dept. of Instruction by Majl
Restau rant,
Two doors west of McDonald's bank
Home-Made Bread, Cakes "
and Pies.
Regular Tfteals SerMed.
Also Lunch Counter
"in Connection.
in which ice cream is served '
during the day and evening. ?
A. share of the public patronage is
respectfully solicited. i
Mrs, J. AEMSTE0NG, Prop.
Coal Oil, Gasoline.
Crude Petroleum an'd
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
Meats at wholesale and
tail. Fish and Game
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides:
Hershey & Co,
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Rod Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc...
Locust Street, between Fif inlaid'- Satiif