HBBWBHppBWWKMWWrSWWwiwp I.I --"II JUL- M. amSSfSflSlf' " Till tWMM M. 3T 'ZS!rie2xi.-a-ZZ- i ' t "r ' - . , ... ,. ij4l5.1T J ik-i !' i- ft .1 V NOETH ,MTTE,.: HPEASEjU TUESDA, .EYEp&fi,.. MGES,. .189.5.. HQrfifc r 1 C j . j t - """" -T::r r y JKp& il$tt!0 . ;JTiKf E '1 to' T ' it r.ai.if : : Ui ;? v.tiU it4n .1' H .. c "8 , n s I: t r 0 t TOKJdi WEDNESDAY ATTfJTTST 7TH. fliDfor Sk.-oiiIv one 'dollar's .worth to each' customer. 1 We have forty remnants of Henriettas,, in, all colors, ibr- h mer urices Tanging from fo 6o 'cents ter vara, .select your choice at 22 cents per yard. T;h e 'Or eat - CI osi n ; fetsile af-the ' BOSTGH.S f,.j Mr. Pizer lias left for the Eastern markets to 'purchase his Fall and. Winter stock. He left in stmctions to sell everything in .stock Begardless W Oost, as we fie'eji tli-room for the new goods. The sale -will commence! READ OUR PRICE-LIST .: : J)ry Golds' department 21 yards i'estunlpleached Muslin Shoe department We. expect to . receive thousands of hi All Ctitnmnr jrnrtrlc tliof ot-tk 1r mrpr irp ffnitlff rVnlir Mr- . . M pairs in a few days, and therefore must have room. B We still. have afewtan and black Oxfords, former prices .Mufroni $2.2$ to S.-25;. .vour choice marked. on .our table atSi.35. j; J ri -i. l. a.1 c ' xjaaies nne onoes, witn. patent upb, lormer piiue num Q. 2. to $2.25, going at ;.this sale for 1.45. M - 1 r Pi 1 4. - i i. i. j t vjne lot ivien s otraw iiau tu tiuac uut at o uws..&uuia. Boys Waists, we still "have 'some on hand,- former price 925 cents, must now go at 12 cents; ,50-cent , waists af 25 cts. '- -cent waists at 8 cents. R '. W ;rtTI ltnv n fpw Mpn's fthir. "former rjrice ;o cents. nowvgpmg for'25 cents. Hpping to see you -all, we are Yours for Great Bargains, , THE-BOSTON STORE. ;'J .. 1- i. : -. tin NOETH 3?L.TTJB3, NEB. &?k '" Capita. S8CMM0.00. $22,5B0.W IjW. Surplus, c - ;- ; -' a - ir.i 1 J .Mti int 3.. : t : SltlWS: e. m. f; rfflffl&mm abthub; ssKSn:; . . LEFLAISG, Pres't.; McNA'JIKA,,.. Cashier. A' General Banking Business Transacted,. Wiley MatKews, of Dickens, was shaking hands with his friends In town Saturday .and .incidentally giving it out that he would be a candidate for sheriff before the republican convention. August jl8th has oeen selected, as the date for the production of the "Little Tycoon" at the opera bouse. The "tak ing the principal parts are said, to have reached a fair degree of perfection. John Herrod received Saturday a carload of Washburn's superlative flour, a brand that has a large sale in this city by reason of its fine quality. Mr. Herrod is sole agent in this, city for this flour. . Prank Sullivan, who had been visit ing his parents for sevoral days, left for the east Saturday to go into training for the national foot races to be held, at Brockton, Mass., the early part of next month. Ashley jPeters, living north pf town is now marketing sweet corn from a ei acre field "which he planted early in the spring.. He estimates, that he will realize at least one hundred dollars, from the field. . .'..,. . . At the Barnum high-five party. Fri day evening, which proved, a very; ipleas-: ant event, the head prizes were awarded to Mrs.Keith,Mr.,and Seeberger and the secondary ones to . Airs . - Bare an.d Mr. Hinrpan . . , , . . .. x Mrs. G. T. .Field on -Friday- evening entertained at a dinner "party .the' how resident members of the company which produced-4iThat Box of Cigarette", one year ago The occasion was much en joyed by the guests. H. Often," who has, been experiment ing with b?e culture, aoldone -hundred. pounds of ,honeyto the local dealers Sat urday . It was a fine grade of the article. We understand Mr. 'Otton is well pleased with the result of his efforts in this di rection. Arthur Hoagland, aocompanied by a 'cousin residing in Lincoln, left Sunday for trip to Colorado upon their bicycles They will visit Denver, aud a number of other cities in the state. They expecfed. 19 reach Dehver"by Wednesday." " , The 'Ouest ion: Six-. your form and at a price rib! higher than is usually asked, for reaHy-made garments, wniilri von r ... ",r-" .j , '-INSTrrtTEE The Lincoln county ;techer4 jn "stitute'corivneain seaiibtt at ttie court hduse yesterday itfoxningwith; ah: enroliment 'of 'de hundred,) whiphJiumber- wilt likely be in- cfeasea to-'daj. ." ' ..'I I T The daily progTanteis as fol lows: 8:36 tor 8:4f opening exer cises; 8j45 to 93(fc!numbersfJ Mrs. Jenkins; 7:30 toiO- rea'dihg, Mr. Valentiner J10:15 to f 10:30. recess;! 10:30 to li-15, geography, Mrs: Jen kins; 11:15 to 12, school 'manage ment, !Mr. Valentine; 1:30 to :15, literature,' llr. Valentine, 2:15 to 3. history of 'education',' MrsC Jenkins. To-night, Tuesday,- at eight! o'clock, in file court-room, Mrs. Jen kins will ' give" an illustrated talk, upon Paris." This will be 'followed by some pictures of Italy to supple- . . 11-1 i. tt: 'j' ment ner taiK last ycai. rucuus are cordially invited to visit us during the dally sessbns and tins evening. '"Friday afternoon Miss Pike will talk to the teachers upon the subject of physical training, and will give U reading in - Keith's iufhe eVehing. : The teachers enroUed'up t6 yes terday afternoon wereas follows; ' NOBTBT PLATTE. hail Edith Hutchlns Minnie Sorenson Nellie Lonergan Grace Duncan Elizabeth Bratt Anna Kebhausen Sarah J Ferguson Mayme O'Hare E D Snyder . Kale McGlohe. , Gertrude Baker Jennie Bostwiok GertaHine-i Allfe Beach Maggie King Eunice Babbitt AddalKdcken. SudBateman Neleye Grace Berenice Searle Bortha Peters Gertie Tobas Anna M Pargeop Tillie Blankenburg Jennie Hansen Florence Dowd - Jennie" Carlson 'ThfiaHanserI Xellio Austin . J'ennie Frazter - Jennie" White ' W'PStirbbB - Geo McMichael.;. iRu.th Patterson G B Campbell ' Lulu, Davis Ida Walker " 'ilda Vonji3oet ' -Lizzio Burke-' ' n Evea J FenWick- . SCTHEBLAKD. Lillio Stone ;! j .Eunice Johnston. Mabel Johnson ' Mjna.Snell " A'dimt Frazier' ' " 01ifo4E Muir ' JL6d't Allie Hoed . 'T Page r a.yrjiougner EsfollaMcCain ' Ar Ngoml Johns i.'i,. . Kersiatf Kafltpmeier 'Msy?D61ap -irMagsartSgetit, .Maucle Nickerson 'MaryidfoBan Ellen M(5Uullougli BB ADY' 7SIAND.' Salena Holcomb Hattie Myers . J.C.McJi.. v HEsHEy , . Jtssio Ware .... .WmJQtortet,'. ELIZABETrri - - ;, i i. Yes .or. No? The Royal Tailors, of- Ghi- offer the .opportunity. "The Better the The. Occasion cago, They say Grade the Bigger the Trade, " K Shoe Store. PRICES. OUT IN TMQ; Iurder to svpTioes for money we will offer our:la4ief! , j t , . .. iiue Ludlow Shoes;, ' ' 4 " ..itegirpriceQOtoat ' .Here Is a chance to. have a fine shoe for aUittle-.nioney. All our Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25. . W ShrTuoy's fine lace and button shoes, the best made, . , : . . $2.50 Shoe at $1.65-$1.65 Shoe $1. ' ; ; A large line of Ladies', Misses' aud; Children's' - Slippers will be sold at prices that will . .. . .", -Save yon 1-3 to 1-2 ofyour money; , " ! GmidreuShpes, the best goods that money can buy, will slaughtered at the sapie rate. Qtten's noe store, , Good Teamsi J k ' - " . GoiXLlortale'IRigs, t . ImM kmmMiw for k hmm Mh and the force of the argument is seen irr the fact that they are doing business in .almost every nook and corner of the United States. " They- have .thousands o.t cus tomers for whom year after year they are making Business Suits.- Dress . uits, Overcoats anythjng-everything, that inters into the stylish . make up of the outer map. if Facilities and -Methods : 1 5 3 qr . : They have the compietest tacilities of any tailoring" estab lishment in the world. All work is done expeditiously and when 'tis done Jtis well done. Faultless vork makes faith ful frienefs. Their patrons stick They do business with their eyes opeq, they are progres sive. Clothing made by them is always up-to-date in fit, fin ish and form. i - Northwest comer of Courthouse square. f- tCK Nona Garrispji Hetbsrt Votaw MYRTLE. Clara Sfump. . Bertha' Daifey Jessie Wait . Lena Crabtree Jennie McNicol :. Qscar Jyeel mawcod' Emma LaVuriere KntieiJiV;ariere Wesley Lewis 1 Lilian Lewis Mollio Tinsman Stella Kenoyer CE Kockjoy, Lena; JeBie Vroroan, Vromnnr Nellie Martin, Pnxtbn; Emma Frolkeyj Garfield; Lucy Sulliyjinf Nich ols; Ada Hardin, Whittiet'.IfobtSomers, Buchanan; E G Dukes, Wallace; Agnes Costin.Willow; E J Johnson, Dickens; Kate Hoehn, Lexington; Bertha Boss, Birdw.qpdj.Qpcjlia Ericsson, Gothenburg. w-rr. u.' - THE SEMTENCE. J5 V A rogoi8h,llaugblnK, pnanlnff-.tcaBf, .Unt ijrhatift eays I shall aot .tglltw itnil wbat aho" does yoiL inay as.weH Bo sure ia seldoWtioHO to please, .Yet -when J threaten Mctnbel j t, 'Vfith penalties sovero and high Her sonny smiies my frowns dispel. Her wheedling ways my anger; queU; Sho seems the judge, the culprit L No mercy ehoweth Mctabel, -t ' Yet street tho fate her wor'iraparta. Last night sho sentenced me to dwell "captive" in the deepest cell . "Fprever of her heart of heart3: New York Sun, DIAMOND THIEVES, rhp Tflck They ysts to Circumvent tho EveT Watcliful Dealers. A diamoud dealer recently interview ed gave soino of his experiences as fol lows: "Afswweeks ago a foreigner 2ame into my store nudesired to see rings. After choosing for a long time he picked out one valued at $18. He made me a ridiculously low offer, which I naturally refused. He then desired, tfl see two other rings-r-ono, 3 sapplrir6 and the other a diamond, ring exhibited in the show window. "WhihY I reached into the window for them I'dbserved, in the mirror on one side 'of- -the window how the stranger slipped away two rings, 2acb.worth $150 I $4 uot trirn;aroundt but went to tho. door, opened aud then, locked it. If I had turned around, the GoiNG-BACJC TO TE thief would have thrown pepper and. OrtotVat OnF;TTn Te tt ' my eyes ana ran awy wica. n UKIGESAL QUESTION, IS IT A noHceman was soon in the YES PR No? place, The hief had the pepper and ' Needn't ; ef"6 to Chicag-o to d readJ' f hr hand 1 - -j fjr t i ' "Anotner time a tniei aropped two place your Qrder, Needn t eyen intQ pmhreiia, and atanother Wrlf e-, - time apother slipped one into a hole in Just Step into the WilcOX tKjove. A very common trick of dia- rtment htore and have looses, which are thereupon hand! to your, measure taken. Y ou him lying, upon awaiter He breathes will find the prices as low as ' ftP them, nnd thereby geew to get one or more into his mouth. Others study you pay for the same o-oods the lying in the show window and rarl Adrift have onp made exactfy to pattern de- reaay maae. scribed. The cold is eood. but the icwel tfWe: also have a special, f3 P0- tbe com9" 1x1 tUght me obL-onauctors', Bremen's,- ru-ZsSt eai of the great failure of Fitzgerald, Spreckels & Cooffc. .: $500000. These goods-ai;a now-tbeing clo&ed out at sheriff -srsaTe-- A GBEAT HIT! ri "Ylou. Jiav.e all r Jsephq,f6ir6ve'r H. C, Renhie purchased $3,000 worth of these goods and will place them on sale partly on Friday and Saturday, and the remainder of fine goods on the following week. G-oods which wholesale cost was from 1 .to 1.10 will be sold for. 65 cents. Fine all-wool fiero-pe in all colors and black. wortfrOne Dollar, will go at 35 cents; and fine Flannels, all wool, also Tricots, will go at 35 cents, worth from 65 to.75 cents. Fine Persian dress patterns, not one pattern the same, worth 2.50 per yard, at One Dollar per yard, all silk and wool. This is the , Greatest Op- a ' nn 1 ! 1 i t t It M - porxuuvcy ever oirerea to tne;puoiic, ana we asK you to can ana see Bargains Never before so Cheap. RENlNrXE'S.; HEIST NT I E5 Mohols and Horshey ITews. J. B. McKee of this place and V. 13. Parks of North Platte left Mon day by team for Humanville, Polk county, Missouri on a land explor ing expedition. They expect to be gone from four to six weeks, it we are not mistaken we saw. the forms of C. Iv. Patterson and G. R. Hammond pass up the grade last Sunday in a carrage drawn by a span of "flyers." Still we may have been mistaken as the sun was over shadowed by a light cloud about thatitime. . , Captain C. F; Shermaun and Miss Mable McNamara of Nortjr Platte passed down tlie line, last Sunday evening on their way home alter a pleasant trip up the valley as far as Sutherland. Frank Zook and family returned from the far west Saturday night where they went last spring. They are now .stopping with her parents over north 4 on a ditch farm. D. W. Baker and C. F. Iddings of the Platte were up in this coun try looking after canal business a days since. fly Rev. .Robinson one of the parade who are conducting revival meetings in MinaS& Marvin. 3.00&, The Qreatest and Best Line o 1 Clothing, FufnishiDg Goods, t Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, in Fact Everything Gents' Wearing Apparel : ' IS' GOING AT- 1 '- Greatly Reduced Rates -AT THE- NWrlT'PlaltereafchlToledoLWte; 3 lnSft valley school honse TTast isuaay aiternoon. It is stated that a couple of dash ing young ladies of this locality made a "smash" at the"dance in Hershey a few nights since. - We understand that Miss Nora Hollingsworth of Wallace is the guest of her brother Tyler and family at this place. Walter IJoagland and lady of the county seat were viewing the sights up in the valley last Sunday. A hne rain took this, country by aur priBO last Thursday night, which did much good to corn and potatoes on "dry land." The Sutherland meat wagon, makes semi-weekly trips down through this section at present. Brusce and Wray Stuart, of tho Platte, are visitmg their grandma, Mrs. Brown, at this place. Oversner Lokor, of the old canal, had business at tho Platte the latter part of last week, . Ben McMichael, of tho hub, erected a uew granery aud also a porch over the south door of the residence upon the Koily ranch last week, This weoU wlH wind up the cutting of small grain in the valley unless itshould be a few fields of very late grain. We have been told lately that some of the parties who moved from tho south sandhills upon Paxton & Hershey land last winter and spring, will take their departure for other climes this fall. Emigrant wagous t y tho dozens are daily passing down tho lino, returning from Colorado. Wyoming and other western points, and eu route far tho eastern part of tfyis state, Iowa and Mis souri. As usual a large and appreciative aud ience greeted W. J. Crusen at this place last Sunday. Rev. Graves and family, pf North Platte, passed up the grade- Friday. Wo were informed the other day that a man by the name of Banks, fom Lodge Pole, bad rented the town sito store building at Hershey and would put in a general stock of merohandise at once, t y Cecil Tuell and mother-in-law, of Som erset, were calling on friends in this locality the first of this week. Work on the foundation for the new school building at this place will begin this week. The majority of farmers in the valley are in a hurry to thresh their grain owing to scarcity of feed. Jake Zeigler, a young gent who. work? upon the section at tis place, was mar ried to a MJso Anderson from the south side at North Platte recontly. He is constructing a "soddy" upon land owned STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 5, WEBEE & V0LMEE. MOSTo DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN THE o WORLDS &35b3r JAVA. SPURR'S REVERE HARRINGTON & T0BIN, SOLE ACTS, NORTH PLATTE, NEB by R. W. Calhoun near the station, where they will reside when completed. Last week Supt. Seeberger could have been seen at the head of the old canal clad in a thin sweater, overalls, chip hat and without shoes or socks upon his feet and seemingly as happy as a fish in high, water, working "like a nailer" with the rest of the gang in repairing the dam to the canal, which was completed in due time, greatly to the relief of those resid ing along the ditch whose corn and potatoes were suffering for water. Pat. Ed Sali3bury returned home Wednes day, from his visit to the irrigated farms west of North Platte, and reports that everything is in fine condition there. Says he never saw finer crops. He thinks irrigation the proper thing. Gandy Pioneer. Ed Richards, of Brady Island, was in the city Tuesday and brought in a sample of his oata that he raised on the Island, without irrigation, that measured (5 feet i inches in height and were well filled. He has thirty acres of those oats and they bid fair to make ninoty bushels to the aore. Gothenburg Independent. The outcome of the Iiodge Pole beer stealing case is as follows, according the Express: T. C. Everingham and I, H. Barrett have been discharged from the employ of the Union Pacific for alleged complicity in the beer case, and night operator Cowdin has been notified that ho must pay for the beer because it was taken while he was on duty. Maurace Vaughan, h.e night operator of tho U. P. a this city was changed to North Platte this weok. He went down Tuesday evening to prepare a place for Mrs. Vaughan and son, who will join him in about two weeks. Their absence will be felt socially by the many f ren.dja they have made vybilo reading in thjs. city. Sidiiey Toranhn "Have you observed," said a merchant to a customer, "the handsome advertise ment I have on a fence between Red Cloud and Ivondale?" "o," replied the customer, "but if you will send the fence around to my house I will try and read the announcement. I read the papers and I haven't time to. go around reading bill boards." And the merchant scratched his head. Red Cloud Chief. Our town has been considerably ex cited during the past week over the enforcement of the Sunday closing law. Last week constable Wellner warned all the merchants that any one found selling anything on Sunday would be prosecuted. Jas. McMullan was arrested Monday for violating the law but was released Tuesday after a trial which de clared him not guilty. Sidney Poniard. School districts Nos. 18 and 19, in Burt precinct, have a number of warrants outstanding but no inhabitants to pay taxes to redeem tho same, only one per son liviDg in the territory comprising the two districts. The districts are dead so to speak, and it looks as if they were in need of an administrator, a receiver, or something of that kind. Persons owning land in these districts will soma day have the outstanding paper to pay. School officers are in the habit of issu ing school orders regardless of whether there is a levy to pay them or not, which is wrong. A county can only issue war rants to 85 per cent of the levy, and if more are issued the officers issuing the same are personally liable for the amount. The courts would probably hold that school officers could not issue warrants beyond the amount the tax levy would raise, and any issued beyond that amount would be the obligation of the officers individually and cot the dislrict. Gandy Pioneer. CuHfornia contracting for $30,000,000 worth of now railroads shows that tho. wnuoa oKue aoosa'i. propose to put up,, tbe shutters. ,1 t 4; I. --TV-, I!