- V THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRfBBffE: FRIDAY EYENINGf AUGUST 1895. A. F. STREITZ, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, PA1NTEES' SITPPLrES, WINDOW GLASS, -:- MACHINE OILS, ZDiajaa-surrta; Spectacles. Devbsolle Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts. A.potliek:e V. VonGCETZ, The North Side Grocer. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, FLOUR and FEED. .4 Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. We insure Prompt Delivery. We Solicit a bhare of Your J.rade. NORTH LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ufuwr Cal1 there for n11 kindB of I Wr Seasonable flr Hardware. if x PRICES LOW. WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD. LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 18G8. .... 310 SPRUCE STREET. F. J- BROEKER. MERCHANT TAILOR. A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. First-class Fit. Excels lent Workmanship. I0RTH : PLATTE : PHARMACY, Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager. ItTOIRTIH: PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA . AVe aim to handle tlie Best Grades of. Groods, sell tliein at Heasonable IFigtrres, and "Warrant Everything as Represented.. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific railway respectfully solicited. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Pitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper und Galvanized Iron Cor nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attentio'n Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, .ISToxttn Platte. - "Nebraska. FINEST SAMPLE BOOM IN" NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public -is invited to call and see us, insuriug courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables . and competent attendants will -supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE A-flE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT UBA L..BARE, Editor asd Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION' RATES. One Year, cash la advance, 11.25. SlxMoaUw, cash in advance 75 Cents. Entered at the North Platte (Nebraska) postofflce as 8ocond-cln?8 matter. The following Inter Ocean proposes the mottoes which should be used during the campaign of 1896: "Better wages," "Better protectipn from foreign labor," "A tariff for revenue that will raise revenue," "Silver and gold and paper dollars as good as either." The present large deficit in the United States treasury can point to an 58,000,000 loss from free wool; and the slieep raisers of the country can easily see in it a much larger loss to them, and the money they should have had has gone into the pockets of the Australians and South American, The "upper ten" Society in New x orK is growing so large tnat one very rich resident declares that in the future he will visit and invite only those who have more than $5, 000.000. Some people may think that this is a sign of impending plutocrocy, but the Syracuse Post declares it is Only a sign of increas ing idiocy, and the Post strikes it just right. The republicans of Maryland are making careful nominations and are in a hopeful condition generally. A new era is coming for the old border states. Their natural re sources are unsurpassed, and when the)' escaped from Bourbonism and are modernized tnere will be no danger of going back to second rate or third- rate places. The reports from Havana, sent out by permission of the Spanish authorities, indicate that the situa tion in Cuba is still of such a char acter as to threaten Spanish rule. The movement of Antonio Maceo at the head of 6,000 insurgents on Jiguani, in the-province of Santiago de Cuba, with only 2,000 govern ment troops to oppose this rebel force, would indicate that the revo lution had reached such proportion as to threaten the authorityof Spain very seriously in several parts of the island. ; Maceo andJns men have" not hesitated to give battleto the government, troops wherever they have met, or. even march against them from a distance, m attack their garrisons. i" It is given out from "Washington that an official -high up in the coun cils of the democratic party, pre sumably none other than Carlisle himself, states that the repeal of the reciprocity features of the Mc Kinley tariff law was a great mis take. It is not supnsing that such a statement is made. The most pitiable piece of legislation ever en acted is that feature of the demo cratic tariff measure which dis places reciprocity. It is surprising to note the shortsightedness of the democrats when it comes to legisla tion that is to benefit the whole people. Reciprocity did more to enlarge the markets of this coun try than all the free trade legisla tion ever attempted, and ye't be cause it was a republican measure democratic congress could not raise aoove a mean and narrow partisanship and permit that law to remain in force, The first mea- sure a republican congress ouirht o pass should be one looking toward the restoration of reciprocal relations with other nations. Seward Blade. I THE THISTLE. act passed tiff-fite :Nraska. legislature rfiw n?a the Russian thistle 'law is certainly open to criticism. It will be well -for the people of west ern Nebraska that they take up and discuss this Question in time. The act affords the people of the west ern part of the state an object lesson on laws: for if the readers jjf The Tribune will give this sub ject a moment s thought tijey can see that the law may be applicable and practicable for the first, two, or three Nebraska counties, west from the Missouri river; where!the lands are all owned, well settled, tilled and cultivated. But to attempt to carry out the provision 6i this law in central or western Nebraska seems absurd, especially where we have such a large area of unsettled 'and unoccu pied territory. It cannot be en forced without reactinir upon the people themselves. In Lincoln and many other counties of western and central Nebraska there yet remains large tracts of government land; there are also many sections of un leased or unsold state school .lands. By what means will the road super visor present a bill that will be good for labor performed in , clear ing up or destroying the Russian or any other thistle on these two classes of lands. Eastern Nebraska's conditions are different from our's, there the law can be made effective and bene ficial. Here it means tax sales that will find no buyers, as the owners of a tax title might expect to be compelled annually to expend more than the value of the land in keeping down the thistle. The re sult will be that it will be cheaper to abandon the lands than to try to hold them. If we could thickly settle up the country with a farmer on every 80 or 160 acres and with land values ranging from $25 to $50 per acre then no difficult)' would exist in keeping down this weed. But many years must pass before all of Lincoln county will be settled in this manner, and then the state must enact laws looking to an effec tive attention to vacant govern ment lands and to destroying this weed on its own school lands as. on the lands of private 'individuals. For as the law now stand statutes of Nebraw jmpossi unoccu rnraent or state lands re- frportibn pHlie state. 1 A 1 i n cam Be nnne 11 v i iif rpsi. deatl any thickly settled neigh borhobd in keeping down this pest. . TT.', i NIWS PARAGRAPHS. Harry MStow.-lias sued the city of Chicago i or $1000,000, alleged to be dueffor royalty on a method of laying ceder block paving to which he claims the title and which the city used. The right of insurance companies to exhume fthe bodies of deceasec policy holders is to be tested in the New York courts. A case involv this point is now pending in the court of appeals. Mrs. Hattie Covey of Jaysville, N. Y., eloyed with a man named John Kirch and went to Michiga Becoming tired of him she returned to her family. A crowd called up on her, and warned her to leave town. H. Cay Merritt, a Kewanee, 111 game dealer, was fined $10,000 for having game in his possession out of season. Other cases are pending against him. and it he is fined the minimum amount for each bird found the Ane w-ill foot up $110,000, In -the primaries in South Caro Una Tuesday to nominate candi dates for the constitutional conven tion the conservative democrats generally absented themselves. The reform wing of the party, headed by Tillman and Irby, will undoubt edly control the convention. The municipal government of Monterey, Mex., has passed an law prohibiting bathing within the city limits. For 260 years the citizens have bathed in a big spring in the center of the city and the sight has been of great interest to foreign travelers. Upon report of Special Master Crawford, Judge Dallas made an order in the United States Circuit authorizing tne receiv ers of the Philadelphia and Read- ing Railroad Company to purchase 1,000 coal cars from the Puilman Palace Car Company, to cost $489.50, making $489,500. Private advices from the republic of Salvador state that the country is on the verge of anarchy, there no longer being any protection to life or property. Murders are com mitted with impunity, and recently the police assassinated a reputable citizen of the capital city. The bank examiner has taken j possession of the ,Union National CJSLr Denver. The directors Weexly weather-crop bulletin No. 17. For the week ending July 29th was as follows: "The week opened cool and rainy, followed during most of the remaining days by high temperature. The mean temperature for the week was nearly normal. The rain fall has it generally been heavy over the state, although in limited localities n has been excessive, particularly in the southern corner of the state. Over an area covering several counties in the northeastern section none at all fell. The harvest is about completed in the eastern-part of the state. The yield of small grain in the northeastern section is phenomenal. Some oats "have threshed out as high as eightyve bushels to the acre and some barley as high as 100. Corn has continued to suffer considerable damage dur ing the week in the southeastern section of the state wbere al thirtl to a half of the crop is estimated to be injured beyond recovery, except n the riuer counties. In the south western section of the state the corn crop is generally in a very "erf- J promising condition, inthe-northern portion it is now beginning to feel the need of rain and is rolling some what although not'suffering any material damage." l but1 oply for their immediate vicin The law is good enough and al ngntiwhere it will work. And it wouid be a pleasure to learn how it can be made to work successfu here in Lincoln and the balance o: the western Nebraska counties, where conditions are similar to ours. There may be more scare r about this weed than many suppose. It a million of dollars was asked of congress to assist iir eradicating' it m the Dakotas, how are we in our impovished condition going to de stroy it? The lacts as they exist have been fairly stated, but we all know they do exist, and we all be lieved this weed should be destroyed and checked, but how can we do it? Respectfully yours, I. A. Fort The trolley has retired 8,500 horses from car lines in Chicago and yet there has been no strike or aav extra kicking. BELIEF WORK IN DEER CREEK. , Deer- Creek, Neb., July 29th. Editor Tribune: I see by the State Journal that Com'r Hill, has written the state relief commission in regard to an application for aid from this precinct, which can only be excused because" the honorable commissioner resides in North Platte and only comes out here semi-occasionallv to seehis family and draw his mileage, and is there fore not conversant with the true state of affairs. The facts in the matter are that the stranger he speaks of is the onlyman in this precinct: that has noror does not expect to' draw any am, out nas lurmshed provisions and seed that has enabled one man to put in a crop. If we only had enough of uch strangers no one would have to ask for help. Last winter a woman with five small children went to Com'r Hill and told hiin'she was out of fuel and did-not know what to do for something to burn, and his reply to her was that lie would show her where there was a patch of plum bushes. Last spring when the relief store had plenty of provisions one of my neighbors went to Mr. Hill and told him he was entirely out ot money and had nothing left to live on, and Mr. Hill told him he was sorry he could do nothing for him as tliere were no supplies on hand. Last week a man (with five in family) went to North Platte, a dis tance ot fifty miles, and received one sack of flour, three pounds of beans and two pounds of meat. That is the way1 the county is taking careof the needy and is it any wonder that the people here applied to the state relief commis sion instead of the county? Yours respectfully, , C. H. VasTilbos'g. HmnuuuL ss sessing stockkblders. M. S; Noah's install meut.ho'use was compeled to close onf account of the failure of the banlcrv ii "... Peter W. Miller, an aged, dis abled veteran, being deprived ot his pension money, walked from his home at Shamokin, Pa., to "Wash ington and interviewed Pension Commissioner Lochron. He dis played his wounds and his pension was restored and his expenses allowed him. The managers and actors of the Alcrezar theater of San Francisco were all up before ; Judge Murphy Tuesday for contempt of court in producing the play, "The Crime of the century." in violation of the court's injunction. The play is supposed to be a history of the Emanuel church murders. A special from Evanstop? "Wyo.. say: Two young desperadoes who have been stealing horses in "tins vicinity were located last night by a sheriff's posse: An engagement followed, resulting in Deputy Sheriffs Daws of Evanston and Stagg of Echo, being killed. De puty Sheriff Galverty was wounded in the should. The thieves took refuge in a log cabin and are now surrounded. Mgr. Satolli, the papal ablegate, is very much annoyed at the con stant retieration from many quar ters of the statement that he is to be recaded. The latest of these stories is to the effect that Cardinal Kedochowski, the ex-Pole, js urg- thc pope to appoint Mgrl Zalewski. a fellow countryman, now papal to India, as Mgr. Satolli's successor. Sugar beets are very fine condi tion around Grand Island. Tliere was never a more promising out look since the beet raising industry Jjas been started in Hall county. From fifteen to eighteen tons of beets will be the average yield per acre this year. "Work will begin at -the sugar factory about September 15, and Em. Brysselbout, the superintendent, thinks that a run of fully four months will be made. bout 200 people will be employed at the factory this season. The. distinguished feature of; Missouri statistics is in the fact that itjeads the states of the Union jn mules. The last census shows tjjat .Missouri "lias. 251.714. the next being Texas, with 227.432. and the third Tenuessee. with 203,639. Cities of the second class are be- ginning to dust the seats prepara tory for the nation convention of 18. It is a laudable ambition to be ready when the lightning strikes them. There will be some big con- ntio'as in 1S96. Highest of all in Iaveriing Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure MOST o.. DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN THE WORLD 1 SPURR'S REVERE MOCHA AND JAVA. HARRINGTON & T0BIN, SOLE ACTS. NORTH PLATTE, NO UNTO. 3496. fTirst Jtf&fion&l Baniv NOETH IPITTIS, JSTJST3. Capital, -Surplus, 50,000.00. 22,500.00 tp? Wmm E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pros'., 1MJ ARTHUR McNAMARA. . ncr. A General Banking Business Transacted. again. Maxwell Melange It is becoming quite dry Perhaps it will soon be time to hold another irrigation meeting. T. Hanrahan. John Harrigan, Sam Rickards and lu. DeLaney drove to North Platte Monday. The young ladies of the Catholic Sunday school gave an ice cream social in the school house, last Sat urday night. It was very, largely attended and all present had an en joyable time. - . 'Miss Mamie ICugent is soon to have a new bicycle. t is entertaining to watch Jhe a w.Ivr: fine' even ings .Nearly all the Max well boys have a wheel a. their lads. I mean they will rmrchase one some time, of course. Mr. Schope, of Vroman, was a Maxwell visitor Sundav. Henry W'ilkinsou has purchased a new cart. He drove to the Platte last Sunday, accompanied by Mr. Schope, to witness the base ball game. A party from the island went out in the sand hills to pick cherries last Sunday. T. Hanrahan contemplates build ing an addition to his house in the near future. George Clark, the swamp angel from Morning Glory Town, was in Maxwell Saturday. Catholic services were held here last Saturday, Rev. O'Toole ofticiat ing. The two Sunday schools were largely attended last Sunday, and there was church last Sunday night. Clvtie. Secretary Howell of the state board of irrigation has been making- coin parisons There have some fignres and which are interesting. Nebraska Notes. Pierce is asking for telephone connection with Norfolk. Custer county has a great crop of small grain, and corn is in excel lent condition. The town ot Randolph is enjoy ing a building boom, and most of the new structures are of brick. The barley crop in Boyd county is yielding forty bushels per acre and finds a ready market at 50 cents a bushel. A hundred bushels of apples will be marketed from a young orchard by "William Prueske of Madison county. A stalk of corn thirteen feet high was found in a Madison county field. There are more just like it all over the state. Russian thistles have obtained a foothold in Cheyenne county and their extermination will cost nonr resident landowners a barrel of money. A young farmer named Strohm. living near Randolph, received a sunstroke while returning from the harvest field. He was found three ' hours afterward and taken home. The doctor fears he will die. A Wandering Willie tramp, who was working out a sentence of thirty days on the streets at Ban croft, wearied of the monotony and skipped out, taking along with him the ball and chain attached, with which the city authorities had labeled him. as a souvenir. When he reached Beemen he parted with the souvenir for the sum of 51 in addition to his supper and lodging, and resumed his aimless journey wjth the laugh on the Bancroft marshal. been filed with the county clerks of forty-three counties 7S9 notices ot claims for water privileges, cover ing 981 pages of manuscript. Of these 789 claims 179 were filed since the new law went-into effect, mak- a ling it necessarv fon-them to refileE with-the state board in order to perfect their clajms. To all of those who have filecLnotices the new, forms of application have been sent in order that thev niav irive a Mefi- n itescHptig movJi a I Jh cy Avan tsir3j Many of the claims filed under the old law were ambiguous. Parties who have filed claims with county clerks since April 4th must now rc file with the state board. Since May 16th, 312 persons have refiled with the board. Of these ninety nine applications covered some 700.000 or 800.000 acres of land, em bracing 312 canals, or ditches. But three counties in the state have failed to furnish at least one appli cant, and but three counties have failed to refile when requested to do so. According to the United States census of 1S90, Utah, in forty years had irrigated but 600.000 acres, and there were, in 1890, but 350.000 acres under irrigation in Utah. This comparison speaks well for the pro gress being- made in Nebraska dur ing the short period m which atten tion has been given to the subject of irrigation. Bee. Field-Marshal Peebles of the Pender home guard, who made the warlike preparations by buying- in Omaha 100 rilles and 5,000 rounds of ammunition. was in high leathers, when he talked big to our congressional delegation at Pender. But when he in the wake of the delegation, and at the head of his army of 100 braves, came to the Winnebago reservation. he was con siderably taken down, when he and an associate was arrested by a LI, S. marshal for conspiracy to make war on U. S. officials, the warrant having been sworn out by the U. S. district attorney. The military ardor of the field-marshal and his adjutant is said to be cooled off to a marked degee. Grand Island Independent. The democrats of Maryland Wed nesday nominated for governor Jno. E. Hurst, a millionaire merchant of Baltimore. Big dim for 10 ceois fie Largest piece of Good tobacco eveisold for he mor.2i D