The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 02, 1895, Image 1

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0rth ISbrtte
VOL. v XI.
NO. 61.
the boston store
has just received a large invoice of staple
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. As I will
leave for the eastern markets in a few days
I wish to call the attention of the public
that while our store is crowded now, we
must have room for our Fall and Winter
stock, which will arrive about the middle
of August, so we are offering our entire
stock, with no exceptions, at
Sacrificing Prices.
The very best Washable Ginghams at 5 cts per yard.
" " " LLL Unbleached Muslin at 5 cts. per yard.
The very best Prints, in blacks, grays and Turkey Red,
warranted fast colors, at 6 cts. per yard.
Good Cotton Batting at 7 cts. per roll.
Fine Dress Goods, Hosiery, Shoes, etc.,
at prices lower than ever before offered.
Yours for Great Bargains,
J. PIZER, Proprietor.
One Ladies' New Hartford, 26-inch wheels, manufac
tured by Columbia Co., Fifty Dollars.
One Boy's or Girl's cushion tire, 20-inch wheels, for
Twelve Dollars.
One Boy's pneumatic tire, 24-inch tire,' for Twenty
Dollars. ; j?-'
Boys' Velocipedes for 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75.
-0nesecond-liand l893Cbluriibia, J gent's, 28-i'afch
wheels, in good condition, for Thirty-five dollars.
C. M. Newton,
The republican committeemen of the
13th judicial district are hereby called
to meet at Chappell, Neb., at 2 o'clock p.
oi , on Saturday, Aug. 17 tb, 1895, for the
purpose of calling contention for the
nomination of a republican candidate for
the office of judge of the 13th judicial
district, and for the transaction of such
other business as may properly come be
fore the committee.
Dated July 29th, 1895.
H. M. Gbimes, Chairman.
F. P. Mokgan, Secretary.
publican Central Committee, y
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 1, 1 895. )
There will be a meeting of the repub
lican county central committee of Lin
coln county, Nebraska, Aug. 17th, 1895,
at 2 o'clock p. m. at the Courthouse, in
in the city of North Platte for the pur
pose of deciding the ratio of representa
tion upon which to elect delegates to the
next county republican county conyen
tion; to determine the date and where
the primaries in each precinct shall be
heldjfor the selection of the delegates to
snid county convention ; to determine the
dato and place of holding the next coun
ty convention, and to transact any other
business that may come before the com
mittee, The attendance of. every mem
ber pf the committeeis expected, and
oaoh commltteemau should be prepared
to make a report as to the political con
dition of his precinct.
W. C. Elder, Chairman.
Con. F. Scharmakx, Secretary.
Uichols and Herahey Hews.
"Old Sol' has about done up corn
and late potatoes on unirrigated
Harvesting' is in full blast. A
I fev days more and it will be a thing'
Of the past for this season.
W. J. Crusen. of North Platte, will
preach at this, place next Sunday at
11 a. ra., eastern time.
A. S. Baldwin, of North Platte,
and another gentleman passed up
the grade last Wednesday.
All those who attended the dance
at Hershey Wednesday evening re
port a pleasant time.1 - w
-The datelor the Sundav school
picnic at A. M. Stoddard's grove has
.been fixed for Saturday, Aug; 24th,.-
Next Sunday eyeqiqjj- is Rev.'
Graves reg'ukjr appointment at
' W. E. Park, of the hub, was the
guest of J. B.. Mdee the first Pf the
i weefc
A number of North Platte pecj6e,
whose 'names we failed to get have
been looking- over the valley in all;
it's grandeur this week.
The U. P fence gauges! fencing
both sides of the track at "this place,
the ience being erected ,100 feet from
the center of the track.
C. Jj. -Patterson came up from the
hub a few Jays ago and took a look
at his crops upon his farm near this
Xavier Toillion has several fine
stacks of fall grain erected:
Arthur Rush was up in this coun
try the first of the week upon his
James McMichael, "of the Platte,
who lias the contract for the new
school building at this place, says
if nothing happens' to delay the
work he will easily have it complet
ed by the first of October. His con
tract does not include the painting,
nor the erection of the outbuildings.
Mrs. Fannie Brooks is expecting
her daughter and husband, Erwin
Gabriel and wife, of Postville, Wis.,
here on a visit inrtbe near future.
.At present they are visiting near
Lake City. Iowa.
W, A, Paxton, of Omaha, has
been looking after business inter
ests in the vicinity of Hershey this
Corn on irrigated land is earing
in great shape,, most of the ' stalks
having from two to three good-sized
ears upon them.
The Sisson district" which voted
at the last annual meeting to run
two schools of seven 'months each
the coming year is trying to pur
chase the old school-house in this
district and locate it in the hamlet
of Hershey, which is in said district
Geo, 15. Sullivan had to perform
the sal rite a few days since of in
terring "Blaze," an old and faith
ful mare which had been a stand by
for nearly or quite a score of years.
Id. D. Thoelecke, passed up the
line early yesterday morning.
A haying outfit is camped upon
the south side of the track near
this plape bnTold canal land, where
they are putting uiJwy for the
parties who purchased 'Wl of the
hay frotn the p,ld Ajcanal company
earjy j.u the seaouftthWonsider
atioh of $500.
We understand that tlie jepairs
on the dam of the old cana are com
pleted and that water is once more
fovrirg dayn the same and its
tributaries, greatly to the relief of
its patrons,
You have all read of the great failure of Fitzgerald, Spreckels & Co., of St.
Joseph, Mo,, for over $300,000. These goods are now being closed out at sheriff's sale.
H. C. Rennie purchased $3,000 worth of these goods
and will place them on sale partly on Friday and Saturday, and the remainder of fine
goods on the following week Goods which wholesale cost was from $1 to 1.10 will
be sold for 65 cents. Fine all-wool Serges, in all colors and black, worth One Dollar,
will go at 35 cents; and fine Flannels,, all wool, also Tricots, will go at 35 cents, worth
from 65 to 75 cents. Fine Persian dress patterns, not one pattern the same, worth
2.50 per yard, at One Dollar per yard, all silk and wool. This is the Greatest Op
portunity ever offered to the public, and we ask you to call and see
Bargains Never before so Cheap.
Since the announcement of the
date for the pop county convention
candidates are coming out thicker
and faster than toads after a thun
der shower.
We understand tnat Jacob Koch
is loading new baled hay at Her
shey these days. Pat.
Speaking of the attendance at
the Wild West show which exhibit
ed at Burlington, Vt., last Satur
day, the Free Press ot that city
says: "Buffalo Bill is rarely obliged
to turn people away, with a seating
capacity of 20,000, but he was com
pelled to do so yesterday afternoon.
A thousand or more people stood in
the entrance' or sat on the ground
in front of the s"eats and when these
places were filled the ticket sellers
closed their windows. One couple
who claimed to have come 40 miles
to see the show were unable to gain
admission and there were undoubt
edly many other similar cases.
The electric cars carried all that
could hang on and the steam cars
were also crowded;- Accustomed as
they are to handling large crowds,
the Central Vermont people evU
dently did not expect such a deluge
of people, since the supply of tick
ets at the station ran out early con
ductors beirg obliged to make
change on the train. But it was a
good-natured crowd and with the
exception of those who were unable
to get into the show all went home j
happy." ' J
' . '. ri
The Greatest
and Best
Line of Clothing
s Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
in Fact Everything
Gents' Wearing Apparel
Greatly Reduced Rates
Grand AUGUST CASH SALE, Beginning Aug. 3d, Ending Aug. 25th.
In order to make room for seasonable goods, and to clear out all goods that will soon
go out of season we will make the following astonishingly LOW PRICES:
... NOT A -:- HUGE -:- PAKE -:- SALE! . .
but a genuine Bargain Sale where Prices will be Knifed Deep, values sacrificed to make the sale attractive, and prices cut to show that we mean
business. Avail yourself of these tremendous reductions and attend this sale, where reliable merchandising brings no more than common goods.
Ladies' Oxfords.
During this sale all of our La
dies 1.25 to 1.76 Oxfords go at
All our Oxford Ties of the
2 to 3.20 styles go at .... .
Ladies' Waists.
In the line of waists we will
offer our 75 cent to $2.25
waists at the low figure- of j
Gents' Straw Hats,
Wo Will nri vo irnn ir Viia 1 inr
M V Ti ill 1.1 V J J.l X L VLliiJ UliU j
your choice of our 15 to 75 j-
cent hats at ,
Children's Caps.
One lot Children's and Misses'
Caps comprising several dif
ferent styles 25, 35, and 50
cent caps to be closed out at
7 Cts.
Counter Goods.
During this sale all our 5 and
10 cent Counter goods thrown
on table together to go at . .
1 Gent.
Come early and make your selection while you have a choice at these fabulously Low Prices.