The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1895, Image 1

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UL. Ai. - ..' -
NO. 60.
the boston Store
lias just received a large invoice of tafle
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. As I will
leave for the eastern markets in a few days
I wish to call the attention of the public
that while our store is crowded now, we
jimst have, room for our Fall and Winter
stock, which will arrive about the middle
of August, so Ave are offering: our 'entire
stock, with no exceptions, at
Sacrificing Prices.
The very best Washable Ginghams at 5 cts per yard.
" " " LLL Unbleached Muslin at 5 cts. per yard.
. The very best Prints, in blacks, grays and Turkey Red,
warranted fast colors, at 6 cts. per yard.
Good Cotton Batting at 7 cts. per roll.
Pine Dress Goods. Hosiery, Shoes, etc..
at prices lower than ever before offered.
Yours for Great Bargains,
J. PIZER, Proprietor.
One Ladies' iSfew Hartford, 26-inch "wheels, manufac
tured by Columbia Co., Fifty Dollars.
One Boy's or Girls cushion tire, 20-inch wheel's, for
Twelve Dollars.
One Boy's pneumatic tire, 24-inch tire, for Twenty
Boys' Yelocipedes for 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75.
One second-hand 1893 Columbia gent's, 28-inch
wheels, in good condition, for Thirty-five dollars.
G. M. Newton.
MoxtpeliUr, Vt, July 24th, '95.
W. Li. Park:
It will give me pleasure
to see personally that the 1000
pamphlets are carefully given out.
This time of the yearjis the timfoc
farmers to. xi$i entertainments,
and we are having about five thous
and farmers visit the Wild West
each day. They come !a great many
of them in buggies. Each Green
Mountain farmer shall have a pam
phlet to take home with I1"
read as long as the pamphlets last.
The pamphlets are beauties, arid
well gotten up. Put in some more
views of our outside farms, and a
view of the grdat Platte river to
show that we have lots of water to
irrigate with., Put in some views
of Hershey, Sutherland, Maxwell,
Brady Island and all our little
towns. Get out an addition of
100,000, and put me down for double
of what any other man in Lincoln
county will give, and my check is
ready. We have as fine a county
as there is in the state, and with
our .irrigation canals the richest.
It should be advertised.
Yours, truly,
W. F. Cody.
North Platte, Neb., July 28.
Editor Tribune: The above let
ter trom Hon. W. F. Cody in regard
to the advertisement of.this section
of Lincoln county, just received.
The time for this work is certainly
ver' opportune and an effortshould
be made to carry out the idea of
Mr. Cody. The pamphlet is now
composed of illustrations taken in
winter. A number of 'fine pictures
have been obtained of orchards,
fruit trees, grain fields, harvesting
and water in the canals, which will
make the book proposed very com
plete. The most costly work, en
graving the covers, will not need to
be done over and a large edition
can be obtained. There are a num
ber of wealthy men and corpora
tions in this vicinity who have
property interests sufficient to jus
tify them in giving from $100 to
$500. and for which they will get
value received. People cannot be
induced to come here and locate
unless we advertise. With a little,
effort the valley can be denser
populated in a few years.
I suggest that the business men
call a mass meeting -and discuss
this .matter and that jCol;.- Cody's
generous offer be met halt way.
One or two individuals cannot do
all of this work. It is a matter that
concerns every resident of the Platte
valley. W. L. Park.
The Lincoln county teachers' in
"August 5th, and
closes August ldth. The 'sessions!
will be held in the court ioom be-
jnnmng at 8:30 in the morning and'
, ' j. V " - -r -rCV" in
closing at 3 p. m. r Dailj examina-;
LlOnS Will UC OflW p U LlUth
in the school rooms, and: tro exami-i
nation also August rl2tK and -13th.
Mrs, Jenkins and .Mr." Valentine!
will uom ive an cvcuuij; lecture,
sometime during the, week.' "We;
shall haye one social evening to-,
gethef and Friday evening, August
9th, Miss Pike, of Denver, will give
us one of her very pleasing enter
tainments. Miss Pike will also
talk to the teachers Friday after
nqon.u pontile subject: "Is Physical
Training a Fad?"
Those interested in educational
matters are cordially invited and
urged to visit .the institute.. The
court room is large and, visitors are
An admission fee of twenty-five
cents will be charged all but the
teachers to .Miss Pike's entertain
ment, and we want a large audi
ence. I have, the names of, .several who
can board the teachers during the
week. I shall be gladliowever, to
know if there are others who can
accommodate them.
I wish to urge the teachers to be
here promptly and to make their
plans to-sta the entire six days.
The time is very short for the work
we wish to do.
Mary E. Hosford.
.'You Mve all read of the great failure of Fitzgerald, Spreckels & Co., of St.
Joseph, Mo-t-for over $300,000. These goods are now being closed out at sheriffs-sale . -
H. C. Rennie purchased $3,000 worth of these goods
and will place them on sale partly on Friday and Saturday, and the remainder of fine
goods on the following week. Goods which wholesale cost was from $1 to 1.10 will
be sold for 65 cents. Fine all-wool Serges, in all colors and black, worth One Dollar,
will go at. 3d cents; and fine Flannels, allwooj, also Tricots, will go at 35 cents, worth
from 65 to 75 cents. Fine Persian dress patterns, not one pattern the same, worth
2-50 per yard, at One Dollar per yard, all silk and wool. This is the Greatest Op
portunity ever offered to therpublic, and. we ask you to call and see
Shoot or fish only in the proper
season and escape the game warden
by observing the lawsv. Many states
have new game and fish, laws this
year, and if you don't know them,
send five 2c stamp for a cop of the
Game Law issue of The American
Field, 245 State St., Chicago.
I. A. Fort returned Saturday
from Chicago Saturday morning,
where he speutabottt ten. days talk
ing up the- Elatte;-.Yailev and the
beauties and advantas, of, irriga
tion. Mr.-ljQCtarJtjfeJlj:oji
vinced that, his 'visit to the great
metropolis will result in more or
less immigration to this section
the near future. v.
Bargains Never before so Cheap.
'. -
Mrs. Alice Gardner Burlison,
widow of Rev. J. H. Burlison. a
former pastor ot the Presbyterian
church of this city, was married on
the 25th inst. to Dr. Albert Ed
ward Hoadley, of Chicago. They
will reside in Chicago.
Doctor Ale', of Lincoln, will
be at the Neville hotel.
North Platte Monday and Tuesday.
Aug. 5th and 6th, where he may be
consulted by all who are afflicted
with an- chronic ailment.
Geo. Hawkins, of Wellfleet, and
E. L. Garrison, of Well precinct,
were in town Saturday, and both
reported that up to that date corn
was doing well. Small grain in that
part of the county, as a rule, is
scarcely worth harvesting.
If you desire to consult Dr.
Aley, the Lincoln specialist in ner
vous, female and chronic diseases,
remember the date of his next visit
to North Platte is Monday and
Tuesday, Aug. 5tli and 6th two
days only.
The section of country aiong
the North Platte river north of
Sutherland is rapidly being trans
formed into a farmers' paradise.
The sixteen or eighteen neat houses
erectedrby the Emerson seed com
pany .tall of which are uniform in
size and' paTnted white,' give the
country the appearance of a village.
The whole Platte valley west of the
city will present a similar appear
ance within the next five years.
- - !
The Greatest
and Best
Line of Clothing;,
Furnishiog Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
in Fact Everything
Gents' Wearing Apparel
Greatly Reduced Rates
Grand AUGUST CASH SALE, Beginning Aug. 3d, Ending Aug. 25th.
in order to make room for seasonable gqods, and to clear out all goods that will soon
go out of season we will make the following astonishingly LOW PRICES:
NOT A -:- HUGE -;- PAKE -:- SALE!
but a genuine Bargain Sale where Prices will be Knifed Deep, values sacrificed to make the sale attractive? and prices cut to show that we mean
business. Avail yourself of these tremendous reductions and attend this sale, where reliable merchandising brings no more than common goods.
Ladies5 Oxfords.
4i .:
Durimr this sale all of our La-
i j
dies 1.25 to 1.7G Oxfords ;o at
All our Oxford Ties of the
2 to $8.20 styles go at
In the line of waists we will j a
offer" our 75 cent to $2,257 4H
waists at the low figure of j
Gents' StygiW Hats
We will give you in this line
your choice of our 15 to 75
cent hats at. . . !
Children's Caps.
One lot Children's and Misses7
Caps comprising several dif
ferent styles 25, 35, and 50
cent caps to be closed out at
Counter Goods.
During this sale all our 5 and
10 cent Counter goods thrown
on table together to go at . .
1 Cent.
Come early and make your selection while you have a choice at these fabulously Low Prices.
IMP VV All H 1 II IV I I I 1A A I If 1 M! m
THR FAIR- ...i: r . . .unRTOHARDv RROR VI