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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1895)
.4 if MU'liU U A'J"Hli' M L'UU AVI A UlfHIA V H VH V VU II VH W IVUK ' ' Six. 1 JV ' i 1 1- j . . 1 : . . Is j ttj"vt,: 1 III IK'S V 3k i UJLIr xJL i. From June 17th until after July 4th, at .... OSTON We are going to cut them wide .open in our Dry Goods and Shoe departments. This will be a month of or Dargams a month tor the people a month or savings at the "Boston Store." "We ask no one to buy on the strength of our advertisements; we only ask you to come on 'our representation. The quality and price of what we offer will appeal to your own judgment. Now Read our Price-list Carefully! Irish and Scotch lawns, fast col ors, former price 10 cents, now 5 cents per yard. ..Cotton Challies at 4 cts. per yard. rWool challies, the latest designs, at 15 cents, former price 35 cents. Pongees, yard wide, at 12 cents. French percales at 10J cents. Dimities at 12 cents. White Nainsook from 7 cts. up. -German blue print at 7 cents a yd. iThe best Apron Ginghams at cents per yard. Black and colored serges, 56-inch wide, former price SI to $1:25, at this sale for 57-J cents per y&rd. AM onr$l black and colored-dress goods going, at 52i cents. All our $1.25 and $1.50 dress goods at this sale for 77 cents. All our 50 and 00-cent dre3s goods '"for this sale at 27 cents. All our 25-cent dress goods atl2i cents per yard. .SPECIAL ON HOSIER? and MI1TS. 50 dozen ladies' black hose at 5 cents per pair. -50 dozen ladies' fast blacky seamless, regular made hoee, reguiar -price 2o cts. at this sale 18 cents per pair. &llbur ladies' mlk finished bore, for- 35-eatr-atthis sale 2o cents. 50oents, now selling for 35 cents. Hoping to see all take advantage of this great sale blfore stock is broken, we are Yours for Great Bargains, t-vHE BOSTON STORE, J. MI -AT- Fire Crackers, ; Roman Candles, Musical Candles, Electric Spreader Candles, -j. Parachute Eockets, Tableau Fire, Exhibition Candles,.. Ferris Wheels, Silter'Shower Candles, Golden Leaflets, Turbillions, -v Aind lots of other Fire-Works. Come in and look at them. 3STO- 3496. JTirsi Rational Ban " NOETH PLATTE, jSCEB. A General Banking SPECIAL SALE -:- Ladies' opera hose, former price 75 cts. at Id is sale for 49 cents. 50 dozen hoy's bicycle hose, sizes from 5J to 10 at 17 cents per pair. 50 dozen ladies' silk mitte, every pair warranted, at 20 cents per pair. Ladies' lisle, balbriggan and cotton gauze, sleeve and sleeveless underwear 1 at - off our regular price. 4 50 ladies' duck suits, skirts, and waists made with full sleeves former price $2 00, to clean tip at this sale for $1.25. GREAT SPECIAL SALE ON SHOES AND OXFORDS. During our great shoe sale last month we sold hundreds of pairs, and what did it? The high grade of goods, and the low prices. Since then everybody knows that leather has advanced 33 per cent, but we will still give the benefit to all those who did not purchase last month, at the same old price. Now watch All our ladies' 82.00 shoes, patent tips, French or Square toes, at $L25 per pair. All our ladies' Oxfords, former price $1.75 and $2.00, at this sale for $1.25. All our Padan Bros, fine shoes, button gaiter or lace, regular price from $3 to $4 at this sale for $2.05. All our Padan Bros, fine Oxfords, tan, black and buff Juliets, regular price from $2.75 to $3.50, for this sale at $1.98 per pair, Children's reductions. shoes will go at the same Men's shoes from 85 cents up. Remember tbi3 isourlast 'chance ;ta buy shoes at wholesale prices.- PIZER, Proprietor. STORE NEWTON' Torpedoes, " Sky Eockets, Musical Sky Eockets Willow Tree Eockets, Balloons, Pin Wheels, Whistling Devils, Trolley Wheels, Etc., Etc., Etc. 0. M. NEWTOK Capital, -Surplus, . 50,000.00. 22,500,00 E. M. F. LEFLANG; Pres't., AETHTJE McNAMAEA, Cashier. Dr. C. M. Duncan has returned from his trip, to Missouri, Mrs. Geo. W, Finn went east this morning", but her destination was not learned. Attendance at the summer normal is up to the expectation of .the instructors. Country - -teachers are weir represented; . ' Many farmers in this .vicinity have availed themselves of the ben efit of hail insurance for their crops. This is an excellent plan for all to adopt. Card of THANKS--Relatives of the late J. W. Reed wish to pub licly express their thanks to the people of this city for the sympathy and assistance tendered them during- the illness of the deceased, and trust that a similar affliction may be far removed from them. Director Wolcott of the United States geological survey, in reply to a letter written to the agricul tural department by the president of the Illinois Central railway com pany making inquiry as to the pro gress of the irrigation movement in the west and its possibilities in developing arid and semi-arid land, that is of very great interest to the people living west of the ninetieth meridian in Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. From the statements of Director Wolcott the farmers of these sections must certainly draw the couclusion that there is little reason to hope for increased rainfall though a change of climate condi tions, and that it is the part of wisdom to develop all the possibili ties of irrigation and to utilize by storage and otherwise all the water obtainable. Twenty years ogo the theory was generally held that cultivation and tree planting would cause an increase of rainfall in the semi-arid section, but the theory has not held good either there or in any other portion of the country. "The only way," says Director Wolcott, 44by which the climatic changes, if any be made by the ad vance of cultivation or by artificial means, can be ascertained, is by comparison of long series of records kept at once place and under simi lar conditions as to instruments and methods. Unfortunately, we do not have in the west many such series; and even these are open to doubt, on account of questions re- omrr!?Tir ViTin M instruments the kind of and the care with which used. Again it is now known that the weather changes in any one locality are so great that a series migfht "be selected to show progressive change in one direction or another, where the whole record does not do this. EESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. In memory of Brother J. "VV. Reed. To officers and brothers of rVYalla Walla Lodge jSTo. 56.LO.O.F: Whereas: Our beloved brother J. W. Reed departed this life on July 25th, 1895, be it therefore Resolved, That in the death of Brother Reed our lodge has lost a faithful and honored member; the community a generous and re spected citizen; his family an un selfish brother and a kind and lov ing father. Our brother was cut olf from us and from all earthly ties in the prime of his manhood, having only reached the forty-sixth milestone on life s journey. When the grim messenger of death came he was prepared to face him. The lessons of Odd Fellowship were in delibly impressed upon his mind and memory, and he had so lived that when the hour of death ap proached he felt no fear, but calm ly placed his trust in Him who cures all pain, removes all sorrow and who js a father to the father less. Resolved. That we hereby ex tend to the family of our deceased brother our sympathy in this the hour of sorrow, and especially to the bereaved daughter who is now the only surviving member of a once happy family, we offer the as-r surance that the kind care and fatherly affection of which she has been bereft,, will, in all possible measure, be extended to her by Odd Fellows. Be it further Resolved: That our charter be draped for a period of thirty days and that the above memorial be spread upon our lodge records; that a copy of the same be forwarded to the family of our de ceased brother and also be fur nished for publication. Respectfully submitted, 1. S. Hinckley. E. S. Davis, Com. G. C. Stoddard, ) Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at North Platte, Neb., for the week ending June 28, 1895. GENTIiEMKN. Fisher, Chas Morrison, T E Hawkins! AM Will, NY Kingelty, Wm Rowley, Geo H VanNatta, J C LADIES McClintock, Mrs Eva Pagett, Mrs Ann a Michaelt-an, 31rs 0 Potter, Mrs Nora One packuge for Mrs. Mary Reid. Persons calling for above will please say 'advertised." M. W. Claik, Postmaster Manrell Melange. I ask to be 'permitted to thank "Starlight" (though I do not .know who he is) for wrifing the Maxwell 1 T ' ' news wnue was juiic C. H. Kuhnswasa. North, Platte visitor Tuesday. r Miss Ef5e. Burlier oftMontpeHer, Idaho, who.haSs dreen visiting in Brady Island during several-months was the guest df iMary Hanrahan. Saturday and Sunday orrlast week. Mrs. M. Delahunty and baby and Miss Maher, of Lexington, are the guests of their aunt Mrs; T. Han rahan this weelc. A game of baseball was played last Saturday between the Max well and Cottonwood boys. The "Cottonwoods" won the game. Marie Hanrahan spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Hendy and Mrs. Brodbeck, of Itforth Platte. Miss Belle Snyder. and her par ents are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerraiah Snyder of Maxwell. G. Snyder went to North Platte Tuesday. Misses Tina Erickson, Lucy Sul livan and Iaura Murray visited friends in Maxwell last Saturday, Both Sunday schools :were very largely attended last Sunday. A dancing party was -held in the Maxwell school house last . Satur day evening, and those who attend ed had a pleasant time. Mrs. M. Delahunty and Misses Anna Snyder, Iazzie Maher and Marie Hanrahan drove over to the cemetery last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara visited friends in Brady Island last Tues day. Mrs. M. Geraghty spent Tuesday in North Platte. Ci,ytie. Hiohols and Hershey Hews. Rev; Robinson, who is holding revival meetings in a tabernacle at North Platte, delivered a very ap propriate sermon to a large audi ence at this place last Sunday morn- msr. Mrs. Carrie Struthers and child ren, who have been visiting at this place and North Platte for the past three weeks, departed for their home at Sidney Monday morning. TheHershev "Kids' downed the Sutherlandbdys iiffafgathe' of. bait ai?the lattfer placeja Sunday. Jay StuaVt- in' company with his brothers, Wray and 'Bruice, who have been stopping with their grandmother, Mrs. Brown, at this place for a time, left, tor his home last week. The . other two boys will depart for their, home in the Platte the last of this week. The school meeting at this place yesterday was attended by a large audience, being nearly fatty voters present. F. Jj. Terry was elected director. The building of the new school house was left with the board. A location could not be selected by the voters some wanted it at the four, corners north, of the old site, which is about sixty five rods north ot . the center, and others wanted it at, the center, which is about twenty-five rods north of the old:site, so it,-was left for the jcounty superintendent 'to decide. ( F : . Archie Anderson is erecting a new sod hen residence. D, W. Baker and men from the hub have been constructing checks and drops along the F. & M. canal in this locality this week. Considerable alfalfa hay has been put up in the vally this week. Old Mr. Snow has rented tne soa shop in Hershey where he can now be found ready to attend to the wants of the public in both black smith and wood work.- While J. W. Anderson's people ,were at school meeting on last .Monday some one broke, into their cellar and helped themselves to a lot of eatable. It was undoubtedly tramps. - .. .. M. C. Lmdsav of . the Platte ac companied .by two. cladies .and a gentleman was viewing the irri gated district in the;Vtiley :on last ruesaay-r . v.;. At the school meeting- in the Sis- son district on las Mdtiday they, voted to let the old School house re main where it is and-to-erect a new one at Hershey' thi season,' which makes two schools'finf lie same dis, -trict. ' f A. It. Davis and another gentle man from the hub were visible along the grade Wednesday. A young man by the name of Davis from McPherson county was up through the yaljey the nrst ot the week looking for a. school to teach the coming year. Martin Magnetson we understand has 'swapped'' more land jn Logan county for hores recently. He was out : there this weekj Rennie'sGrand MLoiir All our $1. goods go at 65 cents. Our 50-cent all-wool Challies go at 35& -All our 75-cent goods go ,at-40ctsr Our 25-cent all-wool Challies go at 15c " ; All our Decent goods go at 30 cts. Our15-cent Challies go at 1Q cents." Our 10 -cent Challies go at 5 cents. All bur summer goods must go and we are determined to make .special cut pricest in order to sell them- out. In our Millinery department we have'decided to make the same re duction. HATS AT HALF PRICE,' and-all .goods in the store the same way. - Comeit once and secure these bargains before they are closed out. . ' ? RENN-IE' . REaSTNXE'; The water in the- south river at this place is receding fast. The numerous sand bars are once more visible. Sod corn as a general thing is looking fine throughout the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toillibri entertained a number of their neighbor sand friends, on last Fri day evening. A social: time is- reported by all those present It has been some time since. the; people in this community haveeen, as large a growth of small grain-as there is this season. Pat.,,: MYRTLE MIXTURE. The rain and warm weather com-. bined is making the corn grow, very rapidly. A number of . young people from this place are attending the normal school at North Platte. . - Miss Cora Combs has returned home after attending" the Cotner University at Lincoln for nine months. . A few of the young- people spent a very enjoyable time Monday ev ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs; A. E. Moore. Miss Caress, ;of Gandy, was present. C A. Moore and- Prof. Kyle of Grand Island- started-, for Orleans! Tuesday. Mr. Kyle is looking for students for the college and has been the guest of the Moore's for the past two weeks Endeavor society was held at the school house Sunday evening. The' meeting was one of interest. Schools around here have all closed for the summer vacation; J. A. Moore is again in this VI- cinity. Miss Ivy Broach, of North Platte las been visiting at the home of J G. Crabt'ree for a few days. ' Where are you going to spend ' rhe Fourth i is the leading ques ion. C. H. . The republican party in 1896 will stand for both gold and silver and "or paper money as good as either. Inter Ocean. Japanese statistics show thatthe whole number of men lost in battle the war with China was 613. Some of these days when Japan irets into another war rfshe will ikely have a chance to lose twice :hat number before breakfast. The largest state tmildirig in the United States is the capitol of Texas. It is also the seventh in size among the great buildings of the world. It cost S3.500.000, about oHe-eigth the cost of the New York state building, which is not yet finished. Democrats who used to wake up niffhts during republican good times and mourn and tear their hair over the "dangers of an enor mous surplus in the treasury" are now resting, remarks an exchange, under a Cleveland-Carlisle deficit, administered in full doses, without uttering a chirp. ; You can get more for your money in the sure return of health and en joyment at any of the many resorts on the Union Pacific System than anywhere else on this continent. See your nearest Uuioh Pacific aerent. Summer Tour tickets on C7 gale to Sept. 30th. E. L. Iomax, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. al A recent decision of the supreme court holds that the informer, for the reward of $50, cannot bring suit in his own name against a railroad company for the engineer failing to sound the whistle or the bell at a railroad crossin sr. This will be a relief to some of the Second dis clfosely watched for the past two years by. these fellows. . . -1 Cut until July" 4. The Greatest ' , Line Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, in Fact Everything '" Gents' JGieatly 1 ihSlARiGLOTHING HOUSE, MOST o DELICIOUS o COFFEE IN o THE o WORLD ! SPURR'S i ' ; ' . REVERB HARRINGTON S T0BIN, SOLE Nebraska Rotes. E. Rosewater will orate at Ne braska City on the Fourth. The death of a brother caused Miss Alice "Weed of Boone to go into spasms and her recovery is doubtful. The fields, of rye in Banner county are "coming through" in fine condi tion. The grain stands four feet high in its stocking feet. Dr. Barber, assistant physician at the Norfolk asylum, has made the startling discovery that several inmates of the institution are sane. The Nebraska City celebration committee is hunting for a fool to entertain the people on the fourth by jumping "from the "bridge that spans the Big Muddy. If all the grasshoppers in Ne braska were carefully herded and closely corralled,, says the York Times, there would not be enough of them to eat the crop of eighty acres of York county land. The turnfest of the Nebraska Turnbezirk wilLthis year., be held at Plattsmouth, "commencing Fri day", this week, and will last for three days. A Fullerton fisherman pulled a bone out of the Loup river which he mistook for oart of a human skeleton. The county coroner was called and found after strict investi gation that the ossific curiosity was from the hind legot a departed ox. No inquest. J. A. Shannon, of Norfolk, was stricken with a suicidal mania, and would have been run over by a train but for Jhaving been discovered in time to forcibly remove him from the track.- John Barlevcorn is . Sale. of Wearing Apparel -IS GOING AT- Reduced Rates -AT THE- .WEBE&& -VQLMEB.-- MOCHA -, AND ACTS. NORTH PLATTE, NEET" blamed for the old gentleman's temporary madness. Sugar beets around Winside are in fine condition, says the.Tribune. They give a promise of an excellent ,, crop and are growing "fit to kill." ' They give employment to many who live in town who would other wise be idle and are one of the best things that could have been thought of for this time. If the crop turns out as well as it is expected a great. many beets will be planted nextV year and much more work be done. In New York state the statistic" . for 1895 show that "the 125 savings banks had nearly S644.000.000 on deposit." The people of the land only need to feel a confidence in the stability of things to resume busi ness, 'rney are not yet lmprover- ished or ready for the poorhouses. We are told that "only $5, 000, 000 was lost in the whisky trust." It is a pity that some of the other great trusts should not be made to score similar losses. It is really pitiful to see how sorry Democratic organs are that the great meeting of republican clubs did not break up m a row as they foretold and expected. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J. F. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially . able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truas, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvm, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggistsv Testimonials free. TAT? 4. vr.. 4r; V .mi,, . - - i i - 4 '4 4