The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 04, 1895, Image 3

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    urn msm platee wlweskh: hemme: Tuesday ifmim, jum 4 i95.
Average Cw4frai ef IClster W1tea& 13
Csciso, June 3. Tftg June crop re
port of fee Orange Judd Farmer, pub
lahadtids weak, "basedcn data up to
27, makes the gyaraga confiitrnn d
"winter vvhsat cr 13 pcmtz short of
Iat irsnth, the nesviest drop in condi
tion ever recorded, in a- gfrtgrfe month.
Conditicni is high, on fee Pacific coast,
but in. Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, IHnioia,
iEsBcrcri 2nd Kansas the svarags is cmrr
61. .According tothe report the total
crop in the six states named "will "but
little rncre than fn-nTafri "hpty? a-m? aafl
reqnfred mthfrr their own herder, -while
the total whiter wheat crop fins year,
including the large production of the
Pacrfic coast, Trill not make enough to
more than furnishhread alone far the
people in. the irinterwheat states east
ai tie Eocfer- mciuntains.
The acreage of oats is reported at 29,
012,000, or 3.8 per cent larger than last
year. The ccnditkrn is 84, the lowest
erer rsocrced for Jime.
alAsierieaa Waxsferaa Titrated
Trouble a Eryrtrtrt-
Pzozia, June 2. A private letter re
ceiTed in this city from Beyraut, Syria,
under date of Hay 7, contains the fol
lowing ETpCtrtant Etatementr "The two
Tmited States men-of-war that came
here created quite a stir. Only one, the
"MarhTehead, came to Beyront, but she
met fee SanFrartdsco at Alexandreisa,
itnr1. tfro .TfhTrfraT rm rmnrr? in ?.iTt "Frag-
cisco gens for the Turkish pasha to come
down from Afftm to TrTFTnft to meet
him and gave him a vtrj plain tnTrfnr;
to about respect for American citizens.
The RfrnTm (Errldand is a nig', bluff
old feHow, fast the one so Imudoze the
Turk; and he- did it in style. The
Turks have been quire nasty up there of
lace. A great impression was created
in Beyront, too. The people here had
fears of a massacre "by the IVrosTems and
thought that die arrival of the frigate
prevented it."
The Geirrer Hrposiiiori.
Bznvse, June 3. Managers of the
proposed mining and industrial exposi
tion hare issned a statement to the pub
lic setting forth what h already been
accomplished and what it is proposed to
do. They say: "The results to date of
the canvass for subscriptions justify the
statement that ample financial aid wiS.
be obtained and the selection of site
prtfts the important preliminary wurk. of
the committee, and wish, this annonnce
ment tfr? exposition is now practically
assured. Active work will "begin at
Glccmy ETie-sr of TingHsh Crop Prespect.
Ijxsixxs, JnneS. The Times prints
today a gloomy review of the EngSsh.
crop prospects. It says that Trrnch of
tfio spring f- is no further advanced
thum generally at she Trrfdolp of April.
The frrdt crop in Kent, it sppsara, has
also suffered from drotish. Tfee sitca
tionin Prance 13 favoraHe. The ost
lockforthehfly crcp is wtftrfawrfajcy. Jxl
rye there ia generally aiifkt crop, ad
the average yield cf whe tb eagMefekL
Sat Waiir 1m
Chicago, Jcts 3. The swelterrag
temperature in this city continues. The
government- thermometer registered 8T
at 1 o'clock which, is the highest rec
ord ever reached in this city for that
hour. A good breeze alleviated thestrf
fermg: from the blistering temperatnre
some extent, tut prostrations were
(Mcag Grais Markets "Weafc-ned 1st
fhs Weather.
j-jy WTieai Closed, as SecIIae of Over
TTgif a Cent Profisiocs Sym pa.iizcti
YTltb. the Grais 2ZarJcets.
Chicago Jtme 2. -The- feature of the nenrs
cc chszys tss&ST Tsraa She hea-rr- rains in
thesprfa a: "vrafczr wheat fcelsa westr af the
Vfaiiwipet rrrer. AotUsh. the states east sf & hot osd. parched. 3r. Thoraoa, form-erij-ofthe
agramSRrrat departsieiit, sires a
trcian.5nnrmrv ei fee -winter -arheat candi
ticii fa. The Prairie Farmer, ra vrhich. he
that theories, rlesaias. ftyaad. droush ha-re
csased the akandamaen; sC LM.600 acres,-rish.
a reduction, fa the tetal crop e ahntic 72.C0Q,
G5M cashels already- It -was a hofidaj-iathe
- arn. lariats ia. Snxkcai, so there were na
cshlfisfrsra there. The predictkiri-a af rain,
and. eooler-sreather east aS. the 3issis3fapi had
a -weaisnrsjr elfect en. the market. Jnir-wrheaS
opened, as TSTS against Satnrdajv
sold. eC to TSc raffied. ta TcJc and hecame
steady ai 73-5? TP-sc
rr-ngnV-ttw rgrrrrrredLnntil a drop 2Jic
jjora the highest of the dar, or to TSc had.
"been, recorded. The price then, advanced. -tra-tEthe
qnetatiajrwasrsc. The recovery was
cc. fc ATvtMnia state crop report, "arhiah
showed a decrease of Hi points fa. the cteidi
irr e wheat dnrins" and. the hirse-de-
creasa fa the visible supply.
Jsiy com openfta -
Ed. at SUJic, eased.
dawn, ta 2IVsS-52V reacted ta 2cand.hcnff
araend. Slfi'Cac.
September cats started, rzananned. 5 3S?c
and. sotd dawn to Z&bC.
Eeeeipsaf hags were 3JB& less than antici
pated, and. -prices were 5c higher. Prorisifins
were weat wh. gmfan. Septemier- pork;
opened leaver a: tr2-7TH arni flneccaSedhe
rweem feat and. $213-
Sepaerdeer; sre.
COey Jrzffir smc; Jsiy, HJyr; Sepiemfecr.
2c; 3Tay, -Hc fei.
OATS J ime, fed ; Jdy, 30&; Septera-
ttj EJfcz. 3; Jc5v 3!60; September.
22BS J-ane. S; -xlr, SU2iSJS; Sep
Cliicao Xixe Stoci.
CS2CJLG. a SC?GS Kerefpts, 3SK
head; left arert 14332 head: market active anL
stead-rts.5c hiieri EzhS. JS3v mixed.
JiiDi4.T; heavj". t2SiS ; ruchv U5fci3&.
rATTT5-Egeeiats. E.iX bead, faaicdicsr
? Tptr Teiana ; 'feest steady, athera weai.
SHEEP EeceintB, SS head; market strcng-
South. Oasahs lixe Stack.
South: Oiui.. to i-CiTTIS Ecceips5
CD ESQ to 15Ext,JtiSi5J: ISW
COD Eat, LS?T25iSJ: SCO to 203 fits, Js-t73:
chciceecws, eanrmon ora-3, JL 5jhc
aSJ; soedfaeders, SXSXfSat rnnrrrntr feeders,
$lSJaJ2 : inarkes stefidy.
HOGS Eeceints, Ufl&head; Ifant. 5iS4.;
$i33t: ieavy, L&4; nmrist
SHEEP Msttona, CJXXiS; lanshs, ja-TSB.
fi5; market ateady.
fflTl MB: Dili.
Elyers In Colorado STniEsn by Eesrj
Earns and Ifelftnrr Snow.
SeeklsXasd. Trartai Washed. CsfcNaarU
msa Ccrtis Xa&e atresia Ita xk aa
Floods the Xaads Below 3
IteffTrsE, Colo., Jens 3. Hsxtj rahn
shronghont the eastern part of the state
snd rapid melting' of snow in the mctm
tains axe making- the creeks and rivers
boom and can5Tng Trench TmfnaB
among railroad managers. So far the
Bock Island has been she greatest suf
ferer. Poor hundred feet of tradr west
cfLimon, Colo., was washed away by
an overfirow of the Big- Sandy, and
traffic is suspended between Coikrado
ax'tL'fiigs andltiinnr! JnTTction. A bridgs
was also reported washed away on the
Kansas Pacific branch of she TJnior. Pa
cific near OaMey, 270 miles east of Den
ver. Clear Creek has risen to an alarming
extent, r-"? a snsnension of wcri: gdA
she placers. Crops thronghoct eastern
Colorado have been considerably dam
aged "by ckmdbursta and TrafT, The
Platte river is oct of ita banks in places,
and peopfe Irring in the bottoms in this
crsyhave prepared so flee from. their
homes. The Arkansas river has risen
two feet atPnehio bnt no damage has
Hwerjthixss In. the Path, cf the SasMng
Waters Is Carried. A-wayv
CU2TE, 2Teh., June S. The Irani t
ing Gf Ccrtis lake here- Sunday has ser
mcsly menaced property and posEibiy
TfFo in the KT3.irnnc tvULsj. The rail
road grai?A is tiM'" cp, freight rsa are
airetvn across yedicme bottom, the fee
roller mills are rmned, Ccrtis lake is
nearly empty, and a flood of water is
running down ledfcfng TaBey, carrying-
destruction in its mad msh.
Petrr of the five yard tracks, besides
the main line, are torn np and gone,
while a train of freight cars reach, over
the bank and are swinging in the rush
ing flood.
Twenty tnnnT donars damage has
already "been done here, and aH ether
points toheerfrom.
The fiTT HlfnTfH meadows just "below
the city are ruined and homes aS along
the valley destroyed.
A. special from iTcCook, ZSefc-, sayst
Grave fears are entertained here that
She wall of water reported sweeping
down Medicine valley from Cures-will
do much, damage here. There is much
There is a section of sonsnwesternSTe
braska as large as sorae empimu afcates
that is just now enjoying- the grartno t
rnTrrfgTI ever experienced there. Ami
ffircs section was among the mumt
bcrsftd out lny she drostk of Tmmmmr
Is xkis arsft, wMch-is" fecnt 130 3Li
square, are Dundy, Hrtchca al
Wiiiow, Purnas; "FfrrrTrm, Phelps, fron
tier, Lincoln and Dawson, counties.
There the rain of the last four day3
amounted to a deluge.
Central. Americas. Union. Treaty.
PrT4 TTT",r at a , Jane 3. The govern
ment has efacirrTry declared that none
of she business of she Eqiiisahle Insur
anee company is valid, as that company
hfl-g failed to pay its amnnT occupation
sax of $ 1,100. The "blame is not thrown
on the 2Tew York omce,0nt on its agent,
Thompson, in this city. The treaties
of peace, amity, commerce, arbisratian
ptW? !TtnTtTn are arranged between
the governments of Guatemala, Salva
dsr and Hendirra& are now declared to
be in force and rasifkasons wiS. "be ex
changed. "FticTh Her life In a. Shocking 3 Tanner.
Etlswobxe, Kan., June 3. ilrs.
WTiiinm Irvine of Preeport, His., who
for several months past has been here
fiving- at the home of her father, Cecnty
Treasurer Levitt, committed suicids in
a shocking- Tnnrrr.a. She was insane
and had been carefuSy watched, but
she eluded she vigilance of her wat-mers
and stole into the cellar. There she
saturated her clothing- with. gasoHne
and applied a match. "When found she
was enveloped in ffmes and died a few
minutes laser in intense agony.
TjniTersIty Teams Begin Trainimri
PcKPBSEESPSiH, 2T. T. June 3. The
Ccfcmbia cofiege varsity fresh
men crews arrived on the steamer K. L
'F'ifa-grpp: wkh cooks and servanss, 28
in the party. The TJnrversSy ofPenn-syl-vanis,
numbering- 12, arrived on a
special train on she "West Shore. Tfrg.
crew j will commence trarnrg- over the
4-n3e cocrse irnmediatefv.
Oxfqhb, Xeix, June 3. VVittRtrr H.
BlanveS of Edison, who was convicted
3Eay 27 df shfiotrn-g Prank 3riethacpc
wish intent to TnlT, has jumped hs bond
and no trace of him can be found. Sher
iff Jackson, of Beaver City offers a re
ward of $KKJ f oris capture and desen
nanarS25 far n&wi'tsfnn Ieadrng-to
hs capture.
Two Sobbers CaptmetL.
2vHBBjKi Crxr, June 3. Three men
entered and robbed she houses of Cap
'tahz S. H. Hnater and3L Schlaegel,
two miles from sown. Booty ta the
inmu.-itnF $350 was secured. Sheriff
Hnberle pursued she robbers and cap
sured two of shem near Wyoming after
a hard fight. Apcsse is ssiE. linntltrg
the third man.
In-rented the Cora Plarrtrr.
Gjxssscsg, June 3 George "W.
Brown, isventer of the com planter,
died hera, aged 79. Hie hrrtinted she
planter mlfiiSL
3re9b Qntbrealc arChoZerx. ;
Loksqs; June 3. A. dispatch, frcm. j
at2ecca. f
IVDBY 0)hJ i
b -rn 1
Jm Scs-
SjlnAntonio, Jnae 3. The Travelers
Protective agocrttion of America,
which was rn-mT'Wi at Denver, Cola
is. -use, 1830, ia holnfng- its sixth, sn
TnraT conv6stio3Lto celebrate the doK
of its fffth. year of its existence. It has
had a remarSxbly large growth: in the
laettwo yetc'begrnning'wisn.amera
bership of 3,545 June I. 1SS3, and closing-
with. 10,000 Jtme 1, 1523.
Item the report of its national presi
csnt, John A. Lee, it is shown that ths
SeCliXfcd SZI gmanrTmprrt
dnring; the year just pased to the inter
state mmtrnnitarir, tv-r 7 ;T t.T r g-r." TTrpad?
to riw TrrF-rriTTgT!gi'(c mileage pt sc
give extra, privileges as so free "baggage:
with tmch rffprgj anrl -fhr thromgnitS
accident TT"Trryrf- department more
than 55,000 for indemnity claims have
been paid, in which six death loses
were mclnded.
The total expense of condncting'the
iHTTTTtfon. was only ahuut 10 percent
mora than last year, thongnthe average
membership has-"been almost dcnbled.
The per capita for expense fund col
lected ?mn now allowed by the constiEn
sionis $2 per average rnernbership. bnt
only fL.77 was expended, being: a saving
of $1.06 per capita as compared wish, she
year previous to the last. Nearly $2,GC0
was saved as a scrrplns this year from
the- expense frmrt. Almost the entire
increase in p'rpgTrrjtffcurK over last year
is in postage account, extra office help
and in: establishing anidenriScatiiQB. sys
tem, winch, of course, wag 4xed and m
avofdaalev Town at TaHy&o Saved by
tke CltiTiTM-
TLlleeho, Piu, June 3. Tuifainly
afternoon ftre "broke out at "Wieat Iyer
the terminus of the Hoimt Jewett and
Shshekwa railroaoL A force of men
fought she -fftrrrro aH night and had
tTtpttt -rm fTtr control this morning, when
a brist: wind began to blow and fanned
them into new life. The blaze rapidly
spread and advanced with, great swift
ness toward TaTTyho. A large iionse
ownifd and occupied "by Sid Tfatftawav
stood, in the track of the dames and was
destroyed. Per a time it was feared
rhnt the village was doomed, bnt late in
the afternoon the wind stopped blowing
nn( alter working; until almost ex
hans'ied the men succeeded in checking
the fames. E. E. Kane was the heav
iest loser. Tnrrnnndy of feet of logs
and crpidprnhTg-VTtlTTanTft trmber owned
by him were destroyed. A forest fire
was raging- yesterday on fihe north, fork
of Sugar Bun, near CompHnter. There
arendEions of feet of logs in the woods
in that vicinity and many of them
were destroyed.
Sctrrcnir XJberty Sells.
ZJew Tgbk, Jtme a. The Columhtan
Liberty bell committee is in receipt of a
ftiK-, date3ay IS, frcm C A. Breck
' Tw tar. TTnrlirif Stufrw mirdstar toBus
gw, is: wxSck b sckvT far a full daecrip
:ajLsajsl&2aK)aop3fi.of tie grsac Co-
T T Tli mm.l lull in tux?! Ti-o 1T- f
firjarajr'iT- iiiiii iiiiTr'nft s. dfieign oftiw
"SeE of Peee" that s to bepesacintcd,
as tT result cf a popumr movement of
the people- of Bcssia, to the people of
Prance. Tnp liberty bell cnrrrmTttee
in course of Tn.TTTrrfRrture two son-
Tenir Liberty bells, made from the over-
flow of historical metaL from wTrfch the
great bell was cast. Thee two bells
are to be exact duplicates and are to be
presented, through the president and
the czar, to the peoples of Bussia and
the United States.
Textile Strike- Situation.
Pboviuk-scs, June 3. Aboui one-half
the help at she Biv en-ide Tnffig returned
to work today- Seventeen weavers
went back so work at she Hanson miHs
At the three nulls in the Pletcher plant
there are less than 5G0 men at work and
only weavers enough to operate 10
sample looms. A. few returned as the
Delaine milL About 60 policemen are
on duty near she factor fey but no trouble
is reported.
"Wayfarers EHIeo by the- Cars.
Wood Bivzh, 2Teb., June 3. Union
Pacific passenger train killed E C
iTathews of Eavenna, O., and fatally
injured rrrrrTs Baker of Sewberry,
lyfl He died a few hours laser. The
supposition is that thev were lying-on
either Eide cf the track on the ends of
the ties asleep and did not hearths ap
proaching train until too late to escape.
FeOs Uanlc Presdea Attempts SsfcMe.
Ues 3IK53S, June 3. Ex-Senator E.
B. Cassest, president of she PirstKa
tional bank of Pel! a, was found in she
bani with, his throat partly cut, having
ct tempted suicide. The affairs of the
banx wSI be T-rrrmedfarely investigated.
Cassest is stM living- but e in a danger
ous condition.
Smmfcmi the WTVrng ilecanL.
ZSew Toes, June 3. Prank Sheldon,
the profpf-sinnnl pedestrmn. has arrived
in Sew Xork, Iiaving walked from Chi
cago in 25 days, on a ?I,6Q0 wager.
Sheldon shattered the walking- record
between the two cities by cutting- on
ftve days from she previous record.
Well Kcows Vocal Teacher.
Beteoit, June 3. "Vrnc Jennie Con
stiiiitin Ceritemeri, one of '" oldest ht4
best known vocal teachers in tW coun
try, is dead, aged 7a.
On July 14, 1S47, President Tcung
and Ins feSow pioneers passed through,
the picturesque sutler cf Emigration,
carryen. into the vaTtey of the Great Salt
lake. Utah was tnn "V.-rirrTTT soL and
the Tfflder believed he couTd found whas
tivtr chrrrngter of Tn.stlsu?Tf?n shcnTd suit
him and his people. In the bister anti
iEsrmcn cru&ides of the past it has been
alleged that BrignamTcumrhad chains
on men's souls." There ka doubt that
-rsKjziocs f&rrx7ttt?fm TiTTryy? fHTcrrfro
by she marveious niacnmery or 55ie
chrxuc,w2s partly the source of she
leader 's irresistible power with, his own
people, but back: of the relimous stroer
tuition and the chnrchi crganiraticn
stood the "brain cf a great andmas
He knew that his xsower, ta be
enduring', must rest upon, something
material and tasgible, nrrd tTf sojne-thing-
he discerned to be the prosperity
cf the people themselves.
Brighfnx Xoung was an orgnnizercf
prngperisy. This was the real source of
his strength. He did not aim at mere
temporary prcgperriy. On the ccntrary,
lie iQGgiis everysnrns that tenoed to tnat
oidaingTnfi opecingS the rioCL mises m.
the rnomitams near at hand, becxaee he
abhorred the spfrrtr cf ssscziaaaK. He
chose for the ccrnerstOEe c Ms state the
n-HTcrpTq of ttt'Tw- -""-1! andthat ncru
cxple lies there yer, at the baee cf a no
nTe edmce of ecmiDi'ifc fact, reared by
y;i'-TT tnft yn? held ffcnly in place "by
the sverage prosperirycf all who had
part-inits"bnilG2ngi 2 the great archi
tect and the snpfTTTTtrffTta andfore-rrr-n
who SErromideo. him enjoyed a
larger share cf the profits than &e work
men, it is aTsn true that" the hnmblser
hewer of stone and. carrier of mortar was
paid in propcrtifln to the importance of
his labors. And what fair mind canoo
ject to an. industrial system shas yields
these results?
So far as crt he Xecxaed, TfrfgfraTv
Xcung-hadno previoas knowledge of ir
rigation when he entered Salt T&r- Tal
: ley. Ha crickiyrealiaed that he- had
come to an arid ccnxrtryfc which would
"be hopeless for Agriculture xrrtTfigg arti
fciallywatered. "thrnarrelcrcs percep
tion, he saw that irrigation, was not a
drawback, but an advantage of the most
important sort. He zoeliaed that it
the drought andof sheflocd. Pi discov
ered that, having- a rich sofL and ample
srmshine, and adding- inoifrture by the
construction of dftrftfy, it was actually
an. FmrtivpTTTffr upon nature to be able
to t'-'f the "rahx" either cnaSr off with
equal facility. And therefore he rightly
concluded that he had foimd in these
oemfirzinrvz. tfto Trrrfs nf the most certain
worldly prosperity ann tJsA sacBt acieg
tiftc iLilim.
It reraataed for later gmias to r
raarkt "Jrrigiitm. MtX3MBCinfe for
Tafrr Baa. MX 9a3mtisat for irrwationr
and a adypeor t5eZr 3as if the
HfrrmfiB TMAr aSm. 3C asy soe eri
demtly felt is. focsaTsa rsrtier
mcre, that imasioK. was ssch mors
-than an insurance policy -upon the crops.
It brought all the processes cf agricul
ture within the rearm cf imiwa facts,
and that is science.
It even rendered posfble the control
of the size of vegetables and frf be
came inrportant many years afterward,
when the "Mormon people added a great
sugar factory to their mffc?trfal bvattfru,
far it is important to grow sugar beets
of about a standard size to get she best
results. iToisture is required to give the
beet a vigorous growth, at the beginning-,
but when it is well started weeks of un
interrupted sunshine are desirable in
crder so develop the saccharine qualities.
Unch sunshine at she wrong time dries
Up fchprmp-j grfrfTA TrrrrrTT -nnfm.ii va at the
wrung- time- produces a beet pleasing to
look upon, but unprofitable at the fac
tory. "Rrrghrrrrr Xcrmg- also realized, almost
at the first, that the necessity of careful
irrigation largely increased the labor
upon an acre of Irrrd,. but he found that
this labor was generously rewarded by
the increased yield both: in quantity and
quality. And from this fact he drew
the most important prfncixiTe of his
magmrmKTaaTfliT, which WS3 the dlvrJflir:
ofTagd into mmJl ViTrrryj . Cuasely re
lated to tins KCs&othitw&jaetorm
UTarmvatt mi i mm j j tint df
fee. jWaaju1 , ca.
Tahgral am Jiaiawrr,
ed ramfalL ace- dEkear "in ami to tie
production cf only a few ciiiJE. But she
iEormons realized that s&ejskfnful ap
pBcaricn of water just vvL'SS and when
needed, and in just the right quant
and "hy the very best method, rendered
possible the widest variety of fruits,
vegetables and cereals surteatothe tem
perate rone. Thus Bngh?m Young:
taught she .people that no man should
own mare Laud than he could cultivate
to its highest pennt by his own and his
family's labor, and that no man should
go to a. store for any article of feed or
rfrri-TrfTTg- that could be profitably pro
duced on his own gmrtfl farm. "The
Conquest Of A-fT Xmrhj yv-rtf.
E. Smythe, in Century.
Old Kentucky Hmrter wa a Prisoner
la Tbeir- t7- Ior Xoaths.
Boone frequently took to the field on
set expeditions against she savages.
Once when he a party of other men
were "Hir salt at a lick, they were
ised and carried off by the Indians.
The oldlmnterwas apriscner with. them
for some months, but finally made his
escape and came home through the track
less woods as straight as the wild pigeon
-ffT-pg. "R evtr cn the watch, to ward
off the Indian inroads: and to follow the
war parties and try to rescue the pris
eners. Onctltio' ja. cspshter and two other
gisfe ghowerewith- her'sre carried
off by abmmUSjmdians. Boone collected
somefriends- andfbTIowed them steadily
for two days and a night. Then they
came to where the Indians had kiTTed a
buffalo calf and were camped. Pfrfng
from a little distance, they shot two In
dians, and rushing- in rescued the girls.
On another occasion, when Boone had
gone to visit a salt Tick with his brother,
the Indians m nrrefrpd fhrrr andshot the
latter. Boone himself escaped, but she
TrrffTTrng followed him for three TrrfTpg by
the aid of a trackhrg- dog;, until Boone
sumed, shot the dog and, then eluded has
pursuers. In company with Simon Sen
ton and manv of the noted inmters and
wilderness warriors he once and again
took part in pernors expgrjitinn? into
the Iudiamoiunsry. Twice bands of In
dians, accompanied by Prench, Tory
and Prirish partisans from Betroit, bearing-the
flag of Great Britnfn, attacked
Bccmeshcra. In each, case Btcne and his
feBcw settlers beat them off with. losa.
At the fatal bartle of the Bins Lick?,
in which 200 of the best riflemen of
Kentucky were beaten with terrible
slaughter "bya great force of Indians
from ths lakes, Bccne commanded ths
left wing. LPHrrrrry ins raenv riffs in
harrd, he pushed and overthrew
the force agamsthim. But roeanwhile
the Trrmrrrtg destroyed the right wing
and center and get in the rear, so that
there was nothmgfbr BocneTs men except-to
fiee with aH speed. Theodore
Bocsevelt in St. Sicholas.
5"ctice to ilis PirhKc,
ATT persons who zire keeping-hoga
witfein the crtv limits are requested
to keep the pens clean and free from
filth, else remove rhpm outside the
crty limits. Property owners ttre
notified to dean the alleys acjoiri-ing-
their prernisesT if thev have not
already done so, and to keep them,
clean dnring- the. summer season.
ii ) mi liiiii iluro
the Aoencan "tobacco - Cgl
l:s:w YORK.
a. g. irnTKr.T..
Sittell & Benson,
Prospective schema inTesfexted. TJn-
profitableschmesreicTenated. Su-rvevs;
Maps, Estnnat6 and reports made, and
construction superintended.
SliSr North Platte, Neb.
Hershey & Co.
Farm and Spring- Wagons,
Buggies, Eoad Carts,
Wind Mills, Primps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street. between Fifth snd Sixth
Pure Well Water Ice,
Orders for the above product may
be left at Streitz's or McCabe's
drug- stores, or with the milk wag
on and they wSL receive prompt at
tention. Otders for
1 1 V
may also be given, the latter and
they will be promptly Sled.
' . WH. EDIS.
EL3.TLA2n, "CvYO .
There is no finer agricultural sec
tion ia aH this broad western coun
try than cast be found in the vicinity
of the beautiful little town of
Wheatlaad, Wyoming:, ninety-six
miles north of Cheyenne. Isasense
crops, sever failing supply f water,
rich land, and great agricultural
resources- Magnificent farsas to be
had for little money. Beached via
the Union Pacific Systeta-
E. L. Low ax.
Gen.l Pass, and Ticket Agent.
Omaha, 2 eb-
is to make the trip to Chicago over
the Chicago, Union Pacific &. Nortlr
wesiera Hue. Why? Time the
quickest, solid vestibnied train, no
change of coach at the issouri
nver. i nronirn nrst and second
class sleepers and dirrmg- cars. For
full irrformatiQtt call on or address
B. Olds, agent U. P. system.
Nothing- has ever been produced to
equal or compare with S'SSKfJ1
'w7i4'V 5a1 fVT r-r- ,
aaw a. v..tKi, lit. t:..:
HZALCT5- APFLicinoK. It hs been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and alwsvs elves sstrsfartion.
It Cures Pir cr H2MO22HMES, Eusnal
cr Internal, "RTrnr? cr Blcrdiag Irchmgand
R-Trrf f-m-r?rifT curs r: rjfn.
It Cures Btnms, ScrTd? and Ulcrraacnsai
Ccntracuca frccx Burns. KeSrf nsuct.
Ir Cures Tcax, Cut and Lacratd
'Wbunds and Bruises.
Ir Ccrrs Boels, Hct Tcrxrs, "dcrri. Old
Scrrs, Iaiug- Ersrnccus, Scurfy cr ScaH
Hsad. It is TrrfhRiriic.
Ir Orrss Ixfijlsced cr Cucxd Szxasxs
and 5crr Jupplcs. Ir is iarImhZc
Ir Ccrrs Salt Rhkcm, Tetters, Scurfy
FrrpucES, Chapped. Hgrrd-s, Perer BEstrrs,
Sere Tips cr ricstrHs, Ccras and ."HrrrfnTTs,
Screaud Cnnfrd Feer, Snrrgs cf msectj.
Thrss; Seas, 25c, jee and 5ixa.
a mrn traveJiEb
Xeed never fear to make that contem
plated trip east if he or she will trust to
the Chicago, Union Pacific i: Xortb west
em Line. Quickeft time, r'ewsst
changes- Union depots.
For f hS irsforrnation caB oc or address
Agent U. P. System.
If yoa make the trip via ths Ch4cagy
Uniec Pacific &, Xarthwestem Line.
Fewest changes to Chicago and other
eastern cities. Through vestibeied trains
composed of dining- cars, nrst and second
dass sleepers and free reclining chair
Pnr fn-H mfnTmtrnrr effff OU Or ?ffnrPP
2S". B.0XXJ6,
Agent U. P. System.
afi agree that the solid vestibnied trains
of the Chicago, Union Pacific & North
western fine distance aH competitors. 2To
change-or delay at the Mrsoori river.
PcrfrrS mformatioc. call on or addres
N. 3. Olds, agent U. P. spgtegr.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
"Window G-lass,
No J Atlantic Ezprsaa EeptHdQ a.
Xo. 4 Fast 3L2 S20 a.
No. 2 LnaiSBd !hQ i. at.
Fretgtrt a. x.
Na.15 Fraiiiiit ftQ p. 2c
5" Freizhc "iSO jus.
No. 7 Pacic Errreas JpC 730 a 3!
No. 1T.imizsd " XLdM?. x
No. S ErvbAt - 330 r. at
No. 25 FreisiK - fcSi. x
N. B. OLDS. Asent.
,B. a T. BEBBE,
OScet W.CBIaeiriarei Co. Brag-Store.
5"0EXH PLATTE, - -
OSce over 2T. P. XtL Bank.
OSce over Norti: Plaita NaJionat Bss3c
of f - aiif j 11 Bcarf.
SteaaafaDrsf Sttue.
NOSXH ELA.TTE, - - - n !-'Htf stt
Ofilcer Serifie1 Block. Biaenawi ei Wcxaen.
anif CMIdren & Spedalrx.
Claude weingand.
Coal OiL GasoKne,
Cmds Petrolemn and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Zfewton's Store.
Meats at "wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sansage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
Fire and Life Insurance,
Notary Public.
3,000 BMIM
Land and Emizration Asrent.
Funeral Director.
A fall Hue of arst-class funeral suppfiee
ai-xays tn stock .
Telegraph erders promptly attended to.
Coatraator and Builder.
127 SrxtK St. Cor. of Tme,
Macliine Oilfe3
Xami Ofice Norti. Ptasse. 2T!x
Aprs. 2Sa.E95. i
5otfgetaliarebTgtTggft?Tit&tae a&owi3-cazxed
seder has filed satica af ha ir: ten Can ts sa!a
esal proof is support af h cfafnt, asd that msM
proof -wVS. fce mai besr the Es slater and S
eetTer r Korer ?!osv eteaiks, an. Svnm
sstd Homeatead "Extszt 3. 1-023, er ti
Nbrtlrwestt qnarter af Section ri. Tavoship 3
nortli, Eass 31 wesr. Ee nosxes tha laSaiLxc
wis eases to prove hi cnmnncca rwidegra
opon aad a&ZnZixa. af snd Tnntf. ttz A Twarrrf
rankle, -kaiea ifmr, I. & TEbaela, and Tao
dorePsdsett, aH a NortltSlarae. Nefr.
a2M JOE3T 5. HX2COi5", 3egisW
jaj-3d,E09. f
Notice i hereby- grretr taat tie onotrt9-oassed
ederaaaied notice of hia hi ten ti an. to- siitm
final proof fet snpparS of his claisx, and thnfr sa&i
prpicC -nriH be siade Iserors- the Kagistsr aad Se
cerrsr or Neret Plane, Neorsazo. es. Jzna
Bellas, -rtzr
who. srada Kctsesaeml TrTiurj So. Igta. Sortie hail af the sogflieagt quarter sectfac. 3. tenra.-ship-
Ifi nrrrth. mnjje S wrC Ha cnrrreg the eHew-trrg-
sriraaasea B ptme fy inniT'imnff residsssa
spas and cnitrrarion; of, said lasd. the Chsrles
Wj&ery. -aim 3cSrew, Znoch Caxamtaa- aad
Grarle Jordan, attcf North. ?fane. IJebraaia.
2&ff Sesiatec
Xaod Ofixce a North; Ptatto. ISetu,
Slay 3d. ESS- f
Netiee i Itaw&j- thai the- laluiwic-caiaeiC
eeetSarlaealME anawa of Ms iaSectifiB. ss3e
atjauf fa iaajmtaf aia -- arrf itfrnr szf
peaaCwiS. ae aada Mae J iiati'i t n c aJ'Sa
earvae at. Xaetfc gTaa, :T frn n aa rgaff-faga iafc
C H ,1 M.aaalS,
Enter No. lJ-KS for tS
naK of taw iiiiftwt ilim hl.ii it uTiTTt'iiHuT
Na.2XJKLftx- ha TrrsZ half of
tt inaHiowBt tiaM.MH. m waf nwt a. teaaahig H ttfirth.
naajS vaat. ganmnn.taae gaBaattas wifcie r
to iKnga-MaeaaataaBwaayitf fiiprii -Btiog asd tnit
Taaon: of said land. Tis: IarTli AKea Tirt.
Ben. .t.-hrtnTan- and g. I Sherman, ail af Nacts.
3S-7 JOHN T. Hl.tinX Basher
nothis rose prBT-Tevrtog.
Xand 0se-a Nerfe Piatt. Nefe
3Liy Kith. IgOa. f
Notice is herebj- grrec Ciat tlas SBitowinj-cairjsd.
settler haa filed notice af hs fctanCan SB Bsak
final proof is support of 2n elanac. and that said
proof will be made before- Segister and Becesrer
at Narth. Platte. Neb, on Jane 25th. iks
whsmade Eenzestead Entry So. ItTrt. Sar Nis
eaarhaif of th southwest fcarter. tats 3 and 4,
section H township- Iff north, range S3 west. He
names-the fisOawrnir witnesses 8 orare his eos-
ttnsont) residence npos and tmffcfrTatiaix af sa&I.
t S I . . ,
and Jonathan. Welch, alt of SnchaBsn, Nih-. aad
G-icnra T. Cooper, of WeOfieet. Neb.
a-& john t. rrrrviN, Sadistec
or. D. CiTaren 1SSS.
jSotkre is nerebr uiven to aH nersoos
wao may have cinims asamst tfee "Tecsn.
PJatte NaUonal Bank," Nortn Piaste,
Nebraska, that toe same meet be pre
sented to ilr. ilStcn DooitIe,5Seceevert
wtzh. legal proof tfaereoc, wtthtn thcee
months from this date, or ther mar fee
Jxxzs rL Eckels.
2ImE CbcsntroHerof the Carrencsr-
Inter Ocean,
a 1 2-page paper brin
fel of sews of sfee -w?ocM
and weH selected miscei
The Tribune
per year IN ADIANCE
end, scinsrto the length of actra5y fsr-