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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1895)
THE "NORTH "PLATTE M:lEEKtY OTDNE: TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 4, 1805. ... - "V. "VOOST 0-OET2Z, - The North Side-Grocer, - SCEEIES, : FLOUR, : FEED, PROVISIONS AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, Our Prices are as Low. as the Lowest, We Insure Prompt Delivery, We" Solicit a Share of Your Trade. NORTH LOCUST STREET. f TP O. i? . LUMBER, Order by telephone from Don't pay other DAVIS ,V - .StiirSeUing US J COAL, ' HI iTho t f WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT, WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1868. - - 310 SPRUCE STREET. P. J- BROEKER, MERCHANT TftlLOR. USTEW LIYEBT JlJSTID PEED STABLE (Old "7"a.xa. DorRTt Stable.) Good lent T3 noes l.oo2aa,T3lo, ELDER & LOOK. SS"Northwest corner of Courthouse square. JO S. F. PILLION, plum Biira9 Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper nnd Galvanized Iron Cor . nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, lortli IPlatte, - -FINEST SAMPLE BOOM IS NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public 13 invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables, and competent attendants will supply all your wants. -KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE x'flE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT IDDINGS, Newton's Book Store. people's debts. - Is the ONLY Hardware Man in North Platte that NO ONE OWES. You l -will always find my price J ok Yours for Business, A. L. DAVIS. DEALER IN . Hardware, Tinware, Stoves,. Sporting Goods.' Etc. A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select- from. First-class Fit. Excel lent Workmanship. Teams, Comfortable Higs, Accoffiffledations fc? fia Famine1 Fnbhe. ISTebraska. IRA L. BARE, Editob and Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year, cash in advance, ..$1.25. Six Months, cash in advance .75 Cents Entered at theNorthPl&tte (Nebraska) postoffice as second-class matter. Oscar "Wilde will take his first month's exercise on the treadwheel sixhours daily, making an ascent of 6,000 feet: twenty minutes on continuously, then five minutes' rest. m . Those who expect to be candi dates for office before the republi can convention and desire to let people know such, are invited to send their announcement to this office and they will be published without charge. If this is complied with the people will have an op portunity to know who are and who are not candidates. Senator Murphy, of New York, has presented our own and only BillAUenta splendid $2,000 pony It was an old writer who said "be ware of the Greeks when they come bearing gifts," and Nebraska's cyclone senator should make the application. By the way thisindi- vidual is proving himself as thrifty a fellow as the best of them, with his congressional junketings ac companied by members of his family, presents, etc. M A curious decision has just been given by the English courts with regard to bank checks. Many people regard a paper of this char acter as a kind of bank-note, and take their time about cashing it or entrusting it to a bank for collec tion. The British tribunals now decree that the keeping of a check for two days before depositing it in a bank constitutes an act of negli gence, which, it the Dank tails in the meantime, debars the holder from recovering" the amount from the drawer of the check. The Telegraph assures us that "the rank and file will take a hand in the convention this fall," which simmered down means that the Telegraph is the '-rank, and file" and the editor has the "winning- ticket" stuffed down in his vest pocket. The Telegraph is playing Jonah to the republican party, and the chances are he will be spewed out of the campaign prior to elec tion. Reference to Colonel Hill's past political affiliations proves that his "stalwart republicanism" is in a great measure propagated "revenue." Colonel, Ellingham labors uilder the impression that harmony does not exist within the republican ranks of the county, but he will, when the convention assembles, find that all is as a love-feast. The Colonel dwells upon this particular theme with a view of making weak kneed republican brothers, if any such there are. believe that the party is so badly split up that suc cess is impossible. A ticket com posed of clean, reliable and competent republicans will be nominated this fall, and no efforts which the pops can put. forth will defeat a single republican on the ticket. The Colonel continues to whistle to keep up courage, The Tribune has ten dollars to donate to the person who can name a solitary individual who held a last year or at any time during the past ten years. If the editor of the Era and ot the Telegraph think that a caucus has recently been held in this office they should give the names of the persons who attended, together with plausible proof, and then call and get their money. "Will they do it? Not much. The report that a caucus had been held is a barefaced lie, and was cir culated through the fake Era solely for political purposes. The Tri bune is not a "rinsr" organ and never was such. Several years ago it refused to do the bidding" ot a few self-constituted republican leaders, who desired to form a "ring" and as a result it has not been in favor with them since. The Tribune has no preferred candi date for any county office, and is content to leave the matter entirely with delegates sent to the nominat ing convention, believing that they will select men -who will need no defense as to the personal char acter and peculiar fitness for the offices for which they have been named. A RECONSTRUCTED Iowa "gold bug" democrat proposes this solu tion ot our cufrency ques tion. "We fear, however, it would not prove altogether satisfactory to our pop ulist lrethr,en: "Let the govern ment receive silver bullion without limit, at the market price, and issue therefore silver certificates, payable on demand in silver bullion or coin, but always at full value ' as mea sured in gold. These silverjcertif icafces, always payable in full gold value, would float side by side with gold coin or certificates. They would Tie of equal value and readily interchangeable. The government j would lnsp nn anv decline in the. price of silver, and would gain by any increase. The larger use of silver, thereby, would probably enhance the price. Any probable loss from a rWUnp in the orice of silver would be more than compel sated for bv advantage ot a f . - j stable currency. So long" as it is necessary to issue a credit money let it consist of plain greenbacks promises to pay; let them be re deemable in either gold, gold certi ficates or silver certificates at the option of the govei ment: or make them convertible into a two per cent government bond an inter-convertible bond which may be exchanged for the greenbacks again upon demand of W VJ A. the Holder. Such currency would maintain itself without the aid of any srold reserve. It would admit of all the silver in the country being used as money and made available at once without waiting for its coinage. ;lt would give us free silver without giving the silver bul lion syndicates a chance to sandbag the government out of 100 per cent on all the silver they turned over to it" " " "Who hath riot wheels in his head, nay, continually in all his thoughts is not "in it.'" He is an alien to the upper 400 and to the lower 40,000,000. The candy-store man decorates his window with a sac charine wheel, the dry goods man displays ajvtieel with, silken spokes and a linen tire. The newspapers display wheels in their advertising columns, talk wheel in their news columns.and discuss wheels editori ally. The preacher and the lawyer, the doctor and the undertaker, the banker and the board of trade man, the "kid," innocent, of course, of either sex, Matron and maid, and he who goos In the fall strength of youth all are awheel. Says Mr. Oldtime to Dr. Up-to-Date: "Who attends to your patients wnne vou riae a wheel through the parks?" "Have not any patients," says the doctor; "just put my patients on a wheel and they ride away from me." The medical interview now runs thus- wise: "bee your tongue.' um, rather pasty. Stagnant liver. Get a wheel. Two dollars, please." The sewipgMachine factories, are being converted into wheel lactones; on every bloc,. . even in the store keeping streets that intersect the residence districts, the seller and repairer of wheels is found, and even thus the demand is not sup plied. The American of to-day . is taking to the wheel as naturally as the South Sea Islanders, of whom HermaA Melville wrote so charm ingly in Typee, take to the water. We have gone bevond the age of stream; this is the era of the wheel. Inter Ocean. Rev. Anna H. Shaw, of Boston, who spoke at the woman's congress in San Francisco lately, favored havintr women, on the police forces of large cities. "There has been one office I have longed for," said she, "and that is the office of police- man. cisco What we want in San Fran- and every other city in the countrv is crood women on the police board. ' If they were there, there would not be one-thousandth part of the immorality." 6 MYRTLE MIXTURE. A splendid rain visited this region Thursday. W-e- also had a good downpour Saturday. Tliis is'en-courasrine- esoeciallv to those hav- ing in small grain. O. J. and O. W. Heel went to Blakeman, Kansas, last Monday to visit their sister at that place. -B. A. Wilson accompanied them. They made the trip in a spring wagon. Miss Wiberg, from Ogden, Iowa, is visiting1 her father and brothers. There is considemble stealing being done around this quarter in houses not occupied at present. They had better beware, as people are not always Asleep, and the guilty parties may be caught soon. A number of the boys went up to the Brick school house last Satur day to- engage in ball playing, but the rain interfered with the game in the afternoon. School at White Plains, taught byO. W. Heel, closed May 25th with picnic In the forenoon the regular studies ;were carried on and after a sumptuous dinner which most of the neighborhood were there to partake of, school was called to order and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in recita tions by the scholars and singing, Mrs. A.-E. Moore furnished some instrumental music on the organ, and Will Marr on the violin. Al together they had a very enjoyable time. The teacher gave the schol ars a hearty treat of candy and peanuts and they went home feel- msr that thev had spent a prontaoie five months' term of school. Miss Katie Crabtree returned home from school at Iforth Platte last Saturdav. 'rne Misses Bee. ana Jessie sanies from North Platte are visiting their grandparents, Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Combs. . The Misses Mary and Anna Wi berg and brother Sam made a trip to the Platte Saturday. C. H. TARIFF BIB1. Chief Justice Puller Hands Down the Opinion of the Supreme Court, GOYEElfMENT WINS ITS SUIT Wilson Bni Went Into Effect August 20, Notwithstanding: the Law Itself Fixed the Date as August 1 National Capital Notes. Washington, June 3. Chief Justice Puller handed down the opinion of the supreme court in the case of the United States vs. Burr & Hardwick, involving the date when the present tariff law went into effect. The decision was that this did not occur until Aug. 20, 1894, when the bill became a law, not withstanding the law itself fixed the data as Ausr. 1. The case was regarded by the government as one of great im portance, and by special arrangement was advanced to a speedy hearing. The government won. Justice Gray announced the decision of the court in the case of Henry Hilton and others against Guyot, liquidator of the estate of Fortin & Co., involving the validity of foreign judgments, re versing the decision of the court below and remanding the case for trial in the circuit court of the Southern district of New York. Reports of British Consuls. Washington. June 3. Reports of British consuls stationed in the United States to the British foreign office have been received, showing a wide range of subjects on which that government is kept informed. Mr. W. W. Seagrave, British consul at Baltimore, submits an interesting summary of the Maryland and Baltimore ship canal project. Cap tain Clephertan, consul at Philadelphia, reports on the revival of trade through out the United States. Mr. A. R. Hark- ness, vice consurat Charleston, S. C. reports on the recent gold discoveries in that locality. Washington's Sick 1.1st. Washington, June 3. Miss Dodge's condition remains about the same. She has not trained any strength since her relapse yesterday morning. General Pleasanton is much better. Representa tive Hitt is doing fairly well. The hot weather does not affect him seriously. KANSAS SILVERITES TO MEET. Conference of White Metal Advocates to Be Held In Topeka, June 18. Topeka, June 8. A. C. Shinn of Ot tawa, vice president for Kansas of the American Bimetallist league, has issued a call for a conference of Kansas free sil ver men, to be held in Topeka, Tuesday, June 18. Under this call the friends of free silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 of all political parties are invited to partici pate in the conference. The call was made under the name of the American Bimetallic league so that the silver men of Kansas can throw aside their parti sanship and unite in the interest of free coinage of silver. It is reported that this conference will, among other things, discuss the advisability of form ing a distinctly "currency reiorm party. ' Iowa Silverites Active. Des Moines, June 3. Free silver Democrats will hold a state convention here on Wednesday and the Populists one on Thursday. There is some talk of a combination between them in the interests of the white metal. Oregon Short L,lno Receivership Cnse. PortIiAND, June 3. The Oregon Short Line receivership case came up in the United States circuit court today on the application of the American Loan and Trust company, who ask that the re ceivers of the Union Pacific be ordered to turn over the railroads and property of the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern to Receiver John M. Egan. A hearing will also be heard on the appli cation of John F. Dillon for certain modifications of the order heretofore made, that is the order by which Egan was appointed receiver here by Judge Gilbert last March. Refused the Injunction. f Chicago, June 3. Judge Showalter, in tne united btates court, rendered, a decision today in the demurrer of the reorganization committee of the whisky trust to the bill of injunction of the Central Loan and Trust company for an injunction under the bond mortgage. The court held that the property in the Hands or tne receiver was Deing con served and that it was subject to the mortgage loan; that there was no allega tion that the receiver would not con serve the property. The court there fore Tefused the injunction prayed for. l Cordage Trust Receivers. Boston, June 3. In the United States circuit court this morning Judge Colt appointed John L Waterbury and William E. Strong as receivers of the United States Cordage company on pe tition of E. Rollins Morse of this city as representative of the creditors. It has been known for sometime that the com pany was in financial difficulties, and the appointment of receivers was not unexpected. I Archbishop Kenrlck Deposed. ox. IjOuis, june o. iixcnDisnop jxcii- j- -r ft t., TT rick of St. Louis has been deposed by the pope, and the Most Rev. John F. TTmn has been appointed in his stead. Postponed to Labor Day. Sioux City, June 3. The LeMars- Sioux City road race has again been nostooned to Labor Day. the roads be ing muddy. South Dakota Favored. Pierre, June 3. Last night 3.4 inches ef rain fell, making a total for this year of 10.26 inches, as asrainst 7.62 for last year. Drowned In Salt Crce!c Lincoln, June 3. Miss Minnie Blado, the 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blado, was drowned in Salt crock. Victoria, June 3'. Admiral Stephen son has decided that it will be necessary for prosecution in admiralty to bo brought against the sealer Shelby, ar rested by the cutter Corwin, in order to formally vindicate the schooner, because of Great Britain's refusal to renew the agreement during the closed season. This course is recognized as necessary to enable the Shelby' -to claim damages from the American govern ment through the British home office. The sealskins seized with the schooner were yesterday surrendered by the ad miralty unconditionally to Captain Clausen. . Highest of all in Leavening Absolutely pure THREE TRAINMEN ARE KIIXED. Accident to a Burlington Repair Train Causes Death. Edisox, Neb., June 8. Three men, comprising a repairing crew irom juc Cook, were killed three miles from here. They were the engineer, fireman and brakeman. The traSc of the road had been undermined by heavy rains and the engine of the repair train plunged into a gully without warning. The dead men are named Jeffries, Rowell and Lundy. The full esfcent of the dis aster cannot be learned. The train was manned by a pile- driver crew, consisting of about 12 men, and had been sent out to repair the track. Besides the three men killed an other was reported to have been iniured but how seriously is not known. All wreoking train was sent out from Mo- Cook, but has not reported yet. Cattlemen Well Organized. Denver, June 3. The cattle growera of Eagle, Routt and Garfield counties m nor tn western uoioraao as a lomc meeting have adopted resolutions posi tively forbidding the sheep owners from driving their sheep through that conn try. The cattlemen are well organized and determined and there will be seri ous trouble if Mr. Jack Edwards of Wvominc persists in his purpose of driving his flock of 40,000 sheep south to the Rio Grande railroad instead of north to the Union Pacific. SToshcr's Health Is Good. Sionx Fatxs, S. D., June 3. War den Phillips of the state penitentiary yesterday stated that the report in the Lincoln papers to the effect that Charles W. Mosher. the Lincoln, Neb., bank wrecker, was rapidly losing his health, is incorrect. He says that Mosher i3 apparently enjoying good health and will doubtless remain healthy until his sentence of five year3 expires, which will be in 21 months. Fifteeu months will be cut off the sentence for good time. Iowa Census Report Slow. Des Moines, June 3. Very few cen sus reports have reached the office of the secretary of state, where they are to be compiled. From unofficial re turns and estimates the population of of the state is placed above 2,000,000. The census of Des Moines is not com plete, but the population is placed at 70,000, against 52,100 in 1890. Frank W. Bicknell will become superinten dent July 1, at which time steady work cn the returns will begin. Orgaalze For a Shorter Day. Pittsburg, Juno -3. The Union La- oor league or western .fennsylvania was organized here out of 40 local labor unions, with a membership of 40,000. President William J. Smith of the flint glass workers was elected president. The object of the league is to establish au 8-hour day and increase the price of labor, another object is to make Pitts burg the headquarters for all national labor organizations. Fought Over a Woman. Des Moines, June 3. Lew Werner stabbed and fatally injured Charles Bingham in a saloon row. Bingham was taken to the hospital and will die. Werner is a tough character and the two young men got into the fight over a woman, iutaougn tne auair occurred in the sight of 50 people Werner made his escape. Drowned While Bathing. Eldora, la., June 3. George L. Knox, an inmate of the Iowa industrial school, was drowned in the Iowa river while in bathing. Over 40 of the boys were together, and Knox was drowned before any of his commrades could reach him. He was 17 years old and came to the school from Mason City. How Missouri Democrats Stand. Sedalia, Mo., June 3. The Democrat printed letters from 62 of the 114 county Democratic central chairmen of the state, showing that 58 are unqualifiedly in favor of the free coinage of silver and gold at the ratio 16 to 1; one is against such coinage and three are noncom mittal. Drowned in tlio River. Des Moines, June 3. John Harvey, stenographer for Gatch. Connor & Weaver, lawyers, was drowned while swimming in the river with Ed Brown, a young lawyer, iormeriy oi umaaa. The body has not been recovered. Har vey was 23 years old and unmarried. Settled a Drench of Promise. St. Louis, June 3. Fred Jones, col ored, was shot and killed by Carrie Harding, a 20-year-old negress, whom he had refused to marry. She gave herself up to the police. Jones was a single man, 38 yeara old. Consul Ballard Is Dead. Washington, June 3. The state de partment has been informed of the death of William J. H. Ballard, United States consul of Hull, England. No particulars are given. The vice consul took charge of the office. Bonaparte Is Acquitted. Pender, Neb., June 8. Charles Bon aparte, who killed Henry M. Rice in an Indian quarrel at the Winnebago agency four weeks ago, was acquitted in Justice Downs' court. He pleaded self-defense. Illinois Crops Ruined. Springfield.HIs., June 3. The Mon itor says that the wheat, corn and hay crops in central Dhnois will be failures, and that the harvest will scarcely pay the cost of putting in these crops. Murderer landed In Jail. Henderson, Ky., June 3. Morgan Black, who killed George Fisher at Walnut Bottom, Ky., was arrested and brought here and placed in jail. i No Changes In Omaha Rates. Chicago, June 3. The executive of ficers of the Western line3 had a long session ever Omaha freight rates, but made no changes in anything. 3Irs. Cleveland Expected at Buzzard Ray Buzzards Bay, June 3. Mrs. Cleve land and the children are expected at Gray Gables ia a few days. Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder AlARTI ALIVE AND WELL Kcpjflts From Cuban Sources That the Insnvgenl leader Still Lives. BEJ0I0DTG IT KEY WEST. Cubans Take a Holiday and Celebrate the Event With a Parade and Appropriate Addresses Spanish Lieutenant Deseru Foreiga Jfews. Key West, June 3. A dispatch re ceived here from Havana says that a lieutenant of the civil guard, who was acting chief of police at Puerto Principe, has deserted. He succeeded in getting on board a pilot boat, from which he was transferred to a steamer bound for 'Liverpool. The cause of his desertion is his fear of beingbrought to justice by the captain general, Marshal Campos, JOSE MARTI. who is known to have been displeased at the lieutenant's action in exceeding the limits of his authority while pursu ing tho band of insurgents commanded by Maurice Montejo. There was great rejoicing here last night among the Cubans when a'tele gram from Benjamin Guerra stating that Jose Marti is alive was received, and in order to celebrate the event a meeting of Cnbans was called for mid night at the San Carlos theater. The news that Marti was well in health was received with loud cheering, and ad dressed were made by a number of prominent Cubans. Later the Cubans formod in line, and with a band at their head, paraded tho streets until daylight, cheering for Marti and indulging in other manifestations of noy In addi tion the Cubaus have decided to take a holiday today, and as none of them will work nearly all the cigar factories will be closed. ENGLAND AND YENEZUIXA, O facial News Regarding tho Controversy Made Public. New York, June 3. Official' news regarding the controversy between Eng land and Venezuela has just reached this city, and is made public through the Venezuelan yellow book. This volume is the report of the minister of foreign affairs to the national govern ment and correspondence with our state department. It contains full details of Venezuela's attitude toward England's movements in the Guayanas. Referring to the boundary controversy it first calls attention to the fact that the congress of the United States has done its utmost to bring the question to arbitration; in fact has even gone so far as to request England to settle the dispute in this way. It also states that the press of Venezuela and all English corporations doing business there have also endeavored to ring about the same end. Even the pope has interested him self in the controversy and ofTered hia friendly services. The report closes with these signifi cant words: "After having explained all the measures taken by tho present government in this important matter from the day of its inauguration the English have not advanced one step into the territory of the republic, and it is impossible for them to do so without having a collision with the Venezuelan authorities." Captain General ot Madrid Shot. Madrid, June 8. A sensation- has been caused here by the shooting of the captain general of Madrid. A lieuten ant in the army has for some time past been paying his addresses to the captain general's daughter; and today he re quested her hand in marriage. He was refused and hot words were exchanged, resulting in the lieutenant drawing a revolver and shooting the captain gen eral. Mission Property Destroyed by Rioters. Shanghai, Juno 3. Intelligence has been received that between May 29 and 31 the French Catholio and English and American missionary property at Ching Too, capital of the province of Szech uen, western China, was destroyed by rioters. The missionaries are reported to be safe in the official reports. More Might Have Been Rescued, Manzanillo, June 3. Survivors of the Colima disaster who have reached here say that Captain Pitts, of the steamship San Juan, should have cruised at least two days longer on the discov ery of the wreck ani believe that a good many others could have been picked up that have since perished. Discussed Cuban Affairs. Madrid, June 3. The cabinet at a meeting today discussed the situation of affairs in Cuba, and decided to await the decision of Captain General Marshal Martinez de Campos before sending any further reinforcements. British Mediterranean Squadron. Beyrout, June 3. The British Medi terranean squadron, consisting of 17 Vessels, has arrived 1ere.