The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 04, 1895, Image 1

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If. "M.
A Large Invoice of SEASONABLE GOODS just
arriyed for the
Consisting of Wool and Cotton Challies, Pongees,
Irish and Scotch. Lawns, Percales, Delaines, Dotted
Swisses, India and Persian Linen, Irish Point Em
broideries, Silk, Linen, Yaleneiennes and Cotton
If Laces in all colors, Ladies'
sleeyes and sleeyless Underwear, Ladies' Gowns,
Chemises, Corset Waists, Duck Pull Suits, Infants'
and. Children's Silk and Swiss Bonnets, Parasols,
Silk Tellings, Pans in white and black satin and
other styles, Silk Batting in all colors, Belting
Bnekles in gold, silver and black, Ladies' Pocket
books, Ladies7, Misses' and Children's Silk Mitts,
in black and colors, Hosiery in black and tan. silk
hnish, lisle and cotton. "Many more articles space
will no.t permit to mention "will be foiind in onr store
The Large Trade
which we had during the last month has given us
the opportunity to make room for more goods, and
we are filled larger than ever.
It 'is net necessarv for ns to boast. These are known to the pefc-
lie. We are the leaders m Qaanfciiy and Qualify. This can he
pceven. by-the foots of oar store that we are filled "check" alL
from one end to the other, with the choicest of goods man of fac
tored in the conntcv. Oar eight years experience in business
hasfcragbtes to 'handle the best quality of goods going, and we
I find it to be very successful and satisfactory to our customers as
weli as te oerseives.
0rstock of Ladies', ilisses", Chiltb&n's, Mens aadBjFr
Shees and Oxferds is siQi in the lead to defy all coaspe&toxs.
Hespectfaliy yours.
firrst K&rioiial Baiu?,
A General Banking
Hang- removed my stock of books, sta
tionery, wall-paper, etc.,
She old "book store stand), sliall be pleased to bave
'everyone call on me when anything in my line is de
sired. IPirst class stock in all branches-
CD- 2ivdl.
Dr. N. MeCABE, Prop. -J- E. BUSH, Manager.
jfOETH pt,a'II'H!, - ISTFTRE-A-STC A .
iGrders from th.9 conntry and along" the line
Pacific Railway Solicited.
Balbriggan and Lisle
Business Transacted.
of tke TJnicB
Last Friday evening- a. very large
percentage of the adult population
of tins city and numerous juven
iles assembled at tie opera, house
to witness tie gradnaring exercises
of tie High school class of 95 of
tie Isorii Platte public schools.
In lie center opening of tie stage
was tie word radafim, beauti
fully arranged in fiowers.
Tie firs torder upon tie program
was a selection by tie Gordon cor
net band, at tie concluding strains
of which promptly came marching
in tie lucky thirteen, accompanied
by a "mascot" to break tie possible
ill-luck wiici migit arise, in tiis
tie class showed itself to be more
superstitions than Gov. Holcomb,
who fust accepted an Iranarary
membership in a Thirteen club
organization in iSew xoce: city.
About tie only one ot tie number
who had no fear upon tie eubject
was Join L.. Dick, tie only male
member of tie class, wio looked
Eke one lone strawberry in a whole
pailful of cream amidst this galaxy
of femininity. He. carried in his
left Test pocket the left hind leg of
a blind rabbit which had been killed
by a colored mn-n in a graveyard at
twelve o'clock: at nijrhr durinsr tie
dark of tie moon. This fetish
rendered him invincible.
A brief and appropriate invoca
tion by Rev. W. E. Hardaway was
reverently received by the assemb
lage. C L. Adams then followed with
a vocal solo whici-was listened to
with close attention and liberally
applauded at its conclusion. Pos
sessed of ar sympathetic pleasing
baritone voice tie song was ren
dered in a manner calculated to' do
credit to tie singer.
"Cui Bono" was tie topic selected
by Minnie Sorensonrf or tie saluta
tory, and by ier hancHins of tie
subject sie no doubt convinced ier
hearers fiat life was indeed worth
Jessie "M. Bratt next - foli&wed
with "No Hose can Fold Itself into
a Bud again.' Sie took tie posi
tion that even if ft were possible to
accomplish such, n frp7l- of nature
it would fee undesirable to do so,
and sie stoutly maintained tie
correctness of this position-
"The Dignity of Labor" was then
rendered by Gertrude''" Baker in a
f clear, fern and srronsr voice. Aside
from the able manner in which she
handled her subiect tie splendid
elocutionary manner in which it
was delivered caused many people
to consider this the
of the
Thea M. Hansen next followed
with "Step by Step, and demon
strated that it was not t meteoric
actions that the worldowes its advancement-
but to patient, persist
ent, plodding" methods to reach an
ending' bj which progress is made.
'-Human Desires" was then treat
ed by Gertrude C Grady in a man
ner very creditable to herself and
friends, her discourse evidencing
considerable thought and careful
John Lf. Dick then gave a moum-
ff-il monedram apoa '-The Coming'
Storm." which woeM be considered
as pleasingly proper by pessimistic
popuiistics- Despite the clouded
glass through which the speaker
appeared to look at upon life, his
subject "was well treated from that
standpoint, and only evidenced his
ability-to argue like a lawyer from
either side of a proposition-
Prof. EL A. Garlichs next gave 2.
splendid -solo upon the violin which
marks him as a master of the re
sonant intestine of the deceased
feline. Miss Lizzie Burke accom
panied him upas the piano in a first
class manner.
"Rust" -was the title of the next
address by Gerta' EBne. and she
treated her subject in a manner the
very opposite from what its name
would indicate, thus effectually
proving" that there is nothing- in a
Francis T. McN amara then treat
ed ''Character7 in a manner which
showed a proper conception of her
subject, and evinced a line of
thought in sympathy with that of
an od Scotch writer upon the hu
man character. She cleverelv
marked the dnrerence between char
acter and reputation.
"Take not Authority for Truth,
but Truth for Authority," was the
title of the address by Charlotte I.
Osgood. The speaker weH demon
strated that the latter part of the
title was the correct theory for
human action.
Mrs. J. H. Hershey foliawed with
a vocal solo which was weS. appre
ciated, as was evidenced bv the
hearty applause given at its close
Possessed of a smooth, ..mellow
' voice, the singer is a great favorite
with jSTarth Platte people, and it is
a general regret fast her residence
will not permit them the opportun
ity of more frequently hezring; her.
"The Majesty dr'the I,aw" was
then treated iha masterful manner
by ellie 5L Grace, and her effort
was rather' in the nature of an
optimistic reply to "The Coming
Storm" which incongruously .had
preceded: Tt was a bright presen
tation or human action, and is more
probably the correct view of the
situation. J. Friend then handled
"The Verb To Be'T in all its
various moods, and she did herself
proud in the effort. She conclu
sively established that it was folly
to boast of past or future action,
but to live nd act creditably in the
present the past would become
historical, the future-Tnore or less
"Americanism" was the title ;
under which Eva J. Fen wick de- j
liyereda number of pleasant pat
riotic platitudes, showing" that she
had an idea of the theory of our
jrovemment- "STethow widely dif-fp-rent,
in numerous mstances,, is
the practice from the theory. In
this article it is unnecessary to cite
cases of legislative action which
overthrow her idea that no law can
be enacted without the consent of
the people; yet the past and current
history of America teem with such.
The valedictory "Fin de Siecle,"
by Clara Mabel McNamara was a
crisp bright presentation of what
we may expect when the new
woman reaches the ultimatum of
her ambition. Should the valedic
torian be blessed with the sight of
a seer some startling: changes may
be anticipatai ere the close of the
Twentieth century
Prior to the presentation of the
diplomas the Rev. D. Z. Foulk de
livered a pleasing homily to the
young" people who rrejust starting
out in life to hew out k career for
themselves, after whiajj. the "much
prized parchments, were given to
the lucky thirteen. -
The cornet band theireudered a
the Juniors, who were seated in-the
east gallery, as near as ' the writer
could understand it, grot off their
class yeG as follows:
"5Tffti f eHovrs. liave crossed4 tfce- Styx.
Yoaarencw in iterrifele fcr:
Tea becweK all be therein: "S6."
which was in. the-nature of a sur
prise to- the audience, yet it was
highly enjoyed by those present.
Right here is a good place to say
that the Jtmiors are entitled to
credit for being able tu so snccess
fnliv 'cork" their exuberance of
nmmal spirits as weE as they did,
when it is remembered that next
year they wfE give jttst donble as
big a show in point of numbers
as did the graduating class of '95.
Fred Hnnter. of Cozad was
onr streets Sunday.
A break in the ditch near Palm
er's ranch, west of Paxton. gave
the "'waterspreaders";. a rest last
John. Late, of.axton. wag,ea our
sSrtc fcj st?eek-
Dr. McCabe. of 2 orth Platte, was
visiting' the sick in this vicinity
last week.
O. A. Hostetter and F. A. Car
penter have purchased five acre
tracts in the west part of Suther
land. Geo. Prdsser, of the -county seat,
was transacting business in town
the first of the week.
Two kids have, already had a
ducking in the Sutherland lateral
and still there will be more to fol
low. The lateral supplying' John Keith
Keith and others south of town,
was completed the last of the week.
A gentleman: of color passed along
the railroad last week traveling on
a tie pass.
J. W. W risen, of Grand Tsfor-r?
was in town "the: laSter cart of the
week. "
Grant Applegate ?s-n fling the po
sition of ditch rider on the east end
of the S. Sc P. canal.
E. Ellsworth and Willis Record
have completed their contract on
B rate's ditch in Deuel county and
are once more circuiating- among
their friends m this locality.
Travelling collector Redman, of
the Craven & Steele Header Co.
spent several days in this vicinity
the first of the week-
Ed Hostetter purchased,- a five-
acre tract in the west part of town
and figures on showing people how
raise a big cropon sod.
Ulac&mores "txnatatrne .as a
All onr
WE : ARE :
protector against buffalo gnats is
securinga wide reputation and some
days last week as many as fifty
bottles were sold.
C "W. Burkina d has moved his
family into the Ab shire house,
lately vacated by Mr. Steams.
Mrs. T- nnn-t-pg.TiTtg hf-n en the
sick list the past week.
Dr. Beebe has got to be quite a
busy man. and one morning last
week made three separate trips tot
Hershey. He seems to be having1
very good success- Cetizex.
Hicnola and Kerahey JTevre.
The festival held at Hershey on
Wednesday evening of last week,
was quite well attended. The pro
ceeds which were about twenty
dollars, were turned over to Rev.
Bruce. Wray and Jay Stuart, of
North Platte, are visiting" their
Grandma Brown at this -place.
A man by the name of Puckett,
of Red Willow county, who owns a
dry farm containing: 320 acres in
that county, was up in this country
lookrng for a location: the last ot
-the week. "We did not learn whether
Tie succeeded in finding one or not-
Chris Brodbeck, of the Platte.
passed down the line one day last r
week with several head of fat cattle
which he had recently purchased in .
this locality.
The father of Mrs. J. W. Berg
man, of Hershey, was thrown from
recently in attempting'
to cross the Parmer's 8z. Merchant's
ditch, where it passes under the TJ.
P. track near A. M. Stoddard's and
seriously injured. He is over seventy
years of age and recovery is con
sidered doubtfuL
Anothercar of lumber was un
loaded at this station a few days
ago by Mayor Baker and crew of
the hub for the construction of
bridges, flumes and checks along
the Farmer's & Merchant's canal.
"We understand that parties from
Perkins county will break out this
season the most of section twenty
five, which lies jast east of this and belongs to the old ditch
Supt. S. L. Funkhoaser. of the
O 'Fallon lateral, was at the county
capital after a load of lumber a few
days since, to be used in construct
ing" checks, etc, on the sase.
The rain the last of the week put
the ground' in fine shape for break
ing and a number of grangers are
at it in faB 'blast.
D. A. BroVn has tapped the
O "Fallon lateral just east of the
hamlet of Hershey and wiS convey
the water to his farm in a lateral
on the south side of the railroad
-Mrs. E. Spitsnogie and children,
of id CFaBaa. attended tfae picnic
and entertainment at onr school
house last week.
Since the Farmer's Sc Merchant's
canal has been constructed under
their. P. track near the west line
of A. M- Stoddard's farm, travel
akrafr the railroad between this
place and PaSas has been cat off
and turned over to the county road
just north of the station.
John Xauman. of the Platte, was
up along" the ditch lately looking
for butcher's stock-Owing-
to the 9th of this month,
which is next Sunday, being "W. J.
Cms en s regular appointment at
this place. Children's Day wiS be
celebrated with an appropriate pro
gramme on the Sunday following-,
the 16th. A cordial invitation is
extended to- aS.
A number from this locality at
tended the sociable at Hershey one
Tr;r -nreek. All reoort a
pleasant time.
It has been a long" time since the
wrmers rn fins section have been
H Mit. m fc j w--w -
bSged to lav idle for wet weather;
I ? Crand Display of atfUineiy at
GFor Two "Weelis
fine Millinery at Fifty Cents on
3'Hss Elate "Wood mil slxow you tlie Lowest Prices
lor the Choicest Millinery in the west. Eemember spe
cial sale begins at once at 50 GETS on the DOLLAE.
Star Clothing House.
Gents3 Furnishings,
Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes
ever shown in the city of Us orth Platte
or any other city "west of Omaha. Oar
-Prices Defy Competition.
Immediate Inspection Invited.
Mail orders promptly
but snch was the case on Thnrsdaj
of last week.
Miss Nettie Cammaciv closed a
verr successful term of school at
fh?s place on last Friday- On Wed
nesday prerioas the majority of the
people in the district partcofc of a
picnic dinner at the school house,
after which an appropriate pro
gram consisting; of singing", speak
ing', etc, was rendered by the
scholars with mnch credit to both
teacher and scholars. Miss Com
macfc departs for her home in Iowa
this week. During her short so
journ in this commuaity she made
many friends who will regret her!
departure. It is the wish of a large
majority of the people in the dist-
rict that she be hired t teach the
school again the coming year, and
if the board should engage
her to
to teach the next term in this dis
trict, it would meet the approval of
nine-tenths of the parents and.
children hi the district. Pate.
A recent Sew York paper says:
"It was not because of aa unusual
crowd on the grounds that the
opening- performance of "Black
America was a success yesterday.
The crowd was not a large one.
The 4,000 persons present found,
seats so easily that the hotsse
seemed scarcely fuH. It was not
because ot the excellence of the pro
gramme throughout that it was so
great a success.
Nevertheless, the perSormance
was a decided success. In spite of
the weather, which seemed pro
pitious in the morning and: was
anything- else in the afternoon and
evening: in spite of the drawbacks
of distance and of a kind of novelty
that the public is not accustomed
to, the initial performance of the
great show at Ambrose Park was
a remarkable success for several
The show is an exposition, of the
Me and the manners of the negroes
There is a cotton field in actual
bloom on the grounds? there is a
cotton gin and press in actual
operation there. In the arena per-
lormance mere is tne singing ot
more than 300 negroes, and beyond
question this- chorus is one of the
j great features of the show. The
the Doflsr.
attended to.
harmonT" and. rhythm of their music
is remarkable. Eves when a
chorus sings, as sometimes it des
in this show, without leader and
without accompaniment, these is,
not the slightest perceptible bceak;
in the now of the mssic aad sat a
voice rings false in the hanaoay.
Mme. Flower's, the prima doaea
and some of the other voices in the
choree axe womierf nlly clear aad
true. There is scarcely a greater
treat witin reach for lowers of -sead!
mtssic than this.
Closely akin to this is some re
markable dancing. Aay pessaa
w6o is old eaoegh to have lived obi
Southern plantation, in slavery
j days knows that the "nagger dase-
ing, so called, of the variety stage
is the merest travesty on the real
dancing' of the real negro of tfae
plantatiioa. In "Black Ameriear
the gen'ttiae thing may fee seen and
it is SO' tar sttaerior to that of the:
' varietv perforsiers that it was
r-eted vesierdaT with storms e
appiaBse. The negroes fence aa
perfect time, either to the m-ssic of
the band or to the "patting Jufe-vT
of their fellows, or without auay
ggadnnce, as the singers sing, ia
absolutely perfect time. Tltree of
them dance together a los- sail in
tricate measure, so that neither she
eve nor the ear can detect a
asce aiaosg' them-
A rcoTABLH example of a big seseie
predaced by small mean- is mew&
in the fact that lead pencil users-,
have whittled away sereral feig; aae
ests of cedar trees in Europe, and!
the supply of wood suitable fix-lead
pencils is practically exhaasted ias
the Old World.
We oser One Hundred Do&ss Ee-
ward for any case o Catarrh feat eaa
not be cured bv Baffs (Tatarr Cure.
J. F. Ceexet & Co PropsTofedas, L
"We the undersigned, have koown P.
J. Cheney for the last 15 ysarsr asd fce-
Heve him perfectly honorable ia aS
busisesH transactions and SnrancjaSj
able to carry out any obbgutioii made'
by then: firm.
West & Traax, Wholesale DraggfetH,,
Toledo, O. Wakling, Kinmn MkrvEiT
Wholesale Druggists, Te?edo. Obm,
Hall's Catarrh Cure k; taicen. knSecBfiSg"
actrng directly upon the Mead asdi
mucous surfaces of the sjrstem. PrJca
75c. per bottle. Sold b? aS Brassists!.
I Testimonials free.