The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1895, Image 3
THE ffORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1895. BAUfOCK KEACKES UOXDOX. trtoa iwtaikr Brovcht Back to Aaer- ; Loxdo,1Ut.--SxtraocdinaxTsoenes were witnowod and precautions of 1 extraordinary nature wer takeaioa th arrival at Southampton last nigat on board the steamer Tartar Prince .from . Buenos Ayree of Jabex Spencer Balfour, ue ex-maaaber of parliament, whose ex tradition from the Argentine republic was obtained after great delay. Charges of fracd in connection with the collapse of tha Liberator society and other con cerns in connection with it. The steam' er was met off Calshot castle by a police tug apoa which Balfour was taken shore, surrounded by a crowd of de tective and policemen in uniform. The most elaborate precautions were taken im order to prevent the public from dis covering where the prisoner was to be landed, as it was feared that an attempt might be made on his life. The police and Balfour finally reached the railroad station at Southampton, where the lat ter was smuggled into a first class rail ' road carriasre. tha shades of which were r drawn down. At Waterloo railroad station an enor- mous crowd of people was in waiting, attracted by the jiewsof the arrival at Somthampton of the Tartar Prince, and in expectation of seeing the prisoner landed at that depot on the train from Southampton. But Balfour and his es cort were landed at Vauxhall railroad station and were driven to the Bow Street police court. The proceedings at Bow Street were of the character usual upon such occasions; the prisoner was formally charged, the papers in the case were examined and he was remanded until May W Minneapolis Murder Mystery. MixxKArous, May 6. Early this morning two young men found in the - gutter the dead body of H. W. Thomas, superintendent of the "Soo" telegraph. There was a bullet hole in his head. Thomas last night called on Mrs. F. L. Williams, a divorcee, at the home of her father, R. L. Berglund He left and soon after a shot was heard. The mur dered man's valuables were found on his. person, thus precluding the idea of robbery. Mrs. Williams is a young woman who ran away to Hudson, Wis., - to' marry Williams. -He turned out a worthless chap and Mrs. Williams ob tained a divorce. Williams was arrested and confessed to the murder. Cloudburst In Kansas. Herixgtox, May U. Heriugton was visited by a cloudburst last night. The town and surrounding country was flooded. Lime creek, which has been dry for a year, was converted into a raging torrent, and houses, horses, cat tle and hogs were swept down stream. John Williams' house was carried away and the family narrowly escaped drown ing. The house of Samuel McManus was also carried away and wrecked by striking a bridge. McManus escaped, but Mrs. McManus was drowned. Her body was found lodged in a tree in the park south of town this morning. Lumber aad Basking: Firm Assigns. Minneapolis, May 6. The lumber and banking firm of N. P. Clarke & Co. of St. Cloud and Minneapolis filed an as signment in the district court at St. 6 Cloud to Lucas Kells, a Sauk Center banker. The assignment has been con templated for a long time, and during t-'Ur, nc- TnriTifVic TO" T frinta Vina been busy securing the depositors in his bank and all personal creditors. He is reported to have said that they should not suffer on account of anymismanage- ment by the junior partner. Bobbed and Left Dying. Pittsburg, May G. Isaac Jones, night clerk at the First Avenue hotel, was .found murdered in the basement of the hotel He had been beaten on the head with an iron bar, and though still alive when found, he died soon after. He carried the money of the hotel in his pockets, and this was no doubt the ob ject of the crime, as he was robbed and left dying on the floor. Baor Ended Both. Their tire. New Yokk, May 6. James Herbert, a clerk in a wholesale shoe and leather house, killed his wife by cutting her ' throat with a razor early today. Then , he fled from the house and no trace was found of him until two hours later, when his body was hauled out of East river with the throat cut. Jealousy was the cause of the doable tragedy. Costly Blare at Baflalo. Buffalo, May 6. Fire early this morning destroyed M. Strauss & Son's establishment, postal station A, Gro ben'scoal yard barns, several freight cars, two dwellings, a number of horses and a large amount of stock in east Buf falo. The loss is estimated at $250,000. with $125,000 insurance. Dclanrys Found Guilty. Pittsburg, May 6 .-Charles H. and Henry Delaney, arrested in connection with the blind pool expose'a few months ago, were today found guilty of con - spiracy to defraud. W. E. Delaney, an other brother against whom indictments were fouud, has not yet been arrested Double Kill ins ear Coma I x Como.'CoIo., May 6. Samuel Tay lor and Robert Wyett were shot and killed at Trotte schoolhouse, five miles from here, by M. Radcltffe. The shoot ing, it is said, resulted from a quarrel over the school election, which is being held today. tortl Douglass Chancel His Slind. San Francisco, May C Lord Skolto Douglass, son of the Marquis of Queens berry, says that he has told his concert love, Lorette Addis, that he cannot marry her, and will not unless she holds him to his promise. Millionaire Held For Murder. Battle Creek, Mich., May (. A. C. Arnold, the millionaire who was ar rested for choking his sou to death last n n-B bold to the circuit court for trial today on the charge cf murder in the first degree. Special offer, for thirty days fdnly I will furnish Pastel potraits 16x20 in nice frame for only S2.75. ' Satisfaction granted. Wm. Mdxson, Agent. . For Sale or Trade, The White Elephant barn. Also several vacant lots. Will trade for ditch or hay land, or cattle. The above property is clear of incum "tbrance. inquire of ; , J. R. BANGS. FOREGOES HI CLffi Japan ates Answer to Russia, Fraice aad German j. OUTBREAK 18" NICABAGUA. Brttiak HaTe Xeft Cariata, tat Fighticr; Zelaya Has Cammeaeed. Calaa Haa KaUAed the Peace Treaty. MONETARY CONFERENCE. Br. Petersburg, May 6. The Jour nal des Petersburg gays that Japan in conformity with the advice of Russia, France and Germany, renounces'her claims to the possession of Feng Tien. Berlin, Hay 6. The Japanese gov ernment has informed the government of Germany that in accordance with the advice of the powera Japan has relin quished her claim to the Liao Tung peninsula under the treaty of Shimon eosekL Paris, May C The Japanese minis ter here has informed the minister of foreign affairs, M. Hanatoux, that refer ring to the friendly advice of France, Russia and Germany, Japan has re nounced its claim to the permanent pos session of the liao Tung peninsula, in cluding Port Arthur. Chefoo, May 6. The warships or several of the powers are fast assembling here. The situation is regarded as omi nous. Already eight Russian warships, including three torpedo heats, have gathered here and more are expected. In addition, another British, French and American and two German warships have arrived here. Tien Tsin, May 6. The Chinese peace envoys have left Taku for Chefoo, where the ratifications of the treaty of peace arranged between China and Ja pan are to he exchanged on Wednesday next. It is reported that Li Hung Chang has been degraded. China Has Battled. Washington, May 6. An official cable to a different quarter gives decisive information that the emperor of China has ratified the treaty. The informa tion is so positive as to be beyond ques tion. It clears up many contradictory statements from unofficial sources as to whether the emperor had or had not ratified. A press dispatch from Yoko hama today says that China's ratifica tion is still in doubt. All this doubt is put at rest, however, by the authorita tive information reaching Washington. The ratification of the Chinese emperor brings China and Japan to a final ac cord, so that it remains only for Japan to settle with Russia and other protest ing powers. It also make certain that the armistice, which runs until Wednes day the same day as the ratification will not be followed by a Japanese ad vance on Peking. Outbreak In Nicaragua. Tegucigalpa, May C Fighting ha3 begun in Granada, Nicaragua. Disor der is reported from Leon also. Word . comes from there that the followers ot Ortiz, Cercula and Macherro have unit ed to make war on Zelaya. The Hon durau troops coricentritsJ at Cape Gracias will remain there, a it is feared that the threatened outtai on the Mosquito reservation may extend here. The troops at Amalpa will be distributed along the coast. General Bonilla will take G.000 troops and go to President Zelaya's aid if requested. The evacua tion of Corinto and tae sailing of the British ships is announced. Worse Than Their Conduct In 1878. London, May 6. Mr. Gladstone, in a letter to Francis Seymour Stevenson, chairman of the Anglo-Armenian asso ciation, says that the conduct of the sul tan and the Turkish government in the Armenian question has been worse than their conduct regarding Bulgaria in 1876. Cuban Rebels Surrender. Havana, May G. Twenty members of the band of rebels at Villas, com manded by Qnintin Bravo, have sur rendered. Cattle Inspection Tronble Ended. Cheyenne, May (. Receiver Trum bull, of the Gulf system, was in consul tation today with United States Judge J. A. Riner and the Wyoming state of ficials on the disputed question of in spection of southern cattle at this point. As a result the difficulty is in a fairway toward being amicably adjusted. The points at which cattle will be inspected will be determined by the place of start ing, and the Wyoming authorities will not compel the unloading and inspection of cattle here, which have but six hours before gone through the same proceed ing at Denver. Peculiar Case of Petrification. Monterey, Cal., May 6 The death in this city of William Tibbetts ended a case which is scarcely without a parallel in medical history. The deceased was a sufferer from dropsy, but the peculiarity is that he was in a state of partial petri fication. His body was as rigid as a stone, the pricking of a needle made no indentation in the flesh, and all powers of sensation had disappeared. 2few Record For Team Shooting. San Francisco, May 6. Company B., First regiment N. G. C, stationed in San Francisco, smashed a world's record for team shooting in competition at Shell Mound rifle range yesterday, scoring 1,951 points out of a possible 2.500, distance 200 yards. This is nine points over an average of 39 for each of the fifty odd men. Police Commissioners Sworn la. New York, May 6. Theodore Roose velt, Colonel Fred Grant and A. D. Parker were sworn in today as police commissioners to succeed Messrs. Mar tin, Kerwin and Murray. Fatal Quarrel at a Dance. Bryant, la., May 6. In a quarrel at a dance Fred Johaunsen struck Hans Rogers over the head with a piece ot j board. Rogers died. , Jones Belteres That Oae Will Be Held Dariae; the Present Year. Washington, May G. Senator Jones of Aylra" is among those who believe that an international monetary confer ence will be held during the present year to consider the relationship of sil ver to gold as a money metal. He is one of the members on the part of the senate. who will attend the conference in case one is called, and has naturally kept track of all that has been done in the matter. He said in discussing the probabilities that while Germauy had not, to his knowledge, issued an execu tive call for a conference, the action of the reichstag had been accepted as offi cial by the governments of the United States, Franco aud Great Britaiu, and added that ho did not believe the execu tive authorities of the tier man empire would allow 1ese countries to conclude that shs had been trifling merely. Hence, he be lieved that the invitation would come in due form, if it had not already been sent out. Asked as to the time when he thought the conference would be called for, he said it would probably be late in the season, not earlier than Oc tober, and possibly as late as November. He said that both sides of the contro versy were apparently anxious for de lay, and this being the case he believed they would be gratified. The English bimetallists claim to be making substan tial headway and are asking for all the time that can be given before the meet ing of the conference. IN THE FIELD OF LABOR. Sympathy Is With the Miners. Pocahontas, Va., May 6. There are no miners working today in the mines here, and while Monday is regarded as an off day it is believed the union men have won the miners here and that the strikers have the field. The Hungar ians have refused to work, and only a very few men went up to report for duty. They were what are known as day men, who lay tracks and work at the machines. The town was quiet last night and good order prevailed, the miners remaining in and at their homes, but they were indignant at the attack made last evening on oue of their speak ers, Mr. Warbnrton, who was knocked down by Mr. Hall on the depot platform and seriously hurt. The meeting today at 10 o'clock was largely at tended. The sympathies of this section are with the miners. The operators, itisbelieved.will suspend any attempt to run the mines. Textile Workers, In Session. Providence. R. I.. May 6. The sixth annual convention of the National Union of Textile Workers of America, opened in Olneyville this morning. About 120 delegates were present, rep resenting 50,000 textile workers through out the country. The convention will, it is expected, consider a plan for the prevention of too many strikes at on6 time, as in that way too large a burden is placed on the shoulders of the national union when the full strength of that body may be required in order that it may make a winning fight in one im portant locality. Bitter Feeling Against Barns. London, May 6. John Burns, mem ber of parliament and labor leader, in the course of his speech at the Labor day demonstration in Hyde park, was greeted with groans and cries of "Why did you not support Keir Hardy?" "Traitor," etc. Replying to this out burst of disapproval, Mr. Bnrns said: "If you don't want to hear me I will go gone." This was followed by cries of "go home," "you are no world ngman." St. tools Strike. St. Louis, May 6. There is no change in the condition of the hod carriers' strike. The strikers are determined to hold out, and have "pickets" appointed traversing all sections of the city keep ing union men away from their old jobs. A meeting of the boss bricklayers was held today. Failed to Agree With Operators. Columbus, May 6. The Ohio miners' officials today issued a circular to their constituency to the effect that it was impossible to agree with the operators; that no work bs done in or around mines except pumping and bailing water. Laid Down Their Tools. Bellaire, May 6. All the miners who were on the 60 -cent basis and those on the co-operative plan were notified to lay down their tools and go out. Seven thousand five hundred are idle. Refused to Accept the New Scale. MiDDLESBORO, May 6. The Jellico miners have refused to accept the new scale, and will probably go out. WHEAT I.OST TWO CENTS. Weakness Dee to Ixwer Cables, targe Re ceipts and the Kains. Chicago, May 6. Wheat started -weak to day on the cables and the rain3. Largo north west em receipts and the prospects that the visible decrease Tvoold not be as large as pre dicted were also bear factore. At the decline there was liberal baying, causing a moderate reaction.. Corn was steady on good cash demand. Oats were steady with corn. Provisions were steady on the steady prices for live hogs. " CL031NG PRICES. WHEAT May. 61c; July, September, CORN-lIay. 40c: July, 49490 ; Septonv ber, 4&l$e. OATS May, 2c; Jnne, 2S32Sc; July, 28Kc; September, 25Jc PORK May, f 11.80; July, $11.95; September, 12.12 LARD May, 6.52J; July, $6.63; September, $6.80. RIBS May, ?6-00; July, $6.10. Chicago live Stock. Chicago, May 6. HOGS Receipts, 25,000 head; left over, 7,500 head ; market fairly active, light weak, oi hers steady to stronger; light, .354.70; mixed, .404.75: heavy, $i.S04.70; rough, $4 3034 to. CATTLE Receipts, 9,500 head, including 1.000 Texans; market firm to aehade higher. SHEEP Reeeipts.10.000 head : market strong. Soath Omaha tire Stock. South Omaha, May 6. CATTLE Receipt. TOO head: 1300 to 1500 lbs., $5.005.60; 1100 to 1300 lbs., $4.6J5.00; 900 to 1100 lbs.. $455.70; h-)icecows. $2.754.50; common cows, $1150 2.50; good feeders. $3.154.00; common feeders, $25033.10; market steady to 10c higher. HOGS Receipts, 1.600 head; light, $4304.40; mixed, $4.U54.40; heavy, $4.404.55; market 510c lower. SHEEP Receipts.tKO head; muttons, $3,003 4.00; lambs, $3.504.80 ; market strong. MOST o DELICIOUS o COFFEE IN o THE WORLD ! SPURR'S REVERE MOCHA JAVA EEAL RAZORBACKS. A HOMELY AND FEROCIOUS HOG ON HiS NATIVE HEATH. Ha Deec Net BeMaabla. Hie Pampered Brother of the Berkshire Breed His Ex istence Measured by the Kale of "Root, Bos. or Die" Hot Killin Parties. There is a groat difference in hogs. The form, contour and face of the rounded, sleek sided, short legged Berkshire and other hogs of hich decree do not much resemble the angular, ra zor backed hog common throughout the south. The countenance of the well bred, well cared for species is chubby and contented looking, the ears small, the enout inclined to turn up rather than down. , His iessfortunato cousin has a long, narrow face, immense, flop ping ears tbas hang disconsolately over bis eyes, and an elougated, pointed snout that seems providentially formed to aid his earthy explorations. "Root, hog, or die," i3 a common saying in the country of which this hog is a na tive, and the swine seem to realize the situation. They have long legs and al ways run with their snouts close to the ground, convenient for unearthing any thing..eatable which may come. in their way They diligently root up the prom ising morsel of foot! and gulp it down, without stopping to enjoy it, and run on apparently faster than ever, grout ing as they go, in search of something more some favorite acorn or jnicy bit of grass or berry root, upon wheh they largely depend for subsistence. Naturally the. vast amount of imper ative exercise they take ranging through the woods effectually prevents their tak ing on much saperCuons flesh, and the hair on their narrow backs is as rough and coarse as that of the well bred hoy is smooth and glossy. The majority oi them are of a dingy white color, per haps spotted with black, and when a white coated one, scantily covered witu hair, has pale eyes, bound around with pink, and very light eyelashes, protrud ing beneath his drooping earn, he is a ngly a living object as can bo imagined The little pigs are moderately pretty when young, but not. in the least like the plump, little, chubby faced babj Berkshire, aud long before they have arrived at the ago when they aro called shotps" they have becomo ungainly and common looking The negroes havi great faith in the ability of tho hog to survive any amount of neglect and still live to provide sausages and pork stew for tho wiutr season. At certain sea sons, when the "ehotes' can do no dam age to the roataring crops it is neces sary to confine th?m;antil tho fields arc bare cuco moro and will admit of their ranging at will. in the course of a'walk once, a small negro boy aud girl woro found seated on top of the fence which surrounded a pen, flinging corn to two hogs within the inclosure. ThsTHdo feeding trough was as dry s if uo liquid had ever dampened it, and this on a hot summer afternoon. Inquiry as to when tho pris oners had last bad water given them elicited no respoaM from the shy little 'shore raiwlers. " After some inquiry HUjd oxplaaatioo that the pigs would like water tb boy 'aw cnted to go to the housa, boom (twtflpjeeoff, fo a back rtt. after bnngiag ?vitfch tho children went to tko'spriHlj little hollow Tu the wood behiad tbepen, and procured water for tha thirsty creatures. It is needless to say that they drank it with ividity. This pea was ia an open field, with not a single bit of shade near. It tad belonged to an humble establish ncut, tJ'e houso an barn :f which had moved to some other tract of laud, :i:d the owner of the hogs had utilized ihe pan jx where it was, tho distance !rom his dwellings "Which was plenti-lully,supplied-with well water, render ing it most inconvenient to attend to tho wants of tho animals. Tho pea could easify have beeu moved, as the fence around it was mado of movable rails placed Jzigzaj; fashion on purpose that it might be changed from place to place, but evideutly tho com fort of the "shores" was not regarded as of much importance. Later, a small, slim figure, in a scant, homespun dress, faded and tern, suddenly emerged from a narrow path which opened upon the road, and a childish voico said timidly, Do you want 6ome headache blossom, ma'am?" a little black hand holding out a bunch of delicate pink flowers, with perfume more powerful than s weeL The acceptance of this .offering seemed to thaw out her reserve, aud the little girl volunteered tho information that sho and Yankee, her brother, "aimed 10 dash water to de hog ebery ebenin. " In the days ot the old regime the crops were all fenced in, and the hogs, and cattle as well, were allowed to roam at will through the fastnesses of the swamps and timbered tracts. Often times the animals were not seen fir months. When the timo drew near for bog killing, parties were made np to 'drive" tho swamp and capture the half wild creatures, as it was desired to fatten them in pens before killing. It was not infrequently the case that the swine became quite ferocious, having been left so long at large, and the hunt ers found themselves in tho midst of a "wild boar" hunt jn earnest, which they hugely enjoyed. Most of the farm rs of the southern states now leave their rrops unfenced, and the stock has to bo pastured or looked after, which practice has pnt an end to such pursuits. New York Tribune. HARRINGTON ffTOBIN, SOiE ACTS, NORTH. PLATTETNEB Thackeray on John l'aul Jones. "Traitor, if you will, was II. John Paul Jones, afterward knight of his most Christian majesty's Order of Mer it, but a braver traitor never wore a sword." Such wero almost the last words traced by tho hand of Thackeray, and they show the astonishing misconcep tion of Paul Jones which prevailed in the mind of one of the justest men that ever lived. "Washington was a hero even to his enemies, yet Washington had ac tually held a commission in tho Brit ish army, while Paul Jones could say to tho American congress at the close of the war: "I have never borne arms under any but the American flag, nor have I ever homo or acted under any commis sion but that of the congress of Amer ica." This singular distinction against Paul Jones extended to the whole of the feeblo naval force of the colonies. Sol diers were treated- from the beginning as prisoners of war, while until Paul Jones forced an exchange of prisoners upon equal terms American sailors were formally declared to be "traitor, pi rates and feIons.,, "Paul Jones," by Molly Eilfot Seiwell, in Century. ?T FOr A LIMITED- TIME eather Pocket Case FREE H EXCUrWG TOR 0 TEN-CENT VAPfctt. TAGS TWfvYi ?OM flfMTO M fcv PLUG "TVM3 a a I UOAVA.U CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR. The American Tobacco Co. NEW YORK. U. P. TIME- TABLE. GOINO ZAST. No.3 Atlantic Express Dcpt 12:10 A. x. No. 4 Fast Moil S 'JO a. a. No. 2 Limited " 00 a. m. No. 23 FrelRht " 70 a. m. No. 18 Freight " 6KX) l. M. No. 22 Freight ... " 4.-00 a.m. GOING WEST MOOTA1S TIME. No. 7 Pacific EzDreos Dcpt 7d0.. X No. 1 Limited " 110 r. x No. 21 Freight " 350 i m No. 22-Frcisht " 6:20 A. M 2i. B. OLDS. Agent. J1RENCH & BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, . NORTH I'L.VTTE, - - NEBRASKA. Office over N. P. Xtl. Bank. pRIMES & WILCOX, ATT0K2TEYS-AT-LAW, rJOBTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Office over North Platto National Bank. D ,R. N. P. DONAItDSOX, Assistant Surgeon Union Pac.fic Rp" and Member of Pension Board, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA. Office oyer Streitz's Drag Store. TTSL EVES, M. D., W pnrsiGiAM axd sunGEoir, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. A. P. KITTELL. F. H. BENSON. Kittell & Benson, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective schemes investigated. Un profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys, Maps, Estimates and reports made; and construction superintended. Office in National iSK North Platte, Neb. FOR RELIABLE KINSJJR ANCE GO TO-T. C. PATTER SON. ONLY FIRST-GLASS COMPANIES REPRESENTED Hershey & Co. DEALERS IN Aericnltural : K mlements OP ALL KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Pif th and Sixth 1U WEST FRONT-ST. 'C. P. SCHAEMAM, Fire and Life Insurance, Notary Public. 3,000 iegof Ditch Land HOUSES AlfD LOTS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Land and Emigration Agent. R. D. THOMSON, Contractor . and Builder. 127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. HUMPHREYS' vnonMARY SPECIFICS Pop Boxi Ctfctlt, Slieep, Soft Beg A3TD POULTHT. 399 Pace Baak mn Tretmeit af Amiawl - mad Chart Seat Free. am ( Ferer,CBfeIaJa ilanatiaa B. B-Straiaa, Law ea cm, h eaatiat. C. C. Dieaer, Kaaal Dlachargea. D. D. Bata mv Grab, Wanaa. E. BV Caacaa, HeaTea, PaeaaiaaU, F. F. Calie mr Gripea, Bellyacae. G. G.-MIaearriace, Hejarraea. H. H.-Uriaarya Kiaaer DUeaae. J.I. EraatiTe Disease, Maaae. J.K.-Dieaaeaaf Diseaciaa, Paralyrtk Single Bottle (flTer 9S doaesX - - Stable Case, with Spedta. Maaaal, Yetertaary Care QflaSnSatwitor. fT.fO Jar Teteriaary Car Oil, 1.0 .SOU, I "Off SPECIFIC to GO ma mm liuliaaiai"' W" , WsAA bf 9n&mu,ar Mt jrfKMlloa ncift of pric ,iUUUl li i ,awiwm Claude weingand, Coal Oil, Gasoline. Crude Petroleum and Goal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Newton's Store. GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season.. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. E. B. WARNER, Funeral D rector. AND EMBALMER. A full line of first-class funeral supplies always in stock. NORTH PLATTE, - KEBBRSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. Pure Well Water Ice. Orders for the above product may be left at Streitz's or McCabe's drug- stores, or- with the milk wag on and they will receive prompt at tention. Orders for pies mile m mm may also be given the latter and they will be promptly filled. WM. EDIS. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Xorth Platte, Neb., 7 April 23tl, 1695. ) Notice is hereby given that the foilowingTnamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver at Kortn Platte, ebrassa, on June Sth, 1S93, viz: MARGARET TIBBELS, who made Homestead Entry No. 14,359, for the Northwest qoRrter of Section 12, Township 11, north, liange 31 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Amandas Konile, James Adams, D. G. Tibbelf, and Theo dore Padgett, all of North Platte, Neb. a24-6 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Nebr. ) March 19th. 1895. J Notice is hereby given. that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Droof in BUDDort of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver at iortn Platte, neo.. on iuay iuui. 1895, viz: IRA B. FACKLER. who mae'e Homestead Entry No. 13,521 for tho soath half of the southwest quarter and the west nan oi mcsoumeast quarter oecuon . wwnsnip 11 nor'h, range 33 west. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Walter gin and Samuel Farmer, all of Wallace, Neb. 23;G JOHN F. HIN3IAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at North Platte. Neo. I March 19th, 1S95. ) Notice is horeby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado before Reeister and Receiver at" North Platte. Neb., on May 10th, 1895, viz: NICHOLAS P. OGIER, who made Homestead Entry No. 16,S38, for the sonthcast quarter of section 10, township 11 north range 33 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his ontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Walter N. Sim mons, Ira B. Fackler. Abraham Spnrgin and Samuel Farmer, all of Wallace. Neb. JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., J March 19th, 1695. S Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has died notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at North Platte , Neb., on May 10th, 1895, viz WALTER N. SIMMONS, who made Homestead Entry No. 15,705 for the north half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of taction 12, town ship 11 north, range 33 west. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove hia continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ira B. Fackler, Abraham Spurgin, Nicholas P Ogierand John Staler, all of Wallace, Nebraska. JOHN P. HINMAN, 23-6 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., ? April 2d, iS35. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler bos filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that ?ald proof will be made before Register and Receiver at North Platte. Neb., on May 13th, 1895, viz: WILLIAM COScSELMAN, who made Homestead Entry No. 15,745, for the southeast quarter section 6, township 10 north, range 32 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: Walter N. Simmons, John Staler, John Baker and William Connor, all of Dickens, Nebraska 27-6 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) April Ztui, leUTi. ) Complaint having been entered at this office by Abraham Dunkel against Loyal L. Uorton for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 1507t5, dated July 20th, 1889, upon the northwest quarter of section 10, township 15 north, range S3 west in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., on the 1st day of Jnne, 18S5, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to respond and fnrni.-h testimony concerning said aHeged abandonment. a26-S JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE. . Washington, D. C, March 12, 1895. TCntino ia hurahv trivAn to all DeTSOnS nrlir mnv hiiVA miiimc nPaiOSt tho"Xor!h Platte National Bank," North Platte, Vohmclrn t.hnt thft snme must be pre sented to Mr. Milton Doolittle, Receiver, . m. . it ivith legal proof thereof, wunin inree nonths from this date, or they may be disallowed. jAMEfi H. Eckels, 21m3 Comptroller of the Currency. NOTICE OF SALE. ATOTIGE IS-HEREBY GIVEN, That by ji virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of tbeDistrict court of the Thir teenth judiciardlstrict of Nebraska, within and for Lincoln county. In an action wherein the McKinlev-Lanhlng Loan and Trust com panv is plaintiff. andsJohn H. Allison etal are defendants, I "will at one o'clock ia the after noon on the 27th day of Itf ay. 185, at the east door of the Courthouse, in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: The east half of the southwest quarter and lots six and seven (6 and 7) of Section six (6) in Township six teen (16) north of Range twenty-height (23) west of the Sixth principal meridian in Lin coln countr. Nebraska. Given under my hand this 18th day of Aprils 1S95. A. IL HtrjrriXGTO Coroner. Thos. C. Patteksox. Att'y. a!95 NOTICE OF SALE. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by L virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the District court of the Thir teenth judicial district of -Nebraska, within and for Lincoln countv, in an action wherein Thomas C. Patterson is plaintiff, and Louis P. Derby et al are defendants, I will at one o'clock in the afternoon on the 27th day of May. 1S95, at the east door of the Courthouse in the city of North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: The south half of the northwest quarter, and the west half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-six (26), In Township sixteen (16). north of Range twentv-nine (29), west'of the Sixth principal meridian. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 18th day of April, 1S95. A. E. Huntington, Coroner. Thos. C Pattekson, Att'y. NOTICE OF SALE. "TOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN. That by 1 virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the District court of the Thirteenth judicial district of Nebraska, within and tor Lincoln county, in an action wnerein ine McKinley-Lanning Loan and Trust company is plaintiff, and Isaac E. Wilson et al are de fendants J will at one o'clock in the afternoon on the 27th dav of May. 1)5, at the east door of the Courthouse in thecity of North Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: The northeast quarter cf section twenty-six CJ6. in township sixteen 116) north, ot range twenty-six t-tJ) west, or the Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln county, Nebraska. utven unuer my nana tnts istn uavoi Apm, 1695. a. B. Huntington. Coroner. Tijos. C. Patterson, Att'y. NOTICE OF SALE. T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by virtue of an order of sale issued oy the clerk of the District court of the Thir teenth Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lincoln county, in an action wherein the McKinlev-Lannintr Loan and Trust com pany is plaintiff, and Albert E. AVUson et al are defendants, I will at one o'clock In the afternoon on the 27th day of May. 1805. at the east door of the Courthouse in the city of North Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section two (2). township fifteen lo) north, of range twentv-six (26) west, ot the Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln county, Nebraska. litven under my nanu tnis lain uav oi April, 1825. A. E. Huntington, Coroner. Thos. C. Patterson. Att'y. THOMAS KELIHER AND SARAH R.KELIHER, defendants, will take notice that on the 10th day of April. 1895. Lizzie Tuttle plaintiff herein. nled lier petition in tne district court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, against Mid defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed by tne defendants to N. w. McQee upon tho smutn bait of the north naltot the southwest quarter and lots 5 and 6, of section 4, in township 13 north, of range 20 west,except tlx acres on of the southeast corner of lot six now owned by the city of North Platte, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated March 6, 18SS, for the sum of f 6CU.00 and due and payable in five years from the date thereof; that there is now due upon said note and mortgago tne sum ot S210. for which sua with interest from March Cth, -1SW1, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, plain tiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay tho same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day of May, 1S95. Dated April 10th, 1893. LIZZIE TliTTLE, Plaintiff. By Guimeh & Wilcox, her Attorneys. a 125. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. . To Conrad Zimmerman, Rachaol Zimmerman, The Concordia Loan and Trust Company and Tho Valley Loan and Trust Compady: Von and each, of yea, will take notice that on thel6thdayof June, 1594, George Cotter-Real, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska; against yon and others, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the de fendants Conrad Zimmerman and Racbael Zimmer man to the Lombard Investment Company, and by said company duly assigned to thin plaintiff, upon the cast 115 acres of the south half of the south half of section 35, In township 9 north, range SO west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain coupon bond, dated August 17th, 1888, for the ram of 500.00, and duo in live years from the date thereof: that there is now due on said bond and mortgage the sum of SW.C0, for which sum and taxes paid, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants pay the same, or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy the ainouut found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the iOth day of May, 1695. Dated April 12th, 1895. GEORGE COTTER DEAL. By Fbesch k Baldwin, Uls Attorneys. altH NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Nouth Platte, Neb., May 3d, 1695. $ Notice is hereby given that the followlne-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Reeister and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on June 15th, 1695, viz: ROBERT J. MENZIE. who made Homestead Entry No. 15.873, for tho east half of the southeast quarter section 8. town ship 16 north, range 29 west. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles nyberg, John L. McGrew, Enoch-Cummings and Charles Jordan, all of North Platte, Nebraska. JOHN F. HINMAN, 3645 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., 7 May 3d, 1805. S Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on Juno 11th, 18J5, viz: ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, who made Homestead Entry No. lt5,.V9 for tho south half of the southwest quarter, and additional Homestead Entry o. 17,81 for tne weM nail of the southeast quarter section 8. twnhlp 1 1 north. range 'i west. He names tae following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land, viz: Louis Tift, Allen Tift. Ben A-hlemnn aud E. L. Sherman, all of rtorta Platte, Nebraska. SI5-0 JOHN x . HINMAN. Register Notice. I desire to sell the hay crop for 1895, on the large Sidney Dillon Island located at Sutherland, sec tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in town 14 north, all in range 34 west, to' the highest bidder for cash. Bids will be received up to July 1st, 1895, and reserve the right to reject any and all bids. N. B. OLDS. NO REGRETS If you make the trip via the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line. Fewest changes to Chicago and other eastern cities. Through vestibuied trains composed of dining cars, first and second class sleepers and free reclining chair cars. For full information call on or address N. B. Olds, Agent U. P. System. FINEST SAMPLE E00M IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best wake oi tables J . i. I n.;il ci-.t-vt-.it7 nil vnn r wartis. iiuu uuiu iieicuii aticuudur ut .. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE jBB WW PACIFIC DEPOT.