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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1895)
SOME it !rf8IDAT ETEflKG, lif 3; THE FAIR. tT LOW PEES. THE Filft Always Expect More than at Oth y ! uii Dry Goods, A Fine line of the Latest in Millinery rec Pancy Silts, Muslin Underwear. Shirt Waists and Skirts,. Laces and Ribbons, Kid Gloves. FINE F( weekly throughout lie entire season. S2k Mitts and Gloves, Gent's Famishing Goods, Hosiery and Underwear. A SPECIALTY. Tinware and Wbodenware. V When advertisements are I is but one result universal ked by Strict Truth there !f Sf aCtl On. We Ifecir rail to Please. Lancaster Woma's CIttfe. My Dear Editor: Ik response to an invitation to tell something-of the organization of the Lancaster "Woman's club, I -will I- state that we are at present, narae- 'Je or, to use the language of one of otrrnde contemporaries, vre nave Vxlipped. like a ship from its stays, a mameless derelict," In spite of an invitation to our dear critics, the men, we fail to hear anything- bet ter smgested, than the following frcw a devoted habitue of theHam iltoa club, a financier, a man of let- i ters, who. "having- outlived: bis davs ! of with the fair sex. would " atome not alone to one lone woman. but to the dear creatures alL Uni ted in the Woman's club, he would share his club's name, and gracious ly call it the 3Irs.' Hamilton club; but in lieu of a name, over which we have had quite a breezv time, we will be compelled to call it the Lan caster Woman's club until we get a better. The three names receiving- the hisrhestnumber of votes in the last ballot being- Ebvnonia (a Greek word meaning- club or a community of interests), Portia, and Julianna Penn. The necessary two-thirds vote was wanting-; so the subiect for a month, 4 he mow numbers 165 aesibers. -'Osr president is Miss. Alice 2v evin. daughter of the late Prof Nevin, president of Frank lin and Marshall college. To Miss Nevin's untiring- energy and persist ence we owe our existence. She has good common sense, intellec tual ability, as well as high social position, which inspire confidence with regard to the success of the has been quite an anima ted discussion among- the women of the clmb as to the proper signature in the registering- of -names. It is of course customary in writing- to a friend or equal to sign your chris tian. w and there is not a womam ko has signed that is igno rant of that tact. A woman's club, however;, is made of a hun dred or more names, many of whom are merely acquaintances, by wkom yor christian name would be scarce recognized. In the case of several of the same name the dis tinction would easily be found in the nae of the husbandespecially where three or four of the same 'same. or. as is frequently the case, where Mother and daughter bear the same name. At present we have organized a number of departments each presid ed over by a chairman and assistant chainnaa, whose duties are to pro mote the success of their own de partment. We have a class in Cur "rcAt Eremts , chairman Mrs. Hobin so, meetimg' efery alternate Wed aesdav mccnimg'. A'department of Msic sader the char-manship of Mrs. McCarter, assisted by ilrs. i JEshelman, we tkik win prove a fee department, with good work, j A five or ten minste essay will be read ox a subject pertaining to masic, by some oe appointed by the chairman at the ptfrrioms meet- the smbjoined eaeiy eif read by the writer of this letter at oneof the meetisgs: "There is no language, except that of Hove, that is more universal thaK the beautiful language of Ma sic It 4ees not require a fine edu- "'ca.tkM.'te eJoy its charms, or to be either rich or poor, to be suscepti Ke to its influence. The lullaby va 4eVtless the first connected atsic;. asxfcwas the natural out come of mother-love many, many Tears ago. The Hebrew mother Mary sang a lullaby, no doubt, to oar LertL as he lay encircled in her arms. Each nationality has its own lullaby of course in its own Jamgaaj but the dear bahies, su- eriar to s children of a larger .Zm J s ut n mnoerstsaa uuciii a-u. There m Mo form of masic more ao- yrecmtrf t thepresent time than the hercmtse, or cradle song. One rarely sees a concert program now- a-days without at least one number a lullaby which requires dainty handling to carry out the intention of its composer; this is notably the case in Gottschalkrs lullaby. heard Go tts chalk play in this city a very long- time ago (I have the ad- I vantage of most of you in point of years), and his was exactly that dreamv, poetic style which inter prets his lullaby welL There is one musical sound that dwells in my mind ever since the World's Pair. I heard it in the Ja vanese village it was produced by water trickling through two pieces of bamboo so placed that the action ot tne water would lire tne upper one and let it fall on the lower, pro ducing two beautiful tones. It was music in a very pretty and primitive form, and as great contrast to the Samoan band across the Plaisance, as the gentle Javanese to the brawny Samoans. But to come back from the Old World to the New, and more partic ularly to our department of Music, which under the able leadership of Mrs. McCarter we hope to make an important factor in the club. Har mony in action will aid in produc ing Harmony in music just as in rowing a boat, it is the pulling all together that makes the boat ad- and,in conclusion,let us also that tie - I ,a.t i.i i - r T C I lines-, notably educational and polit icaL The Omaha Woman's Club is educational with, a practical side, and. not in the least political. With in its ample wings women of all shades of religious and political be lief are gathered and the utmost good feeling prevails. Its democracy is so broad that the most aristocratic leader of soci ety holds a. place equal to, but no higher than that of the woman who works for her Iivinsr. Ability and tact are the passports to popularity, not dollars and cents; and in this genial atmosphere tal ent hitherto buried has blossomed like the rose. Once or twice factionalism has shown its hateful form, but it was quickly suppressed, and at the present time there is no sign of it The Club has a membership of present e to the club a fmjpes portraits 500. with an annual fee o$3.0 pertBrBreartieis 'that the best in each one of us can oIv unfold bv the warmth and sun light ot sympathetic surroundings. The chilled air of antagonism, and indifference congeals at once, and what might have blossomed into flower, is frozen in its gxst attempt at budding-.' If the paper is on the life or work of a special composer the music of that composer will be given. A class in English Literature has been organized, and at present has taken up the life and works of Rob ert Eouis Stevenson. The depart ment of Botany has been organized by Miss Martin, Eatin teacher at the High schooL Meetings will be held in the High school building, as the microscope and everything nec essary to the study is there. The department commences, this week, as the wild flowers have now begun to show their pretty heads. The Art department has not as yet been rally organized, but will no doubt do some good work in the near fut ure, if it is only to organize a sketching class. I suppose some of the disconso late and captious husbands, in read ing over the work that is laid out, will say? "But where do the cooking and sewing classes come in. that are so necessary for the holding to gether of our framework and that of society?" My dear sirs, don't you know that we Lancaster county women are past graduates in these courses, as the appearance of our sleek and rosy faced spouses will testify? In conclusion, my dear Mrs, Edi tor, I will say that I think our Lan caster club has come to stay, and we express the hope that 2forth Platte will be inspired to follow our example. Taxte Najotette. Lancaster. Pa., April 23, '95. The Omaha Woman's Gab. Omaha, 2eb., May 2d, 1S95. To the CorhespoxdsxceEditok. In future ages the last quarter of the Ivuieteenth century will be known as- the period of organiza tion, even as the first quarter is now known in historr as the period of constitution- Labor, capital, ail branches of business, of the learned professions, charity, phil anthropy, reform, education and last of all women are organized. Formerly women's organizations extended only along two lines re ligion and temperance. Missio nary societies and W. C. T. Us. being the preparatory schools where they learned how to do, and to question why it should be done. EecentlyJ tnev nave organized axons' other member. It is composed of twelve departments which meet regularly once in two weeks tor study, and each is required to furnish at least one programme for the general club meetings which are held every alter nate Monday afternoon from- three o'clock -antil five. Political economy and social science, applied economics, philos ophy, art, music, German litera ture, Hinglisn. literature, current topics, domestic economy, parlia mentary law and United States history are the different lines of study done in the separate depart ments. Each department has an able leader and the study done under her direction is the most profitable work accomplished by the club. The department of par liamentary law gave one of the most unique and truly humourous program ms given during the year. It was in the form of a debate on dress reform, and the question was discussed, amended, substitutes offered andfinaHy considered by the committee of the whole. An ap peal was taken from the decision of the chair the previous question moved and all conducted in the most approved parliamentary fashion. The musical department' "has studied the development of music from the first generation chant down to Mozart and Mendelssohn and its work has been exceedingly profitable and entertaining. In connection with, and as an aid to the work of the art department in studying the history of painting, a series of six lectures was under taken, illustrated by stereoptican views of the works of the old mast ers from Cimabue down to Murillo. A small fee was charged and so popular was the cource that the de partment was enabled to purchase some beautiful photographs .of famous pictures which now hang on the walls of the club room. The German literature depart ment was the first to present a gift to the club id the form of a portrait of Goethe, whose- works ' formed their basis of study during the pres ent rear. The department of German history whose vicissitudes have been many and. varied, gave the programme on April 27th and. although the study is both complex and difficult, a most .entertaining programme was given. The current topic department is very large and enthusiastic and discusses evervthinsr from Trilbv to the Chinese-Japanese treaty. Applied economies may be said to be the practical side of the depart ment of political economy which i has. ably considered such subjects as money, bimetallism, compulsory education and municipal reform. A Shakespearean travesty was "a feature of the English. literature programme, in which Portia-Juliet. Ophelia and Lady Macbeth aired their grievances. casional tea to ifsooahtlity- At ii afternoon. May partment set of handsomely of the six greatest m a. letter rrom wowld not be com word of the capab: president, Mrs. ur-uaana tiLand Club without a efficient M. Ford, mm. liajry- one per- fiiaexistence- Mi her ac- to whom, more son, tne dub o Exceedingly ver: complishments. executive ability.. Sjie:"is yell quali- enrv and fied to hold the position to whi one year ago. The club is a era! Federation and is one of" the of the Nebraska. of Clubs, whose vi popular and ho: the Omaha Woi EUZABE State Chai d trying elected tie Gen e's Club .embers eration eat, Mrs- he most bers of Besides possessing their own curtains, tables. chairs, etc, the club possesses a gavel made from the mahogonyof Ford's theatre where Lincoln was I assassinated, presented, by Mrs. S :c xowne, ana quantities of tea, cups, forth dub "indulges in an oc- A Letter from DDlsboro has, itants and is This is the most the people as a.w ant, indolent, filthy, and poor. lott nave reai Mountain Whi them in their n; . without excep tobacco, thew and manv chew as.' often puts the sn baby's mouth to There is no ch the Baptists ber on the ground preaching but on but Sunday sc Sunday. Th frame school- school is held the year; but, to hire the ch of but little A plasti The one in J.3 IllrtUC Ui inside to Most housei- ins. with' We have rTtiMPgjs m aTari' JmrWaro hajHMi or tmKra imm i I staiAi C. Una. inhab- y town- country. ignor- Sontented. "Poor you find troubled me Twice we had but the lum- Wehave a month, d everv o-sfory which l V J L 1- . l tiBHHves use oTln snuff. dFi mother vE-swa: into the XV . '- hayemrSK er.HIIIHrw tlKhs during aHpR obliged eaBkchers, it is out-HlllHwi 1H Ht'T To get ap early to allow the hen. to lay ber &gg in our bed. The hens, too, picked the meal out of the bowl, saving washing. It was funny. It was weird. I had to keep in mind that it did not kill these people to Eve in this way all the time, surely it would not me in one week. Let me give you a sample of the names down here: "Malessie Del phina Eemelina Consigma Brown." The following belong to one family: There are others, but "George" could not remember them: First George Welhn gto n Washington Cal vin Spriggs Theodore Columbus Nathaniel Napeleon Woods; second Isabella Iretta. Aretta Ringer Borr Mary Louisa Frances Jane Woods ;Third William Henry Tay lor Julius Thaddeus Nebo Scott Santee Marion Woods. They rat tle them on5 so fast you cannot un derstand them. I shall give you a sample of the dialect, and close: "Honey! Chillen!" Howdy I Waal haow d'ye come on? I'm jes tolabuL How's you'uns? Tm mighty happy in this ere kiatry. Say howdy to your maw for me. We've a. right smart o' preachin here o Sundavs. Someo'itlknow'd wan't right butl lowed as 'twas best to keep tolabul quiet like. I reckin as how thar's plenty o meat hyar coz thar war a right smart lot o' mast last year. Heapo pigs run nin' thro' th' woods with cow-bells on. I was pow'ful mizzabul when I i t j i l. t ritr ' JvUm UtlUVr II CI, UUL X III giLU mitey staout." The would-be "Tar-heeL" PhTDILEE BUSGAilAREE. Dillsboro, 25". CL, April 24, '95. JTUTICXJFO FCBOCATIOX. TjoA OSe at JFertk April 23d.KiSu ) Xotice ia ierbj-jiTM tiat ti fi iTTi i w f 1 1 j iiiiiinil Mttfec&asitled Botxc of iia istesfioa ts aate. prooi a aaseort of &a claim, aad tkat arid. proof Till b made befere tie Segter ad Sa- itw at Sorta giaae, jatevHi os. Jase Sti, 135. rizr XASGASET ttrkrt.s, who made Sumeetemd ZEtry 3To. 14329. for th Xorth-west quarter of Sectioa 12. Tcrwnsaip U. north. BasgB 31 west. He naaes tie toBowiag witBesees to prove his coattaeoas residecce upon anrt cultivation, ol said Iacd. viz Amaadaa Kanils. Jxziea Adtims, D. G rabbets, and Tieo dore Padgett, all ot Sosib. Platte. Neb. aim JOSS 7. HXJTICJJS", Sagtes StmCE FOB. P DBLITATI03 . Lasd Office at North Platte. Nebr. March IDrh. ISia. f Notice is Eerebr givea that the f oHoviascaiaed settler has filed notice of his LntestioH. to make anal proof La. support of hi claLii aad that said proofwili be made before the Rrginter aadBe ceiTer at 2Corth Platte. Nebv. oil Xaj 10th. Iffio. fix: ISA R. FACKLEK. who- made Homestead .Entry So. 1321 for the Booth half cf the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast qaarter Sectios 2. tevssfaip H aorh. saryje SSweuS- Heaameathe&IZowiBg' -witneaaes to prove bis contiauosa resideEce irpoH aad caltlTatloa of said laad. rizr Walter N- Siraracrsi. Nicholas P. Older. Abrahars Spor- 23 JOHN F. HINXAN, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION L&Ed 0ce at North Platte. Nea. I March 10th. 1SS5. i, Notice is hereby- given that the foIIowiBS aajned .-?ettier haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in. sapport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Beceiver at North Platte. Neb-, on. Mar Mth, 1S95. yiz: XICHOLAS P. OGIEH. who made Homestead EatryJfo. for the som&eaet qoarter of section W. township 11 north raageSJwesC. kt names t touowiswitBesaes do prore bis cmtinnom reside see apon. aad cultivation of said land, viz: Walter N. Sim mons. Ira. B. Fackler. Abraham Sgargin and gaaccl Farmer; all of WaQace. Neb. 23-tJ JOHN F. HINMANBegiser. Star Clotliff s I01&. stopping- . covered papered. f logrcab- ,;queer ex- smiled penences. to nave senKSpafca across the TuckaseigeesnaJJfcg- canoe tvrentr feet long-.? I jt hiring- our skirts about us, dainint of the water la the boatieyfiaiched onr- s elves on either side to balance it. hardly daring- to breatlHyJor fear "?ve might tip over, m A One morningrent'a. funeral uninvited. A woan" died up the mountain. jHEf. ,of&n was strapped to a rail add biwurht down j. on the shoulders wagon cannot n mountain homes. wedding, too. miles in a. hack. at wedding SkCui3IE forty L Hfewjas a. church I rrne -'hifH vooa. "bride looked yerj-swaetiaJaer white dress, but her i mi 1 1 aaatwn told the story of birth aad 4ALdu cation. We forded a streafa ?4wice so that x me water came broke down twi strings and rope l We have just sxarxeoirMHHi box, and up with NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION LaadOffieeatNarthPIatte. Xeb I MaRh.19th.Ii85. v" Notice is haefey give that the followihfr named settler hae filea. Betice of his isseatioB. tn- iake aai proof ia. anportof his nl-wrm and thxt gajdaroof will be siade before the 3&aster and 'Keeerrer at North Platte, Nefa. oa MarWth.l3)5.r- vtrr . aw who made Hcmstesd Eatrr No. 13.T8B for the north half of the northeast qcarter aad the north of the northwest quarter of sectio&12. town ship xl north, range 33 west, lie zsmes tne tou lowing witseses to prore his " continnoes residence- upon and cultivation, of said' FanrT. viz: Ira. H. Fackler, Abraham, porpin. Nicholas P Osier and John Staler, all of Wallace. Nebraska. JOHN F. filNMAN. 23-5 - Begister. NOTICZ FOK YCBTXCXttOS T Office at North Platte. Xeb, ? April 2d, 1S05. Notice Is hereby- given that the f ollowiay-named settler ha Hied notice of his istection t make fiaal-preotirr support of his claizn. and that said oroof will be made before Eesl-iter aad Secetver at North Platte. eb on Mar 12th. 1SG5. -rixz xbtt.t.tav COSSEESCA3r. whorsade Homestead Entry No. for the sontheajst quarter section 6. township-10 north, ramze 32 west. He names the foIIbTrins witnesses to pruve his coathraous reridence upoa aad cslti- vaCOS 0 m lanu, nz w merj . Staler. John Baier aad William Connor, all of Biciens, Kebrasica. JOES" T. wttyav, Begfeter. NDTKXOT SAXJE3 UTOTlCE IS HtlWIfKy V tke clerk of the District coart ef the Thif- teentnjaoiciaiDfetxtctof Neerasicu withia and for Idacoia cosnty, in ax. actios whereia. the 3f cKinlej-ria nwiag roaa aad Trustees pany is- plaintiff, and Albert E- WHsos et al are defendants. I will at one o'cloct in tHe af ternooH. on. the 27th dav of Mav-. lass, at tie east door of the Coexthbsse in the city of Xorth Platte. Idacoin cosaty. Nehrasa. offer for sale at peJjiic auction the f eBswinf described real eatate. to-witr The northeaac quarter of section trco 0n. tevrsship afteea (15) north, of range twenty-six (2S west, of the Sixth principal meridian, in Iiacaftx county, Nebraska- Given nndermv hand this 18h dav af April. 1SK. A.E.Hcsri3rciojr.CeroBer. Thos. c Pattxhsoj. Atty- NOTICE TO N0N-EESH3E5T OZFENPA5TS. To Conrad ZZsasermas. Tfarltac-T The Coccsrdia. Loaa and Trast Ccmt-gmmy and The Valley Loan aad Trast Cospadv? You and each of yon, will take settee that oa thelfthday of Jane, ISM, George Cotter Be. plaintiff herein, filed his petiaoa. is. Ute Bbedet Court of Lincoln eeaatT. Nesraelea, ijnfait yes and others, the object and prayer et whieh ae to foreclose a certain, mortfign exaeaaed by tke de fendants Conrad Zlsasenaaa aad r?Tjrvit "lrrrw-r man to the Xoskard larestseet CeaeyaKy. aad hy aid eespasy daly asrigaed to tki ateattS, aees the east 14 acres ef the sooth half of the seh half of section S3, in towaahip d aarth, j- 39 vest, in Lincoln county. JTebraaia. to aataie the paysecc of a. certain cospos bosd, dated Aagast Uth. 188, for the saas.eft5etf.CQ. aad dat la hve years from the date thereof; that there i sew das on said bond and morte th rs at JW-fl8. fee which sunt and taze paid, plaiatiS prays Ser a decree that defendants pay the same, or that enid premises may be sold to satisfy the asasnat feaad due. Ton are repaired to aeswer atd pedtiaa ea oc b efcre the Xth day of 3ay, 1S95. Dated April 12th, le5L OSOSGE CCTTZJt KEAL By Tinrg t BAinwrs, His Attorneys. aH4 1 STJX3CONS ET PUBLICATtOS". (TTHOXAS SXriHES AND SARAH E. J. defendant will tahe notice that on the IGta day of ApriL-lSK.Iizrie Tnttle plain tf if herein, filed her petition in. the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object aad pWyer of which are to 1 orecloee a cer tain, mortgage executed by the defendants toN. W". atcGee open the sonth half of the north half of the southwest quarter and lots 3 and 6. of section -i. in township 13 north, of range 30 westexcept six acres as or tae sotttneasc comer ot toe six sow owned by the city of North Pf.ittg, to seenretfae payment of a. certain prom theory note dated March fHE STAR CLOTHING CO. gTows misrhtier everr day It invites the -world and its (the world's) wife to call and ex- nmTne their comnlete line of BICT- lSS. for the sum of JWQJJ0 and dne aad payable amine tueir COmptCLC uuc ul jj fianve years from, the date thereof; that there is -1o sinr'fc x"P"rrtfm STitr Tn Trilbv I no-dTie upon said note and mortgage the snsr of Cie fiiUltS, JNeg-llg-e anirs in xruuj. ctt. for wJiichsam with interest from Xarch 6th, , i - . --r the rate of ten per cent per aaanra. plain- COiOrs, jNeCtties in rainDOW- UUes, 1 ait prays for a decree that defendants bereqaired , , -. . . to pay the same, or that said premises may be Hats. Caps. Gloves, Boys WaiStS soU to satisfy the amount fonnddae. Yon are required to answer said petition on or ana cjuinnjrs, ana cxents r nnusa-; before the awn day ot atay, kbs. jjaseo. a-pru. run, mro. TJ.IK TtiTTLE. Plain tiff. By omm a; Wricox. her Attorneys. al25. Lathe District Cosrt cf Lineela. Consty. Ne braska. The-State ef Nebraska. toSeymesr B. Histey. Eliza. Ksw ley, D. C.Lord. Jr Lord, wife ef D-. CLord, Jr.. defendants. Greeting: Ton. and each of yon, are hereby nettled that yo have bees. sued, together with Xiitea B. Whiteey. Charles S-rairsnfld. Harry 2. Xeosey. SanfordiLaddand7ranhHagerssae as receiv ers of the Lombard Xnvestaent Ceatpaey, a eor porattoa. as co-defendant?, by John D. Newcoah, as.pIaatiS,inthe district court of Lincoln eeay. Nebraska- aad that on or before the 13th Axr ef i jMj. jog, mage aaswerii eery-aj art tteedtfra ;iK-m.lfca tae 1 lore real el state of Nabraska, to-witr The ast Northeast quarter, and the East half of the South east quarter of Section eighteen .13. in Towa shiptairteen (13) north, Songe thirty-three west of the Sixth P. X- And said pedtiH farther prays that all the right, title, lien or interest of all of the defend ant in or to said lands, and every partthereof, be decreed junior and Inferior to the said mort gage, now owned by plain tin, and that said lands be sold and the proceeds of the sale he applied to the payment of the costs of the sale, aad of said action, and to the aawant dse the p&xis&S upon said mortgage, osd that ail of thedefead aats be barred and foreclosed cfaU Interest la or Iisn upon said land. And teat unless you answer said petition, as aforesaid, the facts therein alleged will be takes as true, and a decree will be rendered as therein prayed. Witness my hand, and theseal of said court by me atfrred at North Platte, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, this 27th day of Xarch, JSSB. W.C. TTiTKR Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska. Perry ic Small and Pulsifer & Alexander, Cc& eordia, Eansae, attorneys fer PlaintiS. fTlrst published in Thz Nokth Platzx Tkjtjs April it. isar. in all the late and nobby styles. Tl?c People's Hoizse VOTICE IS HESEBT IVKN. That by 1.1 virtue af an order of sale issued by rh rt-Tr rrf th TMrrtr i imji 1 rrf thThfr I teenth judicial district of Nebraska, within aaa. lor Lancein. county, m. art action waerem the atcKialev-TJinniTTg Ioan and Trust coui nany s plaintiff- and John. H. Allison etal are ' ttefendanta. I will at one o'clock: in the after- nooaoEtheiTthdayof the east door of the Courthouse, lit the city of Xorth Platte. Lincoln county. Nebraska. cCer for sale at jubifc: aactieKthe fellcwing'descrihed. real estate, to-witt The east naff of the southwest, quarter a&a. u six ami sevea (5 and 7) of SectJoa six (6 in. Township six teen. (15) north ef Sange twenty-eight CS) west of the Sixth, principal isexidian in Ida coin county. Nebraska Given, under nry hand this ISth day of April. ISBIt A- E. Hm-rrxscioy, Coroner. Thos. C PAirxaeojr, Att'v. ajgs YOU will find at. mountain trip, rough, hard tri rig:. We and returned S; oocioct. neiMre DLUsboro, andwtR est roads in steep, rocky. out. we saw ever betorev Thegeatt for our di users, visions ana camped in true stayed at night their window ins, and for s ate hoe-cake called it good- slept; was instead of BeadMIt i srooJ M rrom our us took a Ifcree-seated iyat6a. m. evenmg- at miles from the rough- States washed tkax Xosearite. ic-trout toot pro- ten sils, we e. We natives in 35om Io-cab- breakfast hum, and which we withes. Qharles S. CANTON The Jeweler's Cut Glass and Silverware Pearl Handled Paper Knives Cologne Bottles EHcaLgee Silver Photograph Frames Elegant Watches "o- Manicure Sets Sn35h CIacksr Dresden China cases Rings and Jewels 4ND ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES and odors S o Trouble to S!io- Goods NOTICS OF SAUL AST A. GOLVrN AND T. J. TOLET. DZTZND- ante. Impleaded irila Georze S. Gelvia. wUI take notice that on tne IQta day of Ajcn, ISefi plaintihT herein, filed her pe til ion is the district court of Lincoln eosnty. agninat mid defesdanSs, the obfect and prayer of which are to forecios a certain mcrUfagn exeested by the defrerfrati, Mary B. Goivin and George K. Golvin, to "i p tain tin open the nertheaet qaarter of the north east qoarter of section 2S, township It. range 33. in Lincoln county. Nebraska, to secure the payrseot of one pronuwory note, dated Dee 33th, litfL. and dne and cjayable in oee year frees, the date thereof, that there la now dne noon said note aad ssrtgrg the sob of one hundred dollars with interest at the rate of ten per cent from December 2Bch. U&U. asd plaintiff pray that amid, prenaiaee say be decreed to be sold to aati&fy the ausouus dne thereon aad that the right, if any there be. of defendant T.J. Toley. in or to said premise be decreed to be junior asd inferior to that of plaintiff, and that the seae be barred asd foreclosed. " Ton are required to answer said petition on or before the 3d day of Jane. 1S66. SASAH EBAtTGH, PUlntin. ByT-CTxracaoy,her ASemey. tEL STJX3CONS ST FU3UCATION. f First peilisheO. in the JToarH Psattx Txxstro, April 9th, JS65. In the District Court of T f -inotm eoasty, Ne The State ef Sebraeka, ta Pl CTJteletoB. X. W. Stapletss. - XOnCS OF SALE. VOTICE IS HKREBY GLVHS, That bv 13 virme of an order of sale issced. hv the clerk of the District court of the Thif teenthjnrticfal district of yebraaka. within and for TMncsia coentv, in an actioc wherein Thomas C Parxersott & plaintiS. and Lonis P.Derljy etal are defendants.! win at one o'cloci in the afternoon, on. the srth dav ef May; ESC5. at the east door of the Coorthonse in. the city of Xorth Piatt e. Lincoln cosntv, Xebraska, oCer for sale at pnMic anctioaSe following described real estate, to-witi? ihe soath half of the northwest quartern aad the west half of thesonthwest qnarterof SectSon twenty-six (35. in Township sixteen (15). north of Eange twenty-nine t:S) , west of the Sixth priacipal meridian. In IdncoiK. coacty. Nebraska. Given under my hand this 18th dav ef April. a. E. HtrrrGXOjr. Corwier. Thos. C PiTrntwy, Att'v. JfOTJCEOFSALE. That by by the T0T3CE JS SEXESf GIVEX, ii rxTHeot aa order eri( clerfc of the District mwrr of tnCidal OmCriet. Of "Cfan1r-, virhm l-mJt for Lincoln conaty. in an action wherein the jarrk m itry-i airwtsg ism aad. Trust company is plaint2. aad Isaac E-WDson etal are de f endant3 j: win at one o'clock: in the afterncoii on the rTth day of May. 1365. at the east door of the CoBrthoese in the-rinrof-Vru-t-, Xdncols county. Nebraska, offer for sale at Public aactioa the following- described real cas-itev is-witr 'ice northeast quarter ef section twenty-3fx (28). in township sixteen a norths of raa twenty-efr pr west, of tne Sixth, principal meridian, in. Lincoln ocnmty, Xebraaia Givea BDder my fraud, tha ISthda- of April, KiK. A. E. Hxjuxscxoy. Coroner. Taos. C- Pimacoy, Attv. Tos are hereby teaethervritt Gwvis, Jtariarlty Zlrt AaooeaX corpezartios, as p'nr"r,ittthe 5eenafca, asd yocmaet aaawer said plaiatiaT Hed fKSdanu, the dose a certain siven by safdD. bard, now owsed icjrdescr&ed S'eoraidca, to-witr tilrty-aTe (35). thirtyoar-tWi aecare thepsyates said petition farther or Interest ef aad every part ferior to the mseupufe WI LBG. Oe !KHiL paysestof the to tae itiwi mi aadzaort barred of ail ifiterent aad nalese yos. saM. tae facto aad a decree resdered seaabedac hoeia,thieg(h. Clerk of she Dietriet 4. ' fcilif rrW "PaaaT W- v I co-ief pedant?, by John leclea m & i District caars of Xiaeote couacj. Alak f . thac oa X Before Xar 2Bth tass. S f the Detaoa ie rfranrrrr et M S hrsaMlaipa..aatet said 6- ' 3al object asd aratw af Mrtt gru - aWnai. rlaimi TtxrA loth T.aea mm- C StnMne to. Jum r. T. .a BysaidpUintihr.neataefis&w- real r itiw.rienatta MnafeT mmj . "m9 The sehveafc auftcr seet&)B k tawasMp sine (3) north, rasace S f west ot t& MSf ixi x -w Sr. r flf iiii Tim i . r i-rn ivi law I praye that aUrirtt- lies' S aU said denwfa r. i a iK. I rrrrTf hm ifi i . r S' f Iieeof amid, slaietif: m i I aadtseeroeearf wiu t v i coateof eajeaadaT maid uim i Pae apoR smht note W f . asd that ma. at eh -t. v ml is. er Hew uu u Vm S f nwmtx the said setltia mm m I therein staled -win i . i Cet atTliR TT. S- Land Cfiee acSorth Hmme, Kea J April t Cnwpiat.i t havfay heem eatered at taia eee br lwibaat DaaheL aaaraaC Loyal LwBerte far U&SPiJ3-. Berthaeet garter of fc3-t towaeaip 15 aorta, raaae 32 west aeasaeeHatioB. or said eatry. the said partiee are T saaoieaad to appear at Oa tT. s. P'Ifae, 5ee es-lfealat day cf Jaae. MK,at9 o-'ctect a. t respead aad ramifh. tesfeoETconeerxia said aBeaad ihaadoaaent. ir.2OTaa3r,Sftsiatftr.