The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 26, 1895, Image 3

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Geijr-Pyne Se4actioa Case Vp Far Trial
at Mt. Ayr, la.
Mt. Ayr, la., April 25. The special
aismcc court oi Kinggold conatr ia in
session with Hon. EL M. Towner on the
bench. The noted Greiger-Payne breach
of promise and seduction case was
again before the court on motion for
continuance on the part of the defend
ant, A. C. Payne. The around for mn
tinuance was that one of the defendant's
attorneys, il. Campbell, had died A-nei
6 and that he was unprepared for trial.
The motion was overruled and the case
will be tried.
Victory For Sound Bleaej Desecrate.
Des Moines, April 25. The Demo
cratic state committee decided on Ana;.
7 for the state convention at Marshall-
town. Nathaniel French was selected
for temporary chairman. A conference
of prominent men in the party was
field atterwards in which surer was dis
cussed, resulting in the indorsement of
tne money plank in the Chicazo nlat
form of 1892, being a victory for the so-
caiiea sound money faction of the party.
Wyomtajf Officials oa a Jaalcet.
Lincoln, April 25. A party of state
officials from Wyoming, comprising
Governor Eichards, Treasurer Hay,
Auditor Owens and Miss Es telle Beele,
superintendent of schools, visited Lin.
coin and the state institutions surround
ing it. The party is making a tour of
several states, inspecting the penal and
reformatory institutions, looking for
new ideas and methods with a view of
putting them in practice in Wyoming
i better than th03e already in use.
Salt Against Policeman Falls.
Sioux City, April 25. In the case of
Tnttle against Francis ens a verdict wai
returned for the defendant. Franciscui
is a police sergeant and shot a 13-year-
old boy named Dick Morgan some td ae
ago while the boy was resisting arrest,
The boy sued for $10,000 damages. B .
fore the suit was decided he died fro
the effect of the wound and the nam
of Mrs. Turtle, his administratrix, w
substituted as plaintiff.
Insurance Bosiaeas In Nebraska In 1894.
Omaha, April 25. In Nebraska
1894 the total business written in the
way of fire insurance by Nebraska stock
companies amounted to $1,401,981, on
which premiums were received of $263,
406 and losses paid of $113,433, and in
companies of other states and countries
risks were written of $93,540,268, on
which premiums were collected oi
$1,553,044 and losses paid of $1,013,023.
Bine Racer Snakes In a Well.
Hillsborough, la., April 25. The
stock well on the farm of Joe Pope
literally swarms withlue racer snakes.
Many of them have been fished out and
killed. They average five feet in length.
The dry weather of last fall drove them
into the well.
Woman Killed by a Horse.
Guthrie Center, la., April 25. Mrs.
J. P. Maines, living on a farm six miles
south of Guthrie Center, was kicked by
a horse and killed. Mr. Maines and
wife were old settlers of the county.
Resolution Adapted by the Executive Ceaa
cil of the Federation of labor.
Indianapolis, April U5. The execu
tive council of the American Federation
of Labor adopted a resolution exonerat
ing President McBride from the charges
made against him by Mark Wild, presi
dent of the Columbus Trades' assembly,
but at the request of Mr. McBride a
member of the council will be senttc
Columbus to investigate further. Wild
claimed McBride betrayed the A. It. U.
in the settlement of the strike and that
he had been bought to keep quiet. The
drafting of proposed laws was left to
President McBride and Secretary Mc
Grath. Swear Allegiance to Cleveland.
Austin, Tex., April 25. The bi-
metallists in the legislature held a meet
ing at which they adopted resolutions
requesting the people of Texas not tc
follow in the wake of the so-called
Democrat? in the recent legislature, whe
are preparing a proclamation asking the
people to adopt the free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1
as their standard during the next state
and national campaign. The caucus
swore allegiance to President Cleveland
and the national Democratic party first,
last and all the time.
Will Ignore Silver Primaries.
Chicago, April 25. The Democratic
honest money league has issued an ad
dress to the Democratic voters of Chi
cago and Cook county, appealing tc
them to abstain from participation in
free silver primaries to be held May 3
and to entirely ignore whatever action
the state convention to be held m June
may take upon the money question.
JohaXon; Succeeds Umpire Lynch.
Washington, April 25. President
Young of the National League has ap
pointed John Long, of the New England
Leacne. a baseball umpire to succeed
Umpire Lynch.
Nebraska Forger Caught.
Albuquerque, April 25. Fred C
Green, wanted at Seward, Neb., on a
charge of forgery, has been arrested
here. He acknowledges he is the man
Two Thousand Employes Out.
Philadelphia, April 25. The carpet
and plush mills of James Dobson at
"falls of Schuylkill were closed indefi
nitely, throwing 2,000 employes out of
Denver Fool Rooms TiuitlctL
Denver, April 2C-. Three pool rooms
in this city were raided by the police de
partment. The proprietors will resisC
the attempt to close their places.
Perley Nearly Wiped Oat.
Cumberland, Wis., April 25. The
village of Perley, nine miles south of
here on the Omaha line, was nearly
wiped out by fire.
Negro 3IordererDies Game.
Richmond, "Va., April 25. Morris
Hopkins, a negro, was hanged for the
murder of S. EL H. Parsons. He died
Reorganizing the A. B. TJ.
Pendleton, Or., April 25. James
Hogan, national secretary of the A. R.
TJ., stopped in Pendleton en route from
Ogden to Spokane. He is reorganizing
unions all over the west. He states
that henceforth all meetings will be se
cret. Senator Jose Not Sick.
Kew York, April 25. A rumor was
current that Senator Jones of Nevada
was seriously ill in this city with heart
trouble. Acquaintances deny the
rumor that the senator was or had been
ill recently.
Mme. Modjeska's Chicago Speech Dis
pleased the Czar.
vaaaftiaa Conmimtaa Opposed to Frohibi
t lea Reports of Macee's Death Coa
ffnsed General Campos Having
Buy Time British Eeach Codazi.
views a. April za. Tne Kussian gov
ernment has expelled Mme. Modjeska
the well known actress, from Warsaw.
Un Ueb. 27 an order was issued by the
Russian government forbidding Mme
Aiodjesica to nil an engagement at the
Warsaw theater in consequence of
speecn she had delivered before the
Chicago Art institute on the subject o
Polish women. In
the course of her
speech Mme
Modjeska said
"We havo had a
constant struggle
An unholy alii
ance wa3 formed
to crush out bur
country, rob it of
its free govern
ment and destroy
our institutions,
Men have de
stroyed Poland,
but her women have stood guard at the
gates of their country. It was she who
preserved patriotism and honor in spite
of Siberia and what is worse, the lash.
to the everlasting disgrace of the Rus
sian government. Our enemies make
great mistake if they think they have
destroyed us. The Polish mother is
waiting patiently for the insurrection,
and if there is justice on earth she wil
not wait in vain."
Commission Opposed to Prohibition.
Ottawa, April 25. Two years ago
the Dominion appointed a prohibition
commission of five members to inquire
into and report on the question of the
advisability of adopting total prohibition
for Canada. The commissioners have
come to the conclusion, with the excep
tion of Rev. Dr. McLeod, the prohi
bition member, that the effect of prohi
bition on the various provinces of the
Dominion would be to wipe out large
and important manufacturing business.
Operations in Kansas, Iowa and Maine
lead them to believe that the prohibition
of the manufacture and sale of intoxi
cants could not be enforced in Canada
any more than in the United States.
Reports of 3Iaceo9 Death Confirmed.
Havana, April 25. Captain General
Martinea de Oampos is displaying ex
traordinary a tivity in visiting different
places on the island. Two insurgent:
wno nave surrendered connrm tne re
ports of the death of Jose Maceo, the
leader of the rebellion.
British Column Reaches Kotfazi.
London, April 25. A dispatch from
Simla says the British column under
the command of Colonel Kelly which
was proceeding to the relief of Chitral
from Gilligit, reached Kodazi, 12 miles
north of Chitral fort, on April 19.
last Year 21,010,000 Hogs Were Killed,
For Which Was Paid 8232,000,000.
Cincinnati, April 25. The Price
Current in its annual statement of pork
packing in the United States shows the
total western packing for the winter
season ending March I to have been
7,191,000 hogs, an increase of ,2,307,000
over the preceding year. Average
weight, 232.72 pounds, an increase of
15.47 pounds. The manufacture of
meats increased 258,000,000 pounds, and
of lard. 65,000,000. Stocks of meats in
the west on March 1 were 441,000,000
pounds, an increase of 191,000,000: of
pork, 249,000 barrels, an increase of
111,000; of lard, 98,000 tierces, an in
crease of 57,000. The western packing
for 12 months ending March 1 was 16,
003,000 hogs, and including the eastern
packing and seaboard slaughterings the
aggregate reached 21,619.000 hogs, for
which was paid the amount of $23ii,
000,000. tT nstlce Jackson Setter.
Nashville, Tenn., April 25. The
health of Associate Justice Jackson of
the supreme court of the United States
has steadily changed since he came to
his home, West Meade, six miles from
thii city, several weeks ago He in
tends to leave for Washington about
May 4 to sit with his colleagues during
the hearing of the income tax petitions.
After the consideration of the petitions
Justice Jackson will return to his home
and remain until the October term of
court. His physician says he may safely
make the trip to the capital.
One of the Big Four Gone.
Chicago. April 25. Nathaniel S.
Jones, the veteran speculator, known in
every wheat market in the country as
"Nat" Jones, one of the "Big Four" of
bygone days, died at St. Joseph's hos
pital in this city, lingering several weeks
in a state of paralysis. During his 20
years' residence here he became one of
the heaviest operators on the board of
Compromise With Dick's Bondsmen.
Ellsworth, Kao., April 25. The
county commissioners compromised
with the bondsmen of ex-Treasurer
Dick, who defaulted last October for
$36,000, the board accepting an offer of
10 per cent of the amount stolen.
Hall's Shortage Continues to Grow.
St. Joseph, April 25. The shortage
of County Collector Hall continues to
grow and it is now thought the deficit
is greatly in excess of the 18,400 at
first reported. Hall has not been seen
f ot several days.
Demise of Colonel Fairbanks.
ST. Johnsbubg, Vt., April 25. Colo
r el Franklin Fairbanks, president of
the Fairbanks Scale company, is dead.
Need never fear to make that contem
plated trip east if he or she will trust to
the Chicago, Union Pacific &Northwest
ern Line. Quickeft time. Fewest
changes. Union depots.
For full information call on or address
N. B. Olds,
Agent U. P. System.
all agree that the solid vestibuled trains
of the Chicago, Union Pacific & North
western line distance all competitors. Nc
change or delay at the Missouri river
j or fall information call on or addres.'
N. B. Olds, agent U. P. spstem.
England's Method of Forcing Her Claim
Against Nicaragua.
New York, April 25. Frederick R.
Coudert, Tho is recognized as leading
in practice: of international law in this
country, when asked for his views of
the report that force would be used to
compel Nicaragua to accede to Great
Britain's demand, Mr. Coudert said:
"If I were an enemy of Great Britain
I would be glad if she did. Our people
don't want bombardments by foreign
people on this continent. Whether it
is against the Monroe doctrine or not.
American people have a strong feeling
on that subject. They don't like to see
a big nation bullying a little nation,
even if the big nation is the United
States and the little one Chile. Bom
barding helpless nations is at the best
brutal and expensive. It may turn out
that the expense may be greater to
Great Britain than to Nicaragua.
"The most painful part of it is that a
great government should deliberately
step backward. The whole sentiment
of the world is against a settlement of
disputes bv the old fashioned way of
war, and arbitration is growing to be
the hope of civilization. As the century
closes I cannot help thinking that this
coercion on the part of a powerful na
tion against a weak one, which might
result in war, is worse than a blunder
it is a crime."
Special offer, for thirty days
only I will f tnrnisliPastel potraits
J.OX4U in nice iidiuciui umj
Satisfaction g-uranted.
Wm. Munsox, Agent.
Madeline Pollard to Take a Trip.
New York, April 25. Madeline Pol
lard, who recovered $15,000 damages in
her suit with Colonel W. C. P. Breckin
ridge, but who has not been able to col
lect the amount, sails on the Cham
paigne Saturday as the companion of a
charitable lady, who will make a four
years' trip around the world. Miss Pol
lard has been living with friends in this
city under the pseudonym of Mary Hig
gins for a short time, but she left them
because her identity became known and
she wanted to spare them the humilia
tion of an' exposure.
' Mexican Southern Sold.
Puebla, Mex., April 25. It is re
ported here that the Mexican Southern
railroad, which runs from this city and
Oaxaca, has been sold to the Inter
oceanic railroad, and that the road will
be immediately extended from Oaxaca
to Tehuant?pec, where connection will
be made with the National Tehuan
tepec railroad. Hon. Delfin Sanchez,
the railroad magnate ol Mexico, and the
concessionaire of the Interoceanic line,
bas left for Europe, the object of his trip
being to secure the necessary capital for
the building of the proposed extension.
lower Rate 2Tor Oranges.
Denver, April .25. The interstate
commerce commission now in session in
this city has given a decision of great
importance to soathern California
orange grower by granting to the rail
roads terminating jn California and
their connections authority to make a
lower rate for oranges to the Atlantic
seaboard cities than to intermediate
points. The old rate was 90 cents. The
new rate will probably be 60 cents.
tasters Protective 'Union.
-Boston, April 2a. iip annual con
vention of the Lasters' Protective union
of North America is in "Session inthis
city. The most important question
be decided by the convention is whether
the union will disband or continue to
exist, many members claiming that the
new international organization of shoe
workers will answer all the purposes of
the present lasters' organization.
Moline Plow V.'orks at St. Louis.
St. Louis, April 25. The Moline
Plow works of Moline, His., have, it is
announced, practically closed the lease
of irround in this city on which the
company will erect a five-story building
40x103 feet, costing $40,000. At present
the Moline Plow company operates a
$l,0lK),0Q0 plant at Moline. It expects
to have the headquarters here opened
for the fall business
Finest line ever shown in
the city. Inspection respect
fully invited.
Nb.8 Atlantic Express
No. 4 Fast Mail
No. 2 Limited
No. 28 Freight ,
No. 18 Freight
No. 22 freight
Trie American Tobacco Co.
Largest Circulation in Nebraska.
It isn't much wonder that the
State Journal now" has the
circulation in Nebraska. It has
reduced its price to 65 cents a month
with Sunday, or 50 cents without
Sunday; it has been spending" more
money for Nebraska news than any
other paper; it has on its staff such
men as Bixby, Walt Mason, and
Annm. The Journal is being-
pushed at every point and is climb
ing- steadily and surely away ahead p RIMES & WILCOX,
r il i-1 i i. -r- , I VT
ol mc uiuci a idle ucLiues. ir eopie
like a Lincoln paper. Especially
as the Journal
Dept 12:10 a. m.
S 30 A. 21.
.. " 9:20 a. ;t.
.. "70 a. a.
" 60 r. ai.
... " 40 a. m.
No. 7 Pacific Ezcrcsa Dept 7-I0a. s
No. 1 Limited " 11:00 p. h
No. 21 Freieht ' 850 r. 21
No. 23 Freight " 8:20 a. m
N. 3. OLDS. Agent.
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
when it is as good
Office over North Platte National Bant-
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. F. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J-Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
bv their nrm
West & Truas, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, O. , Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Uruggists, Toledo, Uhio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acimg airecuy upon tne 0100a and
mucous surfaces of tbe svstem. Price
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Subscribe for the Semi
Weekly Tribune..
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacific Ep"'""'"
and Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streitz's Drug Store.
M. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women
and Children a Specialty.
Chicago Grain and Provision.
Ciitcago. April 23. Wheat started firm to
day on the dry weather scare. The forecast-
for the next 3G houra jrave no indication of re
lief, and there waa some rather nervous cover
ings of short3, offerings being light.
Corn was firm with wheat and on receipt!
tinder the estimate.
Oata were firm with wheat and corn
frovisiona were sugntir nigher on more
moderate hog receipt3andan advance in prices
at the yards.
"WHEAT April, 30c: May. COc; July 61Jic:
September, 62sc
CORN April. 47c; H:iy,47Wc: July. 47c bid:
September. ISJaS-WJc.
OATS April, 2SKc ; May. 2SKc ; June. 29kfc :
July, 2Sl528jc; September. 26JCc.
POSK April, f 12.15; May, $12.20; July. $12.47;
September, $12.12.
LAKD April, J6.S5; May. 16.83 ; July. $7.00;
September, $7.15.
RIBS May, $0.23; July. $3.4(X36.42: SeDtem-
ber, 5t.5o.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, April 25. HOGS Receipts, 22.000
head ; left over ,3,000 head; heavy, slow, barely
steady, others 5c higher; light verystrone:
light, $4.504.93; mixed, $4.504.90; heavy, $4.40
5.0J; rough, $4.404.70.
CATTLE Receipts, 7,500 head, includine
1,500 Teians ; market firm to ICc higher.
SHEEP Receipts, 11,000 head; market slow
and weak.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Ojtaha, April 25. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 630 head; 1300 to 1500 lbs., $5.0U5.75;
1100 to 1300 lbs., $4.5355; 900 to 1100 lbs.. $4.00
4.75: choice cows, $2.75(33.75; common -cows,
$L252.50; good feeders, $3.0033.75; common
feeders, $225s3.C0; market stronger.
HXib Keceipts. -'.SCO head; light. $4,500
465; mixed. $4.60(24.65; heavy, $4.604.73;
market 5c higher.
SHEEP Muttons,
5.00; market steady.
$3.0Q4jO; lambs, $3.50j
A lily That Worked.
"Why do you call rae a lily?" asked
the pretty soubrette.
" 'She toils not, neither does she
spin, " quoted the enamored youth.
"Toil, I believe, means to work,"
murmured the maiden.
Then she worked him for a pair of
diamond earrings and did a pirouette
to show she was no lily. Lcs Aneeles
Pernambuco, when translated into
English, means the "mouth of helL"
The allusion is to the temnestuous surf
that continuallyrenders the neighbor
hood dangerous to the sailor.
The Greeks, when traveling, wore
hats in winter of cloth or felt; in sum
mer of plaited straw, with broad brim
A Close Rese mb lance.
"There are same point3 about your
writings that much resemble Shake
speare,' said the editor.
"Do you think: so?" cried, the delight
ed author, who had brought hi3 contri
bution in with his own hand.
"Yes," the editor continued", "yoa
employ almost the same punctuation
marks. "Rockland Tribune.
Kittell & Van Natta,
Prospective schemes investigated. Un
profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys,
Maps, .Estimates and reports made, and
construction superintended.
Office in North Platte M.,4.L Dlii M-L
National Bank Bldg, L" ' IcULtf, MtJU.
Goal Cilj Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Life insurance
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
Notary Public.
3,000. m$ of DM Land.
Land and Emigration Ajient.
GEO. NAUMAN'S ird 5cut$d;
meats at wholesale and re-
can. nisn ana urame m
season. Sausage at all
Contractor and Bite
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Yine,
fcimes. Cash paid for Hides. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA.
Hershey & Co.
For Scrses, Cattle, ShMft Dcgs, Hcgs,
ACT) FOULTSY. Bek a Treataeat f Aaiauris
aad Chart Seat Free.
ccbzs ( FeTenbCaaffeatiaasUalaamatiaa
A. A.iSaiaal M eaiagitis, Milk FeTer.
B. B. Straiaa, Iaateaesa Kkeaatatiaai.
C. C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
D. D Bats ar Grass, Wsrats.
E. E.Ceashs, Heaves, Faeaaiaala.
F. F. Colic ar Gripes, Bellyache.
G. G. -.Miscarriage, Heaisrrhages.
H. H. Uriaary mm Kieaey Diseases.
I. I.ErtiTe Diseases, Maaae.
J. K.. Diseases sf Digestisa, Paralysis.
Single Bottle (oxer 50 doses), . - .0
Stable Case, with Specifics. MaaoaL
Veterinary Core Oil sad Xedfcator. $7.00
Jar Teteriaary Care Oil, . l.0
SoU kyantthta; mr Mat srauJs ssfwkma hiV
cttUtr aa nedft af frit.
HTir skits' n. ca,, 111 iiisninn sc., 5wT.
IaassayMus. ThsasJy lULuaanl wmsdyte
tarns Mifty, Vital Wnkits,
sad T1 ill silos, from Wwaksc ether esasw.
f 1 per ral. or Sviai sad Ucss rial sowdsr.torffc.
Sold by DnnslJU, or Mat panoaldon receipt of price
mrmiTi sis r . 111 1 111 marii .ttihThi
Farm and Spring- Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pump3; Barb
Wire, Eto.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
Funeral Director.
A. full line of first-class funeral
always in stocks
Telegraph orders promptly attPndpd to
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the pnhlic
invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied, with the best make ot tables
and competeni attendants will suddIv- all your wants.
I desire to sell the hay crop for
1895, on the large Sidney Dillon
Island located at Sutherland, sec
tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and
sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in towir
14 north, all in range 34 west, to
the highest bidder for cash. Bids
will be received up to July 1st,
1S95, and reserve the right to reject
any and all bids. N. B. OLDS.
If you make the trip via the Chicago,
Union Pacific & Northwestern Line.
Fewest changes to Chicago and other
eastern cities. Through vestibuled trains
composed of dining cars, first and second
class sleepers and free reclining chair
For full information call on or address
N. B. Olds,
Agent II. P. System.
WASHnfGTox, D. C, Mareh 12, 1S95.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
who may have ci.ums against tho'North
Platte National Bank" North Platte,
Nebraska, that the same must be pre
sented to Mr. Milton Doolittle. Receiver.
with legal proof thereof, within three
months from this date, or they may be
J.iiEs H. Eckels,
21m3 Comptroller of the Currencv.
notice fob ptjcucatiox.
Luad Office at Xorth Platte. Neb., )
April 23tl, 1$!5. J
Notlco la hereby civen that the followin'r-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Eetrister and Ue-
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on June
Sth, viz:
who made Homestead Entrr No. 14.239. for the
Northwest; qn.irter of Section 1 Townshfo 11.
north, Kanse 31 west. Ua namcalhe following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz Amandas
Konkle, James Adams, D. G. TIbbels, and Theo
dore Padgett, all of North Platte, Neb.
a-b JOHN F. HJNilAN, Eegiater
TJ. S. Land OOce at Nnrih Platte, Neb.,
April 21th, 1S05.
Complaint having been entered at this oince bv
Abraham Duniid against- Loyal L. Morton for
abandonins his Homestead Entry No. 1317G, dated
imyj-jin. isbv, npon tne northwest onartcr of
section 10, township 15 north, ranee S3 west
in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with n view to
the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are
hereby summoned to anpear at the U. S. Land
Olfice, North Piatte, Neb., on the 1st day of June,
lSOo, at 9 o'cloct a. m.. to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandonment.
a'Mi JOHN F. HLXSUN, Register.
Land Ofilce at North Flatte. Neb.,
March inth, lfcOT.. J
Notice is hereby given that the foHowine-named
settler has filed notice of her intention to make
final proof In support of her claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 27th,
1S03, viz:
on Homestead Application No. VSl for the fcouth
eastquarter section 21, township 9 north, range 2
west ot tne nut principal meridian, sne names the
following witnesses to prove her continnons rei
dence npon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Melissa F Van2atta, William T. VanNatta and
Edward O. Eves, all of Buchanan. Nebraska, and
Jesse T. Will, of Curtis. Nebraska.
JOHN F.HTN3IAN. Register.
Land Office at North Platte, Nebr.)
March 19th. 1S93. f
Notice is hershy given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
hnai proof m support of his claim and that said
proof, will be made before the Kegwter and Re
ceiver at JNorth riatte, JSeb., on Hay 10th
iG'j.i, viz:
1KA n. r Avh-LEK.
who made'Homesteau Entry No. 15.."521 for the
south half of the southwest onartcr and- the wwt
half ot tne southeast quarter section 2. township
11 nor" h, range 33 west- He names the following
witnesses to prove his continnons residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz: 7alter
N. oimmons, Nicholas P. Ogier. Abraham Spur
gin and Samuel Farmer, all of Wallace. Neb.
23 J OHN F. 1UN1IAN, Register.
1M virtue of an order of sale Issued by
tte clerk of the District court of the Thir
teenth judicial district of Nebraska, within,
and for Lincoln countv, in an action wherein
the McKlnley-Lanning Loan and Trust company-
is plaintiff, and John H. Allison et al are
defendants, I will at one o'clocit in. the after
noon on the 27th day of May. 1S95, at the east
door of the Courthouse, in the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following described
real estate, to-wit: The- east half of the
southwest quarter and lots six and seven
(8 and 7) of Section six (6) in Township six
teen (16) north of Range twenty-eight (28)
west of the Sixth principal meridian in Lin
coln county. Nebraska
Given under mv hand this 18th day of April.
1S95. Al E. HUXTEfGTOjf, Coroner.
TH03. C. Patteksox, Att'y. a!95
ll virtue of an order of sale issued bv
the clerk of the District court of the Thir
teenth judicial district of 'Nebraska, within
and for Lincoln countv. In an action wherein
Thomas C Patterson & plaintiff, and Louis
P. Derby et al are defendants. I will at one
o'clock in the afternoon on the 27tn day of
iTav, 1S95. at the east door of the Courthouse
in the city of North Platte. Lincoln county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the
following- described real estate, to-wit: The
south half of the northwest quarter, and the
west half of the southwest quarter of Section
twenty-six (26). in Township sixteen (16),
north of Range twentv-nine t29), west of the
Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln county,
Given under my hand this 18th day of April,
1S95. A. E. Huntogtox, Coroner.
Thos. C. Patieksox, Att'v.
1 virtue of an order of sale Issued hvth
clerk of the District court of the Thirteenth
judicial district of Nebraska, within and
tor Lincoln county. In an action wherein the
McKinley-Lanning Loan and Trust company
is plaintiff, and Isaac E. Wilson et al are de
fendants.! will at one o'clock In the afternoon
on the 27th day of May. 1S95. at the east door
of the Courthouse in thecity of North-Platte.
uuikuiu (.uuiiij , .iculiuiui, vuer lor sue ul
public auction the following; described real
estate, to-wit: The northeast quarter ef
section twentv-six (26), in township sixteen
16) north, of range twenty-six (26) west, of
the Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln
county. Nebraska.
uiven under my hand this isth dav of April,
ISUo. A. E. HtXNTTXGTOJr. Coroner.
Thos. C. Patxehsoit, Atfy.
1 virtue of an order of sale issued bv
the clerk of the District court of the Thir
teenth Judicial District of Nebraska, within
and for Lincoln county. In an action wherein
tne Aicivimey-Lanning Loan ana Trustcom
pany is plaintiff, and Albert E. Wilson et al
are defendants, I will at one o'clock in the
afternoon on the 27th day of May, 1S95, at the
east door of the Courthouse In the dtr of
North Platte. Lincoln countv. Nebraska-
offer for sale at public auction the following
aescrioeu reai estate, to-wie: Tne northeast
quarter of section two (2), township fifteen
lot north, of range twentv-six (26) west, of
the Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln
jounty, Nebraska.
Given under m v hand this 18th dav of Anril.
IS&5. A. E. Hcxtixgton, Coroner.
Tnos. C. Patterson. Att'v.
Land Office at North Platte. Neo. I
March 19th. 1S95. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named pettier has filed notice of hi intention to
make hrnil proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on May 10th,
lHlfiJ VIZ
who mado Homestead Entry No. 16,9?, for the
sonthefist quarter of section 10, township 11 north
range 33 west, lie names the following witnesses
to prove his continnons residence upon anu
cultivation of eeid land, viz: Walter N". Sim
mons, Ira B. Fackler. Abraham Sporgin and
Samnel Fanner, all of Wallace. Neb.
23J5 JOHN F. HIN11AN, Register.
Land OHice at North Platte. Neb.. )
March 20th. 1S65. f
Notice is hereby given that th fnlTnrrinrr
named settler filed notice of his intention to
maKennai prootmsupportof hisclaim.and thai
sud proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at North Platte. Neb., ton April 27th,
1S95, viz:
who mado Homestead Entry No. 16.420 for the
northwest quarter of Section 10. Townshia i-
uunu. luiuge est. uq names tiie following
witnesses to prove his continuous rpsidpno..
npon and cultivation of said and. viz: John
R. L'hapin. James Montamic. Fmnrfs Mnntnrmo
and Theodore Pagett. all of North PL-it te. Neb
!!; innv y nivn v d
- . ujju.i, -twsister.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb
. . , . March 19th. 1MW. f
Notice is hereby siven that th foTnTr-;.
named settler has tiled notice of his
make final proof in supportof his claim and that
said proof will be made before tl'e Register anu
Keceiverat North Platte, Neb., on May 10th. 1S93
who made Homestead Entry No. 15.705 for the
north half of the northecst nnnrtomnil )UnnL
half of the northwest ouarter ofswrinn r ,rn
Ship 11 north, range 33 west. He names the fol
lowing witnes;?cs to pro7& his continents roi.
dence npon and cultivation of said land, viz
Ira B. Fackler, Abraham tjpurgin. Nicholas P
Ogierand John Stale, all of Wallace. Nebraska.
Land Office at North Matte. Neb,
March ISth. 1S95. f
.Notice is hereby given thatthfnllowini-.nrmvr
settler ha3 filed notice of his intention to niaki
hnal proof in eepport of his claim, and that sail,
prrof will be made before Register nnif Itiveivor
at North Platte. Neb., on Annl 27th. 1S0.1. yIt-
who made Homestead Entrv No. 15 ('IK. fnr tho
southeast quarter section 10, town-hip 12 north,
range 31 went. He namw the following wit
nesses to prove his continnons rf5idptn- nimn
aDd cultivation of said land, viz: Josenh H.
baker. David E. Baker. Milo M.finirpr.mff .rhn
E. Koontz, all of North PJatte. Nebraska.
22-tf JOHN F. HJNMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb., J
April 2d, f
Notice i hereby given that the following-
settler hat tiled noiice of his intention to make
final proof In support ot his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register and Receiver
at North Platte. Neb., on May 13th. IZ'jo, viz:
who made Homestead Entrv No. l."i.74."i fni- th
southeast quarter section 0. towc-hlo 1(1 nnrth
rangt- 32 west. He names the following witnr
to prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: WalterN. Simmons, John
Staley, John Baker and Wiiliam Connor, all of
Dickens, Nebraska
.! JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
J. defendant, will take notice that
day of pril. InDS. Lizzie Turtle plaintiff herein
filed her petition in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against said defendant", the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed bv th defi-mnt., ,
W. McGee UDoathe south half nf th nnh
the southwest quarter and lots 5 ami
-, in township 13 north, of range 30 west,except six
acres ott of the southeast corner ot lot six now
owned by the city of North Platte, to -ecure tho
payment of a certain Dromissorv nnt.ia, -r 1.
6, 1S8S, for the sum of SSOO.OO and due and payable
in five years from the date thereof; that there is
now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of
?S J ? sum Mth Merest from March 6th.
1MU, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, plain
tig prays for a decree that defendants be required
to pay the same, or that said premkes may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before tho 2Cth day of May, 1S93.
uaiea dpra iuinT 1'J:.
,7 . LIZZIE TOTTLE, Plaintiff.
By GcntES & Wilcox, her Attorneys. al23.
To Conrad Zimmerman. Bachael Zimmerman.
The Concordia Loan and Trust Company and The
uiiej x.uiui anu xruat uompouy:
Von and each of you. will take notice that on
the 16th day of June, 1S94, George Cotter Beal,
plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District
Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you
md others, the object and prayer of which are to
oreclo-e a certain mortgage executed by the de
lendants Conrad Zimmerman and Rachael Zimmer
man to the Lombard Investment Company, and by
aid company duly assigned to this plaintiff, upon
Jie east 1(5 acres of the south halt of the south,
half of section 35, in township 9 north, range 30
west, tn .Lincoln county, .Nebraska, to secure the
payment of a certain coupon bond, dated August
utn, iboa, tor tne sum ot 9.)iju.uo, and due In five
years from the date thereof; that there Is now due
on said bond and mortgage the sum of $510.00, for
which sum and taxes paid, plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants pay the same, or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer said netition on or
b efore the 2Cth day ofMay, 1S93.
Dated April 12th, 1S95.
By FBZxcn & Baldwin, His Attorneys. al6t
In the District Court otLlncoln County, Ne
braska. The State of Nebraska to Seymour B. Hawley,
Eliza Hawley, D. C. Lord, Jr., Lord, wife of
D. C. Lord, Jr., defendants. Greeting:
You, and each of you, are hereby notified that
you have been sued, together with Milton B.
tVhitney, Charles S. Falrchild, Harry E. Mooney,
Sauford B. Ladd and Frank Hagerman as receiv
ers of the Lombard Investment Company, a cor
poration, aa co-defendants, by John V. Newcomb,
is plaintiff, in the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and that on or before the 13th day of
ilay, liUn, you must answer the petition in chan
cery filed therein against said defendants, by said
plaintiff, in which the plaintiff aaks for a decree
foreclosing the mortgage given by said defendant
Seymour B. Hawley and Eliza Hawley to the Lom
bard Investment Company dated October 19th,
1690, and covering the following described
-eal estate situated In said county of Lincoln, and
tate of Nebraska, to-wit: The East half of the
Northeast quarter, and the East half of the South
east quarter of Section eighteen f!9). in. Town
ship thirteen (13) north, Range thirty-three (33),
west ot the Sixth P. M.
And said petition further prays that all the
right, title, lien or interest ot all ot the defend
ants in or to said lands, and every part thereof,
oe decreed junior and inferior to the said mort
gage, now owned by plaintiff, and that said lands
Oe sold and tne proceeds of the sale be anolled
co the payment of the costs of the sale, and of
-aid action, and to the amount due the plaintiff
upon said mortgage, and that all of the defend
ing be barred and foreclosed of all interest in or
ien upon said land. '
And that unless you answer said netition. aa.
iforesaid, the facts therein alleged will be taken
is true, and a decree will be rendered as therein
Witness my hand, and the heal of said court by
me affixed at rth Platte, in Lincoln county.
Nebraska, this 27th day ot March, 1S.
Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln Connhr.
Ferry & Small and Pulslfer & Alexander. Con
cordia. Kansas, attorneys for Plaintiff.
Tirst published in Thz North Plattx TnraurfE
April 2d, 1S95.)
L ants, impleaded with George R. Golvin. will
ike notice that on the 10th dav of Anril. isor.
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district
court of Lincoln county, against said defendants.
ne uojecc ana prayer 01 wnicn are to foreclose a
;ertaln mortgage executed bT the defendants.
ilary R. Golvin and George E. Golvin. to th
plaintiff upon the northeast quarter of the north
east quarter of section 2fi, township 14, range 33, In
uucoin county, neorassa, to secure the payment
t one promissory note, dated Dec. 20th. lS'Jlunii
lue ami qayable in one year from the date thereof,
.hat there is now dueunon said note and mortnTirA
the sum of one hundred dollars with interest at the
rate of ten per cent from December 20th. 1S01. and
plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed
o oe oiu 10 sansiy tne amount due thereon and
hat the right, if any there be. of defendant T. J .
Foley, in or to said premises be decreed in c
junior and inferior to that of plaintiff, and that
.ho same be barred and foreclosed.
iou are required to answer said netition on or
before the 3d day of June, 1S93.
SARAH BRAUGH, Plaintiff.
By T. C. Patteeson, her Attorney. al24.
First published in the Nobth Platte TBratrvi:
In the District Court of Lincoln
The State of Nebraska, to Daniel "C. Stapleton.
r. Stapleton, Htanletnn 1fa t nr
Scapleton. WIL-on S. Gould, Ella Stanletnn..!
ilary Stapleton, greeting:
You are hereby notified that
together wiUi P. L. Harper, P. B'" GavInV Eva b!
Giivin. Morlarity Trumble & Company and the
fcirst National Bank of North P!tt -
corporation as co-defendants, by John Eccles as
plaintiff. In the District court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, and that on or before May 20th, 16S5
you must answer the petition In chancervTnf th
said plaintiff filed in said action, against said de
ieuuants. the obiect and
close a certain mortgage, dated Jfarch 19th. 1883
given by said D C. Stapleton to James L. Lom-
.miu, now owuea Dy saia plaintiff, upon the follow
ing described real estate, situate In Lincoln county.
. ' T Boumwesi quarter section
nirty-ttvo I3.). townshln nln TOi
thirty-four (34) west of th xi-rth ri t -t ,n
secure the payment of a promissory note of 5CO.0O;
said peUUou further prays that all right, title, lien
or Interest of all said defendants In or to said land
and every part thereof be decreed junior and in-
... luo angage lien 05 said plaintiff; that
said land be sold and the nroceeda annl(! t.
payment ot the costs of sale and of said action and
totheamouut due to the plaintiff npon said note
and mortgage, and that all of the defendants be
barred ot all interest In. ni- Hn
and - unless yoa answer the said petition aa afore
"cw merein stated will be taken as true
and a decree rendered as therein prayed
Witness my hand and the seal nt in 1
me afflied at North. Platte. Iim-nin mnr V?
braska, this Sth day of April, 1S95. '
Cll District Court oortS, Ne-.
Frasr & Satux
Puxsms & Alkzatozk.
ConQordla, Kansas, Attorneys for Plaintiff
- t