The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 26, 1895, Image 1

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fa Sfetfame.
NO. 33.
Warm Weather lias Come
And the time to put away your ivinter goods is here.
4 "
iias a complete line of summer goods for wearing apparel
Dress goods, underwear, laces and embroideries, Broad
cloth in all colors for capes, summer corsets, veilings, rib
bons, summer mitts, lace and chenille curtains, scrims for
curtains, window shades.
We have also received our summer line of capes and
jackets. Ladies' shirt waists, Swiss children's bonnets,
the latest styles. We have also received a fine line of
Oxford ties, toe slippers and shoes in tans and black for
ladies, misses and children. Our stock is all fresh and
clean and we have a large assortment from which to
select at prices that will defy all competition.
Special for Saturday,. Monday and Tuesday, April
27, 29 and 30, 25 yards of the best yard wide unbleached
muslin for one dollar. Only 25 yards to each customer
The Boston Store.
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.
City and CountyNews.
C. P. Ross came in from Lin
coln this morning".
Voorhees Lucas, physician and
surgeon, office, City Pharmacy.
A strolhne- book-binder was
one of the variations yesterday.
Charley Burklund and Henry
Coker, of Sutherland, are in town
Dr. P. J, Morrill expects to leave
to-nisrht for the central part of the
A musicale was held at the
Williams' residence one evening1
this week.
The city schools are closed to
day, all but four of the teachers
being1 in Sidney. f (
The O. E. S. held one of their
pleasant socials at Masonic hall
last evening".
Nellie Cronin well entertained
a number of her friends at a birth
day party to-morrow.
M. B. Cryderman has pur
chased of Guy A. Laing a fine span
of horses for one of his drav
H iotoli ud. Henhey lews.
The north river is on, the boom.
A car load of ties was sidetracked
at this station, one day recently.
Attorney G&tt, of North Platte,
transacted legal '"'business in this.
section the other- day.
Quite a few "prairie schooners"
have passed Sown the line within
the' past week.
K. W. Calhoun will break out.
about twenty or twenty-five acres
of land upon his farm at this place
this season.
There is but very iittle water
flowing- in the south river at the
present time.
. Ditch superintendent Seeberger,
of the hub, was looking- after busi
ness in this locality on "Wednesday.
Patterson & Alexander, of the
Platte, have put in about one hun
dred acres of a crop upon their farm
near this station this season.
C. S. Trovillo will plant between
twenty and thirtyiacres of potatoes
this season
Ed. Loveland, of the county seat,
paid W. H. Sullivan S3 per hundred
MISS KATE WOOD is now in charge of the very
m and fate
ever exhibited in the city of North Platte.
Call and examine them.
-j- - -a.
Alfalfa, potatoes, corn and hay
will make this country prosperous.
Buy your Seeds of Harrington & Tobin. We are here to stay.
. , v Anthracite and Bituminous Coal
Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
3STO- 3496.
Capital, -Surplus,
E. M. F. LEFLANGr, Pres't.,
A General Bankmo- Business Transacted.
Drugs Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Window Glass, Machine Oils,
Diamanta Spectacles.
-The local wheel club will, at
the meeting- to be held May 2d,
make arrangements for the bicy
cle meet.
The Tribune has several extra
copies or tlie new irrigation law
which it will give to persons desir
ing- the same.
A sufficient number of people
did not assemble last evening- to
anization of a mu
sical association.
Mrs. M. O'Hare is having- the
nterprise bakery repaired and
lie interior otherwise renovated,
which adds much to its appearance.
S.- G. Smith came in from
Omaha this morning where had
been purchasing- a stock for the
confectionery store he will open in
the Foley block on May 1st.
Buffalo Bill opened his show
in Philadelphia Monday, immense
amiieuces; aiveirding oofn alternoonJ
and "evening. The show will re-
Ouaker city for two
main in the
Mrs. D. C. Congdon and Miss
Lottie Kusterer are among the lat
est to invest in bicycles. The aggre
gate value of -wheels in town, will
soon reach the ten thousand dollar
As a sample of what women
can do in the way of the art pre
servative Mrs. Morris Fowler will
give a little exhibition of her skill
as a compositor in this office one
day next week.
The initial Saturday evening
concert by the Gordon band has
again been postponed by reason of
several members being out of town.
Leader Bristol should lariat his
boys and thus keep them at home.
Eng-ine 1473 passed through this
city yesterday en route for the
Wyoming division after receiving
an overhauling in the Omaha shops.
Jsunday night; but Miss Ellen will
hot return for a few days
Several persons are hauling-baled
pounds for a fat steer one day this hay from the island and shipping it
weec rrom iviaxweii
Sam Funkhouser threshed millet T POam: asrys in one week
for Joseph-Kiiott two or three days and ?et a11 in one day-Arbor day
I iiiii viii i ;iv
Work on the extension of the
O'Fallon lateral is progressing
Superintendent Park, of the
county capital, had about 3,000
fruit trees of various varieties set
out upon his farm
here this week.
"VV. W. Scott, of the county me
tropolis, who organized the Sunday
school at this place a little over a
year ago, attended prayer meeting
here on Wednesday evening- and
gave a short talk upon Sunday
school work to those present.
The Hershey pettifogg-er who
dealt out the relief seed and feed at
that village on Tuesday came very
near getting liis "minj busted" by
a man who hauled a Toad of it from
the Platte to that place and who he
charged with . appropriating- some
sure you are right before you pro
and wash day!
A certain young- man, very popu
lar in our small town, did not
attend the dance last Friday night
because no one would make for him
a paper flower.
Miss Mary Magovern visited
northeast of f riends in North Platte las t Su nday .
At present there are twenty-four
scholars in the Maxwell school.
This is the larg-est attendance our
school has ever had.
Judging from the appearance of
things "after the ball was over" it
was evident that several persons
had lost their hearts. Those were
all candy hearts of course. The
floor. was fairly decorated with them.
A few persons from the south
side of the river attended our
literary last Saturdaj night.
Among whom were Miss Christine
Ericson and Mr. Votaw both of
:-rrloi ticmcliiurr near Cottun-
wood Springs.
Last Saturday
night nine of
Graves, of their invitation. and on snenkinor nf
mi. -t Atrr. i. i J I r t
"cm. eabL lUe same uayn the Flatte, will preach at Hershey it afterwards he said "I
to taKe ner piace m tne same hos
North Platte will be well rep
resented at the meeting- of the
Western Nebraska Educational
Association being held at Sidnej
Among those who went up on train
No. 7 this morning were Misses
Peckham, Thoelecke, Babbitt,
White, VonGoetz, Darby, Patter
son, Annie aud Mabel McNamara,
Duncan and Fenwick and Messrs.
Barber, Orr and Dick.
Latest Styles of
with fringe,
Our citizens were aroused from
their slumbers at 12:45 last night
by an alarm of fire. The usual
rapid response of the fire depart
ment followed, and the blaze was
discovered to be on the roof of a
house on North Locust street, but
was extinguished before any par
ticular damage ensued. Those
first on the ground seem to think
that the fire was started by a piece
of burning waste being thrown on
the roof with incendiary intent-
North Platte had two appli
cants for the position of deputy oil
inspector, but Governor Holcomb
has ruthlessly cast them aside and
has appointed James C. Dohlman
of Chadron, as deputy for this dis
trict. This being the case, Mr.
Keliher will not resign the deputy
sheriffship and Mr McCarty will
probably continue to heave black
diamonds into the fire-box of engine
It is reported rthat ' Joe Aveline, North Platte's popular young men
who owns a farm' just -east of this visited our literary society, that is,
place and was burned, .out by the six of them were visitors, three
prairie fire in the spring of 1893, having come to debate with the
and has since resided in the east j Maxwell boys. They arrived early
and at present is a resident of Chi- in the evening and after putting up
cago, expects to return with his their teams and having supper they
family to his farm, where lie will wanted to see the town. They
erect a jiew residence and make it walked up and down all the princi-
their future home.. pal streets first, then visited the
Mrs. Frank Funkhouser marketed new store, after which they com-
a load of potatoes at the comity posed a song about Maxwell and
seat the fore part of the week. sang it on their way to the new
The Patterson & Alexander ditch- bridge. After seeing the bridge
mg gang is putting -fhe finishing they made a call upon Johnnie Hor
touches upon their contract on this rigan, a lonely bachelor who dwells
end oi the Farmers & Merchants' by the river side. No doubt he was
canal. much frightened at first, but he
E. W. Murphy, of Pallas, passed was at ease in a moment on finding
up the grade a few days since. We out who the boys were, especially
J ! J i 1 1 f l 1 m -m
uiu uul iearn nis aestmation. as ne recognized among them an
A few residing along the old ditch old friend, Mr. William Heudy
nave Deen irrigating the past two The boys invited him to listen to
or three days. - the debate and he gladly accepted
Kemember that Rev:
Star Clothing House.
Spring Clothin
Gents' Furnishings,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes
ever shown in the city of North Platte,
or any other city west of Omaha. Our
Prices Defy Competition.
Immediate Inspection Invited.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
never was
next Sunday evening at the-usual so glad that I went an3'where
hour, and that W. J. Qrusen, also before, when I heard that banio
of that city, will preach at this music." I am sorry to say that not
place one week from next Sunday many Maxwell people were present
at eleven a. m.. eastern time. at the literarv. but if we take in tn
7. The Browns at this place have dis- consideration the fact that there
posed of their stock in McPherson was a dance the previous night and
county to the parties. who rented a terrific wind storm present on the
their ranch. niirht of the debate, we can evr.nsp
Jacob Koch says his irrigation those who were absent, however,
windmill and pump work to a our speakers were present. It is
charm. , Pat. I true thev were onlv half awntp nnr!
EEMOVAL'. l"V uf
Having removed my stock of Ket tne managecl to debate this
books, stationery, wall oarer. etc.. luestlon: "Resolved, that free
to the Ottman building rthe old coma&e of American product of
book store stand) J shall be pleased silver would be better for tllis
to have every one call on me when countrJ than free and unlimited
anything in my line is wanted. I coina8"e- 1 ,ie amrmative speakers
shall try to keep a first class stock were Messrs- dgley and Elliott
in all branches of the business. of North Platte, while the negative
C,;M. Newton. sPeaKers were Messrs. JVlulhkin
ana Jjoien, ot Maxwell. There
Maxwell Kelanw. were three judges, one from North
Monday was Arbor. Day and the Platte, one from Maxwell and the
Maxwell school celebrated it by other from McPherson island. The
planting several trees. In the after- question was decided in favor of
noon the teacher, "Miss Snyder, took the negative. Before the debate
a walk with scholars hoping to find the North Platte glee club favored
some wiia flowers, but an artificial the audience with several pieces of
blossom which some one nad lost delightful music which every one
going home from the dance was enjoyed very much. They also had
inc omy result of her search. Did two declamations. We are sorrv
I say the only result? Surely not. that they had to entertain instead
Anyone noticing the happy faces of of being entertained, owing to the
the little ones after their return to small number of Maxwellites who
the schoolliouse could plainly see were present, but we wish to thank
that the amount of enjoyment they them all for their presence and
had derived from their trip was their music, and in conclusion we
worth much to the scholars and will say to them, "comeagain boys,
teacher. -v nilP rniH all ntirl hnnrr irnufi
Misses May Dolan atod Ellen Mc aloner, "
QouphTOtipNprthjlteitfelt Mr. McNamara visited North
Pa.turdav. Miss Dolan
i. - . - o
The North Platte boys invited
the Maxwell boys to debate with
them in North Platte, and they ac
cepted the invitation. The time
they will go and what the arrange
ments are will be decided at the
next literary meeting, for we are to
have another meeting, of course.
"What street is this? said one
North boy to his friend last Satur
day night, as they walked down
Horrigan avenue.
Miss Annie Snyder spent last
Satnrda' in Brady Island.
The two Sunday schools com
menced last Sunday, and judging
from the large number of persons
in attendance, great interest was
manifested. There was also church
held in the school house last Sun
day night.
"Why is it that so many of the
Maxwell young ladies made it a
point to be in North Platte to-night
when I am in Maxwell," said a
North Platte boy to his friend last
Saturday night.
Frank Martin, of Brady Island,
was in Maxwell last Thursda
The bringing in of the bones
the mammoth that were found on
section 2, township 16, range 26, in
this county, recalls the frequent in
quiries that have often been made
by the public press of the state,
"what is Nebraska doing in the
wa- of preserving these valuable
relics of the s prehistoric past,"
These bones were first discovered
in 1890. The party owning the
land claims that he has plowed up
rib bones eight feet in length. They
were in a good state of preserva
tion. Had the scientist of our state
university taken pains to have
secured this find it is possible the
university museum might have now
on hand the complete frame of one
of these giant animals. From the
description given of the size of the
bones and in connection with the
ones now on exhibition at the
sheriff's office this animal must
have been fully fifteea feet in height
and over a rod in length; yet these
bones were finally collected and
brought in to be sold to the bone
buyer who will use them as fertil
izers. Imagination carries us back
to the days when the plains q Ne
braska were covered with a dense
growth of forest interspersed with
marshes and lakes, when the ele
phant and the mammoth contended
for supremacy on the rapidly form
ing lands of the great plains; when
the crocodile and the mammoth
water animals swarmed in the lakes
and lagoons.
Yet as we find the bones of the
buffalo associated in the immediate
vicinity of these gigantic bones the
question arises was not this animal
also a semi-water animal, like the
water buffalo of China. In the
canyons of the south part of the
county bones and teeth of the ele
phant have been found, showing
the once tropical nature of the cli-
mate of the state.
Frank Decker was a visitor at
Cozad Wednesday.
J. H. Giffin and R. P. Wissler
were in North Platte Saturday.
T. Strobridge and daughter, of
Eustus, are visitors at Mrs. J. M.
Marcott's this week.
E. Jj. Mathewson spent last Fri
day and Saturday in North Platte.
Mrs. Lewis and Miss Shaner
wero visitors at Gothenburg the
fore part of the weed.
Four cars of seed grain were re
ceived here this week for the needy
farmers in this vicinity. It was
distributed to the various precincts
on Monday and Tuesday.
The high school has been closed
this week. Prof. Cullen having an
other attack of rheumatism.
E. Li. Mathewson transacted bus
iness in Gothenburg on Wednes-3ay-
For rent, for cash, a well im
proved farm under irrigation, ap
ply at this office.
Orders for the above product mav
be left at Streitz's or McCabe's
drug stores, or with the milk wag
on and they will receive prompt at
tention. Orders for
may also, be given the latter and
thewiU be promptly filjed.
i M