The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1895, Image 3

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Pleaded GlKy to Po&Mnb&g
It Yew at Bm Meiaes.
Des Moines, April 2a. In thedirtrict
court Cora Smith, arrested in Omaha ft
month ago, pleaded guilty to poisoaimg
her father a year ago. Betsy Smith,
Cora's mother, is now in the peniten
tiary serving a life-sentence. Cora will
be sent np for life during the coming
week. Her action was a complete tur
prise, and appears to knock the pins
from under the theory that she made
the confession in Omaha to 'Shield her
mother and get a new trial for her. It
is expected the grand jury-will now in
dict Mrs. Leaderer Scoville, the sister of
Mrs. Betsy Smith, as another one of
the gang. There are three- men in the
.gang, who so far have escaped prosecu
tion. Quarreled Over Xoaejr Matters.
Sioux Crnr, April 22. Jerry N. Friel
shot and killed Jacob N. Shata on
farm five miles east of Sioux City.
Friel had formerly employed Shatz on
his farm and -the two had differed over
money matters. Shatz visited Friel,
and, according to the latter's account,
assaulted him with a club. Friel drew
-his revolver and shot his assailant dead.
He then drove into the city and gave
himself np.
Fugitive Peppered With BirdaheC
Vinton, la., April 22. James Cox,
who killed Marshal Gerhart, was cap
tured at Marengo and biought to this
city by Sheriff Metcalf and lodged in
jail, having been somewhat peppered by
birdshotby his pursuers. Parties from
Blairstown tried to intercept the sheriff
with intentions evidently of lynching
the prisoner, but he outdrove them.
The sheriff does not anticipate trouble
Sheriff Mull in Boand Over.
"Winnebago Agency, Neb., April 422.
The preliminary examination of Sheriff
Muliin resulted in the sheriff being held
to await the action of the United States
grand jury. Bail was fixed at $100,
which he refused to furnished, and was
subsequently turned loose by the court.
II. Erilmsn Secures Bondmen.
Hastings, Neb., April 22. H. Erd
man, who slashed S. H. Rohrer, had his
hearing before Justice McKinney and
was placed under a $ 1,000 bond. He
failed to give it and was taken before
Police Judge Reynolds and had his bail
reduced to $500 and secured bondsmen.
Caused by a Carload of Cattle Shipped
to Eureka, Kan., From Arizona.
Kansas City, April 22. A special to
the Times from Eureka, Kan., says:
Fresh excitement has been caused
among cattlemen here by the arrival of
a carload of cattle from San Simon,
Ari., which is north of the quarantine
line, but it is believed that at least a
part of them are from old Mexico and
have been exposed to splenetic fever.
The Greenwood Cattlemen's associa
tdon held a big meeting here and pre
vailed upon Sheriff Smith to seize the
cattle and place them in temporary
quarantine pending the action of the
live stock sanitary commissioners, who
were communicated with. Chairman
Johnson has arrived. He found the
town filled with angry cattlemen, many
of whom are aroused and all are deter
mined to protect their herds against
the danger of Texas fever. The cattle
men threaten to use force if it shall be
necessary to prevent the cattle being
pastured in this vicinity.
Beatrice Harradan. Complains.
Santa Barbara, Cal., April 22. Be
atrice Harradan, author of "Ships That
Pass In the Night," complains of piracy
by American publishers. "They have
taken five of my stories," she said, "and
published them separately in different
volumes, each being supplemented with
stories of others, and they sell each
book as by Beatrice Harradan. It is too
bad, and I have no redress but to go to
law, which means endless worry."
Chnnlu of Free Gold.
Santa Fe. N. M., April 22. Chrie
Yeager, a well known miner from the
Cochiti district, reports that a remarKa
ble strike was made in the lower levels
of the Lone Star mine owned by Den
ver rjeoDle. He says chunks of free
gold as large as a silver dollar appear in
the white quartz. It is easily worm
$3,000 per ton.
Governor McKlnlcy Visits His Mother.
Canton, O.. April 22. Governor Mc
Kinlev and wife arrived here to cele
brato the 86th birthday of the governor's
mother. The aged lady is hale ant:
hearty for one of her age and Sunday
morniiiff she walked to church with hei
son, a distance of six blocks from her
Smith Will Be Sachem.
New York, April 22. The Sun sayp
"It has been authoritatively announce
that ex-Recorder Frederick Smith wi
be tlio next grand sachem of the Tarn
mauy society. He has signified h
willingness to serve."
Son of James Fcnnlmore Cooper.
Albany, April 22. Panl Fennimor
Cooper, the well known lawyer, died
residence after suffering for six week
from paralysis. He was the son o
James Fennimore Cooper, the novelist.
nrMliim Goes to New York.
Washington, April 22. Secretary of
State Gresham has gone to New York
. t
City. It is said that he goes on personal
business and that the trip will be a very
brief one.
Wnyson Beached Milwaukee oa Time.
"Mtt.watjKEE. Anril ;!2. C. H. Way-
son of San Francisco, who is "walking
from that city to New York for the
championship, reached Milwaukee on
WrouiiBrr Sheep Men Fieht.
LusK. Wv.. April 22. H Klemme
was shot by George Barber, the ball
breaking Klemme's collar bone and
coming out above the elbow of his left
arm. Both men are sheen owners and
the shooting is the result of a difficulty
about the range.
Sheep Shearing; at Rawlins.
Rawltns, Wy., April 22. Miller's
shearing pens near .Rawlins have been
enlarged and new dipping-works put in,
Forty shearers are now regularly em
ployed. Over 100,000 bsad of sheep
will be sheared at these pens this sea
Caaaot Agree on Gallty Pterties.
Boise, Ida,, April 22. The United
States grand jury has adjourned with
out returning any indictments ia the
Chinese certificate fraud case. The
grand jury finds there has been fraud,
but cannot agree as to who are the
guilcj parties.
MiUionaire Beck Charged With Vio
lating the Edmunds-Tucker Law.
WarraatB HaveHeea ImhmI aadBeWill
Be Arrested With the Women Not a
Caarch OScIal Bat Promiaent
la the Faith.
Salt Lake, April 22. John Beck,
the Mormon mining millionaire, will be
arrested on a complaint charging him
with unlawful cohabitation with three
alleged plural wives. The complaint
was sworn to before a United States
commissioner and warrants issued, but
no arrests have been made for the rea
son that Beck is in Eureka, looking after
his mining int3rests. The women ara
Louis and Bertha Gross, sisters, and
Matilda Gross, a cousin. Bertha is the
youngest of the two and has a child
about 3 months old. Beck's real wife
died about four months ago, and it is
claimed that he has been living with his
plurals by turns since her demise and
also before.
Being a leading Mormon, although
not a church official, and a very wealthy
man, Beck's arrest will cause a pro
found sensation, as he is the first prom
inent Mormon that, has been officially
charged with polygamy in this city for
several years, it having been the policy
of the present administration to let
polygamism severely alone. As to
whether or not Beck's arrest is the key
note of a vigorous campaign to be waged
against prominent violators of the Edmunds-Tucker
law it is impossible to
say, but it is not likely, as under pres
ent conditions such a campaign would
in all probability defeat statehood and
aggravate the present unsettled state of
affairs in the territory.
Mystery Sarronndlng a Remarkable Case
Saddenly Cleared Up.
Salt Lake, April 22. The mystery
surrounding the disappearance of three
young men, who lived in the vicinity of
Utah lake, near Lehi, Ut., is gradually
being cleared up. Albert Hayes, An
drew Johnson and Alfred Neilson had
been living at Pelican Point for some
time, but were ejected about two months
ago on a suit brought by Oliver Slade.
The three men were raissd some time
ago, and on Monday lust the body of
Hayes was found near the lake shore.
Death had been caused by two gunshot
wounds. Late Saturday the bodies of
Johnson and Neilson were found. The
bodies were found in the lake on a
wagon and were weighted down. The
bodies presented a sickening sight. The
murders probably occurred in February.
The theory is that the men were mur
dered in the cabin during the night and
thrown into the lake, as the bodies were
nearly undressed when found. The
gunshot wounds seem to have been
made with a 44-caliber rifle. Suspicion,
it is said, points to H. H. Hayes,- step
father of one of the murdered men, and
a son of his who is missing. Other
theories are advanced, but have no mo
tive to support them. The country sur-1
rounding the ranch is wild and broken,
and has been the scene of many trag
edies between the Indians and early
settlers. The coroner's jury examined
the bodies and will continue the in
vestigation at Lehigh. The excitement
runs high and especially among the
ranchmen in the vicinity of the mur
ders. Some arrests are expected.
More Than a Million Trout.
Cheyenne, April 22. State Fish Com
missioner Schniter estimates that the
state hatchery at Laramie will propa
gate about 800,000 trout this season.
The last legislature established branch
hatcheries at Sundance and Sheridan,
in the northern part cf the state. The
commissioner states that they will add
300,000 more to the output.
Wolf Hunting on a Systematic Plan.
Newcastle. "Wy., April 22. Wolf
hunting on a systematic plan has been
commenced by the Standard Cattle com
pany on the Belle Fourche river. A
carload of wolf hounds has been shipped
from New York nnd will be in the field
at Morecroft under charge of a party of
hunters to exterminate the wolves from
the range
Hebrew Workmen Want Higher Wafres.
New York, April 22. The rise in the
price of beef has not deterred the work
men employed in the slaughter houses
of this city from calling for increased
wages and other concessions from then
employers. There was held last night
a mass meeting of the Hebrew em
ployes. Twenty-five were in attend
ance. Their meeting was private, and
the only man present who could speak
English explained to a reporter that the
men want to have their wages paid
weekly instead of monthly, their wages
increased considerably, their working
hours reduced from 18 to 12 hours a day
and beef packed in refrigerators.
To Get Protection of Troops.
Kkoxville, April 22. The Royal
Coke and Coal company of Knoxviile,
whose 400 miners are out on a strike at
Coal Creek, applied to the United States
court at Chattanooga Saturday night
for a receiver, and George C. Heck of
this city, manager of the company, was
appointed as receiver. This action is
taken in order to get the protection of
the United States court.
Omnibus Strike at Paris.
Paris, April 22. The long threatened
strike of the Paris omnibus men was
commenced today. Only a few of these
vehicles are running and they are
escorted by police.
American Federation of Labor.
Indianapolis. April 22. The execu
tive council of the American Federation
of Labor convened here. Only prelim
inary routine matters were dealt with
Need never fear to make that contem
plated trip eaBt if he or she will trust to
the Chicaffo. Union Pacific & Northwest
ern Line. Ouickeft time. Fewest
changes. Union depots.
For full information call on or address
N. B. Olds,
Agent U. P. System,
all agree that the solid vestibuled trains
of the Chicago, Union Pacific & North
western line distance all competitors. No
change or delay at the Missouri river.
For full information call on or address
N. B. OldS; agent U. P. spstem.
letter and curzon nuptials.
Happy Pair United Before a DtetlBalshe4
Company at St. Jeha's.
Washington, April 22. The wedding
of Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon, M.
P., and Miss Mary Leiter was celebrated
at St. John's Episcopal church at 11:30
today amid scenes of such brilliancy
and in the presence of such a distin
guished assemblage of cabinet officers,
diplomats, governors and bishops ;as to
give the event the character of a public
The church was filled to its utmost
capacity. Mrs. Cleveland arrived short
ly ahead of the bridal party; and was
given a seat in the forward part of the
church near the pews reserved for the
immediate relatives. The president did
not appear, as it is an unwritten law.
that the executive does not attend pri
vate social events.
The wedding party arrived shortly
before noon, and moved up the main
aisle to the chancel,where Bishop Talbot
and Rev. Dr. Mackay Smith' officiatedv
The bride, in white satin and rare white
lace, and carrying a cluster of white
orchids, was on the arm of her father-.
The groom and Mrs. Leiter, "Sir James
and Lady Miller and Lord Lamington,
the groom's best .man, - Mr. Joseph
Leiter and Mr. Frank Curzon made up
the rest of the party. The impresajvje.
marriage service of thexipiscopai cnurcn
was performed, after which the wed
ding party withdrew to the Leiter resi
dence, where they were joined later, by
the relatives and intimate friends.
Weds nil Lead lag Lady.
Indianapolis, April 22. A private
dispatch received here today from Otis
Skinner, the well known actor, an
nounces his marriage to Miss Maude
Durben,- leading lady of his company.
The dispatch is dated Corning, N. Y.
Attempt Made to Blow Up, aa East St.
Louis BaHding.
St. Louis, April 22. At an early hour
this morning an attempt was made to
blow up the residence of Herman
Knopke in East St. Louis. Dynamite
was used, and the front of the house
was badly wrecked and all the windows
shattered, and a big hole was blown
through the roof . That the wreck was
the work of some striking employe of
the Tudor Iron works is the generally
accepted explanation of the crime, for
one of the house's occupants was J. E.
Jones, superintendent of the roller
mills, who had charge of the importa
tion of men to take the places of strikers.
Everyone in Knopke's house had retired
shortly before midnight save A. L.
Perry, a locomotive fireman employed
in the bridge yards. All those in bed
were thrown out but not one was in
jured. The authorities have no clew as
to the perpetrators of the deed.
Lost Sealing- Schooner Sighted.
Victoria, B. C, April 22. The Tm
coma sealing schooner Bering Sea re
ported lost with all on board is safe in.
Clayoquet harbor, "Vancouver island.
Ex-Consul Schooley.
Rochesteb. N. Y., April 22. Cokwai
Richard Schooley died, aged 51.
Mecca, April 22. Cholera has broken
out here.
Cent and a Half Advance In the May Price.
Live Stock Markets.
Chicago, April 22. Wheat started up wildly
today, opening lWc higher and advanced
before 10 o'clock. Heavy realizing on the bulge
soon knocked Icon the price, but the market
remained very strong. Pardridgo was again
the biggest coverer, nnd the feeling was also
helped, by very strong cables and the expecta
tion of a 2,O00,0C0-bu9hel decrease in the visible
Corn was strong, following wheat in its
fluctuations, with shorts covering f rcely.
Oats were firm, with wheat and corn.
Provisions were high, influenced by the sen
sational advance in grain.
WHEAT April. Gl1-:; May, 61c; July, 62
62c: September, 03c
CORN April. 48c; May, 4SHc; July, 48c;
September. 49c.
OATS May ,29c; July,28c ; Septcmber.26!4c.
PORK May, $12.S7J3; July, $12.45; Septem
ber, $12.8
LARD May, $7.00; July, $7.15; September,
RIBS May, C6.37JS; July, $60; September,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, April 22. HOGS Receipts, 26,000
head; left over, 2,000 head; market weak to 5c
lower; light, $4.6D4.95; mixed, $4.605.00;
heavy, $4.654.7).
CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 head; market
strong. SHEEP Receipts, 10,000 head; market barely
Boutli Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, April 22. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 900 head; 1300 to 1500 lb3.. ?5.005.75;
1100 to 1300 lbs.. $1.7005.25; POO to 1100 lbs., $4.25
1.00: choice cows, $2.7Og!4.0J; common cows,
$1.252.50: good feeders, $3-153.90; common
feeders, $2.25.t.fi0; market steady.
HOGS Receipts 1,530 head; light, $4 00
4.75; mixed. 54.604.72; ; heavy, $4.704.80;
market a shade lower.
SHEEP Receipt, 4,000 head; muttons, $3.25
4.75 limbs, $3.755.00; market weak.
Largest Circulation in Nebraska.
It isn't much wonder that the
State Journal now has the largest
circulation in Nebraska. It has
reduced its price to 65 cents a month
with Sunday, or 50 cents without
Sunday; it has been spending- more
money for Nebraska news than any
other paper; it has on its staff such
men as Bixby, Walt Mason, and
Annin. The Journal is being
pushed at every point and is climb
ing steadily and surely away ahead
of the other state dailies. People
like a Lincoln paper. Especially
when it is as good as the Journal.
If you make the trip via the Chicagu,
Union Pacific & Northwestern Line.
Fewest changes to Chicago and other
eastern cities. Through vestibuled trains
composed of dining cars, first and second
class sleepers and free reclining chair
For full information call on or address
N. B. Olds,
Agent U. P. System.
I desire to sell the hay crop for
1895, on the large Sidney Dillon
Island located at Sutherland, sec
tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and
sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in town
14 north, all in range 34 west, to
the h ghest bidder for cash. Bids
will be received np to July 1st,
1895, and reserve the right to reject
any and all bids. N. B. OLDS.
Subscribe for the Semi
Weekly Tribune.
1h u
r rlMfw plug
Trie AmertcarvTbbacco Gcv
Judging from the wool sales thus
far this season the consumpf ion of
that article in the United States
will "be Tiufc about 70 perxent,"" of the
normal 'That doesn't look very
much as if the democrats had ac
complished their expressed purpose
of putting woolen garments on the
on the backs of all the people. They
might have succeeded better if they
had not rendered it impossible for
the people to buy any kind of gar
ments. The Cleveland .Leader,
March 27, 1895. .
Claude Wbingand,
Coal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude' Petroleum and
Goal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
defendants, will take notice that on the 10th'
day of April, 1805. Lizzie Tattle plaintiff herein,
filed her petition in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by the defendants to K.
W. McOee upon the south half of the north half of
the southwest quarter and lots 5 aud 6, of section
4, in township 13 north,- of range SO west,except six
acres oft of the southeast corner of lot six now
owned by the city of North Platte, to secure the.
payment of a certain promissory note dated March
6, 1883, for the sum of $800.00 and due and payable,
in five years from the date thereof; that there is
now due upon said note and mortgage the sum' of
$240. for which sum with interest from March 6th,
ISIKi, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, plain
tiff prays for a decree that defendants be required
to pay the same, or that eald premises may be
sold to satisfy the' amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 20th day of May,. 1885.
' Dated April .10Uv'lG8tV-4fe.-cM- - - -v
XiIZiilE Tl) TTLE. Plaintiff.
By Ganres & Wilcox, her Attorneys. al23.
Washington, D. C, March 12, 1895.
Notice ia hereby, given to all persons
who may have claims against theMNorth
Platte National Bank," North Platte,'
Nebraska, that the same must be pre
sented to Mr. Milton Doolittle, Receiver,
with legal proof thereof, within three
months from, this date, or they may be
James H. .Eckels,
21m3 Comptroller of the Currency.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Gash "itaid f or Hides.
I Horwf, Gig Shifft sop, SdgL
5wtFae Bk Traataieat f AmimOa)
mad Chart Seat Free.
cum c FeTers,CBf eatIaB,TaamaMMtia
A. A.I Salaal MealartflaMIlk Fever.
B. B.-8nraiaav Iiaaseaeaa, Rheaatatiaaa.
C. C.Dlteater, Haael DleehargM.
.19Bota mr Grab, Wants.
Caaka, Hesrrea, Faeaaiemta
F.F.-Calic ar GripeeY Bellyache.
"G.Miacarrlae. Hearraavea.
H.H.rCriaary aae? Kldaey Diseases.
J.T. Kraatire Diseases, Maaae. . .
.KDieaaea)f Dlaraatlaa. FaiMlvsla.
Steele Bottle (orerSOdosesi - - .CO
Haib1 'art. t - As
, Veterinary Cure OUud llesleata fr.00
Jar Vctcriaair Cara BU, . 1.M
8M kyBMyghiai se wat anstM ssysasisaaC Isssy
ifomMffiita1 WtaSK
SI aar viaL ar sail Im mm
BoM ty Srac(itt,or scat psaSaUoa receipt of price.
MmnuMWJOM, OA, 111 am waaaalt, states,
. v
Finest line ever shown in
the city. Inspection - respect
fully invited.
No.t Atlantic Express Dept 12:10 a. m.
No. 4 Fast Mail.... 8 80 a. m.
No. 2 Limited 9:20 A. it.
.No.28-Frefaht " 7:00 a. m.
No. 18 Freight ,. ." 6ffl?.a.
No. 22 Freight " 4:00 a, m.
No. 7 Pacific Express . Dept 7:10a. ji
No. 1 Limited " 11:00 r. m
No. 21 Freipht " 30 r. m
No. 23Freight " &0 a. m
N. B. OLDS. Agent.
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office over North Platte National Bank.
AsBietant Surgeon Union Pac.flc Ep,,'
and 'Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streitz's Drug Store.
M. EVES, M. D.,
.Office: NeVllIe's Block. Diseases of Women
and Children a Specialty.
Kittell & Van Natta,
Prospective schemes investigated. Un
profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys,
-Maps, Estimates and reports made, and
construction superintended.
822S!SS&gr North Platte, Neb.
I Li
Notary Public.
3,000 iciof Ditch Land.
Land and Emigration Agent.
Contractor and Beilder.
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine,
Hershey & Co.
Agricultural : Implements
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
Funeral Director.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always in stock.
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent attendants will supply all your wants.
(First published In the Kokth Platte Tbibtoic.
April 9th, 1895.)
Ia the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska,. The State of Nebraska, to Daniel C Stapleton,
J. W. Stapleton, stapleton wifar of J. W.
Stapleton, Wilson S. Gould, Xlla Stapleton and
Mary Stapleton, greeting:
Yon are hereby notified that you have been sued,
together with .P. L. Harper, P. B. Gavin, Eva B.
Gavin, Morlarity Trumble & Company and the
First National Bank of North Platte, Nebraska, a
corporation, as co-defendants, by John Eccles as
plaintiff, in the District court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and that on or before May 20th, 1893,
yon must answer the petition in chancery of the
said plaintiff filed in said action, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which is to fore
close a certain mortise, dated March 19th, 1SS3,
given by said J). O. Stapleton to James L. Lom
bard, now owned by said plaintiff, upon the follow
ing described real estate, situate in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest quarter section
thirty-five (35), township nine (9) north, range
thirty-four (34) west of the sixth (6) P. M., to
secure the payment of a promissory note of f SCO. 00;
said petition further prays that all right, title. Jien
or-interest of all said defendants in or to said land
and every part thereof be decreed junior and in
ferior to the mortgage lien of said plaintiff; that
said land be sold and the proceeds applied to the
payment of the costs of sale and of said action and
to the amount due to the plaintiff upon said note
and mortgage, and that all of the defendants be
barred of all interest .in. or lien upon said land,
and unless yon answer the said petition as afore
said, the fac therein stated will be taken as true
and a decree rendered as therein prayed.
Witness my hand and the seal, of said court by
me affiled at North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, this 8th day of April, 1895.
Clerk of the District Court of North Platte, Ne
braska. FKBBT & SUAIX,
Pcuim & Alkxa-ndek,
Concordia, Kansas, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
ants, impleaded with George B. Golvin, will
take notice that on the 10th day of April, 1593
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of. which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the defendants,
Mary R. Golyin and George R. Golvin, to tho
plaint iff upon tho northeast quarter of the north
ea'st quarter of section 20, township 11, range 33, in
Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the payment
of one promissory note, dated Dec. 20th, 18'Jl, and
due and qnyable in one year from the date thereof,
that there is now due upon said note and mortgrge
the sum of one hundred dollars with interest at tho
rate of ten per cent from Decembor 20th, 189t, and
plaintiff prays that said premises may bo decreed
to be sold to satisfy tho amount duo thereon nnd
that tho right, if any there be, of defendant T. J.
Foley, in or to said premises be decreed to bo
junior aud inferior to that of plaintiff, aud that
the same be barred and foreclosed.
You ere required to answer said petition on or
before the 3d day of June, 18S5.
By T. C. Pattekson, hor Attorney. al24.
In the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska. tm
The Stale of Nebraska to Seymour B. llawloy,
Eliza Hawley, D. C. Lord, Jr., Lord, wife of
D. C. Lord, Jr., defendants, Greeting:
You, nnd each of you, aro hereby notified that
you have been sued, together with Milton B.
Whitney, Charles S. Fairchild, Harry E. Moonoy,
Sanford B. Ladd and Frank Hagerman as receiv
ers of tho Lombard Investment Company, a cor
poration, as co-defendants, by John D. Newcomb,
as plaintiff, in tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, and that on or beforo tho 13th day of
May, 189.), you must answer the petition in chan
cery filed therein against said defendants, by said
plaintiff, in which tho plaintiff asks for a decree
foreclosing tho mortgage given by said defendants
Seymour B. nawloy and Eliza Hawley to the Lom
burd Investment Company daied October 19th.
1890, and covering the following described
real estate situated in said county of Lincoln, and
state of Nebraska, to-wit: The East half of the
Northeast quarter, and the East half of the South
east quarter of Section eighteen 118), in Town
ship thirteen (13) north, Range thirty-three (33),
west of the Sixth P. M.
And said petition further prays that all the
right, title, lien or interest of all of the defend
ants in or to -said lands, and every part thereof,
be decreed junior and inferior to the said mort
gage, now owned by plaintiff, and that said lands
be sold and tho proceeds of the sain bo applied
to the payment of the costs of tho salo, and of
said action, and to tho amount duo the plaintiff
upon said mortgage, and that nil of the defend
ants be barred and foreclosed of all interest in or
lion upon said land.
And that unless you answer said petition, as
aforesaid, tho facts therein alleged will be taken
as true, and a decrco will be rendered as therein
Witness my hand, and tho teal of said court by
me affixed at North Platte, in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, this 27th day of March, 1895.
Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County,
Vojrry It Smnll nniU PulalfoiV-Sr -Alrannder, Con
cordia, Kansas, nttorneys for Plaintiff.
First publishedjn The North Pitte Tkibdne
April 2d, 1895.)
Notice is hereby given that W. C. BInckmore k
Co., did on tho 9th day of April, 1895, file their
petition with tho commissioners of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, for a permit to sell malt, spirituous and
vinons liquors for medical, mechanical, chemical
and sacramental purposes only, in the village of
Sutherland, Nebraska, for ono year.
If there be no protest or remonstrance filed
within two weeks from this date, said permit may
be gi anted.
Dated April 12th, J893.
alii W. C. Blackmoue & Co., Druggist-?.
Mattor of Application of Landgraf & Waldo for
Liquor License.
Notico is hereby given that Landgraf & Waldo
did upon the 6th day of April, A. D. 1895, file their
application to the City Council of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell Malt,
Spirituous and Vinons Liquors on Spruce street,
First ward, In the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1895,
to the 1st day of Jlay, 189.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest
filed within two weeks from April 15th, A. D. 1895,
the said license will be granted.
LANDGRAF & WALDO, Applicants.
Matter of Application of Guy A. Laing for
Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that Guy A. Laing
did upon the 4th day of April. A. D. 1895, tile
his application to the City Council of North
Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license
to sell Malt, Spirituous and Vinous Liquors
on Front street, First ward, in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln , county, Nebraska,
from the lstday of May, 1895, to the 1st day
of May, 1896.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from April
15th, A. D. 1855, the said license will be
GUY A. LAING, Applicant.
Matter of Application of Michael O'Brien
for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that Michael O'Brien
did upon the 9th day of April, A. D. 1895, file
his application to the City Council of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license
to sell Malt, Spirituous and Vinous Liquors
on Sixth street, Second ward, in the city of
North Platte. Lincoln countv, Nebraska,
from the 1st day of May, 1895, to the 1st day
of May, 1896.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from April 15th
A. D. 1895, the said license will be granted.
Matter of Application of Gertler & Walte
math for Liquor License,
Notice is hereby given that Gertler &
Waltemath did upon the 11th day of April, A.
D. 1895. file their application to the City Coun
cil of North Platte.LIncoln county ,Nebraska,
for license to sell Malt, Spirituous and Vinous
Liquors on East Side Spruce street. Block
103. in the city of North Platte, Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, from the 1st day of May, 1895,
to the 1st day of May, 1896.
If there be no objection, remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from April 15th
A. D. 1895, the said license will be granted.
The Nokth Platte Tribune newspaper
will publish the above notices for two weeks
at the expense of the applicants. The citv of
North Platte is not to be charged therewith.
C. F. SCHARMANN, City Clerk.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb,
Jlorch 18th. 1895. f
Notico 13 hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notico of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that twiid
proof wiU be made before Register and Receiver
at North PlatU?. Neb., on April 27th, 1895, viz:
who marie Homestead Entry No. 15.C08. for the
southeast quarter section 10, township 12 north,
range 31 west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph H.
Baker, David E. Baker, Milo JI. Bpicer and John
E. Koontz, all of North Platte. Nebraska.
22-tf JOHNF. HJNJIAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
April 2d, 1895. f
Notice is hereby given tharthe following-named
settler has filed notice off his Intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register and Receiver
at North Platte, Neb., on May 13th, 1695, viz:
whomcde Homestead Entry No. 15,745, for the
southeast quarter section tJ, township 10 north,
range 32 west- He names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: Walter N. Simmons, John
Staley, John Baker and William Connor, all of
Dickens, Nebraska
27-6 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
i virtue of an order of sale .issued", by
the clerk of the District court of theThir
teenth judicial district of Nebraska, "within
and for Lincoln county, in an action wherein
the McKinley-Lannirig Loan, and Trust com-,
pany is plaintiff, and. John H. Allison etal are
defendants, I will at one o'clock in the after
noon on the 27th day of May. 1895, at. theeast
door of the Courthouse, in the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, offer for .
sale at public auction the following described
real estate, to-wit: The east half of the
southwest quarter and lots six and seven?
... .... - 1 . 1 T m . . Y 1 , ! .
lj ana vj 01 section sue io iu xuwusuht- six
teen (6 north of Ranee twentv-elcht (281
west of the Sixth principal meridian in Lin
coln county. Nebraska.
uiven unaer my nana uiis ioiu uayoiApni,
1895. A. E. Huntington, Coroner. :
Tnos. C. Patterson, Att'y. al9S
That by - s
issued dy
11 virtue of an order of sale
the clerk of the District court of the Thir
teenth ludicial district of "Nebraska, within
and for Lincoln countv, in an action wherein
Thomas C. Patterson ia plaintiff, and Lou Is H .
P. Derby et al are defendants, I will at one: 7
o'clock in the afternoon on the 27th day of Li
Mav, 189o, at the east door of the Courthouse
in the citv of North Platte, Lincoln countv.
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the
following described real estate, to-wit: ThevJ
south half of the northwest quarter, and the
west half of the southwest quarter of Section
twenty-six (26), in Township sixteen (16),
north of Range twenty-nine (29), west of the
Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln county.
Given under my hand this 18th day of April,
1895. A. E. Huntington, Coroner.
Thos. C. Patterson, Att'v.
i virtue of an order of sale issued b v the
clerk of the District court of the Thirteenth
judicial district of Nebraska, within and
ior Lincoln county, in an action wnerein tnc
McKinlev-Lanning Loan and Trust company
is plaintiff, and. Isaac E. Wilson et al are de
fendants,! will at one o'clockin the afternoon
on the 27th daj of May. 1895. at the east door
ot tne uourtnouse in tnecityotrortuiiatte.
Lincoln county, Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction the following described real '
estate, to-wit: The northeast quarter ef .
section twenty-six (26), in township sixteen
(16) nortn, ot range twenty-six (20) west, ot
the Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
utven unaer my nana tnis isstn uav 01 pru, .-! a
1895. A. E. Huntington, Coroner.
Thos. C. Patterson, Att'y. 'l
IN virtue of an order of sale issued by
the clerk of the District court of the Thir
teenth Judicial District of Nebraska, within,
and for Lincoln county. In an action wherein
the McKinley-Lanning Loan and Trust com-'
pany is plaintiff, and Albert E. "Wilson et aL
are defendants I will at one o'clock In the
afternoon on the 27th day of May, 1895, at the
east door of the Courtho'use In the city of
North Platte, LLicoln county. Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following
described real estate, to-wit: The northeast
quarter of section two (2), township fifteen
(15) north, of range twenty-six (26) west, of
the Sixth principal meridian, in Lincoln
count', Nebraska.
uiven unaer my nana tnis istn uav 01 April,
1895. A. E. Huntington, Coroner. .
Thos. C. Patterson, Att'y.
To Conrad Zimmerman, Rachael Zimmerman,
The Concordia Loan and Trust Company and The
Valley Loan and Trust Corapady:
ion and each of vou, will take notice that on
tho 16th dny of June, 1594, George Cotter Beat,
plaintiff herein, filed his petition In tho District
Court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you
and others, the object and prayer ot which aro to
foreclose a certain mortgago execnted by tne de
fendants Conrad Zimmerman and Rachael Zimmer
man to tho Lombard Investment Company, and by
said company duly assigned to this plaintiff, npon
the east 145 acres of the south hnlf of the south
half of section 35, in township 9 north, range 30
west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to seenro tho
payment of a cortaln coupon bond, dated August
17th, 1888, for the sum ot $500.00, and due in five
years from the date thereof; that there is now duo
on said bond and mortgage tho sum of $640.00, for
which sum and taxes paid, plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants pay the same, or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amouut found
You are required to answer said petition on or
b eforo the CCth day of May, 1895.
Dated April 12th, 1895.
By Fbznch 4: Baldwin, His Attorneys. al6t
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
March 15th, It95. J
Notlco Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice o her intention to mnko
final proof in support of her claim, and that suld
proof will bo mado before the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 27th,
1S95, viz:
on nomestead Application No. 15681 for tho sonth
east quarter section 21, township 9 north, rnngo 29
west ot the tith principal meridian. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Melissa E. VanNatta, William T. VanNatta end
Edward C. Eves, all of Bnchanan, Nebraska, and
Jesse T. Will, of Curtis. Nebraska.
22-6 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register.
Land Office at Nobtii Platte, Nkb., )
March 18th, 1895. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notico of bis intention to make
final proof In support of his claim, and that snid
proof will bo made before the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on Anrll
23d, 1895, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 1C,951, fdr the
east half of the northwest quarter and the east
half of the southwest quarter section 80, township
15 north, range 25 west. He names tho following
witnesses to prove his continnous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, viz: C. F. Johnson,
C. A. Erikson, Lars Blixt and C. A. Rodin, all of
Tallin, Nebraska.
Land Office at North Platto, Nebr.
JIarch 19th. 1895. f
N'otice 19 hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notico of his intention to mnko
final proof in support of his claim and that said
proof will be mado beforo tho Register and Re
ceiver nt North Platte, Neb., on May 10th,
1895, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 15,521 for tho
south hnlf of tho southwest quarter ami tho west
half of the southeast quarter Section 2. township
11 nor'h, range 23 west He names tho following
witnesses to prove his continuous rosidenco
upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Walter
N. Simmons, Nicholas P. Ogier, Abraham Spur
gin and Samuel Fanner, all of Wallace, Neb.
235 J OHN F. HINMAN, Register.
Land Olhco at North Platte. Neb. I
March 19th. 1695. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notico of hi intcntfon to.
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at North Platte. Neb., on May 10th,
1895, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 1(3,9S8, for tho
southeast quarter of section 10, township 11 north
range S3 west. Ho names the following, witnesses
to prove his continuous rosidenco upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: Walter N. Sim
mons. Ira B. Fackler. Abraham Sourtrin and
Samuel Farmer, all of Wallace, Neb.
23-0 JUhA If. HINMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb., )
JIarch 20th. 1895. J
Notico is hereby riven that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in snnoort of his claim . nnd that.
sid proof will bo mado beforo Register and
1895, viz:
who mado Homestead Entry No. 10,120 for tho
northwest quarter of Section 10. Township 12
north. Range 30 west. He names tho following
witnesses to orove his continnnna ro;,lonnr.
npon and cultivation of said and, viz: John
R. Chauin. James Moutasue. Francis Mnntncrno '
and Theodore Pagett. nll'of North Platte, Neb.
3-fi JOHN F. HINMAN. Register!
Land Office at North Platte. Neb.
v .. ... . March 19th, 1895. f
nampri notrlni- haa film) nnl iu ( kto
make final proof in support of his claim and that
oo maue oeioro ino Register and
Reiver at North Platte, Neb., on JIaylOth, 1895,
"who made Homestead Entry No. 15,705 for the
t i . l L ine ,Ior"easc quarter ana tho north
half of tho nnrthvpfit nnnrttiw sorw.t 1 ...
ship 11 north, range 33 west. Ho names tho fol-
""'"s witnesses 10 prove nis continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Ira R. Knrlf Iat- Ahrnhnm ilniim'n v:-ut-,. -n
Ogier and John Staley, all of Wallaco. Xobraska.
Tr fTXT t ttivi i r
J3- Register.
$25 Reward
Will, be paid for anyone giving- in-
lurnicition leaoing- ro tne arrest and
conviction of the parties who poi
soned my greyhounds at the Scout's
Rest Ranch the latter part of Feb-'
ruary. . Col. W. 4F.' Cody.5;