The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1895, Image 2

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The North Side Grocer,
S3, : FLOUE, :
'NTS r
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh,
Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest,
We Insure Prompt Delivery,
We Solicit a Share of Your Trade.
o. w.
C O A L,
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Alfflift Dir.
Don't pay other people's debts.
Still Selling
Is the ONLY Hardware
Man in North Platte that
will always find my price
Yours for Business,
ULUllU M 111 V
Sporting Goods, Etc.
A Fine Line of Piece
Goods to select from.
First-class Fit. Excel
lent Workmanship.
(Old. Van Z9oraxi Stable.)
Good Teams,
Comfortable Higs,
Eiwikt AcccaaoJalions for Ik Firaine Public
aPNorthwest corner of Courthouse square.
Is X-"XT' BI WOr.,
Steam and Gas Fitting-.
;. Cesspool nd Sewerage Specialty. Copper and Gslranixed Iron Cor
w i- . t x. , sice- Iron Roofings.
JMtimates f armshed. Repiring of all kinds receive prompt attention
wwuou kjurot, jjctweeu jurxn ana oixtn,
JSTorth. Platte. -
Dr. N. McOABE, Prop. j. E. BUSH,Janager.
jt. ) avar a iihi am a a an a ana - m a . h mm a a mm m m h
racrac Railway Solicited.
lie Pmi'Wtt
Oh Tear, eua la tirMce, 11.25.
MxXoata. osaaia adraaee 75
John E. Evans will accept The
Tribune's thanks for copies of the
district and general irrrigation
laws passed by the last legislature.
Major General -McCook, com
mander of the Department of Color
ado, was placed on the retired list
yesterday on account of age.
Fred Nye, the well known Ne
braska newspaper man, has been
offered the managing editorship, jof
the New York Morning Advertiser.
This is the position which .Col.
John A. Cockerell recently resigned.
The base ball season opened on
Thursday last. At the five cities
in which the National League
played the attendance' aggregated
od.uw. xnis does not look as
though base ball was losing its
hold on the American people.
An exchange from Pennsylvania
records as an item of news the sale
of three horses at $4.50 each. The
animals were not first-class ones, but
were such as would sell a few years
ago for ten times that amount The
horse market in the east seems to
be on a par with that of the west.
General Holcomb on Friday is
sued a general order appointing
Patrick H. Barry, of Greely county,
adjutant general of the Nebraska
National Guard. The appointee
is a staunch Roman Catholic and
his appointment is probably not
taken with good grace by some
members of the Guard who are
strong anti-Catholics.
According to the latest dispatches
from the seat of the Oriental war
Japan has concluded that land is a
better investment than silver coin
and has reduced her indemnity de
manded of China from its original
figure of 300,000,000 taels to 100,
000,000, and has accepted a slice of
China thrown in with the island of
Formosa, in the place of the other
200,000,000. The mikado's head is
doubtless level.
It seems that the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific railroad managers
have not lost faith in artificial rain
making. It is announced that they
will fix up six cars with raiumakers
supplies and appliances to be used
during the coming summer in de
monstrating that rain can be forced
from the clouds by the use of
chemicals in the arid regions of the
west. Last season the company
had three cars in the rainmaking
service which met with indifferent
success, and it was supposed that
the experiment had been abandoned
for all time. Agents of the Agri
cultural department at Washing
ton will accompany the rainmakers
and give the theory a scientific
test. Minneapolis Tribune.
Mayor Strong has not yet fulfilled
his promise to give women a repre
sentation in the board of education;
but a short time ago he made Mrs.
W. S. Raiusford, wife of a popular
clergyman, a school trustee, and
now he has appointed Miss Ellen
Collins as a school inspector. She
is the first woman to fill the jposi
tion. There seems to be no doubt
that she is qualified for the place.
During the war she was a member
of the Women's Association of Re
lief of the Army and Navy, and ot
recent years she has taken a prac
tical interest in tenement-house re
form, and has even gone so far as
to purchase a tenement house and
improve it, and encourage the ten
ants in self- improvement, in which
she has been -signally successful.
The American farmer is getting
tired of democratic sneers at the
home market He has been study
ing the subject in the light of prac
tical experience. The demand for
his products is undiminished, but
he feels the effect of the scarcity of
cash through slack work and small
wages, occasioned by the operation
of the new tariff law. The farmer
probably feels most sensible and
keenly any impairment of domestic
industries. The fields are depen
dent upon the factories. They
work together and usually benefit
each other. The foreign market
buys now from six to eight per cent
of our farm products, while the
slurred and despised home market
consumes from 92 to 94 per cent
The more this home market is pro
tected in its varied sources of vital
ity, the better it is for the farmer.
.He. has no chance in Europe except
in times of war or famine. The
Hawk-EyerBurlington, la., April
3, 1895.
Owing to the (raise in the price
of oil, and .gasoline in tthe eastern
market I have been jbliged to ad
vance the price of gasoline"to;$1.20
pec-five-gallon can. This price will
iold untfMurtfeM: notice.
Ccauhe Weingand.
m - 1
egiJi .hfuMiiaTe de
voted itoeM rtoSa-ceviBionof our
revenue liw: Thete is the gravest
ftecessity for changes of these laws
in such a way as to forestall an
inevitable increase-in -the floating
debt of the state, and it is to be re
grettedV that thfajmattier did not ge
proper consideration.
-Thedegislature-made appropria
tions aggregating 2,792. 122 for the
coming two yearsr All pf.this sum
but .abojit '$75,000, or .in round
numbers $2;500, 000 must -be raised
by the general fundrlevy. of 5 nulls.
It is quite apparent tfiat this, levy
will not raise thejaecessary "funds
and-the state must run behind dur
ing the next. two.years.
Already there is a floating indebt
edness of something iifce $60Q,.000.
The total assessed valuation of the,
state has been decreasing for a few
years. In 1893 It was 194 millions;
in 1894 it was 182 millions, and it
will probably not exceed 175 mil
lions this vear. A 5 mill levy on
this will amount to $875, 000 a year.
or $1,750,000 for the two years
This, it will be observed, is $750,
000 less than the appropriations
from the general fund for the bien
nial'period, and added to the pres
ent indebtedness it makes $1,350,
uuu tne state is bound to owe in
1897, provided all the tax is col
lected, which will not be done.
The legislature could have pre
vented this. In the first place it
might have made slightly smaller
appropriations without causing any
hardships or suffering". It could
have done it by increasing the max
imum levy tor general purposes or
by giving the state board of equali
zation the right to raise the. assess
ments. It is to be regretted some
thing of this nature was not done.
Fremont Tribune,
In a recent interview in the
Omaha Bee, Senator JohnM. Thur
ston said, in part: "Looking1 at
the money question from the prac
tical standpoint it is impossible to
expect any legislation from the
next congress. We have a large
republican majority in the house
committed to the republican plat
form of bimetallism, but not to the
free and unlimited coinage of the
world's product of silver. We liave
a senate which is supposed to have
a majority in favor of the free and
unlimited coinage ot silver, and we
have a president who undoubtedly
stands committed to the gold stan
dard. It seems impossible that and
memetary legislation can come out
of such a combination. '
"Since the repeal of the Sherman
act we have. practically been upon a
gold basis, and we can never change
the situation until some new legis
lation receives iavorame action in
both houses of congress and is
approved by the executive. This
can never happen until some politi
cal party has a clear majority in
both houses ot congress and a pres
ident in sympathy with that ma
jority. Just as soon as one politi
cal party is in power in all branches
ot the government it win De com
pelled to legislate on the silver
question. It is hardly to be expected
that such legislation will meet the
demands of the extreme advocates
of either side."
In a popular government all
legislation which does not involve
liberty or morality is necessarily
the result of compromise. And the
people of this country, including
Wall street and tne silver mining
districts, might just as well look
this matter squarely in the face
and commence to realize that the
next silver legislation of the United
States will be-framed to meet tne
views ot tne greax conservative
body of the American people who
are aoove.everytnmg eise, in iavor
of fixed and permanent standards
of value, and of the greatest pos
sible use of both money metals con
sistent with the maintenance of
their par:ty.
"Neither the bankers nor tne
mine owners will dictate the terms
of the legislation of the
republican party when it comes
intn full twiwer after 'the
nexi presidential! election. Every
man in the country knows it is
coming into power whether he ad
mits it or not. That party nas naa
the courage and has developed the
genius necessary to meet every
great national and industrial and
financial emergency. Ana it win
not fail when it returns to power.
"So -far as I am concerned, I am
profoundly impressed with the be
lief that our depression, business
paralysis, industrial stagnation,
low prices and lack. of employment
are the direct result of the Ameri
can protective policy, and are not
due to any appreciable degree to
any monetary condition.. Just as
our tariff is readjusted so as to pro
vide a sufficientlJevenue, to fully
protect American labor, American
industries and American products,
American prosperity will return.
Factories wilL open, business boom,
prices rise, labor be in demand and
we will forget that we have ever
bothered our minds over the ques
tion of coinage or currency.
5a0eits to January l, 1896-
That is an awful little bit of
money for a'twice-a-week paper like
the Semi-Weekly Journal, but if you
send 50 cents you, will receive that
paper .until January l, 1896. You
will' find it the farmer's dally. Mar
kets alone are worth more money i
than that If you, take it the rest
of this year for 5ft cents yon will
.want to keep it always. If you get
up a club of five 50-cent subscribers
you can hare a copy free for your
trouble. Address, Nebraska State
Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Itettway Magnate Charged With Vio
lating Interstate Commerce law.
Presldcat ef tk gAathera FaeiQo Arrested
Ik New Yerk m wtn iBcUetaaeat Found
at Sm Fraaeiaee Hearing Fixed
Fer Next Thanday.
W7 XffH KMMt,
v term
New York, April 22.Collis P. Hunt
ington, president of the Southern Pacific
railroad, was arrested today on a charge
of giving a free
pass to one Frank
Young in viola
tion of the inter
state commerce
law. President
Huntington was
arraigned before
United States
rintn misRionor
a Shields. He was
represented by his
C. P. HUNTINGTON, counsel, Frederick
B. Coudert. Huntington admitted his
identity. He was taken before Judge
Brown of the United States district
court for a warrant of removal to Cali
fornia. Hearing was fixed for next
Thursday, Huntington being allowed to
go on his own recognizance.
The indictment against Huntington
was found on March 26 in San Ifrancisco.
Mr. Huntington Interviewed.
Mr. Huntington said to a reporter af
ter the proceedings before Commissioner
Shields: "I have known Frank Young,
for 25 years. He is a San Francisco
lawyer. I would not call him a wicked
man because a wicked man would not
do things that way. He is an innocent
land of fellow. I suppose he has started
this thing because I have piqued him in
some way or other, how I don't know.
I may have given him a pass, probably
did, but I give out so many passes that
I don't remember one-third of them.
The passes that are usually given out
are endorsed as a rule "not good outside
the state," and I presume his
pass was not so stamped, and
he took advantage of it. I don't know
anything about the matter beyoui that,
for I don't pay any attention to such
things. In fact, I don't care a tuppence
one wav or the other. It don't amount
to anything anyhow. Arrests are made
among the high and low, and criminal
procedure is not confined to any class
I don't know what will be. done, j
guess Frank got the pass all right, bmt
I have not time to attend to all the u
tails. I have too muoh else to do.
think the root of the whole matter is the
fact that when I became president of
the Southern Pacific railway I disr
charged 23 men out in San Francisco,
who were, so iar as I could see, mere
political agents or go-betweens forpoli
ticians. They did no work for the rail
way that I could see and I paid them
off. Perhaps they are hungry now and
have got to make a strike somewhere."
Bnelianan to Be Executed Wednesday.
Sing Sing, April 22. Warden Sage
has fixed Wednesday morning at ll
o'clock for tho execution of Dr. Buch
anan. '. Buchanan, who, two weeks ago,
showed signs of breaking down, is now
displaying wonderful nerve. He still
has hope, and told his wifo so when she
called on him yesterday. She remained
with Buchanan for over two hours, and
wept most of the time. When she asked
him if he was preparing to meet death
he replied that he had not come to that
yet, and that he would not give up all
hope until one more final appeal was
made to Governor Morton.
Murray Kelson Wins.
Chicago, April 22. The appellate
court today reversed the decision of the
superior court in the mandamus suit of
Murray Nelson against the hoard of
trade, and instructed the lower court
to issue a peremptory writ restoring the
wealthy operator to membership of the
board. Murray Nelson was expelled
from the board for alleged violation of
its rules.
Well Known Turfman Commits Suicide.
Philadelphia , April 22. George
Scatterwood, aged 49 years, who has
been identified with the trotting turf
for a number of years, and who is known
by nearly every turfman from Maine to
jaiixormu, comauuuu huiuiub uuriy wis
morning in the club house at the Old
Point Breeze race track by shooting
Iowa Editor Arrested For IJbel.
Ottdmwa, April 22. Postmaster G.
B. McFall has had James Seevers, editor
of The Times, arrested on a charge of
criminal libel at Oskaloosa. Both men
are well known throughout Iowa. The
cause of the arrest was the publication
of charges by Seevers alleging dishonesty
by McFall while mayor.
Mrs. ParneU May BecoTer.
BOBDENTOWN, N. J., April 22. The
condition of Mrs. Parnell is somewhat
improved today, although she is still un
able to converse with anyone. She
passed a good night arid her tempera
ture is about normal. She is able to
take nourishment, and her physician
has hopes that she may recover.
Business Portion Burned.
Pittsburg, April 22. Almost the. en
tire business portion of Duquesne-
borough, opposite McKeesport, on the
Monongahela river, was destroyed by
fire of supposed incendiary origin,
which broke out at. 4 a. m. The loss is
variously estimated at from $80,000 to
Searching For a Suspect.
New York, April 22. Detectives are
searching for an Italian known as Big
Louis, who answers the description of a
man with whom Alice Welsh was last
seen prior to being found dying from
stabs in the abdomen in a West Thomp
son street dive Sunday morning.'
Treaty of Peace Ratified.
Yokohama, April 22. A dispatch
from Hiroshima, the temporary head
quarters of Japan, states that his maj
esty has ratified the treaty of peace.
Spain Doesat Like It.
Madrid. April 22. In view of the
cession of Formosa to Japan much anx-
letvie felt regarding the defense of
Spain's possessions in the far east.
Ex-Congressman Sweeney Dead.
OwENSBORO, Ky., April 22. Ex-Congressman
W. N Sweeney, the most
imminent lawyer of western Kentucky,
died guddenly, agsd 65.
Cantata SamKk's DeaerMilea of the Battle
at Uaaa.
San Diego, April 22. The revenue
cutter Commodore Perry arrived in
port after an eventful voyage of 122
days from New York. In an interview
Captain Smith said: "We arrived at
Callao March 24. I immediately sent
an officer to the American consul, plac
ing a gig at his disposal He came oft
in great excitement, saying that Ameri
can interests were in danger, and that
Americans were liable to lose their lives
unless some protection was afforded
them. He told me of the attempt to
burn the American legation at Lima. I
immediately detailed officers, 25 men
and a rapid firing gun with 90 rounds of
ammunition to aid him whenever cir
cumstances should require.
"I went to Lima and paid a visit to
At American minister, Mr. McKenzio.
At Lima there were evidences of 'the.
fight on every hand. The streets were
Uttered with lime to destroy tho stench
made by the bodies, and I saw about
1,500 bodies of men slain the day before.
Windows were broken, houses pierced
with bullets, many of them burned to
the ground and devastation and destruc
tion to be seen everywhere. The street
in front of the legation was closed by
a barricade, on either side of which had
been placed the rapid-firing guns. The
bullets flew like hail in tho vicinity and
the walls of the American legation were
pierced. Mrs. McKenzie had been stand
ing near the window, looking out, when
her husband called her away, and as she
turned a shot passed the spot where she
had been standing. Human life was
cheap, native or foreign.and Mr. McKen
zie sent his wife and two other American
ladies out of the country on the New
Orleans steamer. I received a letter
from Mr. McKenzie thanking me for
the protection offered and notifying me
that in his judgment the provisional
government was established formally
enough to prevent further outbreaks."
Waller's Case Attracting
Considerable Attention
Kept la Manacle While on Beard
Steamer Japan. Explaias the New
Treaty Colonel Kelly Was la
tha Front at Chltral.
This GoTernment Will Not Interfere la the
Nicaragua Dispute.
Washington, April 22. A telegram
received at the navy department an
nounced the sailing of Admiral Meade's
squadron from Colon. All of the ves
sels started, the Minneapolis is going to
Kingston and tho New York going to
Colombia; Cincinnati, Atlanta and
Raleigh heading for Key West. The
isthmus will not be left unprotected
long, however, for Secretary Herbert
says that one of the ships will be de
tached from the squadron and sent back
to Colon soon, but the movements of
Meade's squadron is regarded as show
ing the administration has absolute con
fidence that in tho Nicaraguan affair the
British government will take no steps
inimical to American interests, and will
not indirectly seek an acquisition of ter
rity for the expulsion of Consular Agent
Hatch. Nicaragua has been seeking to
have the United States step in and as
sist her in an opposition to 'British de
mands for an indemnity, but this effort
has not succeeded to any extent, and
reports of a cession of Corn island to
Great Britain are believed here to he in
spired to secure American intervention.
Ex-Fresldent OntUnes His Position on the
Currency Question.
Indianapolis, April 22. In ex-Presi
dent Harrison's speech at La Junta,
which is said to outline his position on
the silver question, General Harrison
said: "Now, I say to you today what
I said when I was president, and what
I have always believed, that a larger
use of silver for money and free coinage
of silver upon a basis to be agreed upon
that would maintain its parity with gold
was good for the whole world. I do not
believe that we could run free coinage
ourselves when the European govern
ments were pursuing the policy that
they have been pursuiu g with silver. But
my fellow citizens, there are clear indi
cations now in England and in Ger
many that they are feeling the effects
of a scarcity of gold and its prostrating
effects upon the industries."
Light Sealing Catch.
Victoria, B. C, April 22. Sealing
men report that the coast catch will be
very light this year, the prediction being
based on the bad luck which the Indian
schooners have had, as also the fleet of
American vessels now in Neah bay.
These vessels have not done any sealing
over a month, having been prevented
from operating by rough weather. They
have not made an average catch of 50
skins. News of the Neah bay fleet was
brought by the schooner Mountain Chief
of this port. She had spoken the Teresa
of Victoria.with not more than 80 skins.
South Dakota's Land Claim.
Washington, April 22. J. J. Lock-
hart, state commissioner of education of
South Dakota, with J. H. King, counsel
for the state, callod at the interior de
partment in connection with the claim
of South Dakota to 50,000 acres of in
demnity school lands in the Yankton
Indian reservation. The case will be
heard by Secretary Smith on Thursday
or Saturday. Ex-Commissioner Stock
slager and Mr. Heard represent the In
Oil Market Inactive.
Pittsburg, April 22. Tho life and
activity seems to have gone out of the
oil market. Oil opened thi3 morning at
fl.9o bid and was offered at $1.98 down
to f 1.90 without any sales. Only 2,000
barrels were sold on the Oil City ex
change up to 10:30. The Standard
again made a reduction in the price for
credit balances of 15 cents to f 2.10.
General McCook Retired.
Washington, April 22. Secretary
Lamont today issued an order retiring
Major General Alexander McCook and
reviewing his career from the date of
his appointment as a lieutenant hvl852.
Marseilles, April 22. The case of
Mr. John I. Waller, formerly United
States consul at Tamatave, island of'
Madagascar, who was recently sen
tenced by a French courtmartial to im
prisonment for 20 years, and who ar
rived here on Saturday last on board the
steamer Djemnah, is attracting consid
erable attention, in view of the fact that
it has been announced that the United
States ambassador at Paris, James B.
Eustis, has been instructed to inquire
into the matter. Mr. Waller was man
acled while on board the Djemnah, on
the northwest coast of the island of
Madagascar. Upon arrival here he was
locked in jail and it is reported that he
will eventually be imprisoned on the isl
and of Corsica or on the Safety islands.
During the voyage Mr. Waller spofce
but little, although he frequently asked
to be allowed permission to write. The
French officials declined to grant this
request on account of his refusal to agree
to show them the letter he intended to
Chinese Commercial Concessions Extend to
All Other Powers.
Yokohama, April 22. The following
is the text of the statement as issued by
the Japanese government denying the
reports that it has concluded an offen
sive and defensive alliance with China
and declaring that the commercial ad
vantages secured by Japan will also be
enjoyed by the other powers under the
favored nation treaty. Misapprehen
sions are reported to be current in Eu
rope in regard to the terms of the Japan-China
treaty. It has been repre
sented that Japan has secured a 2 per
cent ad valorem duty on imports instead
of specific duty and also formed an of
fensive and defensive alliance with
China. The commercial concessions
obtained by Japan beyond those already
secured by the treaty powers under the
favored nation clause comprise the right
to navigate the Yang tse Kiang to
Chung King and also Woon Sung river
and the canals leading to Soo Chow and
Hank Chow and the right to import ma
chinery and certain goods duty free and
to establish factories. These conces
sions are not exclusive to Japan. They
naturally extend to the European pow
ers in virtue of the favored nation
clause. In securing these privileges for
all, Japan expects the approval of all
the powers.
"The reported offensive and defensive
alliance does not exist."
Colonel Kelly's Column the First to Reach
tho Threatened Post.
Calcutta, April 22. A dispatch was
received at Simla this morning from Sir
Robert Low, the commander of the Brit
ish expedition against Umra Khan,con
firming the announcement made last
night that Chitral fort had been relieved.
The last previous advices received from
the front stated the column commanded
by Colonel Kelly, which had been ad
vancing upon Chitral from Gilgat, after
passing over the Shander pass between
Gilgat and Chitral, had arrived at a spot
15 miles from Chitral, and it is there
fore supposed that it was Colonel Kelly
who relieved the British garrison. Gen
eral Galacrei's flying column has reached
Dir and the main body is following rap
idly. A sensation has been caused in
military and other circles by the discov
ery by Sir Robert Low at Miankalai of
a letter to Umra Khan from a Bombay
firm, offering to supply him with every
kind of modern weapon and enclosing
photographs of quick-firing guns.
Serious Situation In Puerto Principe.
Tampa, Fla., April 22. A report that
General Campos, with a few aides, num
bering 12, had gone into the interior to
treat for peace with Masso. a Cuban
leader, is stoutfy denied by passengers
arriving lasc nignt. A telegram from
Puerto Principe was received at Havana
llmg ior more troops. As 6.000
troops are now at Puerto Principe, it
suggests a serious situation and that
strong preventative measures will be
taken against Gomez acquirincr a foot.
hold in Puerto Principe.
No Truth In tho Statement.
London, April 22. At the Jaoaneso
legation it was stated that nothing was
known here of the intended action, con-
certea or otherwise, on behalf of tho
powers in the far east and it was de
clared that there was no foundation for
the statement that Great Britain was
trying diplomatically to secure advan
tages for herself in that quarter of tho
Another Drop In Oil.
Toledo, April 22. There was
other 10-cent drop in crude oil
True Bill Against Wilde.
London, April 22. The grand inrv
today found a true bill against Oscar
Wilde, who is charged with serious
misdemeanors, and his trial was set
ilown for Friday next at the Old Bailey.
Corean Minister on Trial.
Seoul, April 22. Tlio trial of Yi Li
Yoshu, formerly Corean minister to Ja
pan, who was arrested April 18, charged
withmuruer ana treason, began hern
today. Other officials are implicated.
Framed the First Home Rule BilL
London, April 22. Sir Robert Hamil
ton, whose death was announced this
morning, is understood to have been
mainly instrumental in framinjr the first
home rule bill.
Communication With Campos Cut Off.
Madrid, April 22. Owing to the in
terruption of the telegraphic service,
communication with General Martinez
de Campos and Havana has been cutoff.
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