The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1895, Image 2

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    i -99-' . jfe? J". . , VP-.
fflf. "vols:
IRA. L. BARE, Editor and Proprietor
The North Side Grocer,
71 TX iTl T TTfN
avwaaxanos katks.
OseTMr, eaah teadruce, , $1-25.
MxMoatka, eMhla Mraace 75 Cents.
0tir. Goods are Guaranteed Fresh,
Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, kwi.
"Insure Prompt Dehvery,
Ata meetinir of S. A. Douglas
No, 69, G. A. R., on April 13tli,
1895, the following resolutions were
Whereas, It has pleased the
Great Commander to promote into
the Grand Armv above our late
comrade Win. Emerson, and,
Whereas, S. A. Douglas Post
No. 69 deplores the loss of a good i
soldier; therefore,
Resolved, that we extend to Ihe
President Cleveland's Keply to the
Chicago Commission,
ten tka Nead of tke Eeir Is te Stem the
8Urer- Tide Time For tfae American
People ts XeaeeaTegether mMcib
ermef m Great Netlea.
Washington. April 15. The follow
ing is the text of President Cleveland's
reply to the Chicago committee:
Washington, April 13.
Gentlemen I am much gratified by
the exceedingly kind and complimentary
We. Share Of Yolir Trade. hwed the example of many other the same be spread on our minutes
. Cabinet officers. In the first cen- and also a to our at? Vrs
NORTH LOCUST STREET. tury of our national existence there for Publlcatlon
were 207 Cabinet officers appointed
and seventy seven of them resigned
before the expiration of their terms
of office.
G. A. Hesse,
T. C. Patterson
Frank Peale.
The supreme court has set the
case of the-state against ex-Treasurer
Hill, for the recovery of $236,
000 lost in the Capital National
bank, for trial on the 29th inst. start.
Messrs. Munger and Harlan, com- M. H. McDermott was
missioners appointed to draw a jury Platte Wednesday".
A fine rain and snow . in this
locality recently was much appre
ciated. Spring seems to have arrived in
earnest, grass is getting a fine
in North
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
lty Dollar.
to try tnis case, have been ordered
to meet for that purpose, at Lin
coln, on the 16th inst., the venire
to be returnable on the 29th inst.
The bicycle manufacturers intend
to double the output of their factor
ies for last year by the manufacture
this year and they expect the peo
ple to expend $40, 000. 000 for wheels.
J. ms may pe an indication of bet
ter times for everybody but the
I horse raiser. The bicycle and the
electric car have taken the place of af naa Untta w 1l:e
j - d i I AW UVUVVt AAWMWW 4-lWI-fcJW" bill -J
me norse in tne city ana lie will
more and more be restricted to the
country and the race track.
A car of corn has arrived from
Missouri for distribution in Kem
Miss Hannah Smale, of Curtis,
is visiting at Mrs McConnells this
A Green was a North Platte
visitor Wednesday.
Mr. andvMrs. Latimer are re
ported to be improving.
Dan Jolliff was in North Platte
Tuesday and Wednesday,
-Meetings nave been in progress
John McConnel transacted busi
ness in North Platte Wednesday.
It is reported from Kansas that Bert Drake of North Platte was
enough evidence has been gathered m this locality Monday.
to out some of tbp momWc G. W. Plue was unable to com-
- - I i.
k-... i
W -1
Don't pay other people's debts.
Is the ONLY Hardware
Man in North Platte that
will always find my price
Yours for Business,
Still Selling
1 ill M UlU
Sporting Goods, Etc.
of the populist board
charities behind prison bars,
course these patriots will not
punished without due process
law, but if they finally land in pri
son the .impression will be quite
general that they are the right peo
ple in the right place. Ex.
4. .
A Fine Line of Piece
Goods to select from.
Eirst-class Fit. Excel
lent Workmanship.
(Old "7"axx IDoran Stable.)
Grood Teams,
Comfortable !Rigs,
EzceM Acecmmcdatiocs for tti famini hlk
Northwest corner of Courthouse square.
Steam and Gas Pitting.
cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper nd Galvanized Iron Cor on the outer line of their sidewalks,
TnrniohnJ T , .
xtepamng ot ail innrts receive nroraDt attention
Tin and Iron Roofings,
rin of all t
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth,
Dr. N. McOABE, Prop. j. E. BUSHj Manager.
When the Telegraph is the means
of bringing about a much needed
reform The Tribune will probably family of our late comrade our deep
howl with envy, but it never ex- sympathy in this their hour of
pects an apportunity to make the affliction.
Resolved, That this Post drapes
her charter for thirty davs; that a
was the firk to leave pR5(1pf copy of these resolutions be sent to
Cleveland' Cnhinf Kf i,A 1,00 e family of our late comrade, and invitation you have tendered me on hehnlf
v-ieveiana s cabinet, but he has fol- J , :i. of many citizens of Chicago to be their
truest at a gathering, in the interest of
sound money and wholesome financial
doctrine. My attachment to this caase is
great, and I know so well the hospitality
and kindness of the. people of Chicago that
my personal inclination is strongly in
favor of accepting your flattering invita
tion: but my judgment and my estimate
of the proprieties of my official place ob
ligo me to forego the enjoyment of partici
pating in the occasion you contemplate. I
hone, however, that the event will mark
the beginning of an earnest and aggres
give effort to disseminate among the peoplo
safe and prudent financial ideas. Nothing
more important can engage the attention
of patriotic citizens, because nothing is so
vital to the welfare of our countrymen and
to the strength, prosperity and honor of
our nation
The situation confronting ns demands
that those who appreciate tho importance
of this subject and those who ought to be
the first to see impending danger should
no longer remain indifferent or overconfl
dent. If the sound money sentiment
abroad in the land is to save ns from mis
chief and disaster, it must be crystalized,
combined and made immediately active.
It is dangerous to overlook the fact that a
vast number of our people with scanty
opportunity thus far to examine the ques
tion in all its aspects, have nevertheless
been ingeniously pressed with specious
suggestions, which in this timo of misfor
tune and depression find willing listenors,
prepared to give credence to any scheme
which is plausibly presented as a remedy
for their unfortunate condition.
What is now needed more than anything
else is a plain and simple presentation of
the argument in favor of sound money.
In other words, it is a timo for the Ameri
can people to reason together as members
of a great nation which can promiso them
a continuance of protection and safety,
only so longa3 its solvency is unsuspected,
its honor unsullied and tho soundness of
its money unquestioned.
These things are ill-exchanged for the
illusions of a base currency and ground
less hope of advantages to be gained by a
disregard of our financial credit and com
mercial standing among the nations of
world. In these restless days the farmer
is tempted by the assurance that though
our currency may be debased, redundant
and uncertain, such a situation will im
prove the price of his products. Let us re
mind him that ho must buy as well as
sell; that his .droams of plenty are shaded
by the certainty that If tho price of the
things ho has to sell is nominally en
hanced the cost of the things he must buy
will not remain stationary; that the best
prices cheap money proclaims aro unsub
stantial and elusive and that even if they
were real and palpable, he must jiecessari
ly be left far behind for their enjoyment.
It ought not to bo difficult to convince
tho-wage earner that it would reach him
least of all. In an unhealthy stimulation
of prices, an increased cost of all the needs
of his home must belong to his portion.
while he is at tho same time vexed with
vanishing visions of increased wages and
an easier lot. The pages of history and
experience are full of tne lesson. An in
siduous attempt is made to create a preju
dice against tne advocates of a safe and
sound currency by tho insinuation, more
or loss directly made, that they belong to
financial and business classes and there
fore not only out of sympathy with tho
and wicked purposes are willing to sacri
flee the interests of those ontsido their cir
cles. I believe that capital, and wealth,
through combinations and other means,
sometimes gain an undue advantage; and
it must be conceded that tho maintenance
of a sound currency may, in a sense, bo
invested with a greater or less importance
to individuals according to tneir condition
and circumstances.
It is, however, only a difference in de-
greo, since it is utterly impossible that any
one in our broad land, rich or poor, what
ever mar be his occupation and whether
dwelling in a center of finance and com
merce or in a remote corner of our domain,
can bo really benefited by a financial
scheme not aliko beneficial to all our peo
ple or that anyone should be excluded
from a common and universal interest in
the safe character and staple valuo of tho
currency of tho country. In our relation
to this question, we aro all in business, for
we all buy and sell; so we all have to do
with financial operations, for we all earn
money and spend it. We cannot cscapo
our interdependence. Merchants and
dealers are in every neighborhood and
each has its Bhops and manufactures.
Whenever the wants of man exist, busi
ness and finance is in some degree found,
related in one direction to those whose
wants they supply and in another to the
more extensive business and finance to
which they aro tributary.
A fluctuation in prices at the seaboard
is known the same day or hour in the re
motest hamlet. The disoredit or depres
sion in financial centers of any form of
money in the hands of the people is a sig
nal of immediate loss everywhere. If
reckless discontent and wild experiments
should sweep our currency from its safe
support, tho most defenseless of all who
suffer in the time of distress and national
discredit would be the poor as they reckon
their loss in their scanty support and the
laborer and workingman as he sees the
money he has received for his toil shrink
and shrivel in his hand when he tenders
it for the necessaries to supply his humble
Disguise it as wo may, the line of battlo
is drawn between tho forces of safe cur
rency and those of silver monometallism.
I will not believe that if our peoplo are
afforded an intelligent opportunity for
sober second thought they will sanction
schemes that, however cloaked, mean dis
aster and confusion, nor that they will
consent by undermining the foundation
of a safe currency to endanger the bene
ficient character and purposes of their
government. Tours very truly,
Gbover Cleyelad.
It has been so dry up in Minne
sota all winter that the steamboats
on Lake Minnetonka are high and
dry at their moorings and there
will be no way to get them afloat
1 unless it rains about as vigorously
as it did when the ark was launch
ed. The level is two feet bel ow
the bench mark and the ground is
so dry in the drainage basin that it
would absorb two weeks of steady
rainfall without sending enough
water into the lake to raise the
level a single inch. So the pros
pects for an active season at Tonka
are not flattering at this writing.
It is the opinion of Senator Pef-
fer that the treasury will lose about
plete Mrs Jone's well on account of
its cavinp so lias rrivp.n it nn and
James Waggoner came home from
the Platte valley in the snow
storm last week. On the way one of
his horses tired out and had to
leave it on the road, and on his
returning for it he found it dead.
Mrs. Julia JollifF recently com
pleted the piecing of a fuilt which
contains 120 blocks and 2928 pieces.
Cecil Tuell, met with a severe
accident on Saturday the 6th get
ting his wagon upset and being
severely injured in the wreck. He
was near North Platte, and did not
get home from there till Wednes
day. O. I. C.
HSHgh EridcMt te Ceavict IIIm ef tfcs
Marder ef Mtees Lament aad WllliuM.
San Fraxcisco. April 15. -The net is
tightening around W. H. T. Dorsnt,
the dental student in jail for the mur
der of Blanch Lamont and Minnie Will'
iams in Emanuel church. Chief of Po
lice Crowley claims to have evidence
enongh now to convict him beyond a
doubt. Dnrant had been attentive to
both girls. Each girl regarded him as
a lover. They were both members of
the church and. were friends. Both be
longed to the same class in Sanday
school. The young man was librarian
of the4 church and assistant superin
tendent of the Sunday school.
Other circumstances which bear
against him are that he had- the key to
the church; was seen conducting; Miss
Williams into a private door of the
church Friday evening; was late arriv
ing at the Vogel reception, and upon,
arriving there showed a nervous condi
tion and disordered attire. There is a
rumor -tuac mere was Diood on ms
hands. In his overcoat pocket was
found the girl's missing puree. Miss
Williams was to have gone to Dr. Vo-
gel's Friday evening, started for the
house, met Dnrant and was never seen
alive again. The sleeve of the man's
white shirt rolled up in a wad as though;
it had been stripped off the arm, was
found. It was soiled and had blood
stains on it but they were old. An-,
other significant fact is that Blanch La
mont, who was murdered first and car
ried to the church belfry, was strangled
by alef t handed man who used the left
hand in choking the girl. Dnrant is
ambidextrous, using either hand with
Grizzly Caused a Panic Amoag tke Spec
tators by Tryiagr to Escape.
Lakedo, Tex., April 15. The fight
between the California grizzly and the
Mexican fighting bxdl, Panther, took,
place today as advertised in the bull
ring in New Laredo, Mex., but though
it pleased the crowd it was not much of
a fight after all. The bear died an hour
after the fight. Great consternation
was caused at one stage of the game
when the bear, "Ramidan," being pur
sued in one of the corners by mad
rushes, proceeded to climb out over the
top of the cage. Old, staid, phlegmatic
citizens and government officials, bank
ers and business men, who had not been
obliged to move actively since their boy
hood, all made a rush for the top rail
ing, and had not the bear, failing to get
over the barbed top of the cage, quietly
gone down tne way ne went up these
good gentlemen would certainly have
jumped down the 25 feet to the outside.
Insurgent General Taken Prisoner by
the Spanish.
laraa loyalists CeleBratta the lading
ef the Revelatlea Geaeral Crombet
Killed at tke Battle or PalraerHe.
ReeeU Wttkeat a Leader.
.Havana, April 15. Maceo is captured
and Cuba's hut hope is gone. Crom
bet has been killed. Without these
two leaders all is chaos in insurgent
ranks and liberty's most ardent friend;
admit that the Cuban cause is lost. The
Spanish party are posting bulletins and
theloyaliata in Havana are celebrating
the eading of the revolution. Without
Crombet and Maceo there can be so real
war. On Saturday the Cuban amy aad
Spanish soldiers met atPahnarito. Th
rebel forces numbered 2,000 men, while
that of the Spaniards was 8,000. A
desperate fight followed, and according
We offer .One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. F. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
$10,000,000 of revenue through the at,Dg 7 TS, tbe ?looa r,
income tax decision of the supreme 75c. Der bottle. Sold bv a'll Drm?iRts.
I J " DO
court. He is further credits will, Testimonials free.
saying that this would be about
two-thirds of the total amount pro
duced by the tax. If the senator is
right of course there is bound to be
a bigger deficit in the revenues of
Making a Clean Sweep of Everythlag Greea
4 That Ides In Tkeir Fata.
Russellvtlle, April 15. The much
dreaded army worm has made its ap
pearance in. this and many other sur
rounding counties. There are millions
of them, and they are making a clean
sweep of everything green that lies in
their way. They have devastated fields
of young corn and clover, and hundreds
of plant beds have been literally eaten
up not a sprig of the tobacco plants be
ing left. Some of the farmers have re
sown their beds, and it will throw their
crops late. Farmers are ditching
against the worms, and bushels of them
have been killed. The greatest surprise
to the farmers is that these worms have
made their appearance so early. It has
been 14 years since the army worms
were as numerous in this section as they
are now, and they have arrived six
weeks earlier than on their former visit.
anssouKi towx fire swept.
Courthouse and Two Business Blocks De
stroyed at Plattsbnrg.
Plattsburg, Mo., April 15. The fire
to official reports lasted two hours. At
the end of that time the rebels re
treated, were pursued by the Spanish
troops and Maceo captured. His Secre
tary was also taken and all the per
sonal and private papers of General
Maceo were confiscated. The battle
was a hard fought one. and the insur
gents battled desperately against odds.
The Spanish soldiers acted with remark
able courage and resisted the onslaught.
The battle was a hand-to-hand conflict,
and a number of Cuban officers, one of
whom was a colonel, were killed.
Maceo was a leader of the rebel forces
with Gomez during the last revolution.
Though but a youth he achieved consid
erable distinction. Maceo's fate is
known in advance. It would be far
better for him if he had been killed, as
was Crombet, than to be brought here
to Havana and put in old Morra castle's
gloomy prison. He" will be kept there
for some time, and then possibly he will
be given a mock trial. It is certain he
will be garroted.
"We have no need of Campos and his
troops now," said a Spanish officer,
when he heard of Maceo's capture and
Crombet's death.
Consul General Williams is preparing
for an early departure, and Vice Consul
Springer assumes the duties of tho office
at once.
Calleja, captain general of Cuba, who
is in supreme authority until the arrival
of Campos, who, by royal proclamation,
is commander whenever he lands, was
seen at the captain, general's palace and
was asked if the news of the capture of
Maceo was true. Ho confirmed the
news, and added that all of the filibus
tering was nearly at-aa-iid. -Qalleja
seems to be highly gratified; thai?the
,e ,mi: Tnmna Rfnrm nf: Mm snnMi onrl nf Mni the aid Of LOmpOS tTOOPS. .3$
street, resulted in the destruction of the "When you Americans see how.easily
courthouse with all its records, two en- 0311 c8"' oat the rebeIa here in the
Washington, D. C, Mareh 1 1895.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
who may have ciaims against the "North
Platte National Bank." North Platte,
this nation than anybody has been Nebraska, that the same must be pre
expectiner. When the rermhiiVn,, rented to Mr. Milton Doolittle, Receiver,
m. W f- " - - - --- - -
with legal proof thereof, within three
months from this date, or they may be
James H. Eckels,
21m3 Comptroller of the Currency.
congress hnally assembles in
December it will have
before it that will make double
plain the old saying that a surplus
is a great sight eaiser to handle
than a deficit Journal.
Qorso XAST.
Ex-Secretarv John W Pncfr No. 4 Fast Mail 8S0A.M
J - woj-wi, , - w t .ttj n.on .
who is one ot the negotiators for No. 2-Freiirht " 7.-oo a. m
peace between China and
says that China was not prepared
for war, and will sacrifice much for !
peace, but "China will not accept
oppressive or humiliating terms."
Mr. Foster is also reported as sav
ing to Colonel Cockerill that he has
little hope for peace. It these nego
tiations fail the situation in the
Unent will be more complicated
! than ever, for -Japan cannot march
on Pekin and overthrow the Chinese
government without the danger of
interference from the powers of
Europe, and that, is the last con
tingency Japan would have in her
! war with China.
Nn.18 Frflieht 6:00 P. M.
No. 22 Freight "40 A.M.
No. 7-Pacifio Exdtobs IJept 7O0a. m
No. 1-Iimited Iftf?-
No. 21-Freight " 330 p. M
No. 23-Freight &20 a. m
N. B. OLDS. Agent.
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office over North Platte National Bank.
Tree Planting-
Ed. Tribune: I notice a number
of our citizens are planting trees
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacfic RpHmv
and Member of Pension Board,
Office over Streite's Drag Store.
and as there has not been any great
success attained in the past in thus
planting trees, would it not be ad
visable, for those who are intending,
or have, -planted trees to adopt the
Denver plan. This is to place an
18 inch piece of six or eight inch
tiling about four feet distant on
each side of the tree and fill the tii-
! ing with water twice or more times
a day. This results in keeping the
water from running-awav from the
trees, and confines it to a space
wucreu w bgreioreacn the roots
M. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women
ana iwiarea a opecjiuij.
tire business blocks and the partial de
struction of a third block. The flames
rapidly enveloped the large livery stable
and were carried by a north wind over
the entire block. The loss will foot up
$300,000, on which the insurance is
probably over half.
Firebug Imperils Many Lives.
New Yop-k:, April 15. An attempt
very near successful was made to burn
an old four-story brick tenement house,
133 West Nineteenth street, at 2:50
o'clock this morning. The stairways,
landings and hallways of tho place were
literally soaked with kerosene and a
torch applied in at least three places.
In the house there wore five families,
all colored. That they all escaped with
out injury is miraculous. This is the
third time there has been suspicious
fires in this same house.
Costly Incendiary Blaze.
Taiilequah, I T., April 15. At 11
a. m. an lncenaiary nre was started, m
the livery barn of J. K. Watson, and
before the flames could be checked two
whole blocks, including 18 business
houses, four residences and about 15
offices were destroyed. Loss 1200,000.
The mansion of ex-Chief Bushy Head
wa3 a total loss.
Petition For Reopening- the Case Handed
Around the Supreme Court.
Washington, April 15. Copies of the
petition asking a rehearing of the in
come tax question were nanded around
to members of the United States su
preme court today. There were no pro
ceedings in open court. No action has
been taken on it as yet.
KUIed at a Crossing-.
Fort Wayne, April 15. A Pennsyl-
i 1 Y .
vania engine running ngnc sctuck a
buggy at Naples, SO miles east of here,
and instantly killed Cass Smiley, a
young iarmer, ana seriously in j urea
Miss Nan Buskirk. The horse was also
killed and the vehicle smashed.
island without the aid of homei troops,
or with only a few of them, you will
realize that tho amount of anarchistic
sentiment in this island has been exag
gerated greatly," said Calleja.
"Tell your people," he added, "that
Cuba is loyal to Spain, and that Spain
has never oppressed the island as repre
sented." Resuming tho discussion of the battlo
at Palmarito, Calleja said that he had
.official information concerning the cap
ture of Maceo and the killing of Briga
dier General Flor Crombet. He also
had news that the Spanish loss was lit
tle, while the rebels have met with over
whelming defeat.
Met Death la tho Pulpit.
Birmingham, Ala., April 15. The
Rev. J. M. Jessup, an aged primitive
Baptist preacher, met death in a hor
rible manner at Sandy Ridge, Ala.
While delivering his sermon he sad
denlyfell to the floor in spasms and
died with his awe-stricken congregation
about him. It afterwards developed
that he had taken a large quantity of
strychnine which he carried iir his
pocket on bread crumbs to poison En
glish sparrows that infested his yard.
He was also in the habit of carrying
sugar in his pocket to clear his throat
for his stomach. He took the strych
nine by mistake.
Central Iowa Gets a Wetting.
Marshalltown, April 15. Tho
weather in Central Iowa has been get
ting exceedingly dry and grave appre
hensions of a drouth were again enter
tained, but the heaviest rain for a year
Bet in at 3 o'clock this morning and
continued steadily all forenoon, with
prospects of a regular wet spelL The
ground is now thoroughly soaked.
Grass is two weeks earlier than ever.
Steamer Clyde la Distress.
Lilbon, April 15. The steamship
Clyde is off Cape Pinisterre signalling
for assistance.
Jjon Aageles Crowded With Visitors.
Los Angeles, April 35. The opening
of the second annual celebration of La
Fiesta de Los Angeles takes place in this
city today. The hotels, public houses
and many private houses are filled to
overflowing with people who are gath
ered from all parts of the country. It
is believed thece are 50,000 visitors.
-mi v i wnprp it is enrp r
imsn at seasonable PBIOES, AND WARRANT of tte trees- This p1" has insured Meats at wholesale and re-
. "Harder aaA Suicide.
New York, April 15. Because Camile
Junda,, his- brother's tfife, upbraided
him for his ways and his failure to pay
his board, Charles Jundakplcd her and
then sent a bullet through his own
brain with probably fatal results.
Pish and Game
tap ornwrb nf trwe nlnm
walks m Denver, and will orobablv tail.
. . . . . - -. j
"2 m - - - .- I Q.O IHC EalDC lfl North Plaftfl T;o
SESiii VlHUBUVia-Uil (XJUIlCrxr anrl. 1 - " I rAmmm nrvU 1 i. .... I eaooVn. Wn.-. i 11
Pacific Railway Solicit.
Nearly Two Millions.
New York, April 15. The police
census returns are nearly all in. The
population of New York according to
tbese-figurea is 1. 888,780, an increase
i. a. fort I times. Cash jaid for Hides. taB 1 0!il'1-
(jV0RY(g SOArf M
77 Siv-
7 i