The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1895, Image 4

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! i TiiJirrtw ii a
ttwTweaty-Oac JMUfl WPH
Leading nMCtawrnw World.
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete lice of
im m m us,
Prices Always Eeasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
The dirt is blowing
a A - J j j f
uing w ujcDU.vunowic p TTJfw1 Kfnf fieri rnmmic-l
Some interesting ,4eveloomcnts Ision's car Ko. 3 oassed westward
countv. -'."7-'.' - .
Field.entertained ji
. Mrs.fG. T.
few of? her lady frieads xyeaterday
atternooi at aJuncl-fconJ 4 i "
The Masonic brethren reports,
very pleasant' time at the .sociable
last night at the residence of TJr.
A very small Chinese baby at
tracted considerable attention at
the depot this morning'. 'St
quite cute.
The issue of High school build
ing or no
should not
approaching- school election.
A couple of young" local' bi
cycliennes mamaered k to have' their
machines collide last msrht with
the usual results to the wheels.
novel one,;but some improvements
are contemplated in the near future!
which will .intake it "all ttie'niorej
I 4-5A.s,a' ''basiaess orooosition" it
nititbeas well for the Era to sec-
pndtthe suggestion for a new depot
instead of endeavoring to sneer at
the idea. Physician, applv some of
your remedies.
C. Ju. Bowen this week moved
up loathe jDillon farm on the ditch,
-TWherc did you httjpnr diamond ringr?
. -WarJ Taiway(BMy'eVery thing . :
j rAt Clintoa,s, the Jeweler
r The best place m the unurerse
- u' Tp'ttyiVbaripld and silverware,
rs'MUMA-M-itinta fnr the hair. .
&tn;nSae96ottfsilVer5andold, . .
Vao-d!SBoae whose eyes are growing .old
-He has spectacles, gold or silver, as you like,
' Arid all canibe had at' the cheapest price.
S& my advice to large arid small, old and young,
TKoae'wa.bave 'money and those who have none,
'ls simy thwfgb to Clinton, the Jeweler. -
Sat. March 16 and througfrMarch
we will give a
15 5" D o
o o o
13 0
75 75 5
- i i
vrSh SSiS XsMiVr ind iri company with Rufus Briggs
Srbf ot $8 of "Sfffi Pt Put J huge garden, tls
season for the purpose of supply-
TheL O.
G-.-T.J literarv and
ing the local market.
TJ..C.-Pjiercy's petition has been
tion of member of the board of edu
cation ..He has four children at
tending the public schools, takes a
m m
The Model Clothing House
btudebaker Waerous at
-Hershcy & Co's.
For Sale or Trade,
The White Elephant barn. 'Also
several vacant lots. Will trade for
ditch or hay land, or cattle. The
above property is clear of incum
brance. Inquire of
$25 Reward
"Will be paid for anyone giving in
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of the parties who poi
soned my greyhounds at the Scout's
Rest Ranch the latter part of Feb
ruary. Col. W. F. Cody.
musical social last night was large- great deal of interest in the same.
ly attendedandjan unusually nr andswpuld.makea first-rate man for
teresting programme was renaerea. the place.
The Y. M.C. A. .will, give a The Tribune favored there-
first class musical entertainment J election of Mr. VonGoetz because
Monday evening; April 15th, in the "he has made an exceptionally ef-
K. P. hall. Programme will appear i ficient mayor, and as such deserved
a reflection. That gentleman,
however, had no desire to make a
fight :lor the office, and hence would I
not be a candidate. This being
the case, The Tribune quite natr
urally endorses the candidacy of a.
Mr. Baker, against whom no fault
can be entered.
If; not wy patron, .you will become such if you will call
.and.examiaiemy complete and 'carefully selected stock of jew--elpy,
.watckeK' clocksu rold. silver and plated ware, eye, field
vand opera :gasses;t-vmusical instruments such as mandolin,
t banjo, guitarstrings!, tc; ; I also have a fine line of silver nov
elties suitable forEaster gifts. -Eyes tested and scientifically
u iieu ireei? t engraving, waxen cleaning ana repairing a speci
alty. AVgpod8 guaranteed as represented, and are offered at
pricea 9uit the times. 4 : Ciinton, The Jeweler.
Better goods cannot be offered;
Smaller, prices cannot be made.
We offer goods that every Lady and Gent must have
-goods that they must buy. We cannot fail to please.
All goods marked plain. Seeing is believing; come and
see for yourself.
Our sale is a genuine cut price sale. The practical common
sense advantages of buying at one of our Discount sales are becoming
better tinderstcod and appreciated every day. Our system has certainly
passed the experimental stage. It stands for a clear understandings be
tween buyer and seller; and above all for better prices.
gfie pair.
purel Personal.
next week.
Herman Steirihausen yesterday
loaded his portable propertyintofa
car and left for Rokeby, Neb. This
is a new postoffice recently estab
lished down near Lincoln.
The members of the North
Platte Wheel Club are requested to
meet at Lemaster's shop on March
24th at a. m. sharp tor club run.
Gi A. IA'ing, Captain.
u. in. Jiiider win shortly move
into this city from the Medicine
and will take the management of
Rev. James Leonard was an Oma
fia visitor thisveek. ' 1
W. H. Broach made a brief visit
to OgaUllapWednesday.
W. C. Elderireturned Wednesday upon its land just east of this sta
metropolis was visible in
tion one day this week.
The old ditch company surveyed
aline down through this locality
on Wednesday this week for the
extension of what is known as the
O'Fallons lateral, so as to get water
IX- t J x. x r .i - ,
When Buying
from his trip -tp Lincoln.
Harry Lamplugh has had a Chas. Burkejef t last night, upon
. a. a i.: a ... t. : I v:.r i ; i x r
grcii Aitut btcuc pdiULCU upuuiiis a. unci uubiucSS inp id KJinauu.
ice wagon, it represents an Es
quimau leaving his canoe .to escape
from the wrath of a Polar bear,
whose domain he has invaded. We j
don't know whether Harry intends
the old VanDoran livery barn, with to convey the idea that these ursine Thursday.
ivouis Kricsson. of Gaslin. was a
passenger on No. 7 tHs morning.
Dave LawldrVan ex-county oflicial
of Keith county, whs in the city on
brutes have chased him out of the
Arctic regions for robbing them of
IUC11 JU.VU1.11C 1UC Ul UUl.
the determination to make thincrs
move in that quarter.
The game of foot-ball Wednes
day evening was a very exciting
one irom start to mush. Put.
"NTJ.1. 1 J l.J 1. i. I
wuuuiuj; uau uaiu wuitk wuwudgc i living in r loraia, writes a
me wa. itii gcituc x nurtj even- i tms siaie a private letter in
mg at o:io, at wnicn, time tne
regular players wiU be chosen.
The hdfestore W Clark Brownr
ing, in Beatrlce'was Closed by the
attorneys for the mortgagees one
day this week. Mr.: Browning was
luuuciiy in luc sdmc uusiucss in
this citr, and his numerous friends
here will be pained learn' of 'His
tion. Several parties whose land
it passes through will invest in
water rights. It goes about mid
way between the railroad and the
Farmers & Merchants' ditch.
D. A Brown pulled in from the
ranch in McPherson county Tues
day. He will now remain and put
m a crop on nis rarm at this place.
x. d. opurner ana little son
Willie returned from Decatur coun-
Why not get the BEST t
Washburn's Superlative
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im
provement' in' milling machiriery--tKe product of the hard,
excellent wheat of the north. If vou are not using" the
Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by
Is here, and it is of sanitary im
portance as well as for the beauti
ful effect, that it is necessary for
the smoke and grime of the winter
season to be removed. Nothing
so satisfactorily accomplishes this,
after a thorough renovation, as to
re-paper the walls and ceilings ot
the lamily residence or office. To
those thus preparing to beautify
their homes
This year affords extraordinary ad
vantages for improving and decor
ating in this direction. The stock
is much larger than has ever be
fore been brought to North Platte,
and embraces styles from the sim
plest and cheapest, to the most
elaborate and costly. In keeping
with the times, the prices are low
er than the same quality of goods
were ever before offered! He has
papers which will fit the require
ments of every pocket book, from
those resembling the lean and hun
gry kine mentioned in the Bible,
to'the bulging purse of the mil
lionaire. Call and examine the
stock and prices, as a particular
pleasure will be taken in exhibit
ing the same to the public, as a
personal inspection will go a long
way toward making a purchase.
Don't forget the place, at
..Newton's Book Store.
The big ad. of W. T. Banks,
upon the, first page, speaks for
itself. Had more of North Platte
merchants the nerve to issue a
similar proclamation through these
columns they would have less occa
sion to complain of the trinjency jLangford; soliloqu-, A
ui me nmcs.
J. D. Calhoun, an old news
paper man of Nebraska, who is now
g in jp loraia, writes a lnena in
he states that the recent freeze in
that state has set. Florida back
from five to ten years, more than
the people of Nebraska generally
suppose, oy reason or the destruc
tion of the orchards there. His be
lief is that diversified farming will
be the quickest way for the state to
The following programme will dav
3 3 1 XI T T A A---J J
ucicuucicu uy iuc xj. xu. a. ui toe
Y. M. C. A. rooms Monday nisrht.
to which all are cordially invited:
Music, Y. M. C. A. Glee Club: ad
dress, H. E. Hollings worth; read
ing, H. .McMichael; solo, George
Dowlinpaper (current events), Vera
E. Searle:
Mrs".- G. S.Hiiffman returned the
fiwt ofttejmjertnpto ty, Iowaon Tuesday, where they
J2iePnr3?A i . . - . had been visiting relatives and
. D. P. WilcoSV editor, of the Gandy
Pioneer, was in this- city Wednes
day on business. u. -
:Andy Strutters' came 'down, last
night from Sldaey and is visiting
mends in, this city.
friends for several weeks.
About a dozen ladies from this
neighborhood assisted Mrs. Maggie
roiuion at a quilting on Thursday.
A pleasant time is reported from
those in attendance.
"Snowball" and another colored
Mrs. H. Ci-t Nesbitt is expected lassie, of the Platte, passed up the
home withinitifew' days from her line on toot as tar as Hershey on
extended Ohi$yisit Thursday, where they are being
Mrs. C. K. HMifeof the county 5P Kf aep0t m
commissioner . accompamedherhas. MUs M Sa,isbar of ?he colm.
oana over irom iviooreneia vesicr- i i . , - ,, ,, T
uj acai, is aiuppiiig W1L11 1T1XS. Xj.
Strickler this week.
T r 1 i r .
ii tne present nne weatner con
tinues until Mondav nearly every
general- insurance farmer in the valley will be in the
neld with a full force.
Exclaimed King Richard in a moment of direst need
for a rapid means of locomotion. Had this gallant old
Shakesperian character lived in this swift electric age,
his remark would have been
the ad. of the Boston
. Lester Eellslef t the middle of
this week forihe east part of his
territory as v-.a
agent. . ci
Mrs. Piercr1 leaves next
week.for Washington, D. C, to
visit her pacents;:inuthe nation's
capital. .ee trtr
" Mrs.' Geo. Graves who' has been
This remark would have proven that he was in touch
with the wideawake spirit of to-day. The gallant war
horse so glowingly described by Job, while a thing of
beauty, and no doubt well filling his position in the
economy of nature, in these lin de siecle times, is no
longer considered "in it" with the tireless steed of steel.
VAMiJstnw, I. C, March 12, 1833.
?Catic m hereby given to all persons
viw MiV have ciiM against tho "North
lfeUe XfttioMl Bk.n North Platte,
' Nebtaekx. tbt tbe sane must be pro
celd to Mr. Milton Doolittlo, Receiver,
vkk iptl proof tbeivof, within throe
BMtb froA ibis date, or they may be
Jaxes H. Eckels,
lm3 Comptroller of the Currency.
Noktk Platte, March 7th, 1695.
Wr tk HBdemCMd, liereby forbid
o from trMpacetDf; upon any
MrtM f oor preiioec Any pereou
fcMtar.feootMtf, hAiugortrespassinp
m v oC or iaad will bo prosecuted
t te full itt of tb Uw-
W. F. Conv,
Ihjiac Dimxx,
Patkick Gkauv,
"H. Oritur,
F. X.Dick.
aaf Mtttttttttttt
Z ftaffnams
la search of a good cigar
will always d it at J.
F. Scaaialzricd's. Try
Talk about the waitings and
shriekings of a lost soul as it sinks
into purgatory, Davis, the hard
ware man, has imported a hoodoo
whistle, named "The Develine,"
which makes the former effort hide
its head in shame. Armed with.
one of these .diabolical inventions
upon a dark; night ,the
small boy could cive a belated
pedestrian even a greater fright
than that experienced by "Tarn
O'Shanter." What a hater of his
fellow-man that man Davis must be
to bring such a peace-destroyer into
a quiet community.
A telegraphic request was sent
in 3'esterday to our representatives
in the legislature urging the repeal
ot section Him, of the .Nebraska
statues. It is as follows: mNo
tract of land shall be crossed by
more tiian one ditch, canal or lat
eral without the written" consent of
the owner thereof, if the first ditch,
canal or lateral din ? be Itnade to
answer the purpose for Which the
second is constructed." If Messrs.
Akers and Harris vote against the
repeal of this measure they Jiave
dug their political graves in West?
em .Nebraska so deeply that no
Gabriel will ever be able to resur
rect them. . .
music, Glee Club; debate, Resolved
that the present times predict the
uvnuAuu ui (tuw uaiiuu, ami Ill&l Li V C I r T r c -r i yS ii
Fred Elliott Jr., andH. S. Ridgley, visiting- tne raimiy w .W8W,f
npf,-,t;rP wm tvt;ui, -& returns to her h6me irf Council
A Michigan exchange: A child i
is born; the doctor m attendance
gets 310; the editor notes it and gets
0; it is christened and the minister
gets $5; and the editor writes it up
ana gets uu; it marries and the min-
Bluffs tonmornow. jfn
Miltc-15Do81rttle5 made a brief
visit td Orhatra. this week. His
Wife accompanied liimr and returned
to, her homeif noAtkinson.
NX Fodreai?-1 state' examiner of
county treasurers, was'in the 'city
befate istergets another fee,i:he editor gets yesterday bn his way to McPherson
a piece of cake or 000. In the course !
of time it dies; the doctor gets from
S5 to $100, and the minister perhaps
gets another $5, the undertaker S25
to $50; the editor prints a notice of
deatn and an obituary two columns
long, a set ot resolutions somelodjre
or organization to which the de
ceased Tjelonged, and receives 0000,
and' then has the privilege of run
ning a free card of thanks a lot of
poetry besides.
V A Card To the "Chinaman" who
conducts the "Kicker" column:,
Your little jokelet (?) last week was'
wide of the truth in its insinuations,
as can be proven by reliable wit
nesses of my actions. Shorty.
Conductor Joe Mooney has a deli
cate Jittle lead pencil which he uses
for registering his train, and the
names of extra brakemen. It is
Cheapest and best
meats at Geo. Nau man's.
The only city ticket thus far
filed with the clerk is the one men
tioned in these columns last week.
In this connection the name of
TamPS AT Pap fir nnlia -iitArria we
This was a mL erievous errortor l.lj? Pof'fi' ly.IJ'c.lts rom
countv where he was croincr to
check up ihecutreasurer of' that
county. f,ii?.miu.Ls ,
Miss tteffie iDbhahue left this
morning for her home in Cleveland,
O., in response to a telegram an
nouncing thei dangerous, illness :of
her mother- r.Mrs. WarrehxLloyd
accompanied her. Several of her
pupils saw Miss Donahue off, and
were visibly affected'by her depart-
Another California stock- special
train went through this city this
morning. , ftVt! r r
Firenian Fraak"-KehV6h, wife and
little daughtetfiT'eturned yesterday
morning fromjtheir fortnight's visit
in Colorado. v v
H. J. CIark-'"nd fireman Smith
about twelve inches in lensrth. and. Lwere yesterday, engaged in "break-
an men or so in diameter, and is a 'ing lnJahe 821 'and getting her in
splendid advertisement for the com- shape'for a pas&nger75 run between
P5n3.Aenamff X Jt. it.isnamed. this cxty,and Grand island.
r un.
"Just for
The undersigned will run a herd
of cattle in Dillon's oasture this
a I tkem aad jdfe.
iu t I
nmuiiam tiade
; cFrlcrtraaV. fer horses-or
- cattle at a remaWe price, a Jive
1 4x--vtr U reg"ttererf Percaeroa Nor--hmM
stattiM. Mrly Mack ia color.
-3tr . " aUx Bxkb.
rtfc- Xecaka. ,
aaaaaaaaaaa-' " " J
HHaaaaat "" t-'
BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKitt. S!?aaBBBaaaaaaaaaLa;tf' ,
which we are doing penance during
these Lenten days, as The Tribune
unhesitatingly endorses his candi
dacy for the above position, or for
any one of a similar, character.
Charles Hendy has positively re
fused to consent to the use of his
name as a candidate for member of
the board of education, and that of
Rev. D. Z. Foulk has been substi
tuted therefor. This gentleman is
a rather liberal-minded citizen and.
will no doubt make an excellent
school officer.
S. A. Douglas Circle No. 20,
Ladies ot the G. A. R., was insti
tuted by Mrs. N. M. Hunter, of
Loup City, past department presi
dent of Nebraska, on March, 21st
1S95. The following officers were
elected and installed: President
Mrs. Klein; senior vice-president.
Mrs. Farrington; junior vice-presi
dent, Mrs. Schmalzried; secretary, !
.Mrs. viarK: cuapiam, .airs, weeks;
treasurer, Mrs. Gaunt; conductress,
Miss Laura Nauaian; guard Mrs.
India Baker. After installation
Mrs. Baker and a committee of tne
ladies visited the High school,
where, by the courtesy of Prof. O.rr,
the pupils gave the Balch salute to
the hag. Mrs. Hunter was greatly
delighted with tbe salute. In the
evening a session was held! at the
residence of Mrs. Iadia Baker,
where several of the G mem
bers were obligated honorary mem
bers of the Circle. This order , is a
part ot the G A. R. At the last
state encampment past, dept cpm
maader Church and dept. commander-
Adams aad about one .hun
dred others were obligated.'.
- -, . .
iNortii Platte owners. The town
will be canvassed in the near future.
Geo. E. Carter.
Chicago Grain and Prorision.
Chicago. March 2L Wheat Btarted with a
show ofstrength today, but soon reacted and
became steady around hut night's closing fig
ures. Heavy sales for direct export were re
ported, the Cincinnati Prico Current was
rather bullish on the crop Hituation and. the
weather map showed present and prospective
dry weather. There was liberal selling on the
early bulge, however, causing the reaction.
uorn was steady on light receipts and fair
Oats were steady with corn.
Provisions started higher. Hog receipts "
were under the estimate and prices at the
yards showed advances.
WHEAT-March, 53c; May, 54&c: July.
55?i355?: ; September, 56V$c
CORNMarch, 45c: Mcy,43Kc; July. 46" ic
September, 46-ic bid. '
OATS-March.23'4c:May, 2D;4c; June, 23c;'
July, 2S4'c-
ORK"-March,$lL77'; May, ?il."fcS" Ja'ir
Li AK 1 March. W72i; May, ?8.82;5.83
July, $J.97H bid; September, 7.12'X
RIBS-March, o.9;May, ?3.95: July, ?6.07
.M; September, j&22?. j.
CWH Uve Stock.
Chicago, March 2L-H03S Receipts, 25,030
headrleft over, 5,033; market active and fc
higher; light, fL304-60; mixed. 304.65
heavy, $4.30 1); rough. 4.304.45.
CATTLE Receipts, 8,5X1 nead; market stronir
at yesterday's best prices.
SHEEP-Receipts, lO.Ojj head; market firm.
( Semth Omaha Uxtt Stock.
South Omaha. Mardi 21 oatti.ti' t
iujroiiwius.,i.sjAa.w:900to iiD3ib3..sta;
(5LJ; choice cows. f3.23r&4.15; commoacows
ILffifiaJ; good feeders, $1.103.85; common
feeders ri2Sg.: Market 10c higher.
HOGS Receipts, 2.U90 head; lighd, 1t3SS,4.4S'
mixed. I4.3034.; keavy, H4),aiSri!S
5c higher.
SfflBPrBeeei. 403 head; nattoa.
m; -MB-N. iaN9B.9t. Market steady,
Yesterday ihbrnirig- a package
bearing the insc"ripti6n "My name
is Fred Letts, ind I want to go to
North Platte, "Seb."' arrived here.
It was a handsome spaniel puppy.
' The 629 will be out of the '-'back"
shop in a few days, and in conse
quence W. S. Dqlson is supremelv
happy. She.hasJiad ageneralvover
hauling and .wilLfbe in first class
V. J. vjrusen snouiderea nis gun
vest efdav morninjr and started out
Upon- a-forar of eacterniination fdf the
feathered tribe. William jroes after
a game bird'wf the'anie, eager
ness that4ied(wc aTeperitant- sin
ner. : :
Wednesday jtufnrsfc'ot a - series
of California v-fast c stock trains
passed throusrh this;Citv. .en "; route
for South Omaha -:or ChicaLrr. JIt
went from.herk.fa30nwha5ii- nine
hours, passenger train? time:- The
m Amm A . 11 1 -r
run irom, V-neyennato -rms city was
made in-seveuJionrs,..and frdm-Sid-hey
here inree hoursand.twenty
minutes.;, The train, received as
much attention as a first class pas-
.sencrer train, and the experiment is
beinr watched wifh a great deal ot
;-fnH.- hv railroad rheh, as it is
said MnTP in n lnrgR.imnuut "f -hg4TTirhMr"'J Wr- E. A. Crosby.
same class iJtiDusjn-f vy?
the same sTate. a31fed;.,f thl
shipment is siifcdefuT. Three of
4-impn who adcbttfpanied the ship
ment were nativeCalifdrnians and
naa never sect ,
t r? hiAmir ef men
from one tarm wau""
He will reside in;thearae-when m
the proper plac i1 -
The Sullivan boys were at iwork
oniheir irrifatiow'ftoir' again
this week. "It is a Jim slicker for
W Jj. Park and E. F. Seeberger,
of the Platte, went up the track
Tkursdaj' forenoon on a tricycle
car with a sail attached, which
seemed to be working like a charm
in the gentle eastern breeze.
Mrs. J. M. Dwyer is reported as
critically ill at this writing.
Some one let a horse with a sad
dle and bridle on belonging to C. S.
Trovillo loose at Hershey Wednesday-
evening. He found it at Dug-
tsrown s the next morning with the
saddle and bridle, but a hne blanket
which was under the saddle was
There are a great many grang-ers
throughout the country, who if
they have anything- to sell in the
shape of grain, etc., will charge a
neighbor granger more than they
can get for the same article in
a person would naturally sup
pose .to hear the Hershey attorney
and his "right bower talk that the
4 -m .
entire village ot butiienana was
more than anxious to occupy the
town site building in that hamlet.
Frank Crick, of the Platte, is the
guest of Archie Anderson this
week. Pat
Geo. Emerson has a force of work
men building- a house on his lot
west of the church. His barn is
already done and is neatly painted
A warehouse for seeds will be the
next thing on thevprogramme.
Alex, jjteilson took a couple of
cars of cattle to Omaha the first of
the week.
Lt. w. Appiegate is erecting a
small dwelling- on his lot east of
Geo. C. White's residence,
Mortimer Johnson returned home
from Omaha the latter part of the
week; having spent about two
among the sights of that
Frank Tingley, of Keith conuty,
was on our streets Monday, he is
talking of spending the summer in
T. H. Thurber has moved his
house from Ogalalla to Sutherland
and will rebuild it on his lot in the
east part of town.
F. A. Carpenter is fixing to irri
gate on a larger scale this year and
has purchased hose, pipe, etc., to
be in readiness when spring opens
up. He figures on having the first
blue grass lawn in town.
D. A. Lawler, of Keith county.
was transacting business in our
village on Tuesday.
Dame Rumor has it that a party
from Wellfleet will open up a gen
eral store at -this place in the near
Geo. Emerson has rented the
Streitz house and will soon have his
family in town. Baching does not
agree with his health.
Messrs. Kicnarns, mower ana
wives spent Sunday in the country
That good old
poet Pope declared that "man
wants but little here below, but wants that little long-.
His descendants who are members of the Pope Manu
facturing Co. (builders of the Columbia Bicycles) have
acted upon this advice, and are to-day constructing a
wheel, the users of which declare there is none better
made. Being the pioneers in this artificial aid to hu
man locomotion, they have kept steadily in the lead with
all the modern improvements which g-o to make up the
perfect wheal.
Ooltzmbias ajftlOO, Bartfords $30 to $80
will make this country prosperous.
Buy your Seeds of Harrington & Tobiu. We are here to stay.
Lloyd's Opera House,
One Night Only,
Wednesday Mug, March 11
a fact," - X vV w iotLf J'
i TohiLNauaian, fro ae couaty
N. B. Whitesides of Mt. Pulaski,
JILis visiting with his daughter
Mrs. M. E. Yates.
Messrs. Standifer of Keystone
"and Fish of Ogalalla assisted Rev.
i i
'inuroer m conveying nis property
from Ogalalla to Sutherland this
R. Ellsworth has a contract on
Bratts ditch northwest of Oga
lalla and will move his force out
there in the near future.
O. A. Hostetter purchased a safe
ofX. K. Htitton of Paxton and it
was delivered Jiere the latter part
of the week by Messrs. B. Hutton
and Jas. Burns of that place.
f!E!aavaaaBrajnHaMft rVtf
rJBSB a2aaaWJaaay9aarmBv
AT THE dl.
Fee Tbe Wild Maa of Borneo.
See The Human Xylophone.
See The Honest Lawyer.
See The Comical Clowns.
See The Only Pete Jenkins.
See The Man Who Walks on His Ear.
.iL jjj ONE RING.
Tree Lesson in Shorthand
Saturda March 30th, at 3 p. m.
Everybody interested is invited to
be present. Bryant 8c Stratton
Business College. . .v
I desire to sell the hay crop for
1895, on the large Sidney Dillon
Island located at Sutherland, sec
tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and
sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in town
14 north, all in range 34 west, to
the highest bidder for cash. Bids
will be received up to July 1st,
1895, and reserve the right to reject
any and all bids. N. B. OLDS.
Did you ever have a job done at
C. Newman's shoe shop. If not come
and try him. Shoes and boots made
to order. All kinds ot Repairing a
specialty. Spruce street., opposite
Dr. Dick's drug store.
and other seed grain for sale
My residence aud all mv
property. G.R.HaA
Furnished rooms for rpnf t
quire of Da. Rvp
"i.4At- jr.
Subscribe for the Semi-
Weekly Tribune,
Aarertiaea JLctter.
List of letters rm;n;n,. , .
in the post office t North SSTlw
for the week ending mVZx. ti,eb-
: w , aow.
LoudoB R E
"T "HI ill IU iiimiiaii ?- 1 ' - ii 11'
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if L. "1