The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1895, Image 3

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Secretary XartoalMBes Kesalatleaa Go?
eraiar Ocean Ship meats.
Washington, March 21. The secre
trfot agriculture has issued a series ol
" regulations for the safe transport of cat
tle from the United States to foreign
countries. Some of the' sal eat features
'of the resmlatioiis are as follows: "Cat
' -tle orsheep must not he carried on any
pare ot the vessel where ther will inter
fere with the proper management of the
Teasel or with the efficient working of
tne necessary Jife boats or with the ven
tuation of the vessel. Cattle must have
' atx feet vertical space on all decks, free
: m obstructions.
"When it is desired tocarrv cattle noon
the third deck a permit must be obtained
:m the inspector of the port.
No cattle shall bo loaded upon hatches
r decks above cattle, nor upon third
ieck hatches when cattle are carried
apou such decks, nor shall any mer
chandise, freight or food for cattle be
loaded upon said hatches, but said
hatches shall at all times be kept clear.
'All vessels shall carry hogsheads of
... Jaot less than 400-gallon capacity for
ack 100 head of cattle, and these shall filled with fresh water before sailing
iad refilled as emptied.
Cattle or sheep suffering from broken
limbs or other serious injury during the
voyage shall be slaughtered by the cap
tain of the vessel.
The employment of all cattle afctend-
i ants shall be under the control of own
rf ' ere, or men so employed shall be duly
assigned as part of the ship's crew, and
shall be furnished with well lighted and
well ventilated quarters. .Not less than
oao-half of the cattle attendants must
be men who havo made previous trips
with cattlemen. There shall be such
man in charge of each 150 cattle, and
one to each 200 sheep during the sum
mer months.
JNb vessel shall be allowed to take on
board any cattle or sheep unless the
same have been at the port of embarka
tiou at least 24 hours before the vessel
sailed except in special cases and by di
rection of the inspector, nor until the
loading of the cargo has been accom
Ex-Coiigrcsmen Springer sad KUfere
Given Newly Created Places.
"Washington, March 21 The follow
ing appointments were announced at
the White House: William M. Springer
of Illinois, judge of the United States
court for the Northern district of the In
dian Territory; Constance Buckley Kil
gore of Texas, judge of the United States
court for the Southern district of the In
dian Territory. The two Indian Terri
tory judgeships are newly created of
fices, established by an act of congress
and framed for the purpose of checking,
in a meajure, the great spread and
growth of lawlessness and crime in the
Indian Territory, which had became a
refuge for robbers and outlaws. The
mew judges are well known ex-congress-nien,
Mr. Springer having served in the
house of representatives for many years
and having taken a prominent part in
debates as one of the Democratic leaders.
He Wouldn't Criticise Cleveland.
New York, March 21. Captain Cross
;an was seen just before his steamer,
Ike Allianca, sailed for Colon, and was
asked what he had to say regarding the
tatemeut that President Cleveland had
3pressed great dissatisfaction with
Jwhat were claimed to be glaring incon
sistencies in the chart and statement
submitted by Captain Grossman'.
"Well," said he, "I don't care to criti
cise the president of the United States,
but I do think I know my business. I
have spent 36 years learning it, and I
think I am competent to prepare an ac
curate chart and description of my
ship's course at sea. If the president
had requested my appearance in Wash
ington to personally explain the matter,
I think I could havo satisfied him in
five minutes. There is nothing more to
be said about the matter."
- Old Directors Ke-KIcsted.
Salt Lake, March 21. At the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Utah
Northern and Oregon Short Line held
here James Sharp, resident director,
represented 170,000 shares by proxy.
The old board of directors was re-elected.
Hyams Brothers Committed.
Toronto, March 21. The preliminary
trial of the Hyams brothers closed and
resulted in both being committed for
trial at the next court, which will be
held in April.
' Three Children Burned to Death.
' Springfield, Mo., March 21. Three
children of Charles Ross, a laborer, were
locked in their home while the parents
went visiting. A lamp was left burn-
mg and me Jiouse .caugui; lire, au me
children were burned to death.
New Orleans Kiotcrs Indicted.
New Orleans, March 21. The grand
" j jury brought in indictments against 35
men who participated in last Tuesday's
ririoting. Some of the indicted parties
ure alreadv under arrest.
Woman JCillcd by a .Fall.
Des Moines, March 21. Mrs. Martha.
Drake, aged 79, one of the oldest settlers,
died from the effects of a fsdl which
broke her hip bone.
United States supreme court will tako
. up the Dvbi ease for argument next Mon
day. The United States Cordage company
has sold its Chicago plant to the Becrings,
its former owners.
Mgr. Siitolli has temporarily suspended
tho pope's edict shutting out Catholic
Knights of Pythias.
- Vico President Stevenson, with his fam
Uy, will leave April 10 for Europe, where
they will spend the summer.
Harvard's faculty lias reiterated its
declaration :igainst students participating
in intercollegiate football games.
Coal miners in the Albia district of
Iowa threaten to striko if their wages are
reduced, as the operators propose.
James M. Ashley, Jr., of Toledo. O., is
nn avowed candidate for tho United
States senate to succeed Calvin S Brice.
David H. Moffat has been elected presi
' dent of the executive board of the Inter
national Mining and Industrial exposition
to be held in Denver next year.
- 6renwr Mwrill Will IwTeatlgate.
Topeka, March 21. Governor Morrill
has decided to investigate the charges
against State Senator Householder in
his capacity as a member of the state
board of charities. Charges were sworn
to and filed by Pat Mc Andrews, a former
employe of the insane asylum. Mo
Andrews charges improper conduct be
tween Householder and inmates of. the
sylum. .
Senate Passes It With an Amendment
Allowing Voters to Bny Tliera.
House Indeflaltely Postpones the Rill Pro
viding For Itc Repeal Omaha Charter
Bill Recommended to Paw Con
ferees Agree on a Relief BilL
Lincoln, March 21. Amidst consid
erable disorder the house in committee
of the whole considered Wednesday
torning the bill to repeal the depository
law. It is senate file 70, by Pope, and
provides for the repeal of chapter 50 of
the laws of 1891, entitled: "An act to
provide for the depository of state and
county funds in banks." Johnston
(Nemaha), a Populist and one of the
supporters of the bill when it was first
framed and passed four years ago, as
sailed the law in round terms, favored
repeal and ;said that he had seen the
error of his ways.
Thomas, Davies and Howard; in forci
ble, language, defended the law. Davies,
in replying to the figures showing! how
much .had been) lost - by the state since
"the depository law was 'enacted, said
that the financial condition of the past
two years was no criterion for the pres
ent, or future legislation. Davies said
tho principle underlying the present de
pository law-was that the money of the
taxpayers of a county should be for their
use and benefit, secured to them, and
not for the "benefit of the county treas
urers and bankers.
Howard's motion to recommend in
definite postponment of the repeal bill
was adopted by a vote of 48 yeas to 39
The Omaha city charter bill was then
taken up and amended and recommend
ed to pass. )
The committee of the whole recom
mended the passage of Watson's senate
file No. 401 for the better protection of
prisoners confined in jails in counties
having more than 25,000 inhabitants,
and authorizing the voting of bonds for
repairing and constructing jails.
The anticigarette bill as it passed the
house was taken up by the senate and
after being amended out of semblance
to its original form was recommended
for passage. The bill as it passed the
house absolutely prohibited the sale and
manufacture of cigarettes in the state of
Nebraska. The bill as amended by the
senate permits the sale of cigarettes to
all persons over 21 years of age.
Conferees Agree on a Relief Bill.
The joint conference committee on the
1200,000 relief bill have reached an
agreement. The result of the confer
ence is a modified bill. The amount is
eft at 1200,000. Each county will be
permitted to purchase its own seed, and
the money to pay for the seed will be
drawn by the auditor upon the recom
mendation of the state relief commis
sion. Tne commission will not be al-
owed to reserve more than $500 for its
expenses. Tne principal .ieature stricken
out of the bill is the one which distrib
utes the money by direct appropriation
to the several counties and limits each
county to $4,000.
Will Tay 'o Wolf Bounties.
The senate claims committee inefcand
considered the miscellaneous claims bill
passed by the house. The important
eaturo of the action was tho knocking
out of all the claims for wolf bounties.
State Auditor Moore says that the wolf
bounty bill recently passed by the house
will, if it becomes a law, cost the state
nearer $30,000 than $7,000, as estimated
by the committee
Royal Welcome to Senator Allen.
Lincoln, March 21. Senator Will
iam V. Allen was given a joyal greet
ing by his friends in Lincoln Wednes
day night at .the Lindell hotel. About
300 guests were present. Senator and
Mrs. Allen were assisted in receiving by
Hon. W. J. Bryan and wife and Mayor
Weir. During the banquet J. V. Wolfe
presided a3 toastinaster. Mayor Weir,
Governor Holcomb, ex-Congressman
McKeighan, William F. Bryant and
William H. Decli each responded to
Students Arrested For Stealing.
Lincoln, March 21. Claude Bell, 20
years of age, a student at the State uni
versisy, was arrested charged with hav
ing stolen a quantity of geological speci
mens and also 15 or 20 volumes of books
from the museum of the university. The
complainaut was Chancellor Canfield.
Bell is from York. Fred Whiteman, 16
years of age, a student of the Lincoln
Normal, was also arrested, charged
with having stolen a bicycle worth $50.
Kearney Libel Salt Decided.
Kearney, Neb., March 21. In the
district court E. Wymau got a judg
ment against tho Hub Printing com
pany, Homer J. Allen and H. A. Lee,
for $2,500. This was a libel suit com
menced by Wynian, the defeated candi
date for county treasurer on the Popu
list ticket two years ago, and brought
for an article printed by defendants at
that time. The case will be appealed.
Town A. P. A. Coancil Meets.
Des Moines, March 21 The eighth
session of the council of the A. P. A.
convened here with 200 delegates pres
ent, representing 40,000 members in the
state. Officers will he elected to suc
ceed President Henry F. Bower of
Clinton and Secretary J. H. Campbell
of Des Moins3. It is said that the order
increased 10,000 members last year.
Missouri Valley Medics Meet.
Sionx City. March 21. The Medioal
society ot the jdissourr -valley met nere
today for its annual session.'' ' Aboai 300
members are present from -Missouri,
Iowa, Nebraska and South .Dakota.
Die of Her Injuries. .
Fairfield. Neb., March 21. Mrs.
John Lenzon, the lady who was injured
in a runaway on the lath, died without
regaining consciousness.
Barrett Scslt's Alleged Slayers Will. All Go
to Boyd. Comity:.
O'Neill, Neb., March 21. Attorns;
Seneral Churchill and the attorneys for
the defense in the Barrett 'Scott lynch
ins; case reached an agreement Wednes-j
aay evening ana uii iu pnsuuen rverw
Boyd county. He will take, them at
once to Butte. Theywillbe placed un
der $5,000 each to appear "beforetb dis
trict court at Butte on May 7, to stand,
trial for the murder of Scott. It was
agreed in theoonference..that tue pns-
oners would waive examination, ; and;
the amount of the bond was also, agreed
Attorney-General Chnrchill, left for
Atldnson. from which place he will go
to.Keya Paha.county to look aftei the
lynching of Mrs. Holton, near Brocks
burg. ,
State- CatrlCommttee'rraBjIngFor
the Next Nebraska. CoBTentlon.
Lincoln, March 31. The. TPopnlist
state central, committee met at, the Lin-,
dell hotel, about 25 members being pres
ent. The financial statement for the
last state convention was presented and
audited. The treasurer's report showed
an indebtedness of about $300. Provis
ion was made for its payment.
It was decided that the next state con
vention should be held late, some time
in September, at some city west of , Lin
coln, and that the basis, of representa
tion should be "upon the vote cast for
Silas A. Holcomb for governor 'at the
last general election. A resolution set
ting the stamp of disapproval 'upon
fusion with either of the old.parties was
offered by Bryant of Cedar county, but
the committee declined to entertain it,
and it was withdrawn.
Plattsmouth United Workmen Think There
Shoald Be an Investigation.
Omaha, March 21. A special to Tho
Bee from Plattsniouth says : Tho grant
ing of a peremptory writ of mandamus
at Lincoln by Judge Hall requiring
Grand Master Tate of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen to call the regular
annual session of the grand lodge in
May meets with favor ot worKmen in
this city, among whom the belief is al
most unanimous that the time is ripe
for a thorough investigation as to the
business methods which prevail among
the grand lodge officers of the order.
Lodge No.: 8 of this city" has chosen J.
H. Hall. John A. Gutsche and J. W. .
Brid&e as errand lodge, delegates.
A. J
iiw 4isjaafssii. ........ - z. skaa
No 7-Paeiie Knttm:...
Ntf. 21r-rrrf.At. tsU r. V.
Ho.-JWBt..vAg-id, Mill
The North Side Grocer,
Office overN. P. Ntlf Baak.
Office over Xorta Haste Sattaal
QIS. N. P. IX)NAldBpN,
AaHstaat Smrgsoa u
aad Member of
Office over Streiars)
Our Goads are Guaranteed Fresh. ,
Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest,
We Insure Prompt Delivery,
; We Solicit a Share of Your Trade.
Office: Nsyille'8 Block? ' Diseases
ana uauarea a gpeemqr.j h i '
1 '
Kittell & Van-Natt,
Prospective sohemet inveetkated. Un
profitable Bchemee rejuvenated. Siirveya,
Maps, Estimates and raports made, and
X? A m '
consiiruci.ion HupennbasMao.
Office In Korlh Platte M-L Dl.n Kl-L
NHtlonalBank Bldg, r lauiB, IOU.
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. P. CnENEV & Go , Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known P.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm
West & Truasr, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Wnldincr, Kinnan & Marvin.
"Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hairs Untarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of ire svstem. Price
7oc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Fire and Life InsuratH e,
Notary 'FubUc.
3,000 jcie$ of Ditch Land.
Land and Emigration Ageat
Land Office at Nortfe Platte, Jfcfc )
March. 1Mb. 183. f
yotie is-hereby piTea that the foUewiatfr
naawd settler baa filed notice of bis mteia to
mmke iaal proof, in sapport of his claim aad aat
said proof will be ran do bof ore the Keglstar mA
Kcceivcrat North Platte.feb., on May 1Mb, MB,
whowado Homestead Entry No. 15,ft for the
aorth half of the northeast quarter and the Berth
half of the northwest qnarter of section 12. tewa
ship 11 north, range S3 west. He names, the fel
lowinc witnesses to prove his continaoas -dence'npon
and cultivation of said laa. Tip:
Ira B. FHckler, Abraham Spnrrin, Nichelas P.
Ogierand John PINdIaX
j.6 ' Register.
J. W.Dalbey and Albert C.Burnhaia, Lyaaaaer
w Tniinvd atuft Jomm N. Brown, fpartaecs as
Burnhani, Tulleys & Company), defendaais, will
take noUce that on tho 8th day of October,
Ellen B. PartrlCse. the plaintiff herein, ale her
petition in the district court of Uncoln coaaty, Ne
braska, against said defendants, the object and
praver of which are to foreclose a certaia trass
deeil executed by tevi C. Lenon and vMargaret
ijnnn tn t.. w. Tallevs. trustee for Clareaee x.
Hesse, and afterwards assigned, together with the
bond which said trust deed secured, to the.ptalatiK
herein for a valuable consideration, npea lae
South half of the Northwest quarter, and lb nana
half of the Southwest quarter of Section tutatf two
f22). in Township ten (10), North of Range lality-
ono (31). West of the sixth (8) principal laariiien,
in Uucoln county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of ouo principal bond, with interest eoaaoaa
attached, said bond dated April 2d, 1888, far tho
sura of Five Hundred dollars, due and payaMa art
years from date thereof: said trust deed vrsvMeci
that in case said bond or coupons are not paM when
due. or within ten days thereafter, the wheto tm&t
secured thereby maxbe declared tobedaeaact
payable. There Is now due on said bond, ooaaona,
and trust deed'the sum of Five Hundred aad Ninety-seven
dollars and twelve cents ($597.12), with
interest at the rate of ten per cent per annaat frost
October 1st, 1894. for which sum, with interest front
this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defead
ants be required to pay the same, or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount foaad doe.
You. are required to answer said petittea on or
before Monday, the. 15th day of April, 1895.
Dated Marcn 1U1, lbto.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Don't pay other people's debts.
Is the ONLY Hardware
'Man in North Platte that
will always find my price
! ;
' right.
Yours for Business,
Still Sellin
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
Claude WeingandJ
For Sale
Coal Oil, Gasoline, DITCH X FARMS !
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas TaV,
Leave orders at'jNewton'sViStore.
One-half mile from North Platte. We will sell you
a farm of any size you may desire.
PRICE $15.00 TO $25.00 PER ACRE.
Terms to suit the purchaser.
Consumers of dietokcco wiw
aiewillirgfopaij a little more than
fa price draged for the ordinanj
trade tobaccos, will find this
btand superior to all otlier-
I havo a very fid grade of Chenille
uovors, for stands and- diaing room ta
bles, which I sell for,
$1.50 AND $2.75.
Quality considered, the cheap.
l aieo tase orders for
Enlarged Pastel Portraits,
A Fine Line of Piece
Goods to select from.
First-class Fit. Excel
lent Workmanship.
from 83.00 to
frames which
315.00. Also all kinds of I
are tine and which ! seH
Having refitted our rooms in thu finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent attendants will supnlv all vour wants.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
of imitation
trade marks
and labels.
Costs no more tluui inferior package soda
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni
versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Hade only bj CHURCH fe CO., Hew York,
Stfi y grccers CTexywkere.
Write for Arm aad Hvnsacr Hook of r&I sable Eccipcs-FREE.
A full line of flrat-r.lass foaeral supplies
always in stock.
Telepraph orders promptly ttedd to
Contractor and Mer.
127 Sixth St. Cor.,ol Vine,
Hershey -& Co.
Agricultnral : Iipkieots
Farm and Spring Wafons,
Buggies, Road OiirU,
Wind MUis, Pumpf, Barb
Wiire, Bti
Locust Street, between Fifth asd Sittk
' -it
Land Office at North Platte, Neb.,
February 11th. 1895.
Notice is hereby aiven that the following-named
settler lias filed notice of bis Intention to make
tnal proof in apport of his claim, and that said
proof will be mado before the Register and Be
oivor at North Platte, Nebraska, on April
22d, ISM, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 15,683, for the
Aorthcast qnarter of Section 9, Township B
north. Range 30 west. Ho rmmea the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
pon and cultivation of said lnnd, jlz Joseph
D. Hawkins, John A. ttimms, A. L. Stark and
Morgan W. JJavis, all of WellHeet, Nob.
t22 JOHN F. HINMAN, Be gister
U. S. Laud Office at North Platte, Neb., ?
March 15th, 18J5. '
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Charles H. Smith against John D. Wagoner for
abandoning nis Homestead Entry No. 16757, dated
October 10th, 1892, upon the east half of the north
east qnarter and the east half of the southeast
qnarter section 2tJ, township 10 north, range 2t5
west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are
awreby summoned to appear at the U. S. Land
Office, North Platte, Neb., on the 26th day of April,
1W5, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandonment.
ml55 JOHN T. HINMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb,
March 18th. 1605. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
aettlerhas filed notice of his intention to make
f aal proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register and Receiver
at North Platte. Neb., on April 27th, 1895, viz:
.who made Homestead Entry No. 15,606, for the
southeast qnarter section 10, township 13 north,
nwgeSl west. He names the following wit
Besses to prove his continuous residence upon
aad cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph 11.
Raker, DavidUL Baker, Milo M. Rpiccr and John
E. Knontz, all of North Platte, Nebraska.
JOHN P. HINMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb.,
March 15th, 1695. )
Kotice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice other intention to make
aaal proof in support of her claim, and that said
yreof will be made before the Register and Be
elver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 27th,
MK, viz:
ea Homestead Application No. 15681 for the south
.cast qnarter section 21, township 9 north, range 29
al of the 8th principal meridian. She names the
fallowing witnesses to prove her continuous red,
aeaceapon and cnltfvation of said land, viz
IbwUss E. YaaNtta, William T. YaaNatta and
ward p. Eves, U1 of B achaean, Nebraska, aad
'It-1' wm of Curtis, Nebraska.
23-fl JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
Lamd Omci at North Pijltti, Neb., )
March 18th. ifva. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
seuier nas niea notice ol nls intention to make
nnai prooi in support oi ms claim, and that said
proot win do mace before tne Register and Be
ceiver at jxortu Platte, Nebraska, on April
wno made Homestead Entry No. 16,9.4, tor the
east half of the northwest quarter and the east
half of the southwest quarter section 30, township
15 north, range 25 west. He names the following
-i..u-s-- ir iriFvo uin tuQiiuuuu9 resioence upon
and cultivation of, said land, viz: C. F. Johnson.
A- Erikson, Lars Blizt and C. A. Rodin, all of
mum, xenrasi.a.
Land Office at North Platte, Nebr. ?
m v u March llth. 1895. f
Notice is hereby gives that the following-named
settlct has filed noUce of his intention to make
k ZlZnS'? ciwm Ma that flaid
will be made before the Reistr ,i R
ceiver at 3.orth Platte, Neb., on. May 10th,
loM.i, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 15,521 for the
KftM' f 4f quarter and the Vest
i hesoath,sfc Qnarter Section 2. township
11 nor-h, range 33 west. He names the following
witnesses to provo Jus continuous residence
uponandcnltirationof said land, viz: Walter
N. Simmons, Nicholas P. Ogier, Abraham Spur
gin and Samuel Parmer, all of Wallace. Neb
235 JOHN P. HINMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb. I
March 19th, 1S95. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on May 10th,
1895, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 16,988, for the
southeast quarter of section 10, township 11 north
range 33 west. He names the following witnesses
to prove his contiBaoos residenco upon and
cultivation of said land, . viz: Walter N. Sim
mons, Ira B. Fackler. Abraham Spargin and
Samuel Farmer, all of Wallace, Neb.
23-0 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb.. ?
March 20th, 1893. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler nas tiled notice of his intnti
make final proof in suDDort of hisnlaim -inri th
sid proof, will be made before Register and
receiver a. x-ona riaice, aeD., ;on April 27th.
1995, viz:
who mado Homestead Eatry No. 16,13) for the
northwest quarter of Section 10. Township 12
Borth. Range 30 west. He ftaawa the following
witnesses to prove his coBtianoaa rariAB4.
Hpon and cultivation of said and, viz: John
B. ChapiB. Jawee MpBfam-c, Fraaeis Montague,
and Theodore Paactt. all of North PUtte, Neb.
In tho District court of Lincoln county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to Green L. Sherman,
defendant, greeting:
have been sued, together wich Analegher
man. McCormick Harvesting Machine CeasBaay,
a corporation, Milton B. Whitney, Charles S.
Fairchild, Harry E. Mooney, Sanford B. Lad and
Frank llngerman, as Receivers of the Lomeard In
vestment Company, a corporation, as co-defead-onts,
by Betsy W. Kingman, as plaintiff, ia the Dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that
on or before the 15th day of April, 1895, yoa saset
answer tho petition in chancery filed therein
against said defendants, by said plaintiff, in wUea
plaintiff asks fora decree foreclosing the mort
gage given by yon, snid defendant Green L. Sher
man, to the Lombard Investment Company, dated
May 22d, 1S90. and covering the following described
real catate, situated in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
to-wii: The West half of the Northeast qaetter,
nml the North sixty (IX)) acres of the East half ot
the Northwest quarter of Section number tweary
two (22) in Township nnmber nine (9) Xerta,
Rango nuiubor tweuty-soveu (27), West of the Mfc
principal meridian.
Said petition further prays that all the right,
title, lion or interest of nil the defendants ia er to
tho said lands, and every part thereof, be decreed
junior and interior to. the aforesaid mortgage new
owned by said plaintiff, and tha't said lands be sold
and tho proceeds of the sale be applied, first so the
payment of the costs of sale and of said actios, aad
second, the amouut due the plaintiff upon said
mortgage, and that all of tho defendants be barred
and foreclosed of all interest In or lien upon seJd
And unless you answer said petition, as afore
said, the facts therein alleged will bo taken as true
and a decree will be rendered as therein prayed.
V.itnos8 my hand and the seal of said court, by
me affixed, at North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, this 2d day ot March, 1S95.
Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Febky & Small,
Pulhifer & Alexander,
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Concordia, Kansas.
(First publication in The North Platte Tbi
BtTNE, March 5th, 1S95.
ix the co duty court of lincoln couhtt,
To George Hilcs and Hiles his wife, James
W. Hilcs and Hiles his wife, James H.
Schallnnd Schall his wife. August Larson
and Larson his wife, Charles P. Elliott and
Elliott his wife, Harvey M. Trimble and
Trimble his wife, C. H. Clapp and E. C.
You and each of you will take notice that on the
25lhday of February, 1895, the Gothenburg South
Side Irrigation Conipuny filed its petition ia the
county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to have the Cesar?
Judge of said court appoint five disinterested free
holders of Lincoln county, Nebraska, to ascertain
the compensation due to the following named
owners of and persons interested in the following
described parcels and tracts of land, from the
said Gothenburg South Side Irrigation Comsaav.
for a right of way for the construction and build
ing of its irrigation canal across the said tracts of
land, according to tho location of said canal as
shown by tho survey thereof and by the plats
attached to snid petition.
The following is tho description of said lands
with tho names of the owners and persons in
terested, tho width of right of way required, the
size of the ditch through tho land, ond the amount
of land taken.
The east half of section 31, township 12 north, of
range 26, owned by Georgo Hiles and to which the
said James W. Hiles claims some interest, said
interest being unknown to plaintiff, the width of
right of way required being eighty feet, the slae of
the ditch through said land beinir 21 fepfc nn th
bottom and having a side slope of 2 to 1. and the
amount of land taken being ten and 50-100 acres.
jluo soumeast quarter of section 5. townafcin 11
north of range 26, owned by George Hiles, aad to
which the said James VT. Hiles claims some In
terest, said interest being unknown to plaiarMT,
width of the right of way required being eighty
feet, the size of the ditch through said lasd
21 feet on the bottom, having a side slope of 2 to 1
and the amount of land tokon being five and 9S-100
The northwest quarter of section 9. towsahin 11
north of range 26, owned by Hcrvey M. TrimMe,
the width of richt of way reouirei beinv nlaktv
feet, the size of the ditch through said land being
24 feet on the bottom, having side slopo of 2 te 1,
iuu amount oi iani taxen oemg five and 94-100
Tue southeast quarter of section 9. townshis 11
north of rango 26. owned by Harvov M. Trlmht.
and to which C. H. Clapp has or claims to havo
some interest, the width of right of way required
being eighty fet, the size of tho ditch through
said land being 21 feet ou the bottom with sldo
slopes of 2. to 1, the amount of land taken beini:
uuu f-juw uures.
The Southwest quarter of Section 15, Township
11 North. Kaime 2C. owned bv Char Irs p. Eliintt.
the width of Iho riirht of wav reo aired beini-
eighty feet, and the size of the ditch through said
land uelni; 24 leet on thu bottom with nld sin.
of 2 to 1, the amount of land taken being 3 and
92-100 acres.
The South half of the Northeast nnnrtr of Rjw.
tion 23, Towns-hip il North, Rango 28, owned by
August Larson, und on uhlch nun V.. n. Rr-rnn
has a mortgage, the width of the right of way re
quired being eighty feet, the size of the ditch
through said land being 21 feot on the bottom
und having side slopes of 2 to 1, the amount ot
land taken being4 and 23-100 acres.
lne Southeast OUarter of Soctlnn Tnwnahlr.
11 North. Rauce 26. owned hv
and on which one E. C. Bryan holds a mortgage.
tho width of the right of way required belngSO
feut, the size of the ditch thrnm?h fintfl Innil halm
24 feet on tho bottom with side slones of 2 to 1.
the amount of land taken being 5 and 32-100 acres:
all of the foregolmr lands beiniriu thu Conntr of
Lincolu, and tho State of Nebraska.
nam petition will be heard .it thn nffint nf thi.
County Judge, In Lincoln County, Nebraska, at
.North Platte, in said Conntv. on thn lth div nf
March, 1S95, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at
which time and place all persons interested mav
appear and show cause, if any they have, why said
appraisers should not be appointed.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal o snid nnnrt lhu th d of
February, 1895.
Lseal. JAMES M. RAY,
County Judge.
Notice Is hereby siven that bv vtrinn nr
mortKaire dated I'ebrnnrv 11 ih nn,i i
thu office ot tho county clerk of Lincoln coaaty
Nebraska, February 12, 1895, which was executed
by 2. J. nostetter to C. W. Burklnnd, to secure
the payment of 30O and interest nt 10 per cent
from February 11th. 1895, on a promlssorv not.
even date with said mortgage; the amount, dae
thereon is t300, and Interest at 10 per ceat freak
February 11th, 11-95: Default having been nude
In the conditions ot said rnortsaoR. h.k.
mortgagee feols unsafe and insecure, and bo salt
or other proceedings at law having been eeai
mn,nced.l oe?v?r 8tUd ,lebt or nny Par thereof, I
will nn thn 7fli )itt -r- i. , 1 . . .
m.,at the store lately occurred hv 7. j TrT
as a general merchandise store in Sutherland. Lin
coln county. Nebraska, sell at public anettoa to
me nignesi omuer for cash, the property described
In said morteatre. to-wit- Th . -w
merchandise consisting of dry good groceries
boots, shoes, clothing and notions, including all
the stock of merchandise In the store lately owned
and kept by Z. J. Hostetter.
uated March 4th, 1895.
By J. S. Hoaqland, His Attorney. MOrtgls-s
ii mm
mi ot,
Has 200,000 acres of U. P. R. R, ia4
ew uu tae ten vear n an. n.u.
see him if yoa want a btrtiiv;i