.r -t r ; - :? - "v - - " W 'S"..--. jtftfa MfcjgMfT r - iVi if fx-1 gvig. -Hr 8fe r ? -VOL. XL "'3r , 'iPrX y.. I. NORTH PUHE. OTRASEAilRI MARCH 22. 1895. 55 Spring Opening for 1895. 't Is it baigains you are lookiag for? Well, stop right where you are. Our new spring stock is full of them. Duriag our stay is the Httw m09".MMi Hmmt )imm vLgooda ever shown in this city, cooetisting of Dreas Goods, 2 oTeJtiea, wash Silks Plushes and Velrets, Percales, Sateens, Chambrays" Nainsooks," Silk alenes. Zephry Ginghams, Outings, Cretonnes, Drapery, Table Linen,. Towiinga, Cassimere for suits and pants, Prints,. Aproa Ginghams, Laces and Embroidery, Parasols, Gauze Underwear, "White Muslin Underwear, Trimmings' for Drees, Buckles for Dresses and belts, Hair Ornaments, Side Combe, Hair Cloth, Hosiery, . Veilings, Corsets, Corset Covers, Infants' Cloaks and Bonnets, Shoes, and. thous ands of articles which space will not permit to mention. Everything goes at ' SACRIFICE PRICES, All we ask of the public is to call and examine our beau tif ul line of goods and prices. Here is a few of our price. Read them: IDIRr O-OOIPS nDEFARTMElTT. ., 25 pieces of double width dress goods, plain or plaids, spring and summer shades, at 15 cents per yard. 25 pieces Henriettas, all colore, three-rburth wool, 36-in. wide at 25 cts per yard Outing flannel at 5 cents per yard. Dress Ginghams at GJ cents per yard. Apron Ginghams at 44 cents per yard. . i . Pepperell 9 A Sheeting, unbleached, at 18 cents per yard." . Pepperell 94 bleached sheeting at 20 cents per yard. 1 Turkey Red Tablo Linen, warranted fast colors at 35 cents per yard,. Bleached or Cream Table Linen at 37 cents per yard, Frederick Arnold's Henriettas, 4C-inch widesilk finish, made in Greitz, Ger- ,;iuany, in all colors, at 75 cents per yard. China Silks for waists or dresses at 27 cents per yard. Three papers of pins for 5 cents. 4 ; " t " ' . Three spools of thread for 10 cents. 'ikLmr&. German Blue Prints at 1 cents. 4. Ladies' Black Hose at C cents per pair. Figured Sateens at 10 cents per yard. SHOE DEIFIRTMElsrT. 200 pairs ladies' fineDongola Button Shoes, French or square toes, at 81.25 per pair. Ladies' O xforde in black, tan, brown or buff color from $1.00 up. Children's shoes from 25 cents up. Men's oil grnin, buckle plow shoes at 93 cents per pair. Children's knee suits, ages 4 to 14, three-fourths wool, at 81.45. Our stock is all fresh and clean; nothing left from other seasons. This sale commences Saturday, March 23d, and will continue the balance of this month. Pictures and Silverware for those who have tickets taken up. Ik Boston S V OF J. hi ;M0ST o DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN o THE o WORLD ! MOCHA SPURR'S HARRINGTON & T0BIN, SOLE ACTS, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. AND JAVA Town and County News: B. I. Hinman is having a new barn built upon his property 'upon West Fourth street. Patterson & Alexander this week received -some repairs for their grader which ft needed. " W- iticl- H.-Sul livan married Geo. T. Felty toMrs; Nellie Davis, both of the Third ward. t For hekt, for cash, - a well im proved farm under irrigation, ap ,ply,athi&ofBce. - It is the general .opinion: ot the oldest mnaoitani tnat mis spnug the wild .geese are more plentiful- than ever betore. The South Side Canal o. has sold its irrigation bonds to E. JVI F. Ieflang, who thus makes an other good investment in Lincoln county. - j The Peckham canal company!s appraisers for the right of way for, their ditch were before Judcre Rav, with the report of their awards on Tuesday or this week. Remember in order to get pure, clean and healthy spring water .ice, contract with Harry IAMPlugh. Tuesday evening a number of the friends of Win.- Small wood and John H. Day presented the former with a bicycle, and the latter with a breech-loading, shotgun. D. W. Baker and W. E. Parks will have to look to their laurels as juighty nimrods,- forvW? HBfcomchf and H. C. Nesbitt went out Tues day and made a record of twenty four wild geese. The Boston Store has received its stock of spring goods, and the establishment is full from one end to the other with choice goods for the coming season. The Boston, notwithstanding the depression in times, is,doing a rattling good bus iness, and the only way to account for this is that the goods and. prices offered prove satisfactory to the public. J. Pizer is a rustler for trade. Pay up All parties indebted to Miss Kate Wood will please set tle with Mrs. Wood at store, corner; of Spruce and Fifth Sts. Sam Buckner, a jovjaj pill vender at Wallace, may well claim the belt as the champion pedestrian in these parts. One day this week he made a bet of ten dollars with a fellow-townsman that he would cover the distance between Wallace and North Platte within seven hours. At half past six o'clock he, came-walking into town; asf fresh as a daisy, with a good half hour to spare, having starts at twelve o'clock noon. Interested parties followed him with a team to see that he kept on his feet. J -r V SO. 23. . CKnMa as te iment igratidn 'has made Inqmnes vebcu WWt& arctic i forthebeit the awxaatipttitirbe v aortlfFMStte lip his mind to loiUk-Wgal fight if as high a. valuation; wC1" aced upon his iormer Bridge J&nmm jk. tne trans Missouri rivtr bridges vreport that the travel into NebraMra this spring almost equals the cJcflo-frbm" the state last falhi It'tB good' work continue. '"t; BicTclingiaNbattefirowi ises. o teJceva: grttbi'nuige "the coming season Jftali-'wicrbefore those who hare neveciidclen before, and those whhetways ridden now ride the nMcea " Doers have'now'ehYdeclared .to be personal property in Nebraska ana me person wno. uiniiy Kins one is liable to have'Qtrbnble. Our legislative report shows the penalty for so doing. A number of the local members of the A. O-'U. W. who were at first pleased, with the idea of not hold ing a state session, of the grand body last fall, are now outspoken in the belief that such meeting should be held, and a thorough in vestigation of affairs made. JOLLY NSLLIE McHBNBY: "A Night, at the: Circus" with jolly Nellie McHenry whom every body knows and admires as: Electa, the dashing circus rider, and Mad-Hai-Milan.adjgrtr little Qnak eress, twin sisterWrwill be the at traction at the opera house next Wednesday evening, March 2th. New musicr new specialties and an all round clever company is promised. For Mh McHenry no recommendation is needed; all know her as the brightest cleverest jol liest soubrette now before the American public The novelty of) "A Night at the Circus" is the last act which represents the dressing tent of the Great imperial Circus with a view of the' ring and the audience at the back. In this act Miss McHenrv anoears as the Queen of the Arena in f1i circus rider's costume on the back of a 'beautiful white horse. r it . WE PAY CASH -100 CENTS ON -THE DOLLAR AND SELIi CHEAPER THAN ANYpOUSB IN THE CITX ' EENIIE S SLAUOHTEE SALE--4895 THE NEW TARIFF - On All Imported Woolen Goods and Silks IS IN OPERATKHf JAPraARY We must close out our stock of nice fine goods and make room for our new stock under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at S1.10; $1.50 Silk Henrietta at 85 cts.; SI. 00 Henrietta at 65 cts.; $1.25 Bedford Cords at 85 cents; $1.25 French Serges at 85 cts.; $1.00 French-Serges at 65 cts.; all wool 1 yd. wide $1.25Broad Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels, 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department we offer the choicest line in the west, C. D. and E. widths, in fine new goods- : : : Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in 1895. : . ; Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard, Lawrence LL u slin at 4 cts. per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at RENNIE'S. ary society the was debated: women should following JohnMcGilMij Plumes arefit and William, sick list ' this .,. - -- -- week. Dr AJfeGaife and llbnald- son, of North Platte; were called to attend, them last Monday. T. Hanrahattand daughter visited the Island-Monday evening. Many Jare making preparations already to go farming: .e ! Q.,Syfaml?lKjiisatteaded a meeting fin';Gpnburg last Sat urday and .of'" course theyf had a splendid time:.- ;I was an. irriga tion meeting. . ' At the las,t meeting of the liter- question "Resolved, that have the ritrht of suffrage." It was decided "against the ladies," -that is, the decision was for the affirmative, and they are to vote, and to become sheriffs, soldiers, etc, as soon as possible. Nearly all of the speakers who were to have been on the affirmative side of the question were conspicuous, fortheir absence, but the few- of them who were in attendance seemed to haveno trouble in win ning the debate, though the- nega tive speakers were all present. For the first time since literary com menced this season, G. C." Clark wasn't on the programme, conse quently the programme "was lim ited." Clytie. SUTHERLAND NEWS. C- Bi-Merry, of Hershey, has rented the Abshire land along the ditch about four miles west of town and will erect new buildings at once. Geo. Shoup and W. W. Jones will farm on the Neilson home place this season. Elmer Coates was a North Platte visitor the last of the week. Mrs. Donalson, who has been sick for a long time, is now rapidly get ting stronger. Solomo'n Funk, from near Wal lace, was on our streets Tuesday. John Keith was in town the last of the week. - Section foreman Paulsoi,, has greatly improved the crossing; -Jtrest of the'depot andhe hastt6M&& of our people. ""i1' Wager Bros., of the Birdwood, have rented part of T. Harvey's farm and will take possession soon. Citizen. m ftirst ffattional Batni? NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Capital, - r. . $5O,0OOX)Q urplus, - - $22,500.00 9 E. M. F. LEFLANG, Preset., AKTHUK McNAMARA, Cashier;" A General Banking Business Transacted. GEO. W. DIULxARD PROPRIETOR OF THE PIONEER COAL YARDS, X -ALL KINDS OF- Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Always oirhand. Your patronage respectfully solicited:' Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce street will be promptly filled. I- jr. EVERY DAY H fcB B a'oods i Commencing at once, not special, but every day prices. We quote you a few prices. We guarantee our goods to be first-class. r Oui s are turned over so fast they doa't have time to e;et shelf-worn and stale. The reason why we sell ;oods so cheap is that CASH is what talks. You don't have to pay Jones' bill. A word to the wise insufficient. Special Combination No. i 40 yards best t L Muslin 4: pounds best California Peaches. 6 pounds choice Prunes . 4 pounds choice Apricots 6 pounds large Kaisins. 2 cans of Baking Powder. 5 packages of Yeast 1 large package Matches 7 bars Harkens Bros. Soap 3 bars Tar Soap 3 cans Above All Corn 3 pounds Soda All the above for $5.00. -$1.00 - rx . . 50 , 50 . 50 . 25 . 25 . 25 . 25 . 25 . 25 We carry the celebrated.Pjrker Gloves, just the thing for Spring. Every pair warranted. i-f -l:C . The tariff regulation does not effect, us, as we bought after it went into effect. - Ladies, you can find imitation of Hair Cloth and Fiber ine at our store. They are in the push. . Those Trimming Silks are cheap at 50 cents. Find some by calling. 'f Our Shoes are warranted tb; give satisfaction. Try a pair and be convinced. We have sonie speci'al'dnvl cents per yard. nnted " Sitfnes. Ten and 12$ Combination No. q. 40 pounds best Granulated Sugar 30 bars Harkens ros' .Laundry boap. 2 cans Lewis Lye. 1 bottle Vanilla Extract 1 bottle Lemon -Extract 1 pound grdund Pepper 6 pounds cleaned Currants 1 pound Choice lea 3 pounds Choice Prunes 2 pounds Choice Mixed Candy. 5 pounds Eolled Oats 1 large box of Matches 1 pound fuo Coffee. j. AH the above for Five Dollars. .$1.00 1.00 25 10 10 25 50 50 25 25 25 25 30 We are receiving a nice line- ot Gimp Trimmings. They are cheaper than last season. . j We have a full line of Garden, and Flower Seeds. Bananas and Oranges are 25 cents per dozen. Twenty pounds of Dried Grapes for one dollar. Combination No. 3. 24 spools Coates' Thread 15 yards Simpson's Best Prints. 10 pouuds Granulated Sugar 1 gallon best Sorghum 20 small Boxes of Matches 10 pounds Dried Grapes 1 pound of Pepper 3 pounds Best Kaisins 3 pounds of Soda. -$ 1 pound of Fancy Tea. 5 bars White Eussian Soap 1 can Bon.Bon Baking Powder 1 bottle Lemon Extract-. 6 pounds of Oatmeal 3 pounds best Kice. All the above for Eive Dollars- 50 50 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 50 25 15 10 25 25 Patronize hnmP inrfllcfT-ir Kw Knvtnnr XT.l. Tit T?..11ovrtn otlfl Cozad Flour. Best patent $i per sack. Every sack guaranteed. " - c - r'r Forty pounds of Sugar $i.odV See Combination No. 2. Lincoln combination;otd'fiMed.t6 the Queen's'taste " rtm ?r, Forty yards of Muslin for $r.tfa. See combination No.. 1. Get some nice greerr apples 50 cents a peck.- WT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. DAVIS 1 inline P-.-1 Pi rpniiT. ill. Combination No. 4. 7 pounds of Kio or Arbuckle's Coffee 1.00 One -3-gallon keg of Syrup 6 pounds of large Kaisins . 6 pounds of Choice Prunes 12 pounds of Uatmeal 6 pounds of choice Kice. 1 pound choice Tea 3 cans Above All Corn. . 1 pound Ground Pepper AH the above for Eive Dollars. 1.00 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 " ; J We Have Bargains for All. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 ii nr 111 111. lit 111. hi 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 111 id iiiuiuiiuummmmmmmmaAmaiiiiiiiaimmiaiUiUi 1 - $ ii