THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1895. GRAND ni i j ' n 1 I -OF- Underwear -AT THE- Star Clothing House. Having a few odd sizes left in heavy SHIRTS and DRAWERS and as we need room we will sell them at slaughtering prices. Men's white merino at 25 cents; men's natural wool color at 25 cents. All heavy weight goods at same reduction. Come at once and get your pick. STtf CLOTBING BOOSE, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. V Mail orders promptly attended to. A. F. STREITZ, Drug's, Medicines, Paints, Oils, PKINTERS' SUPPLIES, Window Glass, Machine Oils, Diamanta Spectacles. Ike gmi'WBtMy Sritamt. IRA. L. BAKE, Editor and Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year, cash in advance, $1.25. 8lx Months, cash in advance 75 Cents. Bate red at the North Platte ( Nebraska) postoffice as second-class matter. 1. tj .TinnVe ot venue TdiII has been continued from time tn m;'4.t.o cMiate. The message was rcmi and out over for one dn Wl' lioi nrder. When the time came it was. continued again mi Avr nf 11 H. Hi. HAN IS LYNCHED. Brutal Crime of Nebraska Cat tle Rustlers. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, Is centrally situated in the triangular figure bounded by lines drawn from Omaha to Cheyenne, thence to Denver, from thence to starting point. irrc. w. E. Bolton Meets an Awfu iUAt.'l - Fate In Keya Paha County. -v . , x,.J a act a TTT rpvn AWTI rTATJftTm The hour arrived and touna mc Aoonuuxui senate deeply engrossed in commit tee of the whole. Watson arose and niurmmred something about the hour for the special order having been passed. Nothing further was Ly2joHDIGS ABE LIKELY. said and it developed tnar tne rc- m! Have not enough votes to rersonsAre under Suspido. d Having a poFHlaUon of 4,000 people It is the head- Pass 1 &e Dill Over lue e lu. o. v. quarters of both freight and passenger divisions of matter was discussed Wednesday theTJ. P.B'y Co., and is the home of about 500 nht z cas and it was decided railway employes whose monUily pay roll amounts P0"5. "u " " . .... to some $33,000.00. Almost 200 miles of irrigation to make no effort fOpaSS tne Dill. canais are rapmiy neanng completion, which will tu nA lmf lip bring into the highest state of cultivation 150,000 Th(; governor announced that lie acres of the most productive land upon which the had signed house foll; No. 27, pTO- sun's rays shine. The citizenship of North Platte viding for fine and imprisonment of ... U Will Be Arrested xneir viciwu Given Evidenco ApOnst Them For Stealing Foag-ht Hard For Ufa. Butte, Neb., March J8. Mrs. W. E, Holton of Keya Paha county was found dead in her home last night byneigh- her people are active, progressive and prosperous. uuiomuu; o - To the indoBtrious, energetic home-seeker from firemen's national button; No. 530, body was lying on the floor with a piece the crowded east North piatte and Lincoln county authorizing- county commissioners 0f rope, about 10 feetlong, and a hatchet presents unusual advantages. Thousands of acres . ,. . . , , , . , , rm. nn-Ana of vacant government land, in close proximity to to se the surplus of precinct bond and a hammer beside her. The coroner those already being brought under irrigation, may funds for the DUTDOse of procuring was summoned and an autopsy showed seed grain, and senate file No. 15, that she had died of strangulation, ana be obtained by consulting the United States land s. Register, North piatte, Neb., relative to the making it thejduty of district courts had also been assaulted, he woman above will be courteously answered. Irrigated to annoinf n mmmtpnt number-' of tows livinc alone, as her husband Had i-.. . 1 1 " baihfFss tn wsif r tIip errand iiirv. Yvwn smt tn n.11 insan& asvlum. It 18 farming is no longer an experiment, but has reached the point where it is acknowledged as pre-eminently the safest in all seasons method of conducting agricultural and horticultural oper ations. The salubrious and life-giving climate of Lincoln county, where malaria is unknown and where pulmonary troubles are unthought of, is another incentive to the location therein of those who are anxious to enjoy the good things of this life as long as possible. North Platte churches and schools ore above those of eastern communi ties, the latter being one of tho few in Nebraska permitting the graduate thereof to enter the State University without an intermediate preparatory training. The people of tho community gladly welcome the honest, industrious eastern citizen who is eager to better his condition and assisting in tho upbuilding new country. and development of a comparatively For information regard ing the Great I rrieration ; Belt of Ivincolu Co., write j : thelancoln Co. Immigra-I ition Association, North' Platte, Nebraska. III m 5s- 2 apothe: CORNER OP SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. O. F. IDDING-S, up to tne nour or going to press there is no indication that Baker, Scharmann and Sorenson will have any opposition. This is in line with The Tribune's suirgrestion a week or two ago. The editor of The Tribune has not reached that desrree of eminence that entitles him to be a candidate for chief executiye of this munici pality. The gfentlemen who Tiave mentioned his name in connection with the office are a facetious set of fellows. iff LUMBER IN treating on tne necessary re- kjforms, the voluble gentleman who yrifeTaTIie Telegraph under the ifsiffnature of ,4"vv"."ishouldnot neg-- hect to publish a homily on the sin of and the disaster which follows poker playing. This is an evil wnicli seems to be growing- in our midst. with an allowance of $2 a day. The senate'amendments to house roll No: 534,;the bill allowing coun ties to use surplus funds tor re lief purposes,jm all except sinking funds to be used within five years, were before the house for concur rence. The amendments strike out the provision, .allowing the use of sinking funds, and legalize actions of boards already taken in con- formity with the law. The house concurred in tjfee amendments. Benedict's bill, house roll 348, raising the age of consent in the slate of Nebraska from 15 to 18 years, was considered in the com- ft m m I w mittee ot tne wnoie this morning and favorably recommended by a majority which insures its passage. -Liie Din was amended in one important particular by Bee's sub- stitute. unginaiiy the measure provided for punishment of the crime with any girl under 18 years of age, imprisonment in the peni tentiary for no more than twenty nor less than three years. Bee's substitute, which carried, bars from all protection of the law known prostitutes. Over 1,000 bills' were introduced by members of the present legisla ture and only fifteen have been . passed bjrbotl houses. Of the fif teen bills presented to Governor jlfas been vetoed. g irithe senate supposed the motive of the lynching was to prevent the woman from giving testimony against the rustlers, as she had been summoned as a witness against a gang of thieves in the county. She had borne a good reputation. It was evident that she had fought a hard fight for her life and her honor, as the bed ding and clothing were torn and scat tered arocad the room. No warrants have yet been made, but a meeting of the best citizens of the neighborhood was held vesterday, and it was decided prompt measures should be taken, and it is expected that an other and possibly several hangings will take place before long. Several Under Suspicion. Several persons are under suspicion, and these parties will be taken and com pelled to confess. The body of Mrs. Holton was interred at Oak dale cemetery at Doty, this coun ty, yesterday. Tho latest report comes that a man named Hunt is implicated in some way with the lynchers, and it is thought he can be forced to a confession. A num ber of the alleged rustlers were recently arrested and taken to Springview, where they broke jail and escaped to the reser vation, where they were afterward re captured and convicted. The country where the lynching oc curred is in the heart of the cattle rustling district. SB I COAL, i A3XTD QrlFtAIIIXr. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1868. - - - - 310 SPRUCE STREET. ZKTIEW XjXVIEIRY" PEEL STABLE (Old TTC&XX Z303TUtX JStEtblo.) Prices Good Teams, Comfortable Higs, H?&t Accommcdatic-ns for ih hmm Public. ELDER &c LOOK:. E3?""Northwest corner of Courthouse square. Dr. N. McOABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, NOETH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GBADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PBIOES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and GalT&niied Iron Gor - - m nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, Jorth. IPlatte. - - - - Nebraska. Four4illTdT ancLcjglirnn' 3m urnm TRAIN WRECKERS IN IOWA. se have become laws, 'while OBefseaate, file and two house rolls- TSaVefnot vet received either hisapprbvaor -disapproval. i ne loiiowingDiiisj nave been ap proved: Senatjcsfile No. 78, by Sloan Prohibiting: the manufac- Pile of Ties Placed on the Illinois Central Track Near Sin r cos. LeMabs, March 18. The Illinois Cen tral fust mail east last night struck piles or ties placed ou tne tracic near Marcus with the evident intent of wrecking the train, which was going at a high speed. Most of the ties were Knocked on: the tracic and no injury re sulted, except a damaged pilot. The STAY GO Barrett Scott TO. OYD COUNTY. Cnse May Net Be Tried la Halt Coanty. Butte, Neb., March 18. Attorney General Churchill in an interview with W. F. Wills, comnty attorney, who has just returned from Lincoln, states, that in case the legislature had succeeded in passing the "Barrett Scott bill," he would not ask for a change of venue. Wills is authority for the statement that the attorney general had arrived at the conclusion that when the case was called he would move to flfamiaa ihe action, and then institute new pro ceedings in Boyd county. The theory of the prosecution is that since the body was found on the Boyd county side of the river the supposition is that the crime was committed in Boyd county, and if the defense wants a trial in Holt county they will have to show that the murder was actually committed in that county. The case, if brought to this county, will work a great hardship to its citizens, as the expenses of the trial will have to be borne by this county, which it is just now unable to do. AMERICAN SUP SDNK rnconfirmfl'l Keport of Another Out rage by u Spanish Warship. STARTLING NEWS FROM CUBA Rnmor That the Cruiser Arcedo Fired Into ad Sent to the Bottom a Small Schoon er Crew of Sixteen Said Have Perished. to TRAGEDY Carpenter Cnts AT DES MOINES. His Wife's and His Ova Throat. Des Monres, March 18. A carpenter named E. T. Clark attempted to kill bis wife and himself at their home at First and School streets. While the woman and her 10-year-old son were at supper the man, who is her second husband, came in and said he had come to bid hergoodby for the last time. With this he drew a razor and began slashing at her throat, cutting four deep gashes in her neck and face. She now lies in a critical condition and her recovery is doubtful. Clark then disappeared and went to a boarding house at Seventh and Mulberry streets, where he ap peared before the landlady with a great gash in his throat and told what he had done, saying he was going to finish the job.- He returned to the street and roamed about, leaving a trail of blood, and was arrested and lodged in jail. He is not dangerously hurt. Drunkenness and domestic disorder are given as the causes of the tragedy. New South Dakota Lam. Pierre, S. D., March 18. Governor Sheldon has signed all bills passea by the legislature, excepting three minor measures of local- interest only. Among the bills which became laws are: Permitting mercan tile agencies to do business in the state. having been practically prohibited hitherto; abolishing the grand jury sys tem; putting all criminal cases into the county attorney's hands. Full suffrag ist, resubmission and divorce reform measures were all killed in the legisla ture. Boulter Sentenced to Six Years. Cheyenxe, Wyo., March IS. The ap plication for a new trial of Charles Boulter, convicted of manslaughter, was denied by Judge Scott aad Boulter was sentenced to six yean' imprisonment. Boulter is a retired cattleman who has killed three mm. dmriag tbe past 12 years, bat has hereto aw goapad punish ment. His case will be appealed to the state supreme court. New York. March 18. A special from Tampa, Fla., says: The latest report is that the Spanish warship Arcedo fired into and sank an American steamer off Puerto del Padre. It is reported that a crew numbering 16 persons perished with it. It is not known whether the schooner had arms or carried au expedi tion for Cubans. It was reported in Havana that the schooner had sailed from Key West. Inquiries, however, fail to show that any boat is missing or unreported, except those engaged in le gitimate trade. Many sailed recentlv for West Indian ports with Puerto del Padre is a harbor on the northeast coast of Cuba. It has a lone and narrow entrance and affords excel lent anchorage. It is not far from the placo where the Spanish gunboat fired on the Allianca. The Spanish cruiser Infanta Isabella, Captain Daenas, has sailed for Havana. It is believed sho has withdrawn on accouut of tho Alli anca affair. Inclined to Discredit It. Washington, March 18.The state department has had no information from official sources touching the report that the Spanish cruiser Arcedo fired on and sank a small American schooner off the Cuban coast, and the report finds little credence here. The naval regis ter shows that the Arcedo is a small schooner-rigged iron gunboat built in Spain in 1883, and of about 0 knots speed. It is not known whether or not she is in Cuban waters. Other sources of information than the state depart ment are likewise without any informa tion on the matter, and are inclined to discredit it. All Propositions Rejected by Insurgents Key West, Fla., March 18. The chief topic among the passengers by the steamer which just arrived from Ha vana was the unsatisfactory outcome of the interview had by the commissioners sent by the government to treat with the rebel leaders in arms in the eastern provinces. What inducements were of fered by the commission for the cessa tion of hostilities or what guarantees were promised are not known, but all propositions were rejected by the insur gents. They said they held the situa tion and were in a position to dictate their own terms. The press editorially deprecates the result of the conference,. and asserts that it has done more harm than good. ITALIAN INCIDENT CLOSED. IT is said the county commis- ture of oleomargarine by coloring offenders have not been caught, sioners are now talking of adjourn- insr for a few days in order to take a needed rest after having" been in session for nearly three months. This loner sieere or work has had a in semblance ocRbutter, and regu lating- the sale and shipping: of imitation butter. - Senate file No. 9, by Watson Extending the term of the supreme' court commission Many passengers' lives would certainly have been lost had the train left the track, as Whisky slough bridge was only a few yards from where the ob struction was found. telling effect on them, and were it for a further period of three years not for the fact that they have each after expiratio of the present been drawing $3 per day the result term. Senate fUe No. 15, by Crane would be oitif ul. Fixing: the salary of the bailiffs in Douglas couatv at S900 a vear. T "J 1 i? 1 t'LZ I - city elections wnere P. House roll No. $1. bv Griffith Ao- j . i m rr I a are not recogmzea, ihe xkuiujs oroDriatinp: ffi&OOO for oavment of j - j oincers, memoers ana employes ol who is a guuu uum man th legislature. "House roll No. 113. ii i . rc'-.1 J I win mane by Conaway Appropriating 50,- revenge for her desertion of him. She who will keep down the running 00Q fof the reli f . . declares she knows nothing of the letters expenses to as low a notch as pos- HrnnrWHrWn ,Uetr,Vfc rrn. a,ld has never en in California, al though sue oougnc a ticicec to go there June 6 last, Denied by Mrs. Chamberlain. ' Watertown, S. D., March 18. Mrs. a. w. unamDeriam, wno lives nine miles southwest of here, denies any knowledge of the blackmailing letters sent to the Fair heirs in San Francisco, demanding $15,000 for the return of the stolen will. Mrs. Chamberlain has fre quently reported that sho has fallen heir to a fortune. She now claims that the blackmailing letters were written by a former husband, who is anxious to get sible. The debt of the city is not large as compared to many other towns of the same size, yet it is largrer than it should be, and should be reduced as rapidly as possible. In this connection The Tribune believes that D. W. Baker, who is a candidate for mayor, will make a conservative official, and will hold down the council should that body show a disposition to expend more money than the financial condition of the city warrants. The Trihone believes every man should receive a fair compensation or his labor and does not favor so radical a cut on the salaries of the city officials as advocated by some. It does believe, however, that the business of the city could be trans acted in a proper manner if the council met but once a month, and it further believes that a compens ation of $5.00 per meeting for the mayor and 52.50 for each council man would not be out of the way. m drouth-stricken, districts. House roll No. 32, by Robinson; appropriat ing matriculation and diploma fees for support of the university li brary. Hou&e roll No. 33, by Rob inson Appropriating the Morrill fund to the industrial college of the university. House roll No. 34, by Robinson -Appropriating tuition fees of the college of law for the support of said college and all moneys deposited by the students iu the various laboratories to the use or sucn iaooratories. House roll No. ,1, by Jjamborn Authoriz ing" the voting ot county bonds for the purpose of purchasing seed and feed tor teams. House roll No. 27. Arsenic In the Well. Wichita, Kan., March 18. Henry Cherry, Ins wife and two sons, Raymond, aged 10, and Henry, aged 8, were poi soned by drinking water from a well near a vacant house, adjoining their home, on North Fifth avenue. It is be lieved that arsenic had been thrown into the well. Cherry and his wife may die. The children will live. Suspicion points to an Indian named Summit as tho per petrator of the crime. Four Mexican Miners Killed. Nogales, Ari., March 18. News comes from Minas Prictas, Sonora, Mex ico, that an explosion of giant powder there, had occurred m the Verde mine by Brady Punishing by fine and which killed four miners and wounded lmprisonmenfctMoae who unlawfully one tatauy. wear the firehiaa's national button. House roll No. 530, bv Horst Authorizing county commissioners to use the surplus bf precinct bond funds for the purpose of procuring seed and feed for teams. Three bills that have been sent to the governor have'not yet received his attention. They are: House roll No. 99, by Burns, to vest title to lots 11 and mVL block 189. city of The salaries of the clerk and attor- Lincolnr in the conerregation Bnai .!- . . .. . . . . jesnuremi-successor to the Meorew congregatib; house roll No. 383, by Mungertoest-title to lot 11, block 125, ci'.'of Lincoln, in the German iSva greffatio.a, a by CaldwelUj tice ot dentil The men were blown with terrific "force against the sides of the mine and crushed out of all semblance to humanity. Their names were John Masse, John Roa, Bartola Senig and Angel Capalini. Death of a Denver Pioneer. Denver, March 18. Captain David T. Ezekiel, president of the mining ex change, is dead from the effects of a wound received in the civil war. He has been engaged in mining in Denver ever since the war. nev could be cut twenty per cent and they would still be reasonably well paid for their labor. These reductions would result in a saving of nearly $300 per year; not a very heavy sum, to be sure, but it would f continued year after year, event ually pay the indebtedness of the , city. j LEGISLATIVE LACONICS. A bill in which many druggists ot had interested themselves has also been indefinitely postponed, which would if passed have given drug gists the right to sell liquors for medicinal, mechanical and like purposes without the license now required. The governor's veto message on Thefe it tion in all try than the Wheat! miles nortk crops, ne rich laad, resources. had for mtl the Unk! GenlPasw ry. hsmflan m M elical Lutheran con- Seiiate file No. 29, the prac- frregulate Died In Poverty. Kansas City, March 18. Major J. B. Mantor, at one time one of Virginia's wealthiest and foremost citizens, died at the City hospital in Argentine, Kan., a charge on tho city, ho being penni- D, WYO. agriculturalsec ad western coun- "feund in the vicinity uttie town or mg, ninety-six yenne. Immense, g supply of water, realr agricultural ) incept rarms to oe ey. iceacned via System. 13.0L. Lomax, Ticket Agent, ' Omaha, Neb. Presidential Appointments. Washington, March 18. Tho presi dent has today announced the following appointments: Joseph R. Herod of In diana, to be secretary of the legation of the United States to Japan; Henry A. C. Emery, a citizen of the United States, to be inteipreter to the consulate of the United States at Ningpo, China; George F. Smithers, a citizen of the United States, to be interpreter to the consulate of the United States at Osaka and Hio ga, Japan. Postmasters: David C. Marsh, East St. Louis, Bis.; Joseph Beard, Danville; Michael M. Hack, Schuyler, Neb. Office for SiwHtsr Carer. Cheyenne, Wyeuv-Kavok !. j t nr . i. senator iosepn ju. uarey, war" pfeated for ro election to tke Uaitei i States senate at tho recast lecklatira session, has been elected president aad manager of the Wyoming DevelopaMat company. He will take the active; agement of the company, which is col onizing 60,000 acres of farming land near this city. Appears to Have Strengthened the Friend ljr Relations Between the Countries. Washington, March. 18. Th Itek tone of three iateraational s, is practically closed so far aa it utvotres the relations of the United States aad Italy, and instead of leaving CtM a ill feeling the affair ap. to r resulted in further fwhag the friendly relations be tween the coaBtries. Ambassador Fava takes thiTiew of the iacident and ex presses his appreciation of the prompt ness aad. energy with which the federal Phillips Starts Early. Sioux Falls, S. D., March 18. Quite- authorities and those of Colorado sought a stir has been caused in political circles by the circulation of a well founded rumor that N. E. Phillips, present warden of the penitentiary, has an nounced himself to his friends as a can didate for governor on the Republican ticket to go before the people in 1896. Postal Changes in Nebraska. Washington, March 18. Postofflces have been discontinued as follows: Ne braska Etna, Custer county; mail will go to Gothenburg. Iowa Laugfitt, Dallas county; mail will go to Panther. Henry H. Prouty was commissioned postmaster at Kimball, Nob., and Bur ton B. Stone at Merriman, Neb. Damages for Injuries. Norfolk, Neb., March 18. A ver dict for 1,500 was rendered in the dis trict court in favor of the plaintiff in the case of Thomas G-. Height vs. the Norfolk Beet Sugar Company. The action was brought to recover for in juries received while in the employ of the company last summer. Sionx City Gambler in Lack. Sionx City, la., March 18. Jack Kerry has gone to Ireland in response to a cablegram informing him that he had fallen heir to an estate in County Kerry and 60,000 in the bank. Kerry has been a professional gambler in Sioux City, Omaha, Denver and Deadwood for the last 10 years. Davis .Tory Still Deliberating-. Lincoln. March 18. The jury in the Davis murder trial has now been out 48 hours. It is said to stand 1Q for convic tion on the first count of the indiotment, murder in the first degree. The other counts are murder in the second degree, manslaughter and train wrecking. Des ainlnes T. W. C. A. Des Moines, la., March 18. Three hundred Des Moines women met and formed a local, branch of the Young Women's Christian association and pledged $1,400. Wreckage From Relna Regent e. Madrid, March 18. A quantity of resh wreckage, supposed to be from the missing Reina Regente, has come ashore at Tarifa. All the searches for the ves sel have been fruitless. Taylor Did Not Reach Tampa Yesterday. Tampa, Fla., March IS. Taylor, the absconding South Dakota treasanr. whom it was said would arrive hare last night, has not arrived. Oakland Water Front Case Dismissed. Washington, March 18. Chief Jus tice Fuller delivered an opinion dismiss ing the bill in equity, brought by the state of California vs. the Southern Pa cific Railroad company, involving the ownership of the Oakland water front or want of original jurisdiction. Sagasta Forced to Quit. Washington, March 18. The follow ing dispatch was this afternoon received from Minister Taylor at Madrid: "Gov I ernment has resigned. Campos ap pointed captain general of Madrid. New government probable, under Canovaf." to secure for Italians the sane protec tion and redress as that given American citizens during the mob law lessons at Walsouburg. On the other hand it is a sourcoof comment and congratulation at the state department that at a time when foreign enlightenments were press ing from all quarters, Baron Fava made n.) protest beyond presentiag the facts as telegraphed by the Italian consul at Denver, and at the same time reassured the Italian government that .he authori ties here were doing everything in their power. Aud it is not doubted that Gover nor Mclntyre will be fully able to deal with tho question from now on without further communication with Washing ton. Received No Answer. Washington, March 18. Secretary Gresham was closeted all morning with state department officials and other per sons concerning diplomatic happenings since his illness. In answer to inquiries on the Allianca affair, Mr. Landis, his private secretary, said that Secretary Gresham authorized a formal denial to be made of reports that he had received from Minis ter Taylor any answer to the secretary's notes demanding an explana tion or apology from Spain. Steamer Wahlberg Released. San Diego, March 18. The steamer Wahlberg, alleged to have1 been engaged in carrying arms to tho royalists in the Hawaiian islands, was again releasod by the customs officials at midnight, and sailed within one hour and a half on a guano expedition, for which clearance papers were taken out some days ago. The efforts of Hawaiian Consul Wood to secure her detention until the arrival of papers showing the real nature of her secret trip to the islands have been met with unusual discouragement. Window Glass Trust. Pittsburg, March 18. A meeting of window glass manufacturers, will be held here Wednesday to further con sider the combination, or trust, projects proposed at a meeting of the manufact urers of the country in Columbus last Monday. It is stated that the committee has agreed upon a plan of organisation, and will recommend its acceptance to the meeting this week. The consolidation of all the factories in the country under one management is said to be considered impracticable, but by tho plan agreed upon by the manufacturers' committee, a trust will be virtually formed, if the manufacturers adopt the scheme pro posed. General Toa Werder Recalled. Berlin, March 13. General von Werder, German ambassador to Russia, has been recalled. It is reported that he will be succeeded by Count Herbert Bismarck. General von Werder, ac cording to a dispatch from Berlin on Jan. 2, was reported to havo been ab sent from the gathering of German of ficers at the Berlin arsenal on Jan. 1, when, as usual on New Year's day, they were addressed by Emperor William, and it 'was stated that the general had tendered his resignation to the emperor.