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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1895)
1 THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 1895. Slaufiif :-: Sale I OF ' 5 IRA Ii. BAKE, Editor and Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year, cash in advance, $1 SixHoatks, cash in advance 75 Cents, KateredattaeNorthPlatt8(Nebrasia)postofilcea3 second-class matter. Underwear AT THE- Star Clothing House. Having a few odd sizes left in heavy SHIKTS and DRAWERS and as we need room we will sell them at slaughtering prices. Men's white merino at 25 cents; men's natural wool color at 25 cents. All heavy weight goods at same reduction. Come at once and get your pick. STAR CLOTHING BOOSE, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. Mail orders promptly attended to. A. F. STREITZ, "cj a- a-1 s t . NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, is centrally situated in the triangular figure bounded by linos drawn 'from Omaha to Cheyenne, I thence to Denver, from thence to starting point It is 291 miles fiom tho first named city, 225 miles from the second, and ISO miles from the third, Having a population of 4,000 people it is tho head quarters of both freight and passenger divisions of ; the U. P. R'y Co., and is the home of about 500 railway employes whcao monthly pay roll amounts to some $35,000.00. Almost 200 miles of irrigation ! canals are rapidly nearing completion, which-will bring into the highest state of cultivation 150,000 acres' of the most productive land upon which the sun's rays shine. The citizenship of North Platto is. that of the best afforded by the older states, and her people are active, progressive and prosperous, To the industrious, energetic home-seeker from the crowded east North Platte and Lincoln county presents unusual advantages. Thousands of acres of vacant government land, in close proxinfity to those already being brought under irrigation, may be obtained by consulting the United States land office in North Platte. A letter of inquiry to "U, S. Register, North Platte, Neb., relative to the above will be courteously answered. Trriiit.i tanning is no longer nn experiment, but has reached the point where it is acknowledged ns pre-eminently the safest iu all seasons method I of conducting agricultural and horticultural oper ations. The salubrious and life-giving climate of Lincoln county, where malaria is unknown and whore pulmonary troubles are unthonght of, is another incentive to the location therein of those who are anxious to enjoy the good things of this life as long as possible. North Platte churches and schools are above thoso of eastern communi ties, the latter being one of tho few in Nebraska permitting the graduate thereof to enter the State University without an intermediate preparatory training. The people of tho community gladly welcome the honest, industrious eastern citizen who Is eager to better his condition and assisting in tho upbuilding and degglopment of a comparatively new country. Drugs, -Medicines, Paints, Oils, PRINTERS' 'SUPPLIES, " Window Glass, . Machine Oils, Diamanta Spectacles. For information regarding- the Great I miration Belt of Lincoln Co., write : theLincoln Co. Immigra tion Association, North jj Platte, Nebraska. The cashier and principal owner of the Adel, Iowa, bank, which re cently attempted txfbe burglarized, was an old-time newspaper man. This could never have occurred in Nebraska. CORNER OP SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. rfrtf; W. IDDINGS, J- LUMBER, 3K ' .- "' r COAL, r I Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. -WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 186S. - - - - 310 SPRUCE STREET. USTEW LITBUY JlJSTJD PEED STABLE (Old Van Z)oran SttalXe.) Prices Grood Teams, Coxafortable Higs, p Excellent kmmhiim for h hmm Public, C3FNortbvest corner of Courthouse square. ELDER &c LOOK. Dr. N. McOABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, JSTOHTH IPlTTJE, - NEBEASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, BELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union . . . Pacific Railway Solicited. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor ' nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention ." ; , locust Street, .Between Fifth and Sixth, jCorth !Platte. - - - - Nebraska. The O'Neill Frontier continues to publish in its state directory the name of Judge Maxwell as chief justice of the supreme court. Is this journalistic enterprise? Change it or discontinue its publication. And now a Chicago Trilby living picture artist is seeking for notor iety by claiming that she slapped the face of Anna Gould's, husband for ttaJcinr an offensive remark Down in old 'Missouri the state legislature kastpassed an act, pro- liibitintr fcarWs from Diviner their occunation on Sunday. As the average Missouriah rarely shaves, this will not work 1 much hardship, upon her citizens. It is thestranger within her crates who will most keenly suffer. A Chicago democrat offers to wager "$30,000 or any part of it, in. good-sized blocks, even money, that Swift beats any man the democrats mav out un bv 15.000 votes. Or v X r J $20,000, or any part of it in. go sized blocks, at odds of one to two that Swift beats any man the demo crats mav out up by 23,000." , s Small particles of matter indicate the direction ofatmospheric cur rents. MS MONTHS TO LITE' PITTSBURG COAL STRIKE. Death Sentence Passed Upon Harry Haywaju by Judge Smith. MAY SECUEE A NEW TEIAL. Bole Hope of the Condemned Murderer of Catherine Glng Two .Murder Cases at Minneapolis Robinsons on Trial at Buffalo. The following' is taken from an article read bv L. L. Doty betore the Finney Co. Farmers' Institute. Among other things Mr. Doty said: To raise cabbasre vou want a rich piece of ground, or make it rich with well rotted manure well worked into the soil, plow and pul venze it fine, then furrow it out east and west if you can, about three and one half feet apart; plant your plants on the south side of the X r i , - iurrow irom two to tnree ana a half feet apart according to variety wnen you get a-row seL out turn water into the furrow and let it run clear through the row; that settles the dirt about the roots, and beinsr on the south bank of the fur- iww me soma wiua ana not sun is broken so the plants get a good start and are not whipped about and broken off as when planted on the level. If the weather is dry, about the second da'y after setting out run the water down the rows again, and as soon as the ground is in good shape to work, take a loe and pull fine dirt in around the plants to keep the ground from bak ing around the plants. Keep the ground moist by irrigating at least once a week if the weather is dry and follow it up by cultivation as soon as the ground will do to work. n this way I have raised cabbage hat would make from twelve to fifteen tons per acre. This plan for raising cabbage, any one has a better plan I be glad to hear of ii. Minneapolis, 3Iarch 11. Harry T. Havward. convicted of the murder of Catherine Ging, has three months to live. Sentence was passed on him by Judsre Smith this morninsr, after a motion for an arrest of sentence by Mr. ISnvm had been denied. Marry came into the courtroom in the same leisurely calm manner that has characterized his demeanor all through the trial, and sur veyed the crowd coldly while the hand cuffs were being removed. Judge Smith agreed to examine the grounds for a new trial on March 28 and then passed sentence. He said he had no 'doubt whatever that the verdict was a just and righteous one, and while he did not believe in capital punishment, it was his painful duty to pass sentence in accordance with the law. "The sentence of this court," he con tinned, "is that you bo taken to tho Hennepin county jail and there con fined until, after a period of three months, a time be fixed by the governor of this state, you be taken to the place of execution and hanged by tho neck until yon are dead." Harry listened calmly and sat down without the slightest show of feeling. Two Murder Cases. Jiiinneapoiis lias two murder cases. Max Piegort, who was stabbed by Paul Kleiuschmidt last Friday night at a birthday party given by their landlady, died this morning. Klemschmidc is under arrest and will be tried for mur dor. He pleads self defense. The second murder occurred in north' east Minneapolis today. As a result of a long series of family quarrels, Nicholas Bodvin, a boy of 17, shot his father. Peter Bodvin, twice through tho head. The-boy claims his father attacked him, but circumstantial evidence shows that the boy approached from behind, struck his father with some blunt instrument aud then shot him. After committing the crime he gave himself np. Both Sides Are, Claiming; the. Adratx Meeting: of Oper tiers. . Pittsburg, March 11. The strike of the miners of the Pittsburg districtrha3 reached that point where ecth sides are claiming tho advantage. The miners say they now have over 50 men working at the G9-cent rate. The fourth pool operators held a conference, at which they agreed to pay tho 69-cent rate, and most of tho men returned to work this morning. The remainder will be at their places tomorrow." The operators of the entire district will meet here this afternoon to discuss the situation and a number of them are authority for the statement that they . ?n .it i ii. . j - n wui auuuru tu tue ua-uui raw huu wui make no overtures to tho miners. They claim that the meeting is merely for the J purpose of conlemng together and is no sign of ."weakness on their part, as con strued by the employes. Colonel W. P. Rend of Caicago is iu the city, and asked if it were true that he had sent a telegram denying that lie had granted the increase toTiis men, ho refused to confirm or deny the report. The fact that his men are at work is considered ovideneo that ho js paying the G9-cent rate. Sheriff Wilhelm of Fayette county sent a posse of deputies to the Stickle Hollow mines of the Washington Coat and Coke company, having heard that the river miners contemplated an at tack on the nonunionists who are at work there. No trouble occurred, however. BLOODSHED AT XE'iV ORLEANS. CHARLES Fainoas Xaa P. WORTH IS DEAD. Dressmaker Xusses Awir -f Paris. ,-Paris, March 11. Worth, the famous inan dressmaker," is dead. Charles Frederick Worth was born i;x Bourne. Lincolnshire, England, in 1&J5. At the age of 13 he was appren ticed to a printer, but abandoneltho printing office aft er he had served about 7 mouths. He then went to London and through the assist- lce of a friend Secured a position a draper's (dry zi -i.2roods) shon.which Is " position he left to enter the employ- c. f. worth. ment of Swan 4 7 fit t5nTT S M wriThi i - - si -v Battle Between Wliito and Colored Lobc- sliorcnicn Results In Two Fatalities. , New Orleans, March 11. At 10:30 a. m. a large number of white men ap peared on tho levee at the head of St. Andrews street and by threats of vio lence drove off the colored screwmen. The police then came forward and dis persed the whites, filing a number of shots. Some 80 or 40 shots were fired by the whites and two of the negroes, John Parker and Phillip Fisher, were shot. The wounded men were removed to tho hospital in a dying condition. 7:ub!?r Company Resumes. New Haven, Conn., March 11. The Candee Rubber company resumed work . partially when the millroom started np preparing stock, which will go to the boot and shoe, makers today. Only a portion of the plant, with reduced help, is moving. It is stated at tho office that work will be continued from now on. Edgar, drapers, where he became a fa vorite. He first conceived the idea of designing fashions through conversa tions with the buyers of Swan & Edgar and frequently made suggestionswhich the heads of departments were not slow to see in a favorable light. When about 21 years of age he went to Paris and, shortly after his arrival in that city, se cured a position with Gagelin &Co., and in a few years was placed at tho head of a department. In his new ca pacity he inaugurated many new de partures. While in the employ of Gage lid & Co. he received medals for dis plays at the London and Paris exposi tions. Later he established the firm of Worth & Hoberg, and in 1S78 founded the famous house of Worth. MR. AXD MRS. ROBINSON ON TRIAL. TO RAISE TWO MILLION DOLLARS. In- is inl and if would THE OBA.VD BOUNCE, It is alleged thattkere was great mourning, accompauied with hot indignation, among the cuckoo con gressmen elected tp,stay at home au Mau.urcrtne; cany nifirUt Oi in Good luck to the hand tfcat slapped, Castellane. t o A little black-haired female en grossing clerk held the Kansas legislature in session last week for twenty-four hours after it wished to adjourn, in her effort to compel it to allow her claim of $300 for overtime. She was finally defeated. J. Howard. Payne, county at torney, was last week found frozen to death two miles from Arapahoe, Okl. It is supposed that he lost his way during a blizzard and thus lost his life. He was a relative of the famous author of "Home, Sweet Home." IP the editor of the Wallace Herald knows ot a man who is guilty of a felony his duty as a good citizen is to file an information against him and give Joe Beeler an opportunity to earn the $1600 salary which the county will have to pay him. The Tribune knows of no such felon. Friday General Manager Hold- rcge of the B. & M., issued an order giving free transportation on seed grain actually donated. He has sent the following instructions to all station agents: "In order to give further assistance in securing seed grain, this company has de cided to haul seed grain free of charge until April 15, from points on the Burlington lines both east and west of Missouri river points in Gosper, Furnas, Frontier, Red Willow. Hayes, Hitchcock, Chase, Dundy, Perkins,.Lincoln and Daw son counties south of the Platte river, and Custer, Sherman, Howard, Greeley, Valley, Wheeler, Garfield and Loup counties in Ne braska, and Cheyenne, Rawlins, Decatur, Norton counties in Kansas and Yuma, Logan, Phillips and Washington counties, Colorado, in cases only where the grain is to be ven to the farmers without chanre. In cases where the o-min 0 is to be placed on shares, "or where it is to be paid for by the farmers in cash, or otherwise, the existing emergency rates will be collected. The above facts are sent for your information, and with the sugges tion that solicitors now in the east should be promptly advised. It may help them to secure large supplies of grain. If there is a ocal relief commission at vour Groyer from Washington bn the morniag' afterJt adjournment.. These Datriotrfad' stood ' bv the pfesidenttjirgh thick and thin under an implied agreement that they -would be ."taken care of.' They had been put off in their ao plications for appointments by the president on the plea of great pres sure of business and with the understanding that as soon as soon as congress was off his hands the man of destiny would attend to their wants. So, after breakfast, on the 5th of March, over a hundred of them started promptly for the White house to see Grover before he set out on his fishing trip. It was generally understood that he was going to embark on the government vessel some time in the alernoon and so there must be no delay. They arrived to find that the bird had flown. Late the niirht before he had given the order for the lighter to-be on hand at the wharf at 8 o'clock sharp in the morning, and as the cuckoos did not suppose he would rise before nine, he had been gone an hour and the "Violet" had already put to sea carrying Caesar and his fortune and the cuckoos' fortunes also. "Be back in ten days" was the announcement on the door, but ten days is an age under the peculiar circumstances. There might have been some wild talk about chartering a fast tug o o and trying to overhaul the fugitive president, but they gave that up as a useless expenditure of funds and funds are liable to get very scarce with the crowd before this long wait for government employment is over. And now those hundred and odd congressmen know just how it is xnemseives. In their days of orosoeritv thev have doubtless smiled derisively at the seedy looking constituent who hung about the corridors of the cap- noi anu nauncea the ante-rooms of he White-house, honinir ap-ainst hope while his heart "rew sink- hf just now the rememberance of that ghostly hgure no longer amuses them. The iron has entered their souls in turn, nd they begin to rea lize the heartache of the man who has to have an office and does not see; how he is to get possession, owing to the iorgetfulness of his promising friends and the coldness of the average public functionary, whom long experience in standing of the office-seeker has hardened into adamantState Journal Confessed Murderers of Montgomery Gibbs In Court at Buffalo. Buffalo, March 11. Tho district at torney moved the trial m the superior court today of Clarence and Sadio Rob- iusou, indicted lor murder in the nrst degree for killing Montgomery Gibbs, a young attorney, a year ago. Gibbs was walking alone up a residence street, bordered with mansions bril liant with, lights, about 10 o'clock in the evening. Sud denly three pistol shots' rangout m oruiek .succession CLARENCE ROBINSON, and VilDDS Was found dying-from a bullet wound in the head, lying in the driveway leading to a fashionable residence. Ho expired without a -word. A reporter found what he thought was the footprints of a worn an near the spot. No arrests were made until several months later the Buffalo police received word from the police of Cleveland that they had Clarence Rob inson under arrest. Robinson's wife, Sadie, thinking that her husband was to be charged witli mur der, confessed that she killed Gibbs her self. Robinson, learning that his wife was under arrest for murder, made a clean breast of tho matter, telling how he and his wife had gone out to"holtl up" somebody that night, Sadie being attired as a man. Gibbs had resisted, and in the tussle had beeu shot. There are many p2opie here who balieva that the Robinsons are lying aud had nothing, to do with the affair. The question whether the coufossions of the Robinsons will b3 admitted by the court as evidence a gainst them, or sadie robinson. how much of it, and curiosity to see the pair and hear what they will say for themselves on the stand filled the court room as soon as the doors were opened. The proceedings of getting a jury may take two or three weeks. Mentono International Regatta. Mentone, Franco, March 11. Many people came here today from Cannes, Nice and other places in expectation of seeing a race between the Ailsa and the Britannia. To the great disappoint ment of all the Ailsa did not put in an appearance. She may have to send to Marseilles for suitable repairs. There were many yachts, including Mr. Ogden Goelet's Whito Laydie, assembled in the harbor in ordor to see the racers start iu the Mentone international regatta. The race today is for 1,000 francs, offered by tho president of the French republic, M. Felix Faure. The course is 20 miles long. The- Britannia won the race for yachts of ' her class and the Dakotah won tho race for the smaller yachts. Many Armenians Reported Ivillrd. London, March 11. According to a dispatch from Constantinople published in tho Stardard this morning, uncon firmed rumors wero current of fresh disorders at Karahissar in the Vilayet of Sivas, Asiatic Turkey. Additional ad vices from the samo sourse say that many Armenians have beeu killed and wounded at Karahissar. Ipff Leonard Denied a New Trial. San Jose, March 11. H. M. Leonard, the Santa Clara bank wrecker, who, together with Cashier C. C. Hayward, now deceased, precipitated the failure of the bank by their "loans" to them selves, bids fair to go to jail for at least three years, as the supreme court has sustained Judge Reynolds in the deny ing of a new trial. Revolt la a Juvenile Reformatory. Chicago, March 11. The girl inmates of the state home for juvenile offenders were again in revolt today. The police were lorcea ro mteriere ana ino in mates were taken to the nearest station. They claim they have been treated so rigorously by tho managers of tho insti tution that they could not si and it. Movement For a National Mluinjr aud das trial Exposition at Denver. Denver, March 11. Committees started oat today to raise $2,000,000 for the purpose of carrying into effect a na tional mining and industrial exposition, which it has been decided to hold in Denver in 189G. That tho movement has found friends abroad is evident from the attitude the railroads are talcing. " Secretary Flynn of the local passenger association has received in quiries from almost all the great trunk lines, and there is no question that rates as low as those made to Chicago will be offered. In many instances thev wiB be much lower, as the old fair rates are, still in existence between sorao soiMte. i Lord J&etncry : ThevstiU cotinuel)eWeen'D6iiv ' IxpON, Msvek , II. I midVw6uld1)e to cut under the Ckieasu Uok of-kiflaei? whjfe km ma&md He weuj; to Wiadeor today in orater to -. m havo an audience with ttie qseen. Bwr , , majesty starts for Nice on Wednesday Wrecked Iu the Gulf of Patras. London, March 11. Tho Globe prints a report to the effect that the Russian imperial yacht Czarina, which recently left Athens for Corfu with the Russian minister to Greece, M. K. OuOu, on board, in order to greet tho czarowitz. has beeu wrecked in the Gulf of Patnw m. -j 't- -a it- i - .1. i i..t f . Jtn bwn .fvow Htm fair's rates. It lias beeu decided to put the consuls and vice consuls of all foreign nations stationed in Colorado on the board of general managers. Whale Killed OiTNahant. Boston, March 11. A whnle about 7u feet- in length and evidently 'au old set tler was killed off Nahaut by a picked crew of experienced men from JNakaut. The whale had bean reported by several parties during the last few weeks, aud Friday night two fishermen, who were out in their boats, wero forced to make a hurried retreat to the shore in order to escape undue familiarity on tho part of his whaleship. The whalo is evidently an old one, tis he is half covered with seaweed. Deeply imbedded in his back wai? an ancient harpoon, badly rusted, but with the inscription. "Hiram K. Swain, Nantucket, 1853," still legible. Ei-PrcsIdcnt Harrison Out of Danger. Indianapolis, March 11. The condi tion of ex-President Harrison is most satisfactory today. He has gained much strength and wa3 able to appear at tho breakfast table with the family. Dr. Jameson, General Harrison's physician, says that the patient is now out of dan ger and he apprehends no serious devel opments in his pleurodynia trouble. Dr. Jameson thinks that Mr. Harrison will soon be able to resume his business. night. Five Taken Out Dead. Albuquerque, N. M., March 11. The lire in the Old Abe mine near White Oaks was bronght under control When the eight imprisoned miners were brought to the surface five were dead. Dugout Caved In. Guthrie, O. T., March 11. Near Woodward a dugout occupied by Charles Thomas and family caved in during last night, crushing Mrs. Thomas to death and fatally injuring her mother. Caught In a Rurninjr Mine. Winnipeg, March 11. A special from Rat Portage to The Free Press says the Sultana mine there is on fire. Twenty miners are at the foot of tho shaft and it is feared they are suffocated. - Dcntli of Historian Cantu. Milan, March U. Cesar Cantu, historian, is dead, aged 91 years. LATEST NEWS OF TRADE. the once An old book qurintly says that "when the whole system is per vaded by well-oxygenated blond vigorously pronelled. life -,4.: - - ukiiv- Natural Gas at Salt Lake. Salt Lake, March 11. This city it rejoicing over the final arrival of natural gas, which has been piped from the wells 14 miles distant. The completion of the fiixt connection was celebrated by the illuminating of the main streets with flambeau turned on at high pressure from the, mains at Temple block. Walter Strange Jury Still Out. Sicux City, March 11. The jury in the case against ex Supervisor Walter Massachusetts Lawmaker In Georgia. Atlanta, March 11. A committee from the Massachusetts legislature, com posed of two senators and eight repre sentatives, have arrived iu Atlanta for the purpose of investigationg the in dustrial situation in the south and in quire into the special inducements held ont by the state of Georgia making it more profitable for tho New England cotton mills to do business in this sec tion. Ssvn Were Drowned. Oxford, Md., March 11. During a heavy galo the oyster dredging schooner Ida V. Seward of Oxford was capsized in Broad creek, in Talbot connty, and it is supposed all hands, consisting of seven men, were drowned. Celebrated Its 105th Annlversarv. NewTTork March lL The old For syth Street Methodist church last night celebrated the 105th anniversary of its founding. It was the second Methodist Episcopal church organized in New York City. Strange, which went night, has not agreed, and there i3 no prospect that it will do so soon Decided In Favor of tho Olympic. New Orleans, March 11. In the case of the state vs. the Olympic club it was decided in favor of the club on all points iu controversy. Glove 'con tests will therefore be permitted as heretofore. -" ity are cooiouslv mmi,;,4. ti i vj ...: : :. . . J -".aLcu AVUI-JV ASltLUU. 1 VSU.U. iu.a utcu sui lppmg- which means thaf jai. auiutumc, urn. is uunncu nv tha c f tae line scarcely roucues use of Ayer's drouth-stricken district. the Sarsaparilla, perfect health fs the J ictllll. Elevator Cuts OfiTa Foot. Grand Island, Neb., March 11. The 12-year-old sou of James W. Robinson had his left oofc cut off in the elevator in Miuton Woodward company's whole sale house. Cozad Elevator Iiurned. Cozad, Neb., March 11. The Omaha Elevator company's elevator -hero burtifid. Boulter Convicted of Manslaughter. Cheyenne, Wy., March 11. The out Saturday Jrj n , U1, .oouuer, liere is nr cuarSeu "lu muraer, Drought m a ver dict of manslaughter. Boulter is a re tired cattleman, who, during the past 10 years, has killed three men. Heretofore he has escaped punishment. Colonel Conley Convicted. Fort Scott, Kan., March 11. Colo nel Conley, a well known young. Linn county man, has been convicted at Mound City of murder in the first de gree. He killed Jame3 Mapes, a com panion, at a Fourth of July celebration j in-18W. Chicago Grain ami Provisions. Cnic.voo. March 11. Wheat was firm today after an easy opening. Tin strength camo from the hither Fruncli country market and Paris cables, reporting winter wheat damaged by frost and spring seeding backward. New xorkludin thi advance. Commbdon houses were tho bnyew, with acaipors fllitinff the ad vance. Com was stronj,', helped by strong cable, moderate receipts and the limine? in wheat. Oats were doll, but steady, hslpel by wl?at and com. Provisions were strong, advancing sharply The market started with a 15s on an na tive and higher market at tho aria. Shorts became alarmed and bid pricca up consider ably. ci.osi.vo raictt. "WKEAT M-irch, .TJ--; May, 512; July, wjoc; September, 5 JUT". CORN-Mnrch.-HsU?: May, 4c; Sep tember, -ii JHj. OATS-Mnrch, M'fc; May. June, 29Kc; July, ZT; bid. PORK-March,$ll.'7!.;: May, ?1I.47--. LARD March, $3.05; May, $0.77 i8.a'J; July, RIBS March, ?5.V5;Ma7, $5.o72; July, $5.90; September, lo.OT.'i. Chicago LIvo Stock. Chicago, March 11. HOGS Rreipts, 30,000 head; left over, 9,500; market active and 10c higher than Saturday's closing; light, $1.05 1.35; mixed, $4.05 1.45; heavy rongh, 4.1ttft4.:i). CATTLE R..-ceipts. 11,000 head; market firm and ofglJc higher. SHEEP Receipts, 12,030 head- market firm and 5;3l0c higher. South Omaha Live Stsck. Socth Omaha, March 11. CATTLE Be ceipti., 1,2 head; 1:J n 1M)J lbs , 44.75(55.15 ; HtJO to 130) lbs., $4.4)4 t.B3; !.) to 1100 lbf., S3.0J 34. SO ; choice, cows. $S't?:0; common cows, ll.l.'.j.So. good feeders, ?a.00?i3.75; common, feeders. $!L21g:i.0O. Market 10c higher. HOOij-Becelpts. 1,20) head; light-. $a.JMI.15; mixed, $1.051.15: heavy, l.lo(j4.-25. Market 10c higher, SHKEP-Eoie-pK 1,10) head: muttony $3.0) -25; Umb3, $3.0(8 S.8-J. Market steady. Chicago, Aiarcii 11. The extensive foundry plant occupied jointly by Harry Perrv arid the Challenge Machine com pany burned. Loss, $75,000, partly covered by insurance. Thirty-Third Octree Mason. Columbia City, Ind., March 11. E." L. McLallen, aged o'. years, head of tho banking firm of McLallen & Co., dropped dead. Ho was a 33d degree,. Mason. v Ancient Volcano In Eruption. : Vera Cruz, March 11. Tha- peak of Onzaba, an ancient stae of eruption. volcano, is iu a - A r - inf. -