The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1895, Image 1

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    """a ' , v '
' . , - i ... .
- -- - ' : 7 ; : : ;
Our Spring stock of Ladies, Misses, Mens,-
Boys and Childrens'
Shoes and Oxfords
Are now open for the inspection of the public.
K Hk mk
. AYe have the Latest in Style, the Best in Quality and sell
them at lower prices than any other store in town.
Read this letter showing how strongly these Shoes are
recommended by their celebrated makers:
Dear Sir Wo have the pleasure of shipping you this day by B. &
O. freight some 7S8 pairs of Shoes and Oxfords. These we have examined care
fully and pronounce them fully up to our standard in quality of stock and work
manship. Your selection of styles are mostly those which are found the most
popular sale this season-through the country. We guarantee every pair of our
shoes to you, so you can guarantee them to your customers. You will find your
name stamped on the inside of every'pair of shoes. We solicit a continuance of
your patronage, fully confident that you will recognize in the merits of these
goods our desire to give you the best possible values for the prices charged.
Boston -:- Store,
. VUIjIUO fiiiEjrk. rnvr. r
. .f
Anthracite and Bituminous Coal
" ax-
: 3iways on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
"- Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce
v. street will be promptly filled.
For Sale
I; ,
One-half mile from North Platte. We will sell you
a farm of any size you may desire.
PEI0E $15.00 TO $25.00 PER ACRE.
Terms to suit the purchaser
USTO- 3496.
Capital, -Surplus,
- - 50,000.00.
- - $22,500.00
E. M. F. LEFLANGr, Pres't.,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, tbts public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and compete. will mmUj ajl ygir : ' -
I County Correspondence.
Hichol Huggets.
The bum bum boc of the prairie
chicken is wafted awav upon the
gentle breeze in this country
School resumed business
Mondaj morning after a week's
Frank. Tingly, from the vicinity
of Paxton, was calling on friends
in these parts the latter part of the
Miss Bessie Leach, who is stop
ping with Mrs. Mary Spurrier and
atte'nding school, visited her par
ents south of Sutherland last week.
Miss Mary Zook returned from
an extended sojourn at the hub
C. S. Trovillo returned on No. 23
Sunday morning, from Lincoln,
where he had been in attendance at
the state tent of the K. O. T. M. as
a delegate from the lodge in this
Miss Nettie Cammack and Roy
Spurrier, with "Turkey Kate," took
a trip over in the south sand hills
the last of the week.
John Eshelman, from south of
the Platte, now has charge of Pax
ton & Hershev's lower ranch.
Considerable plowing was done
and some wheat sown in the valley
last week.
The recent cool nights delayed
the plastering of the Paxton &
Hershey tenant houses to some
B. R. Gibbens has rented a farm
over on the old ditch, where he,
with his family, will move in the
near future.
R. W. Calhouu and family are
nicely located upon the old Zook
farm at- this station, which Mr.
Calhoun purchased some timesiuce.
Orv" Allison now occupies Pax
ton & Hershey's upper ranch, re
cently vacated by the Rews.
Charles Toillion has rented the
west eighty acres of the Henry
Schuff farm for this season, payiug
S3. 00 per acre cash for it.
.Al and Lew Hoover hauled the
stone from this station over along
the ditch for the foundation of D,
Forrest's new residence.
John. Toillion has already put in.
amn e.pjuch-jof toniahs..-t&4Kt
SamuerFunkhouser is said to "be
an expert dynamiter, especially on
TheU. P. has dumped several
loads of sand and gravel from the
Pallas pit around the Hershey
depot lately.
Joe and Tom Kelly will farm
eighty acres of land' upon the old
ditch ajrain this season.
The Gibbens hay baling outfit
has completed their job at Riverside.
Paxton & Horshey are shipping
baled hay east to Cozad and other
points along the U. P.
-Uncle Billy" White, with his
family, household effects, - farming
utensils, etc, arrived by rail Sat
urday evening and at once took
possession .the Thomas Stimson
farm, which he now owns.
A. B. Goodwin, who recently lo
cated at Carter, Wvo., had his
farming tools, household goods,
horses, etc.. shipped to that place
the first of this week, His wife
also departed for that city a few
days since. Their departure will
be deeply regretted by both rela
tives and friends in this neighbor
hood. Several more Swedes from Madi-
son county joined the colony west
of here last week.
W.- H. Minney and wffe returned
the las.t oi the week frpin a visit of
several days duration at their fqr
Tiier home on the south side.
Will Baly spent part of last week
in the vicinity of Myrtle.
The new residence upon the Dil
lon ranch is neariug completion..
We were informed Sunday that
EJugene Goodwin and sifter Stella
had given up the idea of farming
in this country, and would return
to their home in Kansas soon. It
was reported that they had rented
the ditch farm recently vacated by
their brother Bee for this season. "
H, Null and family have removed
from the Henry Weil farm upon a
ditch farm, where they will reside
for this season at least.
Don't forget the M. E, quarterly
services, in the Maccabee hall at
Hershey next Saturday and Sun
day. Presiding Elder Leonard,
from the Platte, will preach Satur
day evening and Sunday forenoon.
Will Funkhouser was at the hub
with a load of straw Saturday.
Osmer and Will Rew, with" their
families, household effects, farming
tools, stock, grain, etc,' departed
bytrain three or four davs asro for
-&ort Bndffer. Wvo.. where tliev
had recently soldjiis farm near this
place to a man by the name of New
berry, from McPherson county, and
had since rented it for cash from
the purchaser for this year.
The Sullivan bpys have been re
pairing their .irrigation reservoir
and putting it: i shape for use
lately. " j Pat.
Feb'y 28-Re6gioation of Chas.
E.Jones, justice -of.-. the peace, ac
cepted; F. W. Jdries appointed to
fill said vacancy.'.
W. D. Pnlver ordered to build
two bridges oirroad No. 166, bridges
to be built soon aspossible, county
to furnish material and pay builder
Followingclaims allowed: L. H.
Baker, janitor, $45.00; S. G. Diehl,
commissioner's salary, 149.10; A.
E. Hill, same 173.00; A. E. Hiil,
freight, 2.4$; R.D- Thomson al
lowed 17.50 on bridge fund.
March 1 Claim of Paul G. Meyer
surveying and recording roads, 61.40
allowed on general fund.
Discussion of relief matters and
the Maxwell bridge contract oc
cupied the board.
March 2 The following resolu
tion was adopted: "Whereas, The
conditions of the contract by and
between J. R. Sheeley & Co., of
Lincoln, Lancaster .county, Neb.,
party of the -fi'cst "part, "and- the
county of Lincoln, state of Ne
brasks. party of the second part,
bearing date of the 20th day of
October, 1894, for the construction
of a pile wagon bridge over the
several channels of the Platte river
at a point about one mile south of
Maxwell, Lincolacounty, Neb., and
otherwise particularly described in
said contract have been broken by
said party of the first part, there-
fore, be it
Resolved by 'the board of county
commissioners of said count' -that
said party of the. second part will
hold said J. J?.tSheeley & Co. liable
for all damages-occasioned by rear
son of the conditions of said con
tract. ,r
March 4 Relief affairs and road
business occupied the board.
. March 5 Claim of John. Martin
for 3.40 for cedar stakes allowed on
On Ail Imported Woo en Goods and Silks
is iikOPERATioN January ist.
roods and
make room for our new stock
We must close out our stock of nice
under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at $1.10; $1.50 Silk
Henrietta at S5 cts.; $1.00 Henrietta at 65 cts.; $1.25 Bedford Cords at 85 centsr S1.25
French Serges at 85 cts.; $1.00 French Serges at 65 cts.; all wool li yd. wide $1.25 Broad
Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels, 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department
we offer the choicest line in the west, C. D. and E. widths, in fine new goods. : : :
Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in
1S95. : . ; Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard, Lawrence LL uslin at 4 cts.
per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at " RENNIE'S.
o-Ptiprnl fun rl
Oamotion .oyiimtojwjmg
preamble and- .resolution1 was
adoptedr '"Whereas, The county r
commissioners have received from
the mayor of Spokane, Wash., three
car loads of wheat, flour, etc., in
cars Nos. 38,13628,708 and 38,438;
and,, whereas, it appearing from
bills of lading and duplicate bills
that said supplies were procured
through Whittier precinct and its
agent I. N. Froman, and whereas,
it appearing that said donors have
requested that said precinct get a
considerable amount of said sup
plies, be it
Resolved, by the board ot county
commissioners that they turn over
247 sacks of wheat and 90 sacks of
flour to Whittier precinct, and the
rest of the shipment be turned over
to the county central relief com
mittee. Above resolution adopted, R. D,
Thomson voting in negative, be
cause goods had. been turned over
to central relief committee and dis
posed of by them.
March 6 Following claims al
lowed on general fund: I. A. Fort,
freight, 4.50; W. W, Keith, merch
andise, 13.05.
Road 210 comes up for final action
and was granted as reported by the
special commissioners.
March 7 Claim of Ausrust W.
Johnson 15.75 for bridjre work al
lowed on bridge fund.
M. C. KeitU notified that commis
sioners have removed from his room
on Front street.
Matter of procuring seed under
State Items
The soldiers' home at Grand
Island .will shortly be supplied with
incandescent lights.
TheLeftwitch circus, which, has
been Norfolk, is pre
paring to start 'out on the road
May 4th.
The Odd Fellows of Fairbury wil
dedicate their new temple on the
seventy-sixth anniversary of the
order, April 26th. . ,
James McKeogan," a. prominent
farmer of Cuming county, has sold
his lands in Bancroft and Cleveland
townships for an average price of
$3S an acre.
The Grand Island Baptist college
will hold its fifst graduation exer
cises this year. Miss Grace Bentley
will be the first graduate and is the
only one in Ifer class. ,
L. L. May & Co., of St. Paul,
Minn., donated several hundred
pounds of garden seeds to the
drouth-stricken farmers of the Sixth
congressional district.
The Callaway relief committee
has just received seventy pounds of
garden seeds from the firm of D. M.
Ferry & Co., as a donation to the
farmers of that locality.
The Blair canning factory is pre-
Seventy-seven is cm every tongue.
Either the pleasant pellets, or their
praises; and no wonder for "77" has
saved more lives, prevented more
suffering and 'sickness, afforded
more comfort and safety than all
other remedies combined. With
Dr. Humphreys "77" as a protector
you can brave the wind and storm,
the slush and dampness; and, if
fairly robust, even old Humidity
nimself, which is said by the doc
tors to be the greatest grippe pro
ducer. Experience shows that all
persons are not equally susceptible
to medicine. Many are benefited
from the first dose of "77" and
grippe passes off with little or no
inconvenience. Other cases miffht
be termed stubborn, and do not
yield until perhaps the second or
even the third day. The cure is
then spontaneous, the cumulative
efect o'f the medbine is felt all at
once. In either- case tie mire ie
perfect; you are sure not to be left
A . . CT 1 r cj . . .
paring-f or -si- -harves t-of corm-and
beans and has given it out that the
crop will be attended to, even if it
a'mounts to 600 or 800 acres.
Dr. Walter Maxwell; of Schuyler,
will soon remove to the Sandwich
Islands, where he will take charsre
of the agricultural bureau and ex
perimental station of the islands.
iin errorr. is uemg mane, ana a
meeting will soon 'be held at Nor
folk, to arrange for a circuit of fairs
this fall, including Antelope, Pierce,
Knox, Madison and Boone counties.
Carl Hoffman, the Grand Island
survivor of the Elbe, has received
notice from Buenz, the German
council at Chicago, . to appear and
testify in regard to the sinking of.
the ship Elbe.
Henry Gentrup of West Point
received a paper this week from
Germany that was recovered from
the unfortunate Elbe's mail. It
shows marks of the sea. Mr. Gen
trup refused $5 for the relic.
Seth Moble saj-s that the piano
used in the Nebraska Building at
the World's fair was loaned to the
state bv the manufacturer and after
ward presented to the Grand Island
school by that gentleman, and Seth
ousrht to know.
A large number of the families
in the North Loup country who left
the state last fall are now return-in"-
to their old Nebraska homes,
making arrange-
5 ; T i
will make this country prosperous.
Buy your Seeds of Harrington & Tobin. We are here to stay.
and others are
ments to do so as soou as the spring
season is a little advanced.
G, L. Shumway, proprietor of the
Coatsburg Review and formerly of
Banner county, has been compelled
to abandon the newspaper business
on account of failing health, He
has accepted a position as salesman
for the Bayer broom factory, of
Galesburg, 111.
The Howell Journal says: A
large number of farmers in the
southeast part of the precinct are
losing their hogs with the cholera.
We hear of several who has lost as
high as fif ty. It comes pretty hard
on our farmers to lose their hogs
after feeding them 50 cent corn.
The tide of immigration has
ao-ain set westward. Prairie
schooners pointed toward theset
ting sun are daily passing through
Most of these are westerners who
went east to their wife's people to
winter and are now returning with
both seed and feed, to make another
try. That's the pure grit.
The roosters of the realm are
going to hold-a grand carnival ball
at the opera house in Madison on
the 18th inst. No ladies -wiU be.
exoect to make fheir "fiti-itr tmmo
-Hir 'i,u. re . - -i-" - -.. puucuug irom uner-enects, wnicn
.ffCT Dia siJ5 snce have been and are tke curse of
tkat J. B. McKee, of North Platte. I o-Ht, at
admitted, and one-half the gentle
men present will impersonate the
fair sex in dress and manner, a
'valuable prize being given to the
greatest artist in that line. This
is a novelty with whiskers.
'Wednesday of last week as the
Ruttler brothers were coming to
Stanton with a load of straw, they
were met by Will Selleand Henry
Pelletier. As thev5passed Selle
threw a match into the straw. The
bovs jumped from the load and all
joined, in upsetting the load, which
was burned with the rack, but the
horses and wagon were saved.
The Callaway central relief com
mittee has sent out over two thous
and letters to the newspapers of
the country containing an appeal
for funds with which to purchase
seed. The money contributed is to
be depositecfwith the Omaha Na
tional bank, and will be received
either as a gift or as a loan. In
the latter case the committee will
undertake to handle it the same as
anr other loan.
While a man was standing in a
Nebraska City saloon the other day
waiting for some one to come in arid
ask him to take a drink, a woman
entered and proceeded to the bar.
Turning to the wayfarer, sheasked: j
Won't you take a drink with me?"
For a reply the man took the lady
by the arm, and said: "Let's go
home," and the man and wife walked
out of the saloon, without indulg
ing in intoxicants.
Major J V. Hoover died at Hum
boldt as the result of a peculiar
accident. While playing with some
children he fell and struck his head
against the corner of a bench, cut
ting a long gash. He became un
conscious and died m fifteen- min
utes, in spite of the efforts of the
physicians in attendance. Major
Hoover served on. General Grant's
staff during the war, and was a
thirty-second degree Mason.
TheHub hears every day of fam
ilies who left Buffale county last
fall and during the winter who are
already returning to their old
farms. One of these arrivals with
whom the Hub was talking to-day.
says that he has concluded that a
farmer's chances are as good here
as anywhere, and in fact that when
the tide begins to return they will
recover lost ground quicker in Ne
braska than in Iowa, Illinois, Indi
ana, or any of the southern states
that are just now being cracked up
as the poor man's paradise. Kear
n.ey Hub,
The speediest and most relia
ble remedy for all derangements of
the throat and lungs is Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. This wonderful
preparation checks coughing, in
daces refrjjijag steep, and affords
fet relief eve i the advanced
stages of coaswmptio.
If the hair has been made to
grow a natural color on bald heads,
n thousands of cases, by using
Hall's Hair Renewer, why will it.,
not in vour case?
The Cozad Irrigation Co. have
again gone to work in earnest audi
will push the construction of their'"
canal with all possible speed. Mr.
KittelF. their engineer, came down
from North Platte Thursday and
will take charge of 'the work and
complete the survey at once. Fifty
teams and about 65 men are at
work in sight just east of our citv.
and make this point their head
quarters. Tribune.
If I were going to irrigate tea "
acres of level land, I would make
my reservoir in the center extend-r
ing from one side to the other, ex
cavating about twenty feet wide
raising the embankments four feet
above the level. After the excava
tion was completed I would
thoroughly pulverize the inside sur
face of the reservoir, then let in'
water sufficient to make a stiff
mortar, with which I would puddle
the bottom and sides of the part
excavated. The embankment -will
not need puddling as it will be s-uf-
ficiently solidified by the process of
placing it. I would then situate a
twelve foot vaneless folding mill
at each end of the reservoir, with a
four inch cylinder and a two inch
discharge pipe, and would connect
a float to the throw out wire of the
mill, so that when the reservoir is
full the mill will go out of the
wind, and when the water recedes it
will commence operating again.
At intervals 6t two hndted"feet I
wouldT locate at either 'side of the
reservoir, box outlets, not less than
four inches inside dimensions.
which should be six inches above
the level of the land to be irrigated,
and connected with the elevated
ditches. The elevated ditches
must be at right angles with
the reservoir and the crop
planted at right angles with the
ditch. The water should be per
mitted to run to the end of the ele
vated ditch, then open it between
the rows to be irrigated; .the flow
from a four inch stream of water
will carry force enough to extend to
the end of the rows. When suffi
ciently watered dam up the elevated
ditch and open up the next two
rows, and so continue until that
division of the land is properly
served, and you will then know how
to treat the balance. "R. R. Gas
kill, in Hennessey Clipper.
While no physician or pharma
cist can conscientiously warrant a
cure the J. C. Ayer Co. guarantee
the purity, strength and medicinal
vfrtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It
was the only blood-purifier admitted
at the great World's fair in Chi
cago, 1893.
- 4.