i - : -r - -X " ' ; ' THE NORTH PLiTTE SEMI-WEEKLY 1 TRIBUNE : FRIDAY' EVENING, MARCH ,8,' 1895." v -T..V I semd Exclusively to ti .Orer Twenty-One Million People r, akkiKtgWorid's Fair Grounds MINOR MENTION; UniversaHy accented. C9 the Leading FLns Coffee cf the World JOHN HERROD Sells tlie above Coffee together with a complete line of m in MR mm. Prices Always Reasonable. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid For Country Produce. THE BEST MADE. The Moid Clothing House, SOLE AGENT FOR I 114 WEST FRONT-ST. j C. F. SCHARMANN, Hire and Life is Notary Public. 3,000 Jc of Ditch Land. HOUSES AND LOTS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. LaidmidEmigration Agent. Notice. . I desire to sell the hay crop for 1895, on the large Sidney Dillon Island located at Sutherland, sec . tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in town 14 north, all in range 34 west, to the highest bidder for cash. Bids will be received up to July 1st, 1895, and reserve the right to reject any and all bids. N. B. OLDS. Studebaker Wagons at ,Hershey & Co's. For Sale or Trade, ' The White Elephant barn. Also several vacant lots. Will trade for ditch or hay land, or cattle. The above proper ty is clear of incum brance. Inquire of J. R. BANGS. lOfi SALE OB TRADE For sale or trade, for horses or cattle at a reasonable price, a five year old registered Percheron Nor man stallion, nearly black in color. Max Beer. North Platte, Nebraska. Did you ever have a job done at C. Newman's shoe shop. If not come and try him. Shoes and boots made to order. All kinds ot Repairing a specialty. Spruce street., opposite Dr. Dick's drug store. SMOKERS r In search of a good cigar will always find it at J. F. Schmalzried's. Try them and judge. Overshoes good and cheap at Otten's Shoe Store. Ftf NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. J. W. Dalbey anil Albert C Uuruham, Lysander iv. 'limeys nnd Jnmes A. Browu, (partners as Burnbam, Tnlleys k Company), defendant?, will take notice that on the 8th day ot October, l?9l, Ellen B. Partricce. the plaintiff herein, filed hor petition In the district court of Lincoln county, Xc- DrasKa, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain trust deed executed by Levi C. Xenon end Margaret Lenon to L. TV. Tclleys, trnsteo for Clarence K Hesse, and afterwards assigned, together with tho bond which said trust deed secured, to the plaintiff herein for a valuable consideration, upon the South half of tho Northwest quarter, and tho North half of the Southwest quarterof Section twenty-two (22), inTownship ten ( 10), North of Kange thirty one (31), West of the sixth (0) principal meridian, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure tho pay ment of one principal bond, with interest emipons attached, said bond dated April 2d, 1SS3. for tho earn of FiTe Hundred dollars, due and payable live years from date thereof: said trust deed provided that in case said bond or coupons are not paid when due, or within ten dae thereafter, the whole sum secured thereby may he declared to be due and payable. - There is now due on said bond, coupons, and trust deed the sum of Five Hundred and Mne tyeven dollars and twelvo cents (591 .12 J, with interest at tho rate of ten percent per annum from October 1st, l&ai. forwhlchsum, with interest from this date, plaintiff -prays for a decree that defend ants be required to pay the same, or that said prem ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You arc required to answer said petition oa or before Monday, the 15th day of April, 18lv. Dated March 4th, 1893. C. C. FLANSBTJEO, 3-S-4. Attorney for Plaintiff. WHEATLAND, WYO. There is no finer agricultural sec tion in all this broad western coun try than can be found in the vicinity of the beautiful little town of Wheatland, Wyoming, ninety-six .miles north of Cheyennel Immense crops, never failing supply of water, rich land, and great agricultural resources. Magnificent farms to be had for little money. Reached via the Union Pacific System. E. L. LOMAX, vGen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, ' , Omaha, Neb. i - . . v ' Kev. J.C.Irwin will preach next Sab evening on "The loyal Citizen and the Spring Election." Home-cured hams, bacon, dry salt pork and suoamersausage at Geo. Nau man's meat market. The Hotel Neville now flys a neat pennant at its mast-head .which informs tho weary wanderer where he may find rest. The Keith County News is authority for the statement that black-leg is pre vailing among the cattle in some of the precincts of that county. Invitations are out for a reception to Col. W. F. Cody next Tuosday evening at the residesce of B. I. Hinman. The gathering promises to a large one. Several persons in this city have lost valuable cows the past few days, from a variety of causes, principally, however, from tho effects of calving. Tho dime social by the ladies of the M. E. church, held last night at the resi dence of J. C. Piorcy, was well attended, and an enjoyable time is reported. Over $10 was cleared. H. S. Coal has recently purchased a ranch thirty-live miles from Sheridan, Wyo , and Mrs. Boal is in our city this week packing their furniture preparatory to shipment to their new home. Messrs. Akers and Harris will be derelict in their duty to the whole people of their districts and particularly to Lincoln county if thay do not vote anrl work for tho passage of senate file num ber 33. Judge Sinclair has taken the irriga tion case, which "was heard this week in tho District court, under advisement, and will decide the matter April 15th, at which time he will again be hero for a session of court. N. B. Olds has been, circulating a petition (which is generally being signed), asking the legislature to require the state board .of agriculture to carry out in good faith its agreemont in re gard to the location of the state fair. The deputy sheriff of Grant csunty on Wednesday evening arrested Ed Catron, on Blue creek, north of Ogalalla. He is charged with being the leader of an organized band of cattle rustlers who have been conducting their operations in a wholesale way for a long time past. Mart English has secured a contract from tho county for putting in some hridges across Fremont slough, and also to haul a largo amount of lumber for one of the irrigation companies. In preparation for this work he has pro cured a pair of giant mules from the North Platte National Bank stock. The local L. Ii. A. speakers will to morrow evening invade Brady Island and be prepared to meet the dextrous debaters of that locality in foren3ic foray. During the afternoon the initial steps will bo taken to organize a Good Tem plars' lodge, and a lecture of no little notoriety will address the meeting. Mr. J. H. Norris, representing the Kuight-Campbell Music Co., of Denver, Col., is stopping at the Pacific Hotel. Mr. Norris is an expert piano tuner and repairer, and endorsed by some of the best citizens of North Platte. Anyone wanting a piano tuned will find it to their advantage to employ Mr. Norris. Leave orders at the hotel. By special arrangement Rev. A. W. Graves vill make an address at the Bap tist church next Sunday morning on the subject, "Municipal Reform, and How Shall it be Effected?'' All who are in terested in the approaching city election are especially invited to attend. Ser vices to begin at 10:30. Special music will bo furnished for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams lost their infant child by death to-day, from the effects of an attack of lagrippe. Another of their children had an eye injured, if not destroyed, by the spilling therein a portion of concentrated lye. It is said misfortunes never come singly and the experience of the above couple would seem to justify its truthfulness. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all their friends.' After coming out victorious in their skirmish with the county commissioners in tho matter of seed grain the Whittier warriors returned homeward laden with the spoils of their bloodless victory. They left one lone picket on guard whose duty it was to watch for the arrival of five cars more of seed and feed coming from Missouri to them. ThiB last in stallment is consigned to I. N. Froman and J. .M Alexander, and it is thought that upon the payment of the freight, if any there be, they will be allowed lo peacefully carry off tho fruits of their forager. The committee having in charge the arrangements for the Thirteenth annual May party of the B. of L. E. have made an arrangement with the Hotel Neville whereby those in attendance at the ball wi'l bo served with supper at the rate of fifty cents each. The services of the Grand Island orchestra under the baton of Prof. Bartling have been procured, and a concert of one hour will be given prior to the opening of the dancing exer cises. Ten skillful musicians compose this organization, and the programme which they will render will doubtless be worth the price of admission. The price ot tickets has been fixed at 31.00 each for dance tickets, 25 cents each for spectators' tickets, nnd children free j when accompanied by their parents. ! Tickets may be procuredjfrom any mem- ; ber of tho organization. All accounts due H. Otten & Co. are payable at Otten's Shoe Store. The firm having dissolved, a settlement is urgently requested, that books may be balanced. Ftf H. Otten. At a meeting of the South Side Irri gation Co. Wednesday G. F. Meyer waa selected as secretary, vice, Chas. Osgood. Bless tts! With the advent of the preacher in politics is North Platte abolat to hare a LexoWlnvestigation? At tho next regular meeting our city council will hare an opportunity pre sented to show their desire to promote the, city's welfare. Sanfbrd Hartman is having some very nice gable ornaments made for his house by D. M. Hogsett, which will add much to its appearance. Yesterday the county commissioners issued credentials to Charley Kilmer, who is down. in Kansas, to solicit seed grain for Kilmer precinct. J. W. Wilson on Wednesday was unanimously confirmed by tho state senate as the new commandant of the soldiers' home at Grand Island. If the astute editor of the Era will look at Webster's definitions of the words "brute" and "beast," he will read ily discover that the former is a very appropriate name. A Coxey ordpr to keep off tho grass is in vogue at the Second ward school whereby all the little ones are required to march out at the east corners of the yard, although they may live just across the street at either of the west corners of the park. Some of our local business men are contemplating the shipping in of seed wheat for sale to our farmers upon reasonable terms. Thoy will probably make their proposition known through this great advertising medium within a few days. Tuesday afternoon Judge Sinclair sentenced Bailey and Schick to terms in tne state penitentiary, the former for a term of four years and four months, the latter for one year. Frank M. and Harry Heck were sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs of prosecution and restitution in the sum of 832. It is said the latter will be replevined and a stay of five months taken. In closing nearly a column notice of the Wild West and Negro allegorical shows, the Kearney Hub thus pays its respects to our fellow-townsman: "Mr. Cody bad recently made arrangements to visit Kearney and renew his acquaint ance with old friends here, bi t unfortu nately was taken sick upon the appointed date, and lost the opportunity, for he is ! one of the busiest men in the country and his 'day off' does not come very often. We are all interested in his pro jects, however, for he is as public spirited as he is large hearted, and his money and infiueuce will both be expended for the development of the central portion of tho state." Apropos of the seed grain question the following Chicago dispatch appearing in the daily papers will prove interest ing to the people of western Nebraska: The Board of Trade committee in charge of soliciting funds to buy grain for the drouth sufferers in tho west has ap pointed a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs. Seaverns, Congdon and Ray mond, to work among the merchants of the city at large. Urgent requests for seed have been coming in much faster than funds, and the Board of Trade people say something must be done. A dozen counties in Nebraska and as many in Kansas must be helped out. It is not a request for charity, as the funds are loaned on mortgages on the next crop, which promises to be a good one, considering the present nature of the soil. President Cable of the Rock Island has assured- the committee his road will contribute thirty thousand dol lars and transport all seed free. Other roads are expected to do the same." RAILWAY RESUME. Wm. Smallwooi now has his air-brake room fitted up in a very convenient and comfortable form. The 628 has gore into the "back" shop for some light repairs and a new coat of paint, and Fred Frederickson is running the 639 instead. The G36 and the 1456 passed through this city yesterday and to-day Jon their way to the Wyoming division. They had each received an Omaha overhaul ing. Engine 936 arrived in this city 'last night on an extra en route for the Wyom ing division from the Omaha shops where she had been receiving an over hauling. 1 Th machinists are highly pleased with putting in service again of the old ten-wheel locomotives, as they are more complex, and it will require more men to keep them in repair. Engineer Wood White and wife re turned Wednesday night from their trip to the Badger 6tate, and report every thing flourishing in the locomotive cab seat industry at Appleton. The 843 has gone into the shops for an overhauling, nnd it is said when she is finished will be fent to the O. S L. H. J. Clark s casting about for another engine to take her place, with a prospect of securing either the 804 or 821, with the chances in favor of the latter, as sho will be out of the shops next week, where she has been undergoing repairs since the Chappell wreck. Engines 957 and 1019 will arrive in this city to-day on their way to the Wyoming division. It is said this class of engines will displace tho standard locomotives in use west of Sidney, ou account of the segregation of the O. S. L. As the late congress failed to take any action in re gard to the indebtedness of the Pacific railroads, the probabilities are that when Unrle Sam gets a settlement he- will -find that he has but two streaks of rust and a right of way as his share. WpTCH, THIS SPfLCZ. The first ad. lor the Diamond Ring contest will be pub lished March 12th, and one in each succeeding issue until all have been printed. In the meantime I'wish to call your at tention our fine stock of Silver Novelties suitable for Easter and Birthday, Gifts. We also carry a line of Mandolin, Banjo, Violin and Guitar Strings. Yours truly, CLINTON, THE JEWELER. 1 gURELVpRERSONAL. .Dr. Dick has' been on the sick list the past weekpt. -jf'' N. A. Davis was in Kearney on busi ness this week ' LA. Fort 'Went to Omaha and Lincoln the niiddleqot ibis 'week? E. F. Seebej-ger returned ithis morn ing from his trip to Colorado. Maude McGee, of Omaha, is. visiting with the family of Guy Laing this week J. H. Norris, a Denver piano-tuner is plying his vocation, in this city this week.. . Frank Ransom, a 1 prominent attorney of Omaha; hasbeen in our city this week in attendance upon district court. M. A. Doolittle went to Omaha Wed nesday night. He is expected to. return to-night accompanied by . his wife and son, Joe Fillion went to Ogallala yesterday to make a plumber's professional visit. This speaks well for the character of his work. Dr. C. T. Field, formerly of Sidney, but now of Rock Springs, Wyo., stopped off in this city the first of the week en route home, j Ex-Judge F. G. Hamer appeared be fore the district court this week upon the Paxtonfc, HerShey side of the irri gation case. W. L. Park and M.K.Barnum returned last night frc-m. Lincoln, where they have been attending a state meeting of the Loyal Legion. Mr. Fnedmann, of Waterloo, Iowa, who was in the dry goods business here a couple of years ago, was in this city for a few hours yesterday. Mrs. Weingand, who has been visit ing her sons and daughters m this city for several greeks left- for her home in RossvilIe,IU.,Wednesday morning pf this week. ? Miss Clara Rankin, who has for sever al wes been conducting a photograph gallery in Ogalalla,returned to her homo in this city the first of the week. She reports a fairly good business. "BUFFALO BILL'S" BRIDAL. On Wednesday evening in responso to invitation, somb'fif ty of the older friends of Col. W. F. , nsseraJed at tho family residence on West Fourth street to assist their host and hostess in the twenty-ninth celebrauqq of their wed ding. Upon th6e 6tn of March, 1S66, in St. Louis, Mo.this famous frontiersman whose name has since become a houaer hold word 'upon two continents, was joined in marriage; At that time, it is sate to say, tne young couple did not realize what was in store for them. After a brief residence in thestite of the jayhawkor and the more recently Mary Yellin,Lease, the happy couple made the long overland journey to the Ft. Mc Pherson military reservation, in this county. The mutations, which they have witnessed in their residence of over a quarter of a century in Lincoln county, if spread upon history's printed pages?, would prove very interesting reading. The omnivorous Ogallalab, the crafty Cheyenne and the pillaging Pawnee, the long-haired Texan teer, and the toil calloused agriculturalist have passed bo fore them in kaleidoscopic changes, presenting a pleasing panorama of more than passing interest. From the period when horned herds of bisons roamed un checked upon qur prairies to the time of their displacement by the sturdy Shorthorn is an interesting epoch in tho development ot Nebraska. Contempor aneous with, this transition, and of which he was a portion, stands almost alone North Platte's most noted citizen "Buffalo Bill " He has witnessed the sly Sioux warrior sneaking about the military reservations in search of a drink of fire-water while his squaw was trying to trade the "bowld sojer-boy" out of a pair of pantaloons for her personal adorn ment. But it is not the purpose of the para grapherto 'dwell upon tho interesting pictures now stored in the archives of Nebraska's history.. As mission is to chronicle the currpt eftnts as they enter into oft-times the oMjion of the past Those presentat tho reception mentioned above were entertained- in the, most hospitable manner peculiar to Col. Cody and his wife; The evening was spent in social games nd conversation, inter spersed with, music by the Gordon cornet band, all uniting m causing the affair to pass off as Pleasantly as tho proverbial marriage bell. Ata seasonable hour the guests dispersed tb their' several homes, all joining-irr- wisKing their host and hostess many happy returns of the occa sion, and hoping- that thoy might bo spared to celebrate their diamond anni versary A telegram btas been received by the county commisBiojoors from General Mannger Holdredge, of the B. & M , stating that his company would not fur nish transportation for seed solicitors to go east. Certainly not, George, while" the legislature is in session. 825 Reward Will be paid for anyone givin"- in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties who poi soned my greyhounds at the Scout's Rest Ranch the latter part of Feb ruary. Col. W. f. Cody1. GREAT CRY AND LITTLE WOOL. Pursuant to a call a largo and widely located number of oUr citizens assembled in the cofinty judgo's room Wednesday evening, the court room being occupied by the District court. After some little delay S. G. Diehl was chosen chairman of the-meeting and J. W. Elhngham secretary. Mr. Dieh briefly stated tho object of tho convoca tion. C. F. Iddings was then called upon and said that as he understood thesitua tion the meeting was for the purpose of planning a method to secure seed for those who were unable to purchase; as for those who were able to buy he knew there would be no trouble, and that he intended to ship in a number of cars of grain to supply such demand just as soon as the railroad companies, had decided upon just what rate of freight they would charge therefor. Had those present paid close attention to this "tip coming from so sagacious a business man as the speaker it would have shut off considerable of tho after debate which followed. E. W. Crane then moved that tho county central relief committee bo authorized to select three men to goejist as a soliciting committee to procure such seed grain. Mr. Iddings amended by leaving the number optional with the committee, after which he faded away into the darkness of the night, his presc ience proving to him that tho meeting would be largely barren of practical "re suits. R. D. Thomson, as county cora-mis.-.ioner and ex efficio member of the county central relief committee here interjected the thought that if the mat ter was to be handled by the latter organization, it would have to take its rniriilfir nrrlfirt anrl nnnlionnfa fnr conrl O " 7 "i'f would have to sign blank No. 7, one of tno regular iorm prescribed by the state relief commission. This was a new idea to many present, and aroused much opposition. After a great deal of ramb ling desultory discussion,the motion and amendment were decisively voted down. A motion was then made that the county commissioners be requested to send ten representative citizens from Lincoln county as a seed soliciting com mittee, and to devise ways and means to provide for their expenses, the commis sioners to have Ihe charge of tho distri bution of such collections. This was adopted, Rev. Foulk offering a motion which was but a repetition of a portion cf tho former, although it was also carried. Some of those present seemed to have a wrong concepiion of the purpose of the assembly, appearing to confuse it with ihe regularly created county central committee. This was an error which waB readily detected by a majority of those present. Its purpose was entirely outside of the relief bureau, and it was to devise means for Lincoln county to act independently of tbo state commis-ion in this matter, something which is being done by every one of the drouth-stricken counties in Nebraska. Tho fooling gen erally obtains, and more or less justly, that if the matter of seed collection and distribution were left to tho red-tape methods of the state commission, that the season would advance so far that many counties of Nebraska would be able to put m but a trifling crop. The principal champions, at tho meeting, of leaving tho matter in the hands of the regular county relief committee had to acknowledge this fact, during tho dis cussion, when they admitted that they had repeatedly asked for the establish ment of six sub-stations iu Lincoln county oy tno state reiiet commission and could not get them. Subsequent inrormation warrants tho belief that it is extremely doubtful if this latter orga nization will have ny funds for tho pur chase of seed grain, or paying the freight thereon; as the lower house of the legis lature has passed a bill by a vote of 51 to 4.0 appropriating 8200,000 for this pur pose, but without the emergency clause, which makes tho. net effective after July 1st, 1895 about time to put in a crop of buckwheat or turnips. Tho talk at the meeting of the people not being able to got a low freight rate or freo transportation upon seed grain without it having to go through the hands of the state' relief commission, was the rankest rot. Let tbo legislature adjourn without providing any further means for tho state relief commission with which to do business, and you will at once see a different aspect como over the situation. Railway managers are but human, and it is to their interest to get pay for a necessary service if the ex igencies of the situation when no other means are provided do not practically force them to free transportation. It is to tho local traffic to which railway officials look for furnishing dividends, as cut throat competition frequently com pels them to carry what is known as through business at a very narrow mar gin, if not an actual loss. It is, therefore, good business policy for tho railway management to ship seed free into a locality, if by so doing it will have thirty or more times the amount to haul out. Another reason for such a course is that the companies, who are tho heaviest tax payers in the county, would thus relieve themselves of a large burden of taxation to support needy persons. Mr. Iddings in bis brief remarks stated that this -could be presented to tho railways in such a manner that they would give their consent, and that the companies were onlv waiting for the properly au thorized ' persons to procure the seed, and then have tho request made by the people's representatives. Oar JC&dy f riends May depend on us when wishing to pur chase Shoes of Standard Quality, Latest Designs and Perfect Fitting; An inspec tion is invited. 'Tis sweet to love, but oh how bitter, ? To love a girl whose shoes don't fit her : This often happens, when bought of others,. But never when bought of RICHARDS BROS. When Buying Minneapolis FLOUE Why not get the BEST? Washburn's Superlative Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im provement in milling machinery the product of the hard, excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by JOHN HERROD, SOLE AGENT. : : : For Sale : : : DITCH :-: FARMS ! One-half mile from jSTorth Platte. We will sell you a farm of any size you may desire. PEICE $15.00 TO $25.00 PER ACRE. Terms to suit the purchaser FRENCH Si BKLDWIN, MOST o DELICIOUS o COFFEE o IN o THE o WORLD ! SPURR'S REVERI MOCHA AND JAVA. 1ARRINGT0N & T0BIN, SOLE ACTS, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 1 1 F. J. BROEKEH. 4 MER6HANT TAILOR. A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. First-class Fit. Excel lent Workmanship. As the matter stands it only remains for tho county coaiinissioners to got hustling solicitors in the field and secure the seed, and tho matter of shipment is an after detail. A number of the pre cincts are alreJidy moving in this direc tion, and to all such responsible solocit ors the commissioners are furnishing credentials. Such precincts are exhibit ing their onergy and good judgment. One fact developed by the meeting, creditable to tho county central relief committee, was tins: that tho organi zation is pulling old Agricola through tho winter season in fairly good shape, ami while the old fellow is not fat, and perhaps his clothes do not fit him so smoothly as they did last fall, yet theio is a great deal of vim and vigor about his rugged frame, and tho capability for many a hard struggle with the often adverse battles of this life. Shoes at half price. A larjre assortment of good g-oods. Buy ruem quicK ana save nalt your money. otten s Shoe Store. x oung man, it is no longer consid ered in good form to ape the manner of 1 m . a proiessionai lootoaii player by wear ing your hair as long as a Sioux Indian Doc Sizemore will skillfully operate upon your locks for the small sum of f'oct'nts NOTICE. North Platte, March 7th, 1895. We, the undersigned, hereby forbid all persons from trespassing upon any portion of our premises. Any person hunting, shooting, fishing or trespassing upon any of our lands will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law. W.F. Codv, Isaac Dillo, Patrick Grady, H. Ottex, P. N. Dick. AdYertised Letters. T.Iflt of letters remaining uncalled for n th nost office at North Platte. Neb. ' x- -r v a 1 nrr for the week ending marcn o, iow. GKNTLEMKX. Kostbaum, Christ itowiey, ueo ti Mill, Gust swanson, owan vv Neiraan, W F Williams, Jobn W LADIES. Hills, Mrs M M Nichols, M rs Maud Parsons calling for acovo win please say "advertised." M. W. Claik, Postmaiter 1- SOMERSET SNAP SHOTS. W. E. and A. II. Mulliken woro North Platto visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Joiliff wore Well fleet visitors Saturday. G. W. Miller and family visited at J. IL Joiliff 's Wednesday. William Griffith went to North Platte Wednesday. Harvey Jackson did May wood Satur day. Uenry Welch's daughter, Mrs. Kat liff , is quite sick at hor father's homo. John McConnoll nnd sister woro in North Platte Monday proving up on the treo claim of tho latter. L. J. Kidder and Harry Bakor do parted for Oelwein, Iowa, Saturday. G. W. Rhoados will not stay at'M. H. McDermott's as reported, but has gone to Lincoln to school, and bis wife has taken up her residence at Wellfleot. O, I. C. county BRADY BUDGET. II. Brown was a visitor at tho hub on Tuesday. Miss Anni Ericsson left for Lincoln Friday to attend tho Western Normal. F. George transacted business at North Platte Thursday. D. H. Eavey, accompanied by Miss Eavey, started Monday for Illinois, where he will solicit seed for the farmers of Kilmer precinct. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mathowson wre" visitors at Nortn Platte Thursday. E. L. Muthetvson spent Tuesday in North Platte. Ducks and geese are quite plentiful in this section at present. J. Mott is improving tho annenrnn. of J. H. Gillin'tj residence by a now coat of paint. iMr. Burney, of Granu Island, trao. acted business here Thursday. a. ADercromoie Btarted for Cozad Thursday with his ditchinc mnnhrn. work on the ditch which is hnmo. structed at that placo u. 1. 1111 lert for Kansas Tuesday, whore he will make a short visit. Wm. McKinney. formerly niv.f ator here, is the guest of R. u. Burke this wet-k. A generous supply of aid, consisting of flour, meat and molasses, was received wo vuo imojdiuoi me week. Tfc uk3 uiatriuuieu on Saturdays xouLtjf uuu ra luurpny. by will Wm. The joint debate bet.woon r-v m.i, and Brady cornea off nort St evening. m Able speakers from North Platte will speak on temperance, with tbe view of organizing an I. O. G. T. lod JiiSE place on Saturday afternoon" at three o'clock. Everybody nnrniu. . ".:i.5rr attend. Jw.;i,'ea 10 4 A, i