The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 08, 1895, Image 3

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One of Taylor's Counsellors Bound Over to
the Grand Jury.
PrERKE, S. D., March 7. Arguments
in the case of McCpv were closed
Wednesday night by Attorney Horner
for the defense. Horner made a power
ful plea, breaking into Crawford's in
terpretation of law and breaking down
all evidence except that which McCoy
gave before the investigation committee
and in which he stated that he was
Taylor's attorney; that ho had some of
Taylor's money and property in his
possession and that he was prepared to
offer the state a compromise. Here oc
curred the most dramatic incident of
the trial. The attorney suddenly facing
the attorney general, with his powerful
voice, keyed high, and his eyes flashing,
declared that the firm of Horner &
Stewart are employed by Taylor and
his bondsmen. "I have here in my
pocket some of Taylor's money and I
stand here ready to listen to a" proposi
tion of compromise from the state, or to
make such a proposition. Now, arrest
ni8 for conspiracy and bind me over."
Attorney General Crawford remarked
that in behalf of the state he was ready
to listen to any proposition.
"Then," said Horner, turning to the
justice, 'arrest Mr. Crawford for pro
posing a misdemeanor, or apply the
sainexnle to Charles McCoy and let him
McCoy was held for trial in 1,000
France "Will Xrollow Germany.
Paris, Marcli ?. The government has
decided m the event of the German
reichstag voting an increased export
bounty on sugar, to ask parliament to
vote an equivalent in the sur tax on
foreign sugars imported into Franca.
and to provide for the payment of an
export bounty on .French sugars, so as
to enable them to compete with Ger
man sugars in foreign markets.
Argument In SlcXeill Case.
Portland, Ore., March 7. Argu
ment was continued in the suit of the
Oregon Railway and Navigation com
pany to modify the order appointing
Receiver McNeill so as to obsolve him
from paying out $300,000 expended on
the Oregon Railway and Navigation
lines bafore the separate receiver was
Results of the Day's Work In Both
Branches of the Legislature. -
The House and Senate Hoth Get Through
With a Bis Batch of Them Oleomar
garine and Arbitration Bills to
Be AtnoMdecL
Lincoln, March
called to order bv
Whisky Trust. Proposition Accepted.
Cincinnati, March 7. The wholesale
whisky dealers and distributors of this
district met here and accepted the prop
osition of the receivers of the whisky
trust to allow them 1 cent per gallon on
carload lots.
Wholesale Lumber Dealers.
Philadelphia, March 7. The
anuual meeting of the "Wholesale Lum
ber Dealers' association is in progress
here. Prominent lumbermen from all
over the conntry are present.
CongTess Scored For Sunday Session.
Schuylkill Haven, Pa., March 7.
The east Pennsylvania conference of the
United Evangelical church adopted res
olutions scoring congress for continuing
in session over Sun da v.
Taylor Appointed Receiver.
New York, M.irch 7. George H.
Taylor was appointed receiver for
Adolph Moonelis, manager of the Amer
ican Tobacco company, by Judge
I m III i f I ill i 1 1 1 1
lie j'C Left.
;fPrasfeytcriaiis at 'ittVburgr.
crg, March 7. A meeting is
being held in this city today between
tiie committee of the Presbyterian gen
eral assembly on control of seminaries
and the directors and trustees of the
"Western Theological seminary of Al
legheny. Tiis day was spent in discuss
ing the subject of transferring the prop
erty of the "Western Theological semi
nary to the general assembly. No de
cision has yet been arrived at, bnt it is
likely that' the trustees will decline to
comply with the request of the commit
Western Insurance Union.
St. Louis, March. 7. -The "Western In
surance union met again today in secret
fission and nothing done at the morn
ing meeting has yet been given ont.
Secretary Whittemoro denies mere is
any trouble in the union, or that there
will be any withdrawals of members, as
has boen reported. All companies hold
ing meuibarshro in th? union are repre
sented at the meeting and everything is
moving along smoothly.
To Build Stoekyarl:s at Albuquerque.
Albuoueroue., March 7. The Santa
Fe railroad is absut to build here the
most extensive stookyards aud feeding
liens between Kansa? City and El Paso.
Those at "Wallaco will bo abandoned.
Albuquerque will soon be the headquar
ters of stockmen in western and south
ern Arizona, southern New Mexico and
the republic of Mexico.
Carroll Wright Honored.
"Washington. March 7. The officials
of tho Milan exposition have awarded a
diploma of honor to Colonel Carroll D.
Wright, the commisv-onar of labor, for
his industrial rc.53arch?s.
aiarket Started n Trills; Higher, but Closed
Unchanged on the Day.
Chicago. Ifcroh 7. Wheat- was steady and
o ,-;n . .! t.i:'- The Pri?y Current estimated
4?iif Kimnlies in -Jul 7 will h'i 5J.033.00J bu.shel.-i
es than lat year and this, with higher French
nnnnfi-r iW.5. mva tho market it better
Com sympathize:! with wheat aud cats very
meekly followed corn.
Provisions were steady. There was evidence
of covering by shorts aud oufesUera were good
WHEAT 3Iirch, ol?; Msi -3JdC: JtJ.
5lCs bid: September, 55bC
COSN March, May, -tlc; July. HVao;
September, 444c
, OATS March, 2rfc; May, 23o; June, 2Sho;
July, T?c ; August, 25c.
PORK March. J 10.05; May,? 10 So.
LARD March, $3.5:); May, $3.62J: July.
RIBS March. $5.45; May, J5.GJ;July, ?5.72;
Sijpteraber, $5.85.
Chicago live Stock.
CniCAC.o, March 7. KOSS .ieceipts, 37.00-3
head; le't over.S.GJ J ; marlcet act i ve to oc higher ;
light. 33.9331.-25: mixed, $4.0j54.: heavy
fihippiag grades. i4.0J4.43; rou'h. $1.0J1.15
CATTLE Receiprs. il,a3 nead; marker;
steaiyat yesterday's closing prices.
SHSEP-Receipts, 0.000 head; market quiet,
but steady.
South Oiiialia live Stcrfc.
South Oii.vnA, March ?.-( ATTLE-Re-ceints.
1,)03 head; 120J to 1-Vo ihs., $4.6y5.25;
11j to 13JJ lbs., Si.254.7J; 9J-J to 11.) J lb3.. (3.75
g,i:-'r. choice cow3, yJ.5Jg:i.5J; comam.i cows,
$1.0v.52.25; good feeders, $i.J.ito. jJ ; common
feeoers, .253.03. Marka; atKidy.
HOGS Receipts, 4,SXhead; liiht, $3 8534.05:
mixed, &SiJL0; heav . .Q3 i.23,-- Market
10c h'.ghur.
SHESi Jteceipts, :i3 Jicnd; muttons, 2.7o
4.0o; iambs, $ "Silirk-Jt steady.
i. xne senate was
the lieutenant gov
ernor at 10 o'clock Wednesday. The
following bills were read the th'ird time
and passed:
Senate file No. SI, by Crawford, pro
viding that all bonds heretofore, Jssued
or voteclby any precinct in the state for
boring wells to be used for the purpose
of irrigation are hereby doclared to bts
legal and valid and a lien upon all of
the taxable uronertv in said nrnmnrfc.
- 7
notwithstanding any defect or irregu
larity in the submission of tho question
to the vote of the people, or the omission
to designate in the proposition or in the
bonds that tho same was for internal
Senate file No. 61, by "Wright, to re
Yxse rne scare Daumng law. Tne new
law is quits elaborate, but makes but
few important changes in the old statute,
une or tne uotaoie cnanges is tne one
relieving the supreme court of the now
heavy burden imposed upon it by reason
of the present law, and vesting the exe
cution of the law in the district courts.
J"t r -1 "" T ran
oenace me no. an, allowing unincor
porated mutual insurance companies to
charge a policy fee of 50 cents.
Senate file No 77, providing that con
tracts for the sale or leasing of rolling
stock of any railroad or street railway
company shall be recorded in the office
of the secretary of state. Thi3 operates
so as to remove the necessity for record
ing in each county on the line of road.
SenAte file No. 16, providing for park
commissioners and authorizing them to
purchase and maintain paries in cities of
from 5,000 to 25,000 inhabitants.
Senate file No. 410, the amended oleo
margarine bill, was read the second time
and referred to the committee on manu
factures and commerce, on motion of
Senator McKeeby.
The following bills were put upon
their passage and disposed of by the
Housre roll No. 1-1, by Allan, to regu
late the conduct of primary elections in
cities of the metropolitan class and of
the first class having a population of 10,-
000 or more, aud to require the registra
tion of voters for that purpose. Passed,
71 to 10.
House roll No. 332, by Myers, to pro
vide for organization of irrigation dis
tricts and acquiring of canals partly
built. Passed, 80 to J.
Senate file No. 03 was considered.
This is the bill providing for a board of
arbitration to adjust labor difficulties.
One member of this board shall be the
deputy labor commissioner, and the
other members shall be appointed by the
governor, one of these to . be recom
mended by the employer and the other
by the employe. The bill was recom
mitted for amendment.
pKADweob, 'S.5:pJr? March1' 7.Tlw
boiler in the saw mill at Rankle, a
small station on tho Black Hills and
Fort Pierre railroad, 30 miles from
Deadwood, exploded, completely wreck-
ling aud killing two of the
wor&mcu, besides injuring several
Prominent Arrivals at Hot Springs.
Hot Springs, S. D., March 7. Chief
.Tustich Rockroth aud daughter and
Judge Hubbard of Ct'dar Rapids, Judge
Savery of Das Moines and. Colonel Hur
ley of Chicago constitute a party of
prominent people who came to this place
and will spend a few weeks for their
Police Captain Is Kcmovcd.
Des Moines, March 7. Becauso of
his testimony in tlia impeachment trial
of Mayor Isaac L. Hillis, or for some
other reason, Captain Gsorge Sims of
the night police force was removed from
. office by the mayor.
lovra IJanTters In Session.
Cedar Raiids, March 7. Tho execu
tive council of the Iowa Bankers' asso
ciation held a meeting here and chose
Storm Lake as the place for the next an
nual meeting, which will be held June
20 and 27.
Starch From Sious City.
Sioux City, March 7. The Sioux
City Starch compauy has completed ar
rangements for putting its new factory
in operation within the nest two weeks.
It will employ 200 men.
Iloblemau Xot Guilty.
Beatrice, Neb., March 7. ThoHoble-luau-Elliott
bigamy case was concluded
so far as Fred Hoblenian is concerned.
Hobieuiau was found not guilty aud
discharged from arrest.
And Nott Young SUnc Has . 10,006
Breach of Promise Salt on His Hands.
CmcfAao. March 7. The breach of
promise suit of Daisy Gardner, a tele
graph operator, against George W.
Stone, son of the wealthy board of trade
operator, has developed a romantic story
in which big -'rori vaults, an imprisoned
bridegroom and disappointed wedding
guests are mingled in charming con
fusion. Daisy Gardner is a very pretty
girl who takes stock quotations aad the
like in an office very near the board of
trade, where yoang Stone is employed
in his father's office.
The young people met often and cupid
did the rest or would have done it,
Miss Gardner says, of the senior Stone
had not interfered. The wedding day
was fixed, soEavs the court bill, the
guests arrived and the bride was ready,
but the necessary groom did not come.
The guests went home, and the next day,
Miss Gardner declares, young Stone
came to her with a peculiar explanation
His father, he said, had discovered the
proposed wedding, remonstrated, and,
finding the young man obstinate,
pushed him into a large oEice vault and
kept him locked up until the wedding
nour was safely passed. Miss Gardner
could not see the joke and has sued
young Stone for $10,000 breach of
The S3 Per Car Kate Again the Subject of
Legal Inquiry.
Chicago, March 7. The alleged exor
bitant charge by the railroads of $2 per
car for the delivery of live stock at the
Union Stock yards is again the subject
of legal investigation. This time it is
the state board of railroad and ware
house commissioners which is making
the inquiry. The board was in session
at the Palmer House today hearing
charges against the Alton road. "While
nominally brought in the name of James
Brown of Dwight, the real complainant
istheMallory, Son & Zimmerman com
pauy, live stock commission firm at the
yards. All the roads are equally inter
ested with the Alton in a decision of the
present case, though none of the others
were represented at today's hearing.
" Iowa shippers, especially or nay, pruiesu
against the adoption of wo'-orn clussilica-
tion of No. 17 fixing tho minimum carload
weight at 24,000 pounds.
Colonel David R. Clcndeniu,. wi.o was
one or tne military commissi n
tried the conspirators wlm planned ilie
Lincoln assassination, at Oneida, Ills,
Five were killed aud 20 wounded in a
riot and destruction of a bull ring at
Pucbla, Mcx., because a spectator was dis
satisfied with tbo class oT bulls furnished
for tho lighting.
Governor Holcomb for the second time
sent to ti e Ncbrasli'a .senate the name of
J. W. V ilson to be commandant of the
soldiers and sailors home a Grand Island,
the appointment to take ifect March 15.
The senate unanimously confirmed the
Tinsley Appointed ad Interim.
Sioux Falls, S. D., March 7. A. D.
Tinsley received a telegram from Fourth
Assistant Postmaster General Maxwell
Baying he had been reappointed post
master at Sioux Falls.
Satcide by Lockjaw.
Cedar RAnms, March 7. Mrs. Mary
Hlavacekwas found in the garret of
her home hanging to a rafter. Life was
not extinct and she was cut down, but'
died from lockjaw.
Traveling Man Charged With Kmbczzlin g
Cedar Rapids, March 7. W.C Arons,!
traveling salesman for a milliner; firm
at Burlington, wa arrested o the
charge of embezzlh:j uis trunks and;
sanon-iS of jewelry.
G an it? Defeat x-hia
. Baltciork, March 1 Tosepvi Ganns,
colored debited Sol English in three
Minneapolis, March 7. me spring
wheat millers of the United States are
in session here today with a view to
making an organization which shall re
lieve them from the ruinous competi
tion they suffer from the winter wheat
millers. They take the position that as
they pay a premium of from 3 to 5 cents
for spring wheat, this competition can
not be long borne. About 40 millers
are present, representing this city, Mil
waukee, Rochester, Cedar Rapids, la.,
and nearly all of the milling points in
the northwest. The plan being discussed
looks to an agreement as to the division
of territory.
How It Adheres to tho Uodv and Sucks
Out All the Poison.
Nearly every one has heard more or
less alnnit niadsL-oncs and the wonderful
cures with which they are credited in
saving life where a person had been bit
ten by a mad dog. Many regard theeo
stones as a mere curersti tion , but statist
tics go to prove that they really do eea-
tfthrm&Hy wonderful
stones are seldom heard of any w
cept in the southern states, where thsy
are quite common, and most of the pep
pie of that section place great faith in
them. Mrs. J. M. Parks, a lady resid
ing in this citj-, is the possessor of one
of these remarkable stones, and a report
er called on her to learn something about
"Yes," she said when questioned on
the subject, "I have a madstone and
have had it many years. My husband
found it near Magnesia Springs. Fla. I
have only had occasion to use it three or
four times since it has been in my pos
session, and each lime the best results
followed. The reason that I have not
used it often is that I never hear of a case
where a person has been bitten by a mad
dog until I see it in the paper, and then
it has always been stated that the pa
tient has been taken with convulsions.
It is too late to use the madstone then.
Spasms do not generally appear until
about nine days after tho person is bit
ten, and if the stone is applied any time
previous to the convulsions the poison
will be entirely drawn out by it.
"The worst case I ever cured with my
madstone happened when a policeman
here in the city, named Price, was bit
ten on the hand by a mad dog. His arm
had swollen up to three or four times its
natural size and had turned black. The
man was suffering the most excruciat
ing agony, and his physicians had de
spaired of his life. I accidentally heard
of his case and at onco hurried to the
house with my madstone. The doctor
consented to give it a trial, and tho re
sult was that the man recovered and ia
now walking around the streets as well
as over."
Upon tho reporter's asking if he might
see the stone Mrs. Parks immediately
produced it, remarking as she did so,
"It doea not look nearly as powerful as
it really is."
It is a little, porous, chalkliko sub
stance about an inch long, half an inch
wide and a quarter of an inch thick
and appeared to be a sort of vegetable
"The process of applying the mad
stone," continued Mrs. Parks, "is very
simple and somewhat similar to vaccina
tion. You select some part of the body
between the bite and the heart and with
a sharp knife scrape the skin till the
blood comes, then apply the stone to the
raw spot. The stone will adhere imme
diately, and its drawing qualities are so
great that it will almost bury itself in
the flesh, sucking out the poison until all
the pores of the stone are filled with the
deadly virus. The stone then drops off
of its own accord, and after being thor
oughly cleansed with milk, warm water
and soap is applied again. This is kept
up till the stone refuses to stick, thereby
showing that all the poison has been
drawn out." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
which readily pierces our cuncie, ana
pressing npon the bulb at the other end
the poison is lorceawiruugn tne central
channel and inflames our blood. The
tender handed who stroke the nettle are
stung for their pains, because their gen
tleness has only served to break the brit
tle points and rendering them fit for
piercing, hut the rough handed break
the hairs at their thickest parts, where
they are too stout to prick. Good
"Boil Down" Everything!
The taste for. short stones, in place of
the ancient three volume novel, has been
cultivated even in conservative England
and has become so widespread in the
United States that very few periodicals
which deal in fiction at all are without
their stories begun and finished in a sin
f"T"t J 1 X. - i
gle issue, xne laiem, required to pro
duce a fascinating and successful fiction
in this narrow compass is a peculiar one,
and while there are numerous failures
there are also a surprising number of
successes. "Well "written, descriptive ar
ticles, too, are m demand, and special
cravhigs for personal gossip and lively
sketches of notable living characters are
manifest. That perennial interest which
mankind and womankind evince in ev
ery individual whose name, for whatev
er reason, has become familiar supplies
a basis for an inexhaustible series of
light paragraphic articles. New York
The Sling of the Nettle.
The leaf and stem of a nettle are lit
erally clothed with erect hollow hairs!
If one of these hairs is viewed under a
microscope, it will be seen that its free
end, after tapering to a very fine degree
of slimness, finishes as a little knob,
while in the other direction, after grad
ually becoming more robust, it suddenly
expands into a large bulb, corresponding
with the poison gland of the adder.
The point of the hair is yery brittle,
and contact with our skin causes the end
fo snanoff. leayinc a hollow needle point
From Cleopatra Down Women Have
sorted to the Dangerous rracllco.
The art of dyeing the hair is at least
aa old y the time of Christ. It- was by
resorting to such aids to beauty that Cle
opatra tried to capture Csesar. All
through history ladies of fashion have
tried to improve npon nature by artifi
cially coloring that which St. Paul tells
us is their glory.
In the heyday of venico the facile
beauties of the city of the lagoons dyed
their hair a red,- to which Titian was not
ashamed to affix his name.
The belle of belles in that day had red
hair not bright red, but a dull red
with glints of crimson. More recen tly
almost in on own time a rage arose for
bright blow Mir, as to which thero was
a tradition tkit it had been popular with
the Greek hetair&e.
'Blond beeis blocked the thorough
fares, and. yemng ladies of good repute
did not fliriein to employ the dyer until
his servioMwere monopolized by another
class. In er day the popular color is a
bright BhaJeof auburn the blond cen
dre of the Wnlevards and silly girls go
througk Martyrdom to impart that tint
to their leeks. For the popularity of
blond keirike argonaut finds this ex
cuse, tlMfiros. rarer than black or brown
hair fjdMjer. "Everybody knows that
the legoe)C'jd' tho golden fleece was sug
gested :by.ike ardor with which Jason
and cfcettGreek coanoisseurs nursued
the bloiri Mired maidens of Colchis.
AlmeeteW hair dyes consist of sulphur
and acetMF of lead, both of which are
in jurk'Mse delicate a plant'as human
hair, 'A'mmAj course of either will im-
ity of the hair papilla and
tho medulla altogether.
bleach their hair use per-
irydrofjen, which after a "time
naatural'and wiglike luster
isaitme of silver.
w wed, the hair is first
alfapplied, while it is still i
i.keee cases'the drug is adul-1
moment of the desired
cblo'andtiie effect for the time is to
substitute that color for tho natural hue
of the' cortical substance or hair baric.
It need hardly be said that tho effect of
a continued use of "such medicaments is
to enfeeble and ultimately to rot the root
sheaths. ' Baldness then ensues, and for
that science has discovered no remedj'.
Detroit Free Press.
pair the
Dr. Humphreys' Specifics aro scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single Specific
a special cure for the disease named.
wo. ci'xcs. rmcitfl.
1 FevcrDt Congestions, Inflammations.. .5
a Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic.... SZ5
3 Teethiue; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
8 Nearnla:ia, Toothache, Faceache. 25
9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10 Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .25
11 Suppressed or Palatal Periods... .25
12 Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25
13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
14 Salt lHicuni, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25
1G Malnrin, Chills, Fever and Ague .25
ID Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In tho Head. .25
20-Whoopins Co turn : .25
27 Kidney Diseases .25
28- Nervons Debility 1.00
30 Urinary Weakness 25
34-Sore Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat.25
Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, just fit
your vest pocxei.
Sold by DrncgliU, or tent prepniil on receipt of price.
Dk. IlmFHiETS' Manual Hi pm,) mailed xkhc
iimrin:i:YS', in 112 mmam si., skit yore.
The North Side Grocer,
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh,
Our Prices are as Low as the" Lowest,
We Insure Prompt Delivery,
We Solicit a Share of Your Trade.
Don't pay other people's debts
Dollar. I
Still Soiling
Is the ONLY Hardware
Man in North Platte that
will always find my price
Yours for Business,
artare, Tinware, Stoves,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
U. P. -ifIE TABLE.
Atlantic Express
A full line of lirst-class funeral sunnlu't
always in stock.
THeirraph orders promptly attended to
No. 4 Fast 2Inil..
No. 2 Limited
No. 2S Freisht
Mo. IS Freight
No. 22 Freight
.Dept 12:10 A. 51.
0 ;50 A. M.
" 11:20 A. M.
" 7:0O a. M.
" 6:00 p. 31.
" 4:00 a, M.
'o. 7 Pacific ExDress..
Ho. 1 Limited
Vo. 21 Freisht
No. 23 Freight
Dept. 7:10.. at
" 110 p. 31
ii 3iM p. M
rfe:SU. M
ri. C. OLDS. Agentr
The Word aiother.
Here are 15' varieties of the
mother, all bearing n distinct resem
blance: Anglo-Saxon, modor; Persian,
madr; Sanscrit, matr; Greek, meter;
Italian, madre; French, mere; Swedish,
moder; Danish, the same; Dutch, moe
der; German, mutter; Russian, mater;
Celtic, onathair; Hebrew, em; Arabic,
am. Chicago Tribune,
Subscribe for the Semi
Weekly Tribune,
r-. S.
iLUl 1 MRS.
Office over IST. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office over North rictte National Bank.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pr.c.flc Rp'iwnw
and Member of Pension Board,
OlSec over Streitz's Dreg Store.
yAI. EVES, M. D.,
OfUcc: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women
and Culldron a Specinltr.
rsr5 a tp sprat
Meats at wholesale and
tail. Fish and Game
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
are wiBiiMj tS a little more tlian
tKe price daged for tKe ordina
trade tobaccos, will find is
rand superior to si! otWc5
Kitt8ll & Van Natta,
Prospective schemes investigated. Un-
prolitabloschomes rejuvenated. Surveys,
Maps, Jiistimates and reports made, and
construction superintended.
Office in North Platte M,;L Dl. ML
National Bank Bide, nui lii 1 id LLC lCUi
Land Office at North Platte, Neb,
i.'coranry lltli, 1503
In the Codnty Court op Lincoln Couirrr,
To George Hilea and Hiles his wife, Jvmi
V. Hiles and Hiles his wife, James H.
Schalland Schall his wife, August Larson
and Larson his wife, Charles P. Elliott and
Elliott his wife, Harvey 3L Trimble and
Trimble his wife, C. II. Clnpp aud E. C.
Yon and each of you will take notice that oa tie
23th day of February, 3895, the Gothenburg South
Side Irrigation Company filed Its petition in the
county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the
object and prryer of which is to have the County
Judge vt std court appoint Te disinterested free
holders of Lincoln county. Nebraska, to ascertain
the compensation due to the following named
owners of and persons Interested in the following:
described parcels arid tracts of land, from the
aid, Gothenburg Soatk Side Irrigation Comftnaj,
for a right of way for the coaetraetioa aad btdld
inn of its irrigation canal across the said tracts of
land, according to the location of said canal a
shown by the survey thereof aud b-r th nlnu
attached to said petition.
The following is the description of said lands
with the names of the owners and persons in
terested, the width of right of way required, the
size of the ditch through the land, and the amount
of land taken.
The east half of section 31, township 12 north, of
range '2ti, owned by George Hiles and to which the
said James AV. Hiles claims some interest, said
interest being unknown to plaintitr, the width of
right of way required being eighty feet, the size of
the ditch through said land being- 24 feet on tho
bottom and having a side slope of 2 to 1, and the
amount of land taken being ten and 50-100 acres.
The southeast quarter of section 5, township 11
north of range 20, owned by George Hiles, and to
which the said James W. Hiles claims some in
terest, said interest being unknown to plaintiff,
width of the right of way required being eighty
feet, the size of tho ditch through said land being
2 feet on the bottom, havim? a sliln slnn nt9 tn 1
aud tho amount of land taken being five and 90-100
The northwest quarter of section Q tnwnaMn 11
north of range 26, owned bv Harvev JL Trlmhl..
the width of right of way reonirait holnir icrht
feet, tho size of the ditch through
24 feet on the bottom, having side slope of 2 to 1,
tho amount of land taken being five and 91-100
The southeast quarter of section 0. tnmMn 11
north of range 26, owned by Harvey il. Trimble,
and to which C. H. Clnno has or dnlma tn hnr.
some interest, the width of right of way required
being eighty feet, the size of the ditch through
said land beinir 24 feet on th hnUnm iih
slopes of 2 to l.the amount of land taken belmr
4 and .VJ-1C0 acres.
Tho Southwest auartor ofSactlnni t
11 North. Itanjje 26. owned hv nhnrio. n viiit
the width of the rieht of wnv rsnnlrod hut
eighty feet, and the size of the ditch through said
land being 24 feet on the bottom with sidTslopes
of 1 to l. the amount of land tnV
12-100 acres. -
The South half of tho Xnrthpni- t,o.. op
tion 23, Township 11 North.
August Larson, and on which one E. C. Bryan
has a mortgage, the width nf ih rft t
quired being eighty feet, the size nf lhn ditoh
through said land being 24 feet on the bottom
and haying sido slopes of 2 to 1, the amount of
land taken being 4 and 33-100 acres.
Tho Southeast nnarter nf Rtinn t
11 1orth, Range 2(5, owned bv James Srhnii
isouce is noreDy given mat tne rollowing-nomed '" ":" one z.. u. jjryan holds a mortgage
settler lia filed notice of his intention to make " width of the right of way required being 80
nuni itrnoi 111 snnnnrt nf his pinim nm hnt aniri I --.-i. wiu mzb oc me uiicn tnrnnoh mi.
I have a very fine grade of Chenille
Covers, for stands aud dining room ta
bles, which I sell for
$9.50 AKD $2.75.
Quality cousidered, tboy are very cheap.
I also take orders For
Enlarged Pastel Portraits,
from 83.00 to
frames which
815.00. Also all kinds of
are fine and which I sell
nsist 00
of imitation
trade marks
and !abe!s.
tin m m bs Pifwaa n
in pack
Costs no more than inferior package soda
never spoils the Hour, keeps soft, and is uni
versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Made only by CHURCH & CO., New York;
Sold fcy grccers everywhere.
"Write far Arm tr., t ' . . , . .
- i
proolwm bo made hetore tho Register and Re
ceiver at Iiorth Platte. Nebraska, im Anril
icu., viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 13,l3, for the
iSortliCnfit onarter of Section 0. Tnwtmliin 0
north, Iisnge iO west, lie names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon ami cultivation of said land, viz .Josenh
D. Hawkins, .Tolm A. Simms. A. L. Stark mul
aiorgan w. uavia, an of Wellileet. Neb
12 JOHN F. HINjIAN, Register
In tho District court of Lincoln
The State of Nebraska, to Green T. Klim Tin,,
v uu "Hi. muiii'iKi). 'runt Tnn
JL have been sued, tocether wiih Anntn Shf.r.
man, jicuormici: Harvesting Machine Company,
a corporation, Milton B. Whitney, Charles S.
i'Hirciinu. warry t. .Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd and
rrauu uagerman. as Receivers of tli rmhnni tr.
Vermont company, a comoration. ns rnjipfni.
am, iy xeiy v,. ivingman, as plaintiff, in the Dis
trict court Of Lincoln Cnuntv. Nubrnskn. nml flint
. T . . . Jl. i-il , Z . .. '
tniM-Jiv iuu uay or April, 1S'J., you must
" pcuuon in cnancory filed therein
against said defendants, by said plaintiff, in which
piniuuu "sks lor a uecree loreclosing the mort
gage given by you, said defendant Green L. Sher
man. 10 mo Lombard Investment Company, dated
Muy d, 1890. and covcringthefollowlngdercribed
real estate, situated in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
towit.. Thu West half of tho Northeast quarter,
and the North sixty l0) acres of the East half of
the Northwest quarter of Section number twenty
two (22) in Township number nine (9) Nortn,
Range nnmter tweuty-soven (27), "West of the 6th
principal meridian.
Said petition further prays that nil the right,
title, lieu or interest of nil the defendants in or to
tho said lands, and every part thereof, be decreed
junior and inferior to the aforesaid mortgage now
owned by said plaintiff, and that said lands bo sold
and the proceeds of the sale be applied, first so the
payment of the costs of sale and of said action, and
second, the amount duo tho plaintiff upon said
mortgage, and that all of the defendants bo barred
and foreclosed of nil interest In or lien upon said
And nnless you answer sold petition, ns ofore
said, tho facts therein alleged will be taken as true
and a decree will be rendered as therein prayed.
Witness my hand and the seal of sold court, by
mo affixed, at North Platte, Lincoln countv Ne
braska, this 2d day of March, lb93.
Clerk of the District Court o Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Teret & Small,
Pulsifeb & Alexander,
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, Kansas.
(First publication in The Noeth Platte Tm
Bui;r, March 5th, 1S95.
21 feet on the bottom with sidb alone of " tn. 1
tho amount of land taken belnrS nnH s inn ..-..
all of the foregoing lands being in the County of
Lincoln, i-.nd the State of Nebraska.
Said petition will be heard at the office of the
vorn yP!M BB,f ln .nC,?ln Coanty Nebraska, at
North Platte, in said County, on the 29th day of
March. 1895. at 10 o'clock A r nf ..mT:
which lime and place all oersnna nf,-...t
appear and show cause. If nny they have, why said
appraisers should not be appointed.
In witness whereof. T hnva h-r,.. .
hand and the seal of said Court this 25th day of
lebruary, 18fv.
Lse-vlJ. JAMES M. RAY.
County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that bv
mortgage dated February 11th, 1893, and filed in
the otuce ot the countr clerk of T.innnir.
Nebraska February 12, 1893, which was executed
by . J. Hostetter to C. w. Burklund. to secure
the payment of i00 and interest at 10 per cent
from February 11th. 1&;3. on nTirnmin,t "I
even date with said mortgage; the amount due
thereon Is S300. and Intprft nt m - ,r
February 11th, 1893: Default having 'been made
In the conditions of said mortgage, whereby the
mortgagee feels unsafe and insecure, and no uit
or other proceedings at law hnvim
menced to recover said debt or any part thereof. I
will on the 27th dny of March, 1893, at 1 o'clock p.
m.,atthestorelateIvoccuDledbv z. J. Rnkfotrl.
as a general merchandise store in Hnthrtn,? t
?? ,n. Vonnt' Nebraski' "eU at public aucUon to
the highest bidder for cash, the property described
In said mortgage, to-wit: The general stock of
merchandise consisting of dry goods, groceries,
boots. Shoes. ClothinLr and nntlnna inKlnrll.n .11
the stock of merchandise in the store lately owned
and kept by Z. J. Hostetter.
Dated March 4th, 1&93.
By J. S. I lo a gland. His Attorner. 1S-2
Has 200,000 acres of U. P. R. K. land fo?
sale on the ten year plan. Call and
see him if you want a bargain
- a .