The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 08, 1895, Image 1

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Our Spring stock of Ladies, Misses, Mens,
and Childrens'
Shoes and Oxfords
Are now open for the inspection of the public,
We have the Latest in Style, the Best in Quality and sell
them at lower prices than any other store in town.
if y
County Correspondence.
Read this letter showing how strongly these Shoes are
recommended by their celebrated makers:
Dear Sir Wo have the pleasure of shipping you this day by B. &
O. freight some 788 pairs of Shoes and Oxfords. These wo have examined care
fully and pronounce them fully up to our staudard in quality of stock and work
manship. Your selection of styles are mostly those which are found the most
popular sale this season through the country- We guarantee every pair of our
shoes to you, so you can guarantee them to your customers. You will find your
of fihnas. Wa solicit a continuance of.
vour natronacre. fullv confident that you will recognize in the merits of. these "j53"18 ay
V X a t ml m
goods our desire to give you the best possiblo values for the prices charged.
Hichol Hnggeti.
Several loads of corn were hauled out
of the valley last week to different parts
of the country.
Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Zook entertained a
few friends on Saturday evening.
D. A. Brown and John Popham re
turned to McPhereon county this week.
rD. W.Baker and W. E. Parks, from
tlio county seat, were disturbing the
wild geese in this locality the latter end
of the week.
We learned a day or two since that
Eugene Goodwin has rented the ditch
farm recently vacated by his brother
Bee for the coming year, and that his
sister Stella, who is here from Kansas on
a visit, will remain and attend to the
domestic dutios for him. We hope suc
cess will crown your efforts "Jim."
When you are in need of a good broom
or brush, don't forget to call on Louis
Toillion, as he can supply you with one
of his own make.
The little folks of this community
spent Saturday afternoon very pleasantly
with Freddie Spurrier at his home in
honor of his birthday. The kids as
usual, in Cases of this kind, enjoyed a
jolly good time, which will long be re
mombered by both Freddie and his little
vp- Several" farmers- tried?, plowing last-
week and repoit the ground in first-class
condition fur the same.
D. T. Gibson and family departed
Monday for their future home in Thayer
county. They, in company with their
household effects, otc, went by train.
Prairie schooners are once more wend
ing their way upwind down the line.
About thirty new dwellings of differ
ent styles have been erected upon the
Paxton & Hershey lands within the past
six months.
Joe Kelly and Lu Hoover returned
last week from Paxton, where they had
The -;- Boston -:- Store,
i t rfi-ii-irar-ii -
v "
. tit . V
Anthracite and Bituminous Opal
. Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Orders for coal left at Douglass Drug Store on Spruce
street will be promptly filled.
UU 1
R. W, Calhoun, from the vicinity of
the Platte, will take possession of his
new farm at this station this week if all
is well.
Miss Dolly Brunk, from North PJatte,
is stopping with her sister Mrs. B. R.
Another Swede "hop" at Hershey was
the center ef attraction Saturday even
ing, and was continued until a late hour.
T.-Jv. Winter-with his fnmily, Hare?
moved to the vicinity of Peckham, where
he vis assisting in the construction of an
Irrigation ditch.
Rev. Graves, of North Platte, ex
pounded the gospel to .a good sized audi
ence at Hershey Sunday evening.
It is nothing strange these days to see
a load of household goods pass over the
prairies, as a great many changes are
now being made among the farmers in
the valley.
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather Sunday forenoon, there was no
Sunday school that day. Three or four
assembled-at the school house, but held
no meeting.
Mrs. Ed Wright came over from the
north side last week and remained a
couple of days. Ed is assisting the Gib
bens hay baling outfit in baling the
animal "staff of life" at Riverside.
The teacher and scholars in this dis
trict are taking a lay-off this week.
David Brunk, of Myrtle, has rented a
farm of Paxton & Hershey, where he will
movo with his family this week if the
weather will permit.
We learn that A. B. Goodwin will not
return from Carter, Wyoming, but will
be joined by his wife in their new home
in that vicinity in the near future.
"Billy" White, of Thayor county, will
soon take possession of his new farm in
this precinct recently vacated by D. T.
Gibson, better known as the Thomas
Stimson farm, which Mr. Gibson traded
to Mr. White for a farm in said countv
last fall.
Will Minny and wife are visiting
friends at their old home on thoj south
Ben Gibbens who is baling hay near
Paxton came in on No 8 Monday even
ing, returning on No. 7 Wednesday
$50,000.00. morning.
Miss Cal Sullivan was laid un with the
22,500.00 grippe the first of the week but is about
convalescent at this writing.
Tom McGraw moved a house from the
hub to his homestead near old O'Fallons
this week. He moved the same building
from where it now stands to the hub
a few years since. It was hauled on
I. V. Zook and daughter Cora were at
Paxton on Wednesday.
The Maccabees held a regular meet
ing in their hall on Wednesday evening
this week. Their next regular meeting
will be on the third Wednesday evening
in the month, those being the nights
ip each month for their regular meeting.
The lodge is 6aid to be in a prosperous
mnrlitinn with liritrVit nrnonoMQ frv V.
. i - m n i j. , t ,i ii. we learnea reoentiy tnat JJona d Mc-
Havine refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public Tw: j:a
u invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. T7
u iU ' a car of Beed potatoes, as was reported,
rinAftt Wines. Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. 8D furthermore is not going! as he
j t ii v j 'li ii i ' i sit. oan purchase them in this country
- Our billiard ball is supplied witb the best make of tables cheaper than he can ship them in from
and competent attendants will supply all your wants. that state,
KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE x'HE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT A numbetof how sottlere have lately
Capital, -Surplus,
E. M..F. LEFLANG, Pres't.,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
moved into this locality along the ditch.
C. Brodbeck, of North Platte, passed
down the gradea H .days ago with a
couple of fat cows which he had pur
chased up west. 4 , .
There will be SL B. quarterly meeting
services in the Maccabee. hall at Hershey
on Saturday andScmday next week,
under the sujwnttoa presiding elder
Leonard, of the county seat.
School at this placewill resume busi
ness again next. Mondaymorning at the
usual hour, after a"week.vacation.
L N. Ball leaves to-day for Iliff, Color
ado, where he will assist in the work on
the ditch farm, which is under the
supervision of Albert Moshior, who re-.
cently moved to that place from this
Geoge Prosser, of the Platte, nd
Charles Bowen, nf the south side, passed
up the grade Wednesday.-
Rev. Franklin, of this circuit, will
preach in thl K. O. T. M. hall at Her
shey next Sunday evening at 7 ocloclr.
A car load of stone was side-tracked
at this place a dew evening since. It
will be used by D Forrest for the founda
tion of a residence which he will erect
on a farm in this vicinity recently pur
chased from the old ditch company.
W. E. Parks. antf'D. W.Baker of the
Platte were up in this section tantaliz
ing the wild-geese,which are quite num-'
erous, a couple of days ago.
Dr. McCabe, bf- North Platte, lanced
an aoscess- onArcnie oiricKier s leg
Wednesday evenipg,.fmd it is stated that
it discharged a gnllonor more within the
next twelve hours. Hocis doing nicely
since the operation, and hopes for his
recovery are now entertained, wo are
pleased tq noto. Pat.
Maxwell Melange.
The bridge across the south river is
completed at last, and the bridge men
are busy building two smaller bridges.
Mrs. E Plumer is the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs., S. L. Smith, of
North Platte.
There was a dance one evening last
week at the residence of L. Rayome, of
the Island, and all who attended report
having had a good time.
T. Hanrahan was on tho sick list Mon-
day andJTuesday, but is feeling better
at this writing.
Mrs." John McCullough spent last
Thursday in North Platte. .
Mr. McNamara -.went to Omaha last
week, to have: hxs eyes fitted for glasses
by anoculistheMJ .
Bom-ababY. airh ta Mr. and -Mrs.
iaMJiryhd... r.
Jreopiewnojipiarvui- m ,uie sana
hills are taking dyantage of this fine
weather. JN early evpry .aay teams can
be re'en loaded wi'h brush and wood from
the Island-going away put north. The
bridge ib a great benefit to many.
An irrigation meeting was held here
Tuesday of last week.
Already people are beginning 'to talk
ot farming.
Several packages -of flower seeds
arrived at the Maxwell depot, one day
recently and were claimed by the se v
cral young ladies of Maxwell. It will be
a consolation to George Clark to learn
this, for he must be quite tired of paper
flowers by this time...
The singing school, will give a public
musical entertainment a week from
Wednesday night, March 13lh.
I beg to correct an, item which I read
in the "Railroad News" of last week's
Tribune. It regard to Tom
Lynch spending the -proceeding Sunday
in Maxwell. I m quie sure it is untrue.
Mr. Lynch hasn'rt been in Maxwell for
two years, and on theunday mentioned
his cousin John Lynqh must have been
thought to bo him John Lynch was
here that day, and so were several other
North Platte men, but if Tom Lynch
was among, the number he became in
visible before reaching Maxwell.
JohnHarrigan is painting his wagon
this week. ,
At the last meeting of the literary
society a large number of persons were
in attendance and raanv from the Island
took an acti4 part in the programme.
'The openinpeech" was niiido by Mr.
Lewis. A musical solo was given by the
Misses Lewis; a very instructive piece
entitled "The things we get from nature"
was read by Frank jHorne; Mr. Dixon
made "a speech," while Mr. Dedrich had
a recitation. A beautiful song "Even
ing Bell"- was sungjby Miss Lunquist.
The pa.per was readAby Geo. Clark... This
contained "Thg variations of the Max
well Notes" and several "parodies," one
of which he sang, entitled "Three Blind
Mice." The question debated was "Re-
sol veL that the, hopeof xeward is a
greater incentive to exertion than is the
fear of punishmest." It was decided in
favor of the affirmative.- CrvmE,
. On All Imported Woo en Goods and
"We must close out our stock of nice fine goods and make room for our new stock
under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at $1.10; $1.50 Silk
Henrietta at 85 cts.; $1.00 Henrietta at 65 cts.; $1.25 Bedford, Cords at 85 cents; $1.25
"French Serges at S5 cts.; $1.00 French Serges at 65 cts.; all wool 1 yd. wide $1.25 Broad
Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels, 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department
we offer the choicest line in the west, C. D. and E. widths, iu fine new goods. : : :
Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in
1895. : . ; Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard, Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 cts.
per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at RENNIE'S.
of potatoes being raised on an acre of irri
gated land Seems like a big story don't
it2 A 6ort of a fish story? Don't believe
it, some of you will say. Well, we didn't
see it done; don't know the party who
did it, but the publishers oE the Ameri
can Agriculturalist paid to him a hand
some prize in 1890 for so doing. That
year that paper p iid out some 810,000 in
cash prizes to potato raisers,- and Mr.
William J. Sturgis, of Johnson county,
N. Y., took first prize on the above yield.
Mr. Sturgis' land, says the Agricultural
ist, was sandy loam no fertilizer oxcept
copious irrigation; tbo water probably
rich in potash; hills two feet and three
inches by 1 foot apart; number 22,S00;
cut to one, two and three eyes: 1,560 lbs.
seed planted; varieties, Early Vermont,
Manhattan, Rural New Yorker, No. two
and three; varieties, contestant's own
seed; profit, $714. The potatoes were
dug in the presence of wituesses, says
the Agriculturalist, dried as free from
dirt as possible the same day they were
dug, and then wore weighed and sorted
in the presence of witnesses who saw the
whole operation, and who sworo to the
accuracy of the report, to which the con
icstant also had to swear. The American
Agriculturalist also sent a special repre
sentative to all the harvests. Never be
fore were there so many safeguards about
a crop contest, and never were yields re
ported so thoroughly reliable. O'Neill
A crop every year with irrigation. Not
one in every two years, or three in five
years, but every year. And a crop, nota
part of a crop. And a large crop, not a
fair or medium crop. A certain return
and a large return every year for the seed
and labor of the farmer. No starvation
then; no appeals to more favored locali
ties for sustenance; no appropriations
out of the state treasury to buy provi
sions and fuel for drouth-stricken farm
ers; no voting bonds to buy seed for an
other crop; no turning the stock loose to
will make this country prosperous.
Buy your Seeds of Harrington & Tobin. We are here to sta5'.
From neighboring Exchanges-
The Kearn'ey'bicycle' company turned
out its -first wheel on Monday of this
week. It was a twelve-pound racer, and
went to a Sioux City fiyer.
B. C Baynard has established the
Weekly News at Arlington.
A resident of Howells offered 875 for
a wife from 18 to 25 years of age. He
hasn't secured a prize as yet.
Charlie Daily, a Butler county farmer,
was buncoed out of his land a while ago,
and last week he wont insane as a con
sequence and was sent to the asylum.
John A. McMurphy, the old-time
newspaper man, who has been out of the
harness for some little time, has pur
chased an interest in the Beatrice Times
and will become associate editor of that
A half witted bey and a match started
a fire at Stuart that caused the destruc
tion of a lot of hay, considerable farm
machiuery, a number of the Standard
Oil company's barrels and a building
belonging to John Skirving.
Crete is making an effort to capture
tho county seat of Saline county.
Harvey Harrod of Burchard secured
second prize for an animal story sent to
the Chicago Inter Ocean. There were
1,000 competitors.
A Presbyterian minister at Emerson,
has been invested with the right to
practice law in the district court.
Mr?. T. Dunn of DeWitt is the owner
of a violin that Is 150 years old. It bears
the inscription, "Antonius Stradivarius
Cremonenfis Faciebat Anne, 1742."
One of the Norfolk people who secured
relief from the state had 88 left over after
satisfying her immediate wants, and in
vested the money in a pair of pillow
A Broken Bow jury refused to return
a verdict until their fees were paid. In
the meantime the defendant's attorney
filed a motion that the time for the ver
dict had lapsed, and it is likely that a
new trial may be necessary.
They have improved on the old way of
settling law suits in Fillmore county.
Two neighbors got into a quarrel and all
the neighbors had been summoned as
witnesses, but the boys brought the liti
gants together and made them settle.
All the parties then clubbed together the
money that would have been expended
in lawyers'fees and celebrated.
Gottleib Fritz, a farmef living near
Holbrook, was worried over the failure
of his crops and the destitute condition
in which he has been left, so that he has
come to imagine himself a money loaner.
He proclaimed from housetops and hay
stacks that he was prepared to accommo
date any one with a loan on long time
and charge nointerest for it. He has
' ... ... TTTl i.
rusue tor themselves. : ' wodb , takeQ to tbe ingano asylum
do Frontier readers think Of Did bushels 1 - :
Lucrative Lncern.
Don't forget that you resolved,and long
since, that you would try a patch of alfal
fa this year, says the Nebraska Farmer.
The price of seed is lower than it has been.
for a-long time. Live stock feeding has
grown to Immense proportions in Neb
raska, but the 1894 corn crop failure gave
it a severe check. Now the surest and
best way to regain this lost prestige is to
seed down many acres of alfalfa, as it is
the greatest live stock forage that grows,
and can be fed to advantage with or with
out corn. Therefore we say plant more
alfalfa, as it will prove more valuable to
farmers than a corn crop, as it can be
relied upon every year, and corn cannot.
It fattens cattle, horses and hogs without
any other feed, and keeps them healthy.
Hogs raised on alfalfa are very free from
attack bv cholera or other disease.
B. A. Roberts, of Boone county, thus
voices his experience, in the same paper,
upon the above topic: "Mr. H.F.Stubbs
of York county, wants to know if it will
do to sow on winter wheat, and another
party wants to know if it will do to sow
on rye. To these we will say without a
chance you will lose your seed. The first
reason is you will not get. your seed cov
ered deeply enough. There is more grass
seed lost by shallow covering than in any
other way. Don't be afraid to got dirt
over tho seed from one and one-half to
three inches. Plow your ground deeply
using a common stirring plow, running
it from eight to ten inches; then follow
with a subsoil plow m tho same furrow,
running it from six to eight inches. I
would sow in the evening what I had
plowed through the day, that is while the
ground is fresh and moist. If a drill is to
be used (which wo would prefer), drag
the ground in the evening that you plow
through the day. This will level the
ground and prevent it from drying out.
After the ground is prepared put on the
drill and sow from ten to twelve pounds
per acre. After it has been gone over,
cross the tbo field with tho same amount
of seed per acre. By crossing you will be
sure to seed all the ground. We think
it best to use the drill east and west the
last sowing; then the wind will not be so
likely to blow the dirt from the seed. In
either case never roll nor plank the
ground after sowing, as the soil is much
easier moved by the wind. If you sow
broadcast, leave the ground fis smooth as
can be left by harrow. Butfew farmers
yet know tho value of an alfalfa field.
The spring of 1893 we sowed a small field
on May 18th, nnd the following fall I dug
a plant that the root measured twenty
one inches. I shall sow sixty acres this
spring and expect to sow it in April. It
is only a matter of a few years when
every farm in Nebraska will have its
field of alfalfa. I believe we will soon see
hundreds of acres of it growing in the
sandhills; for there is where it; will grow
if we can keep the soil still long enough
to get it started. Last spring (the time
of our late frost) 1 was at J? t. Kandall,
S. D. I saw asmall patchof alfalfa, per
haps a quarter of an acre, 'that had been
sown for experiment. It was a fine stand
and stood from ten to twelve inches high.
In a country where we can grow as use
ful a grass as this, and still a corn coun
try, why look for a better place to locate
than Nebraska?"
Coal Oil, Gasoline
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Newton's Store.
Contractor and Bdilder.
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine,
Hershey & Co.
iciiltiiral : I
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
H. S. Tibbels,
Furniture . Repairer.
Special, attention paid to all kinds of
of furniture upholstering. Mattrasses
made to order or remade. Furniture re
pairing ot all kinds promptly and neatly
executed. Leave orders at The Fair
Store. ; 40-tf
Best and Largest Practical Art MagaxiRe.
(Tbe onlv Art Perldical awarded a medal
at the World's Fair.)
Invaluable to all who wish to make their living by
art or to make thir homes beautiful.
"PHP C we will send to aay one 4 f C
rJL IO mentioning this publi- 111 V.
cation a speoimen copy, with superb I w
color plates (for copying or framing)
and 8 supplementary pages ot designs (regular
price, Sic.). Or FOR 28c. wwiU send also
"Painting for Beginners" (90 pages).
MONTAGE MAXX8, 23 TTaJem Sqwe,.tf, Y-
5 1
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