' ('V TBE; ArTH PLA?RrEs SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUKE: ;-lBI:.WJfi.Ufl4S- "I MINOR MENTION OverlRMbM Universally Leading eWorld. JOHN HERROD Sells tlie above Coffee together with complete line of upon Federhoof under Prices Always Seasonable HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid For Country Produce. if THE BEST MADE. "4 . The Model Clothing House SOLE AGENT FOR -A, W. McKeown k building a com- modioo addition to his houce oa Sooth Locust street -The sensational story of local interest is slowly evolving and will prove aig hty interesting reading when published. 1 w -Several tents consigned to Col. W. F. Cody were received at this station the first of the week. They were from Sheridan, Wyo. -J. W. Campbell was arrested the complaint of J. C the special statute of Nebraska covering the defrauding of a landlord. -Much amusement was rendered at the Rebekah sociable, Friday night 'by the rendition, in costume, of an original farce prepared by home talent. -The twin infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Meyer died Sunday night.. The parents have the sympathies of their friends in their sad affliction. -Many of the leading citizens of Grand Island are taking steps to reduce city taxes, xhis would be a good move for North Platte taxpayers to make. EL A. Owens, of the Third ward, con-, Unties to improve in health ard be is now able to be around the bouse, with every prospect for his ultimate recovery. The Scout's Rest ranch will sow about 1500 pounds of alfalfa seed this spring. This should give that farm an excellent start in this popular forage plant. The condemnation" proceedings yes terday in the District courtof the South Side Irrigation Co. in order to secure the right of way through the land of David Hunter attracted no little attention. L. C. Stockton, editor of the Sidney Poniard, and formerly of this city, has visited several towns in the Platte valley with the view of establishing a state MILLER liATTEiiS. Miller, March 4th, 1895. The people of Miller precinct seem to I irrigation paper, providing he can secure be as well and nappy as the rest of man-1 a noerai bonu . kind in this part of, the .wild west, .and some 6f them are extra happy just now, namely: Fritz Weinburg, over the arrival in his family of a fane boy baby. It takes boys to do the farming on the ditch, and bo Mr. Weinburg is very well pleased, and so is Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Beach, who have juBt been blessed by the appear ance at their home of a dear little girl. She came last Sunday, and Mr, Beach is doing well and is ss happy as a clam. We all feel like taking hold of the plow once more, since the fine rain of last week. Mr. Neary has just put in some small grain and the soil turns up nice up in the sand hills, especially. Henry Facka is doing some good work on his ditch, and has blasted out con siderable stone, which he will use for fills'in the low places. Stock seems to be doing very well out here in spite of shortage of feed, and the horses that run loose oa tke raaf look rly as ,wll aaTthase'that aw CtOMal on last Friday, March 1st, and the pupils of the school, assisted by the young peo-. pie of the neighborhood, gave a very nice literary entertainment, which was well attended, and enjoyed by all. Miss Jennie Hansen, the teacher, is to be complimented on her success. Miss Allie Beach is expected home to day, having closed a six months term of school in the Simmonds district. Miss Neary is staying with Mrs. Beach until Miss Allie Beach gets home. The Sooth Side irrigation canal looms up in great shape, and when. the water comes down we will all be rich and happy. Country, Cousin . wnB - . - . - . . "Buffalo Bill" is the proprietor of a large irrigated farm near North Platte this state. It is said to be anideal place and a source of much profit to the owner. O'Neill Frontier. : For Sale or Trade, The White Elephantbarn. Also several vacant lots. Will trade for ditch or hay land, or .cattle. The above property is clear of incum brance.' Inquire of " J. R. BANGS. The lowest temperature iast month was on the 7th ult, with a record of 23 degrees below zero. There were thir teen days out of the twenty-eight when the murcury fell below zero, viz on the 1, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. In the case in the District court of Annie Powers vs. Lucy Newton, neoLau- benheimer, after being out several hours the jury returned a verdict for the de fendant, This was a suit involving the title to some real estate in the south part of the city. . I. A. Fort had an article in the last number of Nebraska Farmer on the effect of water ia mitigating ..the sun's heat jumbled up with a discourse upon itrigation, by a man in another part of the state. The mixture made a very amusing mess. Robert Willerton has ' sold his resit daca,?roMfty ia the Third ward to The- Tjubcwi: is requested to an nounce that there will be "a meeting of the. citjiaena of .Liacoln county in the court room, to-morrow (Wednesday) ereniofr, at eight'o'clock, to consider the matter of securing seed .grain. Every one interested is urged to be present Rev. D. W. Crane, of Ogallala, is as sisting this week in a great religious re vival at Sidney. P: Dick, of Sidney, has been graated a pension by Uncle Sam. This must be our old. Lincoln county citizen. A car load, of seed corn has been received at Lexington for distribution among the needy old soldiers of Dawson county. The last jury case for the present ses sion of the District. court has been heard, and the remainder of the term will be devoted to the equity docket The Curtis Courier will this week be published by the ladies of the Lake City in aid of sweet charity. No doubt cer tain envious exchanges will claim it is the best number ever issued from the office. -Young Philip Grady got tangled up in an argument last week with a large dog while the latter was satisfying the cravings of his appetite, and Phil's countenance is not as comely as for merly, but he knows .more about canine characteristics. For the information of the Wallace Herald, which, appears to think that there is a "scheme" on foot to bond Lin coin county for.850,000 for the purpose of seed grain, we would say that if it is a "scheme" that it has been'most largely promoted by populist county officials. E. Canright has rented the Boyer- property on West Front street, andwi.ll move therein the first of the week. Joe' Weeks is now a resident of the First ward, havincr moved to John Bratt's house in Peniston's addition. F. Wright has also moved from the Second to the First ward. The Columbia Dramatic Co. will put on "Border Land," some time this month in aid of the immigration association if Col. Cody is ready to take the part of the programme assigned to him, for which he has expressed a willingness. It is a 6troagly written border drama of unusual interest. . 1 ill fSt first ad. iorihe Diamond JRing contest will be pub lished March iath, and one in each succeeding issue have been orinted. In the meantime 1 wish to call tentionouV fine stock of Silver Novelties suitable for Easter -'i T r 1cn vjttv a 1innf Mandolin. "Ranio. VVC AAvJVf VUiJ w-. j j , Yours truly, CLINTON, THE JEWELER. until all your at- andBirtKday Gifts. Yiolinfhnd. Guitar Strings "Mt ,w -Air John Keith is authority for the state ment that the exposed portion of thebig South Side irrigation flume up near Sutherland has been carried around to the south bank of the river. This will, perhaps, occasion some trouble in re placing, but the gentlemen interested in this enterprise are of a character that no ordinary obstacle will prevent their sur mounting the same. The jury in the case of the State vs. John J. Berger found him guilty as charged and fixed the value of damages at fa. .JvokaSiaclairiMBoscd atfina; A OOBBIOTION. Bro, BABB:MWbUh in North Platte attending; court, afy attention was called to a short note in the Era that I was busy-ailiadowajlees charged by sev eral eherdfaTfor following absconding criminals, for which tie state is liable. To correct any wrong, impression, and to enlighten the editor, of the Era if possible, would say that no work of this kindis-done in., the office pfthe Secre tary of State,, and whatever odium, or .credit attached to the work referred to is to bei placed to the . account of .the governor and hie force; This is not the first time of late that the Era has seen fit to refer to. me pr my work slurringly, for what, reason I cannot imagine, as I have never noticed either the Era or its editor, except .to subscribe and.pay for the Era too jong ... v -Yours truly, 3 John E. Evahs. A COUNCILMANIO COLLATION." Last night was the regular meeting of that dignified body yclept the city coun cil, and the members were promptly in their places and prepared for business. Upon motion Harrington & Tobin were to be notified ;by the chief of police to take down or paint over their sign "City Scales," as there is now no regularly au thorized cityweighmaster. The constitution of the city tire depart ment was then read and approved by the council, and ordered placed upon its records. Some desultory discussion was next indulged in between the chief of the fire department and the. members of the council, and the former was instructed to correspond rith a number of electrical companies relative.to the cost of putting in a register box in each hose house. The council then adopted a resolution urging our representatives in the legis lature to favor the amending of ourpres ent ballot law, so that registration would not bet required in cities of the second class, of less.tban o,000 inhabitants. t A lumber bill of JG. T. Field to the amount of something oyer 300 was read and referred to the committee on bills. The sidewalk committee, by its chair man, annoupoed its willingness to report at the next regular meeting. The city clMk.was instructed to pro cure the seceMry battery supplies for PURELY PERSONAL. 4W wi jfi tfwiiu;wy .ptptni. imr. vtumt- toa wiu ttrm in lowa we coming eon. P0K SALE 0B TRADE For sale or trade, for horses or cattle at a reasonable price,a five year old registered Percheron Nor man stallion, nearlv black in color. Max Beer. North Platte, Nebraska. Did 3-ou ever have a job done at C. Newman's shoe shop. If not come and try him. Shoes and boots made to order. All kinds or Repairing a specialty. Spruce street., opposite Dr. Dick's drug store. In search of a good' cigar will always :.f. tnem auajuage. SMOKERS find it at T. Schmalzried's. Try "WHKATLAND, WYO. There is no finer agricultural sec . tion in all this broad western coun try than can -be found in the vicinity of the beautiful little town of : "Wheatland, Wyoming, ninety-six miles north of Chevenne. Immense croos. never failinfi supply of water, rich land, and great agricultural resources. .Magnificent farms to be bad for little monev. -.Reached via - the Union Pacific System. E. L. Lomax, Gen'l'Pass. and Ticket Agent '''V'X - Omaha; Neb. Last week the United States senate passed the bill providing tha$ the undis posed government lands lying within the Ft. McPherson military reservation in this county shall be made subject to disposal under the homestead laws only. Now if Mr. O'Kem can only succeed in getting the measure through the house --Nowthatcongre6shas passed the sugar bounty bill, and as it' will take about sixteen factories .10 supply Nebraska's need in thisrespect, would it not be well for those'having the North Platte enter prise in charge to arouse it from its cateleptic condition and see that our city is the next to secure.a plant in this. state. In this connection it might be an item of information to state that the bank at Holdrcge with which one of the original promoters of the local project was connected, has gone broke. The Methodist relief store in this city has furnished over 100 families, or about 1,200 persons, with more or less clothing and provisions during the past three months. These supplies came principally from Methodist congregations in the east though in the distribution of the same sect has not been recognized and all worthy applicants have been supplied liberally. Mrs. Leonard, -wife of the presiding elder, has given almost her entire time to the distribution of these supplies, thus showine her interest in behalf of the needy. The memorial services in commem- oration of the late A. H. Church at S. A. Douglas post hall Saturday night were of more than usual interest, and were largely attended. Adjutant Hess read the war. and Grand Army record of the deceased comrade, and this followed by addressee by General Thayer and Co ab rades Hoagland, Ray, Evans, Brown, and Goozee, each speaking in glowing terms of the many good traits of our late esteemed citizen. The Y..M.C. A. male' quartette furnished music for the occasion Jifn. Hilliker acting as organist. The Agricultural society is discuss ing whether to make the next Lincoln, county meeting a big pumpkin affair or a hoes trot The Tribute would respect fully suggest that the next meeting be made upon the former line, as the society could then work hand in hand with the immigration association, and thii? a t lit . . . . ueaiwy ooom promoted for ISUb. it is desirablo that eastern people be made acquainted with the agricultural poas bilitiee of our county through the means of irrigation. coawioc prosacation .will auike a bealjbhyaentence. The probabilities are. that iai tke' future he will hesitate before attempting to wreak his spite against individuals in such a despicable way. It is a source of regret to the per sonal friends of 'General Thayer in this city that his lecture at. Keith's hall Fri day evening was hot more largely at tended, for the address was certainly an interesting one, and many facts relative to General Grant, not generally known, were brought out during the course of the lecture. General Thayer's acquaint ance with Grant dated from the time the latter was in command of a limited force at Pilot Knob, Mo., in the early part of the rebellion, and the personal friendship there formed was continued during the remainder of Grant's life. Gen. Thayer's regiment, the First Ne braska, wus in Grant's command at the i important battles of Fort Donelson and Vicksburg, the Nebraska regiment play ing an important part part in the first named engagement, and it was during that time that Thayer became so inti mately acquainted with the leading characteristics of the great commander. The general spoke for over an hour and a half, and interested his hearers every minute of the time. Judge Sinclair is as genuine a joker as ever graced the wool sack. The rea son for this statement is as follows: Sun day he received a note from the fore man of jury which was out deliberating upon its verdict stating one of the jurors had refused to ballot upon Sunday, and inquiring if there were no way of com pelling the derelict to diligently proceed with the business in hand. The judge answered that this was impossible. Within a few" hours after the Sabbath had ended, .the recalictrant individual. m connection with bis colleagues, bad agreed upon a verdict. Monday morn bg, after its presentation and before he jury was discharged, quoth His Honor:' MI understand from a note received from the foreman, that- member of -this jury refused to vote upon Siiuday. Is this truer" ?Jm, sir," promptly replied the juryman. Wellj had you any reli gious scruples, against working on Sun day? ' queried the Judge. "Yes, sir." was the answer.. "Well," replied toe. court, "that is a double reason why' the coanty should not-pay you -for your time from Saturday night until Sunday night Mr. Clerk, please make this de duction from his time;" Grand tableau! It is stated the juryman has already consulted legal counsel to see if he can not collect nay for thw-tiaw. "S"""1 UtUl 1.T, narraat in fayor..o,the. in tbekater.f and, watappreved. Gaiotk;n1Ui That it is sometimes away from homo to learn CHARGE OF THE OLD GUARD. necessary to go the news is borne out by 'the following from the Xlandv Pioneer: "Quite a squabble is on at North Platte over three cars of wheat received from Oregon. It seems that they were secured through the efforts of I. N. JFroman, who expected Whittier precinct to fall heir to the fri its of his labors; but Mr. Lutlden and the county central relief committf e of Lin coln county have intervened in behalf of Lincoln county as a whole, and insist that no precinct shall receive more than its pro rata share. Froman is at the seat of war and 19 working every device at his command to secure the grain, but t if at last accounts was ready to accept a compromise wnereby Whittier precinct would secure one car. In justice it would seem 'that Whittier should receive at least that amount." e Our northern neighbor was eminently correct in the above paragraph, as later developments have proven. Last night the remnants of the gallant old Indus trial Legion, under the determined leadership of C1. Rob'jb Arundalo and Capt. I.N. Froman invaded the sacred confines of .the .county clerk's room and corralled the two populist county com-" missioners the junior member being in attendance at a meeting of the city council. Instead .of having inscribed upon their banners "Bread or Blood," as was their woof, during the Coxey regime, their, latest. oriflamme was "Wheat or War." After an animated discussion, upon the part. of the army, the commis sioners agreed to loose- their tentacles upon the. grain. Thus ended another windmill baltltr .The whole tempest in a teapot appears to have arisen from the fact that the grain watf consigned to the county commissioners, and the state re lief commission'brdered the local relief committee.tohavo the beneficiaries to fill out the regular application reiief blanks, which the Whittier warriors re fused to do, hence the above bloodless wheat war. However, if Whittier citi zens are to be .credited with the collec tion of the grain, it is but justice to them that they should first have what tney actually heed 'for their own use be fore there is any general distribution of the donation. John Keith, of Sutherland, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Thos. 'Hughes left for the east on No. 2 this morning. Mrs. J. L. Minor has just recovered from a fortnight's siege of la grippe. Eli McCart returned the first of the week from his trip to Bed. Oak, Iowa. Presiding elder Leonard was in Curtis on church business the first of last week. RB.Beattie, of tho Omaha World Herald, was in North Platte yesterday. Mrs. James Hall left 'Saturday moni tor a visit with her sister at Bed Butte, Wyo. Alex. Neilson, of Sutherland, is in this city to-day upon-business before the Dis trict court. John E. Evans made his periodical visit to his family in this city the latter part of the week. Mrs. Geo. Graves and master Lester Thornton are visiting the daughter of the former, Mrs. Lester Eells. Jonn McUonnell, or somerset, was in the city yesterday assisting his sister in making final proof- upon her timber claim. Julius Pizer left for Chicago this morning in search of spring novelties and bargains for the patrons of the Boston Store. Col. W. F. Cody came in from Denver, this morning accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Bradford. Mrs. H. S. Boal is ex pected to arrive to-night. Mrs. Edwards returnedSunday morn ing from Omaha, accompanied by her brother Alex. Adams. The latter, we are told, is -much improved, and very much pleased to get homo. RAILWAY RESUME. Sup't Parks was called to the Fourth district the latter part of last week by a little wreck up near Cheyenne. A Mr. Schermerhorn, of the engineer ing department of the, Union Pacific, spent a short time in this city yesterday. D. C. Congdon made a trip on passen ger Sunday night by reason of Charley Ell being engaged in breaking in the 827. Tho arrival of a bright new boy baby at the residence of H. W Bird, does not interfere with the duties of the latter on the 671. f Arch Howard .is acting us nightyard-MtwatSidneywh'jk;;:Frank,Wiak6k Iman is taking, a lay off and visiting: friends at Fremont. Frank Tracy almost amputated a fin ger up at Sidney while monkeying with a pair of bench shears. The General will now probably quit his habit of cut ting out liners at the other end of his run. What was supposed to bo a case of small-pox caused considerable excite ment among the passengers on train No. 7 ope morning last week. A Sidney phy sician pronounced it a case of measles and the travelers fears were allayed. The ice in the various rivers. traversed by the Union Pacific is going out this spring without doing much damage to its structures. The B. & M., however, has not been so fortunate, as the high water and ice is causing that company considerable trouble. Tho swing hostler at the round-house has been abolished, and Joo Roddy has been assigned to tho. left side of the 839. By this change Wm. Watkins is forced to take the youngest regular freight fire man's place, which throws him upon the Third district. These changes caused no little friction. Yesterday. "Buck" Sawyer arrested Frank Crick for stealing valve oil from the engines. For some time tho com pany has been missing this article from off locomotives which have been stand ing outside the round-house for a few hours. He was sent to jail for twenty four hours by J ustice Peniston . 1 May depend on jus when wishing to pur chase Shoes of Standard Quality, Latest Designs and Perfect Fitting. An inspec tion is invited. - r 'Tis sweet to love, but oh how bitter, , To love a girl whose shoes don't fit her : . This often happens, when bought of others, But never when bought of RICHARDS BRQfl 5he Tair When Buying Minneapolis FLOUE Why not get the BEST? Washburn's Superlative Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im provement in milling machinery the product of the hard, excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by JOHN HERROD, - - - SOLE AGENT. Fred Brooks says that if he is going to farm a piece of ditch land next sum mer, that up to date ha knows nothing of itr o- , : : : For Sale : : : DITCH :-: FARMS ! One-half mile from North PJatte. Wc will sell you a farm of any size you may desire. PRICE $15.00 TO $25.00 PER ACRE." Terms to suit the purchaser. FRENOH St BALDWIN, TUT" TjBC MOST o DELICIOUS COFFEE o IN THE o WORLD ! Y. M. C A. NOTES. The ladies auxiliary will meet Friday afternoon at 4:30. Business of unusual interest will come before us and a full attendance is desired. An old fashioned game of foot hall Thursday afternoon at 5:30 on the com mons west of town. Captains will choose sides, and everybody kicks. No one al lowed to touch the ball with theirhands while inside the lines. Watch for the Y. M. C. A. programme next week. Sixteen new members last month. The statistical report for February is as follows: Renewals, 41; withdrawn or dropped on account of removal, etc., 14; now members, 16; present paid member ship, 292; attendance at men's meetings, 145; at men's bible class, 22; number of visits to rooms, week-days, 2092; Sun days, 202; baths taken, 374; attendance at Lyceum, 80; number of visits of secre tary to shops, yards, etc., 28; letters written in rooms, 125; books drawn from library, 237; papers on file in the reading room, 339; magazines,. t H. B, H, SPURR'S REVERE: T1-r,nt1t V! 7fV-v i r .... SBBBBJBjaB' TTSSJHBBBBfiaL KlBBBB99aCiwWuBBH t . jBBHf .aK, HKv 9amaB? I'HiBBBBlBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBaHiBr'WVV,-!' .r-3iaBBBBMflHrrvr f MOCHA AND ;V SI I. v i. NORTH PfcATTErNMr F. J- BROEKER. MERCHANT TAILOR. A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. First-class Fit. ExceJ- enfc Workmanship.. Miss Kate Gibbs left this morning for an extended visit in St. Louis, Mo. Miss Maud-H inman returned the first o the week from her trip to Fremont. John Conway nnd David Hunter, two of Sutherland's leading irrigators, wore in North Platto yesterday. Judge Nevillo returned last evening from Lexington whore he had been hold ing court for J udge Sinclair. The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a "dime'' sociable next Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Piercy. The estimated cost of tho forthcom ing immigration inducing pamphlet will be about $700. Roll in your subscrip tions to assist in the work. The jury costs in the present session of the District court will be very heavy for the length of term. The sheriff ap pears to have struck a nest of "stayers." The question naturally arises, was editor Hill trying to get Receiver Doo little into a domestic broil by stating that his wife had arrived in this city last week? The statement was very wide of the truth. N. A. Davis has been appointed as general agent for the McCormick Mach ine Co., with a larger territory than ever beforei and will this week start upon a tour down through Kansas in the inter est of his company establishing local agencies. The people of school district No. 51, Lincoln county, and many others, have good reason to be very thankful that J. A Dameron and his estimable wife ro side among them. They have been mainly instrumental in getting four car loads of corn, February 20th, and the 26th a car, consisting of corn and dry goods came into Moorefiold consigned to Mr. Dameron, as president of the South Lincoln Relief association. Also two cars from Anchor, one from Cropsy and one front Charlotte, 111. Curtis Enter Mrs. G. S. Huffman left Saturday morning for St. Joseph, Mo., where she will spend two weeks purchasing her spring stock and at the same time see ing what the metropolis has. in the lat est "catch" for ladies. It's hard times, indeed, when the ladies don't appear with the "only bonnet" on Easter morn ing. By special arrangement Rev. A. W. Graves will make an address at the Bap tist church next Sunday morning on the subject, "Municipal Reform, and How Shall it be Effected?" All who are in terested in the approaching pity electiorj are especially invited to attend. Ser vices to begin at 10:30. Special musio will be furnished for the occasion. The juries in the cases of the state vs Frank M. Heck and Hurry Heck, and the state vs Bailey and Schick, each found a verdict for the plaintiff The former was for petit larceny and tho latter for grand larceny; the one offense is a misdemeanor, th'o other a felony. Each jury was out for several hours, that of the first mentioned, case probably holding out longer than any one in the history of Lincoln county. The state relief commission bra made contracts for the purchase of a large amount of food supplies for- the destitute in the state. Among the firms from which supplies will be purchased is the Lexington Mill and Elevator Co., of this city, this company being one of the successful bidders upon the flour contract. The flour will be shipped, upon orders of the state committee from the mill direct to where it may be needed. Pioneer. i For Sale. I will sell a larere oortion of mv A v household furniture, incl u d i n c lounge, chairs, bed. stove, etc.. very cheap. p. R. MUNRQ, East Second St., next door, to G. Hesse, i 9. . .mi