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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1895)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1895. GRAND : Slaughtering :-: Sale I mt tTfffety tribune -OF- Underwear -AT THE- Star Clothing House. Having a few odd sizes left in heavy SHIRTS and DRAWERS and as we need room we will sell them at slaughtering prices. Men's white merino at 25 cents; men's natural wool color at 25 cents. All heavy weight goods at same reduction. Come at once and get your pick. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. Mail orders promptly attended to. A. F. STREITZ, CORNER OF SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. C. F. IDDING-S, LUMBER, I COAL, ! Order by telephone' from Newton's Book Store. WALL-PAPER. PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS, VARNISHES, GOLD LEAF, GOLD PAINTS, BRONZES, ARTISTS' COLORS AND BRUSHES, PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AND BUGGY PAINTS, KALSOMINE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES. ESTABLISHED JULY 1868. .... 310 SPRUCE STREET. USTIEW XjJTSriEIR PEED STABLE (Old "7"axL IDoraxx Stable) Good Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Escellent Accomcicdaticss for ih Fanning hill:, IRA L. BARE, Editor and Proprietor 1 SUBSCRIPTION rates. One Year, cash In adTance $1.23, I Six If oaths, cash In advance 73 Cents. Catered at the SorthPlatta ( Nebraska) postofflca as second-class matter. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, if centrally eltuated in the triangular figure bounded by lines drawn from Omaha to Cheyenne thence to Dearer, from thence to starting point I It is 291 miles fiom the first named city, 225 miles from the second, ana ISO miles from the third, Having a population of 4,000 people it is the head quarters of both freight and passenger divisions of the U. P. R'y Co., and is the home of nbont 500 railway employes whose monthly pay roll amounts to some $35,000.00. Almost 200 miles of irrigation canals are rapidly nearlng completion, which will bring into the highest state of cultivation 150,000 ncrosof the most prod active land upon which the snn's rays shine. The citizenship of North Platte is that of the best afforded by the older states, and her people are active, progressive and prosperous, To the industrious, energetic home-seeker from the crowded east North Platte and Lincoln county presents unusnal advantages. Thousands of acres of vacant government land, in close proximity to those already being brought under irrigation, may be obtained by consulting the United States land office In North Platte. A letter of inquiry to "U. S. Register, North' Platte, Neb.," relative to the above will be courteously answered. Irrigated farming is no longer an experiment, but has reached the point where it is acknowledged as pre-eminently the safest in all seasons method of conducting agricnltural and horticultural oper ations. The salubrious and life-givine climate of Lincoln county, where malaria is unknown and where pulmonary troubles are unthought of, is another Incentive to the location therein of those who are anxious to enjoy the good things of this life as loag as possible. North Platte churches and schools are above those of eastern communi ties, the latter being one of the few in Nebraska permitting the graduate thereof to enter the Stato Univen4ty without an Intermediate preparatory training. The people of tho commuuity gladly welcome the honest, industrious eastern citizen who is eager to bettor his condition and assisting in the upbuilding and development of a comparatively new country. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, Window Glass, Machine Oils, Diamanta Spectacles. ; For information regard ! ing- the Great Irrigation ; Belt of Lincoln Co., write ; the Lincoln Co. Immigra tion Association. North Platte, Nebraska. A Fremont firm is selling hand kerchiefs for a penny a piece. There is, therefore, no reason for Col Hammond and Will Maunin iin sing- oia nour sacks or swiping hotel napkins. The Grand Army reunion for the next five years will be held at Hast ings, and it is safe to predict that the Queen City will entertain the veterans and their friends in a very creditable manner. The republicans of Philadelphia I eieciea inanes v . Warwick mayor of that city yesterday over Ex-Gov ernor Pattison, by a majority of nearly 50,000. A flpenerato effort was made to defeat Warwick, but it failed. Church Howe's failure to be re- elected commander of the Nebraska G. A. R. should not be taken as evidence that he is not popular with his comrades. The commander ship is an honor that the veterans believe in passing around. The municipal reform movement is gradually moving westward and may strike North Platte some morn ing. It will probably not be long entertained by our people, as cor ruption is not supposed to actually j exist in the management of city affairs. is Editor Ellingham's pet object to secure office for populist patriots, hence his objection to the abolition of the state oil inspection. The Tribune believes that the in spection as now conducted is prac tically valueles.s and it would hold to that opinion no matter what party might be in power. irrigation legislative: laconics. By a vote of 23 to 7 the senate passed the measure which provides for submitting to the people a prop osition to hold a convention for the purpose of revising the state constitution. The question is to be voted on in the fall of 1896 Senator Aker's first bill, with an emergency clause. passed the senate Tuesday, receiv ing twenty-seven votes. This bill is copied after the Wright law of Cali fornia. It has little or nothing to say in reirard to water nerhts, as that subiect is covered by a second bill. Its principal ob ject is to provide for the organiza tion of irrigation districts, to vote bonds for the construction of ditches or for buvincr ditches al ready constructed, and to provide for decreasing- or enlarcrintr such districts. After a loner and exciting: debate the bill to prohibit the "manufac ture, sale and use of oleomargarine" has been recommended to pass and it will become a law. The bill does not really prohibit lmanufacture of the article, but provides that it shall not be colored in imitatiou of butter. Boarding-house and hotel- keepers cannot use it without put ting up a sign, to the effect that the article on the table is not butter. luanv amendments were ottered in tending to prevent farmers and eameries from coloring or adult erating butter, but none of them prevailed. It is not forbidden to farmers to color butter as they may wish. The Omaha people say it will absolutely prohibit the manu facture of oleomargarine at South Omaha, and that already manufac turers are preparing to move to Chicago. The bill now before the legisla- lature in regard to the municipal ownership of electric light plants reads as follows: "Sub-div. 15. To STR II IS SPREADING flew York Building Trades Take Up Electrical Workers' Fight. TWENTY THOUSAND OUT. Many Others Simply Awaiting; tho Word to Quit Work tons Struggle Is Predict ed and Both Sides Feel Confi dent of Victory. New York. Feb. 21. Tho strike of the building trades in sympathy with that of the electrical workers promises to surpass ony other in the history of these organizations. It is not improb able that it will affect nearly 100,000. So far 20,000 men are out and tho others are said to bo simply awaiting tho word. At noon today the workmen employed on the American Surety building and the addition to St. Luke's hospital quit work. It was announced that work would cease this afternoon on tho new clearing house building in Cedar street. The board of walking delegates controls 25,000 men, all of whom will doubtless be called out. With these, over 60,000 mechanics, who are in no way affiliated with the organizations represented, will be idle The state board of mediation and ar bitration mav be called in with a view of settling the difficulty. Pickets havo been stationed by the strikers in the vicinity of every building where a strike has been declared or is proposed. A long strncslo is predicted and both sides feel confident. CONGRESSIONAL, PROCEEDINGS. erect and maintain gas or electric light works for the purpose of light ing, heating and furnishing' motor power for such city; and to borrow and pledge thi property and credit of the city upon its negotiable bonds or otherwise to au amount not exceeding fifty thousand dol lars ($50,000) for such purpose; authority therefor having been first obtained by a majority vote of the electors of such city upon a propo sition submitted in the manner provided by law for the submission of propositions to aid in the con struction of railroads and other works of internal improvements; or to make contracts witn and aulliuiize any person, company or corporation to erect gas works, electric or other light such citv, and give such person, com pany or association the privilege of- rnishing light tor the streets. anes and allej's of such city for any length of time not exceeding five vears." Iu the Senate. Washington', Feb. 21. There were just 1G senators in the chamber when the 11 o'clock session opened today, and Mr. Wolcott Rep., Colo.), suggested tho absence of a quorum. Tho jingling of senate bells hurriedly assembled tho senators, and 47 responded to the call for a quorum, two more than the re quired number. Mr. Irby (Dem., S. C), presented the credentials of B. R. Till man, as senator from South Carolina for the term beginning March 4 next. Mr. Turpie (Dem., Ind.), offered a res olution from the committee on foreign relations expressing tho high apprecia tion of the senate as to the distinguished honors accorded by the Mexican gov ernment on the occasion of the obsequies of the United States minister, Mr. Gray, and directing the secretary of state to forward copies of the resolution to the authorities of Mexico. The resolution was agreed to. The house joint resolu tion was passed for the suspension of certain features of the law authorizing the transportation of goods through the United States to the free zone of Mexico long as the Mexican free zouo law exists. The senate adopted a motion by Mr. Gorman to reconsider its action in adopt ing the conference report amending the income tax, and then toolt up the In dian appropriation bill. Gorman's pur pose was to require corporations to make a report of all their high salaried offi- ciais. House Votes Against tho Hawaiian Cable Washington, Feb. 21. In the house today the senate amendments to the bill authorizing tho constructing of a bridge across Missouri river at Sioux City, were agreed to. The house then, by a vote of 114 to 102, refused to concur in tho senate amendment to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, appropriat ing $500,000 to aid in the construction of a submarine cable from the United States to the Hawaiian islands. fixe axt imprisonment. Parisian Irrss Blackmailers Convicted and Sentenced. Paris, Feb. 21. Tho trial has been concluded of M. Raoul Canivetaand other lepresentatives of the press of this city who were charged with blackmail, and sentences upon those convicted were pronounced today. M. de Clercq of the staff of the Nineteenth Century was condemned to 15 months imprisonment and to pay a fine of 200 francs. M. Girard, the manager of the Nineteenth Century, and M. Heftier, to two years in prison and 1,000 francs fine each. M. Camille Dreif us, a former member of the chamber of deputies, and late politi cal director of tho Nation, to one year in prison and 500 francs fine, and M. Edoaard Portalis, formerly direc tor of the Nineteenth Century, who fled to Antwerp when the blackmailing became known, to five years' imprisonment and 3,000 francs fine Tho sentence of M. Por talis was by default. The arrest and conviction of these men grew out of tho unearthing of a gigantic scheme of levy ing blackmail upon the managers of all the casinos and gambling clubs of France. It is also understood that real ly important financial institutions and other sound corporations long submitted to blackmailing operations in .order lo prevent the publication of articles of an unfavorable character. Tho stopping of the publication of social- scandals is also said to have been a fruitful sourco of in come, Result of a Dover's Quarrel. Chicago, Feb. 21. Minnie Din gat, a domestic, 21 years old, was shot and in stantly killed by Joseph Wyman, a tailor, 25 years old, last evening at Wy- man's home, No. 4S57 Paulina street. Wyman then tried to commit suicide. by shooting himself twice, once in the cheek and a second time in the right shoulder. He was taken to tho county hospital, where it is thought there was a chance for his recovery. The shoot ing was the result of a lovpr's quarrel. Three weeks ago, on tho evening set for her marriage to Philip Worch, a book keeper, Miss Dingat jilted tho brido- groom and fled to Waukegan with Wy man. HARRY ON THE STAND Defendant In the Ging Murder Trial Testifies In His Own Behalf. 8T0EY OF THE ACCUSED. ills Helatious With Miss Cine Told In De tailEvidence of Witnesses For the Defense Not ?.Iaterlally Shaken by Cross-Examlnatlon. Thomas Donaldson, residiug near Memphis, Saunders count', com mitted suicide one day last week, He was being hounded by chattel mortgage fiends, who threatened to send him to the penitentiary if he did not nay up a deficiency iudi ment. Ex-Oil Inspector Hilton went into he Republican office at Blair one day last week, and after paying ar rears, ordered the paper stopped. The editor of the Republican fears hat he now has a silver dollar that belongs to the state, but he will not give it up until the state asks for it. Aonnwe8t corner of Courthouse sannra . . & LOCEZ. JET. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor, OLBJUaHR -O TNT ID LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED. TT v - x-ttiuco LUWER THAN EVER Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth. BEFORE JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Pitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor . . oic9. Tin and Iron Roofings. Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, North. Xlafc. .... Nebraska-. Treasurer Buchanan's reported interest money, now being used as a political boost for that of ficial, sinks into insignificance when compared with the amount the pop commissioners have squan dered during the past three years in awarding the county publishing to the Era at legal rates when other papers have offered to perform the work at one-third legal rates. It is a case of save at the spigot and waste at the bung-hole. The richest man in the next congress will be Mr. Sorg, of the Third Ohio district, whose wealth is estimated at $15,000,000 and in come at 51,000,000. He is one of the thirteen democrats elected from northern states to the next house. As Mr. Sorg- will soon hand in his check for 520,000 to meet the in come tax required by a democratic law lie will hardly feel like accept ing the financial activities and shadowy honor of running for gov ernor of Ohio on the democratic ticket. A practical and instructive way to test the faith and theories of the 16 to 1 free coinage silver advocates would be this. Now that the gov ernment is forced to borrow money to meet current expenses, why not issue two classes of bonds, one pay able in gold and the other in silver, each having an equal time to run, and sell them on the market a popu lar loan. That would enable the rich silver mine owners to "do something for silver" in a way to test practically their sincerity by purcuasmg ine silver Donds r J I mm lerence xo tnose payable in TT r ii. . . now many or tnem would prove thrir faith by their work? -Ex. A srreat munv persons in Ne- braska have affected to believe that Mr. Thurston in relinquishing his place at the head of the U. P. legal bureau for a place at a salary of less than one-half his former pay did so with a view to getting a big thing on the side by "castin anchor to windward." What do they think of Senator Manderson. who relinquishes his senatorial seat for a place at the.liead of the legal department of the B. & M. road? If there is much "in it" at Wash ington besides glory, why didn't Mr. Manderson make an effort to stay there? Fremont Tribune. Pooling:. Bankruptcy and Statehood Bill. Washington, Feb. 21. Now that there is no further prospect of action on tho financial question in this senate, there has baen a renewed interest iu other general bills before the senate, in cluding tho pooling, bankruptcy and New Mexico aud Arizona admission bills, but the especial champions of each of these measures realizo that there is but little hope of favorable consideration of any of them, aud, only in the case of tho territorial bills, of getting any of them up for consideration. In tho mat ter of these bills. Senator Faulkner, who, as chairman of the committee on terri tories, has charge of them, says he expects to get a day for their considera tion, but he does not believe the report will allow them to pass and that if they choose they can easily prevent this re sult at the present late day of tho ses sion. Senator George frankly admits that ho seas no prospect of again getting up the bankruptcy bill. The friends of the pooling bill are more persistent than the advocates of tho other bills mentioned, but they find obstacles iu their way at every turn. Will Oppoto Treasury Certificates. Washing! on, Feb. 21. The silver men havo determined to fight the prop osition for certificates of indebtedness in tho sundry civil bill, and will carry their opposition to such lengths a3 will prevent tho bill becoming a law if it- is retained. A conference of silver sena tors upon this subject last evening de veloped great opposition to the certifi cate proposition, and the course of talk ing the bill to death iu case the loan amendment was retained. Gentry Still Alive. Philadelphia. Feb. 21. James B. Gentry, the murderer of Actress Madgo Yorko, is still alive, and tho chances are that he will recover, although it may bo several weeks before ho is well enongh to bo removed from tho hospital. Ho has not gone through any of his insane antics since ho made his statement yes terday to Magistrate Milligau, and what- ittle conversation he has hold since that time indicates that his mind is perfectly rational. The remains of Miss Yorke were shipped to Now York today. Services will be held at the Little Church Around the Corner and inter ment will be made at Woodlawn cemetery. Faro Bank Rnhbed by a Masked Man. Tucson, Ari., Fob. 21. Congress hall, ono of tho old-time establishments, was entered at midnight by a masked man, who held up the faro table. The game was in progress, when the dealer, George Huston, saw a fellow enter by a sido door with a mask covering his face. Huston thought some practical joker was trying to havo a littlo fun and when the robber covered him, Huston pushed the gun aside. Tho robber did not utter a word, but shoved tho gun up to Huston's breast and with his free hand took about $340 in gold. Those playing at tho game did not move while the rob bery was being committed. Minneapolis, Feb. 21. County At torney Nye resumed his cross-examination of W. W. Hayward, father of the young man accused of murdering Cath erine Ging. He was quite unable to shake the old gentleman's story in any essential particular, although ho demon strated that the witness' memory as to dates and happenings at about the time of tJie occurrences ho described was not of the best. It is a remarkable fact that thus far in the case, although both Nye and Erwin are adept questioners, neither has been able to shake the testimony of any of the witnesses on cross -examination. Mr. Nye tried to establish by the senior Hayward that on Dec. 6, three days after the murder, "Elder" Stewart had told him the story that Adryhad told Stewart three days before the mur der. Hayward, Sr., was unable to re member when this conservation had taken place, except that it was after tho murder. William Yale, a gunsmith, aud Rob ert Weed, a jeweler, testified as to var ious kinds of cartridges, tho weight of Fought Under Marco Bozzaris. Salem, Mass.. Feb. 21. Frank Con stantino Victorato died at his home in this city yestei'day. Ho was about 98 years old. He was born in the Iouiau islands aud served in the Greek rebel lion, which seenred the independence of that country under Marco Bozzarls. He took part in the famous battle of Au gust, 1823, wlk-ii by a night attack the Greek army of 1.200 destroyed tho Turk ish force of over -1,000. Victorato al- 1 ways maintained that the accented his tories of that event wero incorrect and that Bozzaris fell at tho hands of his own men. SuflerinK In Western Kansas. St. Joseph, Feb. 21. B. W. Hyatt of Montgomery county, Kansas, is in this city soliciting aid for sufferers in that section and tells a pitiuble talo of the sufferings of the people of western Kan sas. Mr. Hyatt says the people of Mont gomery and neighboring counties are eating horseflesh, being unable to gut other food. Their cows are being trained to draw plows, etc., and by this means the farmers hope to be able to put in a crop this spring. IPERlSElDJiECC PLUG TOBACCO Flavor Will Follow Germany's Action. Paris, Feb. 21. A deputation from the sugar growing districts of France and tho French colonies waited on Premier Iiibot and demanded that m order to avert the dangers to which the French sugar iudnstry is exposed by a fall in prices, a snr tax b8 placed on for eign sugars imported into France. In reply M. Ribot said that the council of state had decided that if the German reichstag should vote to pay bounties on sugar exported from Germany, steps would immediately be taken by the gov ernment Jto couuterast the effect of suck bounties on the French markets. Gunpowder Kxplonion at Fort Scott. Fort Scott, Kan., Feb. 21. While proparing to retire, Frank Pfeffer, agod 19, dropped a spark from his pipe into an open drawer in which some three pounds of gunpowder was placed. Tho explosion following wrecked the house, i which was a large one, forcing tho sides out from under the roof and probably fatally burning young Pfeffer. A brother in bed iu .tho same room was blown up against a fall and badly hurt. Killed by an OfBccr. Butte, Mont.. Feb. 21. Policeman .fames Dwyer shot and instantly killed Owen Walsh, a miner, in Harrington & DriscolPs saloon here about midnight. A fight was in progress between two men in the saloon and the officer stepped in to quell it. Walsh cut him above the left eye with a kiiife. Murdered In His Store. Elliott Citv, Md., Feb. 21. Daniel F. Shea, a well known merchant of this town, was found murdered in hi3 store on Main street here. Robbery was evi dently the principal motive that led to the crime. WoodruQTTrial Prolonged. Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 21. The lat est news from Perryville is to the effect that the Woodruff trial will be prolonged on account of the slow work of impanel ing a jury. Consumers cf chewing tobacco who are willing to pay a little more tki the price diaged for te ordinag tradejokecos, will find this ingoidj brand superior to all otW Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. a. x Bakirt Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE bullets, etc. Mr. Erwin succeeded m establishing that tho fatal bullet was of tho same weight as one taken from a 38 short cartridge. Blixt had testified that when Harry gave him the cart ridges he had declared them to be 38 long. Mr. Xye strenuously, but m vain. objected to thus evidence, aud Mr. i.r win was jubilant at his success. At last Mr. Erwin said he bad no other witness present, except the de fendant himself. "Call Harry Hay ward," ho added. Defendant on the Stand. With his arms folded and a set ex- ... W mr-T 1 pression on his lace, Harry naywara took the stand to battle for his own life. He said, in answer to the usual prelim inary questious, that he was born in Macoupin county, Illinois, 29 years ago aud had lived in Minneapolis for 2o years. Now," said Erwin, "Mr. Blixt has testified against you and Mr. Adry Hay ward has testified against you. Have they testified correctly?" "They havo not," responded the wit ness, setting his teeth. 'Has the testimony of Adry Hay ward, given here on the stand, been true or false?" Almost wholly false." 'Xow," said Mr. Erwin, "I will ask you about all your relations with Miss Ging. State them fully to the jury." "Well," said Harry, in a reminiscent mood, "I was introduced to Miss Ging I think in January, 1894, by Mr Speaker, at the boarding house. I met her at first perhaps a3 often as once a week. After awhile I met hor as oftou as twice a week. Then you might say we began to be getting fairly well acquainted. Things went on in that way during April. We kept getting better and bet ter acquainted all the time; more and more intimate. From July and August on through to December we were what yon might call lovers, I suppose." "Now, I'll ask you if at any time while you were lovers there were any improper relations existiuy between you of any sort." "No sir," was the answer given with more feeling than had yet been shown in any of tho witness' answers. "She was a true and noble girl to the best of my belief both toward me and toward everybody else." "Now, did you go riding with her? Describe to tho jurv your intimacy with her." "Well, I've been every place with hor. We've been just like any other young man and young woman." His ltccord as n Gmnbler. "Now, I'll ask you about yourself at this point and about youc habit of gam bling and card playing. Explain your self fully; stato everything." Well, I suppose it's all ko. I've gambled, and gambled a pllo on roulette and faro. I've gambled high, and lots of it. T acknowledge I tried to keep it from the public, but I did not try to dis guise it from any yonng lady or young man who knew me intimatoly.' "Now, at what points did you gamble:" "Almost every city in the United States; that is, every large city and many of the small cities. I've gambled in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Seattle, Alas ka, San Francisco, San Diego, Los An geles, Encinito, Tex.; Colorado Springs, Manitou, Gleuwood Springs, Denver, Pueblo, Cheyenne, New Orleans, Oma ha, Kansas City, Chicago " "There," said Erwin, "I guesa you've named enough. "Did Catherine Ging ever take part in your gambling?" "Yes sir. She with another young lady, another gentleman and myself, went into a restaurant and ordered a meal. It was an elaborate meal and it took some time to prepare it. It was right near a gambling house. We knew the young ladies real well, so we went out for awhile. I don't exactly remem ber whether Miss Ging was there that night or not, and if sho was there 1 ilon't remember whether sho went in or not, but one of the young ladies did aud we did. I don't think sho put in any thing. If she was there she knew of it though." Harry then described tho various win nings and losings he h?d made for Miss Ging. While in Chicago he had lost $1,530. He explained the telegram ho had sent from Chicago at length, and while in the midst of his explanations a recess was taken for dinner. H. S. Tibbels, Upholsterer AND Furniture : Repairer. Special attention paid to all kinds of of furniture upholstering. Mattrasses made to order or remade. Furniture re pairing of all kinds promptly and neatly executed. Leave orders at Ine rair EJvor. 4Mf