The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 29, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 8.
Nev Goods! New Goods!
Just Arrived at the
This Spring line of Goods was bought at hard times prices,
and will be sold accordingly.
Dry Goods Dept.
hose, ribbed or plain, in all sizes, at 8
cents per pair.
American Shirting prints 3?.j cents Fifty dozen gents' extra heavy British
per yard. seamless hiso at S cents per pair.
American Indigo Blue print at cts. We carry a full line in ladies' misses'
German Blue print at cts. and children's tan and light balbriggau
Simpson's prints in all colors, G1 cts. and lisle hose.
Amoskeag Gingham 1" ' cots j
Unbleached Muslin 1 yd. wide, 4si cts Corsets.
Lonsdale Bleadied. P,' cents. Dr Earner's, in all sizes, at 83 cents.
Henrietta wool linish brocaded satiues Dr j,.,,,. at 85 ccnts
niT 'I0,11 c, ... .... ,D Jackson's corset waists at Socents.
P.;:ua black .SaUno?, his .imsli, 18 cts. t Xo mi extra ong walst6 all B;zeg at
Figured Salines, all colors, silk Iiuteli. j- cent,
aS : ,o, .... ! No. at Scents.
Sultana N-ii tings. :r. all colors, 2'..ctF.
J wither Tickinir 10 rent?.
All wool :!('ir, h wide Ladies' Cloth
All ur woolen goods at 50 cents on
the dollar.
at '.YLH cents.
Shoe Department.
Wo are right in it.
One hundred pairs of ladies line Don-
r gola shoes, patent tips, at 8125 per pair
OL " i i.i '
V.UU IlllIlUI L'U jIUU itlUli: fJCUUUID tllll
kin, at 81-10.
One hundred pair ladies' Gondola.
Padau Bros, make, 81.75.
One hunered pair of niis'-es' cloth top
button shoes, heel or spring heel, sizes
from 12 to 2 Padan Bros, make, 81.00.
Fifty pair of children's oil grain, sizes
from 9 to 12, 70 cents.
Fifty pair of children's oil grain, sizes
lH to 2, 75 cents.
Men's boots, 81.10.
Men'!- geuuine calf boots, 82.5.
Men's fine hoes in lace or congress,
at 81.25.
.Men's oil grain congress shoes. 05 cts.
Bovs' shoes from 12 to 2, in buttons,
90 cents.
Ladies' rubbers, 23 cents
C hildren's rubbers, 22 cents.
We carrv a full line of children's and
Laces and Embroidery.
W'a havo iust rereived thousands
vards in this hue the nev.cst and the
latest patterns. Ha nburg.1, inal olors
Biu-h as white, red, navy blue, peacock
blue, pink and brown. goi::g from 2 cents
per yard and up.
Hosiery! Hosiery!
One hundred dozen ladies lioso at 7
cents per pair
Fifty dozen ladies' fast black seamless
hosoat 15 cents per pair.
Fifty dozen la. lies fast black hose,
regular made, extra hih sp iced heel
and soles, at 25 cents per pair.
Fifty d'ven c! i!dr'u"t black ribbed
h-'-e, fast black seamles-. in all sizes, at
15 cents por p:iir.
Twontv-tive dozen bovs' bicycle hoo
extra heavy, sizes from 5 to 'J'X at 20;
cents fer nair. 1
Ono hundred dozen children's b'ack ! infants' Fhoe- and moccasins.
Wo vi!l commence this salo at onco. We must reduce our stock before we go
east, in order to have more room for new goods.
Partie within a distance of fifty miles coining by rail will bo paid the fare for
return trip on buyinir F ifteen dollars worth or moro at our store.
OTIb-e BOStOIl StOXe, Julius Pizcr, Prop.
The only cheap store with good uoods in Lincoln County.
1ST CD. 34r9S.
pirsi ffadtional Bani,
-- r - -
Capital, -Surplus,
- - $50,000.00.
- -22,500.00
E. M. F. LEFLANG, Pres't.,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
The agents are meeting- with fail
success ' in obtaining membership
names lor the Lincoln County Im
migration -Association. The plan
of the organization has received a
most careful scrutiny and no objec
tion has been urged against a sin
gle feature. The plan of operation
is such that all communities and
individuals will receive their pro
portion of the benefits to be de
rived. Notwithstanding the hard
luck of the past few years those
who own what are termed "dry
farms" will undoubtedly hold on to
them. We have, however, room for
many thousands of families in the
irrigated district. There are as
main- families in this state aud
elsewhere who are looking for farms
in such irrigated districts.
An advertisement recently pub
lished in the Nebraska Farmer by
one of our ditch companies brought
among others an inquiry from a
prominent farmer in the southern
part of this state, resulting in the
sale of an irrigated farm. This
gentleman while here said that this
advertisement was the first intima
tion lie had had of a successful ir
rigation district in the state of Ne
braska on a railroad. The fact of
a man of his prominence leaving
his native town will attract atten
tion from many others who would
then be interested in advertising
matter relative to his prospective
home and such as the Immigration
Association proposes getting out.
In fact since this man returned
home supplied with meagre infor
mation, another farm has been sold
to a neighbor. Such people will
put up houses at once and will be a
source of revenue to every business
man in town to some extent.
If by the expenditure of the
.-mall amount necessary to start
this advertising only fifty families
are brought into this valley, more
will follow them and the money
will be well expended.
North Platte at the present time
has an advantage over anv town
in the state and if the situation is j
fully appreciated by our citizens,
this will manifest itself before long
H. H. Cook lost a thorough-bred
mare by death Friday night.
Jim White and family and Sam
Funkhouser have returned from an
extended visit in Illinois.
J. G. Feekeu shelled corn for
Moshier and Tynam one da- last
There will be a hard times ball
in t'te Maccabee hall atHershey on
Friday evening of this week. All
turn out and have a good time.
T. J.
irrigation ditch
to our great benefit.
It is necessary for all to take an
active interest and help push things.
Do not give up a dollar and think
vou have done your share. Visit
the office of the Association, make
suggestions, give the secretarv the
names of any friends you would
like supplied with advertising" mat
tor, enthuse others, and in five
vears we will have a town here ot
10.000 and a country around it that
will support it. We are all right
now; we show the largest per cent-
jage ot growtn ot any important
I town in the state between the years
Winters is working on an
in Peckham pre
A deep interest is said to be man
ifested in the revival meetiugs
which are still in progress in the
new school house in the Stoddard
The old ditch company has i-old
several tracts of land recently to
parties from abroad.
For the first time in several
months this station is void of cars
for hay shipments.
13. R. Gibbens returned a few
days ago from a trip through Mis
souri and Arkansas. He is not
very favorably impressed with that
A large quantity of corn from
along the ditch has been sold so far
this season to parties from over in
the south sand hills.
Miss Hutchins, the teacher in the
Stoddard district, visited friends
on the south side Saturday and
Kev. Franklin expounded the
gospel to the people of Hershey
and vicinity Sunday evening
It has been a
horses and cattle have been in as
fine condition in this country as
they are at present with as little
feed as they have had this winter.
The majority of them have rustled
their living so far.
Old Mr. Rue and son-in-law Jef
fries loaded a car a few days ago
with horses, farmings tools and
household goods iuitjfavith their
families departed fcrt wa, where
they expect to make their future
home. ;
It is stated on reliabifv authority
dinjr near
long- time since
is tne most
t mi
i I lie
Don't pay other people's debts
Dollar. !
Still Selliai?
Is the ONLY Hardware
Man in North Platte that
will always find my price
Yours for Business,
Hardware, Tinware,
J 1 ill I' III U
Sporting Goods, Etc.
( of 1SS0 and 1SW. being over 741.01
' ner cent, the next town is Beatrice
with a per cent of -K)5.43. the next
is Norfolk with per centage of
455.39 and from that down to
Flattsmouth with only 101.01.
These statistics include such
towns as Lincoln with a per cent
age of 324.16. Hastings 3S2.22. Ne
braska City 174.78 and Omaha
By proper effort our growth can
easily be pushed faster than here
tofore, and we will be able to hold
our own at the head of the list dur
ing the present decade. It will
take united action to do this, as a
few cannot be depended upon to do
ail the work and to furnish
means, nor will the;, be content to
follow the wurl; up unless they have
I the encouragement of the whole
i communitv.
Look back over the past year
aud see what has been done for
lour city by a little effort and then
figure out what vou have done in
dividually to help things. If not
much, ease your conscience by tak
ing hold now and help to make
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop.
J. E. BUSH, Manager
that a certain man
Hershey, and who
of his 4 stuff" into
a bov about "'
was. at die
so thinly clad as to attract atten
tion. He excited the Sympathy of
a man who took him into a relief
store and dressed him out from top
to bottom. Such fellows as the
father of this boy should he ar
rested for cruelty to children.
Hiss Kmma Lavton returned to
Brad) Ishind last week with her
brother Walter and wife, who were
visiting relatives in this neighbor
hood. A lonely prairie schooner passed
down the line during the wind and
snow storm Friday.
The attendance at the revival
meetings in Hinman precinct from
this section has been large ever
since they began, which was about
two weeks ago.
Mrs. J. O. Cole, who has been con
fined to the house for some time
with rheumatism, is able to be out
and around again.
It is said that the cause of a cer
tain young chap looking down his
nose lately is that his b. g. has
given him the g. b.
Foreman Frickson's familv are
all convalescent once more except
his mother, who. owinjr to her ad-
the i vanced aire, has not fnllv recovered
j from her recent illiivss but is slow-
1) 1 V.VV.M lll,
Mrs. Carrie Struthers. of Sidney,
is visiting her mother Mrs. M. C.
Brown at this place.
John -Bratt purchased corn of
Mr. Marv. on the Chas. McAllister
On All Imported Woo en Goods and Silks
W; must close out our stock of nice fine goods and make room for our new stock
under the new tariff regulations.
SI. 75 Silk Henrietta at SI. 10: $1.50 Silk
UrMiriotfn nt R5 rts SI. 00 lltMirioila nl f5 rr SI. 25 Bedford Cords at to cents. irl.-Jo
French Serges at 85 cts.: $1.00 French Serges at 65 cts.: all wool U yd. wide $1.25 Broad
Cloth at 75 cts.: 05 ct Flannels, 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department
we olfer the choicest line in the west. C. D. and E. widths, in fine new goods. : : :
Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Reunie's for January aud February in
1895. : . :" Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per yard. Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 cts.
ner yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at KhAAlb fc.
Suggested by the Court.
A recent dispatch from Omaha to
the Chicago Inter Ocean says:
There is a great deal of unwrit
ten history connected with the re
cent foreclosure suit brought by the
trustees of the first mortgage bonds
of the Union Pacific in St. Louis
last week. As early as last July
Judge Sanborn intimated to the
trustees of the first mortgage bonds
that an action in foreclosure would
have to be brought in order to keep
the stockholders' interest in the
property subject to the direction of
the court, otherwise the court might
decide to transfer the direction of
the property back to the directors of
the company.
There are so many contracts,
which in the present condition of
business operate against the ad
vancement of the Union Pacific sys
tem, that it has become essentially
necessary to have these contracts
amended or revised along the lines
favorable to one of the parties, at
least, to tiie contract. This could
not be done without foreclosure,
which would have been necessary
under an circumstances if a read
justment of present difficulties was
at all desirable.
As the suits in foreclosure are
Ye scribe took a Hying trip thro'
the eastern part of the county last
Monday witli Sheriff Cam), going
down the North Platte valley past
Aufdengarten's ranch, over to Pax
ton and up the South river valley.
home. In passinu Mr. Aufdemrar-1 Ninety-live, reports were received
ten's ranch we observed that he had ! from various localities. Since many
his main irrigation ditcii completed of these reports covered a number
to the east line ot the farm, ready to of wells each, the total number of
testing the effect of drouth on our
wells. Accordingly blanks were
sent out from the meterological de
partment of the university to the
regular observers of the Nebraska
weather service for reports of the
effect of the drouth of 1S94 on wells.
be filled by the use of his 1200-gal-lon
steam vacuum pump which he
has recently put in on the bank of
the river. We also crossed and re-
crossed the Conway ditch several
tiire?. Their ditch is twenty feet
wide (ii the bottom and has ahead- ,
rate sixty feet wide, aud is calcula- '
wells heard from was several hun
dred, fairly well distributed over
the state. The results are decid
edly gratfying: only in the extreme
eastern belt of the state has there
been any serious lowering of the
wells during the past summer, and
this is the portion of the state
to irrijr;
thinirs hum. It is fact that many
who could make a profit of several
dollars on the first family that is
induced to come here, think they
are contributing liberally when
jS"3l13 3rA.!iSIA. e- "ve one tar ian3 who
i have thousands of dollars worth of
WJZAinvQ HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, ! ProPeft' which they hope to see en-vv-Cj
-w hanced m value are doing no more.
SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT j How will these people he benefitted
other than by the settlement of the
EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. country And how can people be
induced to come unless we let them
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
know where we are?
Inquiries are already coming in.
and to be promptly answered neat,
attractive printed matter should be
farm, recently and is now
it to town.
The treasurer of Deuel county is
in shape to pay all outstanding war
rants. There are few counties in
western Nebraska in such good
financial shape as Deuel.
It is said that Perkins county has
received five times as much aid. in
proportion to its population, as any
county in western Nebraska. It
also was one of the populist strong
holds last fall.
A special election to vote irriga
tion bonds in the sum of $10,000 has
been called in Cozad precinct, Daw
son county. Our sister county is
pushing irrigation ditches along al-
Y 1. brought1-upon various lines anAthe
19 present receivers are anf;wited
under the bills of complaint, the old
suits brought by the stockholders
bejiin to grow less burdensome and
finally the receivers under the new
suits, ceased to have atn interest in
the old cases, and they are removed
from the court, so to speak. Under
foreclosure suits the earnings are
kept separate, the court directs
what use is to be made of certain
funds, and gradually the end ap
proaches when the property is to be
offered for sale. So the grind of the
court reduces the many complica
tions until the final run is made,
when the property is in a position
to be taken for its actual value in
It is pretty generally understood
that all the foreclosure proceedings
brought on the various properties
formerly constituting the Union Pa
cific system will be pushed rapidly
to final adjudication in order that
the reorganization committee may
have something to work upon in re
organizing what was once the great
est railroad property in the country.
A meeting was held at Broken
Bow last week for the purpose of
devising means to provide feed and
seed for the farmers of Custer coun
ty, and among the plans suggested
was one for the formation of a joint
stock company, fixing the stock at
SI per share, and soliciting every
man in the county to assist the
move by contributing what he could
to the fund from SI up, and extend
the opportunity to the wholesale
houses, banks and loan companies
of the eastern states, churches and
civic societies, soliciting them to
contribute money or grain with a
view of providing seed and feed for
Having refitted" our rooms in the finest of stle, Ihe public
is invited to call and see u?, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Our billiard ball is supplied with the best make of tables
V I x L L J L .C II - --1 - nil imiM t- rt nfc
aim competent aireuuuui win aujipij an ium j q g
sent out. Not enough money has , most as rapidly as is Lincoln county.
been raised up to the present time j Jerry Splain, of Kearney, broke
, to do much in this direction. Call ' into a car of relief supplies their
1 at the secretary's oilice and leave a ! Fridav and wn n ti,Q t,,,,!.
J L 11V UV.L. V A- UUU1W
ing away 1500 pounds of flour, 500
pounds of corn, and a lot of other
dollar. It may be the means of
putting a man worth thousands on
a larm in this county. 1
-.-" truck when arrested. Such an act
Nichol linscets. I is a most despicable one. and Jerry
Trovillo is putting up ice should be punished to the full ex-
i tent of the law.
Rijrht i
ing the well, and 15 per cent failed
entirely so that they were aban-
! donded or had to be dug deeper.
But over the remainder ol the state
82 per cent were reported as show-
no euect whatever from the
th, 12 per cent failed partially
6 per cent entirely, yet this 18
er cent represented in every case
liallow 'wells, in no case deeper
fatvf orty-five.f eetandU averaging
only seventeen feet deep. TKe'ma-
joritv- of the wells over this part of
the state are deep wells, averaging,
as reported, seventy-seven feet and
in many cases over a hundred.
These deep wells, going down pre
sumably to a sheet of water on a
level with some adjacent river, the
Platte, the Loup, or the like, were
absolutely unaffected b the drouth.
In some cases windmills were re
ported as running incessantly day
and night for irrigation purposes,
or to supply city water, or the like,
without affecting in the least the
supply. It seems evident that the
greater part of the state is under
laid by an inexhaustible sheet of
water which may be drawn upon
indefinitely for irrigation purposes,
even in seasons of drouth like the
the sprin
When received seed
and feed would then be furnished i
.. ... i
tne tanner, on contract to pay one
tenth of his crop for the use of the
seed, this one-tenth crop to be
paid to the contributors that is.
one-tenth of all received on rrain
shall be apportioned to the several
donors in proportion to the amount
the subscribed. This can be done
by keeping a record of even dollar
received, and by whom. In order to
collect this rent, some one in every
township, possibly the supervisor,
should be empowered with authori
ty to have the rent collected trom
the machine when threshed and
hauled to the nearest elevator fox
storage and market.
Five cars of relief goods were un
loaded at Cozad and Lexington last
week, and more were expected.
ted to irrigate more than 20,000 j which least needs to use water for
acres of land in Liucoln and Keith ' irrigation. Of these wells lying
counties. At Paxton we saw one of . east of the dotted line 33 per cent
Howard Miles' nine-inch pumps at were uuaffected.52 per cent partially
work: it is now owned by K. P. Ma- J failed so as to stand lower than
son, and is erected on one of the lots usual or to afford a less quantity of
jtisteastof town. The pump is water than usuai without exhaust-
operated by an ordinan ten-foot
windmill, and was making a live
inch stroke. From the way the water
and ice was standing over the land
below it, it is certain that Mr. Ma
son will be able, after he
reservoir built,
patch of ground
saw a pump runninir v
scattering water all c-
part. This pump is owne
Bent, the village blacksmith, who
has three-quarters of an acre to put
into garden truck. From Paxton
up we saw a number of pumps that
were at work soaking up small
patches. Keith County News.
Mr. Henry Herman, of Milwaukee,
Wis., president of the Gothenburg
Power and Irrigation company, of
this city, spent last Monday in look
ing over the company's interests at
this place, and brought with him
something like S5.000 which was
paid out on last Tuesday to laborers
who worked upon the new irrigation
ditch that they are constructing.
This should forever settle the re
ports that have been circulated by a
few superstitious parties regarding
the completion of this ditch, and if
they will just rest until spring they
will find the canal completed and
the water in it ready for irrigation.
This should convince the citizens of
Gothenburg, and the farmers adja
cent to this place, that this company
is here to stay, aud that they mean
business, and are not only working
for the interests of the city but
of the country as well. This com
pany has not taken advantage of
any one in this deal. They have
gone to work, paid the cash for labor
in constructing it, without knowing
whether or not they can sell water
rights for an acre of ground. The
have not canvassed the country and
compelled the fanners to put up
water rights enough to build the
canal and pay fat salaries to the
instigators of the scheme, but are
building it at par, and will be able
to sell water, comparatively speak
ing, a low as as any company in
this count, and will doit, for if the
country around this city is all under
irrigation, it will be the means of
establishing paying factories here
which will be the first step toward
building up a permanent city. In
dependent. At the recent meeting of the state
board of agriculture Professor
Swczey. meteorologist, reported on
the phenomenal weather of the past
season. Only thirteen inche of
rainfall fell "in Nebraska. The
temperature on July 26 was the
highest ever recorded. This element
of temperature is fully as import
ant as the precipitation in crop re
sults. Observations had been made
on the effect of the past summer's
drouth on wells. Mr. Swezey said
in part: As affecting the question
of irrigation by means of wells it is
important to know whether our
underground supply of water can
be depended upon in dry seasons.
The past year affords an excellent
opportunity, it is to be hoped we
shall never have a better one, for
Hair Vigor
"Avcr's preparations are too 63
well known to need anvcoinmen- o
dation from me ; but 1 feel coin- g!
pclled to state, for the benefit of
others, that six years ago, I lost o
nearly half of my hair, and what oj
was "left turned gray. After g
using Avcr's Hair vigor several oi
months, my hair began to grow os
nxain. and with the natural color J
restored. I recommend it to all
my friends." Mrs. E. Fkaxk- os
hal'sei:, box oOo, station C, Los o
Angeles, Cal. gf
Ayep total