THE .NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRMJiNE: FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 180J. Served Exclusively to ths Over Twenty-One Million People r.aimi&World's Fair Grounds Universally accepteo as the Leading FinsCorfeeoftheWcr!d JOHN HERROD Sells tlie above Coffee together with a complete line of STAPLE A! HOT BIIISD1B. Prices Always Seasonable. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid For Country Produce. The local laud officers are complain ing somewhat in regard to the way in which eoveral partie6 who have mado linal proof and whose patents have been received from the government, after having been properly notified thereof, allow them to accumulate in the office. 3Iauy do this under tho mistaken uo tiou that by doing so their land will es cape taxation. This is erroneous, as tho local officers each year notify tho Kocretary of state, who in turn notifies tho county clerk, of all patented lands, and tht same are then listed for taxa tion. Should these patents bo destroyed by lire or lost it would put the party owning the land to some trouble to se cure a duplicate. .Advertised tetters. List of letters remaining uncftlled for in the post office at North Platte, Neb., for the week ending Jan. 21, 1815. Allen. .James Jahliu, Aaron lirannan. Robt E Jenkins. Henry Eaton. JasM Riefarg,AJ I.ADIKS. Allison, Mrs J H Persons calling forabove will please say "advertised." M. V. Cun;. Postmaster SMOKERS In search of a good cigar will always find it at J. F. Schmalzriecrs. Try them and nidge. J & GRHIN. Write T. P. Gordon, St. Joseph. Mo., for prices on all kinds of Grain and ship him your Live Stock. Studebaker Vagons at Hershey & Co's. TIMBER CULTURE, - INAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Otlice, North PJatte, Neb., Jnn'y 21, lS'X,. ) Notice is hereby given that Saraii I. McConnel has filed notice of intention to make final proof before tho Register and Receiver at their office in North Platte, Neb., on Monday, the 1th day of March, IS'J.1, ui timber culture appli cation No. i;720 for tho north half of the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 17, in township 10 N, range V1 V- t?ho names as witnesses: S. M. Cus sins and Jacob E. Cussins, of North Platte, Neb., and Walter Gartrell and John F. Brittou, of Somerset, Neb. y2j John F. Hinman. Register. ft SUBSCRIBER To The Semi-weekly Tribune receives 104 numbers of the paper during- the year at a cost of $1.25 less than one and one-quarter cents per issue. Isn't that very reasonable? For information regard- j ling the Great Irrigation 5 I Belt of Lincoln Co., write 1 I theLincoln Co. Immigra-j ition Association, North I j: Platte, Nebraska. MINOR MENTION. Quite a number of Lincoln county citizens are expecting- to go to Lincoln in a short time in the effort to promote irrigation inter ests before the iegislature. We are informed that MePher son county is getting surfeited with relief supplies, and it is said will order all consignments turned over to the people of Logan county. E. F. Seeberger sold a fine tract of ditch laud on Tuesday to a Mr. Forrest, who has lately been visiting AYm. Connors. "Tib thus that people demonstate their faith in irrigation. About one of the proudest marks of appreciation which it was possible to bestow upon Win. Whit lock is the fact that this week he was elected president of the Grand Island gold cure club. James J. Wilson, of this city, has been granted a pension by I.u cle Sam. He is one of the recently suspended machinists in the shops here, and this little stroke of for tune comes 111 quite opportune. C. V. Stout is canvassing the city for a patent five dollar dish washer. If reports are to be be lieved that are current in eastern papers there is but little use for such an article in western Ne braska. The senate committee ha fa vorably reported the bill reimburs ing Michael Scanlon in the sum of $200 for the loss sustained by him through the dishonesty of a receiver of the North Platte land office a number of years ago. Overshoes good and cheap at Otten's Shoe Store. i- tf .Mrs. m. Dickinson was ar rested the first of the week and brought before justice Peniston charged with stealing a pair of shoes from Richards Bros. She was lined ten dollars and trim- M ADVERTISER In The Semi-Weekly Tribune jets his an- o nouncements before the people twice a week isn't that a bio- advan- o tage? As to the num ber of subscribers well, advertisers are in vited to look over the lists. That's a busi ness offer, isn't it? As free transportation could not be obtained without sending the supplies through the state re lief commission, the World-Herald sent its contribution of SSO in cash to G. W . Dillard who is distribut ing it to the needy ones. When a half dozen barrels and boxes of relief arrive at the freight house with a transportation bill of something over $((), it becomes questionable whether the contents are worth the charges or not. This was the condition of affairs here one day this week. Joe Beeler won his case in the prelim "man- hearing of the state vs. John J. Berger, charged with the malicious destruction of prop erty belonging to-Richards Bros., and succeeded in having the ac eused bound over to the February term of court, with bail fixed in the sum of $500. Shoes at half price. A large assortment of good goods. Buy them quick and save half your money. Otten's Shoe Store. John Ilinman is now prepared at the U. S. land office to furnish a man with a quarter section of land or with temporally relief in the way ol shoes or clothing. Some lady admirer wav down in Maryland who had seen his name in some pa per, collected and fowarded him a barrel containing everything from a chunk of the driest dried beef to a pair of eornfield slippers. Some of our farmers arc con templating experimenting with the new forage plant sacaline. which seems to be on the order of the alfalfa though growing more luxuriantly, and producing excellent results. It is said to require very little mois ture, growing upon the baldest mountain peaks as well as in marshy places. One should be careful in procuring the seed, as it is said certain irresponsible seeds men are selling at fabulous prices something like alfalfa which is not the genuine sacaline plant at all. Send in vour orders to J. Sterling Morton for a supply. "Squire Peniston was in a peck of the committee and to allow one-half I trouble yesterday. A man was J rate in the way of freight in car lots brought before him charged with stealing It is said that but very applica tions for aid are being made in Cheyenne count. This is a com mendable showing. Prof. Disraeli is slowly per fecting arrangements to move his portable belongings to Grand Junc tion, Col., to his fruit farm. Wednesday Butler Buchanan received for his office a new page numbering machine which runs up to 10,000. It will prove a great convenience. Those who fail to attend The Kirmess" next Tuesday evening will miss one of the principal enter tainments of the season, and their regrets at such failure will be both loud and deep. Guy Laing sold a car of horses on Wednesday of this week which were shipped from Potter that day direct to London. Eng. Their tails were cocked in a style which would please the eye of the most fastidious cockney cabman. A number of the friends of Mrs. R. R. lline assembled Saturday night at the family residence and treated her to a genuine surprise. It was the occasion of the 54th anni versary of her birthday. She was presented with a handsome silver cake basket. The monster irrigation flume west of this city recently put in place by the South Side Irrigation Canal Co. will shortly be illustrated in the Central edition of the Orange Judd Farmer. This will give the enterprise a wide aduertisement. and was obtained by the officers of the Lincoln County Immigration Association. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Hilliker last evening entertained a number of young people of the Presbyterian church in a very pleasant manner. One of the means provided for en tertainment was the offering of a prize to the fellow who could most artistically trim a lady's hat. This feat was most successfully accom plished by, we believe. Asa Searle. For several days past observer Piercy has been quietly informing his inquiring friends that before the weather would settle we would probably get some snow. This morning his words were verified and almost the whole of the day a fine drifting snow has been fall ing. The indications for to-morrow are warmer and clearing weather. Many years ago some miles northwest of this city the remains of a man named Schwaiger were discovered. He was returning from the Black Hills and had been struck by lightning, The corpse was brought to this city and in terred in the North Platte ceme tery. One day the first of this week a son of the deceased, who is living in Grand Island, was in the city endeavoring to locate the grave. After this lapse of years he was unable to accurately obtain the information he sought. We believe his father was at one time employed by the Union Pacific in the capacity of a conductor. The new proposition made to the executive committee of the pro posed beet sugar factory, according to B. I. Hinman, was about as fol lows: The city or local company was to donate twenty acres of land to the manufacturing company, erect suitable buildings for the manufactory, and guarantee to raise a certain amount of beets. Owing to absence of Col. Cody Mr. Hinman has not yet brought the matter before the remainder of the committee, and for the further rea son that he is waiting "to see what congress will do." Surely such a straight-laced democrat is not wait ing to see if a democratic congress will enact a bill providing a sugar bounty. And while recognizin; the Judge's great executive ability in getting together a lot of incor rigible and recalcitrant democrats, yet he can hardly hope to get enough of them of the same opinion to pass an appropriation for a sugar factory in North Platte. It we de sire an institution of this kind we must get a move upon ourselves and secure it. On Wednesday the business men of Wallace held a meeting and decided to send a committee east to solicit contributions of seed grains for feed and sowing. The B. vv M. railway company has agreed to furnish transportion for; li r j SOMETHING IN SILVER Always makes a pretty and useful present. We have a nice line of Hair Pins, Side Combs, Collarettes, Muff Holders, jEmery Balls, Spool Holders, Hat Marks, Coat Hangers, Slipper Buckles, Garters, Key Rings, Match Boxes, etc. When you need any little token you can surely find it at our store. CLINTON, The Jeweler. BAKER'S BARN BURNS. Last night a.' trifle after nine o'clock a small' boy at some place west of the Court-house yelled "fire!" This was the first alarm, and is the new pia'-s which has been adopted by the "city since the aboli tion of the electric system. This works fairly well,-although during the present inclement weather there is dancer of the alarmist contract iug pneumonia or consumption. Investigation established the fact that the barn in the rear of the premises of D. A. Baker, on west Third street was in flames. Con sidering the nature of the alarm the fire department responded as quickly as could be expected. Be fore their arrival the barn across the alley, belonging to B. I. Hin man, was also welliu flames and burning fiercely. "When the boys were ready to1 throw water it was found there ;was only do mestic pressure on the mains, which was probably, owing to the dilatoriness with wKich the pump ing plant was notified of the con flagration. By the time the proper pressure was raised there was no hope of saving the two structures. and the efforts of thSifiremeu were directed toward projecting adjoin ing property. The two barns were totally de stroyed. Mr. Baker succeeded in getting out his Jiorses and vehicles. A large amount of baled hay in the Hinman barn was so damaged by smoke and flames as to be worth less. The loss is estimated at about $1,000. The origin is un known. Mr. Baker went to the barn and harnessed a horsey preparatory to going to his farmi where he passes most ofuhis time. He led the animal out to hitch it up and a moment later, he noticed the fire in the loft. A stable cfcr seldom used was iound open, tts giving rise to the theory 4frat some one had entered the building and.setrit on fire. Mr. Baker carried $200 in surance on the "barn and contents. One thinghas been demonstrated by the blaze and that is without a satisfactory 'fitfe alarm system so that firemen dar? promptly and ac curately go US the scene of the trouble, the boys rjas a rule work only in a perfunctory and half-hearted way, and do not enter into a fire fight with the activity necessary to promptly smash the flames into smithereens. on the aforesaid seed. P. L. Har-! per was over yesterday to see if the j county commissioners would be' able to render assistance in thej way of paying these tolls. While! coal from the railway company. "Hiz zoner" was in a quandary whether to hear the case as only a plain justice of the peace, or put on the frills and style of a U. S. commissioner. adopted the latter course he was , exhausted its resources already in afraid that after binding the man , the way of affording temporary re- over to the United States district i lief until such time as the leinsln- ' o ture would allow it greater latitude in regard to this subject. What-' perfectly willing to do so, this an-1 1 t -1.1 1 j i 1 j 1 1 ... . . ' 111 case lit . yusL uuuy ueciuea mat it nau about court in Omaha, after receiving a reprimand, the latter would be turned loose penniless to walk home. This perplexing condition ever is done in the matter must be done quickly, as it will not be long of things is brought about by rea- j until the crop of small grain should on of the U. P. R'y Co. being at 1 be in the ground. It might be well present in the hands of the U. S. courts. for North Platte business men to see ' what can be done in this direction. 1 PERFORMING THE PHCENIX ACT. Negotiations looking to the re sumption of business by the North Platte National Bank have been satisfactorily progressing.although nevertheless quietly conducted. Ar rangements have already been made with a majority of the stock holders to make good tiie impair ment of capital experienced by the closing of the concern. This has been brought about by a majority of the stock consenting to be as sessed fifty per cent. The comptroller has also required that the majority of its deposits be left undisturbed, for periods of six. twelve and eighteen months. This last proposition was- submitted to the city council last night in regard to the city funds. All the council men, with the exception of Herrod, who was absent, voting in the affirmative. A similar proposition will probably be made to the board of education, regarding the school funds. The same offer has been made to the county commissioners and will probably be acted upon favorably by them as soon as they can be convinced of the legality and wisdom of such action.' The receiver has not yet arrived but is expected to do so to-night, and it is confidently expected that if no further conditions are imposed by the comptroller at Washington, the bank will be able to open its doors within fifteen or twenty days. In connection with its many friends j The Tribune earnestly hopes that this may prove true,-' and that the concern will come 'out from the clouds of adversity and thick dark ness which once encompassed it. stronger and more vigorous than ever through the purification by fire from which it is now emerging. - On our first page will be found an interesting article written by Mrs. An nie O'Rourke, neo Neary, upon the "Ideal Young Woman,"' :ind published in the January number of Word and Works. The articlo was written in com petition for a prize, and though it did not win first premium, it took a second ary prize. It is contrry to our practice to publish this class of communications, but the one mentioned contains many thoughts worthy of especial attention, hence its publication. JACK RYAN SUICIDES Shortly after the dinner hour Wednesday our people were thrown into a state of excitement by the report that "Jack" Ryan, as he was familiarly called, had shot himself. Investigation proved the rumor cor rect. The deceased was a machin ist formerly in the employ of the U. P. R'y Co. here and elsewhere for a number of years. For some days past he had not been working, whether because of the lay-off in men or of his own volition, we do not know. The particulars of the tragedy are about as follows: During the morning he had not felt well and did not get out of bed. His wife was doing the family washing, and being about to hang the clothes upon the line to dry. put the infant baby, a little girl, in bed with her father for him to amuse. No sooner had Mr. Ryan left the house than her husband drew a 38-caliber revolver which he had borrowed the day previous and placing it to his heart pulled the trigger, and without scarcely a struggle his soul was launched into eternity. That the act was pre meditated is evidenced by the fact of his having borrowed the revolver. as he was not in the habit of car rying weapons, and seemed to be opposed to this practice. Coroner Huntington being out of town Sheriff Miller acted as coroner, and summoned a jury who arrived at a verdict in accordance with theabove facts. The victim was about thirty years of age and left a wife and one infant child to mourn this rash act. He was a brother of Mrs. Sam"l Grace. He held a beneficiary certificate for $1,000 in the A. O." H. which will be paid to his heirs. C. L. Adams has the swellest stoop on his residence in town. The owners of iceboats in this city will now launch their vessels and try their speed. Some of them it is said will outsail the wind. Sheriff Miller is circulating in the southeast part of the county summoning jurymen for the next term of district court. This morning the bondsmen of the suspended Brady Island bank paid into the county treasury the amount of the county funds on de posit in that institution. A resolution from Brown county has been introduced into the legis lature calling for the deportation of Mgr. Satolli. After a hearty laugh it was referred to the com mittee on resolutions. A lady's gold watch and chain was lost on the road to, or on the ice of the North Platte river. If the finder of same will leave it at the U. S. land office or return it to Maude Hinman a suitable rcyvard will be paid. The subject of next Sunday evening's sermon at the Church of Our Saviour will be "The Church in the Middle Ages." It will em brace the period from the 8th to the 16th century- the growth, zenith and decline of papal supremacy-. All accounts due H. Otten & Co. are payable at Otten's Shoe Store. The firm having dissolved, a settlement is urgently requested, that books may be balanced. Ftf H. Ottex. - -Lester Fells' dog. which was among the missing canines of the past week, returned to his master yesterday morning. He had either learned through these columns that Lester had on hand a new supply of soup, or that the poet was about to turn his muse loose upon him, hence his return. Some unregenerate cusses whose sensibilities of animal suf lering have become benumbed, have been in the habit lately of dropping a small portion of a certain drug upon innocent and unsuspecting canines at liberty upon our streets in order to laugh at their misery. Sheriff Miller was. compelled to shoot a dog one day this week in order to end its anguish. The democratic Fremont Her ald sarcastically raises to remark that if the Omaha "World-Herald will publish a well written theory about Mrs. Notson. declaring her alive, perhaps the Missouri river will give up its dead," That Omaha publication scarcely emu lates old Charley Dana's adage. "If you see it in the Sun it is so.' Shoes must walk if there is any possible way of making them do so by selling them at low prices. The Fair. : : : For Sale : : ; DITCH :-: FARMS ! One-half mile from North Platte. We will sell you a farm of any size you may desire. PRICE $15.00 TO $25.00 PER ACRE. Terms to suit the purchaser FRENCH St BALDWIN. Wmm&v. flouh mil When Buying Minneapolis Why not get the BEST? Washburn's Superlative Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im provement in milling" machinery the product of the hard, excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the Washburn Flour, trv it. It is sold bv JOHN HERROD, SOLE AGENT. GEO. W. DILLARD, PROPRIETOR OP TIIE PIONEER COAL YARDS. -ALL KINDS OF- Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug; Store on Spruce street will be promptly tilled. PURELY PERSONAL. Mrs. J. S. Clinton left Wednesday morning for Nottingham. O. P. L. Harper, of Wallace, was a North Platte visitor yesterday. G. F. Copper, of the Keith Coun ty News, was a caller at this office Wednesday. Mrs. Tobias Castor, of Lincoln, is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. M. CottoTToYThTs city. T - Mrs. Alice Fowler returned last night from her extended visit with relatives at Boone, Iowa. "Col." A. J. Sappington.formerly of this city but now of Keith county, was a Nortli Platte visitor the lat ter part of las-t week. Read Ayer's Almanac, which your druggist will gadly hand you and note the wonderful- cures of rheumatism, catarrh, bcrofula. dys pepsia, eczema, debility, humors, and sores, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. the only Sarsaparilla admitted at the World's Fair. Every Body Likes Thein. They are the best that is the remarks made by all that buy their Shoes of Richards Bros. Words of praise are heard on every hand, and there is no question that the people that read and keep posted fully ap preciate a good thing when they see it. Shoes for the feet of North Platte; easy to wear, easv to buy at The Fair. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral SAVED HIS LIFE So says Mr. T. M. Reed, a highly respected Merchant of Mid dletown, III., of a Young Man who was supposed to be In Consumption. "One of my customers, some Of years ago, nan a son who had all the symptoms of consumption. The usual medicines afforded him no relief, and he steadily failed until he was unable to leave his bed. His mother applied to me for some remedy ami I recom mended Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The young man took it according to directions, and soon began to impr-ive until he became well and . tronr." T. M. Hked, Mid dletown, 111. "Some time aro, I caught a severe cold, mv throat and lungs were badly inllamed, and I had a terrible cough. It was supposed that I was a victim of rnn;imin- tion, and my friends had little oi honttof rpnovprv Hut T hmirrl n O! bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, oi iook it, ana was entirely cured. No doubt, it saved my life." I. Joxes, Emerts Cove,"Temi. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o o o o o o o o o: o o o o o o o o o o o o o: oi oi o: o: o! O- O! IMIMINtUMUMIIMntHIIW ! RAILWAY RESUME. t Tom McGloue went to Omaha Thursday night for a brief visit. Engine 692 went into the back shop this morniag to receive an overhauling. Eli McCart left Wednesday night for a brief trip to his farm near Red Oak. Iowa. Bob Fulton expects to leave the the early part.of next week for Lar amie. where he will resume hisau ties as extra engineer. Engine (S3 has been in the back shop for an overhauling and will be out in a short time when John Bon ner will be supremely happy. Abestos "lagging" is now very stylish and is being put upon all passenger engines here, as well as some of the freight locomotives. Agent Olds had a great time this I week collecting the extra doors j used in coal cars. He collected j quite a number in spite of the fact I that kindling is a much wanted ar ! ticle in this country at this season of the year. With the new switches and cut- ' .,.-....41.. : .. L 4.1. ...i. ISUS I II LIV JMIL 111 tL L11C CI. dill of the yards it is almost necessary for train men to carry a diagram thereof in order to get along with out cussing and with contentment and comfort. This is the kind of weather that is good for extra men in the train de partment. When the mercury drops down into the bulb, and the wind gently toys with your Galways, the "sickness" among regular men is remarkable. A report was prevalent here the middle of tie week that all of the former North Platte boys now working in the shops out on the coast had been summarily dis charged. At this writing its ac curacy is not known, although we can scarcely believe its truthful ness. A person is prematurely old when baldness occurs before the forty-fifth year. Use Hall's Hair Renewer to keep the scalp healthy and prevent baldness. Lou Leonard and Earl Brooks of North Platte, were guests of Rev. D. W. Crane over Sunday. These gentlemen have charge of the relief store of the M. E. church at North Platte for this district, do ing a wholesale and retail business. Ogalalla News. I have been a victim to terrible headaches," writes C. F. Newman. Dug Spur. Va.. -and have never found anything to relieve them so quickly as Ayer's Pills. Since I began taking this dicine, the at tacks have been less frequent, till they have ceased altogether." FOR SALE. 500 acres of land under the Farm ers and Merchants' ditch, only one mile from town; suitable for garden farming, beet raising and like pur poses. A plat of the land can be seen at Otten's shoe, store. For prices and other particulars inquire of B. W. BAKER. North Platte. Neb.