Js.l THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBOM: FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1895. piPERlElBJiECC Consumers ofchewiry tobacco who are willing to pay a little more than the price charged for tlie ordinary trade tobaccos, will find tte irand superior to all otW SEWARE Of IMITATION.! Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with HlElplioyS, Witch EaZOl Oil as a curative and HEALIKG APPLICATION". It lias been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures 'Pii.es or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind o Bleeding Itching and IJurnmp;; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures I5i kn, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruise-. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Im 1 amed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions Chapped Hands, I-cver Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 251., 50c. and Si.oo. Sold by Druggists, or tent post-paid on receiptof price. 1111PH1U.S' MED. tO., Ill 113 VUlllicl M., tw York. WITCH HAZEL OIL Lb nniM?n ntr.riTiiEr.Frr. TMi rtat&y m R Kilt 3 'Vlieinj l.yxtcO d.tmif t.. th MU. of Li tSSISplS SLoo aiscsiei -! tiic .r-niuUrinary Or. 1 ctts, reuiures no cna.r of diet ci ASA P!sVEPJ7IVE by cither sex it Is lxicsubie to csstnet any iiseisa. lut in the czc cf these rJrefcJrUrasTffBfcTSiT Arrucrri f iTT fiHb to a euro. IV.ce l7 roail.pU5Ha; Sold bv A. F. Streitz, Druggist, Nortl Platte Neb. $500 Reward! "WE fill roy the above reward fo. any case o Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, iek Headache In lij:e!tion coaaiipaiioii "i -u3i"tui n.v.uuuv cure with West's Vegetable Liver Tills, yvhe: uuct-uuu-- - .-. ... . . 1.. irA.l1.1n -mH runn-T till t f O-l Vr CLnt itihetiou. Su;rarCo.-ited. T-arjjc bores. 25 cents Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tliesren oiinematinJacturedoulybyTHEJOiiNCWIiSi COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold J)v A. F. Streitz, Druggist, N rt Plntie, Nob. 1 rg E 'A S-1 . u I "C lira Cr. E. C. Wcs:"s Nerve ariil Bain zrrairnc j riUii:c!;r i"-itiva wrir.on ir.iaraut'e, 1y aula ise.1 ni:e:it:. ":" V.Va's. Memory; Lo 31r::in end :. J' ?!iii!.i-.xJ; yuin ' Nieht 1-m-: i'vit fr.',j!ii-:: tm-k of t onUilwu-rvo:iMi.'f!-; !- -ltu.!.-: all Dr iSup; Lsol lov. .f Uit.- tifiv-ia'i ilrj,ui' in oith'r t-ii, c.icpi I '.v.T-cz-rti 'ii: 'io-.ithful I-.rrofP, r r."!--ivo l'n 'folac.5. i(jiu!.J or I.iminr. ,',:icli nim leail Misers, C.-im'Iliin, It. sadly n:il Ifali ! K n bot: 5 for j."-: with vn-ilton fu.irai!i : to curr rtrntld iuoik-.v. WUSTS OOUCII SViUT. A ft it... rur tor CnivhF, CiMs, A-tluun, Uma.-h-f VliMpiu I'-.'HTh. Sor? Viiro.it. ric.-:i::t tnt... flniall i-izo tii--aili'iiiP.!: nM. fv?. siz, rm?.-.;" ?lt i-o. iow DJc. tl: Al AX'i-.Uia i- aau only A. F. Streitz, Druggist, North Piatt Nob. L A Q 0 E S DO YOU KKOW " DR. FELIX LE EHUSV'S stsl m wmMH wiu wthorisinr.l-:i! o-:!y FliilXl II. wifor.2J re tiablo cura on tu kot. 1'iice &LC1.'; soat b; jmil. (Jcnusno old oa!y ijy A.F. Streit;:, Druggist, No. Phittc, Ntl No More Back Ac Grave l-Tq fONSTIPATlON, I NFL AM AT. ON of-riiC BLADDER. AMD Z 7Z?A(TK DISEASES . S I Tor Sale by A. Jb Streitz. A B C praoin's Bromo-Celero. Splendid enrativpacent for Xerrons cr Sick L:ial or Kenernl Xearaltric: also lor Itaou- rurwia. " Jlna'mia. Antidote for Alcoholio TC8!. 1W. 10. 23and60 cents. KSetTcscent. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. BRIBE 3IONEY IX THE BANK. 3 i ' 1 n i w w 1 Dos Moines Citizens' Committee Deposlti Boodle Offered by tho Gu Company. Des Moines. Jan. 24 The $1,000 which was paid to The Saturday Review by C. K. Mead to purchase its silence in opposition to the pending gas franchise ordinance has been deposited by the citizens' committee in a local bank and already live garnishments have been filed against it for debts alleged to be due the plaintiffs from Mend. May Lemtn Saloom In Dubuque. Dubuque, la., Jan. 24. The townshif assessors announce they will observe the order issued by the county supervisors to list saloons under the mulct law. Last year no order was issued and only five township assessors made report under the law. There are 22.1 saloons here, paying a city tax of $200 each, and it is estimated the imposition of theGOC mulct tax will reduce the number ovei one-half. Wago Reduction For Intra .Miners. Fort Dodge, la., Jan. 24. The mild winter has been hard on the coal miner of this county, who have had little work for the past year. At Lehigh they have now agreed with the operators to accept a reduction of 25 per cent in wages in order that Lehigh coal may be pushed. Operators agree to restore the old wages, $ 1 per ton, as soon as the selling price can be restored. Commencement Orators Clioion. Gkinnell, la., Jan. 24. The seniot class of Iowa college chose their com mencement speakers: "Valedictorian M. LT. Douglass, Grinnell; orator, P. V. Evans, Williamsburg; salutatorian. Estella Roberts, Postville; poet, A. E Snowden, Fayette; mantle orator, G. H S! ruble, Toledo; historian, Helen Burl ing, Eldorado. Loss of Of-.lce Disheartened Illm. Colfax, la., Jan. 21. F. W. Carey, aged 70 years, who had served six yean as justice of the peace and two terms as mayor of Colfax, died as the result of s dose of morphine administered by hi.' own hand. He was disheartened by his defeat for re-election as justice of the peace, upon which ho relied for a living Killed In a Kunaway. DriJUQUK, la., Jan. 2-1. John Cottrell was killed and his wife fatally injured by colliding with a tree during a runa way at Durango, Dubuque county. Saloon Closed by Injunction. Jefferson, la., Jan. 2-1. Judge Church granted a temporary injunction closing all saloons in Calhoun counH operating under tho mulct law. Betrayed by a Newspaper Man. San Francisco, Jan. 21. W. A. Aid rich, who came from Honolulu as s stowaway on a sailing vessel, says that a number of Koyalists had conspired tc blow up the government buildings witl President Dole, the cabinet and the troops of the republic. The plot was bo trayed to the government by Claude Wetmore, a newspaper writer. Dyna mite was brought from Vancouver. Ei-piilved the Japanese. Chekoo. Jan. 24. Advices received here from Wei Hai Wei report that the Japanese have been repulsed with con siderable loss. The Chinese took nine Japanese prisoners. Foreigners are leaving and a panic prevails. The tele graph station on Chen Chin island be tween Chefoo and Wei Hai Wei has been abandoned. Trafiie between the two towns is interrupted. Sn-eden Kai-.es Duties on Crain. Washington, Jan. 24. United State Consul O'Neill at Stockholm, Sweden, reports to the state department that a hill was passed by the Swedish govern ment on the 7th inst. raising the duty on grain and Hour to the following mtes" Grain, all kinds, per 2?0 pounds, 22 cents; malt. Si. 70; Hoar, $1.74. Want Cloveriiiiieisl "Mortgages l-'oivrloscd Sacramento, Jan. 21. The assembly by a vote of t7 to 5) adopted a resolutioi demanding that congress defeat any refunding schi-m for the Pacific rail roads and demanding the foreclosure ol the government mortgages against the railroads. Exeewsive Sinoklnjj Caue Dt-nlh. Huntington, Ind., Jan. 24. The con stant use of tobacco has caused the death of Anthony Kausch. a German resident of this city. He smoked a pipe inces santly, which resulted in a cancer form ing on his lip. Afler a Two Year" Strike. Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 24. A forct of nonunion glas.; workers from Pitts burg and other points was taken to tht big Buckeye glass works and the plant will lx started at once, after a strike ol two years. Brigadier General Uenet Dead. Washington. Jan. 24. Brigadier General Stephen V. Benet. retired, died at his residence here in the tiSth year of his age. He was chief of the ordnance bureau for many years prior to his death. Subtltutes Iteer Vor Coal. Washington, Jan. 24. Senatoi Squire introduced as a substitute for tht free coal bill sent to the senate by the house last session, a bill levying an in ternal revenue tax of $2 per barrel on beer. Election Cases Appealed. Salt Lake, Jan. 24. Judge Bartch overruled the defendant's motion for a new trial in the San Pete county elec tion cases and they will be carried ta the Supreme court Miners Accept a Reduction. Pittsburg, Jan. 24. The miners em ployed at the Scott mines have accepted a reduction in wages to 55 cents per ton, with the proviso that tile company store is to b-2 abolished. Sold bv A. F. Streitz, Dri'ggist, North Platte, Neb. TAKE THE BEST 25cts.. 50c ts. and S1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is sold on a euarantee by all drue- gists. It cure3 Tapient Consumption, and is tho best Couga and Croup Curs Sold bv North Platte Pharmacy. 't Turner Dies Snddenly. San Francisco, Jan. 24. First Lieu ; tenant J. A. Turner, United States j marine corps, recently retired, died sud denly. To AbolUh Railroad Relief Asoeiations Indianapolis, Jan. 24. Senator Mc Donald will introduce a bill to abolish railroad relief associations. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar antee. It cures InsipieDt Consumption. It is tho best Cough Cure. Only ouo cent a dose. Twenty-five cts., 50 cts. and SI. Sold bv North Platte Pharmacy. kemovalT We take pleasure in announcing that after this date Park's Sure Cure will re move all cases of rheumatism, kidney trouble or liver complaint from the user. It is to-daythe only medicine that is guaranteed to "euro these diseases or nn nav. Pam's Sure Cure is sold by the J North Platto Pharmacy. CLING T(T IPLtt Nebraska Senate Votes to Retain All Tov on the Pav Koll. m:bs coxsriftACY cases. SOOTT CASE W THE HOUSE. Allan AU 1'or an Investigation of Rubin tioaV Record as a "Vigilante" Wyom ing Senator 1'or Tree Silver lVtti grcir Formally Ra-Klcctcd. Lincoln. Jan. 21. Barrett Scntt'3 ghost again walked in the house Wednes day. It appeared in tho form of the following resolution, introduced by Allan (Douglas) the last- thing before the evening adjournment: Whereas, It 13 currently reported by th3 press and otherwise that Hon J. A Rob ertson, n member of this lion?, is a mem ler of the vigilant committer which is re sponsible for the deplorable crime of tha murder of one of our citizens, the late Bur rett Scott, therefore be it Resolved, That there b-j a committee of five appointed to investigate this matter, and, if found to be t rue. the same be re ported to this body for further and more definite action. Forty-five new bills were introduced. There are now 331 in all in the house hopper, and seven of them have been passed. The ouo which received tho most extended consideration and debato was Brady's seed grain note bill, house roll No. 39. Notwithstanding the fact that similar laws are in force in Iowa and the Dakotas. there was found to bo a vigorous opposition to this measure in tho house. The speaker announced that Soder mau (Phelps was lying seriously ill at Tabetha hospital with typhoid fever. The speaker announced two commit tees as follows: Resolutions Bnrch, Cramb, Robin son, Crow and 31cNitfc. Investigation of Ilelief Commission Brady, Spencer, Brockman, Lamborn and Harrison. In commit tec of the whole the house devoted the rime mainly to discussion of ilunger's bill, 7 1 ported from the com mittee on judiciary favorably, which provides that the amount necessary to make the crime of gr::';d larceny, now on th statutes at bo reduced to ?20. The committee had. reported e.s a substi tute House Rolls (5 1 and 03 combined. The committee ro;e and recoiimivnded that '.he bill b;; indefinitely postponed, and Burns came to the aid of Plunger with an amendment that the report ol the committee Ik- not adopted, but met with defeat on a '-:il of ayes and nays by r. vote of ?'' to -!!. The secretary of the senate appeared and annoui'c-'-d that the senate had passed house roll 71. providing for the payment of members 01 boih bodies and employes of the same. Senate l'roceedisig'?. The rebate, by almost a strict party vole, decided to disregard the request of Auditor Moore that the numler of em ployes on the pay roll be reduced to the statutory limit. The only Republicans who voted with th? Populists were Tefi't (Cass) and Black (Buffalo'. Craw ford th Popular member of the investi gating committer ap-iointed last Fi'iday, voted with the majority of Republicans to keep the li; i rmploye5 already author ized on the payro1!. The legislative appropriation bill was linally passed, and ilm long delayed re port of the reii r committee presented, Senar r IV.;.: (Saline) introduced a resolution lvque-riiifr the governor to of fer the star. :tu:y reward for the appre- heniou of the murderers of Barrett Scott. Tho re luti.in v:: adopted. , Wyoming Jrciwitiiri "nvSJIier. 1 Chkylnnl. Jan. 24. The Wyoming legislature lias formally ratified m joint session the vote in the separate houses ; electing arren and Clark to the sen ate. Tin; si nator.s-elect were presejited to the joint session :u:d both, in their speeches of acceptance, declared them selves in accord with the Republican state platform, which favors the free coinage of gold and silver at a ratio of 10 to 1. Senator Clark, who is elected to fill a vacancy, will take his seat in the senate at o:;-' Trial nu the Omnibas Iadtctmeat Regan at Chlcsce. Chicago, Jan. 24. The trial of the Debs conspiracy cases, which was to have begun at 10 o'clock today, wa? postponed until 2 o'clock, the prospective jurymen being dismissed until that hour. Debs and "his seven associates were brought from the Woodstock jail and taken to the United States court room, where they were formally re leased on bail. The prisoners did not appear to have been seriously affected by their confinement. All expressed themselves as having enjoyed their jail life exceedingly. Debs said that he and the other A. R. U. officials felt that they had been performing a sacred duty and did not regret the imprisonment in the least. In tin interview he declared that he excused the speech made regard ing strikes recerrty"by General Fair child of Wisconsin, on account of the great age of the speaker. When court convened at 2 o'clock the defendants, with a large number of wit nesses and veniremen, were present and the conspiracy trial was begun. The trial today is on the indictment fouud against the railroad strikers of last sum mer by the grand jury and which is known as the omnibus indictment. There were originally 09 persons named in tho "omnibus indictment for conspiracy to obstruct the United States mail. On Jan. 4, and again on Jan. 8, the government counsel entered a nolle prosequi as to a nuuiber of the persons indicted, leaving the number at 43. CONtlRESSIONAt PROCEEDINGS. In the Senate. Washington, Jan. 24. There was such a meager attendance at the open ing of the senate today that Mr. Hoar called attention to the absence of a quorum and a roll call was necessary before business could proceed. Among the bills introduced was one by Mr. Chandler (Rep., N. H.) to prevent the tapping of telegraph wires used by news associations. ka is to prevent the stealing of news and was necessitated by recent developments in Chicago where various other associations, by means of wire tapping.Nrcre' making use of the Associated Press news. Mr. Allen (Pop., Neb.) presented an other Hawaiian resolution, as follows: Resolved, That it is the sense of the senate that the revolutionary govern ment bavin? now become the estab lished government of the Hawaiian isl ands, that a wls3 and enlightened foreign policy requires that steps should be taken- by this govern ment without unnecessary delay to an nex these islauds to the United States as a part thereof; and that in the meantime the pOwonal and property rights of American citizens in said islands should be protected by the presence of a suf ficient naval force in Hawaiian waters." The resolution went over until tomor row. The Hnrfiian resolution of Mr. Lodge (Rep.lass.) -was thn taken up and Mr. &tjoiS,''Deni.)'Miss.) addressed the senate in support of the administration pob'cv. 7 In tin- Hons?. Washington, Jan. 2-1. In the house today on motion of Mr. Shell (Dem., N. C. n resolution was passed providing for an investigation by the committee on ventilation and public buildings and grounds of the office of architect of the capitol. The house then, on motion of Mr. Sayers. went into committee of the whole and resumed consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. The paragraph in the bill appropriating $2j, 000 for general repairs to the custom houe and sub-treasury at Chicago was stricken out. By amendment Arizona and Wyom ing were included in the list of states where increased rates should be allowed fur Mtrvys and resurveys of heavily timbered lands. IYtligrew I .ii-mnlly Ri:-K!reted. FiKRi.K. S. D.. Jan. 21. Tlio joint convention of tho houses met and bal-1 loted for United States senator and re. elected Sena' ir Peliigrew by a vote of 102 to 21 for i. C. Crawford'(Pop.). Sen ator Pettigrew is in Washington, hav ing returned to that city immediately ! after th Republican caucus held on Jan. i. A lit op y o:i SeolCs Roily. O'Nkill. Neb.. Jan. 21. I he autopsy on Scott's bodv.v.lreJi was hel I Wednes- j dav night bv'Dr. Gilligan of O'Neill, Dr. P. H. Salter of Norfolk and Dr. J. j L. M'-Donald of Atkinson, revealed j practically nothing which was not al- i ready known, and that was that Seott ramp to hi death from straiiirnlation T resulting from hanging. Horse Tliief S.-nlenecl. Indianola. Neb.. Jan. 24. George Hams, who stole Conductor Beyrer's horse and buggy in McCook Jan. 15, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. He was taken to Lincoln. Idaho Repeal-. lis Coin Act. Boise, .Ian. 2-!. The Idaho legislature has passed a bill rep alingthe act passed two vears ao making obligations of all kinds payable in either g -dd or silver, all contracts to the contrary notwithstand- i inc. Want Hea'y Damage. I Sioux Falls S. D.. Jan. 24. Papers were filed here by William Charlton in a $15,000 damage suit against Alderman J. J. Murry for alienating his wife af fections Concluded to Die. Beatrice. Neb., Jan. 24 Piniel W. Baker, aged GO years, committed suicide i at Wymore by shooting himself through the brain with a 44-cahber pistol WHEATLAND. WYO. There is no finer agricultural sec- tion in all this broad western cotin-i try tnnii can be found in the vicinity j of the beautiful little town of i Wheatland. Wvoimii"". niuetv-six i miles north of Cheyenne. Immense crops, never failing supply of water, rich land, and great agricultural fc. - w , UUU IK'l 1.L.I.1V. 1.1U1.1- . l.ULUUll .1.1 the Union Pacific System. E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Ag-ent. Omaha. Neb. ti;li::i:aiiiic condensations." The Iow.i State M aster Plumbers' assor eiatton met at Burlington. M'lwel T.oisch. ba'-ber. committed sui cide by hanging at Keokuk. Ia. Albert. Sirntton, an alleged counter feiter, has h vn arrested at Keokuk, Ia. The department store of A. Strauss & Co. failed at Anamosa, Ia., for 20,000. Fanner l'eter Delaney was found frozen to death on the road near Fillmore, Ia. Aid is asked for li0 destitute families in Yuma county, Colo. CIUCACIO CRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheat Flurtiinted I'nrertainly and Finally Closed Lower, (mono, Jan. 24. Wheat became steady nt a liIit a'lvaiu-e t;lay after an easy opening. There wa .some selling at the start, hut 2few York heiin " a bnver on good buying there, it va rcj) lri'-'l by foreigner.-.. Local trailers fol lov.vd. and offerings were easily ab-orb;;l. May oj -ncd se lower at ."ii34e, and advanced to rV m clo-i.ii.- at 5-i'y Coniwa firmer on the strength in wheat and covering by shorts. May opened un changed at 4j?4e, advanced to 4(V,-Be and reacted t4V:o. O.ir-i wero r.p a trifle on buying by short aa.l country coinmi--ion hous-. May opened uncliaaseil at 2!;a sold to and reacted to Provi-kms were slightly hfchfir on lighter ho reco.pts and litfht estimates for tomorrow. CLOSING I'UICKS. WHEAT January, 51c: May. 34'i: ny. .V(l e. COKX-Januarv. 43j: Ma v. O'f-'iJuly. 43' 43! OATS-January. 2V.. PORK Jai!uarv.$lJ.:i); May. $10.00. LARD-Januarv.i0.42'..: May. WOO bid. RIBs-Jai-.uary. 5.!tt: May. $3.52' . Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Jan. 24.-HO;;-s-ReoeiiiH, 21.000 head : market slow at yesterday's closing prices. Ught ? 7'i I in: mixed, (Z SVtf 4.33: heavy. 3.S3 (3 4.43: rough. ?3.BVtl.Q5. CATTLE Receipts, 15,030 head : market slow and jienerallv ydlOc lower. SHEEP Rc -fipts. 12,000 head: market slow hiv firm. South Omaha Live Stock. Omaha. Jan. 24 CATTLE Receipts, -l:lo tn I. lbs. J4.a5a4.s5r 11JJ to .J.!tj.:r4.10: WJ to 1100 lln.", $:l.0g3.75: ,v. $; comm m cowh, $1.00e lc"jers. .u,,i.i); common leeuer.-i. Receipts. 4.:0 had: light. $3.513.5; .... i . . i ."i ... - . r i . . ioaj.yj; neavy, jo.o-j.ij. .uantui -Receipts, 2o head; muttonn, $2.50.3 $3.00 a 1.15. Market steady. "V. YON G-OETZ, The North Side Grocer, GROCERIES, : FLOUR, : EEEB, PROVISIONS ANU COUNTRY PRODUCE. !t Floats B5T FOK 5H1RTS. th: pkoctck . CAt.-:2LE co. ciriTi. I Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, We Insure Prompt Delivery, We Solicit a Share of Your Trade. NORTH LOCUST STREET. FOR li ELI ABLE IXSUR ANCE GO TO T. C. PATTER SOX. OXLV FIRST-CLASS COM PA SIES REPRESENTED. Claude Weingand, U. P. TIME TABLE. OOINO KAST. N'o. Atlantic Express Dept 12:10 a. m No. I Fust .Mail b :'0 a. m. S'o. 2 liimite.! " l'-;(K. M No. 23 Freinlit " T:C.l a. m. N"o.:.s-l'rpiKht " fHHl i. M N'o.22 Freiglit " 4:C0 A. M OOING V.-EGT MOUNTAIN TI3I1:. S'o. 7 Pacific Exnrefcs Iejt 7:10.. ji No. 1 Limited " ll:0up. ji No. 21 I'reiuht " 3K1 l. M No. 23 Preiglit " bill) a. J N. 11. OLUri. Agent. pKEXCH & BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS-A T-LA II', XORTU PLATTE, - - XE1SRASKA. Ofllce over X. I. Xtl. Bank. pKIMES & WILCOX, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, rfOUTH PLATTE, - - - XLUItASKA. OHico over North Plat to National Bank. D R. X. F. DOXALUSOX, Ass-jstiuit Surgeon Union Pac.fte lt.-ill.rny cad Member of Tenthm lioaril. NOltTH PLATTE, - - - NEUHASKA. Ollice over SlreitzV Drug Store. TTiM. EVES, M. D., PUYSICTAN AND SURGEON, .VOHTJI PLATTE, ... SEUKASKA Ortico: Neville's Ulock. Uifeases of Women in.1 Children a Specialty. A. P. KITTELL. J. C. VAN NATTA. Kittell & Van Natta, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective schemes invcsti;nteil. Un )rotitabUsfheines rejuvenated. Surveys, Maps, Estimates and report made, and construction superintended. Office In North Plnttw Mnr, DLffn Mnl-i National Bank ltl.'g, '''OriM riatle, INeD. 'Ill PUBIC m HOT, I. A. FORT DEALEi: IN LEGAL NOTICES. Coal Gil, Gasoline, Crude Petroleum and Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at New Ion's Store. NOTICE FOK PITP.I.ICATION. liinl Olllceiit North Platte. Neb., Keceiutier 17th. V-'M. ) Notice is hereby Riven that tho follow inK-ss:neil settler ha.- tiletl notice of hi intention to make, tiunl nroof in supiM.rt of hi claim, ami that swiit prooof will be niiule before the Itefjifter ami l!u celver at North Platte, Nebraska, on Jaauary 2lith, lsi'5, viz: .II'I.IA 3IEKKEL. who made IIniietciul Entry To. Hull for till -outlieast .iiarter eetion itr. townvliij. 11 nortk rainje :St ei. He nn!iie-tliefilIowiiifjultue' to prove hi continuou-t resilience upon ami cultiva tion of faiil liincl. viz: Eiinanl K-i-ton. Walter K. Covell, CharU" Keen ami Frank Ebele, allot North Platte, Nebra-ta. .".Or". JOHN ". HIN3IAN. I'.eslttor. E. B. WARNER. Funeral Director. AND EMBALI1ER. A full line of first-cla funeral supplies always in atock. NORTH PLATTE, - NEHBHSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. NOTICE FOK PUIII.ICATION. ljiuil Office at North Platte, Neb., ) December 20th, 1MI. Notice I hereby Kiveu that the followimi-naiueil settler has nled notice of hi intention to mst:e litial pr.Mif in MipjMirt of his claim, nml that sadl proof will be maile before the I5eKiter ami I'o ceiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on 1'ebruary tth, 1M.". viz: ISAAC XKTX. who mnile llxme-tead Entry No. I.".rtl7. for the I-ji-t half of the Northeast quarter of Section H, Tow nship y North. ltiintitS) Ct. tie names the follou-iu witnese- to prove his coutintioiM re-ilence iimhi ami cultivation of aiii lam!, lzz I-'ritz Koester. Heriuinl 3!iller. Frank SavitKcaml fJottfrie-I KI-.ino-A.nll of Welltleet. Neh. ."Hi JOHN P. 1IIN.MAN, Hester. KELLNER FRAZIKR BUILDERS OF IRRIGATiyN CANALS Ditches and Laterals. NORTH PLATTE, NEB NOT1CK KOIt lTHLHWTION. linil Oaiceat North Platte. Nob.. ) January 7th. ls'.i.. ) Notice i- hereby Kiven that the followiuir nameii i-ettler has hleii notice of his intention to nmkeliiml proof in Mipportof hisciaini.nnd that f-.iil proof will Im made before leKi;t;T anil Heceiier United Ktnte Iaml Olilce nt r.'ortlt PJutte. Neb., on Pebruury Mth, ls'.C, viz: ADAM W. HOAISON. who made IIomeMcmi Entry- No. 11.101 r.r tiio ddi (hea.-t quarter of Section II. Town-hip north. HanwXt wet. lie nrime.t the following witnesses to prove ids continuous residence npon and cultivation of said and, viz: iMvut O. Potter. William M. Potter. Samuel !'. Dike man uml (ivorce Snerman.all of Uir(iw-(n.d.Neb. -" JOHN F. HiNMAN. KeKis,ter. 1 Una 200,000 acres of (J. P. 1?. K. land for sale on tho ten year plan. Call and i seo him if vou want a bargain. i GEO. NAU MAN'S SIXTH STREET SEAT MABIET. Meats at wliolesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. R. I). THOMSON, Contractor and Builder, i 127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine, N'ORTII PLATTE, NEBRASKA. LADIES' H. S. Tibbels, Upholsterer Soirrn LIU i heal 130J lb. choice cov 2.03:03(1 HOGS- inix.-d S3 1 .-.-r. of good quality, axe sold at LOW PRICES by WILLIAM MUNSON. Call and see these g'oods at Geo. Casey's residence. Remember I also handle -AXD- Special attontiou paid to all kinds of of furniture- upholstering. Mnttrasso made to order or remade. Furniture re pairintr of all hinds promptly and neatly executed. Leave orders at Tho Fair Store. 10-tf ershey & Co, DKALKKS IN Agricultural : Implements OF ALL KINDS, NOTICK l'Ol: PPHLICATION. LM Orric-E at North Pi.vttk. Nen., .Taniiary 17th, 10. ) Notice IK hereby Kiveti that the folhtivinc-nntneii Keltler ha- lileil notice of hi- intention to mahe filial proof in support of his claim, and that t-ahl proof will lie mailt, before the l!esiter nn.I I!e ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on February ilth, lV.tj, viz: ALOIS .IMMEK, whi made Homestead Entry No. 15522. fortlio ftit half of the Muthwet quarter and lots and I, section IS. township 13 north, rane SI west, lie names the following witnesses, to prove hiti continuous resilience upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Christopher llaverland. Jacob Meyer, Andrew II.ilui ami John Koelke, all of North Platte, Nebraska. JOHN P. IIIN7.IAN, J-ls Kesis-ter. NOTU'K FOK PUSJI.K'ATION. Ijind Oliicent North Platte. Neb. I January ISUi. I1-'.'.".. f Notice is hereby iven that thefoUowiiisi-riamed pettier has tiled not ice of his intention to niako final pniof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Kecibtcr and Ueceiver nt North Platte. Neb., on March 2.1, t-ur.. lr. WILLIAM ntll-'I'LNC I ON. who made Homestead Kntry "'o. U,ss7. for the sotithve.t quarter .-ection tov.u-hiit !" north. raiiKelSO wept. He name-. th following wit nesses to prove ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Liren St:inje. Hans J.Hansen.Lnoeh (.'uiiiiiuiis and John Jo:i kins. all of North Platte. Nebm-dci. J-22 JOHN F. HINMAN. Ite-istcr. jFarm ancl Spring Wagons, i Buggies, Road Carts, Curtains, Rugs, Silverware, ; Win Mills, Pumps, Barb SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION. (Tirst iubli-hed in Tub North 1'uvtte Tbiuunh, January Pt, lK.) In the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska tn Samuel I). Weaverlinsr. Susannah M Weaverlinn and William Ldwnrd Sweutzel. ureetin: You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued tK'ther with The Anlo Am"rican Ijind, Mortuase and Acency ComjKiny, limited, a corporation, Milton B. Whitney. Charles S. Pair- , child. Harry E. Mooney, Sauford B. Ladd and . f -v Prank Ilaxcrman as Beceiver-. of Tho I.omlmrd J. ff -i -i-i-t i-v I r, . -t-ri- Inve-tment Compauy, a corporation, by Emma K. lilt, I . ) I Vj I FJnt as plaiutiir in the IUsfriit Court of Lincoln LlX-liLtLJ-Vy . AVVjJtllXOl.. .......ay Nel,riii.kn,iiml that on or before the mil uay oi renniary, s-.., yon musi answer we peti tion iu chancery hied herein against said defend ants by said plninllt, in which the plaintiiT a-ks for a decree foreclosing the mortKaK'" Klven by defendants Samuel U Weaverlin and Su-aiinii M. Weaverlinu to the Lombard Investment Com pany, dated May 10th, !.-:, and covering; the followim; described real estate situated In Lincoln j county, state of Nebraska, to-wlt: The sol!tli ,.ne hundred and forty-rive 111.'.) acres of the east half j of the southwest i,uarter and of the west hair of the . southea-t quarter of -ection twenty-two in i town-hip fourteen 1 1 north, of ranije twenly j eisht 1 2s i we-t of the tlth principal meridian: that ! said petition further prays that all the riht, title, ' lien or interest of all of the defendants in or t said lands ami eery part thereof bedecreed junior and inferior to the lien of the aforesaid mortaf;i now owned bythesidd plaintiff and that said land bo sold and the proceeds of the said salebeapplicl to the payment of the cots of the sale and of said action, and to the amount due plaintiff upon salt! luortit.iKe, and that all of the defendants be barred and foreclosed of all interest in or lien upon said land; and unle-s j-oti answer said petition as afore said, the facts therein alletjed will be taken as true, and a decree nil! be rendered as therein prayed. Witness my hand and the seal of saldcouri by mo affixed at North Platte. Lincoln count v, Nebraska, this SIM day of December, ISltl. w. c. eldi:i:. Clerk of the District Court Lincoln County, Ne braska. Pkkky A: S.M.LtlSI asi Pulsifkr k Alcxaxiish, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, Kansas. and Notions Suitable for Christmas Presents. ' Orders taken for Pastel Por-! traits, which are fine. Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth Subscribe for the Semi-! ! Weekly Tribune, SHILOH'S CURE is sold nn a guar antee. It cures Insipient Consumption. It is th best Couch Cure. Only one cent a dose. 2,-, cts., 50 cts., and $1.00. Sold by Xnrth Platte Pharmacy. WHAT'S THE USE OF TALKING About cotrarrs and colds in the sum mer time. Vou may have a tickling couh or a little cold, or baby may have the croup, and when it comes you ought to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the best cure for it. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. 1, A -ft. A t -A. A- ? A A A T?le A A A A J. -tr Jft BIS WARE of imitation trade marks and labels. is the whole story about SRr ftnP W SOPA in packages. Costs no more than other package soda never spoils Hour universally acknowledged purest in the vorld. Hade only by CHURCH CO., New Yoric. Sold by grocers everywhere. Write for Arm and Hammer Book of valuable Itccipcs-I-liEE. PKOPATK NOTICP. In the matter of tho t-state of Wilson W. YaU. deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, December :il-t. 1'.M. Notice is hereby xiven that tho creditor.' of sold ilecea-ed will meet the Administrator of said KM ate, before the County Judi;e of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said cownty. on the 2d day of May, ii'.O. on the 'Jd day of June. IV.Ci, and on the id day of July. IHCt, at 1 o'clock p. in. each ilay, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors, to pri-e.nl their claims, and one year for the Admini-trator to settle said estate, from the 'M day of January, lfcyr. This notice will be published in Tin: North Plattk Tisihuse, a newspiper printed in said county, for four weeks successively, on and after January 1st, 18.C. JAMES M. KAY. County Judge. CAS I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion. WTlte o M V N fc CO., who have had nearlvflf ty years' experience In tho patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patent- and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice In the Scientific Anicricnn. and thus are broucht widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This snlendid rarer, lisued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S.'J a year. Sample conies sent free. Bulldlrur Kdltion, monthly. tilO a year. Sinjilc copies, -J- cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabllnsr builders to show tho latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO- NEW YOHli, 3U1 Shoauwjlt,