Win Mmlft VOL. XI. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TRIDAT EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1895. NO. 7. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE!! BHRGHINS UNLIMITED! -AT THE" BOSTONSTORB. -.Come everybody and for once in your life see what it means. Everything goes at Rock Bottom Prices. Read Our DRY GOODS, Lii;liL prints at 1 cents nor yard: dark prints at 5 cents per yard. TJu very best Ainoske-i ginghams at H cents per yard. , Price List! To close out 10 dozen regular sizes, 1 all wool camel hair, fine as silk, former price per garment, at this sale for 77J. cents per garment. Ladies white and gray merino under wear going at 30 cents per garmeut. Shirtings at S cuts jcr yard. The very best Ticking, warranted to hold feather?, at l." cents per yard. French Sateen-, former price 'Jo con If, for this sale at IS cents. American Sateens at 121., cents a yard All wool French .Serge, iu all colors, JG-inehes wide, former price, 1 and 1.125 now su?d at ."J1 . cents per yard. All wool Ladies cloth, "IU iu wide, for mer pr:c- "0 cenls, for this sale 32'. i ts. J(5-in all wool Ladies' cloih. former pri'.e 75 centp. at this Kile for IT1., rents. Fredoiick Arnold's silk finish Henri etta -Ki-itK-hes wide, in all colors, former, prico d to .'1 --". for this salo 77'.; cents Three fourths wool Henrietta, in all colors, former price 10 cents, at this sale 'St cents. UNDERWEAR. To close -15 dozen regular sizes ladies French ribbed all wool suits, former price ."?1 .25 per garment, at this sale at 77?..' cents per garment. Varus iu all colors at 72 cents per lb. We havo about 10 Children's cloaks left, running iu sizes from -1 to 12. not a garmenf of the lot worth less than 61 to 5. Your choice of this lot at 82.25. To close out a lino of blankets at 50 cents on the dollar. To close out A few shawls at 50 cents ' on the dollar. To closo out All our knit goods at 50 cents on the dollar. We havo just received a beautiful line of ladies' white muslin underwear which will bo sold dirt cheap. To closo out AH our Men's. Hoy's and Children's Overcoats at 50 cents on tho dollar. SHOE DEPT. Our stock of Shoes is of iho very best makes handled ly western merchants. Our spring lino of shoes will sion arrive, and we must make room on our shelves. Before buying elsewhere come and exam ine our stock and prices. This sale will commence Saturday J airy 12th, and continue the remainder of the month. Yours for Great Bargains. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. To the Honorable Commissioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: Recosrnizinir the fact that there are many people in this count' whom vou are desirous of assisting; in the way of tempor ary relief, and which in the present financial condition of the county you are unable so to do. The Tribune will make you this busi ness and philanthropic proposition: The Tribune will agree to do all the publishing- in its columns of such legal and other notices, including- delinquent tax-list, treas urers' statements, etc., etc., that ma' be required by Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the year 1895, at one third the leg-al rate; the remaining two-thirds of said legal rate to be transferred by 3ou at the close of the year into the count' general fund to be used in replacing what you have expended in relieving the distressed. Such printing as the county may desire will be furnished at the schedule of prices recently filed by this office with the county clerk, which is thought to be as low as is commensurate with good work, good material, and fair living- prices. For the faithful per formance of the above a good and sufficient bond to be approved by you will be furnished. Now. gentlemen, let us see whether you can drop your par tisanship and become patriotic philanthropists: see if you can award a contract to the lowest bid der, as it has been done in times past by even democrats. County Correspondence. Nicliol Nuggets. i The Tiff hoys, of the While Ele- TH0 BOSTON STOR0, iphant barn at the hub. loaded 2STO. 3496. pirsl rational Bani?, NORTH PLATTE, ISTEB. Capital, Surplus, 350,000.00. $22,500.00 E. M. F. LEFLANG, Prcs't., ARTHUR IMcNAMARA, Cashier A General Banking Business Transacted. rr Almighty Do Don't pay other people's debts. a o ! DAVIS Still Soiling Is the OLY Hardware Man in North Platte that XO ONE OWES. You will always find my price right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAVIS. OKA LEU IX Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Sporting Goods, Etc. o I three or tour cars with baled ha' at this station the early part of the week. Rev. Graves, of the Platte, preached at Hershey last Tuesday evening-. A little baby of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Goodwin i -suffering- from an abscess on the neck. Mrs. J. H. Ahlborn. who has been on the sick list lately, is reported on the gain. G. K. Golvin. Sr., has been ap pointed by the county commission ers justice of the peace for this pre cinct, rndoubtedly legal advice and justice will be dealt out to those who desire it in larg-e quanti ties at greatly reduced prices. It is reported that two-call-hve" is a popular game among the sports at Hershey. The old school house in the Stod dard district was sold at public auction Monday and purchased by A. M. Stoddard for S53. Isaac Dillon will shortly erect on his ranch a new residence which will be occupied by Mr. Robinson and fa mil-. C S. II. Phinecie traded a 160-acre farm in Franklin county to Will Miner recently for 110 acres of the Ilostetter farm containing- the buildings. John Eshelman residing1 south of the hub has rented Paxton & Her shey's lower ranch which has been run by Moshier aiulTynam the past two seasons. He will take posses sion about the first of March. Invitations are already out for a masquerade ball at Sutherland on February 22d. Chas. Powers participated in the mask ball at North Platte Friday. The school at this place has only consumed but little more than 'a ton of coal this season. The revival meetings at the new school house in Hinman precinct are still in progress. A deep in terest and several converts are re ported. The parties who have been talking- of taking- a trip to the far west for some time, are still in our ! midst. Mrs. L. Strickler received a tele gram Monday announcing- the death of her mother, who we be- I lieve resided in Ohio. Owinr to jthe illness of her little nephew. ! who is living- with them, she was BELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT unable to attend the funeral. j There is a report in circulation j in this country to the effect that the Farmers and Merchants, ditch company is negotiating- with the North Platte ditch company to have the latter furnish it with water for ( coming- season. Pat. ! Maxwell Notes- i T. Hanrahan was on the sick list again last week, but is better at this writing". A baby was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Guise, who live on the Jewett ranch. The expected lumber for the t bridge has not yet arrived. Dr. N. McCABE, Prop. J. E. BUSH, Manager. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, ! EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. FINEST SAMPLE ROOM IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK. OPPOSITE THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT patch and trv it. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward tor any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J. F. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm West &. Truax, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. -?. M. C. Keith was a Maxwell visi tor Tuesday. Skating is at present a thing- of the past, owing- to the water flow ing1 over the ice. There will be a dance at Maxwell on Friday evening;, Feb'y 1st. All anticipate a pleasant time. There are- three new scholars attending- the 'Maxwell school this week, namely,. Masters Ed, Bert and Ben Longpre. of the Island. Others may- attend this school after the bridge is completed. Those who anticipated having such a good time at the literary so ciety last Saturday evening were not disappointed. The mock trial was finely carried out with G. Rob erts as judge, Messrs. Moore and Dolan as attorneys for defendants and Messrs. Plumer and Snyder as the prosecuting attorneys A. Brooks deserves to be complimented upon the manner in which he of ficiated as sheriff, while G. Clark well he has not yet recovered from j the suspense which he suffered from the time the jury gave in its verdict of guilty until the sentence was passed. "What was the sen tence? Ask him. Many beautiful songs were rendered during the evening, and at the close the large audience went home, feeling that the evening had been delightfully passed." ' Clytie. For several weeks a number of our musical citizens have been re hearsing a concert program me. with which the- will take the road about February 1st, for the benefit of the relief fund. The company will con sist of Dr. Baker, violin; Mrs. R. W. Welch, piano: Bertha Woodruff, soprano, and Mrs. J. "Woods Smith, elocutionist. Mr. C. C. Woodruff is to act as advance agent and busi ness manager, while Mrs. Woodruff will assume the duties of treasurer. The initial concert will be given at Callaway Saturday evening, Feb.2. and the route as far as laid out will be on - the B. & M. from Broken Bow to Grand Island, thence on the U. P. as far as North Platte. -allawaw Courier. The Dawson County Pioneer thus treats of a matter which may have a local application to Lincoln count" 'If all reports be true some persons in tins countyare drawing relief supplies who are not deserv ing. We have heard of men draw ing aid who .have money on deposit in the banks, and of others doing the same thing who are owners of line large farms which are not at all encumbered. It has been sun gested that it would be the proper thing to publish the names of those who receive aid in order to detect the undeserving. This, we believe, would head them off. We have enough destitute in our county who will need all the assistance at the command qi, the relief committee, and to that class alone should the supplies be given. In the latter class there are said to be men who, notwithstanding their urgent needs, are too high spirited and proud to ask for assistance. They should be sought out and something- done for them. But the dead beats should be sawed off.' Alfalfa is a' curious grass, but a paying one, says an exchange. It is better than a bank account, for it never fails or goes into the hands of a receiver. It is weather proof for the cold does not injure and the heat makes it grow all the better. A winter's Hood will not drown it. and a fire will not kill it. It loves water and bores to reach it. As a borer it is equal to an artesian well. When growing there is no stopping it. Begin cutting a twen ty acre field, and when your last load of hay is handled at one end of the field the Tass is readv to cut at the other end of it. For fill ing a can. an alfalfa fed cow is equal to a handy pump. Cattle love it, hogs fatten upon it. and a hungry horse will want nothing else. Bees will leave all other bloom for alfalfa. If your land will grow alfalfa you will have the drop on dry weather. Once started on your laud' alfalfa will stay with you like Canada thistles or a first-class mortgage, but' only to make you wealthier andi happier. Put in a WE PAY CASH 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IX THE CITY. RENME'S - SLAUGHTER SALE -1895. THE NEW TARIFF On All Imported Woo en Goods and Silks IS IN OPERATION JANUARY 1ST. Wn must close out our stock of nice fine roods and make room for our new stock under the new tarilf regulations. : : : Henrietta at 85 cts.; SI. 00 Henrietta at 05 cts. SL75 Silk Henrietta at SI. 10: S1.50 Silk 1.25 Bedford Cords at S5 cents: SI. 25 French Serges at S5 cts.: 51.00 French Serges at (5 cts.: all wool H yd. wide 51.25 Broad Cloth at 75 cts.: 65 ct Flannels. 4b in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department we offer the choicest line in the west. C. I), and E. widths, in line new goods. : : : Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in 1395. : . : Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per vard. Lawrence LL Muslin at 4 cts. per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per vard. at RENNIE'S. J WILL YOU BELIEVE IT? IiY KRANK SOHREKA. "STARS AND GART1IRS." She said, "I'd like To ride a 'bike.' " She ppoke in accents hutnb'e. She knew that she Some stars might see If sho should tako a tumble. Tho "bike" supplied, Sho took n ride. She rode o'.T from her "starters;" Sho rodo o well That, when sho fell, She saw her stars and garters. A young friend sends the follow ing inquiry: 'Frank Sobreka, Dere Sur: As vou seem to know so mutch about things generaly, I want to hav you tell why stealing- is o unpopular. I am twelv yeres old and the best speller in my class. I liked yure artikle on how to make hens lay. Folks do treat there hens skandul lus. Yure's, Johnny Johnson." I take great pleasure in answer ing your letter, Johnny Johnson. Your spelling is all right. I never could spell that way myself, but some boys naturally spell mighty good and I have always liked to have them. But you are mistaken about stealing being unpopular, Johnny. Stealing is wrong, but it is not unpopular. However, older men than you have used the wrong word once and, very often twice in a while. Stealing is. sometimes, very unpopular, and, sometimes, it is popular. It all depends on what, or how much, one steals. I once knew two very promising boys. They were, always willing to prom ise anything. They would promise to go to school and would go fish ing, and when their parents called attention to their wrong doing with a nice leather strap that was warranted to secure the attention of any boy. they would promise not to do it again. These boys gradu ally grew to the stature of men. as you k now boys are addicted to growing. It is a peculiar habit boys have. One of these boys is now serving a ten years' sentence in the asylum established for the unfortunates whose limited oppor tunities prevented them from steal ing enough to tour on. He stole a horse. In fact he had stolen sev eral horses. Let it be said to his credit that he stole all he could. His opportunities were limited. The last horse he stole was worth twenty-live dollars, but he secured in the stealing, ten years board flfi? n'nnl! Er Pi"? CinnE "" "JECONOMT IS WEALTH HARRINGTON & TOBIN, SOLE AGENTS TOR Pillsbury's Best Flour. Alio Dealers in GKOCEKIES, FEED, SEED, HAY, ALFALFA, SEED POTATOES AND SEED OATS. Wo Solicit YoTir Trade, and lodging, which was not such a bad haul as times go. It is. how ever, extremely wrong to steal a horse, a mule or an ass. It is,al&o. unpopular and entitles the one who does it to steady confinement and j support at the public expense for from one to ten years. In Nebras ka, Johnny, you know, it is more unpopular to steal an ass worth five dollars than it is to steal a child. If you should steal a child you could secure not more than seven years' board, but stealing a Mexican burro might prepay your board for ten years. There has been a determination on the part of legislators who have large families to support to make child stealing more popular than mule stealing and at the present time it is less unpopular by three years to steal a $10,000 boy than it is to steal a S10 mule. But that other promising boy. my dear Johnny is a member of congress. He became a lawyer. He stole a right-of-way for a rail road. Then he stole the road-bed, rails, ties, engines, all the rolling stock and the et cetera. This, was all wrong, of course, but it was popular. After he had stolen this much he could steal anything else he wanted, but he was never fool ish enough to steal a horse. He has become very popular. And so you see, Johnny, it is wrong to steal, but it is not altogether un popular. If you ever in the future experience an uncontrollable desire to steal something, don't do it. but, if you do, imitate the fellow who is a congressman. Don't steal a loaf of bread because you are hungry, or a horse because you are tired. Steal a railroad and get a square meal and a four at Mr. Pullman's expense. THE IDEAL YOUNG WOMAN. ANNA M. NEAKY. "Who is my ideal woman.' That is the question I asked myself when I read the invitation in Word and Works of October, 1893. for the readers of that paper to write a paper on "The Ideal Man or Wo man." My first thought was. I do not know her, I cannot write of her. At second thought I said. yes. I do, there are many ideal women in this "Teat world of ours. I will trv to picture her to the readers of thej Word and Works iu the best light! possible to me. My ideal woman i realizes that the world does not ex pect great things of her, but in the doing of little things is where she will be tried. The question with her is. what shall I do. and how? She bravelv answers the first bi saying, duty first, and the other, whatever I undertake to do I must j do well, in a faithful, graceful, j loving, tireless way, that I may ob-j tain a noble, glorious, helpful wo- manhood. The ideal woman at , home. To the ideal woman home , is her first thought. Duty calls and keeps her there, and she ap preciates that home, be it ever so humble, it is always large and grand enough to her for the devel opment of good, tender, sincere wo manliness. My ideal woman is thoughtful and does not wound the feelings of her family or friends at every turn. Of her it is said, --Her price is far above rubies," for she always helps to make home happy and beautiful. She is of a bright, sunny, unselfish, happy disposition. At home and abroad she is always kind, patient, forbearing and thoughtful of father mother, sisters, brothersand friends. Of her talents she makes no vain display, whether she be a business or an intellectual domestic woman. For when occasion demands she is found to be a wise, intelligent busi ness woman and an intellectual, in dustrious and economical house keeper and home maker, and of her it is said. "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not of the bread of idleness." She has a strong character, temperate in all things, obedient, attentive and reverent to her elders. Bv her gentleness, even temper, hospitali ty and enjoyment of quiet fun, she wins the respect of great and small, old and young, and her presence is missed if she be absent even for a short time. When illness comes and help is needed, she is always ready to act, and1 acts quickly and quietly, and by her tenderness soothes many an aching heart. The ideal woman being contented and happy, fills her home with an atmosphere of sunshine, sympathy and pure happiness. She scatters sunshine as well as flowers wher ever she goes, and her mind, heart and soul grows broader in so doing. The ideal woman is never out of place socially, she always finds and is in her exact place, being natural, gracious and unatTected in manner, exquisite in dress.noble in purpose, true of heart, just as beautiful as nature and good home training and culture can make her. Interested in others and not always talking about herself, she enters into the conversation of those around her with spirit and wit. The ideal wo man has high ideals, and strives hard to attain and keep them, and thereby stands fast by her woman hood. She also strives to elevate humanity, but unlike the average woman, she does not think she has to work in the slums. No, indeed, her sphere is larger than that. She makes it known that idle gossip, slang and scandal are not only un wise, but unkind, unnecessary and unwomanly. The ideal woman is not always thinking of marriage but is preparing for it every day of life by being true to her parents, sisters, brothers and friends, and grows more gentle, tender and deep hearted. These graces are not attained in a day or a week, but day bv dav for years. The ideal woman is all wo manly and beautiful within. She is wise in choosing her men friends and does not look upon every man friend as a lover, but makes truth, honesty, purity, sobriety, industry and manliness the necessary quali fications of uch friends. A virtue much admired by the ideal woman is chivalry, for. says she, a man who is rude, intemperate, or disre spectful now. and brings the blush to a young woman's face and re peatedly hurts her feelings, would, if she were his wife, bring much sorrow to her heart and blister her cheeks with tears. Yes. the ideal woman shuns all idle or unprinci pled men. or when she does meet them, by her kind, gentle womanly ways shows them their errors and thereby helps them on to a better, happier life. The ideal woman when she marries, which she most certainly does, marries a man of heart, brain, strong will and a man of prayer. "Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain. The woman, that feareth the Lord she shall be praised."