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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1895)
THE JfOKTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUTE: FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1895. PlPERltEi&JlECfC h PLUG TOBACCO 1 LAV UK Consumers ofchewing tobacco who are wing to pay a little more tfe the price charged for the ordinag trade tobaccos, will find this prand superior to all beware or imitation: Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys Witch, HaZOl Oil as a curative and HEALING APPLICATION. It llSS been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Fii.ks or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and t'uniing; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Kclief immediate cure certain. It Cures lit ks, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction irom Burns. Kclief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Iirui-es. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. It Cures Im lamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures S.i.r Kiiel'M, Tetters, Scurfy Irruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Fet t, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 251., 50c. and Si. 00. Hold by DniKSiMs.orfctnt poet-paid on receiptof prio. manuals-jiku. 10., mi. us uiuum bt., .vw Tori. WIIGH HAZEL OIL TOR A D0GB1 I il RDER some roREir.y crop nciunns. 1 Reports From European Agents or the Ag ricultural Department. Washington, Jan. 17. Crop statis- tics of foreign countries for the past Cumberland's flav of Execution Fixed year are given in a report issued by th gricultural department. In Europ?nn I wOVCniOl JaChSOU. Russia the estimated output for 1894 is ' SftASSTW HAM ON FEBRUARY 8. The production of Great Britain is fstnnated as follows: wheat, 61,037,927 Winchester bushels; barlov, 71,558,507; oats, 139732.723. In France the output was in round numbers 343,350,000 bushels of wheat. 70.700.000 of rye and 278,938,000 of oats. The wheat product for the vear in ' Des JIoines, Jan. 17. Governor Germany aggregated over 12(,400,000 Jackson signed the warrant for the es "bnshels. ' icution of the death sentence upon J. Wheat exports from the Argentine Re- K. Cumberland, who was convicted of public for the first seven months of the murder in Shelby county. Iowa, in 1891. year aggregate 078.573 tons. j He killed two men and buried their Manitoba produced 17.700,000 Win- bodios, the crime not being discovered ehoster bushels of wheat; 12,200,000 of i for several months. Receiver Tompkins Takes Advantage of an Imra Statute to Raise Money D Moim-. i:iver Land Claims Horiei Tor Dog, Food. oats and 19,900,000 of potatoes and other root crops. Cumberland had fled from the scone ami was afterward arrested in Missouri, Reports from European agents of the ' whereupon he confessed and was sou- department show that there is more ' fenced to be hanged Feb. 10, 1893. A hopeful feeling in the grain markets of i stay of execution was had by appeal to England and that tho farmers there are expecting better prices. In south ern England great Hoods have over run large expanses of amble land and have limited .somewhat the area in tended to be devoted to winter wheat. The development of winter seedings of crop s in France is rapid and the condi tion of next year's crop is generally re ported as highly favorable. Excess of rain has proved unfavorable to seeding operations in the north of Italy, and in Roumania the wheat area is considera bly reduced. In Germany mild weather litis made the development of plants un usually good and the sowings in Spain reported by telegraph has been com pleted under favorable conditions. LE j'.c'l rrc 3 ? t!i 3S4t of . it t -cr. Urinary Or- pen. r.'..'- ;-: r. t.-ii.r) oi" diet or .'4:Jl'norcuriUor poisonous no-J. AS A PREVENTIVE K liy cltLr sr-; r iMe to contract . w h(. itIw anl OWt, v, 9 pinrut 3 "is." (ji4.eryoi,oiwiA.tijr1s. Sold bv A. F. Stroitz, Druggist, North Platte," Xeb. $500 Reward! WIS will py the above reward foi nny case of Liver Ccm;Wa::it Dv-aeiia, ssicir Headache In lii'estion Co-ist:ti3iic:i orOostivenessvecannct cure with Weil's Vegetable Liver Pills, when tin 'iirectinns are r.trict'.y complied v.-itli. They nre purely Vegetal Ic. and never fail tORivc sat isfaction, f -;r.rCostcd. Larc Loses, 25 cents. Scv.ire of counterfeits rncl imitations. Thejjen uins n.-inulncturcri onlv by THE JO iiN C. WEST COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. Sold I-.v A. F. Strei'z, Druggist, North Piatt 1 Xob. All VI CHS TVMSX THE ORIENT. A ..t f lir C. C. v;cs '3 ilc.iQ ar.J D aii l?o:! n:..l-r ir- :! ivp TiITl i.".r:-:. ., eynuiaur 2rt5 ss.-vt - nlv, Jo vum Wt-Hi; Jo.x.ory; Ia- It.tuntt'.il V r,-.v,-:fx-i.ii,i:, ;;."-- -jCwM J..---; ; Lr In k Cnl;l-i.n- - ;-w-; : as'.iiu I'r.iii;-; l.:t-!J4iE r..wi cif tlio j'-n'ra:iv i:'-.z ii: citSi-r tx, caivl !.; Y islLf';: LT.r?, r Lr.o --iv- ToIkt; t"; .urn or LHi'.nr. v.hirii mm.ii 1 li-or, tVir.-URi:'tii. lr!-:'.n.yii:l Dca:5:. Ttj iu. Slahox: GianUl v.itli --ritJ-a ruw.h.'.i' t". ri.rc. retuu.i nsm--;.. V"--T,o'0:'GlIKVI,.ri. A " 'rt.'" -uro f..r Ciiitti. , t: : i, .' ti. .1, l'.T'c Oru Wliooj.:nj t' S.r T"'i"-t. mv--.ii to fiiuall H2fl i!c !; f :. ri-; .:-X7 S : .; C f 1 1 : x aowu1:. - ti' i5vrj ;:k S -a : A. F. Streilz, Druggist, Xorth Platto Xeb. LA DO YOU :ov DR. FEUX LE BRUM'S arotlieoriijinal '-ii-l Ui)l.onri- in.. . . :y l-i.i..Nl p.nnr.s ro :. -r. ;-y c ? .'."J, slil by ChliicM- Coimnaiiilcrs at t!i- I"a!I tit At tlnir Cciiiclriniif il to Ii. xNiJL-VE!t, 13. C, Jan. 17. The fol lowing advices from the Orient havo been ivreived by the steamer Empress of .lapan: The situation in Peking is grow ing m-ire complicated mucu the arrival of Viceroy Li Kim Yih, Li Hung Chang's greatest enemy, and head of the Hunan faction. Tito first evidence of Li Kun Yih is the issuing of a decree condemn ing Admirals Ting Kuug and Tao Tai to death and all oilier officers in com mand of divisions yet alive who showed cowardic before, after and during the battle. I3y this sweeping decree none of the generals or admirals escape. The decree states that ;us they an; responsible for the necessary fall of Port Arthur, death must be the penalty. The board of punishment will publicly disgrace the commauders before execution. FarniiTs Uoycotl Dcratnr ?Iel'clrjnt.-!. Di:cati'i:, Tud., Jan. 17. Tho fann ers of Adams county aro effecring a suc cessful boycott on the merchanr-; of this city. They havo been holding secret meetings and claim they h;vo the pledges of 700 farmers who will do no more trading with merchants in Deca tur. Usually on Saturday from 300 to 100 farmers came to town and the mer chants do a good bnsines-;. As a result of the boycott, but few people were in the cit3 last Saturday aiuj but little business was done. The farmers give as a reason for the boycott that Decatur citizens extend to them no hospitality. They have e.-tubiished general stores at Preble and Monmouth and will pur in many more at once. Decatur merchant? are somewhat alarmed over tho probable outcome of the boycott. Crnslifd to Dentil y a MiuvrUIe. RroiCANr., Wash., .Tan. 17. A snow slide about 10 miles from Kaslo, 13. C, killed three miners, named Mo-no. Mc Millan and Charles Mitchell, owners of the Eureka mine, who were on their way to the mine from Kaslo. As they acondv d a mountain near the mine a mass ff Mimv y! f.-et 'nigh and 200 yards in length be.-ame detached. Tho three men fled, but were all overtaken by the slide and carried into the canyon In-low, where life was crushed out of them. Their bodies were found. Two miners working on the Silverton mine, in the slide's path. ar missing, and they aro undoubted! v killed also. the supreme court. The decision of the lower court being affirmed in May, 1894, a petition for rehearing was filed, which was overruled by tho supremo court last October. The governor uow fixes the date of execution at Feb. 8. 1895, at the peni tentiary at Fort Madison. Some time last month Governor Jackson received an anonymous letter from Missouri, where Cumberland's family resides, tolling him he had better look up the record of Cumberland in Kansas. He did so, and received papers from Governor Lewelling, in a case where Cumberland was previously convicted and sentenced to be hauged for the mur der of his son, early in 18S0. Ho was afterward pardoned by Governor Martin of Kansas on the recommendation of tho board of pardons, on tho grounds of in sufficient evidence This matter was brought out in the Iowa trial. A.F. Strei, Drr Xo. Plr.tte, Xeb No More Back Ache, 35 mm Mr r GRAVE LO Constipation , II! FLAM ATI 011 -c 2 LADDER. av.D ALL r 1UFY r 'SEA SES. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. SplemlM cura'ive nircn for Nttous orSick liM.iache. Bran Kxhaiwion. SJer?'lene? special or central Nee. leic: I for Kheu- matt3. Ooat. ivicney U:.oi cera, Acid irs- jepi2, " Anisiiiia. ..tMots for Alcoholic i r.nd otir eicccse-i. i'rico, 10. 2i .u:d 00 cesli , iinerrescoai. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 51 S. VVcste.-a Avsaae, CHICAGO. Sold bv A. F. Streitz, Druggist. Xorth Platte, Xeb. XfKOti:it!ins at :i St:inilst;lt. City ok Mkxro, Jan. 17. It is re ported again that negotiations between l Mexico and Guatemala over thrt inter national boundary dispute have come to a complete standstill. The particular reason for the cessation of diplomatic negotiation is not altogether known, but it is generally conceded that nothing more will be done until the arrival of the Central American envoy, named by two of the southern republics to assist in a pacific way in the settlement of the question at issue. Victim '" As-sa .int. Towi:r Hill. 111.;., Jan. 17. John Nance, a resident of Cowden, five miles I south of here, was assassinated about 10 J p. in. He was standing in front of a store when he was shot by soma person or persons who were some distance away in the darkness. Five bullets pierced his body, causing instant death. A woman is the supposed cause. ra-t't tit itois1 ltcailins:. Berlin. Jan. 17. In the reichs-tag to day the second reading of the motion to repeal the anti-Jesuit law was passed. TELEGKA I'll IC CONDENSATIONS. Stockholder: Sliest Put Ep. Siot'x City, Jan. 17. Receiver Tomp kins of the Union Stock Yards State bank, which failed two years :igo, asked and received from the district court- au thority to sue the stockholders of the bank for 75 per cent of their holdings to i-ay the deficit in settling claims against tae institution. The assets of the bank, ho finds, will not pay over '.13 per cent, of claims, which amount to 157, 000. The suits will be bronghfc under the Iowa statute, making stockholders lia ble f-ir twice the amount of their stock. The bank had ?:00,00! of stock, and tho stockholders will 1-i.e this and, in addi tion, have to pay the 75 per cent assess ment. Hor", For Do;;-.' Food. Ottoiwa. Ia.. .Tan. 17. Tho low prices of horses in this vicinity are dem onstrated by the following fact: James Phillips, who lives on a farm a few miles from the city, has a big pack of hounds He has par-chased recently 11 head of horses at 50 cents a head and feeds them to his dogs Fell lletvrccn the C'oaehe. Belmond. Ia . Jan. 17. Mrs. Dewalt of Manon. while on her way home, fell between tho coaches on the Mason City and Fort Dodge way and her head was completly severed from her body. She was here waiting her son, who be came insane a v.v.-k ago. Ionn t';iU-.- Eavr- TiilierculoM. Ciiauli Cstv, la., Jan. 17. Dr. "Wake, of the state agricultural college, assisted bv the a'si-taut state veterinar ian, made an examination of 125 dairv cows here and GO were found to be dis- i eased with tuberculosis. All were killed. ls 31ilnc-i Kivor IjiimI CLiiins l'p. Foirr Donr.K. Ia., Jan. 17. Hon. W. M. Wilson, chief clerk of the commis sioner to audit the claims of Des Moines river laud settlers to the 210.000 in demnity appropriated by congress at iti last session, is here to begin work. Editor Sent to an Asylum. Siorx City, Jan. 17. Oscar Hoffman, editor of The Yolksfreund, a German paper, was sentenced to confinement in the state i-'.sane hospital. KROOKLTX STRIKE PAKTLY SETTLED. Striker on tho DeKall Street Line Have Gained a Victory. Brooklyn, Jan. 17 The trolley cars m the DeKalb avenue line are all run ning on schedulo time today, a compro mise having leen reached between the company and strikers early today. The number of men on this line is about 400. Tho Fifth avenue line of the Atlantic Avenue road and the Court street and Flatbush avenue lines of tho Brooklyn Heights company are miming a limited number. The request of President Lewis, of tho Brooklyn Heights com pany, for a detail of officers to assist him in opening up the Flatbush avenuo sys tem and the Halsey line was denied by the superintendent, of police. Practically the men of tho DeKalb street line have gained a only one point on which thay maintained any kind of a stand is tho 10-hour working day rule, which the company conceded. Tho opening of this line is much help toward relieving the congested state of tho city, and many Brooklyiiites who have been walking long distances morn iug aud night caii now ride to Brook lyn bridge. Tho condition of the At lantic nvenue and the Brooklyn Heights company remains about the same. Six thousand men are still out, and the two most powerful of the railroad corpora tions remain obdurate. The state board of arbitration is making every effort to terminate the strike in a compromise, and the men propose to submit it to any fair ruling which ths companies pro pose. Tiie strikers generally are behaving quietly. FOUR RAILROAD .MEN DROPPED. Election of Directors of the Union Stock yard. Company Fttrnidies a Surprise. Chicago, Jan. 17. The election of directors of the Union Stockyards and Transit company was productive of re sults that were surprising to business men at the stockyards. It resulted in the retirement from the directorate of four railroad men. There was no suc cessor to John Xewell nor to R. Ii. Cable and Marvin Hughitt and G. B. Harris were dropped. Tho directorate was cut from 1 1 to seven and represen tatives of the packing interests of Messrs. Armour, Swift, the New Jersey syndicate which purchased the yards some years ago, and John J. Mitchell, representing western holders of stock. E. J. Martyu represents Mr. Armour, A. X. Veeder represents the New Jersey syndicate. The other members of tho new board aro N. Thayer of Boston, who owns much of the company's bonds; J. B. Sherman and his brother-in-law James H. Ashby, superintendent of the yards. The election of officers was post poned for some days, Mr Sherman not being able, on account of sickness, to attend. WRIT or ERROR DENIED DEUS. National Farmer." Federation. Chicaho, Jan. 17. In accordance with a call issued some time ago a rep resentative body of fanners from differ ent parts of i he country organized the National Fanners' Federation of the United States. The following officers were elected: President, J. B. Furrow of Iowa; vice-president, F. R. Palmer of Illinois: secretary, Milton George of treasurer. W. R. Hostetter of The organization is to be uon .md non-secret. Chicago Illinois, political FHE BEST It is reported (Governor Ibvrg will start a daily paper at Dallas, Tex. AValer and light companies of Missouri aud Kansa have formed, an organization. "Work was resumed in six mines in the Sunday creel; valley near (Uoucestcr, O. An order has been made for the sale of the Toledo. Ann Arlwr and Northern Michigan to meet a debt of $300,900. The trial of ex-Representative C. H. Harlan for the murder of C. W. Monroe ivas begun at Fayette. Mo. Commencing May 13 and lasting six days an intern.iiiui. d chill and encampment will be held in Memphis, Teau. l'ennoyer'. Final Message. Salt:m, Or., Jan. 17. Both branches of the legislature met in .ioint session and Governor Peunoyer delivered his final message, after which Governor Lord was sworn in by Chief Justice Bean. Warehouse Full of Wheat Destroyed. Jki-'fi:k!on City, Mo., Jan. 17. The plant of the G. H. Dame Milling com pany and a warehouse containing 30,000 bushels of wheat burned to the ground. Loss, $S5,000; insurance, $05,000. Granted Leave, However, to File Appliea- t ion For riabeii Corpus. "Washington, Jan. 17. The supreme court of thy United States today denied tho petition of Eugene V. Debs et al., participants in the big strike, for a writ of error. Chief Justice Fuller deliv ered tho opinions and said it was the unanimous opinion of the court that tho writ would not Jie. With reference to the application for haboj.cbrpus, leave was granted to file a pefftion and a rule entered making it returnable on the 28th inst. There was no written opinion and the proceedings were confined to the briefest possible statement. Attorney Darrow was preseutas coun sel for D.'bs and his associates and As sistant Attorney General "Whitney rep resented the government. Mr. Darrow con-trued th. order with reference to the habeas corpus as in effect the grant ing of the petition, but other attorneys present expressed the opinion that tlu order left the matter in its present status until tho argument can be heard on January Paul .Tones at Vauconvcr. Yanvouvku. B. C, Jan. 17. Paul Jones, tho "round-the-world" tramp who started without a cent ou a wager that he would return to Boston with $5,000 within 12 weeks, arrived on tho Empress of Japan with $4,700 of tho needed sum and four months in which to complete his trip. He has gone on to Seattle and from there will proceed to San Francisco, where he intends to de liver lectures. Mis Stevenson Near the End. Asheville, N. C, Jan. 17. Yice President Stevenson's daughter, who has been ill here for the past three months, is now at the point of deatli and the end is expected hourly. Hartley Slurder Case. Reno, Nev., Jan. 17. In tho Hartley murder case the judge admitted the de fendant to bail in the sum of $25,000, pending a new trial. Citizens promptly furnished $53,000. Minister Lcitves For Chile. Lima, Pent. Jan. 17. The new United States minister to Chile, Edward H. Strobel. and Secretary Spinking left by rhe steamer Cachapool for Valparaiso. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar antee. It cares Insipient Consumption. , It is tho best Cough Cure. Onlv one cent a dose. Tweuty-fivo cts., 50 cts. aud 51. Sold bv Xorth Platte Pharmacv. SOcts. and S1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by nil drug gists. It cures Incipient uonsurapnon and is tho best Cough, and Croup Cure Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. REMOVAL. "WHEATLAND, WYO There i tiou in all this broad western coun try tnan can be found in the vicinity of the beautiful little town of i Wheatland. "Wyoming-, ninety-six j miles north of Cheveune. Immense ! no finer agricultural sec- T.RED FKKLINO AT TIIE CLOSE. Wheat and Com Soli Down One-Half Cent Without Particular Kflort. I'mc too, Jan. 17. Wh'-at -tarted steady to day at a .slight adv nice. CaMe., were Initter in tone, northwestern ree'-ipts were again liylit and a lietter d.-mand was reported owinjj to th" .arti!K up of northwe tern lour mill-. Offering-, were moderate mil there wa fair buying by local concerns. May started hi;;her at 5S' touched ;". and re tsied tooTJic. Corn nn steady. May opened unchanged at IT7e, :oid to ISe with wiieat. and declined U. tr'e Oat wi-re dull but steady, following corn Mav opened unehunped at o4e and sold to j'ro ihior.s were higher oa fair buying, de-spit'- continued heavy ho reipts. Miy pork op"ii-l higher at 11 l-l and .-. ld up to JlLol'i May lard fold at 1.5'3!-.. and rib nt S5.SJ. ci.o.stxo eatcES. WHEAT Jamnrr. 51c: May. .ITc; July. CO It X Jr. nua rv. 4-Ve; Mi v. iT'v? ITJiJ ;.Tulv. mi-. OATS January, 27?4'c ; February, ''zi May. ST5..;; .Tune. Cis-'. POHK Januarv, ?!1.:5; :.Iay. 511.00. LAtiD-January. i).7:l-i May, $ti.S7'.:. RIBS January. Ku7?'il 3I.iy. ?3.S7'. Chicitgo Live Mock. Chicago. Jan. 17. HOU -'Receipt's. 37,003 ; market dull; light. .i.-Oc.4.U'0; mixed, J3.J-X0.4.W; heavy. 3.KK 4 ..: rough. $i.ft)34.10. CATTLE Receipt, 1.1,50) head ; market slow and weak. SHEEP Receipts, 11.0JO Ilm.I; market weak to l'Je lower. South Omaha Live Stock. Soith Omah . Jan. 17. CATTLE Receipts, 2.3hcad; i:ito 1503 l!w., St.KTot.SO; 110) to i:XWlb., H.OXc 4.40; 9-3 to 1! 0 lbj., iJ.ij.,4.03; choice cowi, fi5's3.'-,3: common cows. tl.W$ -'.i5; (rood feeders. 2.tiOS..1.2. . common feeders ?2.0!32..!V). Market "tronger. HOGS Receipts, 8.2U0 hea l ; ligf . J3.COo.4.00: mixed. 8.SVa,i.(; heavy. ;.roal.L'j. Market 7; to lit- lower; eloed s-tro- SHEEP Receipt., 53 li'-a I : mutton-. -'.005 3.4U; lambs. ?3-00rt4.'ii. Ma-k-; otroager. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar- antee. It cures Insipienl Consumption, j It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts., 50 cts., and $100. Sold bv North Platte Pharmacv. i croDs. never failine su only of water, i Wa ir.l-n ftncnra in innnnnf-inrr flmt ' i. i i 1 i ij 1 t""""lv- i xcii ianu. iiiiu jiicaL a"iicuiLuiai alter thisiiate ran; s bure Uuro will re- ii r i : ? i UlUVU till CilS?OS UL Ilieuillilllblll, KlUUl'V . v , r 1:44-1 T -.,ki i:.. i: rl i had for little money. resources. Magnificent farms to be user. It is to-day the only medicine that is guaranteed to cure these diseases or no pay. Park's Sure Curo is sold by the Xorth Platte Pharmacv. Reached the Union Pacific System. E. L. Lomax. Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. via WHAT'S TIIE USE OF TALKING About coughs and colds in the sum mer time. You may have a tickling cough or a little cold, or baby may havo the croup, and when it comes you ought to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the best cure for it. Sold by Xorth Platte PharniRcv. It Floats BEST FOR 5HIKT5. THE PROCTER C GASMIX. CO.. CiNTt. FOIl 11 ELI ABLE fXSUll ANCE GO TO T. C. PATTER SOX. ONLY FIRST-CLASS C0MI I XfES R EPR ESEXTE I). U. P. Ti 'uE TABLE. OOINO n.l!T. Xo. Atlantic i:spreaA Dept 12:10 a. m. No. 4 Kn.t Tdnii S aft a. m. No. 2 hiiutttsi " P:i0 A. M No. 2S Fn-igiit " . M. No. IS Freight " t:00 v. M No. 22 Freiebt " 4 AO a. 31 OOINO WEST FOUNTAIN TI31K. No. 7 I'tici'ie Hstnees Dept 7:10. 31 No. 1 Limited " 11:00 r. si '" 3W v. 31 Mo. 2:1 Freight " 8:-0a.M K. 15. CLD3. At-eut. pUEXCII & BALDWIN, .1 TTORXK YS-AT-LA b', NOIIT1I l'LATTK. - - NKIiRASKA. Oilico over N. P. Nil. Bank. p RIMES & WILCOX, .1 TTOKXI-J YS- A T-LA W, n'OUTlI l'LATTK, - - - NLUKASKA. Otliee over North Platto Nutionnl Hank. D R. N. R DONALDSON, Assitnnt Surgeon Union I'r.c.Sc ltiihvny mill Member of Pension liounl. NORTH l'LATTK, ... XE1SI1ASKA. OHico over Streitz. Drug Storo. y.M. EVES, M. D., P1IYSICTAN AND SUJIGJSOX, NOUTII 1'hATTK, NEBHASKA Otliee; Neville's Mock. nieREe3 of Women am! Children a Special!. A. J". KITTEI.I,. .7. C. VAN NATTA . Kittell & Van Natta, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective! schemes investigated. Un protitnblosehpmes rojuvonated. Surveys, Maps, Estimates and reports made, and construction superintended. Office in North J'intte North Plnttp Nh National liauk NUbf. HOftil i lauti, iNtJU. Claude weingand, DEAi.icit in Coal Oil, Gasoline, Gruds Petroloum and Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Newton's Store. II MOIPIO III HE I. A. FORT 5 Has 200,000 acres of U. P. R. R. land for sale on tho ten year plan. Call and seo him if you want a bargain. LADIES' I an ilUViii 5 I ! 1 i f r in l l. ilVA of yood quality, arc sold at LOW PKICKS by WILLIAM MUNSON. Call and see these yoods at Geo. Casey's residence. Remember I also handle Curtains, Rugs, Silverware, and Notions Suitable for Christmas Presents. Orders taken for Pastel Por traits, which are fine. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write o 11 UN N fc CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning l'atentn and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbroueh Munn & Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegant ly illustrated, has by far tho larcest circulation of any scientific work In tho world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Bnildinz Edition, monthly, ?2J0 a year. Single copies, J5 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MO'N ft CO., "EW TOKK, 31 BltOAUVAT, r. "VOTsT GOETZ, The North Side Grocer, GROCERIES, : FLOUR, : FEED, PROVISIONS AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, We Insure Prompt Delivery, We Solicit a Share of Your Trade. WORTH LOCUST STREET. E. B. WARNER, Funeral Director. AND EMBALMER. A full line of firt-class funeral supplies always in stock. NOHTII PLATTE, - XEBlSItSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. LEGAL-NOTICES. KELLNER d FRAZIEU BUILDERS OF IRRIGATION CANALS XOTICK FOK PITM.ICATION-. I .ami Otllce at North Platte. Xeb., December 17th, 1NI. )" Notice i hereby jcivmi Hint th folIimiuK-nampd settler has tileit uotice of his intention to mako roof in support of hi claim, ami that Mild proHf will 1h mu'Ie before the KeKister and lte eeiver nt Nortli I'latte, Nebraska, on January 25111, ls'X, ilz: .ITI.IA MEHKKI,, who made IlemeMeail Ijitry No. I toil for the ,-outlietit ipinrter ectioll II), township It nortli rauKe SO wi-it. lie iyum-3 the followlnR witnes'e to irove lii- eoutinuou- re.-idtneo uimiii aud cultiva tion if Ftiid laud, viz: Kdwanl Knton, Walter K. Covell. I'liarle.- Keen and Frank Kbele, all of North I'latle, NebruoLit. '(Si JOHN r. 1IINMAN. Kestster. Ditches and Laterals. NORTH PLATTE, MSB GEO. NAU MAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT HABEET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. TTrfioMSONT CoDtractor and Builder. 127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. NOTICK FOK lUI!M(ATION. 1-nu! OKiie at North Platte. Neb., ) IVcemher 3th, ll. ) Notice i- hereby fMveu Hint tho folIowiuK-nauieil Peltier iia-i tiittl notice of his Intention to make final proof in t-upMrt of liin claim, ami that t-nlil proof will be minle before tlte Koi.-ter niid l!e ceiver at Nortli 1'Jattc, Nebrak.i, on February 4th, 1MV". viz: ISAAC NKWTON. who mailo IToiiie-tead Entry No. 15,"li7, for tho Knt half of tin- Northeast quartor of Section It, Township .t North, itiinso :9MVvt. Ho tmuies the following nituefe' to prove his continuous residence himui ami cultivation of sniii lauil, viz: Fritz Koestt-r. lSern:irtl 31ilIT. Frank SuVntMihil (Iottfriel K!eim,v. nil of Welltleet. Neil. .lti .iOHN 1". HIN.MAN, KeKistur. NOI'JCK l-(lt I'UHliHWnON. l-iml Uiiitotit North Platte. Neb., ) January 7th. istCi. ) Notice i lieri'by kivcii that l)m followitK nutnoi settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinitl proof in supportof liisclnini.und that siii proof will Im matin before Itejcister anil llcceiver Untlcil States Iinil OHico lit North I'iattu. Noli., on Fcbruury bitli. lslCi, viz: AlA3l W. HOA1SON. who tnaile Honicstfatl F.ntry No. 11,101 for the norllieast unrtvr of Srrtiou II. Townsliip l."i north. ICaiiKo "i we?t. HeiiHiiies tho following v. to prove liis coutinuous rebiileuco upon mid cultivation of said ami, viz: David . Fotter. Williiim M. l'otter. Suinuel F. Difce uuiti ami (IcorKt Sherman, all of UinlwotMl,Xcl. 3. .IOHN F. J1INMAN. Kesifter. H. S. Tibbels, Upholsterer -AND Furniture : Repairer. Special attention paid to all kinds of of furniture, upholstorin";. Mattrasse mado to order or remade. Furniture re pairing of all kinds promptly and neatly executed. Leave orders at Tho Fair Store. -10-tf Hershey & Co, DEALKIIS IN liricuiiurai : Implements OF ALL KIXDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Eta. Locust Street, between Fifth aud Sixth Subscribe for the Semi Weekly Tribune, NOTICi: FOK l'V 11I.I CATION. Land Omen at North I'lattk, Nrc, ) January 17th, 1SP.1. ) Notice i hereby Riven that the following-named settler tins filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tho lSegister ami He oeiver at North I'iattu, Nebraska, on February J5th, lStCi, viz: ALOIS ZIMMHR, who made Homesteail Kntry No. lS.'lii, for the east half of tho southwest quarter ami lots 3 and I, section 18, township l'i north, rano 31 wet. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon uud cultivation of, said laud, viz: Christopher Haverland, Jacob., Meyer. Andrew 11 aim aud John Koellce, all of North I'latte, Nebraska. JOHN F. IIINMAN,, J-1S Register. SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION. (First published in The North Platte Tribune, January 1st, 1S05.) In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska to Samuel D. Wenverllujr. Su-annnh 51. WeavcrlinK and William Kdward Svrentzel. Kreetin: You and eacli of you arehereby notified that yon have been sued together with The Anlo American Laud, Mortaxo mid Agency Company, Limited, a corporation, Milton It. Whitney, Charles S. Fair child, Harry I!. Mooney. San ford It. Ladd and Frank Ilageriuaii as Receivers of Tiie Lombard Investment Company, a corioratioii, l,y Kmmu K. Flyr.t as phiintitr in the District Court of Lincoln county. Nebraskn. and that on or before the lltli dnyof February, ls'.r., you must answer tho peti tion in chancery tiled herein against said defend ants by said plaintiff, in which the plaintiff asks for a decree foreclo-iui; the mortgage given by defendants Samuel D Weaverling ami Sii"annah M. Weaverling to the Lombard Investment Coni juiny, dated May 10th, ISs'J, ami covering tho following described real estate situated in Lincoln county, state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho south ono hundred and forty-rive (1151 acre5 of the east half of the southwest piarter and of tho west half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-two in town-hip fourteen (14) north, of range twenty eight lis) west of the 15th principal meridian; that said petition further prays that all the right, title, lien or interest of all of the defendants in or to suid lands and every part thereof be decreed junior and inferior to the lien of the aforesaid mortgage now owned by the said plaintiff and that said land be sold aud tin proceed of the said sale be applied to the payment of the costs of the sale ami of paid action, and to the umoutit due plaintiff upon said mortgage, and that all of the defendants be barred and foreclosed of all interest in or lien upon said hind; and unless you answer said petition as afore said, the facts therein alleged will bo taken as true, and a decree will bo rendered h therein prayed. Witness my hand and the seal of said couri by me affiled at North Platte, Lincoln countv, Nebraska, thisaistday of December, ls'.u. W. C. ELDER, Clerk of the District Court Lincoln County, Ne braska . PKRltV & SttALUNIt ASI) PULSIKEIt t: ALEXANDER, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, Kansas. PROBATE NOTICE. In tho matter of the estate of Wilson W. Yates. deceased. Ill the County Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, December Itl.-t. l-'.il. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased vvnl meet the Administrator of K-iid hstftte, before tho County Judgeof Lincoln county. Nebraska, at the county court room, in said countv. on the 'i day of May. W.C, on the lid day of June, Isy.i, a'Hl on tne -it itay of July, IMi.i. at I o'clock p. in. each day, for the pur)K-e of presenting their claims for examination, udju-tment and allowance. Six mouths are allowed for creditor to present their claim, ami one year for the Administrator to settle sfliii estate, from the "d day of January, ihy.i. i in- notice win ue published in the North Platte Tribune, a newspaper printed in said county, for four weeks successively, on ami after January 1st, ltf.'.i. JAMES M. P.AY. County Judge. FHE INTER OCEAN is tiii:- Aiost Popular Republican Kevspsper of tfie West And Has Tlie Largest Circulation. O.oo net vcar DAILY r.vithcut Sunday; S j j DAILY (with Sunday; per year rv 'nil ! Th& ""iaItI ?"&v Ctr&i 1 fi'Z fori i) iiL-;iL Silt FVgAijf ihii lfUa -gei?y V PER YliAU 5 f 11 A S A NEWSPAPER Tllfi INT"2 CC2A.N" keeps abresst rd tin: times in a!l if' r:-specs. It spar.-- rj'tlur paiti. nor eypc::c ! securis ALL Tiili s ..L.'S AN3 Triu liEST OP CUKRENT LlTLkATUKc. AS A mitv ucean 7 fYrc3 LED BY ANV 1 v It h5 scr.::thins c ir.te.-rst to . t-cr.ber of the :::Iy. 1 1 . !IS VOUnrS UEIAK'I.m:-T very best os Us kind. ITS L!'Ii:RARY t-EATLKES ar .-t.ita.'cd. " POLITICALLY iT IS liEPL'CLSCAN, .-r. . 'rives its rcatlirs tlic Iiencflt . : the ablest d'scusaions en a:! live political tr-pics. also civts them THE NLvYS 1 HE V. CRLD. iT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. PAPER FARTHER EAS!' It is in accord .vith tits ptopls of tilt West both in Politics -arid Literature. P.ensc re-nember that tlte prici of 1 ha Weekly inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DCL- lar per year Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. 9